Mv Hair is Extra Long Feed your hair; nourish It; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Aycr's Hair Vigor Is the only genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Tli. b.t kind of a tMmonlal "Hold for oir alsty yr." A Mad. b t. a. A rr . 1 . " AIM M.nute.tur.r. of f KAKJAPARII.U. yers tllLKKV PUTORAL, DEPARTMENT OF THE j INTERIOR. 1 United Ktntpn Lund nfllr, Lake Vl w, Oregon, July H, 11H7. Notion in hereby (riven tbnt t tin KlHtn of Oregon Iihn Died hppllrntlnn to ni'lfct tint following decerned land, mm HiAta of Oregon School Indnrnnlt jr Hcli-ct Ioti, to wit. Lint No TZl, NK NK Hrc. ICi, NKi NWL Kec. 24. NKl HW, Nw. 13, BKJ KKJ, Hen. Id, HKJ 8E, Hec. II. 'J'. 27 H. mid NW HWJ, Heo T, T2!l H, It 1 1 I'., mid HW NWL Km 1.1, T. .'It H., K. 17 E., W. M. Any mikI nil jiernoii claiming nd vemely tint above dcncrllicd Iiih'Ih lire ri'iiiM'nlod to llltt their clsim in thin (illlcn on or before the 2ih day of August, VMn J. N. WnUon, Register. MUm Mim Miller, MIhm Jennie Mikel mid Mr. Win. Lnhlluw, form erly M 1mm (iriien Itimeb, t lit pa former Inkvlew girls, who urn now In ilerke ley, Cullf., won it very IihikIhoiiio prize, for tlm bent decorated ciirringe In the Fourth of July proo-nsbm. Each of tlm Indies represented Hoimt railroad town In California. Ihs Charmlnjc Woman Is not iieceMMiu ily one of perfect form it hi 1 fcntticH. Many u plain woman who could never nerve an mi art Ufa model, piiMBi'hhi'H those rare iiinlitleH t liitt all tlm world admires: neatness, clear eyes, cli'im Hiuootti skin and; that uprlgMlliien of tep and acliiui j that lu'company good health. A ; jiliVHii'iilly weak woman 1m never ; attract ivi', not even to herii'lf. Meet- ; rii! Hitter rchtoni weak women, give strong nerves, bright eyes. Hinooth, Velvety Kkln, beautiful complex ion. iuaiaiiteed at LeelleiiU'it Druggist' i'lllC. The Ms rag ret Hen Co. open here Monday evening, July 29, for a nix night aland. The pluys they put on tint: "Thn Henator, Daughter, " "Voung Mm. Wmlhrop," "The Tex na Ranger," "Tho two HlHleM, " "Hearts of the llluo Ridge," Fauch on tho Cricket." Heo them at Snider Opera Hoiimu. 1 Eleven applicant for Civil Service, examination were present Tuenday ut the fontHt (illicit. Two days were tak en up In the examination. Those who applied were: Hcott Leavltt, W. J. Patterson, I "rank Long, J. H. Elder, J. Hillings, Jus. ltrady. W. I. .McCul ley, V. R. llauunerhley, Theo. Cadle, M. K. MucKiave, I'. l'utit. Tlicywcarnnd wear arul wear HHKItlKF'H NtrrtCF, OF HALF. UMJKK KXKCUTJO.N. Under and t y virtue of an execution Imnied out of the Circuit Court of thn HtHtn of Orwn, for tho County of Lake, on the nth day of July, V,r,, to me delivered on the Kit h day of Ju ly, 1!7, in a certain action wherein F. X. Kchlecht, a plaintiff, recovered JiiKdment nn I net Oeorxe Hciilecht, de fendant, on the 3lnt dny of May, 1!S7, for the mini of hitfht Hundred Twenty nrven and tt-KKidoilam (27. ()), with l.,tereitt thereon at the rate of fix per rent per annum from the :nt nj of May, 1!Hr7, together with Thirty dollam (f'KI) comIh.I have lev ied upon the following dehcrllied real prrperty heloiiKltiK to the aliove named defendant, aituated in Lake (Nniiity, State of Oregon, heretofore, on Marrh27th, IOoTi, attached In aai'l action and directed liy aald judgment to he Hold, to-wit: The, South Hunt Quarter fRF.'i) of Section Twenty 2), T'ownnhlp T wenty four (21) South, Ilanue Thir teen (13) Kant, Willamette Meridian. Notice in hcrehy Klven, that on Sat urday, the 17th day of Aiitfintt, 1!M7, at the hour of II o'clock A. M. :f na id date, at tho door of the Court Holme of Lake County, Oregon, in the town of Lakeview, 1 will Hell all the rlht, title and interent which the nnid defendant, (ieore rk-hlwrht, had in and to km id prcmlHca on the 27th day of March, YMt, or that he haa fdnce mi)J hint named date acijuired therein or thereto, at. puhlic auction, for ciihIi, to tiie lilheft and lient hid der therefor, tri Hatiafy an id judgment, execution, intereHt, cohtw and tho eoHta of rnnkinu itald Kale. Dated thla 18th day of July, 19)7. 