Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 22, 1907, Image 3

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    Timber lni Nollct.
United Htiil.-o Land Olllcn, Ltika
vImw, Oickiiii, .ly 'A 1!K7.
Notlcn In herby Iflveti Unit In cunt
pllllllCIt with tl" priivlaliin of tlia Met
r (7(iiitfrpnN -f Juiin .'I, 1H7H, entitled
"Am m l fiirtlm mi l of flnilr latula
'i the HIiiIn of California, Ori'tfiiu.
tovinbi ntl vYimliliitftnii Territory."
ti n.xliii"l to nil tint i'ubllo Lninl
HIllli.N ,f Hl't (if AllKIIHt i, IHJfJ, j
Aiinllii vilcnn, of Laknvlew, county I
of Lake, HI ii to i f Oniiiiii, linn thin lny I
II 111 III (illicit III HM'liril Htllltv I
limit, No. .'175. tor tlm purchase of
tlm N' HWt of Section No. 21, in I
loiiialiip No. :MIH., IUiikii No. I!) K,
VV. 1., mihI will olfcr proof to mIiow
tliiitUin Inml aoiitflit In more, vnliiabln
for U timber or atom tliiin for iiirl
eulttnl iurionin, Hnl to CMtublinh
lilt Oil mi lo mi i liuifl before Kt'tflnler
nii'1 tuelnvcr nt Lukevhitv Oregon, on
I' ridnr tint Htli diiy of October, IIH7.
I' II Lynch, A. L. ( IniHlniHli, K. K.
Klnehi t, nil of Laknvlew Oii-khii.
Any mil h)I peiHoitH claiiuliiK ail
Vim m ly t iihovn di'Mi'i llioil IiuiiIn are.
r iiurl to III" their cln linn In thin
iilllrn oi nr before, nulcl Nth ilny of
ti tnl)ir '.hi7.
I". .?. N. Wattum, llculHtrr.
Tl lllf H tllTII K,
Uniti'il It lit cm l.iuiil Ofllre, Lnkuvlew
Oregon, .lly l'.t, 11HI7.
Not Ifn I hereby kivkh tlmt In com
plliinen wis Hiii jirovlxloint of tlin net
or June. :, H7K. ntltli'( "An net for
tint mile nt Imber IiiiiiIh in tint Hi-ten
of CnlifoiMi, Oregon, N-viidii iiml
WunliliiKlou Territory, " nn cxleiitleil
to nil tin l'Mli- l.iiml St lit CM by tut
nf Antront t.lM'J, tint following per
Miilin have m in thin olflrii their
nwiirn ntntniikiitM, to wit:
I .I'll !. kllOI'HItll, llf I.ltlifVlt'W,
county of I.ttb, Ktntit of Ire'on nwor-i
ctiili'iiiiiit No, 11747, f,,r tint piirchiKMt
of tin. Si;j Nl Ner. :tl NW4, A
KWJ NW Nec.V.1. T U -"J, K, w. in.
Mulii'l I .menu, nf jiki-li'W. couu
ty ol l.nke, htit of Oregon, Sworn
Mliloitif lit No :iV, tor the pure hliMO of
tl,.. SWiSWt V .,t r.SJ NW'. A NWJ
N see x, i,, s. in i:,. v. m.
Tlmt they Willi, Iti r proof to hhnw
I lint the I it n 1 Hnijht mine vnliiitl.le !
for It Hinder orytnue t tin it for iitfii- i
cnltiiriil piirpimi-J iiml to enlnbliHli I
then iluiin to Kinihiii'l before Ki'Im
ter iiinl Kereilr, nt I .like lew,
Oie(.' on Veilnilny, the '.ltd ilny of
(li'tolier, l!1'7.
Tiny inline lot it nephew : M. I',,
Miih'iiive, llnr-i! Murine Arthur lie-
hint I ('. I .inero, tmiuville llni'l
Inty, nil of 1 .llke ie Ire'nn.
Any nml nil p nt rhiiinint,' iel
TitmIv the iiliovv 1 -ti 1 1 iot I IiiioIh me
rei'leiiti"l to llle t ln elainiH in thin
ollh'e on or hefore Hit !'l h iuy ()f ( let.
.'I" l' .1. N. WntMl, KiviMer.
