.-www i, wwn i m v m mrmw"' u ir IP V M PLUSH STAGE LINE l'.E. Tvlor, Prop. Office at B. Reynolds' 5tore. Stage leaves Lakeview Mondays, Wed nesdayi and Friday at . m., arrive t Plush at 9 p. m. I.e vea rmidi Tne days, Tbursdavs and Saturday, at f a. m., arrives at Lakeview at 9 p. m Passenger fare $3 one way or $5 fro round trip. Freight rate from May lit to Not. 1st f .75 per hundred ; Iron Not. lit to May lot !. per hunCr COMPOUND INTEREST The trouble with most adver tisers la that they expect Imme diate returns of large propor tions. One prominent advertiser Illustrates the principle of adver tising In this way: The atitr expended for dTertialnar la the as.aae mm If placed at latere.t. Tho prata from the advertlalaa; are vlrtaally the tatereat oa tke laTeataaeat. "The sums spent for advertising are properly chargeable to cap ital account because the result In; good will la something that baa value, which, if the adver tising has been properly done, can usually be sold for the face value of the Investment "The rate of Interest Is deter mined by the skill with which the Investment is made, "Just aa the quickest way to Increase Invested wealth is by compounding the interest. Just so the quickest way to realize re sults from advertising is to com pound the returns."' Advertising Experience, Advertisers get good returns en the amount Invested In our columns. We reach the people. j j LAKEVIGW tf)kJX FREE The Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps ofj Writers. The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal pub lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead ing place in the homes of rural people inj'every section of the United States. It gives the farmer and his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. GOODE. Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer TWO For the Pake Of One: TflC Lake County Examiner The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR $2 This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days. Sample copies free. Address: C. 0, Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon. o TO WHOM IT MAY CONCF.UN. notice I hereby given that nil Irrlgit-1 tlon, or tnlllrece ditches on nil trout streams .hrought lke County. On - iron, must !h screened with a ainnll mesh wire screening nt I heir liend or Junction with the main channel . stream. AIho all dams or obstruct- j lona oil snld at renin must Is pro-; vlded with n fish lndder.orothorensy mo A lift of tiaoHMite.nt or near theinltl i " 1 . . . . die of the tnnln Cliannel, SO ts IU III- ., it... .v..ot... ..t trout nt nil tlmen . w t ii !'' - - - of vear, nw provided by law. Mini work to lie done nt low walcr time. ; .f ) n.tinl. iiil liv teli. i. v tly order of J. A. Purlin in. ..... .... 1 .1. 11'....!.... MXH'iai IH'IHUV HSU "IIIHIII Iwike County, Oregon. H. E.CHLRCM DIRECTORY. The flint Sunday In each month, preaching at Cnion school house at 11 A. M. Aside from thin preaching every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:'V P. M. nt Iikevlew. Suuday School nt 10 A. St. league at ti::M. rrayet meeting Thursday ":: P. M. Lndie Aid Wednesday ISiO. Choir practice I rlday 7:'V. A cordial limitation Ik extended to you. A. .1. Armstrong Pastor. ale of T mb.T Land. i Parties who have t IiiiIkt land for nalo will do well to investigate our terms and methods of handling lands. We have an otiirein Lakevlew, where contracts can l-e male ami options j taken on land. We guarantee th ; highest market price, and are in a j position to demand ami obtain it, ' having l-en in the business for many I years and in close touch with all the jland dealers of the country. Satis I factory results guaranteed by the l.a V S S -s (Jrande Investment t o. Write I i Metzker. Luki i v. Oregon. O LAKEVIEW ALTURAS STAGE LINE H. E. Bakkek, 1'rop'r. Office in Bieber's 5tore Stage leaves Lakeview daily, ex-! cept Sandav at 6 a.m. Arrive at Alturas at 6 p. m. Leaves Altura9 for lakeview at 6 o'clock a. m. or on the arrival of the stage from Madeline. Ar rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af ter leaving Alturas. Freight - Matters - Given Strict - Attention i 1 ' I I j i first - Class - Acomsdatiori' i of any hor e branded with nn t We have a full set of M vsell-ltollins 1 horseshoe brand on both jaws, plm-. XrCn'a Siinir.les of Stork fertifiented ' ,n tlie c tl ,n tni8 -d vertlseiii. n &. Co s.. samples or stock lertiticatid , w)th ffe8h