fill '0MMW VOL. XXVIII. LAKISVIKW, LAKK COUNTY, OIIKGOX, THURSDAY. A ULV H l!K)7, NO.20 FOURTH OF JULY ATTQWNOFPtUSH Horse Races, Squaw Wrestle, H Dance. McCARfy COME DO'AN PICTURES llvcnt one of the Most Notable in the History of the Little Warner Vnlley Town. On Hi" night of I tin .'inl ot July lit Flllnll lit til" linlir uf Vi o'clock till' Town IJunslern from their n i-pcelivo pcli'lics welcomed ill shrillc-t lolien t he coming of the glorious fourth of July, nor long ureil coiinlnn on llin liclghhol lug lunchc hniycd most em phatically . The owl final Mime inyn tciiuiin recivn In the rlmrnck cnted Ills most doleful plaints In ii pule ciiiIchh half iii'h n which glinted lazily nlmve the limrnck in the cast. Whin lien it 1 1 I foghorns touted fi,m the M'hooni rfc anchored nl Liccs wharf llllil llllti'lll't 1 11)' 111 If t hi'lllhl t'l the wnlll thut. the glorious Iuiii I h hii'l Conic. Cannonading commenced lit the J. .1. Hunch. 'J'' New barrel, 1. 1 leer were placed on tni lit the Cnllore V'clllll by Lane llllil Muss. Hell., tinkled chccl illglj" ut Hotel tie Sciimtlioil Flllli llloillug the k' 1 1 1 t -i Htnl pntronn to lileiikfiiil. Inline li.tlely niter break filit j i J I 1 1 1 1 1 1 In crmV'l iiitn I w 11 III large numbers mill llll mode (if con veyances. Some came in run luges some in boggle ir In lint l. . One party ratlin mi u nay lake, (!. V. Wise mid family came from the IT ranch lumen Ihe twamp inn wheel liiii'k, ilmve Into t he pi n ic ground adjusted hU lvr, lowcrvd hi freight fill I hacked out. Thel i v re ii'l'te )l ! mi .iIh i I . .mi 1 Jimi i i i'h , 1 l.-li creek, Twelve iniln crock. Mr Powell cr-ck fllllie Cteel., K'icK creeK lviHii.II crei-K mul other creeks. I Whynnl Street, ami M-.i rw AVeliile i were jianin-I with arch, an '. mot- tile, Midi H " Weli'i line to historic j I'lU'tl." "I lll.-ll :ik"UlM"l I he WoJil," .ti'. Tl., idi i b pie-iie I'toiin .In ailioliKt the t I'een in Iront ot the FlUfll lunl:-e cool 1 not Le excelled with the ilrowy hum of Die L'-en, the cooinK of doves ii'id the Li'iiutlfiil I ream of Honey creek within a few feet of tho t'l inn l.t I al liliii ,' rlow !y nini cnivler-ly Ly, lidded ii charm to the occaMon. 'I'liere wer" r;ael(M of llll klildn of I'l.V ui l i. ili lm iy uii.'ini mi l team were run a'l day Iroai the Colloceum to tFie j ii'nic iM'oiiiid Ly Lane nnd Mum witli plenty of vet uoodn to ,-nt iy nnd appease the Crnv iii'' of nil w ho pat rmii.e the picnic and lleniiH tho liht of the ejarinn iliimoltal miii that h'r.iccrt the in idsumiuer day. Tho iee cream dejuirt ment whicli wan handled by the ladien, li", blenn them mi I niarsliale 1 by Minn Kitlell Fine mid with her bin laiiKh mid henrl mid Kelieioiin hamln (.he forgot linbody. At the racen in the n'ternoon there .van rreat at I rncl ion fir t hu.-io who loved tho sprinting eipiine family tho new rvilutioii track which nperntes on a run under the American blow hofe rules, wan very diirty but thu crowd wan will prepared for the heat mid dunt. Frank Lane muiI to the riicfl track 2 pound of tangle loot from tho Colloceum, W. .. Morn Kent li pounds of Tcrrnntler juice from the F.Icphant and J. A Morris, .lude of the IDkIi Tulen b. nch of l'lunh, Kent '2 poiiudn of Oranne cider, Tim Sinister sent 2 (iiart cupn to Le ii.-ed in d's tiiliut I live tho wet K1""'- First race was the Flu-di Derby irTsHi, there were live entries. Mr. tlilsil entered llandbox. Mr. Amler sun from tho Kanaka. Kanch Deep Creek, entered Wood Loy. Mr. W. Z." Moss enterd Hill ltrown. Tom Ferris onteied Fill Ho.x ami Mr. Moay entered "Drive 'mn nil up." The race was 2 miles. They went lit h tup of tlio drum. The rucu was .juito excit liiK for tho llrst in i It when Landliox Hot on tho lead und won in a cantor with threo contesl.lnu for second money, while poor Hill Hiown was away Loliinil riuiniiiii anaiust the wind. Tin re were H' other incos which wore uiilmpoilnid its holutf poorly contested, us the hot raco which bad