S. V
Tlic best VUi"r"1
llc on the market.
Alno h rornpletellrieof wukiiii
and (injury barnenn, wlilu
roln'n, rhilim, ,ltn, npurn,
julrtn, ronetti n.ln (net every
tiling in the Hue f (HrriHjr,.
mid In. me furnlHlilriKn. Ke
pulrljf l.y roiiipeteiite inn.
r- ,
n km'-1
E ,Lf'!ilP ...Snzumixm.. g1".1" L.'J ' ILL-1
Notlcn nf Itentorntlon frf
Liidn to bet Ueruent and Kntry. lift
im'ttiipnt of tli Interior, Oeriernl
Iind Otllrn, WnnhlnKtoii, U. C, Jnno
t.'J, l!W, Notice la hereby iclven that
the riuhlic lundn in the following cle
acrlow! krean, temporarily withdrawn
on May 1(5 and July 31, HXfl, for for
estry purponea and adjoining th Fre
mont and Woonn Inkn National Foentn,
Oregon, and not othrrwinw withdrawn,
ntncrvpd oi afipropriated, will t.y an
thorlty of the Hecretaryof thn Interior
m rentored to the public domain on
Hept"d!r 2H, VMfl, and txicome aub-
two 2, eleven II, noith half of twelve
12 r In Townnhip thirty four .T4, Kani.e
elKhteen 1H, nonth half of Hertion
nlnetn 19; In Townnhip tblrty lx
', Hanue ei(bteen 18, the nonth and
north-went quarter of Hertion six
0; In Townnhip thlrty-elbt .rW, Kane
elKhteen 18, nonth half of Hertion
three 3, all ten 10, aout b half of elev
en II, all thirteen 13, fourteen 14,
fifteen 15, atxtoen 5, north eant
quirter of twenty four 21, nonth half
of twenty-five .'., twenty-aix Vt, . and
twenty-neven 27, all twenty eihl '2H,
twenty-nine i'J, thirty one 31, to
leet to m ttlement on and after that i ny nix .J,, both inclniiivo; in
date, but not to entry. Illinff or aelec-1 townwfilp tblrty-nine .K, lUtngf) eiuh
tlon until on an after October 28, K07, l"" HecUonn one 1, to thirty two
under the uniial renlrlctlonn. ' ,pf both inclnnive, and north half
at the United Staten Iand i inr"r-n"e . ; In lownnbip forty
kri ctki) in i w()
; ACconnonATioN
jsAni'i.i' koon
: l:or COnnilRCIA
I travi:i.i:k
ViIow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietors
I'ctliion lor l.lqut- I. kin nr.
In the County ('nurt the Stntenf
Oregon, I'nr the (Vufy if
I II t he unit ter nf t In
n licnt imi ol M. ('. !
Curlier, tnr n It ;
cellMi' to mII I-1 1 1 It
huh, limit nnd IiiiiUh '
1 1 1 1 1 1 I h, mid fetiiieii
teil eider I'nminiitily
rulleil hiil'il Clili r lit .
1 'llinieV I 'l I cun t,
I .like ( in.nt ,
I )le.'"li. '
We, the iiiiileihiueil ii'hielitH nmi
h'Wnl voteiH n( the precinct f I'liit-li v, County, Olcjnn, W(ii mii-t
r'K ei tlullv petition thnt tH Honor
nhle County Court, of theHtnte of
Orison, fur the County of l.le. thnt
a licenne lie tnuiteil to M. tlCiinii r
to Hell e 1 1 1 1 II M I , limit Hill illullrl
liiUil'H III till II t it let le-rl t)nu one
(.'nlli'li, nt hiiIiI l'lilhley I'reciilt, l.nke
County, Oregon, fur the terulnl mv
i tl luiinthx:
The I )xitiuluer him n htipply of llri-l j
1 chifrt l utter urnpper paper on bund i
now, nt the follow iiiK priceH : l-'or I '
winppern, piloted, for lil!
printed t..V. ft !
