BAD FLAVORED BUTTER. ourlna Cream Suggested to Proven! Unfavorable Vaetarla Developing. It probably sound contradictory tu goucra pritctlco to recommend the souring of cream Immediately after It bus been skimmed or m-pitriitcd in or der ti prevent It from developing uri dealrnhlo flavors. However, It Ix a practice Hint run do followed with good results nml In bused on perfectly antml rcnsonliig, wiy n writer In Iwn HoineNteitd. Tho plnn U baaed on the filet tliilt MM Boon nn luetic field lui developed In tlio milk nullleleiiMy to give It it sour tasto the unfii vonilile Imeterlu In tho creiun-Hint la, those kind Hint pro dui these undeMlrnlile (Iiivoim -nro checked III tlielr development. Am I generally known, these niifiivornlil" bacteria ennnot work, mid reproduce tlienmrlvc In ft ti m id I Hum. .lust aa noon nn tint luetic mil nt i-i lit In milk or crenui Inmt become dominant tlio rent of I ho lixt of UiideHlrilldi' form of hnddla must take a Ixn li xit, 11 It were. Sour the Cream. Hwret. ereiim In not I cNNiirlly good cream. We know It Ix n eonmioii prac tice to Hi t Hit -it i of ri n in t tin t U to bo elinrinsl where It will eool off J lixt a mooii iin possible after scpiiriilliig mid kept at (hat t.'i.ipcrnturu until ready to churn. It I u very coiiiuicnd ahlo practice, of coin xc, ii cihiI tlni rrcinii ut oiwe nfter It In Depurated, htil If It I not to lie churned for four or live Onyx, iin In the cmmc In pliiceM where It requires Unit linuli time to Collect ciioukIi c leu in for u churuliiK, It would he Juxt n x well t Hour tint (remit lifter It linn lieeu thoroughly riMilitl. After It hnx ilevclopcd tln right de gree of neld cool It off itgiilu and hold It ut it low tcuipcrnturo until time to chum. 'Ihlx N ii pin ii which we tin vn aeen curried out successfully where It required Hcvernl days to collect enough creiun for churning mid Ix one worth trying If you are annoyed with hitter or strong llnvored liiitlcr tlmt Ix, when It In II rut chiirucd. The Hd of the Hard. I would hh' to dulryineii, buy n reg Ixtcred bull now. Ill lexx tllllll thriH J eurx J oil will be milking half blood dulry helferx. In Ickn thiiu llv yeurx you will hnvu tliree-iunrtcr blooda, then neveu-elghthx, nnd noon the herd will be priiclh nlly pun bred nnd mon ey liinUcrx. In M-lcctliig a bull to bend a dulry tu rd one cimiiot be too ciin ful. The mere fact that nil iiiiliiiul Ix pun brl mid reglxterisl Ix not enough, al though very neccHxnry. e hhotild Ixs from a cow Hint It n reully tlrxt china dairy mil inn I, nnd both of hlx grun diiuiN mid Ntlll further buck xliould lx high cImmx priHlucerx. It will not n niK-exhitry to buy u new bull for citcu crop of ciilvex. Ureed the helferx to tlielr own aire before buying n new bull. It will coxt lexx, mid the rexulta will bo better Hum to buy n cheap bull every two jcnn. - V. JelTrles In Na tional F tot k nut u ii ml Kuriner. DAIRY TALK OF TODAY. The Nutlonnl luilry Show nxxocluHou, with liendiniiirterx ut Chlcngo, In pliin Ulng lt Keeoiid uniiuul hIiow for the autumn of P.7. It will probably be belt! lu Chlcugo. Chaate Curing Exparimantt. In th chtH-xo curing experlinentN of the depart men t of ngrtculture the paxt year It wax found the t liecxe that Bcoretl the hlghext wun Hint which wna placed Iu cold xtor.'igent n temperature of 32 degnt-N V. directly from the presx. That which acored lowest wax cured In a fuctory curing room ut a tempera ture of 05 legnfN Valua of Breeding. More nttciitloii bhouM be given to the breeding of cowh by dulrymen. A dalrymun whoso herd In once miule free from tuberculoslN mny ruudlly keep It ao If he grows hi own aupply of cowa. The coiiilltlonx for the aure and rapid upreud of Hie tllxeuxo are more fuvorublo lu dairy Hum In