Buying Good Beef Cattle. Morn (linn one-half tho secret In mic ecus fill lxef production In contiilned In the two word "buy rlicht," any J. (i. McI'Hii of Hie Iom'ii experiment sta tlnn. Of coiu'ho (lint menu nt tho right price and tlint exorbitant pilfca cannot bo (nUl If nny hnlnw-o of profit In to renin In with the fanner at Dm nd of tlm tnuiMiM'tloii, Hut It menu (Trent deal inoro. It men in that li't DiUHt buy tho right kind of nt k. And here In almost the whole ncTet. If u Uiiiii buys tlio right kind of feeder cut. tie, ho wry seldom pnys a price wlihli lose til til nmliey, hut If Ik lei u! liny tlio right kllid of entile (liey are n losing ri)H(i.ri nt iiuy pi Ire. Tlio rlit kind of fender rattle) file strong In, w tt ti u pro nounced Ix'of form, mid lienr nil tho evIileliroN of (iinllty. Tlio feodor ItlllHt ! thrifty, lio ioiimI nhwi.v I hi iimkI.v for lili twn tnciri a dn.v nod n III lie inoro, ho tnnHt whow vlg'tr, mid tlio only way In which yni nin p k out tllOKO llilllltllN III )'tUr liiH.TtVC pur Chrtxo U l.y tho depth 11 lid llilrknoNN of his client, tho Iiiwiiomn nf liU flunk ntid hi Ki-nonil tlgumim oxpr'il..ij a seen In tho eye, tho tin i r mid tho luiinner. Nolthor on ii you put valunhlo flesh on a diilry form. A ponkod shoulder, siiib aide, ii thin loin and n prominent iihnrp rump nnd tall liend uio nil dan ger rljp'llll to tho btiver of feeder. A feeder UiUHt o deep txidled, thli'k cheated, wldo "piling In hU rllm, wldo A.SUt'H Hil EII. In LU lulu ini'l muip uud thick lu hl thlKh. Ht hum do not hrlontf on doHlrnhlo fooler. In udilltlon, over till Uioho purtt tho animal inutt bo hiiumiiIi and iieuf, oouipnct. Imt not ooarNO. ThoHO polntx a man luiiNt hum dourly flxod lu hU mind deforo ho even In--glim to look for fooilom. If ho huvthen ho cull buy rlh'hl. If ho Ihih not ho l at tho mercy of the mmi who ni-IU. Thero Ih ono inoro point that n ffiH't tlio hcIIImk of our lliilxhed nulmulM hleh uitiht In' oiiMlilcred when buy ItiK. mid Hint Ih uniformity. Avoid off ooIom a ud imported alto. While oolor cniinot b; nold over the block or ennned nt tho pilckluK Iioumo, jet It Undoubtedly help to Kell II bunch of BtTH. A uniformity of color nnd of kI.o pleiiMiit tho oyo nnd tend to ovoroomo ludlvhlunl dofvctn. In buy. Inj; If poHKlblo obtuln NtooiM of n uni form ujfo, ttlo and color. Tho erent Aukuh nlwr hIiowii u tho llluNtratlon wnn rcnorvo to tho prand cbuuiplon at tho liiteriiiitloiinl at l lil cao. Ho wan fed nnd fdiown by tho rnlverttlty of MlnnoHoin nod nlrnl by tho Import td bull owned by the Ohio Ktute university. 1 1 1 h duin win uhlp K'd to Ohio Stato university to bo brod again to thin bull lu hopo of cccurlm; almllar roxulu. The Boar to Select. Tlio Ixinr ahotild have n neat, auiooth, compact body and moderately ahort. atrulght legH, aaya an authority. Hldoa that lit n HtrnlK'lit odgo from tlio hIiouI tier to hum and hnve groat depth nnd moderate length, a back that la broad and atrulght and deeply fleshed and well developed hind ijuurtera belong to tho Ideal boar typo. Ho Hliould bo ae lected from a large litter of uniform alxo und (piallty, for hU progouy la likely to npproxlmnto tho a vera go of the litter of which ho la' one. Hta mother ahould bo a brood mow of tented qunlltlca n a aucklcr. f r good pigs cannot bo iiilued If they do not receive plenty of milk when young. Quality Is Indicated by n kIohhj', flno, thick cont. Clean, hard bone, vigorous coiiHtltutlon and ay linnet ry of porta tdiould be al ways demnuded In the bretnllng boar. Keep