nlno entries when Hill Harry's sorrel nunc Hetty Harry drove tho othorH before her and they soeiuod to be nfruld of Lor too, because they kept far ahead of bee Tho atjuaw race mul wreidli! wan won by Winona, qiiei ll of Dip Piute. She threw Kitty I'nrker .'I straight falls-iih my countrymen what h fall there wim, it shook the town of Flush. I jUhI hut lint leant the big dnneii lit the town hull whs crowded. There wim scarcely standing room, ntiil every body wiih trying to make room for every hoily elne. The grand niarch darted lit ! o'clock mul the Plush Urnnn bund lend by hand master Hell limber st pickup the old favorite tune, Push iik'iin Jlrierer Mn Clirn Hull. Paiii'ilik' wnn kell nit until liiornliiK with a h.leii.lii mi per at inl.lnluht. Kveryl hliik' wim cairli'il In a moct ilecniotin mmiiier, pure f ricti'lphip ami Iinitheily love pn vaileil loiito l-e reiiiemla i eil In 1'IiikIi. Jly your moht Olineiiiioun Mi-Unrlhy Come Down. liack to (loot Old Lake. lid. t'lillelt, v im hliH l.i ell in Kii'h uioiid, Cnlil., mid in the vicinity ut Sail I' rilncii-co for the piiht few ycitrc, han returned to Lakfl County from whence he drifted to make hin fortune in mure congenial clime", i-a i.l he wa- I I lilnati) money to i,-et Lack on. Mr. Folh tt in lm inif mi. re tiimi Home others could nay. A.iked il there were oilier La'e county people iihout the city of htriki-, hi'h fiviuu Mid Idlelieo, he raid theie were (it hem wim wanted to come l in k. He haid further that the hardi-hipn for the iiik' man tl" re had only com menced. Strike-, toreed ldleilehMi.ini hikh ii ntn hini? made more than one l'red Fiift nnd leo Hartlrode piinn fellow w iio wan Lacli to Lake ; (..l throiik'h -LiikevieW Monday tfoiiitf County, where a man can woik every i into the monntaiun eat of Lnkevievv day in the year f" tfoo l w aei ri and on a pro.-pect iiik' tii). The i;eullcejfu lay up a few ilollam. Fairbanks a Hero. Vice pierfdent C. W. Fall Latilm Jn a hero. ThU fact wan deniountratcd a J immie J ud'c, arihtnnt pofu:anter, Jew iluyn iui nl ii Kiiiiiini'r li'Mnl in bus none on a vacation to Warner, tht. Vellowhtone pm k, w here Mr. Fair j lie, w ill vinit withJ. N. Fitzgerald bmikn U taking a viunlion. 1 le and a and w ife for a month. Walter Dul fnend were rittiu on the hiVl j 1 izu j ton. tii the Lxamiuir force, will abniiit r:l,Htthi when he not i .. a I vt .v.ip-1 in the pot t otllice tnoruiiiKfl itl evvv i i xo in l lie l.i Ki' I, i) i Mill all ly i i run i oi the holel. The Loatiiiv; pmty, nil Lot I one woman. gained a im t in.' mid wi re making their escape Mr. i'nilbuiiks noticed that one woman ill danger of drow nini.', and he leaped over the ju,-t iu time to tercuo the woman who was Milking tin; third time when the V icepl'eflilellt "l i.'.ed her C , , , t hini.' and held tier out oi the water until help 1 arrive. 1, when they xwam to the pier jwith her. It took half mi hour to I resurcit at t! hi t, alter w hich Mr. 1'air ! ImiiUn went to bin room to chnnpi his clothing. Tim lady he raved wnn wuilrers lit the hotel, mid was the ore that waited on the table where Mr. I l'airliauks ate. VKendree While Mr. C. II. ti.irrctt. McKeudree I and I Miss Lnln me cry reticent on I gon and Last cm railroad Co., in the subject-lit least to their trieiids j their hi'ndiuiirtern iu Lakeview, nr it is said that a very happy event inj rived hero a few days ago from Salt to take i .lace. Humor had it all week I Lake City to spend the summer, as that tne weddiiui would come oil Wed-! nesday evuning, ( hist evening. 