A Memorable Day. i
1 ue of the (layn wt reilieinlier with'
I'leithiire, km well an with profit to our j
hcnltb, in the one on which we In- j
. cmne ni-ii u.i i n t ! with Ir. Kin'n New '
Life I'ill,-, the piiinh-HH purillern thntj
cure hemliiche nnd tiilioiiHtieHH, mid j
keep the howelit riktht. 'i".e nt I'tt (
r.enll'H DniK Store. j
Tbm Leading Paper oi th
A Pk Coast
Th" Sji Frmdsco
. nini M
John Siiiiiiiiuim
CIiiih limy
r'riiuk .M i-1 In mill
C. I.'. Cnmplii il
'1'oni Stniih y
l-.m Wnl-h
Mnnlev Currier
.1. C. I'littt
W. V. Miller
Virjil Colin
Al. I'nrrow
Joe Sum h
l W. Furrow
(i. W. ClMlh'V
Fred Wei, lev
W. II. McCnll
.1. S. F.loer
F. A. Fitpnlric
M. Conley.
I. A. I rii in in
John I M inimi
W. W. Hampton
ieuiye i 'j ke
J. J. Moore
W. S. Ilnrtlero.l.
K. S. Itunintcr
(!. W. Hiinmi
(tltO. liOUt'kH
I'riiuk Holikins
II. 1. Stanley
(ieo. I.'nnnev
I). II. Carroll
Frmik !i ahmii
Klntn of ( tick'on,
Al. luiinter
I. C.AliK-ell
Win. II .lliii-on
Will .1. Skrloek
W. M-lihwr
C. M. I it 1 1 n 1 1
('I nk JoV,toti
I!. F. Ciimm
John I!. Uhlcr
I.. A. Sonn
lliik'll ltel
S tuiylord
I .ii u relict1 S. A iiihtiirt h
M. lililllleii
I'., t). Uuih
Win. Tiilor
W. liuniu.,-
' ieo. ( 'tin
A. . Within
1 In ill i IIS M 1 1 1 1 y
W. H. TucI r
J. D. Fiiru'
T. C. JollllM! I
.1. K. Ilaiiii-tr
T. W. JohnMi
Art Stnnlt 1
li. lianilo)
C. W. Withe
Jan. M. Ilev
J. I'., llnrpe
Allen ICoutl
Conn v of Lake. )
I, M. C. Currier, ln iiiK' Hrnl duly
Hworn, ileptme and nay the fore'oin
petition coiituiiirt the niinieH of un nc-
t ti it I inujority of the whole number of
lenl votel'H of I'ninlcy I'recinot, Fake
("oiinty, State of Oregon: tlmt each
of t he Hiitnutiircri thereto in eniiine;
that encli peiHon whi.Hii inline is ninned
to Hiiid petition, is nt the tla'.u here
of mi net mil resident of mi'l precinct,
mid Iihh reitiileil in Hiiid jireciuct for
more thuii thirty days iininedintely
preceili'm the ilnte whereon lie Hi'lied
Haiti petition, mid of the flliiik' uml
presental ion thereof.
M. C. Currier.
KoliHf rilied mul hwoi-ii to lioforu tuo
the :U th tluy of July, 1IHI7.
A .A. William,
Jiibticn of the l'enco for Hie State of
(bat the undersigned M. C. CUKKIKK
will apply to the County Court of
Luke (bounty, Oregon, on tho (ith
day of KKFTKM11KK, 1!D7, for u li
cituso to sell HpirituoiiH, malt nni
vinoiiH litiioi'H, in quautitiea loss thuu
ouo (gallon, in l'niblcy l'rucinct, in
Lake County, Oroon, for Hie period
M. C. (Jurrier,
The Farmer's Wife j
Is very careful nbont her churn, fhn !
scaldh it thoroiik'lily after usinn, nml pixes '
It a mil hath to sweeten It, She known i
that if her clinrn Is Hour It w ill taint tin '
butter that I- made In It. Tho ntomnch l ''
a churn. In tho stomach and dixcstiw 1
and nutritive trm-is are perfornieti pro- J
cesses which are almost exactly like the
churiiliiK of butter. Is ft not apparent
then that If thin sloinuch-i hurn Is foul It !
makes foul nil hich Is put lnlt.t? j
The evil of a foul stomach Is not alone
the bad taste In the mouth and the foul i
breath caused by It, but tlio corruption of j
tho pure current of I.Imk1 and the (IKsttin-
million or iHicae throinfhout tho lotly.
