Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, September 12, 1907, Image 5

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For Coughs
and Colds
There i remedy over sixty
r$ oM Ayer't Cherry
-wI ,r. '. Of course you have
h it, probably have used
in the family, it stays;
i ouschold remedy for
. id hard colds on the
1 k your doctor bout it.
kind el atttinoBl--r
over elaty yoars."
iers tut Vloot.
a no wriul W pukllak
Increase, tbt activity of
and thus aid recovery.
pre Filler baa delivered tbe 20,000
ibMP sold to Mr. Duqne last Spring.
Mr. rdler has 10,000 bead of sheep
la tbe Hly country, which be will Uke
to ll denert In a couple of month.
Ploiwr and ReynolJs exchanged
build liit'H lent Saturday, Mr. Bteber
povlnu his tnerobaodlae Into the
building be longbt recently and Mr.
fcynnl'1 moving Into tbe plane vaoat
d by Hitl er.
finn. V. Conn returned from Reno
Sunday evening, wbere be went to aee
b!f family off wifely for tbe Kant. He
my the trip to Reno It a tiresome
on, brink a continuous ride.
F. f- Light and family, of Hotel
laker lew, returned from . California
but IVi'lty. wbere they have been
vinllng relative for a couple of
BiontliH. They report having bad a
qilendtrl time
UkrviKW Citizens Hand, will give la
tool on all brass inntramenta cornet
and slide trombone a apacilaty also
MDilolin. Leaeona gvlen amateurs on
violin. 23-tf.
v)iiromia Land Co. We
b-veal.rg. ellantaw. U ha. fk,
years to perfwtonf. i.... .T
n M qalrk action. We.n.nrf
time and money ad vrti t. ...
cost you nntbli 8 to try ns.
ain omee, Lek.vb,,,, Oregon.
o:y. ana Mrir.
Ofll.-e v ltb P. H. Brl
Lakeview Oregon. 30-3
Tresspass Notice.
1 her)i aUa ..Kn ii.i
Ur m. j . . ""' nai on and ar-
tent of tUlaw T" IM IuU
Dated September 12, 1907.
C H. Little. 37-6
Notice t Taxpayers
Notice la hereby given that the last
installment nf U . mni i.
due and will become delinquent on
and after the Brut Monday in Octotw.r.
If roar fall u u nr,i r,.M v..
fore that date the lenaltv of 10 t,r
cent and Interest at 12 per cent, will
be charged.
Allert Dent,
Sheriff of Lake Connty 37-2
A Human) Appeal.
A bnmane citizen of Richmond,
Ind., Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 Wet
Main St, aays: "I appeal to all
persona with weak lungs to take Dr.
King's New Discovery, the only
remedy that bas helped me and folly
comes up to the proprietor's recom
mendation. " It eaves more lives
than all other tbrost and lung remedies
put together. Used as a congh and
cold cure tbe world over. Cures
sethma, bronchitis, croup, whooping
congh, qnlncy, hoarseness, and
phthisic, stops hemorrhages" of tbe
lungs and builds them up. Guaran
teed at Lee Beal's drug store. 60.
and tl.00 Trial bottle free.
Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing
between Drs. Smith and Patterson
bas been dissolved. All turtles in
debted to the firm are respectfully
aabed to call and settle with Dr.
bmitb at their earliest convenience.
Levi Strauss & Co.
for Hi Studious
Biri Worked Offlci
Mil Who Keeu
and 1 1
For tti lirstii
Mother Who Will.
Sin Snngta ul
Stnrdlnea to Box
Too Lipid to Prt
urtWKIfti Pomt
Wbiskei Iiowa.
For till Long Tour
Ins Aahinobile Party
as Necessary as
the Oil or 6asoii"t.
County Court Proceedings.
Lakeview, Oregon, Sept 4th, 1907.
He it remembered that a regular
term of the County Couit of the
County of Lake, Rtate of Oregon, for
the transaction of County Business
was begun and beld at tbe Court
House In Lakeview Oregon.