1 MNn tiairett in Olio of Lukeview's most prominent young ladies, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cordon (iarrett. The gioom is well known iu Lake mid Klamath counties mid is an upright and hoiuiralilo gentleman. The Kxiiiniucr joins tho many friends ol the happy couple in w ishing them a long lilo ot happiness and prosperity. Judge Daly performed I ho ceremony. Sunday's Ball (iame. Tho ball game Inst Sunday botwoon tho l'rofessoniils und tho Atnetuers fplnycd on tho raco track diamond, was a victory fort ho professionals. Tim score was i) to 17. Tho llrst two j innings looked like it was going to bo a good game, there being no tallies' imnlii tiv either side. I'd to the tilth tho score stood two to two, but after 1 that, t ho game begun to loose interest than fun to play for. Cost Of Circuit Court. A few weeks ago Tho ( Examiner made the statement that the cost of the May term of circuit court was about i?:i,tHKl. This estimate was criticised as being away i under. Since that time the County court has met nnd pussod upon claims which figure iu the neighborhood of p:i,050 for circuit court expenses, showing that The Exuuiinor was not a great way off iu its cstiuiute. llllil, llltl glUIIU Devlin III lliusil Ulli.'ii'ni ... t both sides semingly making tallies iiirs have been dona od to tho Li w hanovcr they wanted to. Lakeview I'rary by Mr. L. Ij. Hopkins of hhung has some good ball players, but they " Vhhm. Mr. Hopkins also sent a need practice, and something more : ' Photographic views of i rii . - i 1 ,......s.....i(...a n.Miiitiiiiiii SENATOR C. W. FULTON TO VISIT LAKEVIEW. Exact Date Of His Arrival Will Be An nounced Later On. Stnten KeuatorU. V. Kulton will vlnit I nkevlcw in a nhort time, jtho exact date of hln ariivul hern linn not lieen 'le'ermineil upon, hut it will : lie wlllilu n nhnrt time. j xhe exact 'Into v. ill lm iiiiiioiuieei hy Tim Kxioniner an ! pniihilile lo iiMrertain. HO'in an it in Local Brief. ! I). Ii. Shirk and wife and their i daughter, Mm. liutler, were in Lake- view n few day the plot week on land J LuKincKM. Th" Shirkn cume hern from ! v'eiinrviile, w iiere iney live purl oi '"" '"lie. rpeuniiiKH portion in iin-ir lime in P ! keley, California. . Mi. Powney, mother of .Mm. I'. L. ; Kokh, arrived at the Koh.i ranch 7 ' milen In low town Tuehday. Mm. j Puwney conien from Nehrarka, where 1 fruit and k'liiin cmpo were ki'led Ly i frot mid in much plca.-e l w ith the ' I ioore L ike vallev. are from Cedmville. They say there are mining men comiiiK' into the country Ly the rcore from Nevada and California. lii; and nt the noo'i Lour durintr Jir. J mice's iil neiice. C. K. t liver srld the C arlton rauch on Drews creek Tuesday to M. W. Hart, of Wertfall Malheur county. The ranch conl.ta of l'H acres. The price was 8:tim. Mr. Hart in a now coiner mil wilt move ti.U ii. . ..i i ii.. ; . . in i ,. u o ij oi'ire u ii:i r. in' in ciuu tw i i: ' or i class rn i. n. Jan. Harry wan over from Warner ...,. , i I.., llmt of the week and purchased u p.,o- novruph from Thornton's Drug store. Jim says thry have machinery to do everything but herd sheep, mid le' is going to experiment with tho phono graph to see if it won't take the I. ice of a sheep herder. , Mrs. Young, wife of Mr. 1.'. A. Young, w ho in working foi the Ore- was announce 1 in Tho Examiner hi.-t week that she woulJ. ,T. S. Lime is building a lino dwel ling house on his resilience property, on Water street. This in unothe, one of Lakev lews' homes that bun been taken in the rough mid in a very short time made into nn lovely a home as one could wish for, with trees, lawn, tlower beds and roses. Miss Klleii Cobb, nnd Miss Kssie Cobb, Mrs. F. M. Miller and son Hoburt will statt for Portland next Wednesday. From Portland the paity will visit the Yellowstone park, and from there Mrs Miller und sou ritnrnn, and tho Misses Cobb w'ill go to Huston, Muss, and may make a trip to Europe before returning to the Coast Two interesting hooks, "in iiii ., , II. Huns and ui ii- n nil" by W. E. l'terniost Kant" ( "Corea the Hermit Nation" by Shanghai and surrounding countries which will le mounted und placed in the read i iik room. J, C. Oliver informs us that tho lit tle, old white pony that bus been in tho Oliver faini.v for i yours, died a ago. The pony belonged to ! i. i : i's youngest daughter, Lav few duys Mr. Ollm ing been handed