tha Batt Marei. BroolerH ahould never aell their best Biaro when young union thex have ono or more llllles by a drat claaa atal llon from her to take her place lu tho brood inn ro rnnka. Mnxt brootl mnrea that uro not producers of record per formers liegln to deteriorate, or, rather, depreclute, In Helling value after they ore fourteen years old. Tho eumll farmer who raises but ono or two a your Hliould plan to sell his brood wares before tliolr values begin to do precluto and replace thorn with their bout llllles that uro from three to five years old. Ity continuing along thoHu linos, Bays Horse llrcedcr, the small breeder will make more money, as a rule, than by keeping mares until they are past use nnd lmvo really no mar ket value. Feeding 6hp 8ilage. A writer lu the. Nutlonul Stockman and Farmer, replying to tho question, Will It pay to feed sheep silage? says: Feeders who ubo silage are highly pleased with results. ItuIIdlng a silo will not pay uuloss tho builder exports to follow tho business for yours, or If sheep and lamb feeding Is discontin ued sllugo Is continued to be used for cattle. Within a few miles of tho borne of tho writer there is a conient concrete sllo, 15 by 80, built to help out lu growlug hothouse lutnbs. This Is the first winter used, and the owner baa expressed himself to me as well pleased with results. t LAK.:VIEW t SADDLERY ? S. V. AMI.STKO'V.. t'ri prler tt t f t i U' Ik" : :n i"' . '1 ik- on t In ir.nrUvl. t .S1 i II Cdli j.l M . .funuo'l & Inij: linrncMM, whin' SpV i l.t-K. rlj ii. I ! t-, spurn, 4 1 1 i.i Ok. i (-1 i ii , id ion i i ry 1 1 ;i.g In 1 1 I I ! M I Inge TT (M il Ikiii !hi i I it Hv- I-1 I lU t I tll Mill Hlfl. 4 l;klXT!;l) IN lXHI MOI I.WN rHRi;iij-i FIKST-CLA55 ACCnnonTioN. SAHI'l l: R(M)n For conni:wciA TKAVI-I I I COURTEOUS TUEA'I iMLN'l I' P t Ii HIT (IliO HAKkOW I.HiHT & HARROW, Propnetorn Stwtoh ihoold rabicrlbi for fell feomt fiptr, la trdar to get all tha local nrw. bnt U kaef lm touch with t& world's 4Hy oranu should alio road Tho Evening Telegram, Portland, Oregon, Tho lsadlsf oTonlaf Bowtpapor of tho Paclflo Com, which hao corn plat AjaoclaUd Proa roporto and pedal leu ad - win serrloo, with corrospondoato la Important newt contort and la all tho cities and principal towns of tho Northwest Portland and suburbs art covered by a bright staff of reporters, and editorial, dramatic, society and special writers. Saturday's edi tion consists of 28 to 21 pages, and has colored comic pages, as well as a department for children, colored fashion page, an Interesting serial e'.ory and other attractive features In addition to all tho news of tho 1 day , J fiuttcrlptlon Rates: One tuonrh, ' 0 cents; three months. $1.55; s.'z I ninths. $2.60; twelve tuontra S3 "ample copits called free. O CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Give Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It cleiinHtm, aootkuB, heals, and protects tliu d intoned liiuinlirtuio. It cures OuUrrh and drives away a (!oM In th lleud ipiii-klv. HuMtorM tho Sanson of Tinte and Hmeil. I'jmy to uU. t'ontulus no injurious drugs. Appliod into tho nostrils and uWrbod. Liuge Hiio, fiO conts at DrnggiHts or by mail; Trial SUo, 10 cents by muk.. LLY BROTHERS. 56 Warrtn St., Naw Yor. Notice to Sheepmen : All Folllck, an experfaheepsheurer and a crew of California shoarers.are at my corrals in Camas prairie ready to go to work. I Lave my corrals in excellent shape this spring and the feed Is better than evor before. 