Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 22, 1907, Image 4

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1 4
Editor and PublUher
Kotcrml ftt lh l-ort OBlPt t-tl, Or.
Hccond-:iaM Mailer.
.One Year, $3.00
TERMS: Six Month 1.00
(Three Month 50
UtkeVIB. Ok BOON. 4UUUST l. 107
Tha Silver Lake Leader.
A copy of tbe fLst Issue of tha Sil
ver Lake Leader, tbe new publication
launched at Silver Lake, in northern
Lake county has reacbod our desk.
The new paper, ae The Examiner has
stated before, is published by a com
pany of Influential business men of
that town. Tbe company has secured
tbe valuable services ot Wm. Holder,
an old and experienced newspaper
man to edit tbe paper. Tbe first is
sue is well filled with news and neatly
set-up advertisements. The Leader
bids fair to become a power in the
upbuilding of tbe county. We take
for granted that the publishers are
sincere in their announcement made
in their saluta:ory that "The Leader
at all tines will staud foi that which
is right and bouorable." We hope to
see the leader prosper and trust that
tbe people of Silver Lake will (realize
tbe worth of it and give it tbe patrou-
aae it is entitled to aud must have
do the work it is expected to do.
There is plenty of work for tbe press
in Lake county, and while the older
established papers have stood with
their shoulders to the wheel and done
their work cheerfully, they do not ex
pect to be relieved of any of their
burdens by tbe advent of another pa
per, but expect tbe duties of the press
to be increased to supply plenty of
work for the new paper.
The new paper is Republican in pol
itics. Tbe Examiner welcomes the
Leader to tbe Held and a copy each
week to our desk.
President Roosevelt has signified no
willingness to take a hand in settling
the telegraphers' strike. The presi
dent, do doubt, tees the seriousness
of the situation, but only a very care
ful and thorough study of both sides
of tbe question would justify his in
terference. Then again, the president
may feel that bis previous efforts in
behalf of labor organizations bas not
been fully appreciated by the mem
bers. The Modoc Oil and Development
Co, is a big advertiser, carrying a
half-page ad. in tne Alturas papers.
The company has placed 100,000 shares
on the market at 10 cents per share.
The capital stock of the company is
tl, 500,000 with as many shares, par
value (1 each.
Governor Chamberlain bas issued a'
proclamation naming Monday, Sep-j
tember 2, as Labor day. I
A. O- FAi m.NER.
Civl, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
jxa a DFsiaxixa.
I Sjwcinlty.
If you want to catch FISH get your Tackle
If you want to sprinkle your Lawn get your
HOSE and Sprinkler of us.
If you want a BATH we
We also have a full and
complete line of Hardware,
Stoves and Tinware, a good I
Plumber and Tinner in con
nection with the business.
Come and see
are right.
T. E.
New Books.
The following new books have been
received and placed in tha Lakeview
The Conquest, Eva K. iy. The
Two Islander and What Came of
Tbem, Thomas Condon. The llrldge
of the Hods, F. It. Halch. Letter
from an Oreiion Ranch, "Ksthrlne".
The Souvenir of Western Women,
Mary O. Doubtit The Mountaina of
Oregon, W. U. -Steal. Hirds of Ore
gon and Washington, Wm. It Lord.
! A man named Henry K U. Cooke,
( who represents himself backed by
English capital has been trying to in
terest tbe people in a beef packing
establishment for Kalmath Falls. Ar
ticles of incorporation have been filed
for some time, it . is said, but Mr.
Cooke seems to bave failed In getting
the money to start the ball rolling.
The Klamath Falls Herald thinks it
smells too "flshey" to be a beef pack
ing plant.
It is said that Modoc county is to
bave another Indian school. Modoc
already has one ludian school, but
because the Pitt Kiver and the Piute
Indians are not frieudly another
school is to be established near Like
ly. If these Indian schools do no
other good they will have a tendency
to maiutaiu the warlike seutimeuts of
tbe two tribes.
