Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 11, 1907, Image 8

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. J
High excellence in a shoe means some
thing more than mere style good looks.
It means to the knowing man, the satis
faction of reasonable wear of enjoyable
comfort, as well as the assurance that he
is correctly shod. .
The, Florsheim Shoe
that's the epitome of all the import
ant points of shoe excellence. We
want to tell you why and demonstrate
its vantage points to you.
LakeviewAnd Vicinity
Mining Supplies at Lakeview, Merc.
Co. It
Dutch lunch nt the Hrvwery Su
oon. tf
Long Kid Gloves nt Lakeview Mere.
Co. 1
New clothing for tneu at Ahlstrom,
Bieber's Cash Store.
lunch nt the
lunch nt tho
lire we ry
Brvwcry Su
kaani Lhm
Opened this Week.
First Door South of AhJstrom's
Harness bhop on
Main Street.
Give us a trial and
we will treat you right.
Our table will be sup-
plied with the best of
every thingthe market
affords at right prices.
Mrs. J. S. Branch, Proprietor.
The Bishop's Visit Here.
TLe Kt. Rev C. J. O'Reilly, bhop
f the dioce9 ot Baker City, in com
pauy with Father Feusi, of Kluamtb
Kails, epeiU: the last week in Lakeview.
la an interview with tLo corres
pondent of The Examiner, the bishop
expressed himself as greatly pleased
with the prosperity of Lakeview and
other sections of Lake county. "The
people on'y need a railroad connect
ing then) with
sail the bishop
section of country. Tuo town of
Lakeview is ebeadily grov. iug iu v.e..Ith
nd populatoio, and the fut'ire teems
biiht." The bishop iuforiiiel us
tfct he would purchase a eite fur a
church iu Lukoview, and that he
koped iu th very near future to be
able to begin lbs work of erection,
nd to'place a re-ndcut pritot in this
tovu to attend this Catholics of this
fiouuty. A flae brink building is con
templated. "Au effort will be made to make
known to desirable homeseekers the
Diaoj a Ivauta,'es of this section, es
pKiially it.- uus irpasse 1 climate and
pri hull," saii the bishop, -"ly o'ir
church. "
Sunday's Pi.nic.
Last Sunday a large crow 1 packed
their lunch rickets with all the good
t Lines to cat they could think, of
threw in a cuuplo of freezers full of
ice i ream and sherbet to make good
aud with rod and gun set out early
(say 8:30 sharp,) for the shady nooks
iu Cottonwood canyon to spend the
day (.hooting sagehens and angling
for 'he speckled beauties, aud iuci-
dnntlv tfi nart:W nf th rloliinta
the outsida world,'Mviitnd. tb .ad edfor the QC.
, "tO deTOlOp this IXLh: . ro-knn.l i.
Old papers for Kale at The Examiner
List your town property with A ut en
A Barnes 1
Kll Restaurant. First class meals
at all hour. tf.
Koy Shirk returned from California
Harold Mile was over from Warner
this week.'
Duke Bennett camo over from War
ner Tuesday.
X. Amor's children are quite nick
with measles.
George ticket was up from Piue
Creek Monday.
Tho family ot W. A. Massingill is
out for a vacation.
Henry Hanan, ot Paisley, nun in
Lakeview Mouday.
Ladief f 1.50 Waists for S"ets. at
Lakeview Merc. Co. 1
The roads through Waruer canyou
are simply terrible.
Mrs. Joe Howard, of Drews valley,
is in town quite sick.
Mrs. II. Random returned to her
home in Paisley Monday.
Miss Marie MeSbano is spending
vacation in Drews valley.
Henry Newell was iu town 'first ot
the week from Drews valley.
Mrs. Mctirath, who was very s!ck
last week, is much iu? proved.
Jim Blaisdoll was in town first of
the week on laud business.
Harry Bailey is making some im
provements on his residence.
Mrs. C.F. . Sherlock has been ov.t
in Warner the past few days.
