- IT i I. Ah O i new! j tin ; days . a. rn i r; roun ! lit t f Nov.! 4 5 t i LA KEY IOW VLV STAGE LINE I E. Tavlor. Prop. Office at It. Reynold' 5tore. 8tK loaves Lukevieto Mondays V neftdnyi and Friday pi rn., nrr at Tluih at ft v Le v Tnuli Te day, ThurwUr and Snti idayg, at A. ra., arrived at lakeview nt tt p. m. Pawenper fare M one v or 5 t round trip. Freight rate from M lit to Nov. 1st 1.75 per hundred; fro Nov. 1st to M( lMfl.no. - hr.ndie ff COMPOUND INTEREST The trouble with most adver tiser la that rhey expect Imme diate returns of large propor tions. One prominent advertiser Illustrates the principle of adver tising In this way: "The nosey expeadrd (or 4rertUInar is the si. me mm it placed at latereat. Tk proflta from the adTertlntaa: re Ttrtaallr the Interest oa the lareatateat. "The sun.9 spent for advertising are properly chargeable to cap ital account because the result ing good will la something that has Talue, which. If the adver tising has been properly done, can usually be sold for the face vtilue of the Investment "The rate of Interest Is deter mined by the skill with which the Investment Is made. "Just as the quickest way to Increase Invested wealth Is by compounding the interest. Just so the quickest way to realize r . suits from advertising la to com pound the returns." Advertising Experience. Advertisers ret food returns oa the amount Invested In our column W reach the Popl. v el ic TO MOM IT 1 ' i; , N 1uIUt l tiivly ivi-u l ! I i 1 n Hon, fit IMllll M. iliti h,' i ' n'l i Ml streams hrmight Luke (' jn . Oie giui, must bo wivi mil vvitn i -mull mesh wire sri'is nv'iX 'it tin 'r i ed r junction with ill'- mi in i ii.i i. im I .f sfrenin .Mho nil ctiiix t i'bi i net t on on an ii( Htivnii iihiki pin vldcil with n bMi 'mblcr. iT! i. t noun,. of-iinMrn.'', n I urm mi- ih le f In- i' ion chnnt I. V ' I" II w f I I l i I f ,ven i . I- i, . i I v ;i vork i ii Im ib mi' ;it inw i- :. r to Ih' cnlillm M il b I 'l l. V. ('"." ly order of .1 . i" : n Ninrinl Iiniiv hli W.'i' r Iwike Count) . Oivi.ni n. u. cm rcm niwi lid,' The first Sninlny In "it i i i -i tviiching; nt 1'nii hi M l. o h 1 1 A. V. Aside r-.,in ti I- ' u very Siimlii) a' 11 A. M on. I 7 :.".n P. M . nt I .nkeviovv. Sutubiv Schnul nt 10 A. i. M'.'lutie ill :- '. Pruv 'ruiaft i iu I IhiimIii) 7:.;i 5' M. I.mlie.i Ai'l U'i'.liii'Mlin 1;."M. Choir I'l-.-ii-tu'i- ri lilix 7" : -1' A nil ) in I iii it. 'i i ion !- v I "lei I In XOll. A. it. Arnwti-i i i.r. n'e cf T ni' t l. n . I'nrties who li.iv tiinlier I. ml f. ,r i.ile ill iln wi ll in in i'i i.i te our t'-riiitfiiii'l tin" tioil- ui h.-iuitUiiu i iinis. Nl'M ii it i mi. . Pine reck. lip H kl-l'l till till' nl K lt.T t(l H ,i'tl KM frKHllW'O. Il ' Ixt'rlllnt rm lir the PtAinltii'r i hit k mii"iir.t liln'M hiinl' r i ,'nr'l n i h ' Ir i.ni" 'I.I M'"r" Tfcpari.;; C"iil!u i'o r 'V iv i rs. . W M, M. D. '- rnil ! ltil'o r y y v ' ' I. '. ttX . Vt 4t Ul U M i (? ) -Ml l-MM IjoiiI lllHlrln Kjn We hn vi' an 1 1 Dire iii 1 ,:i in i.' , w I . ("(lltrnrlx run l-e t' i e .-iii'l nitin'ii tiikeii i n Imi'l V.' t iiji r in i h" hichi'Mt lliMlkel ifii' ii in iii- in i n-itu) mi ili iii.tii'i mill nli nil, it. Iliivillir lieen in I he liUMiiesn for tiiiin t)eiirs iiiul in clnK.i iiuieh with till t he Imnl ili'iili'rs of lie I'limiir). sntis- I flK'tor.V resllllH Clliiluiltri ll liy the Lit ciniiule Invei iiirnt i 'i H'riiHC. ( . Metzk'-r, lakevii-w. Oregon. iliiiiiK. mm Of THE 10RlD!iV'. M.