Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1907, Image 8

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    The question of selecting a store is too
Important to be decided ' without
mature deliberation.
Buying your goods in the Right
store means a great deal to you,
whether you b y much or little.
So successfully has thi store always
met the most exacting require
ments of other Customers, we feel
justified in believing that it will
meet yours Equally as well.
We make it a point to see that you are
satisfied in every way with the
goods we sell, and this insures your
coming back. You'll aiways find
Our prices as reasonable as we can
make them.
The Store of Quality and
Low Prices.
Opened this Week.
First Door South of AhJstroirTs
Harness Shop on
Main Street.
Give us a trial and
we will treat you right.
Our table will be sup
plied with the best of
even- thingthe market
affords at right prices.
Lakeview And Vicinity
Joe J on 08 la here from Flush.
V. li Houston la over from Warner.
Fro tik Lovele wan In town Monday.
Tho. Yountf waa In town this week.
Mining Supplies at Iakeview, Mere.
Co. U
Dutch lunch nt the llrcwery Sn
oon. t(
New clothing for men at Ahlstrom,
Rros. 1
lutch lutich nt th llrewery si
loon. tf
Ilert Mulkey whs In town last Sun
day. OKI papers for sale at The Kxaminer
P. W. Jimea la here from Silver
E. T. Bishop la Mick at Hotel Lake
view. J. M. Ilmmersley waa in town lust
1). L. Cleland was over from Flush
thia week.
I. F. Conn returuetl home Wednea
day morning. -
List your town property with Autcn
k Barnes 1
Kli Restaurant. First class meals
at all hours. tf.
The street sprinkler was out Mon
day afternoon.
Miss Nora Charlton was elected
Goddess of Liberty.
A. F. Fitzpatrlck and futuily are
down from Ctiewaucau.
Mart Hopkins has been out lu the
hills prospecting for gold.
S. F. Ahlstrom has received a Hue
lot of buKt?y robes and dusters.
Dance in the New Hall on the
Fourth of Jury, night 2t
Rev. Howard was up from Piue
Creek first of tbe week.
Odd Fellows' Hall Saturday niht by
Mr. Price the musician. 1
J. Simmons and family are down
from Paisley this week.
Read T. K. Bernard's new ad In
The Examiner thia week.
F. P. Lane and wife were over from
Warner first of the week.
C. E. McCleary was up from Piue
Creek first of the week.
Read the new a J of T.E . Bernard
in The Examiner this week.
Novelties in mens hats for men
aud boys at liailey & Massiut;ill. tf
Homestead and Desert claims, at
Auten Jt Barnea, Land office block, x,
W. R. Hart started his saloon yester
day evening in the Joe Howard bund
ing, j
Options taken on timber laud at i
this ofiie. We will pay the highest
price. tf.
Dick J. Wilcox this week sold to
L. Italley and John Hreimner are rio
Ing some elegant paper hanging. The
work in the New Snider Opcrx Hon ho
Is h credit to any artist
Owing to tho Manufacturer' ad
vance in the price of Cotton Thread,
The Merchants of Iikevlew will be
compelld to advance prlco. x
When you clean house ternemter
that we are headquarters tor lac our
tains prices from 85 cents to 17.00 per
pair, liailey A Maaslngiil. tf
Auten A' ItarncM, the real estate tlrm
located in the Laud otllce block, In
Lnkevlew, are now prepared to buy
aud sell real estate of all kinds 1
Attorney W. L. Thompson niu te a
trip up to Summer I. tike hint week.
Mr. Thompson expects noon to make
a trip over to Albany, to be absent a
couple of weeks.
Next Sunday there will be Mass nt
the court house at half past ten
o'clock, during which Right Rev. C.
J. O'Kiley, Itishop of llaker City will
deliver the sermon.
Itishop O'Kiley, of llaker City, and
Father Feusl, of Klamath Fall,
arrived here Tuesday evening by
private conveyance to spend the
Fourth of July in Lakeview.