21) 5 Albert Dent, Sherllf of Lakti County, OtfKou. ieo. Joiich of 1'aihley altended the lilllcIH-t. JiiM. Kyan, of illy, wan in Lakeview thin week. Win. Dolikiua wiim down from l'ala ley yehterilay. Three j-oiimk men ieniri. rouniH and tioardwilh private family. Kn.iiiio here. 1 Dr. T. V., and Minn Hull, enter tained Senator Pulton at dinner, SedneMilay. Mr. Tanlti. lluuheM, Mr. TIiom. J. Powell, an attorney, mid J. 1'.. Murrey are here to locate, intcndiiiK to k'u in to the htv and ulihl tin t I'liiuenH. Dr. l'atlemoil Ii::m Mold liin interent in the Thornton drun htore to Mr. A. L. 'I'hont orn, hiit pai titer, in accor dance with thn uuilcrittandiurf M hen they came here to locate. Them will lut no chunk'"' in the conduct of the litintncHrt. Diht. Atty. Moore retuned from a week 'a v iit to i'aihhy Monday, llo Inform in that Ian wife, who in vihit Iiik w ith the family of Alvin Mohh, fell out of a hainniock hint Sunday, Mrik inii thn ground on her head and aln older. At tlrnt flat thought fho wax not hurt much, hut the injury jjrew mom painful until it wan hoiiiu u lint HeriouH. STOCIUHGS VOIl CIIILDnKX Levi Strauss & Co. BOLE DI8TIH11UTOIW Tint Klamath l'nllrt paperHHpeak very j hlK'hlv of tlte Margaret Ilea Com puny which Im to hlmw in Snidera Opera II on i Monday evening, July 2! Sallownesa Traasformed to Dusky Beauty A dark kin becomes faicinatiiif; when delicately foft, undertpread with the mliant glow which indi cates a healthy, active ikin. Rohert ine kecpt the tkin refined in quality, keepj poret f ree from clo(j(;ir.(; waste ml itiimilatei the tiny rapillarirtto rontrihute the color which charmi in hl'itule and brunette alike. Kohcrt ine it certain protection acainit tin, ituihurn and frecklci if applied he fnre exposure to tun or wind. Sjirradi like an imperceptilile theen of paue overikin mrface, forming a nrlil itnnu'ating and preerving a denrate.Iustrousheauty. Alt tmr lrlrt TOP4T f m frm mmtU f ROBERTINE P1 i IW ThsBesiWork is made better and easier if a TV o t o c o c o c - o o - c c -. 3 t ! J c J fc , o o u o c Jesse IVioore Whiskey Is occasionally used by the mechanics. It pivt-s lasting strength. No regrets. AN ABSOLUTELY PURE BLEND OF KENTUCKY WHISKIES ON SALE AT ALL FIRST CLASS PLACES il.Ml.uilni.,iillim l ilili. I LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ! -INCORPORATED A COMPLETE RECORD WiimiHMHtHtHtHHill II lllltll ll c have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County, 4 which, in any way, affect Keal Property in the county. J ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. ERRORS FOUND. In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other hooks. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds arc not indexed at nil, and ate most difficult to trace up from the records. 1 SALE OF SUMHER GOODS LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS Etc. Our entire stock of Summer Dress Goods and Ladies' Shirt Waists must be sold regardless of j Cost. i $2.00 Shirt Waists for $1.50 $1.00 .75 tt ft if ft tt ff tt tt fi $1.25 .95 .65 .45 Wash Goods will be sold at same rate. ! Do not miss this opportunity but come while your size is here and before the best patterns are sold. j LAKEVIEW MERCANTILE CO. hhumi oo i mi t iiiimmeiMiium Woril wan rocHved here late lat nitflit from Willow Kanck thnt Mm. Hliltii (Jillott, mother of Mrs. V. P. Llk'ht of this place hail died, Mrs. (iillett ban Leeu an invalid lor Htnx-ral montliH. Mrs. LIkIiI was on her way to California and could not !) readied. Further particulars will he learned later. Lat Suuday K. 'O. CresHler and wife, Mre. A. liiebcr, Mrs. Hal on and daughter, went to Davis Creek in CrenHler'o automobile. On their way down they btopped at the home of Wm. IiurKen and were served w ith an elegunt dinner ami shown over the farm. They drove ou to Davis Creek, remained there a couple of hours be fore starting home. Ou their way hack they stopped at the home of J. P. Duke, where they were served with ice crearu aud cake. A shoot ing scrape took place at, or uear Plush cine day hint week, in which Harry Kikks and D. U. Clelnnd were Implicated. The particulars leading up to the altercation are not positively known. Tho scrap resulted in Harry taking a shot at Dave with a shotgun, puncturing his hat in a few places, but none of the shot took affect in any more dangerous place. Mr. S. T. Col v in returned to Lake view Monday from Central House, Calif., where he spent the winter. Mi. Colviu looks well aud hearty aud is glad to be back. Mrs. Colvin has not yet returued from New York ; where he went several weeks ago to visit her old home. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell came along with Mr. Colviu aud will work ou the ranch at Crooked Creek. Mr. Colviu brought up a tine 7-yoar-old black English Shire stal lion, weighing 1S00 pounds, to put ou the tanch. He will return to Califor nia in August, taking a bunch of horses down to sell. He has 00 head there now that be baa not yet disposed of. OUR NEW QUARTERS The Lakeview Furniture Com pany has moved into the large Brick Building on Water street where a Large Stock of every thing usuallj- found in a Furn iture Store will be kept Undertaker's Parlors Repair Shop LAKEVIEW FURNITURE STORE. Wm. WALLACE, Prop'r ui Jin , wseaa arswrwmjL jl kill M iiii We have notations of all these Errors: f Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Manager. $100 Keward. The renders of this paper will be pleaxed to learn that there U at least one dreaded disease that science has Irmmi able to cure In all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beluj; a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the found ation ot the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and asslstiug nature in doing Its work. The proprietors huve so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for auy case that it falls to curt'. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, "e. Take Hall's Family Pills for con-tipatli.n NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECITBIX. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Luke County, lu the uiuMer of the estate of) Martin 'J'. Walters. ) Deceased. ) The undersigned buying beeu ap pointed by the County Court of the Rtate of Oregon, for Lake Couuty, Kxeoutrix of the estate of Martin T. Walters deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, aud all per sons having claims against said de ceased, to present them veritiod as required by law, within six mouths after the tlrst publication of this no tice to said Executrix at her resi dence iu the Town of Lakeview Lake Couuty Oregon, Harriet waiters, Executrix of the estute of Martin T. Walters, deceased. Dated aud Hist published, June 20tn, liK)7. ! ELI RESTAURANT I Located on Water Street, near the Post office. I Meals at all Hours. Fresh oysters kept on hand during the oyster season. Fish and game in season. I 1 Only Firstclass Restaurant j in Lakeview. f ELI, PROPRIETOR., j TIMBER LAI NOTICE. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, May 13, liX7. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Territory, ' as extouded to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4,lHi2, Jennie Holder, of Paisley, county of Lake State of Oiegou, has this day tiled iu this office his sworn statement No. MS8, for the purchase of the SJi RV,'4' of Section No. 8, in Township, No. 3.iS., Kange No.l0,E., W. M. aud will odor proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or etoue than for agricultural pur uosos. aud to establish his claim to said laud before Kegister and Receiver nt Lakeview Oregon, on Friday, the t!i5, day of July, 1007. llo mimes as witnesses: W. K. Ham" mersley and S. P. Moss of Lakeview, Oregon, li. N. Puelps ami u. fc. Mor ris, of Paisley, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lunda are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of July, 1U07. tiO-ll). J. N. Wutsou, Register. TIM HK It LASI NOTICE. United States Land Office, Lake view .Oregon, May 13, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com plance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "Au act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terriotry, ' as extended to all the Public. Land States by act of August 4, 18K2, Lottie D. Withers, of Paisley, couuty of ' Lake, State of Oregou, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement I No. 3;91, for the purchase of the : NE4' Sec. , NW.'4' of Section , No. 5, iu Township No. 31 S., Range No. 18, F.., W. M., and will offer I proof to show that the laud sought is I more valuable for its timber or stone j than for agricultural purposes, aud to , establish his olaim to said land before ' Register and Receiver ut Lakeview Oregou on Monday, the 5, day of August, l'.K7. He names as witneses: C. W. Withers, C. L. Withers, J. S. Sprugue, M. C. Currier, all of Paisley Oregon. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in tbia office on or before said 6th, dayof August, 1907. J. N. Watson, Rogister. 10-20