- .MUI tin' '."il lit 4th V( r.llM'iitn) cui'll ill 'lilll III M ." IUII.nl '. I 1.. ll.tlLnV, I iiiipmI ('ullltliAlnl' I N. I yi 1"H. ( U rn. Z t. KKVihW KM" AM I'M JCNT, No i v I. o. o K itn-t't i ho l.-t ami 8l TUi.r- N tiny c f ii itii! nt c h nnuiih in OJil K. tot' Ijikcvli'w. V. O. AhUirnii. S ' i'. ii M. iiki't, ScriV'. A upciiker at n rtnent dairyman's tuoHltiK snld; To mnke the dnlry pix I'.l.ililo we HhouM luive row (hut pr.vlm-e nut less Until ,(HH) poiimlM of milk per yenr. An avera;e of 8ihh puiiniln eivn etisily be reached If nil puor I1HV.H lire dl.-ipoMM of and If we will u-o n strictly dairy breed. We euii n mere mnke diilrj lnjr pnitltahU wliU li.'ef bred cows thnn we cnu best a riu e h "se on the trHt k with a dinft- j er. V'e Hhould feed and cure for the cow In such a way na to produeo laru'e amount of milk. We cannot pro duce clean milk from dirty cows, and from dirty milk we cuu't make n Hrst chiKH article, be It butter or checxe. It N unfair for civamerleji to pay for all (Tc.iin alike. TIiIh make oopit In dl.Teieiit In retard to keeping the crentn In j.iid coudltlnii. t 'rciiiin'i Ii.j uluuilil ciMiperate with the fariners. It U u the fsrmer's lutcrext to patronize the home creamery. If the central creamery could kill the home crc;m ery It could a mi nice prlv'en to Kiilt It self. Creimierles ami cream Kiitlierer'i or I'liyei-H .should exenl-M the utmost cleanliness su to set a pmil example. Fnrii'cM should have a neat miimII iMi-in or biillirltiK for Heparatlns; iind keepim; the civam. Keep It away from the kitchen, where the coeklu'r odors ;;lve It nn nndeslrable tlavor. Making a Breeding Hack. The lueeitiii r rack show n In tire lllns trillion fiotn lloanl'H Italiyman Is used In (laity work at the I'lilversliy of llilnols. A hreedlmj rack of this klml mu-t U strcti ami wed l.;:ued to stand the strain. Cleats phi. v 1 i the Mit-r.-iiv of pl.'inkn lit th. si le are ;,v ) ouiu l. .ii n n ln eoiiliMiiiliitis the followliiK mi a'Mli.niK U a entile i 'i bit at Ih fairs II Hud pll I: o 'tnliist. - 'I III 4 s a nios; iii'i'i'ss.ny (f th. cur.' of H .i: .iiii : luicu :(d i r Lie show rliia. It Is Just in e eii 1.' . c.iivi'i I r.'ot'lim. t'liitl" v. liii h Me Ihvii well beil.'cd nml lo-iU cle.in in i' illall) he irot into troo l l'n:'ill by imilt throe liunUh.V Kiooiuli'if, It -I-. mi l.a tie !n showing cat tie (. i h'lr unts In.Kood con, mi, ,n, ami t 'I owners who full to have their . Ii In the very host possible form not pNpcrt to wlu In Mtronu' coin- t on. if jou wldi to shed the coat, may be done by the use of a warm t nk.'t. If one Is not siilli. lent, mc wo. The blanket need not be kept hi except durlii! the day. In mhlMlou. " tl the anlliiils at le.i.t twice a 'i'1'k villi caib'iile Noiip au.l te;,. wil ier. This will cleanse (he si. In n i. do away with all ilaiidriirf ami other scurf. In Kroiimiinr use a soft l"ii h and a piece of thick tl.mml or MODES OF THE MOIV.ENT. Modhn Shots ef Bronx and Patent LsatharKimono Tsndanoist. A cumplete depin,'tuit from prcvlnua styles of colonial ties urn thoae of