Tbe folllowlng offioere were present
Hon. B. Daly, Judge, II. R. Hery
ford, Commissioner, Albert Dent,
Sheriff, E. N. Jaqolsh, Clerk, when
tbe following proceedings were bad to
Salaries for County Officers for July
and August were approved and War
rauta ordeied drawn on the general
fund in payment of same.
Tbe following clsims were examin
ed, approved and warrants ordered
J m. 1 n a . . .
urawn od me uenerai run a in pay
meet of same :
Pearl Hall, Co. Board of
Mrs. C. A. Watson " "
Albert Dent stamps, etc.
E. N.J aquish " "
Town Lakeview Electric wire
and work
G. G. Brown State Abstract
W. B Snider 293 abstiact
Tbe following claims were examined,
approved and warrants ordered drawn
on tbe Building fund In payment of
Bank of Lakeview, to Cash
advanced for lime and ce
ment and freight on same,
E. C. Stickel part payment
on brick contract
I Ordered that a license to sell Spirituos,
Malt and Vinous liquors In less quanti
ties than one gallon j hereby granted
to Lane A Moea, of Plush, Lake
County, Oregon, for a period of six
months, from tbe 4th day of Sep
tember, 1907, to March 3d, 1908, both
dates inclusive, upon their filing here
in tbe affidavit required by law that
they have not sold liquors to minors
nor permitted minors to loiter about
their saloon.
Court adjourned until 1 o'clock P,
M. September 1th, 1907.
Court convened pursuant to ad
journment of 11 :30 A. M.
Same officers present wben tbe
following proceedings were bad, to
The following claims were examined,
andTapproved and warrants ordered
drawn on the Road fund in payment
of aame :
W.D. Traey, Road Work
T. tt Vernon " " 83.90
EdTatro " " 28-75
K VL Hnrrev " " 31.50
Our entire stock of Summer Dress Goods and
Ladies' Shirt Waists must be sold regardless of
$2.00 Shirt Waists for $1.25
$J.50 " " .95
$1.00 " " .65
.75 " " " .45
Wash Goods will be sold at same rate.
' Do not miss this opportunity but come while your size is
here and before the best patterns are sold.
R. A. Hawkins " " 29.75
Tbe following claims were examined,
approved and warrants ordered
drawn on tbe General Fund in pay
ment of same:
Irwin Hudson Co. Supplies 12.12
Buahong k Co. " " 37.30
Wm. Cole piling wood and
nursing John Roberts 25.00
Hotel Lakeview, Board
Jobn Roberts 55.50
Bailey k MaeblngiU Mdse.
Insane man 3.4511
W.Bay ley State of Oregon vs
Cbas. Lorenz
' . . -v lW
c have made an entire transcript of all Record, in Lake County,
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county.
We have a complete Record ot every luorxfc l
- W
ever mnfV Jn Lflke County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all. and ate most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work. ; ;
i r. VPN atop. Manager.
John Cronin
W. K. Barry
Jas. B. Burnee
Earley Boone
Andrew Morris
Albert Lorenz
Andrew Vinyard
Ordered that a license to sell spirit
uous, malt and vinous liquors in
less quantities than one gallon is here
by granted Wborton and Gentry of
New Pine Creek Lake county Oregon
for a period of one year from tbe 6th
day of Sptember, 19U7 to the 5th day
of September, 1909, botb dates in
clusive, upon their tiling herein tbe
affidavits required by law, that they
have not sold liquors to minors nor
permitted minors to loiter about their
Couit adjourned until Thursday,
September 6th, 1907 at 10 o'clock A.
Lakeview, Ore, Sept 5th, 1907.