other herd been u ho of the largo portion of the 1 1 mo that dulry cowh are confined Ju atoll In winter or ut leiiHt ore kept In stables even though not tied. Cowa Should Bo Tcttad. The dairy Intercut In greatly ham pered lu cortnlu utntoN by importlug Into them cows that have not been tented for tuberculoHlH, anya the Ameri can Ciilllvutor. An long un thla la per mitted the dairymen who Invest iu sucb cows will have their own Borrows. They nre jimt about certain to Invest In some Individuals that are affected with tho dlxcuxo. Such being the cane, It is certain to spread. Records of Dairy Cows. In tho twenty-second nnnunl report of the bureau of iiulmnl Industry Clar ence H. I,nne snys: The scales and the Habeock test lire essential requisites for every true dairyman, llecords nre valuable because they assist dairymen to distinguish tho good from tho poor cows, assist tho feeder In preparing ra tions economically, give warning of the approach of sickness and give Inspira tion to those who watch carefully for Improvement. Accurate and continuous records are uwossury for best results. Kxamples show tho Impracticability of trying to determine tho profitable cows by niero guesswork. Onu dulrymnn found Hie cow bo had picked out for best to bo fifth on his merit list when actual records were taken. It Is de sirable that records of dairy nnlmals Include not only the dairy performance, but a concise history nnd description of encu Htilmnl nnd o record ut least of approximate accuracy of tho cost of the feed of every cow, so that the ctjnomy of production may bo determined. t LAKfiVIGW i SADDLERY t g S. P. AMLSTROM. r proprietor . t l The host Vni""fc I die on the market. is ; I Alxon complete line of whijiiii i nnd buggy hnrncMS, whin' & robe, rhiiim, IdtH, Hpun, i quirt, nmeiti . In fuel every thing In tin- Hi e i.f iiirrlngc T unit lnrse r n ri U K )( . Itc A piilrljj I'.v compctcnte run. 1 HOT! ?JI, II AKEVIKW lIKI-CTni) IN lH) MODHKN I TIIROlKlHOn I ! FIKST-CI.A55 I ACConnonTioNs ! sahplh koon Por conni-KCiA. TRAVI-LIIK COURTCOUS TREAT MUNT SwimaSIow LIGHT & HARROW, Proprietor r. Sverxose should tahtrribe for Um home MPr, la ordtr U let all the local nrfra, tat to keep 1 touch with th world's dally tventj should alio rtad Tho Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, Tho lefcdinf oTeolnf aowspaotr of tho Faclflo Gout which haj rom yltto A o elated Prou roporta and special leuod-wlro aenioo, with correspondent! la Important news centers and la all tho cities and principal towns of tho Northwest Tortland and snhnrhs azo covered hy a brifht staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and ipeclal writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 20 to 21 paces, and has colored comic paces, as well as a department for children, colored fashion pace, an Interesting serial s'ory and other attractive features !n addition U all the news of tbe day ! Sulscriptlon P.ates: One month, j f.O cents; three months. $1.35; six j ffiuUis. 52.60; twelve months .". iauiple copies mailed froo. f CATARRH 3 50 Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy is a Soeclflc, Sure to Give Satisfaction. CIVCS RELIEF AT ONCR. It ell'llllrtTH, BOOl hl'S, lll'llls, lltld prulxctN thw 'liteiwd nicinlir inc. H e'ir : t'atiin I'nud drives nwny n ( "II i-i Hi Menu : Ulv. itenlorcs tho tv- tf T. I'n! nil. l-.iiy '-'i nie. t ! i ' i )". d-ug-t, applied iuli) Ii.' i.' r ! 'i'.mhI. '...ll!!D KlZii, f.'l coins ,; I 'l'r .A i-l' y iiiui! ; Trial Si.e, li) ctrntu i f i:uiw. ILY BROTHERS. t6 Warron St. . Naw Yurs. ! Notice to Sheepmen : All rollick, un export shoepshenror aud h crew of Culiforula shearers ure ot my corrals lu Camns prairie ready to go to work. I have my corrals In excellent shupe this spring and the feed is better tbun ever before. 