Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 22, 1907, Image 6

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! notice 1 Iterrh.v given that nil Irrlgn
jtlon, or tnlllrm-t dltche im-till trout
! stream thrnugbt l.Jtkt Comity, On
I Rim, immt lx acnVtieil , Ith ' email
! moan wire acrovirtn-g nx Ibvlr bend r
j Junction with, tilt H)hIm channel of
j at renin. Also nil dntna or olmtruct-
j lotia on inlil ati-cntim tnuaf U pro
v!Iim1 wlthn tlshdridder.orotlri reiisv
" Stage leave Dakeview Mondaya, Wed , ni',.nnM t,f pnHp'. nt or near the mid
neadajra and Friday at flam., arrive ,11,, ,,f the mnln channel, ho n tc ill
at Tluih at 9 p. m. Leave Tinth Tu ow ,m, ,,HhnB,. ,,f trout m nil lime
daya, Thtiradava and Saturday!, at t i o( y,r provided l.v btw Snld
work to la done at low water' time.
! or to lx completed by Fob. 1, 1W7.
Hv order of .1 A. IWirlmtn.
1'. K.,Tavlor, Prop.
Office at p. Reynold' 5tore.
New Pine Creek,
. Oregon
TUIC D1DC0 l pl on Bleat K.C. P-abb'
I Ilia rHrCn AilT.rttln A$vn r I'M Han
Bom Siiwt. Sn rranflnco. CM" whrm
jccairacl for .lvrrtlln ran b milf for II
a. m., arrive at lakeview at 9 p. ax.
, ranenper fare f3 one a ay or $5 fm
round trip. Freight rate from Maj
lit to Nov. lt t.'.S per hundred; frort
Nov. lat to Ma IM 11.1X1 per hnndre
Siectiil lVpntv flub Warden for
I ,nko County. Oregon.
The tl rut Siinilay in each month,
preaching nt l'nton m-hool house at
jll A. M. Aside from thin preaching
l every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7::W
' P. M. nt Lakeview.
Sunday School at Id A. .M.
league nt tWVi.
I'rayertmftlnit Thursday 7:30 P. M.
I,adien Aid Wednesday
Choir practice I rlday
A cordial invitation I extended to
you. ' '
A. .1. Armstrong Pastor.
Snhnorlbert lo the
from en looaltiT
Rich Redskins
Oaafe Indiana Are Iht WrtltHleit
People Par Capita In the World.
Squaws Who Ara Heireaata.
Running Dear and Hia Russian
Brida. J Jm Jm 4 J
Kxamlner who rmoT
lo another, or rhann
their nratofllee aitilrena tioiiltt rmmhr to
drop thin flte a rant ao their paper ran be a1
1reae1 lo h rleht pontoBtc.
p . WITHM, M. D.
FH KI4 I.4X a nit NKK
Paisley, Oregon.
1. V. v
At torsry al
lKU"t-lal llutl.lmif.
HKHK lux lonir been an Idoa In
th. liind that the only good In
din a la a doiid IndlHti, hut
when a man has a million dol
lara or two In his poeNlon he la apt
to he const, or.,i of aome aceount
whethet Ida nkln la white, ml. yellow,
hrown or hlai k. The rel men of Amer
ica have lost the most of the land over
which they once ronmed and which na
trlhea they claimed to own. (lenerally
peaklnir they never owned theao lauda '
Claanlinata In ths Dairy and
tha Tirtt Rquiaita.
('loiijillneMX U the llrvt reipilslte In
good civiiln. To have cleini ciriiin your
cows' aui'ttmnilliiiis liuisl he clcim, ao
keep jour cow hums nnd aheda fni
from odois It Is peihups iiMklnu too
much of the it venme diilrymnu to any
"curry jour cows," thniiuh currlii
pay a. Hut Just Uron mllkluv rnch
cow mil her Hides, atoinneh and udder
with a dump cloth. Milk with cleini
lunula nul never wet the tents with
milk. iKm't siuoUe whll.o milking
Any atrons odor tnluls milk, especially
wneii it Is wiiiiii.