Klamath county boasts of the ex
pected visit of Mr. Edward 11. llar
rituan, tbe great railroad kiug. It is
stated that tbe Southern Pacific Com-
J pany has purchased a piece of proper
ty known as Peli'au Hay Ixdge,
which is fit the bead of one of the
Klamath Lakes, and it is to see this
property Mr. Harriman conies there.
Tbe breaking of a 30 iuch water
main in Chicago a few days ago caused
a panic. Tbe stream of water, utter
burtsing through tbe pavement shot
00 feet into the air, and in a few min
utes tbe water in that portion of tbe
city was four or five feet deep.
A blind merchant at Keno, in Kla
math county, whose wife is also blind
has leceived word from his wife from
a hospital in Portland that a baby girl
bas been born to them. The baby
can see all right.
Ashlariu formal.
The State Normal School at Ashland
is on a firm basis and its prospects j
are most flattering' Tbe last legisla
ture granted this institution tbe larg
est appropriation ever allowed a Nor
mal School in the history of Oregon.
The school is at last permanently
established. Four new teachers bave
been added, among tbem Mrs. Cathe
rine Sloan of Portland, author of
the Sloan Readers used last year in
the schools of Portland. Cement
sidewalks, large repairs on buildings,
beavy additions of apparatus, new
furniture, new rooms added to the
dormitories with elegant furniture
for all dormitory rooms, a complete
system of sewerage and an abundance
of water brought from the city of
Ashland are among the improvements.
The School has a strong faculty of
fifteen men and women all specialists
in their lines. The graduates of this
school are filling splendid positions
and are in constant denutud at from
to t?110 per month.
The health and moral conditions at
Ashland are ideal tor a school.
Reports point to an enormously large
attendance at the A.-hlaud Normal
next year. 'M l
Son tha A T! Hr.d t'j Hart k',m Bcr-f
Can iUrnish the I
us our prices ?
CHARLES K. RICE. Director1
Lakeview Cltliens Hand, will Rive
sons on all bra instrumentscornet
and slide trombone a pecllaty also
mandolin. Lessons gvlen amateurs on
vlo'in. 23-tf.
Mrs. Chas. E. Rice will start In a
few days for Sacramento, where she
will spend several months for the
benefit of her health. Mrs. Rice will
go as far as Reuo with (leo. Wing
field In his automobile.
The C. U.Sulder residence is near
ing completion and will soon be ready
t for occupancy. Mr. Snider will bave
one of tbe largest and finest reslden
! cea In Lakeview, or in Southeastern
Oregon, for that matter.
J. S. Dewey, (ten. Hankins, Dr.
Doyd and C. A. Rehart, returned
from their hunting trip Sunday. Dr.
Dewey does not confirm the story told
by Hankins of the manner in which
their first deer was killed.
The big new livery baru is being
roofed with fire proof roofing. The
old red butchershop that has stood
iowu on Maiu street so long, and
which housed The Examiner after tbe
big fire in 1900, bas been torn down.
Heading is in fu-1 blast over ou the
West Side and the crops are quite
eood. The farmers over there want
to get their grniu all cut and thrashed
before Mr. Snider, the thrashiug ma
chine man, leaves with his machine
for tbe East Side.
Walter Sheilock arrived in lake
view Tuesday. His family are at llid
well, having arrived here a few weeks
ago from San Francisco. We under
i stand the Sherlocks have secured a
home in Alturas, where they will re
! side in the future.
Harry Halley took his family to
; Davia Creek last Sunday for a months
visit to Mrs. Railey's old home. Harry
returned home Tuesday. He jays the
crops all the way down the valley are
tbe best be ever saw, but men to bar-
vest them are very scarce.
Misses (trace Oliver and Grace
MtCrarey have been taking the place
of J. C. Oliver in delivering tbe Oli
ter Creamery butter the last few
weeks. Mr. Oliver being so busy
harvesting he has turned the job of
delivering over to the youug lad es
who make tbe trip each Saturday.