20- Mrs. Rosa McDaulela. Bears tie h 'n M Ha Always BoujH Blgnatore of : 3 Ml I; if r rtngi' aiiinrT7niL 'f" iT AKBVIKTf . Ths Leading Paper of tlio .4 PaKi& Coast Th San Francisco Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle Tha vary boat vackly Nwspapr pub'.Uhed la tha aoUra V.Mt. $1.50 a Year Inrlurljn iMUn to at -l of tb Li.iu-J JUiu, Uudi auu 11iico It is t because, besides print1 nir all the news of the world ttc e;k tn an tn'.eresilhf way tod fully Illustrating maoy trtlr'es. It Has special dapart rri' nil cevoted to ACRICULTUR5 HORTICULTUR1 POULTRY . LIVi STOCK MINING LITERATURE FASHIONS and S.-OkTS Thesa are presided ersr Vy editors hsvlnf a thorough knowW edre of their specialties. Tha tages devoted to Afr culture. Horticulture, Poultry and Live Stook are wall Illustrated and filled with matter of tha greatest Interest lo all engaged la thsaa Industries, svory 11 a a betag written by thoao who ara lo eloao touch with ooadltioaa prevailing on this Coast SEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. Il wtU U aeat fro. Do yoa want tho Chreatole Reversible Map? Showing tha Unltad Statea. Do minion of Canada aa4 Northora Mezloo oa oso si do, MAP OF THE WORLD, preoeatlog to view la cno oontlauoua snap, with all arota la into peoponlos. tha tiro surfaao of tho Earth a the other aide. Soo4 S3 aa4 rot the Ma assl 'Voealy Chrontolo" tor oe yar. pootac irspals oa kia ssm Paper. The Dally and Map mmi. siotiaa seal Only ta5 1 Yesr OaL ontoxTXnoai Mining blank- a at the Kxamine office. It you are tblukliiK of organizing a stock company see- our new samples oWall Strt engraved stock ccrtlfl atca. tf Subscribe for The Imke County Ex aminer, If you want the news. D. K. tenner, the piano tuner, will make his annual visit to Lakeview in the near future. If your piiTno needs tun ng, wait for blm. 22 tf. y' -v; - 1 S '7 ? at. It. as ltJIa Notice of Kentoralion of I'obllo Lao'Jn to Hottlomont and Kntry. of tha Inter or, General Lud OUlo, WaHhlnton. I). C. Jane i:i, lif7- Notlco la horeby lven that I ho pnlillo land In tho following do aorlbod arflHx, looiporHrlly withdrawn on May 10 and July 31, V.m, for for entry purpoHoa and adjoining the Fre mont and (Jooho Lake National Koeata, Oregon, anil not otherwiHo withdrawn, reserved oi appropriated, will by au thority of I he Secretaryof tho Interior lie reMtored to the public domain on Heiitemlwr UH, V.nn, and Ixwomo aul Ject to iwtthitiient on and after tha daH but not to entry, tiling or ael-o- Hon until on an after October 28, tinder tho iihuuI restrict ions, at tho United Htntes Lond Ollice at Lakeviow, ()reon: In Town ship twenty one CJ1), linife ten (10), Koctinns one (I), twelve (12), thirteen (l.JMoiirtern ( 11 ), twenty-three (2.1), twonty foiir (21), twenty-five '. twenty-six f2(i), thirty-five (35) and thirty six (.'K') ; in Township tenty-tbn-e (23) KaiiKe too (10), faction thirty-six (3j) ; In Townnhlp twenty one (21), Kane eleven (II), Mentions three (.'I) to ten (10), both incliiHlve, the soiihoBMt quarter o" Hotion eloven (ll)sowth half of twelve (12). Sections thirteen (Kl) to thirty-six CM), both irjcliifl v ; la Township twenty-three ('.ri). Uanxe eleven (II), Lots ten ( 10 j. eloven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (11), and fifteen (15) of Sec tion thirty-one (31); in Township twenty one (21), l:ane twelve (12), tho went half ot Section four (4). the eaut half and sou h Oct quarter of Koc lion live (5;, wiithest quarter of Sec tion six (0), Section seven (7), noitb bulf and eotib-weet quarter of Section