Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 25, 1907, Image 4

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    Ptihlld Every Thursday.
Editor and Publisher
M. A. YOl'NH,
Bntorod t thr l-wi Office at 1.Hw, Or.
Sooond t liuw Matter.
i One Year, $2.00
TERMS: Six Months, 1.00
(Three Months, 50 1
Civ'l, Municipal &
Irrigation Engineers.
l.lyd.lyd ron.vv77; srnvi-:vs.
i:sri.i.ri:s. ,u.t77.f. ii:m t-
i.xu d IU-:sHi.XLX.
Im!z;ttion A $cct;ilty.
Hums, Ore.
Jl'LV S. iW
Amrchlst Con e-etce. 1
Anarchist group all over Europe
bare Issued a secret suninioua to J
their comrades lu different countries j
' to feud delegates to an international j
congress to le held at Amsterdam
'from August V.G to 31 to promote the
Attainment of anarchism among all
Civilized nations
Great impoitanee is attributed iu ,
anarchistic circles to the congress. I
John Turner of London and Monatte ;
of Paris will speak on the necessity of
permeating trades onions with anar- j
cbistic doctrines. Dr. Friodeberg of,
lterliu and Malatcstit, the great Ital
ian anar. his will present reports
on the orgauiztion of a simultaneous ;
general strike in all trades of all Eu- j
ropean couutries. In epite of the 1
secrecy maintained by the
Sari Francisco has elected a new
iniyor, in the person of Ed. 11. Taylor.
Due characteristic of San Franc hco'a
mayors is that they never comb their
The Stale of Oregon,
Warner Valley Stock Com
pany, a corporation, 14. F.
S'cConnaughy, -
Sloan, Sloan,
and - Sloan, J. I
Morrow, W. II. Cooper,
Edward Neasham, Alvln N.
Ilenuett Theodore 11. Wake
field, S. Dixon, U l.
rVakea, L. N.
Flakes, A. D. Irakis,
Leonard F. Winkleiinui.
J. A. Philips of the Sacramento Pee
' is iu Lakeview and Lake county, in the
j interest of his publicat ion. The Hee
j is cpreadiug out, training circulation
'throughout the interior country, and
j is considered one of the best daily
1 1 apers on the Coast, lie visited The
I Examiner otllce aid was astonished to
find such an extensive and well equip
ped plant. He said that towns of two
and three thousand population were
few that have a better paper.
Stockholder' .Meeting
The annua inciting of the Stock-
anarchists I holders of the Oent Telephone A Tele
their plaus are pretty well known to
the police and their movements in
Amsterdam will be carefully watched.
Jasper Jennings, who was convicted
of the murder of bis father two years
ago and sent to the penitentiary and
afterwards returned to G a its Pass
to await a new trial, has proveu to be
a desirable prisoner. 11 has kept the
hedge about the court house trimmed,
the law n watered and everything about
the court house spick and span. For
this, or some other reason there has
- tweu uo aetiou taken on the niotiou
of District Attorney Pennies to dis
miss the case, and Jennings languish
es ia the county jail from one term to
another, awaiting the judge's decision
It was reported last week that Japan
was lauding 800 soldiers per month in
Mesico. This report however, is de
nied by the Japs, who say there are
but 400 Japanese subjects in Mexico,
and that they are all laoorers. If it
were a fact that Japan was landing
any great cumber of subjects on the J
Western continent at auy poiut, that I
government, uo doubt, would deny
that their purpose was an unfriendly !
one. !
graph Company, a corporation, will
be held at the County Judge's ottice,
11 the Con it House, iu the town of
Lakeview, Oregou, on August 8, 1907,
at the hour of V. o'clock, P. M. for tie
purpose of tie t ng a Hoard of Direc-
tors to serve the ensuing vear and fo w?,. '"V. , . . . ' v.
. , .... .the State ot Oregon to R. 1. Mc
t le transaction of Mich other husiu. , naiighy, dated August -.'I. 191,
as may come before the meeting.