The Hrown show given In Lakeview
last Friday night was (mid to be rot
ten. The Examiner has alw'ays cnu
tioned the people about patronizing
slur's that were afraid to advertise
in the papers.
The old Hundley A- Arzner engine
was moved from its accustomed place
... . . i . ....
I one oi i lie examiner wood sneu, nils
week out to the Amsden wood lanch
where It will be employed to run a
shingle machine.
Mr. A. H. Mclnnes of the Sheep Coin
mislspn Co., of Red lilutr, Oil., ex
pects to start about six thousand head
of sheep for Bed. Bluff in a few days.
He will lemain here most of the sum
mer buying up other Ylrivei.
A team hitched to a wagon ran away
one day last week in Alturas, with a
little boy on the wagon, who whs ton
small to manage the horses. The
wagon waa turned over and the boy
thrown out ant! his leg broken.
It reported that Mr. T. F. Duna
way, of the N C O, Ry. Co., hsa
resigned his position with the com
pany, aud that he will taken extend-'
ed trip to Europe: Mr. Duuaway,
however, den lea the report.
Lakeview Citizens' Band, will give
lessons on all brass instruments cor
net anl slide trombone a specialty
also mandolin. Lessons given ama
teurs on violin. Piano tuning. 'Si tf
Tbe greatest attraction of the season
Great Breakers with great, helpful
messages Fine Music Good schools,
Iieautiful grounds. Southern Ore
gon Chatnnqiiu, Ashland, Oregon.
Eleven days, Commencing, .July 10th.
Send for printed matter, then come.
r :i.
Below we give a report of the westhet
s recorded by the Government weailiel
bureau station at The Kxaminer Ollii-e.
This report is changed each week, and II
our readers wish to keen a yearly record
ot weather conditions lor (lUnrn rcfei.
ence, cut out the reHrt along the blstk
line and paste it in a scrap honk oik
week after another. This reord will I
taken on Tticsda" to end each week mi
lenin on WednemUy for the next week
Government leather Bureau -Sin-lion
at Lakeview, Oregon,
C. O. Mktxkkk, Cooperative Observer.
ttirk fiidlnn Tuesday, July, 2. 11K)7
Weil. I M I I
Hut'v 1 mi I :.l I
thur. j lis j V
fnil'.vl T5
IllnllJ 7l
tll. H. 7S
I) (Ml
0.00 "
nl clay
(Ml ,
00 I
9 Dli.eM
1 1 U o 111
Everything Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our Store.
Boot and Shoes for Miner, IJucca
roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & Hilling Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co
Mrs. J. S. Branch, Proprietor.
Mrs. Brown of Lake City, 1M heml of!
lambs. ! G.L. Ilnlbrook started fur Eugene
J. S. Fuller is buyiiik' sheep for the ! ""t week, but t only jih fur ns Lake
Mclnues Sheep Commission Co. f j view. He hud run n runty nail in his
fJe.l IJluff. 1 hand and by the time he reached
.. ... iii-i i I Lakeview the wound wan t'ivini? him
The Alt ura l'hundealer fays that ... . , . ,
. ., , ... considerable trouble, and only prompt
prttty bum.
JULY 4th, 1 90?.
In The Snider Hall, Everything New,
Music By The Orchestra. Everybody
should attend the first ball given in the
New Hall, plenty of room, ' plenty of
dance, plenty of fun.
Everybody Con-.e.
treatment prevented n cnrio of blood
j fioinon.'
I A Imt;e erowd n in JiKeview to , ,WT. T,.nl r ,uir, ;,. i
bpend the fourth and a tfoo.l time is -,0 yi,.m;ty ,)f ,roW9 Cn-ok or l')oK
Hiiticipattd. luke. One buy iriare branded JO; one
Wm. Il ii vi-y, the hor-,( tiiyi-r re- j brown mare branded neo of elnbn on
turned hit week from a horsebnyinn ! lft Htifle. I will ny a liberal reward
. ' . in:) iin in nil. ' ..... .' ,.i..fM,...i ...