Court convened, pursuant to ad
journment of September 4th, 1907,
same officers present, when tbe follow
ing proceedings were bad to wit:
Tbe following claim was examined
approved and a warrant oidered drawn
on tbe Road fund in payment of
T. E. Bernard supplies 138.25
The following claims were examined,
approved and wairants ordered drawn
on tbe General fund in payment of
F. O. AbUtrom transfer
from General fund to Library
fund 145.34
E. N. Jaquluh clerical assistance 27. 15
Lakeview Water Co. 15 oords
wood 75.00
The books of the Treasurer and Sher
iff were examined and found correct
Court adjourned until Friday, Rept
6th, 1907, at 10 o' clock A. M.
Court convened pursuant to ad
journment of Sept. 5th, 1907. Same
officers present wben the following
proceedings were bad to-wit:
The following bills were examined,
approved and warrants ordered drawn
on the General fund in payment of
Bena Snelling taking and extend
ing testimony of inquest of Cbas. T.
Thompson f '.29.35
J. S. Lane Witness fees State
v. s. F. Marion 2. 10
W. P Nyswaner, McDaniels
v. a, Lee 2.10
N. W. Snyder State vs. Angland 8.80
O. O. Metzker printing 18.C5
II R. Heryford Cora. Salary 12.40
Tbe books of the County Clerk were
examined and found correct.
Ordered that a license to aell Spirit-!
uous. Malt and Vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon is hereby
greeted to M. C. Currier of Paisley,
Lake County, Oregon, for a period of
six mouths from tbe 7tb day of Nov
ember, 1907, to the 6th day of May.
1908, both dates inolusive, upon bis
flllug herein the affidavit required by
law, that be bas not sold liquors to
minors uor permitted minoia to loiter
about bis saloon.
Court adjourned without date.
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany has moved into the large
Brick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usuallj' found in a Furn
iture Store will be kept .....
Undertaker's Parlors
Repair Shop.....
f -'
! STORE. Wm. WALLACE, Prop'r
Located on Water Street, near the Post office.
Meals at all Hours.
Fresh oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game
in season
Only First-class Restaurant
in Lakeview;
United States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon, August 13, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in Com
pliauoe with tbe provisions of the ant
of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
"An aot for the sale of timber lands
in tbe States of Cuiifornia, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
avtawtAA 4n m'.i ft.liA Pllhil.l Tjlllfl
States by act of Auguts 4, 18U2, Lora
H. tjouu, or LiBneview. couutj ui
Lake, State of Oregon, has filed in
this office his sworn statement, No.
37U9, for tbe purchase of tbe N,
of Section No. 20, in Township No.
36 8., liange No. 19 C, W. M. and
will offer proof to abow that tbe land
sought U more valuable for its timber
or stone than for BKriuultural pur
poses, aud to establish bis claim to
eaid laud before Kegister aud Keoeiv
er at Lakeview, Oregon, on Saturday,
tbe 12tb day of Oct 1007. lie names
as witueuees: Jas. O. Darker, L. F.
Conn, W. K. Dyer, II. II Heryford,
all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described binds are
requested to file tbier claims in this
office on or before said IV! th day of
Oct. 1007 J. N. Watson,
33 10 Keg inter.
Timber Land Notice,
United States Land Office, Lakeview.
Oregon, August 13, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that In eom
pllanoe with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1U78, entitled
an" act for the sale of timber land
in the states of Caiitornia, Oregon.
Nevada and Wusbington Territory,'
as extended to all the public landi
states by aot of August t, 18DJ1, Walter
Dyer, of Lakeview, county of Lake,
state of Oregon, has fllud in this otiloa
his sworn Btatemeut No. 3773, for. thai
purchase of the SK, J of section No. la,
in towoblilp No. 30 B., liange No. Id
K., W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more)
valuable for its timber or stone tbaa
for agricultural purposes, and ta
establish bis claim to said land before
Oregon, on Saturday the 12tb day of
Ootober, 1007. lie names as witneeeoa
J. U, Darker, Dee liryan, Lizzta J,
Dyer, 11. II. Lyuob, all of Lake
view, Orexou.
Any aud all persons olalminc ad-
veisely the above described lands era
requested to tile their claims iu this
office on or before said l'Jtb day of
October, ISW7. J. N. Watsou,
w iu Bogibtor.