Dated July 'Jo. 11V7.
30 -2 Harry liailey, Sercctary.
There has been rumors afloat
in the West where 1 ew Nation 1
forests have been created that the
government would advance the graz
ing fees next year. This report is
denied by Mr. Pinchot, who says
there will be no increase during the
present administration of the forest
xlc Grease
t . , -
nASJe tea nd
rrcuc Uie
Ttine vet 10 h xic
Andrew O. Crawford, John
W. Morrow, W. M. Harvey,
Hubert Hatv, Jerry Har
rington, 1. T Foskctt, J.
E. Donnaviu, John P.
Harry, Frank H. Houston,
Pliney E. Taylor, Richard
C. Clark, John 11. (ireene,
Peter Touuiugsen, Charles
M. A. Poindcxtcr,
To li. F. McConnaughy, one of
above named defendants:
In the name
of the State of Oregon you are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint Hied against you in the
above ent it led suit on or before the
ICth day of September, 1907, and if
you tail so to appear and answer.
for want theeof the plaintilt will tip i
ply to the court for tho relief do-
manded iu the complaiut. a succinct
statement of which is as follows:
That certain deeds issued by the
State of Oregon to you and to the
defendant, Warner Valley Stock Com
pany, be declared fraudulent ami
void, and delivered up and canceled,
to- it :
Peed, State of Oregon to E. F. Mc
Counauuhy, dated August VI, 191,
purporting to convey :t,lKi;.b! acres of
Also a certain other deed from
purporting to convev 4, .Ho. II acres ot
Also that certain deed from the State of
Oregon to E F. McConnaughy, dated
August VI, 1S9, purporting to couvey
I, i'Vl.V acres of laud
Also that ceitain deed issued by the
State ot Oregou to K. F. .McConnaug
hy, ilated August 1, 1S'.1, purporting
to convey. V,NT.M acres of land.
Also that certain deed issued by the
State of Oiegou to K. F. McCouuaug
hy, dated March V-i, iv.r.l, purporting
to convey 1,3,'iti. 70 acres of land
Also that certain deed isMicd by the
State of Oregon to Warner Valley
Stock Compuuy on the Vtrd day of
Juue, 1M9, purporting to convey
", S. 11 acres of land, all of said lands
situate in Lake County, Oregon, to
gether with certificates of hale anil
other papers ami deeds relating to
said lauds mentioned and described
iu the complaiut, be declared unau
thorized, illegal, fraudulent ami void
I and decreed to lie given up and can-
I celed, aud that the rights of the plain-1 statement. No. :i;7l,
'titfaud of each of said defendants I of the N .. SWt Sec.
willing on said lands under tinted
States Land Laws or the laws of the
We want your trade and will do
our utmost to please you.
Never before has our stock been
so complete and up to date.
With our increased flooor space
we are showing new lines and more
goods. Whether you buy or
we will be pleased
will take pleasure
our goods.
to see you and
in showing you
Pioneer Store
To Cure a Cold in One Day
wixative Eromo Quinine Tablet?. eZ
b-(-; sold in txr.t 12 months. This sicrnafcur Sv
Cure Ci lj
In Two Day.
cr every
United States Land Olllce, Lake
view Oregon. .Inly 1'.', 1!17.
Notice is hereby given t )i:tt in coiu
pliancewith the pi ovit-ion-i (,f t r,e act
of CongreMt of .1 .in,. :i, i.7st entitle.!
'An act for t!ie sale of flintier lands
ill the States ot California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Wahi'igtou Ttrritory, "
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 1, Albert
(i. Piihuie, of Fort llidwll, county
of Modoc, State of California, has
this day tiled in this oltlce his swum
for the purchase
A N '.. SKI of
Section No. in Towuhip No. :u".
S., Kange No. I'.t i:.. W. M. . ami will
Timber Land Notice.