Hr. I'icri'c's liolileii Medical Discovery
makes tho sour and foul Momach Kwfet.
It does for the stomach w hat tho washing
and sua hath do for t hu churn absolutely
removes every talntlni? or corrupt ine e!i
mcnt. In this way It euros blotches,
pimples, eruptions, ncrufulous swelling's,
sores, or open ratinit ulcers ami all
hiiniors or diseases arising from bail Mood.
If you have bluer, nasty, foul tasto In
your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath,
aro weak and easily tired, feel depressed
and desHndent, have frequent headaches,
dizzy attacks, prut w Inn or distress In stom
ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour
fr bitter risings after eatliiit and noor
apjietlte, these symptoms, or any consider-
aoie minuter or. tliem. Indicate that you are
vuui-iuiK iioin iiinimsness, lorplil or lazy
liver with the usual accompanying Indi
testloii, ordisponsiii anj their atundant
I Ii" N"-T fli-on's knnwn tn mtytiral set-
ence tor n.r t i;:c hi mn ittKtve svinptoTiTs
" -IU ' 1U3
iACiUri v' iliut Linn la hanlntolv In,..
Will bo readily proven to your satisfaction
,f you w III but mull a postal card reuues:
o nr. K. V. 1' erce. In If an. N. Y for n
rc-e copy of his booklet of extracts from
10 htauilnrd meilicHl nnllinrlll.. irU iii,,
lie names of nil the Ingredients enterini;
!io nts W'oriti-iameu medicines and slum
what the most eminent medicul won
ino auo say oi tiieiu.
niled Htntea Lmitl Ofllee, I.ako-
, uret'ou, July H, KI7.
tieo is beroliy iriven tlmt the
Stilt of Oregon has Hied application
to licet the follow ini7 dewci i I e,l luiiilu.
ns into of Orttftou Hchool liideinnity
Hebllioii, to-wit.
Ut No 'J2I, for NFJ NKJ See. X,
NFK'WJ, Heo. 21. NFJ KWJ. Hee. 1.1,
Hl'-iUOh Ken. 10, SKJ SFJ. Sen. ), T.
27 Hlind SW1 NWJ. Seo Ti. T''. K. It 1 1
17 FJVUM NW' S0 T 31 K"
Anl mnl nil persona claiiiiinK ml
voraoV tbo altovo dosoribetl Inuds aro
requited to lllo their claims In this
oflliiotiii or boforo tbe2lithday of
AiiBii.l l!K)7
N. Wutaon, KcKister. 29-5.
The Weekly Chronicle
Ti rwry boat weekly Nwapapr
publUhad la tha nilra Weat
$1.50 a Year
iDi-luiluitt ivif to toy i-l of thm
Lultwl auiM, luudi ami M.iiro
It is beat becauae, beaidsa
printing all ths newa of lha world
eacl a?K In an 'tnterestin j way
and lully lliustrailnj many
artlc e-., it haa special depart
ments aevoted to
and SrOkTS
These ara presided
ed tors havlnf a thorough knowi
edce of their specialties. The
i afes devoted to Agr culture.
Horticulture, Poultry and Live
Stoon are well Illustrated and
II. led with matter of the eroateat
Interest to all onjafed la these
industries, every line bela(
written by thoss who are In eloae
touch with conditions provalUtif
on this Coast.
It wtll be seat fro.
D yoa want the Chrooiola
Reversible Map?
Showlnf tho United Statoa, Do.
minion of Canada aa4 N art Kara
Mesloo on ono aldo, MAP OF
THE WORLD, preaeBUaf to vWw
la cm a ooatlauova maps with all
areas In trwo preaortloa, tho en
Bra surfaoo atf tho Earth oa tho
other aldo.
Seal 2 bj r (ho Mas anW
"eaiy ChrooAauo" for mm ywa.
Klaf fnpmU M May aaai
The Daily tnd Msp
saaaj iii ,i pmtj
Only $a;5 t Year
M. H. 4oTOUn,
blanks at tie Examine
SulmiTilio for The l.nke t'ountv Fs-
am I nor, If you want tht newa.