Novelties iu mens hats for men
aud boys at Bailey X Massingill. tf
Homestead aud Desert claims, at
Auten A Barnes, Land office Mock, x
C. S. Morris and famliy are down
from the Moss ranch, in Chewaucan.
Mrs W. Z. Moss aud daughter
Edua, weut to Flush on Mondays
Optious taken ou timber laud at
this offlc. We will pay the highest
price. tf.
J. F. Vokam was in town Monday
from the Chandler ranch, where he is
Summer Wash Goods at about one
half price bile they la.-t Laket iew
.Merc. Co. 1
Sheen shearing is about o-er.
enormous lots cf wool are on the road
Everybody 1ms been expecting every
day for l M. Cory to get married
why don't he hurry up, and end tho
Tho Mercantile Co. iro giving the
beet values In Ladles Shirt Waists
and Summer Hoods ever seen lu
Lakeview. 1
Warren Walters, "rank Dobkins,
CIihs. Campbell and H. A. ltrattalu
spent the Fourth of July In Lakeview
from l'alsley.
J. L. Clilf and (J. II Wnrdwell ar
rived here Tuesday from Silver Lake
on laud buHlness. They will visit the
Warner country,
Capt. F.. Follett, of Fine Creek, who
has been In California on a visit has
returned to Fine Creek, and sava ho
Is feeling II rat -rate
Operator for switchboard wanted
by tho Lake County Telephone &
Telegraph Company. Apply to Chas
Urn bach, Secretary 1
Word was received here a few days
ago lo the effect that the '.X vaiueroH
had all quit their job. How true this
Is we do not know.
Mrs. 1. M. Miller is entertaining
quite a house parly of ladies this
week. Not a mini iu the crowd must
bo kiud 'er lonesome.
Presiding F.lder Dun lap and iamily,
of Klamath Falls, passed through
town this week on their way to War
uer valley on a vacation.
Owing to the Manufacturer's ad
vance iu the price of Cottuu Thread,
The Merchants of Lakeview will bo
compelld to advance price. x
Miss Gertrude 1 lamer. Mrs. Nurin's
1 niece, mho has been lu lakeview since
Below we itlve s report of the wiMtln i
as recorded by tlie Government weather
bureau station at The Kxamlner Ollh-e.
This report is changed each week, and II
our reader wish to keep a yearly record
of weather condition lor future n (et.
ence, rut out the reort aloiitf the hlm a
line and panto it in a scrap Inxik one
week after another. This reord will I
taken on Tuemls" to end each week mmI
Itegln on Wednesday for the nest week
Government Weather Bureau Sta
tion at Lakeview, OrnKon,
C. O. MrrsKica, Cooperative Observer.
Week ctullnK Tuesday, July, 0, 11)07
Imjr ms wiln, prerlp n'w ehsrsct.r
li.tioti lull ol day
wed. I 71 J" 4 O.lXl " I (Kt I pi 'cl.ll
thur. 7(1 I i' OOil (Ml' clenr
frid'vl w I I I 00 V " H
ant ' v I " ' ! " I "2."
ni..n. i h'P tf O.imP I () "
111.771( 41 o.(K 00
Tlio hisLcp (I'.'Uren-d tie iTi.? iou
hr ou ih'i Fo-irlh of July.oae t.f tba
lst th-t was ever delivored iu this
or any -dlier town in Oregj'i mi ' ft as
warmly we! :orm l bv t" !a! u- f:"m-,.r-.
A I -'( 1) j-t-i-lin-' .it. t!ie c k
braUuu. Or. 15. Daly, county Jsi l:e,
pre?.! I at the txerr-iees, aud inU-o-tucd
lii-iiiop fi'Keilly in a i;' a. 'id
appr.ii. vi it" !'. l Ii'.'sH.
The b;s.hip believes that v-nh r-'iil-iliild,
ll.- V. ill b-e Olid O' th; i::C.t
prosperous .-actions of Lectern ' 'i con.
