Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, August 15, 1907, Image 8

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a. ro
1st t
Removal Notice.
We will move shortly into our New
Brick Building, on the Corner of Water
and Bear Sts. directly south of the Hotel
In anticipation of our moving we are
offering special inducements to close out
our entire line of Summer Dress Goods,
Ladies. Misses and childrens Oxfords,
Ladies waists. Mens Summer clothing
Etc Etc.
Profit will not be taken into considera
tion. We want to close out these lines
of goods rather than move them into our
New Building. If you are looking for
real bargains do not fail to come here be
fore the goods are disposed of.
Lakeview And Vicinity k. p. Lam over from rinnh
few daya toftt week, returning on Hat-
Mluluu 8uh'Hp t Ukevlew, Mm ;r,lT, in oompauy with M. Mark
Co. It
Iouft KU Glove at Lakeview More.
Co. 1
New clothing for men at A Matron),
Hro. 1
lunch nt the
Dutch lunch nt tho
lutrh lunch nt
Opened this Week.
First Door South of Ahlstrom's
Harness Shop on
Main Street.
Give us a trial and
we will treat you right.
Hrewery gn
Brewery Su
it Krewery Siu
Spratt Wella, was over from My lant
Nate Wilcox an in from the much
KU Keataurnnt. l'irvt class nieiiln
at all hours. tf
E. II. Peguello cmne in from the
West Mouday.
A. O. Dunhme was up fom Fandan
go n few days.
. . . .... i t
. rarrow was cere irom t aiaicy
first of the week.
Screen doors of all eizes at Halley
ami MassinfiilU. I
W. Z. Wom was over from Plush
flrt of the week.
Frauk Roggera wad here from Tlush
tirst of this week.
W. D. Tracy waa in from Drews vnl
ley last Saturday.
Lad res Summer Waists at Coot at
Bieber'a Cuah Store. x
Art Kehart was in from Crooked
creek last Saturday.
C. Ii. llaldwin was here from Kiam
ath Falls last Sunday.
Cheap lots for actual home builders
in Watson's Addition. U'Jtf.
II. E. Koozer and wife came in from
Drews valley yesterday.
S. P Moss was down from Che-
waucan first of the week.
Mrs. . L. Heammon camo over
from Plush first of the week.
boys, get your tin cans ready; guess
the marshal won't interfere.
A. Storknian bought J. M. Hand-
ley's driving horse this week.
Post Master Miller and V. Moss'
family are out camping this week.
Men's summer suits at reduced
prices at Bieber'a Cash Store, x
Qute a rain fell last Thursday, put
ting a stop to haying for a few days.
For Fine Residence Lots in Wat
son's Addition, see J. X. Watson 2Mf
J. A. Morris and little son spent
several days in Lakeview from Plush
last week.
New Line of Ladies' Suitings for
fail and winter received at Bieber's
Cash Store. x
L .O. Knqui.-it was in town Tuesday
from Gearbart mountain, where he
has his bheep.
Bob. Kobinette and Miss Vida
Cbri.-miau came down from Silver
Lake this week.
Lot"t. One roan mare branded half-
Our table will be sup
plied with the best of
every thingthe market
affords at right prices.
Mrs. J. S. Branch, Proprietor.
Under Entirely New Hanagement
Having recently purchased the hotel from
Mr. McDonald, I earnestly solicit a share of
public patronage. My aim shall be to please.
Levi Strauss & Co.
J. J. Monroo, for many yraj-s r. resi
dent of Lake county having taught
school in Lsdeeview and conducted a
fctfire in vVarnor. been in c-ui.'y
office, etc., arrived here from Santa1
Clara Monday, where he Las resided
with bin family fr,r nearly a year. He
cmne Ik re to Kee about leasing bis
ranch down tLe valley for another
year. Mr Mouroe does not like it ho
well in California us ho does here, lie
hardly known why, Lut lie don't.
He bus been engaged in varioua occu
pations there, fcuch us dealing in hors
es, running a grocery etore, etc. He
says his wife's health in not ao good
down there iih it wan in Lake county.
turn to C
lr. McCoiilo id triuiuiiut up the
trees on his property, recently pur
chased from Massingill.
C. II. Du.-senbery nnd Mike Dooher,
timber cruinerii, were in from the
wood.- a few daya this week.
Tho bent gmcke for u niokle, "Ad
ams' Cabinet" C'igarn; Six far a quar
ter at Uieber's Cash Store. x
Some excellent hay land to rout.
