Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 11, 1907, Image 5

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For the
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour
age, strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget
Ayer's Sarsaparills. You
know it makes the blood pure
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every wsy.
Tha rl.llrtran punnnt pottlM? ha wmtntA haalth
...i... II. . Ifl toffffear fMjIinlllMU. I Of
trri ! Mllntltmtlt.n kf ! laltlJ
Uoaat vC Af All t nMbla,u'-M4-
V a4 BT O. 7 r" MW.H,
AIM PMfMwnri V
Wa tiara aa aanrata I W. pnbllab
tli r.raul.a af all aur madialnaa.
The Crcamry Proposition.
Mr. A. C. KWIuner, or Prluevllle, U
canvassing lakvlew tliln week to m-n
what can bo done lu I ho way of organ
Izlng a company to build a creamery
In Lakeview. Ho expect to raltta a
Inul one ttnlf of tho iici piwury amount
lu Lakeview, when ho will go among
tho farmer for the rent. A Unit t:ir00
will bo necennary to start the cream
ery going.
The creamery proportion U a thing
that ha In-en much talked of hero
and the need for such nn luHtitiition
Ih ilaln. There hit not bi-ii year for
aomo time that creamery butter has
not Imen shipped in here from Calif
ornia, iiiiIvhm It In thla year, and more
than likely it will occur thla year Im
fore tho Hummer ih over. Willi a
creamery here audi an Mr. Skinner
propose to ehtaMUh, Imtter, the
IxtHt In the world, could he tihlpped
out Instead of being Import I.
Mr. Skinner Iiiih been successful lu
other lacea establishing creamery
plant, and has given Hatlitfiictlon in i
eveiy way. From what we can learn I
of him from outside source, wfc be- j
Hove the people would make no mis- i
take iu supporting hi proposition. ',
The Pourth In lk County.
Tho celebration In Lakeview waa,
(ulle a iiccom. A In ore crowd at-'
tended and all seemed to enjoy the
oocaalon. The pxrrclne in the court
hoima square was all that waa antlcl-
paled, the singing and Apeak Ing waa '
excellent, the Declaration of Inde
pendence waa rend by Prof. Leavltt
in an ablo rummer. MUa Charlton per-(
formed her part In a graceful manner
aa lloddeaa of Liberty, and waa very
tweet and pretty In her dainty role. 1
The Mie Millie Reynolds and Kdna
Ponland, acted aa anted o( I'aece and
their pretty faces quite bocame tho
title. .The three young ladlea were
very lieaullfiil In tber handsome co
tumea. The handaomcly decorated
plutform, arranged by expert hand at
decorating, added beauty to the
scene. The mualo by the band was
excellent, (and all told, the .exercises
were better than waa expected, con
sidering the abort time In which the
program waa arranged. Tho chlldrena
racea and gnmoa m the evening were
wltueimed by many and enjoyed. The
day ending aa It did with a grand ball
in tho new Opera Houae, which waa
comfortably tilled with danceia and
apectatora, and the fine mualo rounded
out the Fourth of July festivities in
nice atyle, and we believe everyone
went home well pleased.
The Celebration at Silver Lake and
other placea In Lake county waa suc
cessful In every way, ao we learn. At
Silver Lake two ball games were
played ; one between the Paisley team
add tho Hllver Lake team, tho hitter
winning by a acoro of 14 to 11. The
next day the railroad surveying crew,
camped near town, played the local
team and won from the boya. The
score not learned.
A Wonderful lUpptnlng
Port Ilyron, N. V., has witnessed
one of the most remarkable caaea of
healing ever recorded. Amos F. King
of that place says: "Jiucklen'a Arn
ica Halve cured a sore on my leg with
which I had suffered over ftQ years.
I am now 8f." (luaranteed to cure all
sores, by Lon Heidi, Unionist !Kc
Lorenz Again In the Tolls.