rrian(;lt. ,)rnnd miiivTurii and bonds, with price list. If you tne horesh'e. The triangle place are orsranizinsr a stock comnanv get I In such n manner a8 would cover 11 niip nrWa on stor k .rrifi(.fita tf I a j Family liquors at rost & Kinys To All Our Subscribers rOLLBTT Paper Manner . Oregon (yy pne CrCfk, Tiiir ninrn u kept on flioet K.r. i m NUtN ??Z&Z eoatraria for .tvertlln can he mailt for n OnbwrlrH.rt to the riamlnot who rvm.xr O Irnmn looalltt to anotlirr. r rhm.r. Xhrir imelnflW ali1nBa shonl.t rm.'mr. ' rtwp lhlo(ne a card m their prr- ; dnitMMl to th rlithl niwioffiw. ,1 A. VYITIPM, M. D, I'MVNH IAV and flKK Paisley, Oregon. V K.COM .literary at Law Ukrvlrw. Orn I. I. VKVATOf Attenrj-at-lJw Idind nattrraMprrlall) OKHi K-balj" RuiMlnc. f OF THE WORLD M:.VnT .n thi Stl ami 4th Wettnriwlaj 'l ra h in ManoiiU' Hall, at ui. 1.. llAiikY. i iiumit I oiuuiamt r. K. N. Uyl lsH, I liTk. LAKEVIEW KM AMI'MKNT. No. IS. 1. O. O. F. mci'ls the lsl.amt M Thnrn ily evcuinits ot oarh month In Odtl Fol low' Hall. Ukeview. K. O. Alilslrom, t-. P.. C o. Mi-iiki-r, ScriiK'. Mllr'.KP HIMXim lamoe Rarrw "itaim swallow Fork it JdlliO DallJ right ear loreei;rfier. lor atrttiera. Some ewei Square Crop and su iu right car. Tar Brand 111. Ilange. Cram Li. I'Mtoffltr aJtlrcia, LakeTlew.Oregol Zac Whitworth Brand! with Crop otf lei car. Halt Underprop of riKQi tor ewea: reerae lor wrihera Tar rlrauc V Kaugv, nh Crk. to'olBr artrtrpw Larcvien Oreao $l,2s0 Reward. me Harney roimtj Lire Stcx-k A'M.'la Hon. ol wiiii'h 1 an a member. payaiTfe reward for eridenrt leading to tin virtlon of purti' stealing stork l- longinir to Ma nu n wr. In addltior .ifler V) rewar Horse brand hor fuw bar on eilhei or both )a. Re corded Inxcountiei ange, Harne !. ana i rooa t ouniie Horm-e vcuted when aold. Horse aolil to i through ibis section w ill be rerted in thi, paper. It not so reported, pleae write or tele phone The Times Herald. Main S-.M. Burns. Ore on. W. W .Brown, Burns, Ore- Reward for Horses I will give .").0) reward for infnn. ntlon that viii lead to the dim o" bar Oil both jaWH. Animals inn he found in the possession person or persons. of me A. XI. , Mouse j painter 1 DAIRY CLEANLINESS Small Top Paita Graatly Radue Chant for Contamination. The avoidance of iitiuivcaaiiry tullk Miiitmti,.ii In ticttlii;,' to be nn old 11'' int. I 1I1 not itiiMise to repent a,;.' uly thrcadhnre sinteti eutn. Hot I v.iut to call attention to the fnct tbnt im- t of our dnlry product, repreaeiit In In value hundred of millions of del inn. are made on our dnlrjr fun 111 an 1 are of Inferior quality. More tlinn Ui moat of the Inferiority of quality l.i Nth fnrm and factory product U 1, o to milk containlniitlon. The Im I'oifMiice f cleiinllitCNN of rowt, util Mim nud utenalln ha tKen ctnphHslr.ed often that It ought to ho known to every one who but eye or ear. Hut one of the newer Idea of reduc ing contamination of milk Is not Ren einlly known. It Is the line of the atnall top milking pall. It n Ned 011 sound common aenne that prevention U better than cure, thl I the coining Iden In sanitary' milk production. He menilxT thnt half the ordinary dirt getting Into milk I aoltible and that more than half of the teeming million of bacteria rcndl'y pans through strain er. To Avoid Stabla Dirt. During the milking dut and larger dirt particle are constantly settling Into the pall even though care I tuken to clean the cow and to avoid dust In the Ntable air. It Is most reasonable to reduce the size of the opening throuuh which the dirt fall Into the milk. It should he reduced Just a much as the Interest and patience of the milker will permit. Chance for contamination U reduced more than one-third when the diameter of the cicutng iu the milk pull is chanu'cd from twelve to nine Inches, and it I reduced three fourth when the often Ing is dimmed from twelve t six Inch es. Kxperlence shows that rtvat Im provement can be made wl' limit any j Inconvenience to the milkers. Kvery : hu h of reduction helps. j We hitve become so accustomed to j ordinary milk for butter mid cheese making that we fall to realize what ' really good milk mean for these prod- nets. Kxperlments made by Mr. Hall In New York show that n larger yield and , better iiuallty of cheese can le made ! from sanitary milk than from the prod- 1 net of the ordinary dairy. To his own surprise there appeared to be ubso- j lutely no fat lost nt the press when 1 cheese hal been made from per cent "ivrtltled-' milk.