down from one mem ber of tho family to another. Frod Reyuolds, the Uordou tlarret children ami Emerson's children all learned to ride on this pony. It was held in high esteem by the Oliver fuuiily. Henalor Fulton comes here to learn th . cotilitiuijH and what the people mont need and ;very ono who can hIiouM In? ready to meet him in Lake view. Lakeview Iirh nevei heen vinited by a United Ktaten Henator, nnd kranil preparationn for hin reception will he Hindu. Loyalty of Dojt. A'l l'i:ri l .'it outs ira 1 ut 1' i'nl'vv n fn.v dayH bl'o niiieh proven ronclm-ively the Joyaltv of iIohh. Mm. Drum and ln-r; two Honn wore out lirhintf in the CLo ! wauean river, and their faithful doc j wuh with them. A narrow place inj the river wan fpaiined Ly a foot hoard, j whicii the Loyn thoiiRht to crom. The i older Loy conned on the hoard, but the other lad, about f yearn of ae. undertook it and he became dizzy and fell into the rtream. He was rapidly carried dow n stream. Th'. do wiw the little fellow Htrulinf? and pluntred into the water an 1 swam to him The dotf neize 1 tho Loy Ly tho coat collar and rwam to t-hore with birn, alive. Thin circumstance was related to an Kxaniiner reporter Ly John McDon iioii'h, the northern fctat'e drior, who mys it actually occurred Lorenz Case. Loreuz bad bin Chns. Loreuz bad Lis preliminary heariiiK la Justice Uayley's court list Thursday, and was bouud over to the Circuit Court, with bail fixed at foOO, which Lorenz is endeavorini? to raise. He remains in tie custody ot the sheriff in tb n-enrtln-e. The. ciurj;'' was larceny of a horFO. The evidence as to tho identity of the animal. though somewhut complicated, was sutllcieutly strchg to warraut the binding over of the accused. Ill the courte of the trial it was shown that Lorenz ni.d others intended starting away with a bunch of horses for the California market, most of the ani mals Mil pc.sed to I e the property of others. The particular animal Lorenz I in charged with stealing is a mare Le- il l. u 111 niru- lo.lll, ui i in- it. fit UiilU tl f ( ' rt xvbose l .t....:.... i C't V........ ....... name we did not learn. How to Kill Squirrels. i I An lilnlio fnrnu r nnd miner has dis covered a orocess for killing squirrels which is said to be quite ctlective, as well as harmless to stock, lie cuts a stick of dynamite into pieces tw:o or threo inches long, this is lighted with a match and thrown down into boles in the f round where the squirrels live, the entrance being hastily tilled with dirt. If theie are a number of holes a few yards away these holes are watched and filled up as soon as smoke is seen coming from them, llo says it is surprising how much sinoko and gass is produced by the little chunck of dynamite. After the smoke und gas-s is iirectnaily confined to tho boles no more attention is necessary . Tho gass asphyxiates tho squirrels instantly, and squirrel dens treated iu this way nre never rehabi tided by other squirrels. 5upervisors Report. The follow iug is a report of the Forest Supervisor, (5. M. Ingram, to tho department : The following statistics, compiled from the records of the Forest Super visors olllco at Lakeview, show tho amount of Free Uso given away and j also the gross receipts paid on ac count of timber sales, special uses and grazing upon both tho tloose Lake " ' . und Fremont National iorests. ,, ., . .. , . The Free Use privilege being or a much greater magnitude than was ex pected, has developod into extensive business. The d-ta' on bund in the Supervisors otUeo, show that up to t ho end of the last tlsciil year, ending Juiie ItO 11KI7, there lias betu given away miller the Free Use regulation Ji:j'J3 posts, 42U7 poles, b")Uo'4' cords of wood and 17,400 shakes, at the rate of valuation fixed upon this special product of lo for posts 2cts for poles (uud sometimes more according to tne d L''th) wood 75cts. per cd, uud shakes T.icts. per M. has aggre- t j toM vull,e of glKUOO Timber sales aggregate a total of 110.80 Special uses " " 157.31 There has beeu permitted to graze upon these Forests U"J0."i head of cattle ut Uoo per lieud, '-!