On Sec. 31 aS-'.U Apply Hunter
Land Co. First National Hank. tf
Two prospectors from Grant.-! l'ana
pas.-ed through Lakeview lat Saturday
euroute to the Windy Hollow hill.
Ladicb', Alinaes and Children's Ox
fords and Sandals at reduced prices
to close out at I'ieoer'a Cash Store, x
Do not overlook Special Sale of
Ladies Shirt Waists aud Summer
drens Goods at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1
I am agent for the Sacramento Ueo,
the Lent daily paper on the CoaHt.
Win. Wallace, at the Furniture Store.
T. H,. Johuntone, of Cedar villo,
nierchaut, and C. K. Bender, a Reno
hanker, ai rived in Lakeview yester
day. B. F. Ham urn and ton btarted Tues
day on their return to Callahan, ufter
(spending u couple of weeks at his old
The Lakeview Laud Sc Lumber Co.
are prepared to ill! all orders for lum
ber promptly. Send in your orders.
33 1M.
The aseHBrneut of members of the
Women of Woodcraft for the month
of Autfiiht may be paid to K. F.
Cheeney. 1
Tho Mercantile Co. are giving the
bcrit values in Ladies Shirt Waists
nnd Summer Goods ever tun in
Lakeview. 1
X. Arzner and family, hpeut. Sun
day fihhing, und having a good time
eating a line lunch and a big freezer
of ice cream.
A. II. Mclnuis, the Bed liluff sheep
buyer, who left here a lew weeks ago
with the intenion of remaining in tho
Lookout country for some time yet,
returned to Lakeview quite unex
pectedly Monday morning.
and his engineer.
When you clean houno lemeinlxr
thnt we are headquarter tor lace cur
tntni price from H5 cent to 17.00 per
pair. Huiloy A MnRslnglll. tf
Th Hutter paper kept by Tho Kx
amliier ran be Roaked In water and
wrung out like cloth and U aa strong
and tlrm aa when dry. Coma and try
It tf.
V. U in bach cama in from the ramp a
few daya ago, lie aald one of hid
roan horses left him Rome nlghta ago,
aud he was unable to Hnd him up to
that time.
Mrs. F. M. Miller write from Yel
lowstone Tarn, "We are havinu a line
! time here; havo neen almost every
thing there I to ee, and It Is cer
tainly wonderful. '
J. M. Handley, who wna brought
over fiom Warner nick last t wn-k is
able to be up again. He will return
to Warner, there to remain, having
disponed of his properly here in lake
view to the Library Association.
C. S. I ten illol ami family were
down from Paisley last week. Ves.
says his sawmill has not been running
of late on account of the scarcity of
help, everyone going to the hay field
to work.
Ijnkerlew Citizens Hand, will give
sous on all brass instruments cornet
aud slide trombone a spec llaty also
mandolin. Lessons gvien amateurs on
vlo in. 2:-tf.
C W. Withers and wife came down
from Summer Lako last Thursday,
Mrs. Withers to make proof on a tim
ber claim. M. C. Currier, proprie
tor of the Paisley hotel, accompanied
them as a witness.
Yesterday while ruuuiug the type
setter in The F.xaminer oltKv, Mrs
C. O. Metzker met with n painful ac
cident. Her Iiair tieeame tangled on
a rapidly revolving shaft and her head
jerked violently against the machine.
tearing out a laruo buuch of her hair
aud bruising her hend severely. No
serious results ar expected, however.
M. Marks, tlio mining man, leturned
from Seattlo last week. He brought a
civil engineer with him, aud thvy will
make investigations lath in the mines
and in the Warner valley irrigation
project inaugurated by Mr. Marks
some mouths igo, in North Warner.
George Wiuglleld, C. A. Lundy, W.
U. Snider and G. It. Whortou went to
Paisley Tuesday afternoon in Wing
fields automobile, leaving here about
2 o'clock. They expected to make
the run in two hours. 40 miles, but
were two hours and to minutes on the
I. G. Moshier. who left here last fall
for Stockton, Calif., returned here last
weok in company with his uncle Ira
Mohir. They expert to lx hero a
couple of weeks, when they will take
a trip over to Myrtle Creek. Ira Jr.
may return to Lake county this fall
to remain.
