Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 25, 1907, Image 7

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A Qraat Annual Watt From Cutting
Down Fruit Tress.
There It u great niiniinl wn t"
tlnnm limit llii country from thn it
tin;: Iiii ii if fruit tri'i'N, iircordlny i"
on I ImiKviifiiil Tree tlmt fr- ,
h ( 1 1. ii e luiio mmim-ed their
er Hint (liey me uhcIi'k cunilonr
tlio h. II nit' cut down without hp i
tlun, tlioimli suiiietlinnM with ivgret f"
t tie t lino nu. I money wimlrd.
Pausa and Refleot.
It lint)' In Hint (lie tree linn proved
uuti it In mime niiil proilui'i-M worthloM
or nt I'-int Inferior fruit. It may l
hoiiii new kind Hint wiim jxxt iil to
NUI'IIIIKN till' old klmU iiml, a often
linpin'iiK, proved Inferior to thrni. It
inny In' (lint It tin rIoim! for n number
of years without hearing, nml It own
r lullevra It luirri'ii. It may In tlmt
the Hi'iiln Inn Infested II, Hint miiiio of
Hi llinln linvo died mill t Ii it t It I
tlionulit to Ik- dimmed. No mutter
wlili-li one of thi'Hii ri'iiNoiiN may be In
Itui'iu liiK you to apply tlio n x, I nuk you
to atop mul r'-lliTt l.i'fiirii you make
your iii'tiou Irri'iui'illiilili'.
Evary Traa Ha a Value.
Kvcry tree linn a value. If the fruit
he utterly worthier tin' tree newt the
lew ii'pi'fNi'iitH an rpi inlltnri' of time
ami iiiuiii'y. If It was Im. unlit of n iiiim
rry there In tin llrwt rowl of II. Nejt.
there In I Ik- labor of setting II, then th
coit of cultivating mul pruuliiK mul
caring for It, ami, lnxtly, tlu'ri It the
umi of tlin ground It Iiiim oi i iipliil for
tii ii lu it dozen yi'flrM.
All iIii'hh I'lcmi'iitM of rout kIiuiiM Im
CfHiMlili'p-il. They will UNUnlly auiuuiit
to at li-iiHt t() and nfti'ti fU.V I'iiumo,
thru. In liii'i you destroy your own iiml
nature's work fori'viT mul iihU yourself
H there U not hoiiu' way to avolil niii'Ii
an extreme iiii'iiHiiri'. Tlu'ri in often
a way to redeem Midi tree, anil Unit
in hy graftlm: upon thi'iu the nrlon of
some otliiT I !. Crafting In tiol very
dllllrult, nml even If you have never
attempted It, .von nhouM not ! afraid
to try. It Im now too lnti fur tlil "i "'ra
tion, a m tin' Mi-Ion should In- rut I. .'fore
the IiihIm swell lit tin' spring.
Budding In Summir,
IluildiiiU In liiti siiiiiiniT may In sub
stituted for nr.iftln. It In, however,
truly ri'iuitrkulile how himui a trnl'ted
tree will form n now top ami lnvir new
fruit. If It haw hnpiMMieil Hint the tree
ban iM'i'ii condemned for not bearing.
It In alumst certain that It m luirremieHw
tiiiM ln'i'ii im'I'iimIoidiI hy tO'i r.ipii) a
growth In too rlrh a noil. If UiN u'h arn
to he the case, then there Im ii remedy
lu girdling the trunk. Along in May
when the tree Im growing rnplilly tear
off atrip of tmrk a font or mo long nil
urouni! the tree, Icurlnj; only about a
third of It uiiillHturliiil lu alternate sec
tlotiN. TIiIm will UHUiilly (tusk the
Krowth ami throw the tree Into fruitage
tho next year.
Soma Method and System of Kaaping
Aecounta Advitabl.