0 .11. Parke came over from Adel
last Nuiiday evening and awore nut a
warrant for the arrest of Charley
Lorenz, on a charge of horse stealing,
and In company with Mr. Parker, the
ahai iff went nvei Monday and brought
Lorenz to town. The preliminary
hearing Is set for to-day. Dent went
back to Warner Tuesday after wit
nesses. It waa reported here Tuesday
that the horse Lorenz was charged
with stealing had been found, but
there seems to be more trouble await
ing hlri should be escape prosecution
on thatchurge. It la reported that he
drove a bunch of horses from down
near Cedrville, to Warner and had
tbem In bis corral, and later Mie
horses were found up in the rimrocks
with fresh brands on them. If thla is
true, it Is likely that Modoc coupty
will want a turn with him. Mr.
Lorenz haa bad some experience In
tho courts of this county, having
served out a sentence iu the county
Jail for stealing hay, aud was also
fined forty dollara for pointing a gun
at an officer.
Mrs. 8.T. Colviu writes tho Exam
iner from Palmyra, New York, thut
she Is at that phico on a visit to her
old home, aud will return to Lake-
view lu a short time.
LOST: Team of driving mares, in
the vleln'ty of Drews Creek or Dog
lake. One bay mate branded JO; one
brown mare branded ace of clubs on
left stlllo. I will pay a liberal reward
for the . retun of the animals to Lake-
view or where I cuu get them.
Ta Trap Shoot.
Another trap shoot took place on
the Fourth. Home very good scores
were made. Harry liailey, W. R.
(Steele aud Loo lieall took live shots
each, and quit the game. It was easy
to see through their score (0). The
score made by those who shot the full
twenty-five shots is:
Armstrong 17
Thornton 1J
F..D. Hmith 15
AuUn 18
Dyer . 10
Proud foot 18
The club is out of blue rocks, and
their next meet will be dejuyed until
more can 'be hoc u red.
Conn 15
Hoyd 18
Ingram IU
W. IL Bernard 8
T. E. Iiernard 13
Massingill 13
H.O. Crettxler and wifu uud Mr and j
Mrs A Metier and daughter, Dorothy
went down to the home of Mr. and i
Mrs J. P. Duke about 8 miles below
town hut Sunday In Cressler'a auto
mobile, making the trip down In IK) j
minutes. Theie piirtukiug f an ele '
gunt ill n tier, aud returned to town in I
the evening.
They wea r and wear and wear
Mr- t uf
' V't. m
will first see that your
sideboard is stocked
with the favorite
K Jesse Moore Whiskey
von ciniDriKN
Levi Strauss & Co.
The United States Government endorses it as abso-
I t t fli i r
Ml iiiteiy pure ana stnctiy as required Dy tnc l ure rood and
Drugs Act It's the same blended Kentucky Whiskey before
the public the last 54 y :ars.
J i J lui i a i
e h.'ivc made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in any way, aflcct Real Property in the count'.
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. , '
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds arc not indexed
at all, and ate most diflieult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up t
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Manager.
Our entire stock of Summer Dress Goods and
Ladies' Shirt Waists must be sold regardless of
$2.00 Shirts Waist for $1.25
$1.50 99 ff " .95
$1.00 " " " .65
.75 " " " .45
Wash Goods will be sold at same rate.
Do not miss this opportunity but come while your size is
here and before the best patterns are sold.
The Ball dame the Fourth.
The hall ganie played at the race
track on the afternoon of the Fourth
between two picked up teams waa wit
neaaed bjr a large crowd of ' batse ball
fana. and a great deal of interest waa
FollwluK la the lineup aiid score.
Players Runa Poeition Rune Players
Wallace 3 I-baue
Hutching 3 Catcher.
McDonald 1 2 base
E. MiUer 3 r-fleld
Heard 2 3-base
Williams 2 Pitcher
ljongfellow 3 l-Qeld
Reynolds 2 c-tteld
JudtfO 3 s-fctop
22 totals
2 Young
3 Storkman
1 FauLian
2 Storkman
$100 Reward. $ I vU.
The renders of this paper will bo
pleaaod to learn that there is at
lcoat one dreaded dlwafiethatacience
hus been able to cure In all Its stages,
and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the found
ation of the disease, and giving the
patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature In
doing Its work. Tho proprietors
have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred
Hollars for uny case that it fails to
cure. Kend for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Sold bv all Druggists, 7."c.
Take Halla Family Pills for con
tention. In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lake County.