II lnnks for final proofs, Desert proofs
Umber land final proofs and blank alli
lavits for applications for read vert ie-
aients, blank witness affidavits, etc. at
Hie Examiner olli?e. tf
We print township plats.
Dutch lunch at tho
IJrowery Sn-tf
Olllce at Ikeview. Oretron : In Town
shift twenty one (21), Ilange Utn (10),
Sections one (I), twelve (12), thirteen
(1.1) fourteen (11), twenty-three (23),
twenty four (21), twenty-five (2.rj).
twenty-six 2o;, thirty-five (.15) and
thirty-six CV'i); in Township twenty
three ('1) Kane tn (10), Hction
thirty six CM)) ; in Township twenty
one (21), F.anKe eleven (II), Sections
three CI; to ten (10), both inclusive,
the soubeast quarter oi' Hetion eleven
(ll)Houth half of twelve (12). Sections
thirteen (11) to thirty-six (.), both
IiicIumIvp; in Township twenty-three
(21), FniiKo eleven (II;, Lots ten (10),
eleven (11), twelve (12;, thirteen (11),
fourteen (M), and fifteen (1.1) of Sec
tion thirty-one (.11); in Townnhip
twenty one (21), liane twelve (12,
the west half oi Section four (4). the
east half and souhwest fpiartor of Sec
tion five ), southeast quarter of Sec
tion six (), Section seven (7), north
half and souh-west quarter of Section
fclKbt ("i. Sections eighteen (18), nine
teen ; 'J), thirty CIO;, thirty one (.11);
in Township thirty two (12), Kanue
j fourteen ( II;, the west half of Section
twenty peven (27 ', south half of Sec
jtlon twenty eht 'JH;, eio-t half of
j Section thirty-two (12), all Section
thirty three (Hi, west half of Section
, thirty-four (11 ); in Twnahip thirty
i three (.'tl;. Fit n (.'! fourteen (14), the
went half of Section three (1), all Mo
tions four (1;. live ('), eiyht
uine !,, sixteen (10) to twenty one
(21), both inclusive, all twenty five
(2-Vi, south half of tweuty-cix (20;, all
thirty-four (11 j, thirty-live (1.1) and
thirty-six W, in Township thirty
four ( A ), KuiJiie fourteen (14;, Sec
tions one (1;, two (2,, three (), cast
half of four (4 ' and nine ('.', all ten
(Id) to sixteen (10 , both inclusive,
twenty two (22 , to twenty-eiht (2N;,
both inclusive, east half of twenty-
nine (2l;, west ha'f of thirty CV) , all
thirty one (11) to thirty-six (10;,
both inclusive ; all Townships thirty
live (1.1 1. thirty six und thirty
seven (17), Finite fourteen (II); all
Townships forty (40) and forty-one
(41), Faijue fourteen and one half
(ll'.j); in Township thirty three (Id),
Far.e fifteen (1.1 , south half of Sec
tion nineteen (1'.';, west half of twenty-seven
27, all twenty-eiiiht, 2M, south
half of twenty nine all thirty CIO;,
thirty-one (11 thirty-two (12), tttir
ty three, (11 , west half of thirty
four 'llj; in Township thirty-four
(14', limine fifteen (1.1 , west half of
section five (.1 all six iG', seven(7),
nest half of eitfht (,H, all eii;hteeii
( IS nineteen ( Y.i thirty (10), thirty-one
(11), thirty-two !12), west half
of tbirty-threo (11); in Township
thirty five (1.1', ltauk'e llfteen (M,
Sections three (1 to ten (10), both
inclusive, west half of eleven (11),
all furteen (14) to twenty-two (22,)
both inclusive, west half of twenty
three (21i, west half of twenty-six