- Professor II. A. Pearson in Kimball's Ialrv Tanner. Planting Abandoned Lane. Passing through the country we often notice long lanes lending from the milk ynrd back into the pasture. Many of such appear to have been In use for many years, until from the excess of plant food present there Is scarcely any grass visible. This practice could be Improved by making one perma nent center fence, wire preferable, and put up u movable one to one side, cansii; a lane of llbernl width which should correspond with size of dairy. After three years move this fence over to the other side of the center one. 1 l'hiut the abiindoucil lane two years Iu succession to corn fishier. Follow the next jear wltli grain and stock in clover; keep on making these three yc.vr rotations, and xvith but 11 very small expeuse what now Is a constant waste will tie turm-d to eash.-S. tjor don, t 'Hilton County. N". V. I BUTTER AND MILK. Milk separated on the farm can of ten be kept sweet longer than that which comes home from the creamery. Il is not brought In contact with other and more carelessly en red for milk and is coiiseipiently worth more for feed. Branding of Butter. A sjieuker at a recent buttermakerH' convention said: I have sold butter un der my own brand for the past twelve years and know that it has meant much to me in the wuy of obtaining not only prices, but weight. The branding of butter means as much as the branding of flour. The man tliut goes out to buy Big Joe will not go home with the Gold Medal. If he can not get his brand at one store, ho will go to some other to And it. If you have your own brand on the butter the grocer cannot palm off some other brand on his customers that are used to your muUe. The result Is they will go to some other store In search of their favorite make. Temperature to Separate. The warmer the milk the more fluid it is. It is u rule adopted by all ereamprymcn In operating power ma chines that the milk must be separated at a temperature rlsjve K.'j degrees. Cold milk Is more viscous or less fluid than warm, and the cream will not sep urate ho readily. If this is true of power machines, where everything rims more uniformly than Is possible with :i hum! machine. It Is certainly true 1.!' the hand machine, Professor i:. II. W ebster. How Prize Butter Waa Made. ileoiL'e 11. lirlsiol. who won the first prize on dairy butter at the llliiiol State Dairymen's association, says 01 his dairy methods: I keep only Jersey cows ami endeavor t-j have my sl.i b'es nud u 11 diiry utensils 11s ( lean ir possible. I feed and milk rognbirl.i civile,' ground Iced (corn, outs am bran mixed) for the grain ration 11 mi f ir roughage shredded corn fodder nnd itll'alfa buy. I use the J'e l.avnl rep lira lor, keeping the cream lit ahoiit ,0 degrees F. I warm It up to C,S degrees twelve hours before chi'l'iilng. and tin ii churn to granules about the si.i.' of wheat. I then draw off the butler milk, wash twice In clear well water, salt nlsitit one and a quarter ounces t the pound, work a little in the worker nnd then pack. MAKING PORK CJICXlY. Soma Point a nn Hog Rjlalng by an In dlana Braadar, 1 When my pig are three week old I I place a shallow trouuh near that of the ' ninthcr, put n tittle ship stuff and skim nd'K !n It, shell them a little soaked com near b,v and In a short time they , l.l icii rn to come and eat by them I elvea. At right week old they will be nhlo lo feed themselves mid In this way will reiehe no cheek nt wemiliig. l'roin till time oil the pig should be pushed 11 rapidly a possible, for the aooner they U weigh '.Tit) (snunl the more protW there Is In them. Hog raisin I seldom profitable tin less you have plenty of good pasture Uliie grass makes a Hue hog pasture In the early spring and by the time this become woody and tough It In iiii ex cellent plan to have a Held of red do ver to turu theui on. There N no let ter hog pasture than red clover, and It can easily be grown almost anywhere, es(oelully In the corn growing sections. Alfalfa I also good. I do not feed them nil the corn they will eat while on clover, for If they get too much they will not eat enough clo ver. Of course clover will not List all season, but by the time the clover Is gone they will lie big fellows nud ready for a full feed of corn, which is the cheapest feed for lis to llulsli them with. Full Utters of pigs are a little more expensive to raise on account of hav ing no green pasture for them while they are young. Hut If they are push- 1 ed rapidly from farrowing time, Sept. : - they will get large enough to stand the cold weather pretty well. I then: give them 11 good feed of ship stun and 1 olluieal, wllh ear corn. They follow the corn fed cattle nud get the warm 1 corn In the droppings, 'phis sometime ; turns an experiment In cattle feeding frmu a lss Into a handsome protlt on the corn led. In mild weather, when ! the snow Is oif, I turn them out In the j pasture to got a bite of grass, (nit I al ways ring their noses ilrst. Nothing Is more worrisome than to see a drove of hogs plowing up a nice blue grass pasture. 