Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1907, Image 7

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Some Polnti In Modern M tchnnicul
Cow Milkers.
Mnny dairymen flnl It illilb-ult (. m.
CUI'i' milkers III li i-oln nation that
ivIJJ allow (i fair iniii'clii of iriii;t, mid
especially N IIiIh true of ninny wi",l
cru ihilr.i men.
Mllklni: iiiiii'liliicn have boon muro or
loss t, ill, ill, i. hi mill oxpoi'liin-iitod
villi 1 r tin punt t w only live yen rn.
l iKir I'owi ii mi i, xi ii.
tut It N tlielr iiii'mi iM titii Unit In
teres! the clnlry farmer, ninl 1'rofoss
or Unnr l!rf of Kansas mini IIiU op
vrry neiiilj :
I'lr-l.- A inllkimc 1 1 j i -1 1 1 n i will in 1 Hi
row im I horntiKlil.v n llio nveriiKC
Hi inl. S'llii" row ulvo niiire llllllt
wlieli lullkeil Willi II IiimcIjIiii- tlum
Vlieli llilll.e.l .y IiiiimI; itlie ;ll leMH.
Tlllnl. It 4 extremely lieeenMlr.V for
tile mini III I'luirK" In fully iiii.len.tnnil
flow In inTiili' ll iiiIII.Iiik 1 1 1 m -1 1 1 1 1 e.
1'iilirtli. To rem li Hie liU'lii-kf ile-reA
if Miiei eH4 en4 hIiiiiiM lie m-Ii-i IimI illnl
tireil In reKpnml in iniiiiilne inllli Ini;.
If tliU fnetnr Is taken lliln en;i.lilern
tlmi. nun ti 1 Ik mllklni; will Im- n hid
rrHHfnl im the l-nt luitnl mllklni;.
The cut of a fmit -Miwer milker 14 re
iriiilin i ll from ii reirt nf the luirenu
nf ii ti i i mi 1 1ml iif-try mi 1 1 ii t ten I html
leu nf u inllklnc mnehliie. TliU mn-
lillie H ilesliieil fnr Use In sninll
lienN mill li.ii im kIiiII nmrr llxlures.
It -iiiiMvtx iif a null, in iim,. wnii.eit
lij fmit I ii iivct', t ll'ii iieie4 if rutin, -r
tln"e mnl el lit Kiii-t I ill i r;,i I i In- lit
Im heil tn l!.e tentfi nf the I ,v i i nv,
lihlell end lie liilH.eil III Cn- ;i re I line.
'I he i ,11!, .;iw ei l'ir,i i ;li :'i- i vlhule"
iiml nl -n tli:m ; ti t'i - m!ve I i !i I ' lll.i
I il - I ii l llM If. 'I ll ejiei il ! r il lie
tiveeii tin- twn cn'VM in'il v.m!,- I'ii
I 1 1 1 1 ; m i'ii hi feet. 41 i .;.!:; n -. ill
hilnl tin- Kitetli.n,i!. irn.N the
en e. iiver Hie lent-i. ii'il t'i,- mi!, l,c
llli In llnu III'., Ill:- l"! ': ; . t ' 1 . III ll Is
Illlll-T ell t!n- iiilll nf l' jiilliin. Til,'
I' llVl.ll -UILKKII IS I SU.
lent cups me Imllnw and coiili-al. Near
Jy nu 1 1 ! h f rem Die laive end the cup
lit almost closed by a Holt rubber dia
phragm. This disk, liclmr elastic, iis
ulr tlht ii rou ml Ihe tlliTeivnt hle.l
Willi power milkcr-4 of the (lass
fdinun In the seiiHid cut the mil;, Is
drawn by Intermit (cut Miitlnu. The
Mli'timi may In- created by eiiln-r a vac
uum pump or u M'miii ejeciiu-. Cm
net led iillh the viu iiuin pump U a vac
mini reserviili- nml a pipe iiniiilin; t!ie
whole length of Iho cuw stable, with a
oiiiiei tlmi valve or iiii uuiii cock lie
tween ouch pair of cows.
Regular Work.
I-oiiUln-r nt the less alinc-llve hide
of dairy fariiiiiiK. It Is oll.-u ureil that
those who follow It lire compelled to
bo In their place every day in the year
without a mention of holiday. This
Is true la many ca.-cs, for Hie cows
must be milked cadi day mid the milk
dlspo.-ied of. Very often this rcijulroM
the persniiiil attention nf the farmer,
especially where the help Is nut the
most rellahhi. Hut Is It not true that
Iho successful Inan In must nil other
vocations must iiticud to his cnllln;:
Villi regularity? And oftlimes theotli
er iiiau'a dally task Is li s-: Independent,
lesn reiiiiineiiitivij and more exuetinj?'
Inland Farmer.
Ht'y Set Grapcvinns.
On ik-m I,, lines i.i!.i i ne shoot
hhoulil be all 'lived to KP'W. Keep the
older vines carefully lied tn trellises.
Spray froipien!ly ullll luiiuicides, at
thla Heason prererahly with the reduced
bordeaux mixture. Vines Hint over
boar should linvu their fruit thinned.
Like Begets Like.
I.lko beKetii lllu In Hit) dairy per
Imps inoro truly tlum in any oilier lino
of Htoeli breetlliiK'. A uillUlii strain
Boiurely '8labll.slied tlii'nUKli Ki'iiora
tlons of HueeHtors does nut easily run
tut. Karm Homo.
