Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 11, 1907, Image 7

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The Saertt ef Charming Manners ll
the Dttlra For Thtm.
Moat mother linlil, ciiiixclmiKly or tin
oimcloitly, onn of (wo theories nliout
the nrijtilriMiM'iit of umiuicru by their
children. One moilicr nave; "Mhiiiktu
re only th otitwnrd nIkd of the Inner
untitle. If tny tlniiuliiT Inn a kind
Iirnrt anil well Irnlncil mlixl ahe will
liclmvn In K"H''. cliiirinlnif fimhloii.
1 will tench licr rmniiiHNlon, roupcct
fur ttffp, utiNcin.ili real for helping with
the world's work. llcr milliner will
take cure of thcuiMcl vca."
Another iiioIIht mtys: "My gMn will
never K(,t oil without conventional tiiiiu
nein. 'Ili"y Mi;! II hi tiuiulit from baby.
lui i tt emulate the pici'i Ii n n I ln'iir
S I tic 'f ladles. They nhall I io liintriii'lct
In the proper behavior for every oeen
mIoii, 'I I icy nil, ill wnlk iiikI dance nnd
Willi) mill hjkmiU. Willi Ki'ncrful per fee.
Neither inrUiixl, nay the Youth's
'oiii'ioloii, rolii f iiltK,li"i' antls
factory renin.
I'll ilfijniiii'M-H I truly lln f'Hiinl;itlnii
f K'"l lllilllll(-'N, llllt Hot till' hllpl'l'
structure. Many ciiuvciitloiiiil restric
tion liuvc jrowli nliout c'M'l.'il rela
tion. Suite fun bo explained liy tin!
demand of klhillio nild Koine filtlllot.
'oillil n rlilM Infer from hi ilexlro In
help other tlint li" should not cut with
hi kiitfc? Mnny oITciimc uKiltiNt g.nx
taut" Interfere In woiii way with thf
Tltflil f others, Int ninny other do
Hill liu set if rules , to produce fl jo
IhIiciI Imly will achieve n rcttll fit for
tin i.tiiiln of life. The tnemPcr of flirt
French borirdln school may adorn tho
bnlJroiitii, hut nre t'H likely to f ill nt
tlio breakfast table or In tin crowded
nir. "J lit wimiiiiii of perfect manner
tntit re-enforce Iht uniclMMiiie liy
toclnl rules, ninl conventionality mnut
be vitalized liy tin wiirm delr of
others' ili'tiHiin. Tin' Ix-Kt of llfi nev
er "come natsirally," whether In man
uor or innniR
Tin secret of chnrmln mariner a
tlm desire for them. Wln'ii the mother
wlshc tin-in for Iter ibiuebtcr a much
ft she wlihi" tho ottnr (;hhN of th
World Iter daughter will have tin-in.
By a Few Simple Changr It Can De
Macte Into a Couch.
The tiuiiieroiiM mimoiis Into wlih-li n
timflU rlinlr inn le rendlly rhiitiKCd
ari-ollllt fir 111 ioiml!lllj . Tin' ItHer
-nii ndtipt the Hintr to nltno'-t nny In
i'lllte ile'lred, Willi title exi I'litlon- he
t'liiinot linni:e the rlinlr to n nmrli.
a : ! Si
i . iii
1 1
(1U1U AMI Oi l II. j
Thl.l U overeoiiie In n colivertllile i liilir i
rei eiitly isiteiiti'd hy n IVnu Ivimhi
.Niiii.lmtlly the i ltulr M-i'ves tho nir
jhimi'h rf the ordinary, hut hy n few
ijuhk I'hiinxes enn he transformed Into
a 'imi'h. In construction the neat of
the chair In ttiade In two NoetloiiH, unit
Hct'tlon teli-NcoplliK l"to tho other.
When incexsaty to lengthen the chair
Into a lunch one Ht-ctloii m imlled out,
oito kI1i of the chnlr hccomln the
head and the other the fout of the
couch. The cushion I iiIho In two pee
tluiiH, hoi It of which ore ordinarily on
tho chnlr, but ijulckly miiead out on
the frame of the couch.
Chintzet on Walla.
('hlut.cM of all kinds h:ive hecu u fail
for Home time. No hcdrootii li consul
oi'ed (jtille u,i to date utiles the funilr
lure Is covered with nay colored chintz
and the curtain lire iinule to match.