(20', all twenty-seven (27.' to thirty
four (11), both inclusive, west half of
thirty-five (15) ; in Township tbirty-
six (.Hi1, ICiinue nttecu (lJ), Sections
seven (7 eiybt (S', sixteen (10) to
thirty-six CM', both inclusive; in
' Township thirty-seven (:i7), FaiiKetif
! teen (1.1 . Sectious oue(l to twelve
(12 bcth inclusive, north half of
thirteen (11) and fourteen (11), all
fifteen (1.1 to twenty-two (22), both
inclusive, twenty-seven (27 thirty-three
(11i, both inclusive ; in Town
ship thirj-eiK'ht (is Fanno fifteen
(Li), Sections four (4 to nine (D),
both incliiMvc, fifteen (11) to twenty
two (22', both inclusive, twenty-six
(20) to thirty-six (10 1 both inclusive;
in Township forty (40, Fune fifteen
(i.1i. west half of Section live (.1), all
of six (0 and seven (7. west half of
einbt (Si, all sixteen (Hi) to tweuty
oue (21), both inclusive, twenty
oijr lit 2S, thirty-six 10, both iucluisve;
in Township forty-one 41, Kan no fif
teen 15, Sections two 2 to niueO, both
inclusive, all of eleven 11, sixteeu 10,
twenty 20, both inclusive, west half
of twenty-one 21 ; in Township thirty-
six .Hi. l; un l.'' six
teen (lo). Sections sixteen (10) to
twenty (20 both inclusive, north
half and south-west quarter of twenty
one (2D, all twenty-nine (2ii, thirty
(10i, thirty-one (11) aud thirty-two
(12); in Township thirty-seven (17),
Fnnire sixteen ( 10), Sections five (5)
to eleven (IP, both inclusive, thirteen
11 to seventeen 17, both inclusive,
twenty-three 21, twenty-four 24, tweu-ty-tlve
25, thirty five 15, and thirty
six 10; in
Township thirty-einht 18, Range six
teen 10, Sections oue 1. two 2. three
1, nine St, to sixteen 10, both -inclusive,
east half of seventeen 17, aud
twenty 20, nil tweuty-one 21, twenty-
three 21, twenty-four 21, twenty-five
-.), iweiity-cinht 2S, tweuty-niiie 20,
south half of thirty 10, all thirty
one 11, thirty-two 12, thirty-three
.1.1, unit tuirty-six ,tt; in Towuship
inirty-nine .si, JiauK'e sixteen 10,
south halt of Section twenty-four 24
nil twenty-five 21 aud thirty-six :!0
in lownship thirty-live 15, Faille
seventeen l,, west halt of Section
eleven 11; in lownshio thirty-six Ii
Finite seventeen 17. north-east quarter
or section ono 1; in Township thirtv
sevon Kanto seventeen 17, south
half of Section Of teen 15, all sixteen
lo to teuty-two 22, both ineluive,
twenty-seven 27 to tbirty-threo 11.
i ... i. i.i. . ... Y . ....
noi ii inclusive in M ownstiin tlnrtv
eiK'tit .is, luuiKo seventeeu 17, south
Halt ami north-west quarter of Sec
tion three .1, Sections four 4 to ten
10, both inclusive, west half of cloven
11, all fifteen 15, to twenty three 21,
both inclusive, twenty-five ii to thir
ty-six 10, both inclusive; in Town
ship thirty-nine l!, Failure seventeeu
17, Sections one 1 to five 5, both
inclusive, uine 1) to sixteen 10, both
inclusive, east half of Section seven
leeu 17, south half of uiueteen lit,
all twenty 20 to twenty-seven 27,
both inclusive, thirty 10, thirty-one
11, thirty-four 34. thirty-five lo aud
thiry-six 10: in Townshin fnrrw an
jitaiiKo seventeeu 17 Sections ouo 1,
40, Fanee eighteen 18. Sections Ove 5.