United States Land Ottice, Lake
vie. Oregon, July i'l, P.H17.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June :i. 17, entitled
"An act tor the tale of timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
i as extended to all the Public Laud
j States ly act of August 4, M':',
; Ameliii W deux, of Lnkeview, couuty
I of Lake, Mate of Oregon, has this day
' tiled iu this office his sworn state
j nieut. No. :!7."-"i. for the purchase of
I the N... SWfc of Section No. 1, in
Township No. S., Kange No. 1.1 E.,
; W. M., aud will otl'er proof to show
1 that the land soiiL'tit i.-- more valuable
'tVir it tiftil,. f.r .Intiu thun fur u,rri .
- ! cultural purposes, and to establish
trance and Japan are said to have j his claim to sai l laud before Register
entered into an agreement which is I and Kceiever at Lakeview Oregou, on
termed a kind ,f 4ciuiir. f..,.0 ! Friday the Sth day of October, PJ07.
trine over a vast region, which for I
mate 01 Oregon t e declared and de- cdrer proof to Miow that the Ian 1
creed and that the Warner Valley j aouglit is more valuable tor its timber
Stock Company, its officers, agents, or stone than for agricultiiral pur
and servants, be restrained from m-11- , poses, mid to establish his claim to
ing, conveying or Incumbering, or j said land before Register and Receiv-
from interfering in any manner wllhjerat Lakeview Oregon, on
the possession of paid several tracts or1 7th day of October, K'7.
The Telegraphers' strike in San
Francisco and Oaklaud has been set
tled after one month out. All strike
talk in the East has been hushed by
the settlement, aud the operators go
back to work, leaving their couteu
tions to m settled by an arbitration
while threatened to be the storm
ter of the world policy.
San Francisco traveling men who
visit Lakeview regard a conflict be
tween the United States aud Japan as
far remote.
He names as witnesses: li. S.
. II. Lynch, A. L. Ooodman,
E. E
parcels of laud, or anv of them, pend
j ing this suit or until t he further order
! of this court, aud that upon the final
I hearing, such injunction be made per
j petual, and praying for costs an,; dis
. hursements of this Miit and such ot h r
I and further relief as to the court may
seem meet and equitable.
! This summons in published by or
! der of Hon. Henry L. lieiison. Judge
I of the Circuit Court of the State of
j Oregon for the County of Lake, ilated
February IU, r'7, directing the same
I to be published for at least once a
week for six consecutive weeks prior
to the lUth day of September, IJ 7,
the first publication of this summons
to be made in The Lake County Exami
ner on the 'Jith day of July, l'.xr7.
Dated this l.'Jth day of July, l'.i7.
W. J. Moore, and
Monday the
A. I .
He names as witne-ses:
Ooodman, (ieo. H. Lynch, E. E.
Rinehart, (Je.oS. Down, all of Lake
viwe Oregon.
Auy aud all persons claiming ad
versely t he above described hinds are
requested to tile their claims in this
ottice on or before tho said 7th day
of ( letobcr, Phi7.
J. N. Watson, Register.
United States Land Olllce, Lake
view Oregon, July !!, IIH17.
Notice i hereby given that in coin
plianee with the provisions of the net
Rinehart, all of Lakeview Oregon. j 0,
Any Hud all persons claiming ad- i
vereely the above described lands are I
r equested to tile their claims iu this
office ou or betore said Hh day of
October, l'J07.
.'SO-IU. J. N. Watson, Register.
Ain't it about time to
lay inyor machineryfor
haying. The haying sea
son will soon be on and
you want to be ready
with the best machin
ery to be had.
I have the best farm liiathincry, implements,
wagons and Indies ever brought to Lakeview.
all kinds, Hardware, stoves and
Tina y. it l a i (itk i:.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, July II), 1907.
Notice is herel.y given ttiat iu com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of June:, 1H78, entitled "An act for
the hale of timber lands in the St-tes
of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory, " as extended
to all the Public Laud States by act
(of August 4, 1892, the following per
i sons have filed in this office their
i sworn statements, to-wit:
I Leo C. Emerson, of Lakeview,
j county of Lake, state of Oregon swora
I statement No. 3747, for the purchase
of the SEi NEJ Sec. 31 SEi, NWJ A
, c vli l . . .- rt' ... T I..
onj . n j nec. 1 p -jo, it rj, . in.