hroiii or patent leather w lih a strap buckling iicmss the base of the toiiKUO. They are to ls worn with pale rolornd summer iiviii and will take the plnee of the white cnioas and colored suede shoes that have becolin ton common. Tan lent her ill be more worn than for years - In fact, shoes of this shade lire a wlilin of the sensou. Hroiix or blink stoeklinis. clocked In Krnup" U'twceii eonvcnlhinnl stripes, are the latest designs In hosiery, Paris has Introduced ii dainty sum mer slipper with ll Jeweled heel. The Jewels are very tiny, almost Incnuspleii oils, but very attractive In outline... An other I'Yeneh fancy for dressy occasions Is the Ktiiccful colored sllpMr edged around the top wllh tiny flowers exact ly lualrhiinx slippers and the (owu. Kliiiomi tenil,'ii,'l,'s are olmervable nit through the scheme of ilivss, Thtne i mnny LAKKVIKW --ALTURAS STAGE LINE H. E. BARKER. I'rop'r. Jamrjs Bai y t M IIII ! nrn,i no w1Uiv. f -,i tlshi rr tor owes. ' ior . i,i,-r "Ui-ii' Sjiiare t'rn' i il riniu , hi Hrauil 111. Kiiik. ' li. I'oninSW t' k(Jrm.i, Iki'rii'M or. Zac fihitwnni) HritD In n nli ( r., " cr, 1111 ("uili ri ii I rnini lur on , rt' trme lor wibor I W Kioijii Fih CriMk. ioti'mr- Lr'T,. or.'Ki.t Office in Bieber's 5tore -1:-- rj j 1 r;.H.. w daily, ex Arrive; tL'e leave? Lakeview ivpt Minday ai Ii a. in. at Altnras at t p. m. Leaves Alturas for I.akeview a: 0 o' lock a. m. or on the arriva of ti e staae from Madeline. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 houri al ter leuvini! Alturn". Freight - Matters Strict - Attention Given $l,25() Reward. The llarhry (;ounij ljve Stock A hish'Ii. tloll, l.l to . ft nif mlw-r - r.'wunl for ivi . Jca.litiK in 1 1 1 villi, hi ol nrMUnic mi. i,....., .... ... 'j.n,-r 1. v HiiTM' I'fN I" line Imr on ell In or tuilli )ftw. K. cortleil InHoniintlet uge, Hurri" ' k- nl'.l Cr..". lluM'i Ti-nie'l h'-M s'iM. Ilnrm mill to '.tirough this i iinn HI be ri'isirii .l in on PIt. If not o n-imrn-il, li- arittr or n ! -jhonr The Tiun( H.-ml-l. Main S-.'l, Hiirn-.iir. . .HroH n. Iliirin. Un 4' Reward for Morses I will riv ". no reward for Inini ;it ion that in lend to the iMmcio . of tiny bore brnmlcd with no We have a lull wt of Mysell-HoIIins borsfshot' IhmikI on both lawn, plm first - Class A om on i: t)'s., samples of Stock 1 Vrtifkaten and bonds, with price list. If you are ortfanizin a stock company gt our jirieert on stock certificates, tf Family lienors ni i'ost Kinsj us In the cut in this ad vertiscin. with fresh triangle brand iimleriie.i the horsesh The triimiile pine in such" a 111 nmer as would cover a bar on bo' h jaws. Animals u,. be found in tin possession of sou person or persons. A Mil r.DINU JUI'K. Important." The frame "nuM be Ioiik un,l narrow anl the adjustable stan chion so placed that the occupant can be hel l well back. The Inside dimen sions of the stanchion In this rack are 17 by J.1 Indies, but this may be varlo.1 to suit the clrcurtistances. The stan chion is supported by J by -1 Inch pieces attachetl to each side uu.l resting uin the horizi,iit.: 1' by 4 inches of the frame. With a series of holes In the latter ami a li.de in each cf the pieces attached to the stanchion It may be set amr held at any desired length by uslm; Ions ImiIIs dropped loosely hit the hnles. I.nose dirt or cinders at the rear of the ruck t!1;1t cim be H!,"1 p, or ilu r out ipih-kly will he f.iimd con-reulent. Moisture Content In E. tti" The 11:1 - I I:;!!:,. I ,f ( ).,,- j;-,,,,, Icr m"'i Is Ih.: of mi:!;ill"e ( d-.:e l ir i-ly i I!,,. f.r t il.at the .in ri' ,'.i . ' iv :m ,;i i iir 11.1s H'the 1! l-.i: :i:,'.'