'"" " - ' , Horn : In Lakevtmv, Orec'Oii, Sun-
FRANK BARNES day, June V KKiT, to the wife of Dan
: ClKiudler, a irl.
! view or where I con yet. them.
Homesteads and Desert Land Claims:
Jir:i ii'iri f is carrying his arm in a
.-lint' as ;i reMill of an uttaek of rheu
jnntii' paralvris.
U. K. 1'iniier, tliH piano tuner,
aiiivel tier') la-t eek on his nnuil'il
vi it t-j t);K eity.
The Lxuminer is coming out a little
early this week in order to j;jve the
otllee force a day ol!', to celebrate the
Fourth of July. Xewnpaner boya Hel
dom have u huliday. unless the day
happens to mine in a i:on venient part
of the week, if a new item or two
is overlooked plea
..Lakeview Meat Market..
JOHN WKNHKLL, I'n.prietor
1 AT PIL'SI NT I.OCAllil .
'land office block
.-.-sf .-nor .). H. Llair returned a few
ilny-. hii' iriiiii an olicial tl ii into the j The Kxaminer has received a lot of
r:i,i t h eiiii i;f the county. j fancy Mat ioncry, paper and envel'ipes
... , ii i i- .. i- ' I to matcli, wich lot. of different color.
Ii-hop O Kiley will deliver a tree ' . ..
lecture in the Opera ilou.-.e Sunday1
l i
' ce!)iii!?. Kveryborly invited. i
C.ii'-e l Stuleo I-.ui I '
.rijir'i'. June -7, I'.''-'.
Notice is hereby iv
iiiciic.5 with tho pi '
' (. UliylebS Of JuiK .
"All Mi:t tor the sale ,:
i that in coni-
iolli-. (it the in't
.-' i ii'.i'lfd ,
t iiiil.'t r laud- in :
I'm bt.ites of Calaoi ni l, Oregon, Ntv
nd.t, and War hiiiut .n '1 rri'.i ry. " a.
Kteuded to all tho j ' 1 if hind Mutes
by act of Auuuut t, Kbuer liar-,
tey, of Jjukeviuw. i Mityot I-al;e,
Stnte of Oicuou, has tL 'Jay tiled iu ;
this ullijo tus Hv.uiii statement. No. i
XISO, tir the pun li.tM: tt the S'A'.,
nf Hectiou No. Ho, in 'J'on.-hip No.
T.S S, K.uigu No. 2 i. V M, and will
ffer J roof to alio v that the land
aou3hf. is more vabial.Ie for ita timber
nt bl.iue thuu ivr ii Kultund purpoa
uu 1 to estu'jlis'i U'i claim to .-aid
ifcuitl before Ue'itter a. el H-ceiver at
Ij.ikeview Oret-'on, on i'rlday the Cth
dity of September, l'.'J7.
He numo as witueses:
Dick J. Wiljox i'ail .Mulkey, T'un
Alford, and Nathan Wilcox all of
Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all peibitis claimint,' ttd
voi.SBly the abovo-doHc! ibed lando are
requested to file their t lainm in thin
ortice on or before -..;id Cth day of
Kept., 11KJ7.
27 lu J. N. Vt.vji., Hefister.
I .1. tf. lli:1c!iin-on aiirl bride were in first of (tie week and left for
tt.. ir new home in Warner.
; John .Miller and wife and II. Wim
er, of Luke City came over to Lake-
... r. j i it . i I . s . .11..
i i.e ,iaio jjoar I nm ioiiinui.v
aril horit-d the purchase ot the Col
i:.!i, Miller, Suiip-on and udjoiniiii.'
! boutlieatt of i il. m as a ite loi
the lii.vv home fur the leeLle minded.
The fa.-um aiurerfate o-M acres and , i--v to Kp-viid the Fourth.
-1 i'o;-t an average ot about iTZ uu ;v , j.', Simnions and wit'eoi
a The Hoard will bu compelled itv.larv'ilie, toeut a lew days ill Lake-
lu coijileiiiu one tract ot h'" nci e-, v;,..v ai.rin t ho past w eek.