-0;l head of Horses at 3.rm pel Lead, 111,577 head of sheep at h rate of from 7 to Hc per lipad, owing to the MeflKrirjit. The urofH receiptu from (rrazinjr ng ununto a total of f HI, (;. I. Total receipt for Loth Forentn are lir,,ri : Total Kiven away 1 131. 00. It honld Le tindi rrtoo I t hat 10 per cent, of theno reieiptn fio directly Into the County wherein the Forents are loca ed to Lo merged into the Ke'iernl fund for, roads nnd niooU. Since fb ini tiating of the Forei-t in FeLruary of thin year, there han not heen a finds treFPpurH rase committed upon either tho (Joorti? Iike or Fremont Xatiouul Forent. The peoj.ln Deem to Le per fectly contented and eatinfied with the policies outlined bv the Dept. rela tive to tho administration of National ForeKt. Th. sttitudo of the general puhlic In this rewpeet is highly appre cir.ted Ly the Forest Supervisor since, ; without the puLIic co operation, Le could not have accompllnhed the pur- pone for which' the Forefit v as created, . t ... i t t . . I bijij i inn i, iiiereiore. uot nave eiveri proper and adequate protectiou to the people. Stock News. 'Jr. Thus. Dalton, who Lought mut- ton ulK-ep iu Lake county two years uko, in passim? throuh the county with a Land of 8000 lioad of tsbeop for i Sacramento. Ilia string of 18 pack j homes wan in Lakeview Monday after supplies for the camps. The eheep are now on the east side of Waruer Hoing south. The tram-fer of between 2j(0 and 3W bead of stock sheep took place first of tbe week, w hereby a Mr. Sullivan became the owner of a por tion of tbe McCormack band. Mr. McCormack soiuo days a:o, so we dd demtand tbe deal, sold the sheep to C. E. Sherlock, and before ttie sheep were counted out, Mr. Sherlock sold the baud to Mr, Sullivan. Phil Lynch went out to the McCormack raniL'e last Monday to count out the sheep. ATicde to be Advertised1. j Suule two mouths ago a firm, bead cd by Mr. Charles Young, purchased j the Amedes property, betweeu here and Reno, consisting of a largo tract of land, tho hot mineral springs and a hotel. Mr. Young was put in charge of tho property ami has began a cam paign of advertising. He intends to make Amedeo the most noted place, iu tho Uiiited States. It is bis pur pose to spend S10,UX) in advertising the place, and inprove it to meet the expectation of any visitor who might come there. Mr. Young is said to be a successful promoter. He has the property to bad; his statements, and itwiil not be surpiising to see, iu the near fu ture, one of the most noted health re sorts in America right there at Auiedee. The hot springs are said to contuiu mineral of medical qualities equalled bj few mineral springs in the world. The world only wants to know of such places to make them famous, and advertising alone will make them known. Mr. Young is on the right truck. Watson'- Addition to Lakeview. J. N. Watson bun bad bis IlO-acre track adjoining Lakeview on tho west flatted into town lots and streets. Mr. Watson purchased this tract of laud from M. T. Walters some mouths ugo. Ho was oll'trod a considerable advance for his bargain shortly after receiving the deed, but refused to 6ell it in a body. He had decided to muke a residence district in thut section of tho city, und no better location could have beeu selected. The ground is level, tbe soil is Hue and shrubbery will grow there very rapidly. Ouo cau hardly realize the short time necessary to transform a bare plat of ground into a beautiful home with stuule trees, rose bushes, lawn und flower beds. .Some of the most beautiful homes iu Lakeview have beeu male ulmost while neighbor's bucks have been turned. Residents of Lakeview hardly kuow tho towu wbeu they take their Sunday evening strolls through tho rosldouco district, so rapid is the growth and improvement. Looking at Road Orant. Mr. G. P. and J. E. Maitin, of