.t h.icr 1 m: v ii: FREE 10 All Our Subscribers 1:1,' l!,e p.l , ' e:ir III l ,.!;! "fler I!: civam.'i :,..s Ci.:t h;r.i' ceede l thi." liriilt i f i.y l.nv. Some pcrimeni i li ne ic i-'irv hi-cn co::o.: ed by tiie .-'.,. i:Mi '.n-,,:i.ia ex peri m a oil l::ol ;;':e i.iiii'.i!, ;ui I i!::.., 1 ( 1 : A I V Ion 111): Sllow 1. 1 Nn. IHIiorllmrn In l.'"r llril tins won i I. J ch.imols si.ln, and the si, In will be come soft under this treatment. The currycomb If used at all 1m1.1l he used very lihdv. as It Is likely to scratch and Irritate the skin. A skllirul twer of the cl.iih does his rnhhliiK In a ipilck manner, as then ll Is mueli morr effective. ColiMiut use of a fc'iod tlaii nel clotli Is the only sure and safe way of secillitn; a soft and shlulujr coat of hair. In pultin mi the limit touch nothing is more effective than the ui of the bare hand In rubbing. A ic mnI coat of hair .nid a soft, mellow touch cannot be secured In a week. It will take at I, -i-l two or throe months of faithful work. Trimmli! the 1'eet. You must be very careful about the feet of your show auim.d ;. Overgrown hoofs nre n great eyesore t'ti.l sooner or later ar likely to throw the niilllinls orf 111 their hocks nml hind legs. They should be frequently dressed, kept clean and In good shape. The following tools may be mc I for this work: A he.ixy wood en mullet, it 1 Inch and a half chisel, a blacksmith's paring knife, a rasp and u tile, p.y the careful use of the same the feet may be kept In oondl tlon. flipping --The nope irai'ce of the. head ami neck of tho-e animals which '. nre not siiijpoe, to hac long curly hair may often In- ety much Improved by the Judicious u.:c of the clippers nud slicars. 'I his should niways be done a few weeks J.efo e the show, so that 111 case an even Job Is not Iliads In removing the hair growth enough will have taken place to prevent It from being apparent to the put. lie. The tall should always be clipped to Indi cate refinement. Coarse hair 011 any of the other p.iits may be removed In the same way.-W. .1. Kennedy, lows State College, in Farmer Advocate. j . 1 1 M - A - Mm :al: the cotidi! -i In:-: IVl'ter etc lis -:m 1 The Great AMERICAN FARMER. Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps of. Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Frfnii Journal pub lished. It fills-a position of its own and has taken the lead my place in the homes of rural people in everv section of the United States. It j-ives the farmer and his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. ' Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLCN L. GOODE. th to er; th. The 1 1 ears d aii he f. lie 1 i.:oi;. ra'c!v y.-;t :i ovcrc,i-:riie I In t'.e v. a -h w par'lcles the rl; of hens' e i "f' l a f !; higher l.'i wi'er cm: 1 normally chcrne I liul'er. m-l'lng point r butler fat to have 110 Pdlueiici 1.11 t!je Hp- wa- 1 ter contenf of '.ui'i-v. I ni...'