elKht (), Sootions eUhtoen (18), nine teen (10), thirty CM)), thirty one (31); in Township thirty two (32), ltane fonrU'cii( 14 j, the west bull of Section twenty seven (27), routb hnlf of Sec tion tweuty-eKit (2), eant half of Miction thirty-two C-K), all Section thiity three (33 , wcHt half of Section thirty-four (31) ; in Twnship thirty three (33), lianue fourteen (14 ', the went half of Section three (3), nil sec tions four (4). live (5), cinht (Hi, nine (S)), sixteen (1C) to twenty one (21), both inclusive, all twenty live '(25 south half of twenty-six (2'I;, all thirty-four (31;, thirty-Hve (35) and ! thirty-six (3); in Township thirty four ( 4), Rane fourteen (11), Sec tions ono (1), two (2), three ( t), east half of four (1) and nine (9), all ten (10) to sixteen (It) , both inclusive, twenty-two (22), to twenty-eight (2-S), both inclusive, eaxt half of twenty nine (20), west half of thirty (30), all thirty-one (31) to thirty-six (30), both inclusive; all Townships thirty five (35), thirty six (30;, mid thirty snven (37), Range fourteen (14) ; ull Townships forty (40) and forty-one (41), llanKe fourteen and one-half (14'i); in Township thirty-three (33), Itange fifteen ()5(, south half of Sec tion nineteen f 19), west half of twenty-seven 27, all twenty-eight, !M, south half of twenty-nine (29) all thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32;, thir ty three, (XI), west half of thirty four (34); in Township thirty-four (34), Kane fifteen (15), west half of section five (5), all six (G), seven(7), wet half of eight (8), all eighteen (18), nineteen (19, thirtv (30), thir-tv-oue (31). tbirty-twb (32), west half of thirty-three (33); in Township thirty-five (3o). Range nfteen (lu) Sections three (3), to ten (10), both inclusive, west half of eleven (11), all furteen (14) to twenty-two (22, both iuclutdve, west half of twenty three (23), west half of twenty six (2(5). all twenty-seven (27) to thirty four (34), both inclusive, west hnlf of thirty-five (3o); In Towurbip thirty six (30), Raugo fifteen (15), Sections seven (7), eiuht (8), sixteen (10) to thirty-six (:0), both inclusive; in Towuship thirty-seven (37), Range Hf teen (15). Sections one(l), to twelve (12). both inclusive, north half of thirteen (13) and fourteen dl), all fifteen (15;to twenty-two (22), both inclusive, twenty-seven (27), thir ty-three (33), both inclusive ; in Town ship thirv-eisht (38). Range fifteen (15), Sections four (4), to nine (9) both inclusive, fifteen (15) to twenty ; two (22), both inclusive, twenty-six I (20 to thirty-six (Jo) both inclusive in Township forty (40), Range nfteen (15), west half of Section rive (5), all of six (ti andseveu (7), west bulf of eight (8), all sixteen (10) to twenty one (21), both inclusive, twenty eight 28, thirty-six 30, both incluisve in Township forty-one 41, Range f if teen 15, Sections two 2 to nine 9, both Inclusive, all of eleven 11. sixteen lu. twenty 20. both inclusive, west half of twenty-one 21 ; iu Township thirty six 30. Rauce six teen (10), Sections sixteen (1C) to twenty (20), both inclusive, north half and south-west quarter of twenty one (21), all twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31) and tbirty-two (32); In Township thirty-seven (37), Iiange sixteen (10), Sections five (5) to eleven (11), both inclusive, thirteen 13 to seventeen 17, both inclusive, twenty-three 23, twenty-four 24, twen ty-flve 25, thirty Ave 35, and thirty six- 30; iu Township thirty-eight. 