. ... . . .ii i i. . i
a- ,m ureenieni c jii: j oo reaeiie a .
I I.'. l. ,.f L.ltT l'.'.ll
v.i i t ha owner ' -l "...i..
; be (.'iven in the Nev Snider Hall on
I'.vo items jmblidicd i:i Th'i Hxain- ; t),,. ,,iKilt ()t (ho Furth of July. Ht
iui-r last week, that tutii.'er.iing Mr.
i.!,,.,.,., I ..i ,. .....i ,i.,.
i.iim;. UJilii l.ur.c uiiu liiu tJii'j . , . , i i
iroiu warner w r nuuy on huiisuht!
trip aud remained hero till Monday.
T. A. Ciunip and wife came over
This class of stationery is tlie very
latest, and used fpiite exteuaively, by
busine.HM rien hi tiie lain (dties.
Those of our Ijiisiijens men who wish
to be up to date hhould take up the
use of hiKh-rade stationery.
Tho interior t the Ahlstrom liar
ness shop has been iniderk'oiiiit some
noticeable changes. A window haa
been cut In the south side of the build
ing anil a bench ritfed up for Win.
(iunther. Mr, Ahlstrom 1h now work
ing four men, besides what little he
does himself.
To horse mu :- I will take mares to '
breed to beat jack in the count rv nt
excuse ns thisjss.m or to k'oo.l horse at same price.
i 1 have also purchased a larne purcli-
nun stallion in Klamath county and
will charge f 1U for oIih from him.
(lijod pasture at rl per head per
mouth. I ask nil w ho are iutere:,tf d to
come and look at my horses and jack,
or write for further particular to
John Nolle, Lakeview, Oregon. tf
Tim Sclieehnu, a youn man who
aniveil in Lakeview a few days iii;i
from O.tkhnid, ( 'a ill oi n la, uheiebo
has been cnnKcd for some limn lu
w l it inn stories lor dill ereiit maa.lneH
and in u. papers, is considering urit
in storien fur publication on i ventrt
in Lal:e County, lr he meets with
success in this line he u ill write
several stories founded on actual con
ditions here, mixing in eunuch n-,.t.
ion t i make them;.
I1'. M. Chi Ismail cu.ue down from
Silver Lake Tuoa lay. ,
about F. hi. Marion of Laidlaw, should 1
have been credited t ) Tlio Silver Lal;ei
Oie'onian, but borne how tho credit i II. V. Catcs, of HillsLoio, who cou cveiloolii d. Kxcute us, Hro. duds many electrical plantain Ore-
'tfon, is incur city looking' over the
11. V. J'arrow and Mrs. A. O. Jlamp- j j.j
ion came down lrou i'uisloy Monday
to arrange for the appointment of Mrs.
Hampton as ndmiuistrator of the
f statu of her lato husband. Miss Jes.-de
Sticke', who has been VBitiug at
l'uuley, returned to Lakeview with
Dutch lunch nt the Urewery Sa
loon, tf
Iiavo your eyea tehted by Jj. H.
Whorton and fitted with glasBfcH that
will give satiafaction, at reasouablo
pricea tf
(1. W. llardisty and Kli Uaruum
weie In from Crooked creek Saturday
and called at the Examiner office to
see the presn run.
iron cuiiJitii:N
Levi Strauss & Co.
Stockmen, Especially Sluvpniui, sliotild write fj
or interview tlie Lard Commissioner of tlie 1
Military Road Co. IkIoic- deciding to sell or i-aJ
. K educe tlieir Hands.
LfU-rfc or Small tracts may lie leased, in
Klamath, Lake, Harney, or Malheur Count
ies, for one year, or term of years, .and in
some instances purchased outright, or easv
Address, all communications to Harry A
J. Hunter; (Land Com.) or Wm. Shirk, (ienerai
agent, care of First National Hank, Lake
$ view, Ore.