The RIEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove The different Oil Stove The improved Oil Stove Gives best results. Reduces fuel ex pense. A xrorldng1 flame at the touch match. "Blue Flame" means the hottest flame produced by any stove. The New Perfection will make your work lighter. Will not over heat the kitchen. Made in three sizes, with one, two, and three burners. Every stove war ranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. Kayo Lamp gives a clear, steady light. Fitted with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Every lamp warranted. Suitable forlibrary, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) of the U To Cure a cold in One Day j Take LAXATI VF UROMO Ql'lMNK Tablets. All Iruk'tfift'i refund the NOTICE of re.-toration of public lands to settlement ami eutrv. le-I Iparliuent of the Interior, lieneral j I an. I MHl.-rv (nril -11 1'kir money if it f.tilt. !.. cure. E. W. IrovVe is hereby jri'ven that'thc Secretary of! umature in . , tch l-.x. 2h- tbe interior bud on April 11, 1W7, va- I - rated bid former order of Julv, tS), ' Blue Prints Made. withdrawing the following des cribed lamia for irrigation purposes in I will make Iilue Prints f any connection with the Ana River Pro tract ct land in the Lakeview Inil ject, Oregon : Township thirty South, iiiufr!, ..i ,i,. i.,t... v- flange Sixteen Fast. Section one; itll on or write II Lakeview. Oregon. B. township thirty South, Range aeven- SN1PER teeu Fast, Section six, and baa order .js tf ed tliHt the aforesaid lands lie restored to the put lie domain and to settlinente but uot to becoue subject to entry, tiling or selection under the public laud laws of the United States until August 12, 1907, at the United States Land Office at L?keviev. Oregon. Con)miieioner of General Lund Of- James RuJolph Ciaineld, Secretary Blanks for linal proof. Desert proofs timber land final proofs and blank affi lavits for appli-ationa for readvertise oients, blunk witiirrV affidavits, tic. t Hho Examiner ffi-e. tf hose ad. appear in the Exniuiuer, have appoint! dj. A. Morris, of Plush, their agent tit that place, who will buy bides ai.d pet'. 4s tf A Wonderful Happening Port Byron, X. Y., has witnessed one of the most remarkable cases of Farmers, have yor butter wrap- ,iealin ever recorded. Amos F. King i i . oti . oI tnat place says: "Bucklen's Arn- pers printed at The Examine office. : o t i -.i. ' ' ica Salve cured a sore on my leg with instead of Kendfnj; away for them, which I bad suffered over 60 years. You keep your money at home, and I am now 80." Guaranteed to cure all patronize them that patronise you, Bort, by Lee Beall, Druggist 2Te. tM-Hlden, you wee what you are gvt- c-i yy: ff rp CVTL I AI dm; and donT have to pay for It if Beantl Kind Vs HartW3fSEocf It doesn't nuit you. tf Bigaatnw n VST PUBLISHED Tlii'se volume were 'written y men who rnnk among the foremost building x perls of the tiny. Money refunded if they do not meet your need. ROiNI ORCUl) CONCKETI;. y UYI.h and (iib con. I5'Y , MMUs. A manual of practical methods" for Architects, UuiM"r, contractor",. Civil and 5 mitary Knginecrs. Information for the firm timi made known to the w.irltl. lae:l on recent construction work, special teste, etc. Price $1.00 m?ILI)INU5UPtKI.NTCNI)HNCU. Uy K. Nieliol 2vK) pp., 25 J ills. Costly mistaken occur through lack of attention at proper time, hurtful to Own er and disc re litablo to Architect mid Huiltler Gives thorough knowledge of methods mid mater ials. Price $1 So ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING AND LI-TI fcRING. Hy li uirne, von llolst and lirown. 