John McDonnough, tbe northern
stage driver, informs us that Mike
Hough, of Silver Lake, and another
man whose name be did uot remerr-
ber, also of Silver Lake, a ere at Pais
ley several days during the pant week
investigating the proposition of start
ing another hotel at that place.
Tbe Paisley correspondent of the
silver iJiKe Liea der tells or a serious
accident which occurred near Paisley
recently, injuriug Mrs. W. 1). Rob
inett and t vo children, one, a little
boy four years old, juite severely.
Tbe accident was the overturning of a
baggy in which the Robinetts were
riding. Last reports slate the boy
One of the nio6t complete cottages
it has ever been our pleasure to view,
is the one nudei construction by Joe
Lane. It seems to us complete in
every particular. Large airy rooms.
closets, bath, and what to us is tbe
finest feature, a large veranda on the
back, entirely enclosed with wire
serening; an ideal spot for a meal ou j
a hot summer day. Mr. and Mrs
Iane bave shown splendid taste in the !
arrangment of tbe rooms, and thej
teuutiful tiuishings. j
Notice of Dissolution.
The co-fiartnerbhip heretofore ex
irtiti between Anna M. Neilon and
Daniel Uoone ia dissolved. All bills
of the firm outstanding are due and
! payaUe to Mr.
Uoone only.
(Daniel JJoone.
(Anna M. Neilon
To my friends and Patrons:
I will leave for San Francisco Tues-
day to pnrcnase a NEW FALL LINE
'of Millinery and Ladies' Goods, in-
eluding Suits, Cloaks etc. Any of my
a,ro"8 during Special orders may
can ou me, ana it assure! win
such rny personal attentiou.
give I
lnankititf yon for past patronage
. and soliciting a continuance of same,
l am
Very Isp'y
Anna M. Neilon
Card of Thanks.
i wish to thank my Fiiends and
neighbors who kindly assisted during
rny recent sickness, aud I want to
thank the Odd Fellows of Lakeview
odt-e No. d They help the lirother
in the cottat'e the same as the one in
t he I'alace.
llawley Hull.
The Limit of Life.
Thd mo-t eminent medical scientists
are unanimous in the conclusion that
the generally accepted limitation of
fiuman lite is many years below the
attainment iossible with the advanced
knowledge of which the race is now
o;e.-.-e I. I ho critical period, that
i determines its duration, seems to be
between 5d and 150; the proper care of
j the body during this decade cannot
be too strongly urged ; carelessness
, then being fatal to longevity. Na
ture's best beler after 50 's Electric
; Hitters, the scientific tonic medicine
that revitalizes every organ of the
body. Guaranteed by Lee Ueall,
Druggict. 5nc.
Is the one that always has what you want and all you warn,
all the time. We buy to suit the trade. Our experience has
taught us that the demand is for the best of overything, and
we have baught accordingly.
Our Grocery Line is Complete,
Our Dry Goods Department is up to 1 907 Styles.
Melvin D. Williams.
Civil and Irrigation Lnnineer.
Maps, Plans, Blue nints
promptly and accurately
prepared. All classes ol sur
veying guarantee.
Fulls mid liki
view. Ore,
Helps the Wagon up
the Hill
The load seemt lighter Wagon
and team wear longer You make
more money, and bave more time
to make money, when wheels are
greased with
Mica Axle Grease
The longest wearing and most
satisfactory lubricant in the world.
! Timber Land Notlne.
I United States Land Olllce, Lakeview
Oregon, July 'Si, '.XJ.
No! ice is hereby given thut in com
pliance with the provisions of the Hct
of Congress of June :i, 178, entitled
"An act for the nale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
us extended to all the Public Land
States by act of Augir t 4, IHHJ, George
S. Down, of Lakeview, county of
Lake State of Oregou has this day
tiled in this o If Ice his sworn statement
No. 3758 for the purchase of the SWJ
or section ?o. SI lu 'lownsuip No. .