38, Range six teen 10, Sections one 1, two 2, three 3, nine 9, to sixteen 10, both in clusive, east balf of seventeen 17, and twenty 20, all tweuty-one 21, twenty three 23, tweuty-four 24, twenty-live 25, twenty-eight 28, twenty-nine 29, south half of thirty dO, all thirty one 31, thiity-two 32, tbirty-tbree 33, and thirty-six 30; in Township thirty-niue 39, Range sixteen 10, south half of bectiou twenty-four 24, all twenty-five 25 and thirty-six 30; in Towuebip thirty-live 35, Range seveuteen 17, west half of Seotiou eleven 11; in Township thirty-six 30. Range seventeen 17, north-east quarter of Section one 1 ; lu Township thirty seven 37, Range seveuteen 17, south balf of Section fifteen 15, all sixteen 10 to twenty-two 22, both iucluive, tweuty-seveu 27 to thirty-three 33. both Inclusive; in Township thirty eight 38, Range seventeen 17, south balf and uorth-west quarter of Sec tion three 3, Sections four 4 to ten 10, both inclusive, west bulf of eleven 11, all fifteen 15. to twenty three 23. both inclusive, twenty-five 25 to thir ty six 30, both inclusive; in Towu ebip tbirty-nine 39, Range seventeen 17, Sections one 1 to live 5, both iuclusive, nine 9 to sixteen 10, both inclusive, east half of Section seven teen 17, south half of uineteeu 19, all twenty 20 to twenty-Beveu 27, both inclusive, thirty 30, thirty-one 31, thirty-four 34. thirty-flve 35 and thiry-six 30; lu Towuship forty 40, Range seventeeu 17, Sections one 1, two 2, eleven 11, north half of twelve 12; In Townahlp thirty four 31, Rnnu lrrl.ln IH Uiilk l.alf .f Uiil.. ,"r ,V. 7 f" " , , " I " n. .. J" .r.nMl' 1 .xi, i in ii un viKiiiceu 10, inn foiiiu liliu north-wet quarter of Hctioti nix 0; in Townxhip thirty eight 38, Knnte eiuhteea IH, eon lb half of Hertloa three 3, all ten 10, eout.h half of elev en II, all thirteen 13, fourteen 14, flftoen 1", nixteen 10, north-eaht quirter of twenty four 21, aout.h hall of twenty five 2 twenty elx SC, and twenty neven 27, all twenty eight 'JH, t ninl v-nino Ml. Ihlrtr-oriM XI. to Ithlrty-alx :J, both InclneWe; lu "'Vh 'hI irT. -n ' .A .7. i. . iZ'ftl ' a'ita iiivi'iniiOf nii'j uvi til unu ol thirtT five .fc; In "ownnbip forty 40, Range eighteen 18, Sections five 5, six 0, north balf of seven 7 and eight 8 ; in Township thirty-eight 38, Kaug. nineteen 19, Sections one 1, two 2, three 3, ten 10, tothlrtysix 30. both in clusive; all Township forty-one 41, Range nineteen 19, not iu (loose Lake; in Township thirty-seven 37, Range twenty 20. south half of Sect ion nine 9, all sixteen 10, aontb half of seventeen 17. all nineteen 19, twen ty 20, west half of twenty-one 21, all twenty-five 25, to thirty-six 36, both inclusive; in TowcsMp thirty-six 30, Range twenty-one 21, west half of Section four 4 : in Township thirty seven, 37 Range twenty one 21, Sections thirty 30 and thirty-one 31 ; in Town ship thirty-eight 38, Range twenty one 21, north-west quarter of Section six 6, all sixteen 10, sontb half of seventeen 17, all nineteen 19, twenty 20, twenty-one 21, twenty-three 23, to thirty-six 30, both inclusive; in Town ship tbirty-nine 39, Range twenty-one 21, Section one 1 lo eleven 11, both inclusive, fifteen 15, to nineteen 13, both inclusive, north hslf of twenty one 21, til thirty 30, thirty-one 31 and tbirty-two 32; in Township forty 10, Range twenty-one 21, Sections live 5, six 0, seven 7, eighteen 18, nine teen 19, nortb balf and south-east quarter of thirty 30, east balf and southwest quarter of thirty-one 31; in Township forty-one 41, Kange twenty-one 21, Section six C, nortb hul' of seven 7; in