six , north half of seven 7 andelLt8;
in Township thirty eitfht Kan
nlneteen 10, Sections one 1, two 2,
three 1, ten 10, tothlrtysix .Tfi, both In
clusive; all Toaimbip forty-one 41,
IiariK nineteen 1I, not in tloowe
Fake; In Township thirty-seven 17,
Hane twenty 20, aoutb half of Sect
Ion nine 0, al) sixteen 10, south half
of seventeen 17, all nineteen 19, twen
ty 20, west half of twenty-one 21, all
twenty-five 25, to thirty six 145, both
fnchiMive; in Township thirty six 16,
KatiKe twenty-one 21, west half of
Section four 4 : in Township thirty
seven, 17 Faille twenty one 21, Sections
thirty 10 and thirty-one 11 ; in Town
ship thirty-eight 18, IUne twenty
one 21, north-west quarter of Section
six , all sixteen 10, south half of
seventeen 17, all nineteen 19, twenty
20. twenty-one 21, twenty-three 2.1, to
thirty-six 10, both inclusive; in Towu
ship thirty-nine 19, Itange twenty one
21, Section one 1 to eleven 11, both
inclusive, fifteen 15, to nineteu 19,
both Inclusive, north half of twenty
one 21, all thirty K), thirty-one 11
an l tbirty-two :; in Township forty
40, Range twenty-one 21, Sectious live
5, six 0, seven 7, eighteen 18, nine
teen 19, north half and south-east
quarter of thirty 10, east half and
southwest quarter of thirty-one 11;
in Township forty-one 41, Kange
twenty-one 2!, Section six C, north
hal' of seven 7 : in Township thirty
seven 17, Iianire twenty-two 22. north
east quarter of Section thirty four 14 ;
in Township thirty-eiiht IS, Kauje
twenty-two 22, Section five 5, east
half and souths quarter of Section
seven 7, all eight 8, nine 9. fifteen 15
to twenty-one 21, both inclusive,
twenty eight 28, to thirty-three 1.1,
both Inclusive; in Township thirty
nine 19, Range twenty-two 22, Sect
ions four 4 to nine 9. both inclus
ive. sixteen 10, seventeen 17. and the
north half of twenty 20; all south and
east, W illamette Meridian. Oregon
warning is neretiy expressiey given
that no person will permitted to gain
or exercise any right whatever under
any settlement or occupation begun
prior to September 28, 1907, and all
such settlement or occupation is here
by forbidden Fred Dennett. Acting
Commissioner of the General Land
Office. Approved: Jesse ?! Wilson,
Acting Secretary of the Interior.
Ely's Cream Balm
TH- Remedy la a S-.clflc,
Guro to Clve 8atlstictlO'i.
ft (;l"fii, "vx-iihi", hcnlH. ni'l proofs tho
'li-tf.i-v I ; . in'ir iri". Itrii i (';iorrh.&"ticl
'riv. -i n (''ll Iri th Head q-iirkl.
IteMo-. - f'n i-n of T i ' it and 8mU
i .a-y . ' ( ' .ui:ii no i j iriona flrnt
p'llii.-l. t.e n ntrils mil ah.vrbeL
Ijir'i! .. ., r, ) renin at Drugists or Irf
.uail j 1 1 ...I H.:o, 1;J cents bf maw.
ELY BROTHERS. C6 Warr.n St., Nsw Ytrtfc
Blue prints of any town
ship in the Lakeview
Land District can be had
by applying to the under
signed. All work up to
date. Checkings made
from the Land Of
fice Records at the time
the printsare made, work
neatly and promptly
W. B. Snider,
Lakeview Oregon.
Braryvn shoTild nbscrlh for
his horn yaytr, ta trdar to get all
tha locaJ nnra, bat U kaey Ir toticb
wltb tk warll'i lQj araiitf
ihonld Lm rs4
The Evening Telegram,
Portland. Oregon,
Ths laadinc rraaia nnrtrpapsr f
th Padfle Ooaat, wtidi hu com
yleta At risUd Praaa rtporta and
speciaJ leaaad - win aerrlcs, witii
correspondent ia fanfortant newt
centen and la all toa cities and
princlpa. town af the Northwest.
Portland and nbarba axe covered
hy a bright staff of reporter!.
editorial, dramatic, society and
special writer. Saturday's edi
tion consist! of 28 to 28 paces, a id
;.i.s colored comic paes. aa wel
a Jeoartment for children, color i
'r'hicn pata. an tnterestini Mir.?;
s r, y and other attractive fti
:-. id.uou to all the norri
' 'ription Ilatrs
a. three rr.oa '
".s C'--r0; tvp.
r ile copies
Department of the Interior.
United States Land Ofllee, Lake
view, Oregon, July 24, KHI7.
Notice is hereby given that the State
oi Oregon has riled application to se
lect the lands hereinafter described,
as State School Indemnity Lands, to
w it :
List No. 229, for the SW. NV.',
Sec. 20. T. :U S.. R. IS. K.. andSRi -
SE'4', Sec. 27, N'E1,,' NV4', Sec. 29, T.
w S.. and Lot 2. Sec. 2.
Seo. 11, T. 3s S., R.