Your KtnMes must l cleini. your
ailnrutor mid Mcpnrntor houso iihimI
U douhly h i. .eer aton nuythliu In
the aepnrntor house th:it will titlnt
the milk nud t ieuiii. Iluve the house
Insect proof nnd cicnte a draft thiouuli
it. Separate Jour milk hmniMllntrlv
Boise's Trial
zzzzzi: tft
Snapahola at Harry Orchard, tha
Murd.r Nathlna" - finkerton Da
tacliva Charlta A. Siring'a and
Lawyar Claranca S. Darrow, Who la
Onai f Haywood'a Ablatl Drfendara.
m I...II .-I.I.... I- ....I ...1.1 . ( . V . "
ull lrn IlnTO; an,.r tullkltitt and keep It warm until
RMdunlly dlspoasessed them on tha acpnratcit
ir aea
I. i VKMiar
IjiioI natlrraHperlall)
OFFU'K-Pal; huiMiUg.
The trouble with most adver
Uaera la that tbey expect Imme
diate returna or large propor
tions. One prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising lo this way:
Tho anooer expended for
odTerttalas la tho aa.aao ava
It plaeed at totereat. Tko
roata from the advertlaloK
ro Ttrtoally the laterest oa
tho lBToataaoat.
"The anma spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good will la something that
baa value, which. If the adver
tising has been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment
"The rate of Interest Is deter
mined by the skill with which
the Investment Is made.
"Just as the quickest way to
Increase invested wealth is by
compounding the Interest, Just so
the quickest way to realize re
sults from advertising is to com
pound the returns." Ad vertislnjr
Advertisers ret rood returna
on tha amount invested In '
our column. Wi reach tha )
nic of Timbrr Land.
Parties who have tiinlsT land for
' mile will do well to liivvntinate our
' terinand met hods id Iniinllln lauds.
We have an olllcein Lukevlew. when
contracts fan Ik made and options
taken on land. We tiuiiraiitee the
highest market price, and an- in n
position to demand and olnain it,
having Ikhui in the business for many
years and In clone touch with all the
land dealer of the country. Satis
factory results guaranteed by the I.n
Orande Investment Co. Write ('. .
Metzker, I.akeview, Oreuon.
lip No. Me
M.--..I. on the M ant 4ih W eliit'!lay ol
each tii uilli 111 .Mukiuiii' Hall, al H p. iu.
I.. Haii hT, ohkiiI t'oininanili'r.
if f ff S f f.
l..Kfc IKW KSTAMl'MKNT, No Is,
I. O. O. F meet the Int. ami 3l Thurs
day eventtiK of each tuonih 111 Odd Fel
lows' Hall, lakrview. F. O. Atiltrim,
C. P., C. O. McUki-r, Srrtbe.
ollr'.KP RKttm
I lamoc Rarrw Brn,1"l,n aiiow Fori m
jJdllltSd Dull J rlKht ear ireri;rrm
j lor wether -vime twoi Kquare Crop ami so
In right ear Tar Brand 111. lUnge. t rain
, I-ake i'otnlIUe addreaa, Lakevlew . Orvot
ground that such tltlo aa the red men
could assert could not be maintained In
the face of the need of the clvlllxed
world for their territory. Sometimea
the lauds of the Indian have been
taken after duly rntlMed treaties of
aale and sometimes they have lieen
taken with little or no ceremony, but
seldom has n trllie of atiorljrlnea re
ceived for Its lands anything like their
value according to the white mnu'a real
estate market. Nevertheless some of
the western Indians are among the
richest piople In America. They own
law funds held In trust for them by
the government, accruing from sale of
lands, and the lands which they have
retained have vastly Increased In value
on account of the proximity of tha cities
and towns of the paleface or on ac I
count of their wealth In products which !
are comparatively useless to tho red I
man In his native state, but are greatly !
desired ly white people, l-'or Instance,
the discovery of oil and natural gas on
lauds belonging to the Usage Indians
has Hindi them a very wealthy people,
aome say the richest per capita In tho
whole world. Chief Push me ta ha of
the Usages is called the richest Indian
STAGE LINE Zac Whiiwatlh
H. E. Barkek. I'rop'r.
Office in Bieber's 5tore
Brand, with Crop off ei
ear, Hall I'ndercrop oi
I right for wci; retfrie for wither. Tar Hrai"
I W.Kaune, Flih Crk. io'olB
LaPeelew. Orean
Mage leaves Lakeview daily, ex
cept Sunday at 6 a. m. Arrive
at Altnras at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for I.akeview at
6 o'clix-k a. m. or on the arriva1
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention ..