To keep up with the time I he f:irui
rr inilNl he a hllsliieriM In. in. Ik' will
unite iiiethoil ami HyKiein with fiirni
tralnlui;. lie may or ui.iy not keep n
formal ari ount or prm tlre u hht in of
bookkci'pliiK. hut at leant he will know
Jut he li iloinK ami how ami
why. If hi ImihI ui-t-K Im or Im not p;iy
IliK he will Iiml out JlINt where the re
Mills are "oniliik from or will iIIhi-ovit
where the leak In lie fore the hIiitIIT
The way In wlilrli thiH Im ilone will
Uepeiiil upon the training. Muny buc
I'l'Hiflll fiirieeis have never heetl ae
c'Uhtoiueil to Keep ii.viiiinll mul do not
feel lis neresrilt.v. They lime worked
their plan of lunilii' Into a HyNteiu
whlih Im ii I mil I the same year nfleryeur,
mid after having oliee llured nut eost
and prolltM lu eertaln liiu'M whleh are
of ehlef lmportaiire they lire ahle to
tell very closely where they Maud ut
any time. They know the cost of n
iju.irt of iiillk, a doen of v$k or n
IhimIicI of potatoeM under iihuiiI eondl
Hoiih and are ahle t i iiilekly tltrnre out
the rhiiliKes hroliKht nhout hy new
market condition. Very likely mieh
farini i'M would meet HiirprlHi'M nhould
they uclually keep u n.vMtem of hooka,
reekonlni; every thlnn nt thn utart, ne
eordlii to market value, IncludliiK nil
cliartc!i for labor, taxes, IIvIiik
penseM, BeedM, lumiure, fertlllzerM, tooU
and other IneldeutnlM, nml halanelnR
thin account with thn vnrloiiM Iteml.ed
rcerlptM from nil aourcea, luclmlliiK an
nllownnce for tho farm ImprovenientM.
remnrka Anierlenn t'ultlvntor.
Whether tho account HyHtcin In com
plete or not ninny hint and valuable
ItoniM for refprenep way ho obtained
altnply hy keeping n pocket diary and
Jottlnjt down tho IhlnjfM mot likely to
bti needed for reference.
Rtnewal of Orchards.
Itenewal of orchards may profitably
bo accompanied by the nddltlon of sta
ble manure, either worked Into tho soil
beneath the extremities of the brunches
or allowed to remain upon tho aurface
to bo covered Inter with straw or other
conrHO material applied as a mulch
The combination of renewal and fer
tilization will work wonders In the re
Juvenntlon of many old orchards long
considered unprofitable and valueless.
-F. II. nalhiu.
Alfalfa Msal.
It Is merely ground alfalfa hay. It
Is recommended by the makers as
substitute for bran. There aeemt 4
be no reasou why It should bo uny
more dlgestlblo than the hay from
which It Is made. It may possibly ba
less digestible thau averagu hay on
account of there being ao great a temp
tation to grind the poorer grades of
,liay. It forms a part of many of th
no called dairy and stock feeds.-T. I.
It Raqulra rrainii.w, QovU Judgmant
and Hgnw. v. oik.
ATler ail the i.
(.'.ilri'd hi (.low lu
licrrlcM U mCi I,,
eily done our 1 1.
ii In. Am lu the
"niont nnylMiiiy"
training, y
work. Ileie H .
Im'kIum. Ofleii i
ploy tlimmbilcHM ,
,. ex p. me 10
r- i i oi alraw-
ii, ,4 i-t prop
i.i hii a been In
: p. ant i clUiiji,
i.. It leipilrvii
Ili llll'l ilOlll'Mt
miollier trotibk'
...pelli'il to em-
., who think of
hi i
but llttlo exii iit t.u iM'it'leM nml
playing, thin ti tint inunt Im llriulj
prohibit" nt tii
Woman th Daat Piokart.
tVoliieu inn ku the hunt phkcrM U
raiiMe they have bettor judKmeiit lu
aoiltutf mid tarliiu for tho fruit, are
lunch Ii'mm liicllnod to liJIeut'MN and play
ami know better th vaiun of theli
wiikcm. In a Held of coiiMldernhlo nl.e
a mipeilnteiideiit coiiMtaiitly on the
Kt'ound Im entn iilliil. lie iiiuhI no divide
ami M'piirntu the plckera ai l prevent
vImIIIiik mid play, are that the U-rrlei
lire picked clean mid at the proper
aliiKi) of rlpeucNM, that none Im di'Miroy
ed by beluu luiiiined upon, Hint assort
Iiik Im properly done nml the biiMketH
are well Idled mid ilrcMMcd mid to ( rate
I tho biiikiiU ready for the delivery
I wn'oii
Laaving tha 8tm On.