Xuun.-rotis Louies ai awaiting
tliouMiu Is of t;0 ) 1 C!ti-er,3 i:i Liike
c iijtit.y, acordiay to the i.fiui'iii of
the bi.diop, v. ln hops that a 'railroad
will soo'i opeu up our vMiey t.j t tie j
bf(l')i !
'l'be biiii ip'.-i vi.sit to Luk' VK . v. as ',
gitintly appreciatod by :ur pi-oi !, and;
w.i nil b jpe for 'another in t!.e M.'arj
fuluro. !
A dual was made for the cor:i-i lot '
just north of tho I.Ia.-onic l.uUdiiig, I
one of tba most beautiful and vahiablo
lots iu tho city, but ou account of the'
uwuer.s Itt-iug unablo to give a cluar
and ah-solutu titla to tho property,
tlio d'jl had to be pohtponed. Three
r four other lots were offered the
Wihhop, but .ho had not yet decided
aat he would do when he and tlio
pi iont left for Illamath Falld on Mou
day uiorniug.
I'ha lecturo dtlivtifcd ly Bishop
O' Keilly Sunday evening in the new
Opera Houao, was largely attended
aud highly appreoiutod. The tubject
ot the lecture vaa Catholicism and
toachiugs, an 1 the bishop honored
kiuiuelf and the Catholio Church by
tho luanaer lu which he handled the
last Fall, v.-ill start for her homo iu
Los Angeles in a few days.
When you clean house lemember
that we are headquarters tor laee cur
tains prices from S. cents to 7.UO per
pair. Bailey A Mastdngill. tf
C. C. Boo, the Summer Ijike
Sheepman bus beun spcudit'g tin-week
iu Lakeview. Mi. Boo says Summer
Lakers are quite prosperous.
Nate Smith was in towu from the
XL ranch first of the week. He says
haying will commence ou the Horse
ranch some tijie this week.
Mr. Allen, son-in law of Mr. Creed
Pendleton, fell from his wagon one
day lust .week aud was badly bruised
up about the face and head.
Auten & Barnes, the real estate firm
located in the Land office block, in
Lakeview, are now prepared to buy
aud sell real estate of all kinds 1
Dr. Dewey and wife huve spent' tho
past week traveling over tlio county
looking for timber laud. . They re
turned home Tuesday evening.
Mr. Frank Meizel, the Madeline,
Calif., sheep buyer, epent" several
days in Lakeview during the pust
week, and left for Madeline Monday.
Some excellent hay laud to rent.
On Sec. :il 38-20. Apply Hunter
Laud Co. - l'ir.-t National Bunk. If
For Sale One Il'-wngi ii, i no heavy
and' I'r'" wa-'on and harness, one' light
' spring-wagon. I.nqulie or J. 1.
Duckworth, Lakeview, Oregon. 2 lm
j S. J. Duttou was iu town last Sat
I ur Jay. He informed us that he would
: soon start haying, although a great
J deul of his hay land was yet. to wet to
j cut.
j There will be a ball pmme next Sun
Slay at tho lace track, between
Everything Carried iu Stock for tlte
Miner at both our 5tore5.
Boots and Shoes for Miner, Bucca
roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & Hilling Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co
Add fPlush
3 C
1 14 itGG if
casion. But they reckonel unwisely.
lor th'.-y loaded most of the luuch
baskets ia t'barlt'.v Sherlock's rig aud
directed him to fallow their tratks.