first - C lass - Acomodations
We have a full net of .Mysell-Kolliim
& Co's., nainple8 of Stock Certificated
nnd bonds, with price list. If you
are orfjranizin.i; u stock company K't
our prices on sfx-k certificates, tf
Family liquors at i'ot A: King
$1,250 Reward.
riie Harney count;
1.1 rv Sun k A o-ia
lion, 01 u mi 1. 1 1. .
a nn'tnl.T. ih.:
reward forevidem
li admit to the mi
vletion of pm.
tealina aim k !
loiiKtiitf to in mem
r-r. In addition I
i'fTi r t no reward
Home brand home
shoe bar on either
or hoth Jaun. Ke-i-orded
ange, Har" Lake an" r
1 Horea vented w hen 4ild. Ilorsen sold to paw
1 ibrougb thi section will be reported In tni
; japer. If not no rejoried. please write or ti le
! phone The Tjnien Herald. Main S-.'l, Kuril-. Ore
, ion. W. W .Brown, Iiurn. Vr-
Reward for Horses
I will give :..!)) reward for inform
ation that w ill lend to the disco. er
of any hor-e branded with an oh
horseshoe brand on both jaws, plac 1
as In the c it in this udvertiseiuem
with fresh 1 riaugle brand und'-rin-a 1 1
the liorsesho'. The triungh pl.-icn
in such a manner us would cover 111 !
n bar on lm h jaws. Animals mil- 1
be found in 'he possession of whim '
person or persons. I
r? .- "s ' fri'u tj
a 114 In7 1
Neer keep milk over from one
milking to another, as It has to be
cooled and then warmed attain tiefore
separating, ami this detel lointes the
quality of the cream. Never mix the hd
cream with the cold. Do imt mix until
Isith nr of tin same temperature.
Cool your cream after Hepaiatlng to at
least 11 decrees. In cool weal her, of
course, this Is easy.
Iu the hut moutlis net your creuin
can In a tub partly full of cold water
while separating. After finishing wrap
double barley sinks nrnuiid the cuii.
wet them thnroiik'hl.v and set In a
drnft. Pour coU water on the sacks
once or twice.
Never cover a u cir:i can with a tlk'ht
lid. Cue 11 clean damp cloth or Hue
screen. Iion't keep cream too long.
Porty eight hours Is long enough.
Separate a hl;;h grade of cream, nay
3."i to -IO per cent. This keeps better.
makes 1h-i i.-r butler and leaves you
more skim n. ilk.
To sum u;, says a writer In Kim-
ball's Iiairy Parmer, be clean, separate
a heavy trade of ctvain, never mix the
warm with the i-nld, keep your cream
dad and well aired, and your cream
eryman will I. less von.
Watering tho Dairy Cow,
Something that Is often nei;le ted In
the dairy s'aMe Is regular watering.
We water horses three times a day
whether they are doing anything or
not, but the cows are watered only
once a da, and sometimes a day Is
nklpod. A cow giving any couslilera
ble quantity of milk drinks 7.1 to PJ..
pounds of water dally. It Is Impossible
for her to t.ike all nt one time,
nnd It Is imt pot,ie for her to give
the maximum uuimint of milk unless
Mie has that amount of water, as wa
ter constitutes s7 per cent of the milk
w- - ' H
1 kH'' n
"1 III "N
HAIttlY out II A Utl.
I M IC and again dnr
lug the cross ex
amlnatliin of Harry
tlrchanl, chief wit
tic for tho state
In the trial of W.
I. Haywood for
the murder of ex
governor Kteuuoii
berg of Idaho, At
torney Itlchnrdson
trlisl to ruftlo the
temper of the wit
lies or otherwise
to confuse him ao
that he might inakt
statements favor
aide to the policy
of the defense, Or
chard nt no time
allowed the slight
est confusion 01
anger. lie con
tinned telling hi
Hlory and answering the most lull
mutely scarcliliig question without a
sign of distress, rhngrln, shame, re
aeiitmeiitor fear. This wits one of the
most remarkublo features of the case
Orchard's self possession nmiiKed the
iicuti-ft Miidcnls of human nature.