Mabel Emerton, of Lakeview, coun
ty of Lake, tstate of Oregon, Sworn
statement No :J7"j0, for the purchase of
tha SWJ SWJ Sec oSi NW'4' A NWJ
NWJ Sec 8, Tp 40 S, RJ E,. W. M.
That they will offer proof to show
that the laud Bought i-i more valuable
for its timber or etouo than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish
their claim to said laud before Regis
ter aud Receiver, at Rakeview,
Oregou, on Wednesday, the 9th day of
October, 1907.
They uarne as witnesses: M. E,
Musgiave, Rose Musgrave Arthur Re
hart Leo C. Emerosn, Oianvillo Hard i
isty, all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lauds are
reipicsted to file their claims in this
office on or before taid 9th day of Oct.
.'Jd-lU J. N, Watson, Roginter.
or Congress ot Juno, .' 1H7S, entitlei
An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregoif,
M!Vuda and Washington Territory,
U4 HVljiii,lirl Tii (.11 II.,. H.. I. li.. I 1
,1. .u. v.rawior.i. s,tates by act of ugust I. lttrJ. Mvrtle
uow n, or lakeview, county of Lake,
.-iuie 01 wregon, ruts tins day Illed in
tho, office his sworn statement. No.
Attorneys for plaintilf,
.'17 HI, for the purchase of the NEJ NWJ
of Section No. 19, iu Township No.
.1, h., Kange No. 19, E., W. M., utxl
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more aiuablo for its timber
or atone than tor agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Receiv
er at Lakeview Oregon, on Tuesday
11... LJ. .1 - -. "
iue 0111 uay 01 uciooer, :'JU7.
if.. . .
no name as wuneses: lieorge
L.yncii, r,. Kinehart, A. L. (iood
IllHIl, .lames 1 oung. HI or lhkeVlew
I Oregou.
I Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above-described lauds are
requested to tile their claims iiu this
office ou or before said 8th day of
October, 1907.
.'50-1(1 J. N. Watson, Regibter.
Iixtras of
T. E Bernard.
Lakeview Ore.
Melvin D. Williams.
Civil and Irrigation Engineer.
Maps, Plans, Blue prints
promptly and accurately
prepared. All classes of sur-
veying guarantee.
Klfiiiiath FuIIhuikI Luke view,
Timber Land Notine.
Uuited States Laud Office, Lakeview
(Jregon, July 'Si, VMl.
Notice in hereby given thut in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June :i, 1878, entitled
"An act. for tho sab) of timber lands
in the States of California, (Jregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all tho Public Land
States by act of Augict 4, 18!r., Oeorgo
S. Down, of Lakeview. coiinfv .f
Lake State of Oregon has this day
filed in this office his nworn statement
No. .'J7o8 for the purchase of the SWJ
of Section No. 'J'J iu Townshio No. :u:
H. Range No. 19 E. W. M. and will
otfer proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for Its timber
or stone thau for agricultural pur
pones, und to UHtabliali his claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Jjiikoviow, Oregou. 011 Friday the
8th day of October, P.X7.
He names as witnesses: Ooo. II.
Lynch, E. E. Rinehart A. L. Oood
man, Jennie Vouuk, ull of Lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
verely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims iu this
office on or before suid 8th day of
October, 1907.
J. N. Watson, Register.
United States Land Office, Lakeview,
Oregon. .luueJ7, I'.ni7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with tin- provision of the net
ot Congress of June ."I, n7. entitled
"An act lor the sale ot timber lauds iu
the states of California, Oregon, Nev
ada, and Washington Territory. " as
extended to all the public Inn, I " States
by net of August I, iv.i-J, ;i,i.- r.
vey, of Lakeview. count yot Lake,
State of Oiegou, has this day filed in
this office Iim sworn statement. No.