'ii thiM work two thluu are Miiprcme
nentiieHM mid houoHty. llerrh'M Mhould
I not Im- pulhtl off. for Id dolna; bo Ujo
! Mtem Im often drawn out of th berrv.
leaviiiK a wound. lu which the JuIi-cm
mimiii Im-kIii to ferment, but the atem
fdiould be cut with the thumb null,
leaviiiK a half Inch of tho atom on tha
In-rry. Neither ahould tho aide be
abraded ho a to Mart il How of Juice,
di'Mtroy It iippearam-o and aoll the
banket. To avoid HiIm each lurge ber
ry Mhould Im lultj In the banket a boo a
nM picked. When aororal are hold lu
tho hand while pick Iiik other, aome of
them arc mire to bo bruised or hidmMi
With the h in ii 1 1 berrli'M that j0 In
to the biiHket of norlM Iom rare la nwea
aary. Tho ImttIcm Mhould he aa icood
In on part of the basket a In another.
For a flner appearance the top of th
banket may b "drenned" by turning
tlu iM-rrlea on their aide.
irav.trg th Baaketa. '
The MMtne rule alioiild apply In crat
Iiik the banket. I'hey nhould be alike
from top to bottom. A far iih ponnlble
a crate Mhould be made up of one va
riety, but where thl Im Impracticable
each variety ahoul4 extend from top
to ImjUoiii, ao that the grocer when
lifting tho rover can wo at a ulaneo
tho icrndo of the entire crate. Thla la
not only linnoMt, but la the long run
there In more money In It than the be
Khmer may nupMine, In an exacting
market there Im much Importance In
thla aMMorting and rare of the fruit. In
my market four bunhel of aMorted
iM-rrlea will bring more money than
will the name four bushel mixed with
auotlier bushel of aortM.
Fane Pott Tre.
In regard to treiN that have been
planted for poHt iriHlin tloii, tho condi
tion of tho Kite, tho method of plant
ing and tho care which has been given
the plantation nil materially lifted the
yield. I .a nh. hardy catnlpa and oaago
oraiiKe ahoulil In fifteen years yield
from fioo to L.Vmi poMtM per acre,
riautatlon growing under excellent
conditions have at this nge yielded as
high n 2.IKN) postM ja-r acre.
If the ulte ami Mpe'leM have been
wlnely Kelected and proper cHre has
been cxerclMed In planting and culture,
prollt.'ible returiiM may bo expected
fiiiin forest platitatloim for post pro
durtlon. In addition, the conveulenee
of a home nupply of posts mid titakes
and the protection afforded by the
tree enhance the value of the plan
tat luu. The exact amount of prolit
uiUMt depend, however, on the yield of
posts per acre ami the prices obtain
able, which vary greatly In illfferout lo
calities. Ivxamlnatlons of larch plan
tations lu Illinois, Iowa and eastern
lhtkotu showed Hint the annual I'm un
cial returns per aero were approxi
mately us great as from Held crops
properly mnnagd, and tho plantations
required less cure. Iu Illinois also
hardy catalpa plantations on aultublo
Bolls gave returns equal to or some
what greater thau the usual farm
crops. Clfford I'iuchot.
Demand For Milk Cattla.
I'erhaps then; never was a time lu
Kansas when there wus ao strong a
demand for milk cattle, and especial
ly for tho dairy breeds, as there la
right uow. The other day a gentle
man came Into this ofuce and asked
for Information aa to where be could
get three carloads of Ilolsteln cows.