20- Mrs Rosa McDanlels., OABTOniA. Bmth. vlinNiulYoiiHii Always Boufill 4 ,?rtiTii 'iv.!"""' "" 1 Ths Leading Paper of U , PkHc Coast Th" Stn Francisco Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle The very best weoaly Nwspasr pv.o.Uhed la the oilr West. $1.50 a Year ! I..!n,c Ktira o an; iS't nf tha i.iixl Ii4iat,0(ud aud Maxica It is Viat bacause, besides i rlne.n all tha newa ol the world .o la an Interesting way a -i d ulljt Illustrating many rtk -'e: . it hm special depaV no.s i'.e voted to ACR1CULTURB HOKTICULTUR POULTRY , LIV STOCK MINING LITERATURE" FASHIONS and SPORTS These are presided ever by ed tors having a thorough knowi edpe of their specialties. The i ages deveted to Agr culture. Horticulture, Poultry and Live Stock are wall Illustrated and fl.'.ed with matter of the greatest Interest te ail engaged Is these Industries, erery line belag written by those who are In elose touch with oondltleiia prevailing eo this Coast q SEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. It will be sent Iim. Do yoa want the Chroasoie Reversible Map? Showing the Unites' States, Do minion ef Canada ss4 Northers Mexico os ese .slda, MAP OP THE WORLD, preeeodag te view In isa oesdaueua snap, with all areas In tnte psaporMos. the es-tli-a surfaoe of the Earth oa tho other aide. Sens S3 ss4 get She Map serf ""VenkJy Csrsntsls" lor oew yasr, psstags pripalS as Has) sati Paw The Dally End Map Only S&75 a Ycsr Csi. Mining blank s at the Examine olllce. If you are thinking of organizing a stock company Bee our uew Bamplea oWall Stret eutfraved stock ccrtld ates. tf SubHcrlbe for The Lake Couuty Ex uiulucr, If you waut the uews. D. K. Penner, the piano tuner, will make his annual visit to Lakeview lu the noar future. If your piano needs tuning wait for him. 22 tf. AASraas M. H. s TUUWE. EJBSBsaafBsEsW . iTi 1 1 1 ay Notlee of rutortlon of Public Lmida to Hettleuiont and Entry. ) tiartmtnl of th Interior, Oeneral Land Otlleo, WnxlilnKton, I). C, June i:t, lWr7. Nolle, In hereby kItao that I he public, land In the following de acrllKxl itrpfiN, tmporRrlly withdrawn on May and July 31, for for- rRtry purpoxfld and adjoining tha Fre mont and ( looni Ike National Foeata, (Jreuon, and not otberwiae withdrawn, reaorved or appropriated, will by au thority of tbeHecretaryof the Interior le rextored to the piibllo domain on Hertemlier 2H. UK7, and liecome aub Jnet to Mittleinent on end aftr date, but not to entry, tiling or elec tion until on an after October 28, i:J7, under the iiHiial reatrlctlonii, at Die United Statea Ijend Ollhe at Lakevlew, Oron : In Town Nhip twenty one (21), lUne ten (10), HeetioiiH one (I), twelve (12), thirteen (l.'J) fourteen ( 14 ), twenty-three (23), twenty-four (21), twenty fife (2-"), twenty-aix (2fi), thirty-five (3T) and thirty alx (:;j;in Townnhlp twenty three (23) Iiane ten (10), Section thirty nix CM); in TowriMhl twenty one (21), ItHiitfe eleven (11), Hectiona three CI) to ten (10), both inclusive, the aoiiheaxt (p-iarter Oi' Miction eleven (ll)mnith half of twelve (12). Hectiona thirteen ( 13) to thirty aix (30), both incliixhe; in TownHhlp twenty-three !:.i:r,'ir rr." i ' l:tiTn 1 eleven (11). twelve (12). thirteen (13), fourteen (II), and fifteen (1:) or hoo- tion thirty-one CM); In iownsnip twenty one (21), Itauge twelve (12), the went half ot Section four (4). the eBMt half and souhwest quarter of Sec tion five ifi), southeast quarter of Sec tion six (C), Section seven (7), north lislf and son h-west quarter of Section eight ("). Sections eighteen (18), nine teen (19), thirty CIO), thirty one (31); in Township thirty two (:), Kange foiirteen( 14 j, tho west half of Section twenty seven (27), south