185 pp , 55 drawings. Coniph te course in making working drawings and irrtestio lettering for architectural purHses. Price $1-50 HSTIMATING. l?y Kdward Nicholas. 135 pp., 35 ill. For all workers in DuiMing trades. Tells how to estimate intelligently. Price. $1.00 CONrRCT5 and SPCCiriC NITONS, lly .James C Plant i25pp., fully illustrate I. Forms of pub lic and private contracts, specifications, bonds, etc.; duties and responsibilities of Architects, contraclois and Owners Price $i.(X 5r.IR-Dt'ILDlNG and :?Tl;KL 5UUARH. Uy Hodgson and Williams. 130 pp., ISO ills. Only up-to-date work on these subjects. Price ,..$1.00 CARPENTRY. By G. Townscn-l. i50 pp., 2a4 ills. A working nianual for carpenters and Wood workers in general- Not a theoretical treatise, but a practical working guide- Price $1 STRENGTH of MATERIALS- By K- R Maurer. PP i 5 ills F,r Architects, Builders, Steel and Cncrete Workers. Enables one to avoid mistakes- Price $1.00 HECHAMCAL DRAWING. Hy Iv Kenis.ui. 16O pp., 140 ills. Complete course in projections, shale lines, intersections and developments, let tering, with exercises and plates. Price $1 00 MASONRY CONSTRUCTION. By Phillips and Brvne. 10 pp 44 ills- Latest and U-st Ameri can methods. Price $1 00 These volumes are handsomely bound In red art Vellum de Luxe, size l' x 0 Inches. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of price. Remit by Irah, Postal Order, Fxpretw Order, or Register ed Letter, to the Lake County Examiner. GET THE BEST IN. Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 Now Words Nny Gazetteer of the World l!i innrn tlmtl S.tHO titles, bnMxl Oil tho lemma iflurnn, NewBlographlcal Dlctlenar vi 111 1, iii lii !f tlii tinnirtpf over iVO0 nulol J l-ttl'l .1, l.UlO (( I'll I ll, (ll'lllll, VtO, f 1U.-.I l r W. tTii .Miims. rii T).. M..T t .iiusU uili-.H imiuilKnU'iliTi't Kiluonlloil. 2300 Quarto Tares K- I Ilk. (-. liltulr0. Itkh Dlhdla reeled In Kver.y I loma : -iir' C-il!!iiii IHcllonarjr I II. 'V I11M IJuln,n... '. r i'.lill ntiTJr'i li., U. Il.lnjlnj i 1.... 1 .linonf vn',,1', i-i. In. .iJ tr-m . , ' f 1 I it'. 11 I--- .1'' 'I t'llnt. . ;lloi. nr.. Gprlatflolil, Mks . Mill ' I'triilili'til ,. I Vlw-lTi-plili-nl . . . . s1MTfliry of Hm, . SiM'ii-Urjr of Tfi'Kniir) . Sxrrrliirjr I't Wr. ... Almrii. 7 lli'Mcml . . . riialiiiHatur (li'Hi'rl . . Svi'r 'lm jf (il Navy H'l'iTlnry Inli'rliir Siirri'lury of Aiirlriilliirc -rriry of I oimnrrrtv i hli'f Jiimle Vi apmlon M uriii r. S, I'l inloii 1 otnmliuiloiirr W.N. I(ii'lmril l H, I unit I 0111 inl.lnh.'f (TT4T. Oxvcriiiir tiro. f. I IminlHTliiia Nlrimii.R Kl liu Hiw 1 1 .1 i' M. Hlmw Win. II. Tfl . Wm. II. Mixiily Oi'ii. II. CuMi-lyon elm J. Iiini.rt . , K. A MIli'lu-iM k . ... J mi l W limn V. . Moll M f Mrlvlllf W. KmIIi r K. A. Moor .. . K. I I'unh.r ... . C.H. MiHif . A. M, Crawford J. II , Arkrrillkn ... i. K . Wlilliipy ... s. w. iimur 1 J1.I111 M. (ii rl I 1 . tt , Kuiton 1 liihfrr lliriim J .N.v llli.mi mini jroii in Mrm-t. IiiiI II. I . Iii-nmn Joint Svimtor . John A I t tx-b II I'. Il. l,nr ) i. II Mnirnmii I A' tor lie J W , J, Moor Siiii inn Jniliic Mrrdnry of Mmir , . , , 1'ra-aaiiti-r Aliortx y llt'iii'ml .. Ho 't . I 'it ll It- I'rluti'f I'Blt) mill rtMiil Com . . . I'.S. Si'iifttor ,4'tlif ti .Mm 11 , Ki'r-.i-ti t t : v i-a . . C ft. I.AM tiKHt K. 51.250 Reward rtn- llarnry t mini j 1 .1 1 Xli" H A.M I li l-li I ntn I. N. WkI.oii. j C I'. Siililrr., ' I111I111.. j cirri shrrlff ' Ir'urur j ANII'-MltOr . ! School Stipt j surveyor I Comtnl.iiloiirrN siim It In.iu i'lur .Kit lato Id iM'lvrr unit 1 hi r. . 1 1, in . ol lilrh I ntn rjf jr vv iin iiil r. pitv, ;: ' ' ,,f n wnr.l l.iri''tit " f' 1 ' J 'r ! 