Miu ueupolis, spent several daya iu Lake view tho past week looking over the couutry with a view to investing here. They were vory much impressed with the outlook for Lake county. The geutlemeu, iu company with V. II. Shirk, aro out uow looking over the Road Laud grunt, with a view to buying the same. They are the geutle meu mentioned iu The Examiner last week. MAYOR SCHMITZ GETS FIVE YEARS Judge Dunne Scores Ex mayor Roundly. SCHKITZ OBJECTS TO LECTURE. He Says he will Fight Case to Highest Court, and will be Candidate for Re-election Jud;re Dunon pronounced eeuteuce on Eugene K. Schmitz Saturday July 0th. Hefore sentencing tbe convicted mayor of San Francisco, tbe presid ing Judge undertook to administer a lecture. He was repeatedly interrupt ed both by Schmjtz BDd his council, who objected to a lecture, demanding that sentence Le passed immediatly. Scbmitz said be- did not want to be lectured in tbe presence of tbe news paper men, who were taking notes nnd would publish all that was said. Jud;:e Dunne, Lowever, rnauaged to silence tbe attorney for Schmitz by threatening to eend him to jail for disturbing the proceedings, and amidst the protests of tbe convicted mayor delivered a cutting reprimand before announcing that Schmitz was sentenced to five years in tbe State penitentiary at San Quiutnn. Schmitz made "a statement to the newspaper reporters after receiv ing sentence that be would fight the case step by step, to tbe highest court, and that he would be a candi date for re-election to the mayoralty of Saa Francisco this" fall. ,. T5 Land Owners' Fauttt. I- TV II.-?V'.vcn, diTector' of the re clamation service, says tbe reason I Oregon gets no more of ihe reclama tion fund expended in the state is owing to the unw illingness of the land owners of this state to divide up their holdings and sell it out in small tiacts. Oregon donates more to the reclama tion fund than any other state, and is getting less of the money expended within tbe state. It is a known fact that Oregon lauds are mostly in tbe ! hands of large owners, and it is also known that theso large owners aie ad verse to selling all their lands except a small tract, say of 10 to 100 acres, and be compelled to farm these small tracts upon scientific plans. It is not the purpose of tbe government to ir rigate the aiid lauds of any state for the enrichment cf a few, but to mako mere homes, uud the government will never irrigate the lands until the peo ple who own large tracts ij districts where feasible porjects exist show a w illingness to divide up tneir hold ings. Mr. Neweli says: "All the commercial (boost) (push) clubs or development leagues in tbe state may exploit the glories of Ore gon til) the crack of doom, but they will not be able to advance the inter ests of the state us re p idly ns they might be until the private laud-holder changes his point of view". Voice of the Sheepherders. July 14, 1007. After reading the Forestry report we beg to be allowed space to say a few woids, and ask that tho same bo pub lished. We will admit that wo sheep herders are not as bright as some peo ple, but we do not thuuk the ranger to take tho trouble to publish our. ig norance. We do not think that all the forest fires should be layed to the sheepherders, as there were forest fires before the herders ever inhabited this country, and also there are flrea where uo herders roam. We would be much obliged to Mr. Nelf, to be a lit tle less partial, and as to the cause of the feed being better, we say that we think the storm wo have hud bad more to do with it thau the reserve, und the Coyotes are just us bad as they ever were; the forest reserve has not got rid of any of them, aud we would advise the ruuger to carry a ritle aud kill them otf if he cxpettd to protect the forest front tires in that way. You may hear from un agaiu A II. Huruuin. J. A. Zattlin. J. C. Siuiingtou. Hill Rubinaoa. Jesua Dongul. G. Swaustou of Sacramento, Is Iu Lakeview.