hnlf of Sec tion twenty-egbt (2S), eattt half of Section thirty-two (32), all Section thiity three (33), west half of Section thirty-four (31) ; in Twnship thirty three 'XI), Kange fourteen (14), the west half of Section three (3), all sec tions four (4). five (a), eight (H), inine (9), sixteen (10) to twenty one j (21 ), both inclusive, ali twenty Bve 2."jt, south half of twenty-six (20), all thirty-four (31), thirty-live (35) and thirty-six (30) ; iu Township thirty four ( vl), Kange fourteen (14), Sec jtions one (1), two (2), three ( ), eat half of four (4) and nine (U), an ten (10) to sixteen (10), both incliiHive, twenty-two (22), to twenty-eight (2h), both inclusive, euHt half of twenty nine (29). west half of thirty (30), all thirty-one (31) to thirty-six (30), both inclusive; all Townships tbirty Uve (3.", thirty six (30), and thirty seven (37), Kange fourteen (14) ; all Townships forty (40) aud forty-one (41), Kange fourteen and one half (14'i); in Township thirty-three (33;, Han ice fifteen ()"), south half of Sec tion nineteen (19), west half of twenty-seven 27, all twenty-eight, 28, south half of twenty-nine (29) all thirty (30), thirtv-oue (31). thirtv-two (32), thir ty-three, (33), west half of thirty four (34); iu Township thirty-four (34), Kange fifteen (15), west half of section the (5), all six 6 seven(7), west half of eight (8), ail eighteen (18), nineteeu (19), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), west half of thirty-three (33); in Township thirty-five (35), Kange fifteen (15). Sections three (3 to ten (10), both inclusive, west half of eleven (11), all furteen (14) to twenty-two (22,) both inclusive, west half of twenty- three (23), webt half of -twenty-six (20), all twenty-seven (27) to thirty four (34), both inclusive, west half of thirty-rive (35); in Township thirty six (30), Kange fifteen (15), Sections seven (7), eight (8), sixteen (10) to thirty-six (30), both inclusive; in Township thirty-seven (o7), Kange fif teen (15). Sections one(l), to twelve (12). both inclusive, north half of thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), all fifteen (15;to twenty-two (22), both inclusive, twenty-seven (27), thirty-three (33), both inclusive; iu Town ship thirj-eight (38), Kange fifteen (15), Sections four (4), to nine (9), both inclusive, fifteen (15) to twenty two (22), both inclusive, twenty-six (20) to thirty-six (30) both inclusive; in Township forty (40), Kange tifteeu (15), west half of Section five (5), all of six (0), aud seven (7), west half of eight (8), all sixteen (10) to twenty one (21), both inclusive, twenty eight 28, thirty-six 30, both incluisve; iu Towuship forty-one 41, lauge nr teen 15, Sections two 2 to nine 9, both inclusive, all of eleven 11, sixteen 10. twenty 20. both inclusive, west half of twenty-one 21 ; in Township thirty six 30. Kange eix- teeu (10). Sections sixteen (16) to twenty (20), both inclusive, north half aud south-west quarter of twenty one (21), all twenty-nine (29J, thirty (30), thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32): in Township thirty-seven (37), Iiange sixteen (10), Sections five (5) to eleven (11), both inclusive, thirteen 13 to seventeen 17, botn inclusive, twenty-three 23, twenty-four 24, twen-ty-tlve 25, thirty-live 35, and thirty six 30; in Township thirty-eight. 