In the matter of :be Oaur-)ORDER
dian-ahip of the estate of) TO
Robert EiiRley, Glen lialgey) SHOW
Elsie Bagley aud Mark Dagley )CAUSE
Minors, )
This matter coming on regularly to be
heardipon this 17tb day of June,
1907. noon the duly verified petition
of Olive Keal, theViu lyappointed, sct
iugand qualified Guardian of the Per
son and Estate of tbeabove named
Minors, and each of them, for an
Order ot Sale of the Real Property
belonging to said Minors and each of
them, and it appearing thirefiom,
hat there is no personal property
belonging to said Minors or either of
tbem ; and that there are no funds
available or on hand with which to
support and maintain said wards or
either of them; and that it is neces
sary for the support and maintainance
of said Wards aud each of them that
said real property belonging to said
Wards and each of tbem be sold ; '
It Is Therefore ORDERED aud DE
CREED that Wednesday the 24th day
of July, at Ten o'clock in the fore
noon of said day tSE and is hereby
appointed as the Time for hearing
said Petition and that the Next of
Kin of said Wards and of each of
them aud that all persona interested
iu said Estate of said Minors and of
each of them appear at Chambers, iu
ho Court House iu Lakeview, Lake
Couuty, Oregon, on the above named
date to show cause why a license
shoull not be granted for the salt of
all the iuterebt of said wards aud
each of them iu aud to the following
described Real property, to-wit:
An undivided Four-Ninths interest
in and to the W'. of NW. Seo. 25
Tp. 33 S., R. 18 F.., also commencing
at the North-east corner of the NW.'i
of NE4 Seo. 23 iu said Tp. and
Range; thence running East 5 chuius;
thence ruuuiug South 40 chains;
tbence running West 5 chains;
thetico running North 40 chuius to
place of beginning.
This Order shall be Published iu
the Lake County Examiner a News
pa por of General Circulation iu Luke
Couuty. -Oregon, for a period of
Three successive weeks prior to the
date of hearing hereof.
Done in open Court tbls 17tn day
of June, 1U07, at Lakeview, Oregon.
li. JJuiy, judge.
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany has moved into the large
Brick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of everv- .
thing usually found in a Furn- jrj
iturc Store will be kept
Undertaker's Parlors a
Repair Shop R
; ;
I Located on Water Street, near the Post office.
I Meals at all Hours.
Fresh oysters kept on
v hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game
I in season.
1 On!y First-class Restaurant
"in Lakeview. i
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, May 13, 1007.
Notice is uereoy given mat in com
pliance with the provisions or tbe act
of Congress ol June d, 18 if, entitled
"An act lor tne sale or timuer lauaa
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,'
extended to all the Public Land
States by ct of August 4,1802, Jennie
Holder, of Paisley, county of Lake
State of Oregon, has this day tiled in
this ottleo his sworn statement No.
3088, for tbe purchase of the S,'a SW.
of Section No. 8, in Township, No.
3T)S., Range No. 19. E., W. M. and will
otfer proof to frhow that tie land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stouo than for agricultural pur
poses, and to estaUlsh his claim to
said laud before Register aud Receiver
t lakeview Oreuon. on Friday, the
'2(5. dar of July, 1007. I
He names rfs witnesses: w. It. Ham
niersley aud S. P. Moss of Lakeview,
Oregon, R. N. Phelps and C. S. Mor
ris, of Paisley, Oregon.
A hit Anil ell nttrsona clalminir ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to nio tneir claims in mis
office on or before Viid 2iith day of
July, 1007.
20-10. J. N. Vataon, Register.
United States Land Office, Lake
view ,Oregou, May 13, 1007.
Notice is hereby given that in com
plauce with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In the States of Culifornia. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terriotry,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1802, Lottie
D. Withers, of Paisley, couuty of
Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this office his sworn statement
No. 3001, for the purchase of the E
NE4' Sec. 0, NV4' of Section
No. 5, iu Township No. 34 S., Range
No. 18, E., V. M., and will otter
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than 'or agricultural purposes, and to
establish his -tluim to said land before
Register aud Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon on Monday, the 5, day of
August, 1007. lie names as wituuses:
C. W. Withers, C. L. Withers, J. 8.
Sprague, M. C. Currier, all of Paisley
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
reqdested to file their claims iu this
office on or before said 5tb, dayof
August, 1007. '
J.N. Watson, Register. 10-20