A new di'imrtuie In Interior decoration
1m to have tho hedroom walU nlso cov
ered wllh clilut, to match the limitf
liifrt. .('hint'. Im itlinoHt mh easily put
on the wall i as p:inr, nud the cllect I
far more ntlractlve. A heiliMoni which
lain Just hecu llttlslicil for n wotitun
was most attractively filled Up. The
wull4 were hum; with a pink and irreen
flowered chintz. whUh wan Ilnlslied nt
tho top wllh ii pink flmp put on with
brass nails. The furultiire win cover
ed with ninl the curt ii I iim made of the
aume material. Chintz Is also used a
a border wllh plain paper below In
some bedrooniH, where people do nut
want to ko to the expense of hnvltiK
tho entire wall covered with n mate
rial which Is n little more costly than
ordinary wall paper.
Hold Yourself Erect.
The woman who carries hcrtu'lf well
lti inoru apt t command respect than
the woniau who trudges nloiiic with
Iter head Inclined forward and her
bhouMers lu a atoopltiK position. Tho
poHHeHHor of a graceful, erect carriage
uneoiiHclotiHly liupreHMen ua iim liavlnK
charactorlstlc worth.
Thero are many noble hearted wo
men who really do theniHelvett lnjun
tlco by the awkward way they carry
thcnmiilves. It In hard for other to aeo
beauty aud grace of heurt In an un
lovely outward appoarance. It la the
exterior charm of tho rose that gives
fitting exproaslon to Its hidden aweet
ticN8. Columbus D. atch.
rant it
I llll till ,1 t' . .'. .. 1 ' II ll v' l.l'.il 1,1
to till' I I ll ii .till'
I'll' I. .(Mill III . .fl' I I Oil I'lJUI'lll-
ly Iii'IIit .i'i-i. ;i v it." u i :i'inc!it
tlint vhl li i !.. I i ; n.i. i fiver out
llf till' I '.I I ll II, . Ill- l Ill.'H'.t. 'i'llll
lllio-tiiiil hi i it . ; ! I' ii writer
In tin' I'n !! I' in. ii-. c !iim will Uci'
ii inw icii,.i;iv ile-i;,. It U run iiritit
e.l iim folio ,; ',i. n '' liy I for hottoni
or f. i'i mi l. I'liH'i' IhlM tlireo feet
ironi ItiKir to i ;ill. t e 1 hy t h(I'Iih
iImiim nSotit ih liii'liei iij.irl, foniiln;:
the I II' U, 'I'he Kl"lj ulioiil I mIiiii lin i.
'i".ti '!'i,..' LiiWi"!'' V: . r
Ilhollt hlxty !el'eeH. I'luce II by
on ede from aeveii tn idtfhl feet from
front of Htall mi the floor, depi ti lliu
kIi of cow. I'liHten the 'Z by 1 down
to Moor, If Ki t In dirt, with i rood hIzcI
Mr lie. If ttoor Is made of plank, nail
II block to floor, then aplke the ' by 1
to blocks.
The cow when en tint; will Htatnl with
her hind feet Just Ih-IiIikI the 2 by 4.
lea vim,' the dripp!:iK' behln I It. When
lie Ilex down che will Ik- compelled to
lie In front of the '.' by 4. with her heml
lllliler the feed rni k. It I:i not liecen
Miry to have n putter in n Htall of tlili
kind. There Hhoitld Im Miort p.'irtltioni,
howevi-r, to keep the rown from turp
Sua around.
Teeting the Dairy Herd.
Iteeorda of the performances of dairy
towa form the only in 'urate and 'ife
basis for Jmllnu their value. It li
the consiant aim of progressive dairy
men to Improve their herd", and Biich
lnipnivciiient must depend largely upon
ullliiK the herd
Mini fcttln rid
of the uuprollt
nble itnlmula.
I'luiii the breed
crs' ntandiolnt
rcords are esjie
dally valuable
In assisting la
fl ml lri;r custom
er.! for their
ntiirk, Mnny
I u.verii Innlst on
Becitu recordu
of dairy J ef
f.iniiancc lM'fore
purclui dtu'.