:!7:i."', for the purchase of the I'.'., SW'4
of Section No. "Ji;, in Township No.
:W S, Range No. Uo E W M, and will
olier proof to hhow that the Inn, I
sought is mure Valuable for its timber
or stone than tor agricultural purport
es, and to e-dubli-di his claim to raid
lam) before Register and Receiver at
Ijikeview Oregon, on Friday the ilth
day of September, 11" 17.
He name as wittiest-:
Mick J. Wilcox l'hil Mulkcy. T
Alford, ami Nathan Wilcox all o'
Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to llle their claims in this
office on or before said 0th day of
Sept., IIHC.
-7-M J. N. Watson, Register.
Tltlllt.lC Ll OTI4 K
United States Land Ollli e, Lake
view .Oregon, May JJ, r.M7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June :i, n7s. entitled
"An act for the sale of timber land
in the States of California, Oregon, i
Nevada and Washington Territory," 1
as extended to all tho Public Laud ;
States by act of August 1, h:i, ;
La Fayette Conn, of Lakeview, county
..0 I .. I f . . . A' . . . "... . J
u niaie 01 uregon, lias tins day
Illed iu this office his sworn tatement !
No. ."J70I, for the purchase of the N 1 .. :
N l of Sect ion No. I't; in Township No"
.'i;S., Range No. 19, E.. W. M., and,
will offer proof to hIiow that the land ,
sought is noire valuable tor its timber
5hcrllt' 5nle.
Under mid by virtue of an execu
tion, in foreclosure, issued out of tho
Circuit Court of the State ut Oregon,
for the County of Lake 011 the Mb
day of June, r.""7 to me uircctcd and
Delivered, in a suit 111 raid Court,
wherein Ruby Harvey and pick J.
Wilcox, as executrix and executor ot
the last uill and testament, of William
Harvey, Deceased, as plaintilfs, re
covered jiidklnei t against J. ,'
Field, for the Mini of lllteeli hull, lied
and eighty si ven Dollars, mi l foity
cents, and the tort her Mini of tltt- three
Dollars costs, siii, I judgment bearing
Interest at ten per cent, per annum
from said May I.I, r.7. aud also a
decree of foreclosure and order of sale
against each and all of t he d.-Ienduids,
namely: J. S. Field, .liilia Field.
Ottin Chandler, (leorge ('handler, ami
Andrew McCallen, aud the said An
drew McCallen, having also, in said
suit, as a Junior Mortgagee, recovered
a Judgment (lf four hundred mid Two
Dollars ami fifty cents, and costn in
the sum of (lily Two Dollars said
Judgment U-ariiig interest at ten pet
nt. per ionium, fium May ., r7,
the date of said Judgment, nuainst
the sai!! .J, s. Field, and having
further obtained a deer if fore
closure and order of sale, as such
junior incumbrancer, ngalnti the
J. S. Field. Julia Field. OttU
Oeorge I.. Chandler, ami
by direc
Court, and
one Phillip Lynch, and
tion of the ordel of the
me said I'.xecution 1 am commanded
to sell the following described real
property To Wit Commencing at the,
South East corner of :,i,-k "n" in
tho West Addition to the Town of
Lakeview, Lake County Oregon, ac
cording to the plat thereof, tiled in
the Office of the County Clerk of Lake
County Oregon, July -ju, h7 thence
running North one hundred and
seventy three feel, thence nt right au-
gies running West one hundred ami
or stone than for agricultural pur- 1 '"'O' feet, thence at right angels run-
poses, and to establish his claim tn
said land before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview Oregon ou Thursday, the
8th day of August, 1907.
Ho names as w itnesses: W. R. Dyer,
J. O. Parker. Henry It .llervford. w'
H. Shirk, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persoim c aiminif ml.
veisely the above described hinds are
requested to file their claims in thU
office on or before said 8 day of Au
gust, 1907.
J. N. Watson, Register. 'J2-10
r I M II K U I. A I SiOT I K. !