38, Kange six teen 10, Sections one 1, two 2, three 3. nine 9. to sixteen lo, both in elusive, east half of seventeen 17, and tweuty 20, all twenty-one 21, twenty three 23, twenty-four 24, tweuty-Hve 25, twecty-eight 28, twenty-nine 29, south half of thirty 30, all thirty- one 31, thiity-two 32, thirty-three 33, aud thirty-six 30; iu Township thirty-nine 39, Kange sixteen 10, south half of Section twenty-four 24, all tweuty-five 25 aud thirty-six 30; in Towuship thirty-five 35, Kauge seventeen 17, west half of Section eleven 11; in Township thirty-six 30, Kange seventeen 17, north-east quarter of Section one 1; in Township thirty seven 37, Ktinge seventeen 17, south half of Section fifteen 15, all sixteen 10 to twenty-two 22, both incluive, twenty-seven 27 to thirty-three 33, both inclusive ; iu Township thirty eight 38, Kange seventeen 17, south half aud north-west quarter of Sec tion three 3, Sections four 4 to ten 10, both inclusive, west half of eleven 11, all fifteen 15, to tweuty-three 23, both inclusive, twenty-live 25 to thir ty-six 30, both inclusive; in Towu ship thirty-nine 39, Kange seveuteeu 17. Sections one 1 to uve o, uotn inclusive, nine 9 to sixteen 10, both iuclusive, east half of Sectiou seven teen 17, south half of nineteen 19, all . twenty 20 to twenty-seven 27, both iuclusive. thirly 30, tbirty-oue 31, thirty-four 34, thirty-five 35 aud thiry-six 30; In Towusnip rorty 40, Kange seveuteeu 17 Sections one 1, two 2, eleven II, north half of twelve 12; In Townahlp thirty-four 34, Ilsnwe eighteen 18, aoutb half of Section nineteen 19; In Townablp thirty-alx Hange eighteen 18, the aontb and north-wet UHrter of Seetion alx C; In Townahip thirty-eight 38, Hange elubteen 18, sonth half (if Section three 3, all ten 10, aout.h half of elev en II, ail thirteen 13, fourteen 14, fifteen 15, nix teen !, north-eaxt rjiinrter of twenty-four 21, aout.h half of twenty -Ave 2r, twenty-alx 'id, and twenty-aeven 27, all twenly-eight 28, twenty-nine ', thirty-one 31, to . 1 ff l..t. 1 .... I 1 . I n 4 1 . t i vnirijraix , imiiii iih iiifhoi hi tllht,. Ikl.. Il.l.l .u. m IK. ' l.owiiniii' tuin;iiiuv a', iwuku va., J teen 18, Hectluns one 1, to thirty-two '32, both inclusive, and north half lot thirtv-flve 35; in Townnhip forty 40, Hange eighteen 18, Hectiona live aix 0. north half of eevcri 7 and eight 8 ; In Townxhip thirty-eight 38, Kang nineteen 10, Hectiona one 1, two Ii, three 3, ten 10, tothirtyaix :V. both in cluxlve; ail Townxhip forty-one 41, Kange nineteen 10, not iu Oooce Lake; in Townabip thirty-aevera 37, Kange twenty 20, eonth half of tact ion nine 0, all aixteen 10, aontb half of aeveuteen 17, all nineteen 1'J, twen ty 20, went half of twenty-one 21, all twenty-five 25, to tbirty-alx 30, both Inclusive; in Townehip tbirty-aix .'!0. Hange twenty-one 21, went helf of Hange twenty one 21, Section. Hection four 4 : in Townahrp thirty thirty 30 end thirty-one 31 ; in Town ship tbirty-elglit .in, Kan go twenty one 21, north-west quarter of Section six 0, all sixteen 10, sooth half of seventeen 17, all nineteen 19. twenty 20, twenty-one 21, twenty-three 23, to thirty-six M, both inclusive; In 'lown ship thirty-nine 39, Kange twenty-one 21, Section one 1 to eleven 11, both inclusive, fifteen 15, to nineteen 19, both Inclusive, north half or twenty one 21. all thirty 30. thirty-one 31 and thirty-two 32; in Township forty 40, Kange twenty-one 21, Sections five 5, six 0, seven 7, eighteen 18, nine teen 19, north half and south-east quarter of thirty 30. east half and southwest quarter of thirty-one 31; in Township forty-one II, iiange twenty-one 21, Section six 6, north bal! of seven 7 : in Township thirty seven 37, Iiange twenty-two22, north east quarter of Section thirty-four 34; in Township thirty-eight 38, Kange twenty-two 22, Section five 5, east half and southwest quarter of Section seven 7, all eight 8, nine 9, fifteen 15 to twenty-cue 21, both inclusive, twenty-eight 28, to thirty-three 33, boih inclusive; in Township thirty nine 39, Iiange twenty-two 22, Sect ions four 4 to nine 9, both inclus ive, sixteen 10, seventeen 17. and the north half of twenty 20; all south and east, Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warning is hereby oxpresnley given that no person will permitted to gain or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prior to September 28. 