There was, however, one point where
Onhard xliowed feeling. That wu
when lie was quest limed as to his rea
sons for making his confession. Ills
Voice broke as he dorian-. I that through
reading the Itihle lie hint hcetl brought
to the belief that Ills soul would be
saved If lie would confess his crlnusi
lie had been nfrnld t die. he said, be
cause of his crimes, but nfter reading
the Itible and receiving spirit mil cotta
scl he hopexl for divine forglvetu-ss,
and this made it easy f..r him to con
fess e,ory thing. The more closely and
faithfully he sluek to the trillh the bet
ter would be his chato os of snlvatlon
lie did not expeet the forgiveness of
men or hope to excaH- hanging
tieorge Klliliee Turner, a magar.lna
writer, who upeiit hv i weeks with tJe
To All Our
iu . merii'.i
at f?.IHSI.INNI,
f.imilv 1
i; Siyl aw.
w. :i!;h U i
and his
while that of
pllt V .'M.IMMI.(MHI
his ehliie
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps of . Writers.
The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal pub
lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his familv
something to think about aside from the hum-'
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contain an Original Poem by SOLON L. OOODI-.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Pake of One: The l county hxaminer
Th e Lea d i n g C o u n t v Pc
aper and lhc American
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C O. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
Since- the U'-.-il'h of Mime of the red
skins of tishiy has been iinl-ed 11 broad
the phrase "furl 11110 hunting iu the
west" has tal.i-n i.n a new meaning.
It may now signify marrying a rich
K'Hiiiw. An instance of this Is the
case of 'Inlii.'is Nicholas, who disap
peared fl'nlil I'hiladelphla at the close
of the civil war. but returned recently,
fnucli t the surprise of his relative,
who thnii'.dit him dead. lie married
the daughter of a rich Oklahoma In
dian and thus got a start In the rail
road construction business.
Somet lines the case as to sex Is re
versed and a while woman marries uu
Indian brave who has money and
lands. Several years ago Nellie I.titski.
an American girl of Kusslan extrac
tion, became the bride of ICunnlng
I eer, one of the richest and most arls
toeratle of all the Usages In Oklaho
ma. Nellie's father was a tenant of
tunning Iiis-r. and the latter loaned
I.utskl money so that he might hend
Ids wife and daughter on a visit to
Itussla. In gratitude for this favor
Miss Nellie on her return aided Itun
lilng iJeer 111 his campaign for meiii
horshlp iu the tribal council. Tl.eii
the two fell In hue. and there was a
great wedding. Often an Usage belle
brings her husband a dowry of
from .$1. "..I if H) to .S'Jn.iHKi. and natural
ly girls of this kind are popular even
among while young men who live In
their vicinity. I'.ut the old Usage war
rlors find the wise women of the tribe
are averse to the white men who 00:110
wooing the daughters of the na'.ion,
preferring to have them many young
men of their own race and thus pre
serve Its Identity. Kveiy member of
the tribe, buck or squaw or papisise,
la supposed to be worth as min i) as
$ J (),( Hi, and among the (Wages are In
dlans with line estates, comfoi table
and even elegant homes, giving t . 1
dence of education and taste, while,
on the other hand, some who are real
ly rich Ktlll live In tepees, perhapt al
lowing their hired men to occupy the
"idem homes they have erected.
If a tub or Jar of butter Is to stand
down cellar tiny length of time with
out sealing, rover the top with u thick
layer of salt to keep out the air.
When to Skim.
Aa hi m in as the least degi of ac idity
can be detected tit IU should be i-kliu-hicd,
as the cream will all have been
precipitated when that stage Is reach
ed. Cream requires frequent sllrrlng
If even ripening Is to be M-cured. U
should be smooth and ehety un I
pleasantly (m.t ilci idedly 1 in id to the
taste and Is then ready fnr the churn.
Much nf the success of the butter
maker depends 011 the pi.iper ripening
of the cream.