Township thirty seven 37, Range twenty -two 22, north east quarter of Section thirty-four 34; iu Township tbirty-eigbt 38, Range twenty-two 22, Section five 5, east balf and southwest quarter of Section seven 7, all eight 8, nine 9. fifteen 15 to twenty-one 21, both inclusive, twenty-eight 28, to thirty-three 33, both inclusive; in Township thirty nine 39, Range twenty-two 22, Sect ions four 4 to nine 9, both inclus ive. sixteen 10, seventeen 17. and the nortb balf of twenty 20; all south and ennt, Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warning is hereby sxpressley given that no person will permitted to gain or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prior to September 28, 1907, and all such settlement or occupation is here by forbidden Fred Dennett, Acting Commissioner of the General Laud Office. Approved:' Jesse E. Wilson, Acting Secretary of the Interior. 26-10 NOTICE. Blue prints of any town ship in the Lakeview Land District can be had by applying to the under signed. All work up to date. Checkings made from the Land Of fice Records at the time the prints are made, work neatly . and promptly done. W. B. 'Snider, Lakeview Oregon. ACTICAL HINTS. As to tho Small Boy's Clothes Dainty Cotton Fabrics. In making clothes for a small boy fussiness is the thing to be avoided. Simplicity Is the height of good form for the little man as well as for the big one. It is upon material, cut and finish that bis clothes depend for their ef fect. Even from the time bis first short dresses are donned the tailor made effect should be apparent A good scheme is to procure a suit from a thoroughly up to date children's outfitter and then cooy It carefully at home. After the first experience It is easy to get along. The pattern should be so. perfect that no further fitting In necessury. The prluted silk mulls are beautiful thla season, and the embroidered batistes and Swisses defy description, The all white embroidered swlss la al ways modish and serviceable. Some of the flower figured Swisses are most artistic. A tiny wreath of flowers tied with a minute bowknot is a favorite design tn both swlss and batiste. The dimities, organdies and. In fact. an the old favorites are prettier tbau ever this season and will be used quits as exteusively as of yore. A snnrf colored spider cloth Is a novelty that promises to become a favorite. It la very sheer, although not transparent. and is of exquisite sheeu. Rrowns are fairly rampant In tho Beuson's mUUuery, and many of the best Parisian model hats for street, wear are of broxru straw. One of the prettiest is of brown straw with shaded brown and yellow feathers and brown velvet ribbon. The picture shows a gown for morn- lug wear in striped liuen wbfeu la as pretty as It is comfortable. JUDI0 CUOLLET. TIHHr.H l.t err UK. Lakeview Ore. Apr. 18th, 1907. Notice la hereby tlten thnt In com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 13?ft, entitled "An Act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public, Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Wil liam V. Miller of Paisley, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office bis sworn statement No. :i520, for th purchase of tho NEJf HKJi Sec. 20, St. NWJ SW.of sectloa No. 25, in Township No.. 34 S, Range No. 18. K., W. M., ai;d will ofTer proof to show that the land song tit Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to raid land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Tuesday, the 9th day of July, 1907. He names as witieses: Al. Farrow, Will Farrow, Oeo. Har per of Paisley Oregon, and W. B. Snider of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the above described lauds are re quested to file their claims in this oflice on or before aid 9th day of July, 1907. 