1907. and all such settlement or occupation is here by forbidden Fred Dennett, Acting Commissioner of the General Land Office. Approved: Jesse E. Wilson, Acting Secretary of the Interior. 20-10 NOTICE. Blue prints of any town ship in the Lakeview Land District can be had by applying to the under signed. All work up to date. Checkings made from the Land Of fice Records at the time the prints are made, work neatly and promptly done. VV. B. Snider, Lakeview Oregon. Creasing to Please Men. Dressing to please a man is not such difficult work if a woman will only grasp toe fundamentals. A man likes to se9 brilliant hair with a deep wave In it lie loves a hat that la trimmed with roses and caught up at the side. lie dotes upon the little coat that Is tiot too severe In Its outline, and ho likes feminine fripperies around the bands. As for the fingers themselves, they must be perfection. Then as to the arms. No man likes a poor pair of arms. Better cover them with laco armlets than display a set of rough elbows and bones that show through the skin. St Taul Tloneer rress. Tho Good Night Kiss. Always send your child to bed hap py. Whatever cares may trouble your mind, give the dear child a warm good night kiss as it goes to its pillow. The memory of this In the stormy years which may be In store for the little oue will be like Bethlehem's star to the bewildered Bhepherda, and welling up iu the hearts will rise the thought "My father, my mother, loved me," Lips parched with fever will become dewy again at this thrill of tender memories. Kiss your little child before it goes to sleep. First Aid For Burning Feet. BuraliiK feet are most unpleasant aud not only make a woman miserable, but cause her to pucker up her face in to numerous fret lines and so rob her of tho pretty, cheery light which makes a woman so lovely, says the Philadel phia l'rcss. Every night bathe the feet well with hot water to which ordinary washing soda has been added. Dry thoroughly aud apply this powder: Five grams of powdered alum, five grams of salicylic acid, sixty grains of powdered talcum, rubbing It well Into tho feet TIMRRR XOTICK. United States Land Office, lakeview Oregon, May 7, 1907. Notice la hereby given that In om pliance with the provision of the Act of Congress of Jnne 3j 1878. entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the States nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended to all the Publio land States by act of Angust 4, 1892, Koilit M. McDonald, of Lakeview, connty of L ake, Slate o Oregon, has this day filed in this office hia sworn statement No. 3081, for the purchase of tDeHEJtf NWJf E4 HWH A SWLJ HW4j of Men tion No. 27, in Township No. 30 R. Kange No. 19. E.. W. M.. snd will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or htone ttmn for agricultural purpose and to establish bis claim to said land before Kegister and Keciever at Lake view Oregon on Monday, the 22 day of Jnly, 1907. lie names as witnesses: E. E. Klne hart, A. L. Uoodman, Oeo. 8. Down, Ueo. II. Lynch all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and sll persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands ar requested to file their claiirs in this office on or before said 22 day of July 1907. - 19 10 J. N. Watson, Register. Notice Of Apeelntment Of Administrator In the County Court of the St a to of Oregon, for Lake County. In the matter of the stat of) Chares T. Thompson, ) Deceased. ) The undersigned having been, ap pointed by the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Lake