Inquiries for Jersey cows are equally
numerous, says Kansas Farmer. The
writer has a letter Just now from a
subscriber lu Colorado who is very
anxious to purchase Jersey cattle. This
condition bee m s to suggest that tho
entorprlslug young man who would
make money rapidly and easily cnu
And no letter opportunity In Kansas
at this tlmo thau by Investing In a
food herd of Jersey, Ilolsteln, lted Poll
or aome other milk breed of cattle.
Alfalmo Feed.
Experiments are now being made by
drying aud grinding alfalfa hay, which
is proving quite a success and prom
ises to add even more to tho feeding
value of the plant. Also experiments
are now being conducted iu grinding
and mixing with alfalfa hay meal,
sugar beet pulp. This promises to bo
come a very valuable feed and U ;
called alfalmo. As soon as the mi'
t'hlnery Is made that will handle the
hay to a better advantage lu grinding,
alfalmo will uo doubt take tho place
of wheat bran in the feuding of dairy
cows, and thus add much to the dairy
Industry of the country. F. S. White
tu Kansas Farmer.
dresscs ro :..
Kmpira Faahinnt C'i : t Id ling Ma
I-or Ltl.r
IClli,'P f.i i. i'i- U !o
f thn inifMi i. ii ,uii 1 a ipinlut
fancy lu Hie eointi t iiiiii. f
tlift llttlo ooaia la the ii hi wl.,n la
ahown to military bra, . imi' "frog
I-ltll whit mrgc coitM adorned with
oonrn whlta allk br...l luierwovou
with thread of gold wbl be cr-en on all
aide, while pnlo paxtel blue mala In
the floent faced cIoIIim are often trim
uieJ with allver bruld In the military
Ho plaited effort limy ilinord lie
aald to ! tihlfpilloint whrro Hilldron'a
frorka art roiu'emed, and HiIm Im nmpl.v
JntlfleI In very ninny raieM. Now
ilaya ono pretty rlilld la atllred In pale
hlne IrUh frlexo. tho aklrt, with Un am
pin box pin It m, belni? irnthered Into a
Imud. wlilla a novel effect Im rIvoh by
iiiomiim of th atrnp of narrow braid
to mated, which nro npplhiuo to the
1 material lietwoen tho wide plnlta a lit
Ho ahov the hetn. Tho plnltod hodleo,
which Im rroHMed In front over a rest
of white and blue xpottod foulard, ti
ornamented with button covered with
Ilia anmp, th rtiff iMflna: turned bark
with a klltlnif of foulard to inntch.
Another dear mite U rind In a rherk
d rod and white rlbliod fabric, th
aklrt trimmed with a band of whit
flannel and tho round yoke of laro bor
',,,p, wl,h n ,"u"! of '' nInlio1
wl,n I0"11 l'l'ton.
A denr llttlo girl Im dreed In fine i
navy blue aergo. with extra full box
plaited aklrt. Tho rent of tuckod lawn
Im outlined with a wide bnnd of whit (
aeriso adonieil with white and bin
braid, two long bretelle of tdo aam
being brouglit over tho adonldera andj
dejiendlng to tho hem of the aklrt In
front and tiehlnd. I
How to Avoid Unpleasant Odors Whir
Tor the woman wIiomo troubles flrlM
from the odor of cooking the remedy
lies In baring a amall pipe between
the range and the chimney to carry off
the odorous gasoa. A large bowl of
water placed near will also help to
prevent odora of eooklnu penetratlna
the hotiHc. !
If there la a constant smell of burn-!
Ing when cooking Is going on, examine '
the burners. They are probably Ailed
with sediment from "1kII overs" of
jeHterdny. j
The amell of gas when a rubber tub
la used (no leak being apparent) la 1
UHiially caused by tho tube Itself hav-
lug become saturated with fas. New '
tubing Is Uie only remedy. I
When having the gag range put In Im
sure to see that the supply pipe It
largo enough to allow autllcient gas to
enable all the burners to be used at
the an mo time. This Is very necessary.