NE1 NKJ, Sec. 31, T. 28,
H, W. M.
SV.- NEi;.
17, E., and
S., R. 11,
-Any and all persous cluiiniug ad
versely the above described bmda urn
requested to tllo in this office their
claims on or before thp Vtth Hn
September, 1907.
32-5 J. N. Watson, Register.
The Examiner prints township plats,
and makes them into books to order, tf
J. If. Cutter whiskey at
Lakeview bar.
Tho best and
whiskey made.
the Ilote
The Publisher's
Claims Sustained
United States Court of Claims
The TuMi'sher ef Webster's Intematfftorf
Dictionary tuu-nelltat it "m, in fiict.tlia mi.
Iht l'iiain iilire.1 ihoniutrhly re-elitei inever
iictail.aii.1 v:itlveiirichet In every part, wtft
the piirHie t f ailuptinif it tomeut tlie lanftir
and fieveiL-r rvipureuieuU of auotber eeiiCr.
We are of tlio opinion thnt this alleirattoa
most cleiti.y and aucttrutely ilea. riU-s tte
work Hint hrn lxen aiiiuplibel ami thi
result tlntthM-theeureaclietl. The lilrtionarv .
as it nottr simids has lieen lliortumlily r.
edited in every dctnil. haa lieen
every part, n:nl ii H.lntirubly udaptetl touR'Lt
urn itii-KtT una severer reqiiirenienls or
m-ncruiiitn which dtiianls more ofpoputar
ihilo.iL'it al knowletle than any gcueratICa
linn .ud wuriu miiet er coutatneil.
It is p-rhi needless to adil that woreAv
to tiie dii tionary in our Judieial work a-ioT
the Itiifht st auihority in acruracy of il.'Hi
lion ; und that in Hie future us in the past iX
will be the source of lousiant reference.
CHAKLS C. NOTT, Chiff JmUaa.
JOHN Iia I ,
sTANTtiN j. rFn.t.ri
chaki.m u. nowiif,
The abate rtfert to WEBSTER'S
(thehiirhet nwanll was iriven to the Intern,
tioiial at tbu World's t'uir, fct, Louis.
I'm iriH lie intcrattedinour
Kjiirtiiu ti putin, kiiC frtc
( WFB&rcn 1
tiM'Mfi 60
j..ji .'i i . a
Trad, .arks
Copyrights Ac.
AnTonsiPnrllnff a aketrh and dpflrrtptlon mnV
qultStty aseeriuitt our opinion free wlmther at
liiveiitl.m ta irotahly pHteiitittile. l or-imuiilriw
tl.unKtnetly ouiiiliieiitliil. HAflDHOOK unl'ureuta
atnt Iree. tl'1oc atretirr fur fiH-unntf palenia.
Pntonta taken tltroui.'h Mm rt A Co. fvcelvV
tptcuH notU4, wttnout ciihtvo, lu ilia
Blue F'rints Made.
I will make lVaio Prints of any
tract of land In the Lakeview l.nn.l
District, and do abstract woil..
'all on or write II'. IS. SNlDKi;
Lakeview, O ivk ' 4 -- i
Scientific Jlsericati.
ou' ..I. T rni!, 'i )
a! Lj u. nowHOt'Hlwrii
V'tabnitfiuu. IX
A hantlnomplT lllnitfmted trw' i. T xremtrlr
culatt.'it of n rii'Mt!Utt Joui ,.l. 1 rinit. 'l m
nir: titttr months. IL Bold L. i.,1 nototOi'Hlvrik
361 BroaJu
-'5 V HI., '.'HubniKiou. IX
11 you are tblnkluK of orsnnizinjr
stock company see our now hiiuiiiIi-i.
oWall Street enjrrnvi'il wtnt k ccrtltl
this otlio.
taken on timber land nt
We will pay the. hiKhent
Hirir wurlli rt ha;
.'lcrt)vcrll."ty yr
. tin y an - n.-tniui.
( ai'.tl Mire' . by c. I
t vt rvvi I.' re. " (
.ii tlicni. 1CC7 J
. ' C on uij. t.
' ' KV CO.! lrBl.
Baantlia f m Mad TOO Haw Always Baigg
Baan tb IliO M You Hiw Ua