'hliK In Hit' roll s 1, union ol imilli'l II. ' ..y F. .V. Ja.iil.h Alhrrt lli'tll t. o. -ilalrom W . n. Wt J. g. w iiiiu OF. Moort r. w P.111 II It II. rylonl . Han I'. M.ll.T TD S OF I..M- FVKW. V. I.. Kto-llllil Marry Kalli-yf l. I'. Mallov I I J. . 1 iit-i-r 1 i, S. l-anr. ) I W. B. Sulili-r . A . Iti.-li. r . . Mayor ('1 Hirlllliro Itat-tirtinr Tn aallirr tr-hii( i h'llltllltf 1 a tn 111 In ml. till. .11 I Km r.'Manl Horn,' lirati'l hor.- alioo on fit hi-t or Im.Ui iat.. Kt t or. I. il In h . ..iiillli auctt, Itarnrv. I.ako an. I t'ri.olt t'o.iiitii-a lloriN'i vriit.'.l Inn aol.l ll..r fill to k I IhrotiKh thla ai'ilioii ill In r. iti.-.I In Oil. taH-r. If not ... ri'rni, j.. a. run or tt If , , . , . .. . yhonr The Tlnn a !! rai l Vmn M. I. Ittirii.. nrr I 0"k nvelvetl Mtitiilny i-veilllir. II " W. W .Htoli, lluri.a. "ti"! iin ,..!, ...... I, I J k 11 11 mil ni n n 1 1 1 11111 no n m wi The Wall Ml reel line if eiirnvetl ti rlltleiili M t.f Situ k ninl Ituiiil lilankt at the i:tiinliit r tilliee. New Niiiuplv ho 111 l4 and uet nur prices. tf 1 $ 1 ,000.00 Reward. Xh ( Kcyv Vork Tril)une farmer Big ' Four Review of Reviews Success Magazine Lake County Examiner for The Entire Family THE GREATEST SUBSCRIPTION BARGAIN OF THE YEAR new- t .1 t: vokk 1 nbune rarmer Review of Reviews Success Magazine Lake Co. Examiner Wl-.KKLY. Mia., 12J t,y b inches. The most thoroughly practical, lii ljifii!, up-to-date illiistnited weekly fur every inemN'-r of the fanner's family. Regular Price per Year $1.00 MONTHLY, li". paes, 7 by 10 inches. Ililitetl hy lr. Albert Shaw, whose monthly commontn on cui leiit history, at home ami aliroa.l, are recognized a-H the moi-t intelligeiitantl valualile fount in any peri O' ConlaiiiH huinlretlrt of portraits of "people in t lie public eye," of cartoons, illustration ninl valuable original artieles. Regular Price per Year 00. MONTHLY. fl to 100 pages, 10 by 14 inches. I-very Issue is full of brilliant ami fascinatihg Serial ami Short Stories, original articles on "The Work of the World," with department coveting all phaseH of ' The Home Life ami the 1'errion," and with many inspirational feanures. Regular Price per Year 1.00 VJ:i;KLY: The leading Taper of Southeai.tern Oregon; the latest land and Stock Hewn of a territory embracing LH0 mi leu Kfjuare. Iike County, e Oflicial paper. The Ohlest Newnpaper In Southeastern Oregon, established in 1SS0. Rev lar Price per Year 2.00 j The Orego i t'.iliforiiWi & Nevada - j Livestock rrotective Akmim-IhI Ion j will give 10ni Itewanl for the con ' viction of any party or purlieu t-teal-, ing horKfH, cattle or mulct U-longlng to any of the follow ing memberH of j piei-tcd to thin AftMofiat Ion: Cox tie Clark, Chewaeau I. ami A. Cattle Co., Her.vfonl Land tfc Cattle i ')., Lake County Land Ac LIveMtoek Co., Warner Vall'-y Stock Co.. lien. W. MnpfM, Win W. Crown, (ieo. M. loiieH, Ceo. Haukliirt, S. C. Chamller, J. C. Dotlfton, C. A. Cehart, N. l ine, Thos. Mutton. W. A. Currier, Frank li. Caiierx, .J. C. Hott-hklKM, Calder wootl Crot.. T. .1. ilrattain A- Son, .lainert M. Moore. A. 1. Cecil, T. A. Crump, W. .. Mohh. CreHHler & Conner, W. T. Cn-HMler Acty .v (iilluim. Hill & Toiiey. W. I. Hi:itvKoi(i. CreHlil't I-. M. Mil. I. Kit, Sec tfc 1 rean I W. I'. HFItYKOIili Com. ! F. M. Hhkkn I S. C. ClI A.MH.l.U Reward tor Morses I will Klve f "i.imi rewni'tl for Inform-' allttti that will lea.) in flu- ilUi-ovcry 1 of any horxe bramled wllh tin old' horHenhtK' brand on bol h Juw , placi d ' at Inthecilt In thU ad vert Ui'iiielil , with frcxh trlam:le brand umh-rneat h j the