A record I.-i al
so of ('tent help
l tin- feeder. If
he known exact
ly what ll cow
Is ilo!ii he can
prepare the ra
tion accordingly
and often fee J
more economic
mill; record cn
i detect the up
a cow and thus
ally. Apt In, n dully
ables a dairyman b
proncli i f sickness In
to take Ktcps t ) waM It off.
tirent In-
Kplrntlon Is obtained from keeping a
record, and nothing "Jves ft dairyman
More Mtllsfnctioii than watching tho
Improved returns from his herd.
The scales kIiowii In the Illustration Is
the nicest tiling made for testing pur
poses. H 1ms two pointers, lieforo
milking you hang the empty pall on
the hook and set tho colored pointer
nt o. Then whin you come to weigh
the milk you read the wck-ht as mark
ed by this hand. A spring bulnnco
that can be bought for 'Jo or 35 cents
will answer the purpose, but will not
U as convenient A shelf on which
the bottlcH are kept a record Phect and
a leud pencil complete the stable equip
ment for testing your herd. It Is but a
moment'ii work to hani the milk pall
on the scales, read tho dial and record
the weight. Mixing the milk ami tak
ing tho sample will occupy a few urn
nients more, snys Kimball's lalry
Farmer, but all represent a very little
time and H great deal of galu.
Tho "Boss" Cow In tha Herd.
lu every herd of cows thero Is some
one of tho number that takes tho Initi
ative. Klio Is tho first one to lead the
rest through a fence Into a cultivated
field. If there Is a gate In the yard
which has been left partly latched fche
will be sine to ilnd It and lead the herd
Into tho garden or down the road. To
any tho least, this kind of u cow Is a
constant originator of trouble, nnd It
seems to be her pleasure to do any
thing but chew her cud and produce n
good mess of milk lu the dairy. Where
a cow with an unruly naturo Is only
an ordinary producer she will fill a
much bettor place In tho beef barrel
than In the dairy herd. This Is a
profitable and quick manner of getting
rid of a constant source of aggravation
In tho herd.
Cool tho Milk Quickly.
Too much care cannot bo exercised
to cool tho milk quickly and kuep It
cool, as cleanliness and cold aro the
two main factors lu tho production of
milk tlint will ket'p sweet for any reft,
sonahle time. Add to this a heulthy
herd of cows und healthy attendants
nnd we have a summary of the ueces
ary requisites for tho production and
rare of clean milk.
I ' i
v . . . J
I hi-a l i:
Th Japan Commndai Who It Via
Iting tha Unitad State.
Iept' thu Hnn I'rntirlM'o ath -ol In
cident and tha antl-JntinticHi ajtllMiloii
on tlto 1'aclfic couNt LiHiiy pleaannt nt
tfntlon were ahown tlenetnl I'.nron
I (el Kurokl when ho limited at fcenttlo
on hi) wy to tlm Jiimextown exposi
tion, and tin flmt coiirtenli-a exteuiled
lilin and IiIh Hit It have heeii aueceeild
hy otliera wblcli jirovr that Aiiiprlnnn
rtlit vivid rerollertlon of the ln-rolo
pii it h( took In vniiiniKliliig (he arm lei
of tho At Henttlo Jiiun'a r"tro
Ki'iitiitlvn nt tho JaiiicHlowii terrenteii
n In 1 wim the client of the city and wn
weleonicd by the (fovernor of tho aintn.
There wore flreworkfi when he landed.
JiipfilH'o plrN aon the nntloiml nn
them of their foiintry. and Ainerlinn
trhool children covered hN cnrrlwce
Ir;-- - p
..f'l.l;-;' J
wllh llowi'i'L Imrlui; tin: war with j
I itUK-tla no Japanese coinmander won j
mote priil wit from American for cour- i
I aire and Komi KcneralHhlp than Kurokl. '
I tine nf the characterl.-'tii'H of the ills-;
tlicrtiishcd soldier which creatly Im- i
pre:icd foreign mliltaty attaches and ;
I idhei's coming into Intercourse with
hlin lu the Held was hi.-i modesty. II
has been likened to (;;ant In reiM.ct to
this trait and uIho b.- nose of his per- j
J feet self control during an engagement, j
j Frederick Palmer, the noted war cor
j respondent, who was with Kurokl dur- j
i Im; Koine of the fierce tights with Kit- j
I ropatkln'H men. In..: Kald that It will
, I necessary to depart from tradition ;
when the Kculptors perpetuate the fl- j
ure of Kurokl In marble or bronze. He i
wrote us follows on this subject: j
Wlion the JnpnnfR.; rMs.i a atatnn to
him I hope ttuit ho will not b rlJIni?