It Is annoying to discover you can't ;
ImiII two kettles when the oven Is In
use. See. also that the oven Is large
and commodious and that there Is plen-1
ty of room on the top for boiling, fry-!
Ing. etc. It Is poor eouomy to use a
gas range that la too amall, aays tb
I'hlladelphla Press.
Miss Mary A. Rtubbs of Indianapolis j
was appointed bead of the Indiana'
plate bureau of statistics some time
The only woman ever elected lu of
flce In Texas by the qualified votes of
a general election Is Miss Zena Dnl
rymple, who was elected county and
district clerk.
To have discovered more stars than
any one else In tho world is the repu
ta 1 bin of Miss Dorothea. Klutnpke, aa
American girl astronomer, who won
renown for herself nt Tarls.
Miss Marianne Farnlnghnni Is proba
bly the oldest woman Journalist in
Knland. She Joined the staff of the
Christian World at Its birth In 1S37,
wrote for the first uumlier, has written
for tho latest and for practically every
number In between.
Making Use of Grandma's Gown.
Seldom lias a gown handed down j
from a crandmolber boon put to a .
atrimjfcr uho than was the fate of a!
tloweml frock owned by au lnpeuious '
girl. From ono section of It she made
a large equnre for her luueheon; of the I
odda and ends uho constructed doilies.
Tho allk was a aoft moire, with deep '
pink roses and variegated leaves I
spread over It aa generously as if It j
were a Juno garden. With an edging :
of deep cream lace to the centerplecs j
the cfl'ect was artistic. In this gulus j
the silk will last many years, whereas I
had she cut It Into a wnlut or skirt, as
most girls would do with such finery,
It would not last a season.
A Popular New England Caka.
A very popular cake uuioiifr a dozen
or mora related New Euglaud families
for more thnn fifty years past is dlm
nimk cake. To make it cream one cup
of butter with two and one-half of
sugar, add four well beateu c?gs, two
cups of chopped seeded rnudns, one
cup of milk, five cups of pastry flour, a
level tciiRH)onful of cream tartar, half
as tmu'h soda, nutmeg and mace. This
will make three loaves, which will keep
good for a number of weeks.
Making the Housa Look New.
It Is well after houaocleanlng If the
ho'isekeeper b unable to buy new fur-
nlture to change the location of chairs,
tables, etc., In a room. This Is a pleas
ant change to the eye and often gives
the effect of an entirely new furnish
ing. Perhaps It would be Just as well,
however, for the wlao woman to put
back In the exact same places tho
ttdugs commonly used by her husband,
such as bis tobacco, pipes, etc.
Tlie Kind You liave Always
In uho for over .10 yearn,
ryi'1. onal supervlaion filnre Its Infancy.
l-CCCA4wZ AllnurnnnnA tnilccplinvdii In flilti.
All Counterfelta, Imitations end Jaat-a-ffood " are but
Experiment that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
What is CASTOR I A
Caatoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Irops and Hoothlnjr Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Hiibstance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and IJowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You toe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Thk anmu eon, r mjnrav vnwrr, mi tom wn.
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it
Dr. ting's
Uexi Discovery
01 uua ud tt.lia
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Monty back If It fails. Trial BottlM fr.
beautifully illustrated, food atones
and article about California and
all the Far Wot
devoted each Booth to the ar
tistic reproduction oi the best
work of amateur and profeuiooal
photographer .
a year
a book ot 7) pages, containing
120 colored photographs or
picturesque spots in California
and Oregon.
Toul . . . $3.25
All for . . . . $1.50
Address all orders to
Flood Biji!c:.-. ,-. Frnc'..-c
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Bought, and which ha been
lias borne tho nlnatnro of
has been made utuler hi Tier
Signature cl
Office at the Mercantile Company's
Store Lakeview, Oregon.
(Jood Stock - - - New Coaches
Daily from Lakeview to Bly, connect
ing with Daily Stage to the railroad.