. . . "in wiucr ci'iiii.iH or i.tKter ma,.. from very rich crenni nad medluni rich cream Is the rame. Urine saMng l:icre.-i :(-, the wafer con tent of b:;Mor nbont 1 per cent over dry sailing. The average of f.ftcen trials shows that bi;t!cr worked two mhiiMcs con tains ;i per cent mote water than but ter worked four mhmtci. Normal cream overoVir 1 In half a churnfL-I of i'H'Ii v., . to particles tin.' i h:e of hc;i ' :' ter content In the better only slightly. Carrots For Horsei. V. I!. (Jllliert says that carmis srs no seldom advised In relation to stock feedlll- that it Inl-lit almost be tlnmgllt they were of little or 110 value an s food for stock, whereas the opposite Is the cum'. For horses more particular ly carrots nre hlthly beneficial. Car rots are often looked on as a kind of delicate f'Hid for sick horses. If n horse Is out of sorts and off his feed, refusing almost everything and eaiitig with the greatest Indifference, mid car rots are offered, they lire eaten at mice Willi much appreciation. They help to restore the nppetile and give condillm to the horse. In these rcKKvb carrots tiro lnvalmVh; ami may well be looked on us vHfe c'irrectlve.1. Ibit their ii"e fuliiess'e.xteiids beyond the period of sickness nnd depression, and horses In health may receive them frequently as a piod food to maintain condition ami activity. When first given their ef fect Is n little laxative, but that Is fli'slriwl III lniilit' efwj.t nit, I i.hiii. .rl.'Ai. I'Te.iso.l the w a- I regularly they "net ni 'qualifying f.sid. They nre an excellent food for Itchy horses uad nil In bad coat, ns they uro cooling to the blood and give a glow A I'ONoKK i.nr 'Jltl Ul ' nre l.lu ou 1 Ic". e . In many of the nejf llgees, wlille the llitle coats are flttt-.l out With wide sleeves that fall below tue walnt Hi e, .Vol a few of these nro K : g -ously il'T.irate.1 In the slj le of the crieut. The lihislratlon shows a (cry stylish m slel for a hi'i-I suit In heavy juin 1,'ce. It s i,( (he uattinil color nnd piped Willi brown clct. 'I lie short aisled ciat i:Imm a modllle l empire effect that Is g-uerally bii-ouiiiig. The skirt Is plaited uflcr a novel and grace fill fashion. .1 1 J I I'lHiI.LKT. FASHION FORECAST. Something Now In PetticoatiWiiUria Trim Hatt In Plumo Fathion. I'dack Uic-eilc pelilc.ials are m-w. They are online black lawn and hni. nnd are for we.'.r under bl.nk voile frocks. These skirts are considered lunch smaller than those of talfeta. Kx'tulslie wl' tarhi arranged la plum.- fashl.ni trims son f the French hats most ctTectlvcly. Many spray are ii-ed io curry out the Idea, and as the (lowers cost a spray the llowcr plumes attain a cost quite equal to thut of ostl !i Ii plumes. Princess Mourners to wear In place of skirts are in vv In the underwear sec Hon. Heavy Matin ones lined with chl mi silk nre I l.oil, and those of p mece nnd mohair nre much ( hdipcr. .'ullls. as usual, are very coo, stlu this season provided you know what to Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer Two For the Pake of One: The Lake County Examiner The Leading County Paper .and The American Farmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 Tins unparalleled offer Is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: C. 0. fletzker, Lakeview, flregon. Stjy With Ceo Dreed. Whether v..i ."M,c. I, Jersey. Cuern- , (0 , Lap w.i. iio.n.':u i.ru'.vu .