prnnctns ate1 and ewtnKlnK lilii aword.
for tie ni-vir roil n iir.-uirlinc horse and
never tis'-il tils Hwor'l. To my recollection
I never H-iw htm rrnik nny centum
ifi t i aluti. Tlm Bcii'.ptnr hafl bi-at
make !m b.j nnt I lti T nivl lO'ii.ltiff at a
map while he ltaicns l i tils utafT. nnd al
ways nil of his Ftiiff except the younger
men ithe (,a!lopri nro ni tils plde. II
could call fur InforinaUon or R'.iKKcsthina
ns quickly as the hea I of a pr it but
neuM h'vH who h:.s a row cf p .sh but
tons on his ih rk.
General Kurokl Is now slty-tW0
years old and Is a veteran if four wars.
The Statue of Him Precepted to King
Edward by Kaiser Wilbelm.
Much ntteutim lias been directed t"
the jrift from the (icnnati emt-eror to
the king of F.nghind of n statue of
William of Oraime. It Is a br ti.e fig
ure nine feet high nnd the work of .
the Ci-rinau sculptor Ileinrkh Uaucka, 1
who was assisted in the modeling of
the details of the costume, so as to !
make them historically correct, by the ,
kaiser himself. A duplicate Is to be '
erected on the terrace of the royal pal-'
.4 s.-. V-vjw-- .
ace hi Berlin. The site chosen for the
Btntue presented to Klnjt Kdward Is
In front of Kensington pnhice, nnd one
of the bullilinKS of this pnhice U the
historic structure known as the Orange
ry. Sir Ileury Cainphcll-lSanuerman,
the British premier, could not refralu
from a little pun when lu Informing
tho house, of commons of tho German
emperor's gift he alluded ti the fact
that most approprhitcly t1''1 stutue of
William of Ornnrrc ww ' stand "lu
tho nclghhrtoad of the . i i.rery."
mm :
! 'A !
Tlio Jtlnd Yot Iinvo Always IJoulit, anl uhlcTi ha been
In uxo for over jopm, lias borno Vre Hlriintnro of
- anil has bocn rnalo iiii1t lili per
j J&-tf-jtfl , """al supervision fdncc Its Infancy.
futryyt J-CUeJUV, Allwnoonetdrr lv!5ouln thin.
All Counterfeit, Imltatioim and " Just-at-(;ool are but
Kxpcrimcnt tbat trlflo with and endantjer tlio health of
Infant and Children Experience agalnnt Experiment.
Caxforla In a harmless aubntitnte for Cantor Oil, Pare
iroric. Drops and Hootlilnfr Sjrupn. It lx l'lcanant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotl
inibntancc. Itn age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fevcrisliness. It cures Diarrluca and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Tcetliinj? Troubles, eures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Ktotnach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural flccp.
Tho Children's Paiiacea The Mother's Friend
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Nothintr lias ever equalled it.
Nothing caa ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
New Discovery .
r riovirPTioJl
1U1 I Ul till and
53c A ll.M
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If it fails. Trial Bottles free.
brau'.ifu!lyuiurtitl.(;oojtorir -q
and rtKr!e about California and V0
all die Fat Vert.
drvoted each month to the ar-
tMlic reproduction of the best $1.00
voik of amateur and proletiional a year
a hook of 75 pae. containing
I2(J colored photographs of $0.75
picturesque spola in Caliiornia
auJ Oitjou.
Total . . . S3 25
All for . . . . $1.50
Adt!rs a!! orders to
Rots! '-- !-"rv; -
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havs Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
v ' 1 " 1 " " 1 1 1
- J
Signature of
Ofliee at the Mercantile Company's
Store J-akevtew. Oregon.
Good Stock - New Coaches
Daily from l-atevitw to lily, connect
ing i I li Daily Stage to the railroad.
P. fl. COREY, - - - Proprietor
Li ;vi iJf, Or n.
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect May 1st, 1905.
I.v. Thrall .. 6 A
M.L.Pi)kiirainalO 43 A SI
A r. Pixie 10.5.'.