County, Administrator of the estate of Charles T. Thompson, deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them verified as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Administrator at the store of Wallace and Co., in tie Town of Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon. William Wallace, Administrator of the estate of Charles T. Tbompnon, deceased, Dated and first publibed, June, 20th. 1907. Notice of Restoration of Publio Lands to Settlement and Entry. De partment, of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington, D. C, May 11, 1907. Notice is hereby given that the l vacant public lands in the folio-1 ing described areas, temporary'- withdrawn for proposed additions to the Cascade National Forest, Ore gon, on Jnly 31, 1903, and January 24, HOT, and not. otherwise withdraw, reserved or appropriated, will by an thotity ot the Secretary of the Interi or lie restored to the public domain on July 27, 1907, and become subject to settlement 00 and after that date, ' bat not to entry, filing or selection ' until cn and after August 20, 1907, under the usual restructions, at the United States Land Office at Lake- view, uregon: 1 xownsnip iniriy nine (39), iiange six (C) .Sections one (1), two (2), three(3), seven (7), to thirty-six (36), both inclusive; ia Township thirty two (32), Kange seven and one half (7), Sections sixteen (16), to twenty-one (21), botb inclusive, the south half of Section twenty-six (26), Sections twenty seven (27), to thirty six (36, both inclusive; all of Township thirty three (33). Range seven and one half (7!), not in the Klamath Indian Res ervation ; all of Township thirty-three (33), Range seven (7), not iu said re servation ; all South and East, Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon. Warning is hereby expressly given that no per ' son will bepermitted. to gain or exer cise any right whatevrr under any set tlement or occupation begun prior, to July 27, 1907, and all such settlement or occupation is hereby forbidden. R. A. Ballinger, Commissioner, approved: Thoa. Ryan Acting Secretary of the Interior. May 24 July 27- , ,- . . have st-v- ' lest for orer so years. ami are . ' l.ieleaU. Their absolute -r.-xth. their uncommonly certaintT ci large yii : ' beaut.ul I'! r',Bak( them the mos? ; . most popular every " 1 by a'.l dealer. J307 f -.HCil free on request, y.-. fcry & co., jj4:- I Colrcil, (Jj.'1' ? Me rv- here. : 1 Scd ti ;Kt Final Proof Notice. Land Otflce at Lakeview Oregon, June, 1 1907. Notice is hereby given that Gran ville W. Hardisty, of Lakeview Ore gon, bus tiled notice of hia intention to make final Ave year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 3024made July 5 1900 fo r the N'Ve SVJ4' & V'H SE4 Section 6 Township 38 S. Kange 21 E.,W. M. and that said proof will be made before Kegister and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon oa 19th day of July 1907. He numea the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land viz: L. O. Hardisty, A. M. Hardisty, Wm. Kirazey, Frank Wilson, all of Lakeview Oregon. J. Watson, Kegister. 23-5 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE V.- 1 1 - - A Talk. AlRMai riL- designs 'rtllW Copyrights Ac Anyone muting a ketrh and dmcTlntlon may oiili itly a')rini!i our opinion iroa wliilmr aa biVenilun H pmhiitily paienialile. Cumniiinica. umf."irictiyiio.iiitll. HANDBOOK ou.-u.uu vat ire. OMeat aionrjr for ecunnii iHUenta. rmnnte taken tliruuiib Muuu A. Co, racolvo nxcM iu.Ue, without clionia, lu tha Scientific American. A handaomely lllniitrolad wekly. I-arvent etr cuUikmi "I ai'wmino Journal. 1 ernn. . a. ye'irt four ini,ntu, tL l all newnualer. " 4iLLcU L ', Y Bt, Waanluaiuu. IX.T j c" B'j ojJy eYY f f ' .1