-.'.visa or any other cla-j.s of cattle, stick to your text nnd, once h ivl.T.r made up your mind what j- war.t. keep on hi that Hue with a p've bred bull, ami you will have a i;!il.i.::i her! of some kind and I ns ji I'c.'ie;:;! p:-(.;io.-!!lnn a better grade ! of i'd'.liers than t jun.j) fruiii one breed ti anotlier each su'-( -ceding sea son. Von cet a reputation In n ihort time of h tviir: a herd of Jerseys. U d Steins, Sw!;-:.j or Some oilier breed cf cattle eveu If you never had n pure bred female en the place provided you use a sire of the same breed for two or three siiecocdiii',' enera I iotis. Clcnrting Dairy Uteni!. Probably the i !o t ( . , en sotirc4 o? coiitaminathin nml Infection of milk 1 : from the buckets, cm.s, slriilners, bot tle and other vc-'yels used for Its it. ccptloti nud transportation. Pvcry ilal ryniau should l e iu-ivI led with appa ratus for thoroughly scalding mid ster ilising bin ml.'k utensils j.fter each i:m. I'ans should be carefully washed wlt'i n Holutloij of soap or lye, a bru-di Udng used to remove the dirt and special care Kdng taken to remove the dl't from the seams. After this washing i thorough scalding ts neccsarv. Oat Green Feed. Oats can be made to provide nn abundance of food by being grown and cut while the heads are In the milky stage, says Western f.lfe. The straw In then In palatable condition, containing portions of tho nutrition which have been arrested ou their way to 1111 out tho heads. When cut In this green condition the straw nml heads nre cured like hay, can be bun dled ami then stacked on the ground for winter use. The proper way to fis'd oats cured In this manlier Is to pass them through a fodder cutter, nnd they will be eaten readily by tiomes, cattlii nnd sheep. .Supplying Cattle With Water. Too much i, Kent Ion cannot be given to the question of water supply. All unlmals Hhould be supplied with nn abundance of pure fresh wutcr. It Is a very expensive business to allow nn Imuls to become real thirsty. Such treatment not only worries the animal, but causes the animal to later on drink on nbnormnl amount of water, which usually derungcB the digestive and ac cretive organs and miuhcij un urjiw-es-miry WHHte of tissues. Bt'MMtU 1'liocKH, 50)7, C1U7, .V.I7. do with tiiem. a simple Hi tic straw toiUc seen th. other day had no other trlminlug, but i hey must be put on with u Freudi cachet, for there Is n fcicat art required hi nrniiiglng a bunch of these ipillls. I'.eaiitlful mohairs in browns, greens or gray mixed wllh while are remark ably soft nml make up Into stuiinlinr costumes for traveling nml hard wear. Pasclmilliig bomielH for the small girls nri) or soft open Mrnvv bent lu poke shape. The lingerie lull has by do means lst prestige, and mnuy dainty embroidered or tlounccd ones uro shown for the little tots, also vory cunning nunbonnets or phpte and linen. In the Illustration the youm; mother wears a ring dotted batiste comhlned with filet lace ami trimmed with em broidery worked Into the material The small girl Is gowned In white handkerchief linen, trimmed with bunds of Valenciennes hue. The gulmpe Is of embroidered inusliti. 3'li' CIHHXKT, ll