1 I'on't put a pig in u in by P." en with little or 110 shelter from sun or slonns and feed lit in nothing but corn nud dishwater and expect him to make you a proiit. feed h 1 111 a balanced ru-I tioii. give him plenty of exercise, a 1 nice place to sleep, keep salt and aslic continually before him, let him have access lo good water. ks-p the lice off him and there are few things that you can do that bring you more prollt than the hog - W. CoN-laud. Jefferson County. Ind.. In Farm and Home. Break tha Colt Early. j While colts should have a warm : shelter at night nnd during stormy ; weather, they should have a large ; yard In which to exercise. It pays to ; thoroughly break theui young. Halter ; breaking should precede weaning. I Miring the Ilrst w inter they should l 1 broken to harness. Farly lessons are I most lasting. With patience, nnd plen ty of It, the most stiiblMiru yearling may U made kind nud docile, and these early lessons will Influence him nil hi life. Very few horse properly broken when young ever Is-come balky or fractious, and if they do ft I al ways the fault of some man who has more temper than good sense. THE SWINEHERD. Cleanly conditions help to ward off cholera. If the brood sow Is ts fat, the pigs are npt to lack vigor. There Is a Ijctter market for medium sized hogs than for those that arc overgrown. Io not forget to give the pigs Home wood nshes, ns they greatly nsslst In building the framework by furnishing the lime, as ashes are more than 40 per cent lime. It also helps to sweeten the stomach. In selecting pigs to keep for breed ers pick the sow with the longest body. Cure nnd feed of the pig from birth to maturity nro tho secret of success and profit. A good boar will add quality to your future porkers faster thau anything else. Tho boar la half the herd, hut the oth er half Is eo,nalIy Important. The 111 bred sow, like the ill bred cow, produces poor progeny. During the first months of a pig's life growth and Increased weight can be made cheaper or with less feed than at any tlmo later on In life. Farmers Advocate. Give the brood sows warm, dry sleep ing quarters. Bo sure that there nre no drafts In tho pens. Hogs are sub ject to pneumonia If exposed to cold urid drafts. The sanitation of the piggery should be guarded ns carefully us the sanita tion of 11 hospital. Iump nud ill ven tilated sleeping quurter are fulfil to pigs, and unless 1 lie owner will see to It that hogs nlways huve a dry and well ventilated place to sleep he Inn: much better keep out of the business. Too heavy a feeding In tho first few days to 11 strong how in good condition Induces scours In the plgllngH and per haps graver disorders iu tho how her self, Hays n Canadian breeder. Corn meal should be used with ciiutlon dur ing the first three weeks after furrow ing. After that not much caution Is needed. For the first three weeks aft er furrowing there is nothing hotter than middlings fed either Iu diluted Bklin ml lie or water. It Is advisable to feed warm foods in nil cases. Cold wa ter direct from u well or spring should not bo used for mixing tho food. For the Ilrst two weeks wo likf. to sculd tho meal Into a thick porridge und then dlluto with wuter or with milk aud water. A MANCHURIAN INN. China Food and Bado High Wall to Prottot Agalnat Thlovaa. The Inn at Tlellng. which vn similar to the Inns nil over northern Manchu rln. had a big compound surrounded by n high mud wnll with Kate. The lung distance cart going down the country with bonus nnd bringing: buck KcmkI lire driven Inside these coin pounds for safely from robls-r each night, says the 8011th China Post, mid during the great hauling season lit win ter these Inn nre crowded. The wails of the Inn are of mud plaslertsl on a center wall made by weaving reed together. The window are