Working tha Butter.
The firmness of lmttcr must be taken
Into account In determining how long
to work it. I'siially the llriner the but
ter the more working it will Maud.
i Tha Covered Milk Pail.
Milk palls are a source of trouble
j when not properly treated. There lire
j a great many kinds of palls on the
: market designed to aid the dairyman
In his warfare against germs. Uue of
the most Improved palls that are used
In Hiinltary dairies is the covered pall
having u layer of absorlsMit cotton be
tween two layers of flue wire gauze,
through which the milk must pasa be
fore It enters the pall.
Tho Flavor of Butter.
Aa the flavor of butter depends prin
cipally upon the proper ripening of the
cream find upon the absence of bac
teria the washing of butter In a gran
ular condition with Hire water is a
matter of far reaching Importance, for
If this Is neglected the butter will con
tain milk, sugar and bacteria. Chem
ical action brought nlsnit by the latter
will hasten doeompoKltlon of the but
ter. Undesirable Odora In Milk. :
Kotteu Milage, musty hay and grain,
decayed roots as well as obnoxious
weeds will Impart to milk undesirable
odors and flavors. In order to obtain
a milk with 11 sweet, desirable odor j
and Havor we must keep obnoxious
weeds out of the pastures. Wo must ;
take euro of the animal In such a way 1
that her general physical condition Is j
good. We must feed nothing but clean
and frehli food mid wo must glvo the I
anlmiils puro water. I'olluled and Im
pure water not only affects the quality
of the mill;, but may also Impair the
health of the animal. I'rofcssor Iltmzl-
Working In the Salt.
A bin termaker gives this method for
Halting out of th! churn: Itcmovo the
butter when In the granular Mute,
weigh It and place it upon the worker,
aprcad eveuly nnd Halt to suit tho taste,
fcift the nalt evenly over tho butter,
pasa tho worker over It, then run the
butter and work again or until tho
salt Is thoroughly worked In. It may
then be net away for 11 few hours,
nfter which it should bo it veil a sec
ond working.
i 1
C. H. fi.Vlil.oW ANI lilirWTIVi: HIIUNoh.
chard In Ins prl-ion cell, expressed the
belief that the man's "conversion"' to
religion Is i-.iniliie ami that Orchard
"is mine to t! e point of bleakness."
One of 1 he interesting men connected
with the blaho case, who has bis-n
mentioned but little. Is Charles A. HI
Hugo, a I'inkerton defective, vv ho was
a member of Orchard's bodyguard 011
the trips to mil from the courthouse
and In the courtroom during the cx
amlnatlon of the witness. Siringo Is
one of the older Plnliertoii opera Uvea.
Ho has had a long and vailed experi
ence In the running down of criminals.
He worked thirty years ago In the Mo
ly Magnire cases In IVnm,., Ivanla with
James Mcparland, the veteran detec
tive, who induced Harry Orchard to
All Interesting fncf ,, connection
with the Idaho case Is that both t;(,v
ernof C siding, flic present Mate exec
titlve, and Harry Orchard v. ere orlgl
nally P.rlibdi subjects. The governor
Is an Kngllshiiian. and Orchard u
Canadian. Orchard testified that (iov
enior Hooding lsited 1,1m often In
prison, called him Harry, M100U hands
anil -
"Assured you that you would not lie
punished V" Attorney l.'lchanlsoii ask
ed, trying to make an Important point
for his Mile.
"lie said nothing of the kind to me "
said Orchard, "but he told me that 1
was doing a great thing for tho Mate
and tho nation by telling all I knew."
Clarence s. Harrow or Chicago of
counsel for the defense; Is 11 dlsclplo of
Count Tolstoi. Tour years ago Mr,
IXirrow published a book entitled "lie
fdst Not Hvil." tho argument of which
fits tho title. Ho contended that na
tions find Individuals smitten on tho
right cheek should turn the left cheek
to tho Binlter. Accordingly Mr. Darrow
held that an Individual ahould not bo
punished for a crime nor Miould a na
tion defend itself against nttack by an
other nation.
Mr. Darrow has been prominent as
an advocate In cases Involving pernou
nl liberty. He Is sometimes duscrPied
as a Socialist.