S. Itaoge No. 19 E. W. M. aud will
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before Legister aud Receiver
at Lakeview, Oregon, on Friday the,
th day of October, 11X17.
lie names as witnesses: Geo. II.
Lynch, E. E. Kiuehurt A. L. Good
man, Jennie Young, all of Lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad-
vereiy me aoove aescrioea lands are
requested to file their claims in this
otllce on or before said 8th day of
October, 1D07.
'fJ-10 J. N. Watson, Iiegister.
feed And Livery Barn.
Especial Accommodation
West of Post Office
A- D. GREEN, Prop.
t Mica
in One Day
quinine Tablets.
This signature.
Tablets. JS
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Utnature of
United States
i. it writ k.
Land Office.
view Oregon. July VX l'.Hfi.
Notice is hereby given that in coin
pliancHwith th proviflons of trie act
of Congress of June 'X 178, entitled
"An act for tliM sale of timber lands
in the States ot California, Oregon,
Nevada, Hud Washington Tvrritory, "
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, IH'.i'J, Allsrt
G. On lime, of Fort Mi.lw.-ll, county
of Modoc, State of California, has
this day tiled in this office his sworn
statement. No. :t;7l, for the purchase
of the N'y SWJ Kec. 'JS A N' SEJ of I
Section No. in Township No. .V i
H., Kange No. 10 E., W. M., and will 1
offer proof to show that Die laud
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, ami to establish his claim to '
said land la-fore Iiegister ami Keceiv- i
er at Iakeview Oregon, on Monday the'
7th day of October, i;h)7. j
He names us witnesses: A. !.
Gooilman, Geo. 11. Lynch, E. E. .
Uinehart, Go. o S. Down, all of Lake-
vlwe Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming UI.
versely the above-descried lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before the sulci 7th day
of October, l'.ar7.
'10-10 J. N. Watson Register.
United States Land Office, Lake
view Oregon. July l!l, 1U7.
Notice in hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June, 1 ,1 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Wastiiugtou Territory,"
as extended to all the Public ltnd
States by act of ugust 1, 181CJ, Myrtle
Dow n, of Lakeview. county of Lake, i
hiaie or Oregon, bas tins day filed
this oflJco his sworn statement. No.
37W, for the purchase of thoNE NWJ
of Section No. Ill, iu Townshi, No ?
:i7, S., Range No.' Ill, E., W. M., aud
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more aluable for its timber
or stone than tor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Receiv
er at Lakeview Oregon, on Tuesday
the 8th day of October, :!MJ7.
He names as wituuses: George.
Lynch, E. E. Rinehart, A. L. Good
man, James Young, all of lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to llle their claims Mn this
office ou or before said 8th day of
October, 1!K7.
HMO J. N. Watson, Register. !
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
Dr. Alex Patterson aud A. L. Thornton
iu the business conducted under the!
firm name of A. L. Thornton & Co.. I
Iihs. I.v .. ......! ,.n.,Un..t I....... ,llu..l...
" ' " '""-
ed. Alex Patterson retires from the
bnisness and A. L. Thornton will bo !
iliorntou will bo 1
All outstanding
j ,
onginal firm are ,
the sole proprietor,
H i. . t a (ll., tin.
" ' ....... w u u ...u uiikhiu. ...Ill It I H i
payable to Dr. Alex Patterson. All
parties knowing themselves to be in
debted to A. L. Thornton JL Co. will
please call and ct'Ie their accounts
as early as possible.
Alex Patterson,
tf. A. L. Thorutou
Putter papers at the Exminer Ofllce.
Pioneer Sto e
Curi -4
la Tv
Sri f
a every
bx. 25c
TIM II tilt 1. 11 OTITIC.
United States Land (llec, Lakeview,
Oregon. June 'Si, IlKf
Nolice is hereby gln that in com
pliance with the prordooa of the act
ot Congress or Junid, 1S78. entitled
"An act for the sale f timlsr lands li;
the states of Califorta, Oregon, Nev
ada, and Washingto Territory." at.
extended to all the ublic lnud State
! by act of August t, hrz, Elmer llar
! vey, or lakeview. county of Ijike.