United Sates Uu.d Office. Lake
view, Oregon, June 'Jit 1907, j
Notice is hrereby given that in com. .
plianee with the orovisions of the net
of Congress of June 1878, entitled !
"An act for tho sale of timber Inn, Is
iu the States of California. Dreui.n I
Neva la, and Washington Territory."!
un exieuueu to an tne rublio J.and
States by act of August 4, 189V., Char-
n ing .xirtn one hundriwl ml 'iv,
feet, thence at right angles, running
Uest one hundrl and forty feet: to
the West boundary lino of said itlock
"O" and lllock "N" also in said
West addition, to the said Town :
1 hence South along the West bouu
ilary linen of said lilocks "O" ami
' two hundred aud seventy live
m 1t",!',V,sV"t,, W"Ht Corner of said
1 lock "O" thence running East along
the South boundary line f Hi(J
block "O" to the place of beginning,
forth., purpo satisfying; fjr8t.
the Judgment of tho Plaint Ufa, cimti
and expenses of Hide, and Second, tho
Judgment of Andrew McCallen, above
mentioned, and costs and Expense
of sale, ami j the event that after
..." p.occeua oi mim Halo thereof
insufficient, iu whole or part, to
he latter judgment, then to cll
louowing real property, viz- N'.'
SK'i. SWi; of ,'.ir.....V v,,
. . '4
les II. Duseubery. of Paislv. I ". V" Avl'- 1" S., RV.I
of lake, State of Oregon, has this dav
HI...I i.. .it . .in it . . J
men in una Ohio ins sworn htufement,
No. 37V.8, for the purchase of theSW;
NW!4' Wji SWJ Sec. 11 and NW NW
of Section No. V'l. iu TiiwiiHhio
J1S, Range No. 17 E W M. and will
offer proof to show that thn l .i.d
'V. .M.. in Oiim'iiii I., him o,...i
ii,... li....... . "..v i'oi-
i-; -., , , iiiniiiHig uusniisiied.
.Notice Ih hereby given that 'in Sat
"lay of
,!.. . ,,,, , " 'Hi nniiir-
! . , ' '"'y, "f Aug., V.KI7,
at tho Court mllH0 ,j,H,r J
I he In.ut and east nidi, f (ho Court
House, ot Lake Cuuntv in M... c......
f . " ..... I lilll l
Putter jiapers at the Exniiner Office.
or stone than for agricultural purpos
es, and to establish ,H claim to said
the I
111... if
sought is more valuable for its timber! i i ' "". h. the Town
o CIOCK In tho
forenoon, of said day, I will w, all
land before RegiHfer and Keei ivi.r ! . . . . . Interest which
I ., ' , "'" "'"x rieni, had on i,
mo nay or jjecember P.KKi, j i,,i f
ho Hist described Lauds' and pr.-n -laes,
lur the purpose of paying tlu
JtKlgn.ent llrsf mei.t I, ! 1 .1
in ui
will ii)Ur'Ht which
tVht llHltioil(l
h(J 111 t 111 o, 1 I
scribed lands and .mnlH.T ,1 Z
f'lh , .lay of SeploniW liH.!,' f( " pay
ing the ludinnoiif ,,r a...i. .. l..y.
hM. abiiV,,,,,,. iliM
cash to tho highest bid.ler to satisfy
Dated this .'it Inlay of Jyt mn
SherUf of Lake (US:
at Lakeview Oregon, on Tuesday
Ho names as witnesses: M. Dooher
of Klamath Fulls, Oregon, M. W. How
en of Paisley, Oregon, Win. Parker
and jas. narker or lakeview, Oregou,
and U. II. McCiimber of Dairy'
Any and all persons claimlmr i.d.
versley the abovo-dcuci ibod lands are
requested to file their claims in I Liu
office on or before said.lrd day of Sen
tern ber, 1907.
Uo-10 J. N. Watson, Jegistor.
OAS 1 oniAi
BMritb ' 4 lh Kind You Hiv Always Bough
I heir right title
they had in
promises aud als