1710. J. N. Watson, Register. TIMHKR liiSII XOTIt r. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, Apr. 12, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions o- the nut of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber hinds in the States of California, Oregoa, Nevada, and Washington Territory, ' as extended to all the public land states ry act of August 4, 1892, Tho te as II. lliinipbery, of Klamath. Falls, county of Klamath State of Oregoa, has this day filed in this office hfs sworn statement No. 3580. for the pur chase of the N'i of Section No. 30, Township No. 34 S.. Range No. 18 ., W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val uable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said land before the Clerk of Klamath County Ore. at bis office at Klamath Falls on Tuesday, the 2, day of July, 1907. lie names bs witnesses: Robert O. Horning, J. R. Uorniruj, F.d. Echtinaw, Isaac Voorebees, all of Klamath Falls Ore. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 2, day of July 1907. 10-10 J. X. Watson, R-3giate. Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axles in the world long wearing and very ad hesive. Makes a heavy load draw like a libt one. Saves balf the wear on "wagoa and team, and increases the earning capacity of yonr outfit. Ask yonr dealer for Hica Axlt Qrtase. STANDARD on. CO. ST "1 P.i Bk 'SI have stood the test for over so years. nJ are n. 11 in the !eal. Their absolute certaiutr of j-rowth. theiruacotnmotilr large yiiLls cf (tcluiom T-t?etaHe cd ben nov.-rrs, c.aie i:icn tiie moi r-H.-ble m l t'.ie mort popular every where. SoM hy a.l dealers. 1DC7 Seed Annuel f-ce oa request. P. TI. FniT.Y & CO.. V"' NOTICE of restoration of publtp lands to settlement and entry. De partment of the Interior, General Land Office, April 20, li07. Noti is hereby given that the Secretary of the Interior has on April 11, 1907, va cated bis former order of July, 23, 1904, withdrawing the following des cribed lauds for irrigation purposes in connectiou with the Ana River Frfl ject, Oregon : Township thirty Soutit, Range Sixteeu East, Section one township thirty South, Range seven teen East, Section six, and bus order ed that the aforesaid lands be restored to the pul lie domain and to settlmeute but not to b'econe subject to eutryi niing or selection uuder the publiA land laws of the United States until August 12, 1907, at the Uuited States Land Oflice at Lakeview, Oregon. Commissioner of Geueral Land Of fflce, R. A. lialliuger, James Rudolph Uai field, Secretary of the interior. 19-Aug 1 vllMi,. 60 YEARS' .EXPERIENCE Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone in1ln a sketch and description ma quickly aiHerluiii our oplnloo free wlittthbr aa biif.iiil&in Vni.taiit.hlA. C sent free OMotit auenef fur Mcuruig patents. trioiiytmntieiiiKU. riAnuuuuK tw. itlit.tttt .uftttfv f ttr Mcuriiti I'aitutia laavtl lurouKU mui tjwiul Hotkt, without, charm, I l'ataiiia taken turuunh Hunu ft Co. Mcoirs Scientific Jlincrican. A liandsometT lllnstrated weekly. lartrMt elr- UUI.ltUII (It Itll, .-H3.t.ilJ J..UI1.MI. w eurt lour months, s u BoU tjr all nuw.uettmra. p.aeiBreNew YorlV frJH 61 A Y.I f ..if 9k. 3 a&v II 0 1 ca: Lsr i 1 "Mm .1-1 Mtaucb C ii -im. oa If 8t Waabuiwluu. U. i)