" Kl'h Sp'gs 11.40
" " Fall Creek 11.43 -
hteel Br'ge li.oii
Hoem 12.20 P Si
' " Hi rail l '
Ar. Iloifim
I " Steel Br'g 6.-li
I " Full I'r'k 7 iVi
1 Kl li S,'g7.1'J
' I'ixie JUD
1 I'okrgamas.l'O
Klamath Springs Special.
Lr. Thrall p. Kl'h Hp'g.45P. SI
Ar. KnKti...-...l.M " Ar. Kail ( retki.60
.-leel Hr'Be2.15 " " Hteel Br'ge 3 CO "
" Full Oeek 2jS ' " Koirin 8.A) "
' Kl'h Pp'ga '' " " Thrall S.ii
ictyia)-'-w ua ,a ninn,niif i.inn
I J - A.
0 which
HPT st v ies
I r VI
1 r ' ! 1 r 1 tr l -v
stock a large assortment ot high
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Our prices will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
IN 1880.
FrutBptisit Church 1 if floo I,,
nt Nv I'lnp Crcrk, Orrpon. -
rrviichlnjrwT lcr nt 1 1 :tcKck A. II
ftwl 7-M V. M. on each Sunday of
vr-rj month.
Mtuirtny rk'honl at lO.oclork A. M.
I'nivrr Service atT r-Oon Wednp.
i)ny TPtilrij ( encb wipk.
All nrp cnr(Ua.jr Invited to attend
t lie Sorvlcpi.
J. HaydiMt Howard, I'aator.
. In,
-r v r f. n ' -
in ti.i-.-ip... n
rryfir ! e. !
f-arte-nlrirft n- I
. p9fim tier
t HI F-
cHoot cr iw.
844 Murine Hi ML
(ROeURlTD HOBfrtNOtO. 'M,,"n
0rui)r 'm 4...rei'-rs-ni-rii Mid rrw, report.
Pr alv-w, Iv.w to otrtAia iMlrnM, traitfi marka.
eof-rrlKhUi, no. - LL COUNTRICI.
wwnry and oftm th patent.
Patent n4 Infrlrpir.ent Prictlca txclHattraly.
Write or rone to u. al
U Kistii ftrMt, Valua ttatca rassst OsUa,
Drylnjf preparations rimply devaU
op dry catarrh; hey dry np the aecretiona,
which adhere to the membrane and deoonu
pose, caiiaicg a far more aerioas tremble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Aroid all dry
ing inhalanta, fnmea, amokea and anoffa
and naa that which cleanaea, aoothos and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will care catarrh or cold in the bead
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. All drngfriats sell the
60c. size. Ely Brothers, 5C Wsrren St., K.Y.
The Balm cores without pain, doa not
Irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, relier
ig immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm yod are armed
against Kasal Catarrh and Cay Fever.
Tout & King have the beet grude
of Iiijuorn nnd cigars to tie found la
Oregon. tf
r. irii nnti wJ&Eah onttrV
In all IU ttaces.
- i f
the diaeard membrmic.
It cure catarrh aud drives
away a cold In th bead
Creiiin Dalm Is f !accd lu!o the noatrils, aweads
over the membrane nnd is absorbed. Relief la lm
tneiliate and a care flours. It 1 not drytag does
not produce anee -iin;. Large Size, M centa at Drag
gists or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cent.
XXX BBOTD EKS. W Warren Street, Kew York
t'lrsit Baptift ( hurch of Lrkeview
Preachlng.rviieesa t ll.A.M., and
7:"n) P. M. on each Sunday.
Sunday School 10; A. M.
Junior Society at 2:".0 P. M.
I'-iptlst Young People.s Union at
V. M. on each Sunday.
I'rayer meeting ".SO, P. M. on Wed-,
nesJay evening.
Kverybody luvlted to attend all
services. A. Frank Siiutnouq, pastor
The Examiner has received a new
sample book of the Wall Street line
of engraved certificates of stock and
bond blanks, t he most up-to-date on
the market. Used and endorsed by
the leading financiers of America.
.Copyrighted, fall aud see them If in this line, tf
littT'iflUt, (
r. a. IV 't
, - fat-. r
. V -
Tiie!Exami.iR ex-
We have all the late
in type and keep in
Z' - V