horNt'Hlioe. The t iln liule plucetl In miicIi a manner tti vvoiiM cover up j li bar on bot h Ja wh. AiiliiinU miiHt Ih found In the pttHHCHnlnii of mime IHTHiill or perMollM. I TI M II Kit I. tMOTI4 K United StttteM IjiikI Olllfo Iikt-viewj Ureiroii, May rJ, r.i'7. Notice ii hereby (liveti that in coin pliuace with the pruvlnioim ot t lit? net of CiMik'rt's nf .June II. 1H7S, entitled "An act fur tho Mile of tlmoer litnds in llioKtuti.H if 'nl 1 f a ir 11 in ( Iri'L'oll. Nevada iitid Wnhliii;tiii Territory," Mi exteiiiloil to all tin- I'ttblie l.tiiul i anil Ktuteti by act t)f AtiKiiht I. lH'.ri, tmich lmonlh. n:!,!,,, ,.r Uy (r StaU. of Ur. o... h..H thin .lay Hied it. k U " 'KS ( - l'rtni.-u ' No thin ollico hit uvutii rttHtfiiieiit No. I JWnn lloulr Tnl, ChlftlKO, .'lit. :i70tl, for the pitrcliHfe of tho SL'4' SKI ft :im l4 of Sect ir ii Nn. VI, in Titwinthip No. ' - :ti, S., Kan mo No. "jo, K., W. M., audi The Kxtonltier pnnU nnhlp pint, will oifcr proof to tdiow Unit the litiitl ami tnakeii tliein into liookN loonier, tf Honnht i laori' valualile for lit t iinber ..,.. i , .1 t, , ortttotiethH-iforHKru-tiltura'purpowH, ! J. II. utter whixkey at tho Hot Hil l to etttablUh bin chiiin to wild land ijikt-view bur. Thf btht and pun-tit lieforo K'-iiifter and Keceiver at Luke- j vrhinkt-y made. tf. view Ort-Koii on Monday the PJth day ', , . of AtiUHt, P.H17. J .'ample-t of the Heiil.lHon Hhlpplng Ho iiiiitit-H an w itueffM : Hurry llaih-y, ; tag at The I'xamlner tifllee. All Lore 11 1,'ailey, John Creuuer, Walter! . , ,, , . 1'axton all of lik.-view Oregon. kIwm and .piallt I.-h. from Manila to Any anil all pcrrou4 chtiiniiiK mlvi r ! Hni-n (t He;y 1 ae anovo iiefcrioeii are re- II le Ihfir claiiiiH in thH ollico on or before Huid llltli Atitfti-t, 1!7. J. N. Watrtnu KeuHter. Northern Stage Line. LAK!;VII-V--PAISLI:Y. A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor. Leaver" I.aki view nt a. 111. every liv lut Sumlay Returning, leaven l'ainley at l :.'( a. 111 every tiny lu Sunday. PuHaint' art j Hsa1 f rip It Of'llCR- HcrmiMx A Wlnnnl.r, ikeflaw WANTKD: 10 men la t-itch titufe lo gravel, tllnti ll.tile fiiiiipleii nf our 'tioos tark fih'iii. Salaty tKt.s.H, pel xe titles. !tii!Kccp Posted I.IMI MITK K. L'liitetl Stalen Laml Otlice, Lake-. VH-M', Oieu'oli, .J tine lltlt I:ni On Mutters TSiat Intcresi You Your local paper la a necessity Notico in hereby Klvea Unit in com i .A vn flnnni-,Mw n,t ,1W j J V W.1 v. ll wut y r I II i:!H Fix an 1: lakeview Cigar Factory A. STOItKM. Crop. Maker of i Havana and Domestic Cigars COliKTRV ORDEH8 SOI.ICITEO ! Give tin a trial. Store in the brick I building next door to I'oBt & King ua j loon, uhkeview, Oregon. I'liitiice with the provisions of the He- of Coniner..1 of June:i. 1S7H, enlitleil "An act for the halo of timber laud! in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wfchhiia.'ttni Territory,", as extended to all the l'uhlic ljtnd StitteH by act tif An'iiht I, lf!l-', John ; C. Autea, of Klamath 1 iiIIh, count y ,,n ,i f uy. tbocn t.-A o.ntial of Klimiuth, State of Oregon, hits this , - , t tiny bled in this otlice ttwoni htato -c vtures or progress. meiit. No. for tint purclmhe of! In THE TWICE A - WEEK the I.'.; SL'.' SW'i SK'., .t SK of Kt'clion No. 