; Stnte of Olegon, lt$ this day tiled In
Mhls office Ins swrn statement. No.
' :!7:i.', for the purefcseof the E1, SW'-4
! of Sect ion No. 'Jtjin Township No.
I W H, Kunge No. E W M. ami w ill
Offer proof to aliw that the laud
sought Is more veiable for its timber
or stone than forigrii-iiltnral purpos-
es, and to establlli his claim to said
laml before Kegii-r and Receiver at
I lakeview Oregoi on Friday the Mb
nay or heptcmi, r.xir.
He name as w.ueses :
Dick J. Wilcx Pliil Mulkey. Tom
Alford, and Nthun Wilcox all of
Iakeview, OreiMi.
Any aud nl! persons claiming ad
versely the uhoe-descrilsid lands ar
rouiiested to IP their claims in thi
office on or Ifore said (it h day of
Sept., r.N(7.
-T-IO .1. N Watson, Register.
United Sn s lti.d Office, Lake
view, Oregon, lime 'Jl I'.KC,
Notice is lurcby given that in com
pliauce with he provisions of the act
j Uongress Juno :i, 178, entitled
An act for he sale of timber land.
in the Stat of California, Oregon,
Neva la, mw Washington Territory.'
as extende( to all the Public LhikI
States by a( of August i, 181CJ, Char
I 'es 11. Dusihcry. of Puisly, county
j of Lake, SUe of Oregon, has this day
! filed in thitollle his sworn statement,
i No. ."I7J8, fr the purchase of theSWi.
NW"4' W... AVJ Sec. 14 and NWJ Nw
of SectioiiNo. 'i, in Township No.
ja4S. Ran- No. 17 EW M, and will
offer prof to tdiow that the laud
.sought is lore valuable for its timber
or stone tan for agricultural purpos
'es, and tcertablish his claim to said
I laud befre Agister and R iver
at Lakev w Oregon, ou Tuesday the
.'Ird day I September, 11107.
I ... i) " "" - "!"
llo nans as witnesses: M. Doohor
; - - . ... now-
i ' " " " ",,M'( 'r .
1 "''If- '"J1'
" " JJ?' n'.i, V'U
o' ' o .' "f
Any .id all persons claiming ad
versley he abovu desci ibed lands are
reuestl to file their claims in fids
office (i or before said :ird day ofSen-
tember 11 "7
1K-1C .1
N. Watsou, Jegister. I.AM KUTIcr.
Unit States Land Office, Lakeview
Orego, August III, K)7.
Not e is hereby giveu that in com
pliano with the provisions of the act
or Ccigress of June ll, 1878, untitled
An ,:t for the sale of ti III I iitf Imi.L
! in ll states of California, Oregon,
Nevwi and Washington Territory"
as eiended fo all the public) 1,',(
, state; by act of Augut 1. 1811' Lw ,
E. MLullefy, of Lakeview, county of
... )l't'""i hasflle.l in this
oifliv his srtoru sfatoinent No. .'I7lil
for te purchase of the NE'4' NW'i'
NV'.jVW, of section No In town-
i '..v.. . ".!. ,k""K" -- IV, W
.. win oner proor to show that
thotnuj sought is more valuable for
1 ' ''r c"t'',,ne than for agricultural
'lo """" urM"lll) "'an for agricultural
l""Zul r."' ,,i1H,!l,,i,"t
sai' land before Register anil Receiver
at .ke lev, Oregon Thursday. tZ
HI. IK.. 1111' I ...(.. 'I'l I
17t day ol October. I'.kl7
ay, the
h names as witnesses: R K
i L" K J ;.-M- "cniley, J. 11. Tur
pi, r. ernon, all or
ny and all persons claiming ad
Visely the above described lands are
rf.uested to file their claims in thiH
oico on or before said 17th day of
Ctober, 1IK.7. J. N. Watson
' ' I, ,in mil, i