P. ii. COREY, - - - Proprietor
Liaview, Oregoa.
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect May 1st, 1905.
Lr. Thrall .. 6 A. M.Lt. Pokegama 10 45 A H
Ar. rioa-us e.ra At. Dixie iu. "
"I Steel Br'g 6 45 ' Kl'h Bp'gs 11.40 "
" Fall Cr'k.. 70S " Fall Creek 11.46
" Kl h Hp'g7.10 Pteel Br'ge li.oo
Dixie 8.10 " " Hocus 12.20 PM
" I'okcgnma .20 " ThraU la.5 "
Klamath Springs Special.
Lv. Thrall 1.3) p. M.Lv. Kl'h 8p'gsS.4SP. M
Ar. Bogus 1.65 " Ar. Fall Creeki.60
Ktwl Br'ge2.15 " " Steel Br'ge 3 00 -
" Fall Creek 2.35 " " Kokiis 8. "
" Kl'h Bp'gs 4.40 " " ThraU S.45 -
jrl'v st vies
p i MssM NMii i tSMaMMtj MS
stock a large assortment of high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Our prices will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
FratDptiat Church of (loose Lake,
at New Pine Creek, Orvgnn.
Trenching services at U:ocKck A.M
and 7:.T0 I". M. on each Sunday ot
every month.
Sunday Nehool at lO.oclotk A. M.
1'rnyer Hervlce at 7-TO on Wednes
day evening of encb week.
All are cordially Invited to attend
the Services.
J. Ilayden Howard, Pastor.
; mil-
, l.T'
W 4
ifir tr .
f l'tT
i -r o- . .
i i I. ,.
rfyn h r.. ! . ' i
I'ArtirillAr. '1
pelal .r.rf
l ur.tu
lit IfHH'f
44Mursnc rkso,
O ririntf r,r IO' n. f . r i prt w-.ri n mfl Trim report.
Kn xfrtm, how to ootAin fmuau, tnxl. marks,
covrrtirbia, M&. in ALU COUNTRIES.
Btuinra tfirret v'Uk Wathixgton tavti tim,
wumrf mnd rftrn th patmt,
Pitent and Infrlngsmant Pnctlc Cxclutlvtly.
Wntiir.mto mil
111 Statt Stnrt, apa. UilM Statss FsSsat Mm,
DrjinfiT preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and deootn
poae, canxing a far mora serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid ail dry.
ing inhalants, fames, amokes and annXTa
and nae that which clean aea, soothes and
heala. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will care catarrh or cold in the hea4
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All drngghrU sell the
50o. aizo. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., M.T.
The Balm cores without pain, does not
irritate or causa aneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry snrfaoe, reliev.
ing immediately the painful Inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you are arm ad
gainst Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
Post Sc. King; have the best (Trade
of liquors and cigars to be found In
Oregon. tl
In all lta stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heala
the diseased membrane.
It cores catarrh and drive
awar a cold In tha bead
Cream Balm is placed into tha nostrils, spreads
orer the membrane and is absorbed. Belief la Im
mediate and a care follows. It is not drying does
ot produce sneering. Large Size, Sfl cents at Drug
gists or by mail ; Trial Sice, 10 cents.
SLY BROTHERS, U Warren Street, New York.
Rret Baptist church of Lrkeview
PreachingStrvilcesa 1 11:A.M., and
7:30 P. M. on each Sunday.
Sunday School 10: A. M.
Junior Society at 2:30 P. M.
Baptist Young Peoples Union at
:30 P. M. on each Sunday.
Prayer meeting 7.30, P. M. on Wed
nesday evening.
Everybody invited to attend all
services. A. Frank Simmon?, pastor
The Examiner has received a new
sample book of the Wall Street line
ot engraved certificates of stock and
bond blanks, the most up-to-date on
the market. Used and endorsed by
the leading financiers of America.
Copyrighted. Call and see them if
you ueed.anytblug In this line, tf
which TheJExaminer ex--.ells.
We have all the late
in type and keep in