Mrs. Neiluu was custodi-.m of the
buakets aud wisely took a po.-jtion iu
fii ri.i it it h I'lmrlr riir i.i:aiil II U
boys, Ned and Irviu Sherlock and j to market
Hobctt Miller its hard to sejiarate 2. C. Loftus mid wife were over
boys from the lunch baskets on a ' from Crane Lake, last Saturday on a
piekuickiug trip also decided to ride ! shopping trip.
nth Mr. Sherlock. Everything was j V. A. Wil.-bire's family arrived la.-t
i. e, and Charley and his crowd was i ive,.k froln Astland to spend the sum
u .t mi'i till the ravages of hunger j (lier iu j.ukeview.
e:t-!:.! i tie pic-KuiCKers io rean.o .
ii . . i i. . . .i.. . . .1 , . : i i
mill i.'i'Miiucu ua.-Kcis iia'i uuianacu, r ,, . . . ,. i,:.,,. , . , . ,
.. .... ,, , i Dr. Smith have gone on a li-liing I ular team of this j'lace
, Itrip of a few clays. ; to the grounds free,
some cr.'iho or other and could not ,
find t!e- rest of the crowd. They; A- T- L,ul"'e11 BU'1 wift' "C lily' j The families of J. T. Met.ker, Wm.
charg.. that by as not exercising ! " in l" " j Ounther, C. A. Behart, and a num-
auy bh-oilhouud tactios ia ,eurching ilt1 "f tlj,a WL'ek i lr 1,1 oUu'rrt hv '''' ''"'"idng
lor tL-.u. The southern stage otfJce has been i aud llshiyg over iu Big valh y, re
Mr. Sherlock anJ hid crowd fared ' moved from Bieber's store to Thorn j turned last Sunday,
very iii -ely, plenty of lunch and ice j ton k Co's drug store. Alviu Moss and son Steve came
creata aril some t opfire for Dr. and ' . 1. Koozer and wife, huve jjoii' j down form Paisley last week and Mrs.
out to Drews valley to work on theiW. J. Moore an 1 daughteis returned
ranch fo.' F. O. Bunting. ! homo with them foruvi.-it
(). W. Hamaker, publisher ot
Bonanza Bulletin, was in our city
laud business this week.
Miss Dociii Willits uas warmly
the greeted by her many Lakeview fi ieuds
..Lakeview Meat Market..
5()HX WKNDKI.I., Pn.prletOT
Ingram audi "Oliver's aggregation" and the reg-
Mrs. V,'. It. B:yd, whom they chanced1
to ruii across up o;i Thomas creek.
The r-.-.-t oMhe ciowd biue learned!
that i( tiays v. hen on a picknickiug ;
trii t .
Mrs. !
.'.DTnt (
sight of the "grub- j
jo-lied Charley aud
keep i:i
-i lun c n-i b rable, but
an't .si-e v. time th.-y got
jjie : will begin haying soon.
(ill i
Mr. Moss
AlcOarty Come Down from Plush too
Idle tbU mek.
Tomjiy Ferris spent the past week j
iu Li.cview from Varuer. Tommy i
is very ciithuhbintic over the prospects
f(r u railroad through Warner valley
in the immediate futiire.
CJIAP.LKS 1".. KICK. Director j
Laktvk-'-v Citizens' Band, will give j
lessous on all bras instruments cor-1
net and slide trombone a fjieclalty i
also mandolin. Lessons given aa;a
teurs en violin. Piaiio tuning. 2'5-tf
H. II. Barker, the Southern Stage
Contr;.' tor was in Lakeview collecting.
The.'- has been a reat rush for
deseri lauds in Warner tho past fen
Quit a bkiriuish us., made for two
of Jobi, Cogburn's childieu last Sun
day iiii.t, and when found the chil
dren were asleep in the buck yard.
Join. IK Itockefeller has at last been
placed on the witness stand to give
evideutc about the Standard Oil Co.,
but he doesu't know any thing about
Then: Miems to bo no abatement of
the throngs of straugers iu Lakeivew.
As fuut as one crowd leaves another
arrives. They all seem highly pleased
with the outlook for Lake County.
upon tier return home Tuesday.
Mr. F. Anderson and Miss J!e.-ie
Clark were married in Lakeview on
July 8th, Judge Daly ollieiuting.
F. 1'. Light expects to start forSan
l'r incisco this week on a business trip.
His family will accompany him.