'ii, in TowiihIi :U K. Kainit No. 17 R. W. M.. and will otter proof to tmow that the land ; very laicsi news or toe world, 1U fought is moio altiablo for it timber j matttr including: information on or fctone than for am ii ultural purport- nr,:t: ruining, literature, as well as the local happenings in the tates of But a NEWSPAPER OF GEN ERAL CIRCULATION, contain ai'T the latest news of the world, is equally necessary to you. The up to date man will provide ' W'4 ! SPOKESMAN . REVIEW, Spo- h.,,, u: ! IrnriA Wuh urlil H tnnA tt. t-s and to eHtablixh his claim before the Clerk of Klamath County Ore., at bis oltleo at Klamath rails, Oregon, on Monday tho tbty of September, 1'.hj7. lie Haines as witneH-es: C. li. WithnrH, of Paiidey, Oregon, Frank JoIiiihoii, of llftiry, Oregon, Kalph VaiiKU of Klauiath Falls, Oit'K., James Cyan, of Cly Oregon. Any and all peiMius chiimiiiK lulver eeley the above deHcribetl lands ure retpiestod to lllo their claims in thin office on or before ttHitl ii, day of Hept. I'.HJT. 1 Xi-10 J. N. Watnoii, Keinter. The regular price of these 4 great publicat -sis - Our Price - - - - - $7.00 $5.0o SUBSCRIPTIONS, NEW OR KHNIiWALS, TO ANY 01- "THE BIG FOUR" MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. SEPARATE SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE MAGAZINES WILL NOT BE RECEIVED. THE POUR PUBLICATIONS MUST BE SENT TO ONE ADDRESS. Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon, ECZliMA and PILECURr FREE Knowing what It was to Buf fer, 1 will fcdve FKEK OF CHAK;i:, to any afllictetl a poftltlve cure for Fczema, Salt Kheuin, Kryulpelan, I 'Ilea and Skin DlHcaHcr. IiiHtunt re lief. IJont Huffer loiiKer, AVrlto F. V WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenue, New Vork. KucloMe Stuinq. Reward. I.VX) lieward will be paid by the Luke County WoolKrowera Association to anyone Hiring information leading to the arrerit and conviction of any person or persona changing the marks tr t ran da. or killing or moving any beep belonging to members of this tosoclation. S. II. Chandler, President' J, IS. Watson, beoretary, Ashland Commercial College. This institution will enter the new year on September 2, l'Jb", with lar ger and more convenient rooms, add itional equipment, ami with a course of training that for accuracy, com pleteness and thoroughucHa la Burpaaa ed by none. Uuring tho laat yeur wo have placed our students iu excellent poaitiona, in LosAngeloa, Fortland. ( I rants l'aaa, Medford, Winer, Dimamiiir, itntl in Aahlaud, several of them receiving1 more for their first month's work than tho coat of the course. Mores were culled for and noue to send. The development of tho greut Pacific Coaat Is ouly begun and our outer prlaing young men and women or tho incoming ones are going to carry on the buiaueaa. You can receive the qualifications aud share in the general proapreity. .- Bend for full ' information to 'the Ashland Commercial College, iiti 4 Montana, Oregon. Idaho, Wash. Inton and the province of British Columbia. In addition, it col. nnins for women, its populcx 'rience articles, its short and con tinued stories, its "Answers to Correspondents" and "Tuxzle rioblems" combine to form a home newspaper that at $1.00 per 7-t can nowhere be excelled. - ITS AltVKKTIMINO YAM It. 1 -ii,n,a yo hay soiri.thlna In aril uriii, tm, firm mar hln.rr. Yivi m I li lo bur nmrtlilnr Th beat (io.all.l ray to eommunliala with p.opla who wlab to buy or Mil la by Inaartlni a amll ! 'i I. la Th flpokaamao-Havl. w Kiirmara, alnrkman, lumbarmaa and ml r tnlt tha TWlChl-A-WICICIC. If yon wlah lo raarh bualnan man an TV ba OAILT r SUM DAT ti'iiK KSMAN-HEVIBW. TUT TWIOK-A-WEEK HATM ARM I- tiitta par Una aa.h Inaatrllaa. Caaal n U to a Una. 'IK .'All.T AND HL'NOAT HaTI FO fiNHRCH'TIVB INhtllTIOKa '3 Words IS V a I tlin L I llinna I U a a lilf. bU.MmT Al.ONS i ..r. p., m, -act, oi iii. in a Hria Caaaa op - l-MH f'l'lKtt-o.t i III klttW, ta ai iiiiin.f ur4.r i.i Only. , 'r-.t ,r,1 ni-.ri.o la