mostly of oiled paper, with posl bly one small pane of glass In the center. The rafters nre rounded tim ber on which are spread reed, then a layer of ecwrse matting and then pnekod mud. In the dtles the belter Inn have brick wnll nnd tiled roofs, but nre otherwise about the same. It was necessary to sleep on tin Vang" nnd eat Chinese food. In these inn the first place entered Is the kitchen, 11 sipiare space with mud fiiMtrf nnd raised intid oven with day nnd Iron pot. From Ihl one passes through a cloth hung doorway Into the Inn proper. At Tlellng thl wn tweii ty to sixty feet, down the middle of which wa an eight foot nlsle with pin ked mud floor. On each side were ranged tin k'niigs." raised mud embankments, brick facisl, some thirty inches high nnd six feet wide, tin these nre sprend mattings, nnd here all guests roll them selves iu their own blanket mid sleep side by side, with their feet to th. wall and their head to the center nlsle. A tire underneath runs the length of each "range," and a lire at one end furnbhes the hot nlr, which pnssrs through mid out nt n mud chllntic) nud warms the tdocpor. The meals are served on these "k'angs" oil little tables about n foot high At these Inns a teapot I III ways kept warm over a lire In a rnlsisl mud embankment in the middle of the nn In nlsle. IN WRECKS AT SEA. Tha Way Men Act Whan They Lose I Their Heada and Nerve. j What lias most struck me iu in 1 1 1 ti 1 1 v experience of shipwrecks has U'cn the strangely diverse way In x hull the passengers unpiU theni selves under intense excitement uud panic, said 11 lifeboat man to tlx writer. Women cry, faint and cling to eacl (lliri, but are lea at trouble. Men often net very strangely. I remember one I 11. 1111 throwing Into the lifeboat a heavy (run!, which he wanted to save, but which we promptly heaved overlsiard. Some men iH-come piltc panic slrick en. I've seen strong men. probably brave enough In other cases, lighting llercely for the life buoy ami thrust Ing the women and children aside In frantic endeavor to leap into the boat first ; vet, strangely enough, one man who thus disgraced himself ha since obtained the Koynl Humane society' medal for saving life at sea, thrice vol iiuteeriug with 11 scratch crew In uld of U cllst ressed Vessel. I've known other who became fu Mupcllcd with flight ns to resist (ill at tempts at rescuing them, Is-gglng to Is left to die and having to be forcibly thrown into the ilfelHiiit. Some er sons frequently Isioine half demented 11 nd I'v e known severul case w here they have In a frenzy committed sul clde by positively Jumping headlong Into the sea nud drowning themselves, uud one man to Insure his sinking filled Ills pocket with coal. Some years ago another passenger, hearing the ship find struck, went nud 'drowned himself hi the bathroom, an tlclpullng his fute, 11 It were, I remember another case where a pussenger hanged himself In his cubln Just ns the llfelwint arrived. Ixindon Tit Hits. Looked Into tho Wall. A rather iiecullnr case of absent mindedness was that related of Peter Hurrowcs, an Irish lawyer. A friend who called on Hurrowes ut nn early hour one morning found hliu shuvlug with his face held close to nn empty wnll. "Whnt on enrth nre you assum ing that attitude for?" ho naked. "To look In the glass." was tho re ply. "Hut there's no glass there," laugh ed the ii' ipinlntauce. "Bless you! I didn't notice thut he fore," said Hurrowes, nnd then calling his servant he nsked til 111 what had be come of the mirror. "Why. sir," said the man, "It wns broken six weeks ngo." A French Joke. Here Is u French Joke that Is rather Kngllsh In character: The Maripil do I'livleres, notorious for Ids Impisunl osity. tailed 011 11 man of means nam ed Barnard mid said: "Monsieur, I am going to astonish you. I am the Marquis de Favleres. I do not know you, and I come to bor row r.iMi louis." "Monsieur," Barnard replied, "I am going t astonish you much more. I know yen, nud I am going to lend thorn."- I.lpplueott'H Magazine. All by Accident Too, f'oorge - Well, life U worth living. Milter all. Jaek-W'hafs haiuieiied? George I went to n railway station lo see my sister off, nnd by some chance Harry Hansom was there to see his sister off, nnd Iu the rush nnd noise ami confusion we got mixed, mid I hnggisl his sister and ho hugged mine. Philadelphia Inquirer. From those I trust God guard me, from those 1 mistrust I will gjard my self. Italian Proverb. Vf 1