Do not overlook Special Sale of
Ladies Shirt Waists and Summer
dress (Joods at Lakeview Merc. Co. 1
Iiuve your eyes tested by L. .
Whoiton and fitted with glasses that
will give satisfaction, ut reasonable
prices tt
Dr. Patterson was called to the
Camas sawmill last Sunday to wait ou
' Uncle" John Metzker who is quite
Adding machines are becoming quite
popular iu Laket lew. Tho Lakeview
Mercautile Co. received one this
We are.iuformed thut S. T. Coh in,
Mho spent the winter iu Cailf., is
expected back to Lakeview this
Kd. Boud came over from Warner
first of the week. He was accom
panied by Mr. Lyons, who was ou bis
way East.
Joe Amoroso was iu towu
urday. He says he has a
sucks his cows. Wo have
tures of pigs robbing tho churn,
Mr. Ambrose says ho has the pig,
seen pic
Stock nu-ii, Hsj cci;i 1 1 y SIiccjiiiicij, should write
or iiitcryicw the Lard Commissioner of the
Military Road Co. before deciding to sell or
K educe their Hands.
. Larirc or Small tracts iiiiiv he leased, in
Klamath, Lake, Harney, or Malheur Count
ies, for one year, "or term of years, aud iu
some instances purchased outright, or easy
Address all communications to Harry A.
Hunter, (Land Com.) or Wm. Shirk, (iemral
aent, care of First National Hank, Lake
view, Ore.
' v. s s. , s s f s , r. f ir s
Frank Duke has sold to Charley
Eccleston his band of about 00 Lead
of fetock cattle and rented him his
ranch four miles below town. The
cattlo brought iu the neighborhood of
i!0 per head.
W. Y. Miller, Al Farrow and B. W.
Farrow were down from Paisley Tues
day, Mr. Miller to make proof on a
timber claim und tho Farrows as wit
nesses. Al Farrow took a now hay
raku home with him.
Tho guests at Hotel Lakeview, are
grateful to Lafe Conn and (luy M.
Ingram for a mess of fish which was
enjoyed Mouday oven lug. The geutlo
nieu, on their fluhisg trip Sunday,
caught over 200 fish.
Mrs. Dellu Cobb and daughter Esther
und A. II. Mcluues went to Pino
Creek Tuesday evening, and iu com
pany with C. E. McCleary, they in
tended to visic the mines tho follow
ing day on borhohack.
John Mulkey, Jr., who has been
working for Dau Chandler for a year
or two, has gone to Bound Orove to
work for J. II. Owen. Mr. Mulkey
was ia town last Monday, the first
time ia several months.
Homesteads and Desert Land Claims
Haying will commence ou most all
of the hay ranches iu this valley this
woek. Souio of tho ranches started iu
a little early ou account of the
Frank Stanley and family, who
hpent the past yout iu Bedding, Calif.,
returned to Lake county last week.
Their Actum hero domoustrutea the
scarcity of hay bauds, endeavoring to I fact that there is no place liko Lake
get started before the target rnnchoi
begun. Geuerully haying is u little
late this year. Tho crop Is going to bo
To horse meu ; I will take mares to
breed to bout jack iu the country at
88.00 or to good horse at same price.
I have also purchased a large purch
erou stallion in Klamath county uud
will charge 110 for pults from him.
Good pasture at $1 pur head per
mouth, I ask all who are interested to
come aud look at my horses ami jack,
or write for further particulars to
John Noble, Lakeview, Oregon. tf
county. Their many friends will be
glad (u learn of their return.
Carpenters are at work on a flue new
resilience for C, U. Snider, on his lot
w here he has resided for several years.
Tho old building was uioved back
out of the way, aud tho new one is
being built on tho same spot.
The greatest attraction of the season
Oreat speakers with great, helpful
messages Flue Music tlood schools,
beautiful grounds. Southern Ore
gou Chutuuqun, Ashland, Oregon
Eleven days, commencing, July 10th.
Houd for printed matter, thou come.
I 25-3.