Mr. ('. A. Lundy, the nutomohilist.
rejmirel S. H. (.'handlers' automobile
this week. Since Mr. Cressler re-
eived bis machine several other Lako-
viewites are talking of getting ma
chines,. We understand that Dr. Ihtly
has ordered one and D. P. Malloy also.
Lakeview will son Le filled with
"choo-choo wak'ous. "
V -.'-4jr.."A.'V
t - '. ,. , ,i 1 ', ; v , ,. '..v, i ....
4 Jm .
mmiNTiNOK A.actrinr
I !w'wnwi Hi i i 1 ii. i i mifjMMWiW i hi '.' V. J yfj
zrirZlIB iff
ia is 14. ifr lG IT
j o" ac j ra rr res
Corps of Tea. her.
Prof. J. lilough, of Iiyfayette, this
state, who taught the high Heboid in
Lakeview two terms, has been en
gaged for the same position for the
coming term. Prof. Hlough gave per
fect satisfaction when ficre before aud
bis engagement insures a good school
for Lakeview this winter.
We understand that Miss Snelling,
Mrs. Cloud and Miss Hall have been
engaged to teach in the same rooms
they taught lafat winter. The other
two teachers havo not yet been selected.
Glanders in Shasta County.
That there Is ground for fear of an
epidemic of glanders in Shasta County
is the belief of Dr. G. C. Taylor, a
veterinary surgeon, says tho Redding
Searchlight. .
The danger from such an epidemic
may xiardiy be overestimated, lue
disease is not confined to horses. It
is both courageous and infectious and
the human race is not immune There
are many cases on record of human
beings contracting the dread disease.
There is no known cure for it, and no
more frightful death can be imagined.
In the past few weeks Dr. Taylor
klled a score or more horses suffering'
form glanders and there are cumih now
being watched.
The Limit of Life.
' Tho moMt eminent medical scientists
are unanimous in the conclusion that
the generally accepted limitation of
human life is many years below tho
attainment possible with the advanced
kuowle'lge of which the race is now
poseswed. The critical period, that
determines its duration, seems to be
between &0 aud 00; the proper care of
the body during this decade cannot
be too strongly urged J carelessness
then being fatal to longevity. Na
ture's best helper after 50 is Lloctrlo
Hittera, the scientific tonio medicine
that revitalizes every organ of the
body. Guaranteed by Leo Heull,
Druggist. 00c.
1'elow we give a report of the westhei
as recorded by the Gov eminent weather
luVHti station The Kxaminer Olm-e.
This report is Chang)! each week, and II
our readers wish to keen a yearly record
of weather condition!! tor fnture relet,
cure, cut out the report along the black
line and paste it in scrap hook on
week after another. This reord will be
taken on Tuesda" to end each week '(
la-gin on Wednchday for tho next week
Government Weather Itnreau Sta
tion at Lakeview, Oregon, j
('. O. MvmtKKK, Cooperative Obecrver.
Week ending Tuesday, Aug. i, I'.ni?
Pair mat mill,
.r.i l.
111 loll
l 'tr
I lilt r. SH
fnily) M n"i
ent'v1 s:l I to
MimJ: i.s
mnnj v.i ! s
file's. !t! I .Vi
II. Ml
0 .nu
" 0.00
I on I
I i
; ini j
IM "
X Plush
1 Adol I
Uverything Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Stores.
Boots and Shoes for Miners, Hucca
roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & Hilling Tools.
fern .- -
Warner Valley Mercantile Co
1 !
3 r
..Lakeview Meat Market..
JOHN WENDELL, Proprietor
L'Gl'ItSES CliiHHlual . . A. H.
Literary . . Ii. L.
Scientific . . It S.
1'hllOHOphll'Hl . 1'h. Ii.
The College of Liberal Art nialn
tiiln the follnwing hcIiooIh:
'1 he College of Oratory, O. IS.
TheTeachera' College, 15. I'd.
Thu N'oiuiiil School, Diploma.
Tho Oregon Inatltuto or the
Academy . Diploma.
The School of Commerce,
College of Medicine, . M.I).
College of Law, . . ,L. j.
College of Theology, , II. D.
College of MiihIc, , . 11. M.
Tho A (llllnted College are finan
cially Indlpeiidciit of the College of
Liberal Ai Ih.
Tho School of Art, Corllflcate.
The School ol Al t la o1h0 fiimn.
daily Independent of tho College of
Lb ernl nrtu. .-
For Catuloguo addreHH I'ltESlDEN'T JOHN II. COLEMAN, Saloin, Oregon