J iv- t. .... ) ... &
j --. :
making t;::;::
Wiling aevltieca Peeuo Wil
Mine t
Tiiim of Vi't.r,
Nut Hie (ii;, 1 i 1 '4 of 'V
lIlUMH V.llil 'mi-" t J j - II II III MM I
i ri
Mil1' u ii .i n tin , i
lit li'in ! inn! :,(
till' l'i ,11 1 .111.4 II. H
I . "i-f f II 1 1'lT i tf t e
llf H'lllll' (if t ! J K't i
otnl"H di'.rlii" tie i
MIkh M. .1. ViiMi
ollorl inn t r ! lite'
I. .Ml
.1 II !l I Hi li I I ,'
i ,i ! iMi l hi ;iiu- ol
,e, e ii ,'e I I I n
'. .1 I :"(. A tf Mpn
'l ll 'll" t e ill
; i II in' u ir' en iii
hi iM i, -"Annul roe
by till' M Ix -4J -4-1 1 tf i
Historic, il i ;
Allllill I lie ti' H'l'H
(lull time tin-!.
Hi've r-i"i'lil I m, f ;
ft .,1.1.. . . .... I U ..I I
,i in iioine tie
l!iey reiire;ie
hi' -liility nml ivllllnj? Kuerlllee. A
VnilniN mlleli-M ere out ft 1 1 1 im t it liter
II ere f'llii'iil. If nn mili.tlttte enuM lc
III', euleil for nil Ulllele lie Nlluily did
ll llli'eit.
fnlTee, the HnUtle'riierH' il.lll.v liever
nt'e iv:i4 iiiiinilfiiefiiieil frnm iiirehei!
eui ii, Inn til eni n lireilil, eieii liiirnl I
IiiuIiiki-m Slleel mtill'ii'4 eit llltr!
hiiuiII Hiii iieM, ilrleil, inn Iuh iimtl
Ki'oimd were iiNn umi-iI. The Hlimulul-i
lli( i-ffeet II 114 Inrklnj;, hut It iv. m ill.
the heller fnr our nerve. I'nr teil.j
ynlliiK filHlilieriy i-IIVen ilrleil were
Siu'nr iv.'ih h HerluiiN irol'h-iii, nml
imihiMHf n wii4 nn preelniH n miuiir.
"Wlliit hhlill we llo when tin- irexeut
Hiipply nf l.oiiiHlan.i innliiK-ieH kIvi-h
out'" 111(4 11 liiiriiltiK iiii-4tluii, nml tin
only miNiver iviih. I without, j
(Jrlls were enteii for rli e. WIiimi
we winilei) Hnilil we Kivept the fli-eplni'i!
emi mnl liuiiied eurnenh-i.
MilMturil mill pepper wer' Innde n
hnllie tfrnll II pr'Hlli 4. Salt W:i4 i-OMt-
ly. Kvery lilt mm nhnkeii iff dry
pnrk nml lined. All hrlne iiiik Imiied
1 .1.1.1 Utlll ii... u
........ in,- r-,i'it.) K'l-'j
In.ver Mini Inner. Snnie one ilUrnvereil
that the dirt Itnorn of the old Ktnnke-i
IliillHeN Were- Nil 1 1 lilllii'M. no tn Hpenk.
'1 he dirt II im put In hnppei'4 n.-nl run
(!ii,iii, the I, line hulled nml dried.
All new cloth hud to lie iiittmifiictiir
d at home from raw nuiterinl. Thi
dye.4tufl4 were mnde from ront4, Imrk,
iviilnut4 11 nd IihIIk".
KIhm-4 were ronuh iiffalrs luade from
the ildi-4.iif lieevi-4. cured" liy thf lie- j
KriM-M. ItuitoiiM 11 ere made of coarse'
thread or pcr-dmmon kci-Ih. Cap4 were'
ut out of cloili nml I111I4 plaited from
pilllnetlo I
I-tlers were written on the Manic'
IcavcM fif Innik4, the wrons -lde iif wall
ncrap4 or old eiii elopes turned ami
panted together.
Fleiiu Sulft In credlti-,1 with ' Itread
4 the m. -iff of life."
It w.i.4 Keiitu who mild,
beauty In a Joy fnrevcr."
I'riiiikllu 4 niithnrity for
those who help thcmsclvcH.'
tiling or i
'!xl Iielp4
"Man propoc4, hut (J,h ilispoHen,"
remarked Tlmmiin n KempW.
"All cry ami no wm.1" In an expres
sion found In lluili-r'x "I I iiditiriiH."
It H H4 nu olmerv.'illitii nf Thnliiil4
Houlheriie that "I'lty'M akin to love."
v I M ward Cuke, the Iiiclish Jurist, W!i
of the 1 1 it nit hi that "A mau',4 house In
hi castle."
'When (ireek4 Jnliied Creek, then
was the tu of Mar," wii4 written by
U'e are Indebted to I'olley flbbor,
lint to Sli.ikesiieare. fnr ' Klehitrd lit
himself iHtaln."
To Milton lie one "The paradise of
fools," "A wilderness of sweets'' and;
"Mnl'lll:' 1 1 1 1 -III Hi In il V lllld llli.nlisl rilek 1
The poet I 'ainpbell fniiiid that "Colli
Imm I'veiits east their hhadnun before"
mid " "l is distance lends em luuitinent
to the view."
H,i Lait Retort.
The story is tnid nf u well Known
Chicago cliiniiial lawyer whoso lalua
bin sen ires were retained by th
Healthy relatives of a man accused of
murder In it southwestern state.
'i he case was a bad one, for the oil
d: u e was .vorwhclmlir;ly a-.'alnst the
iiivnsed. lie-plte this f.ii t the lawyer
contrtied by the skillful exercise of
every trick and uiatieuicr known to
the profession to secure (he disagree
meiit of Juries, delays, appeals, etc.,
till lit last (he case was biiiiihl lief,,iv
Ihe Hiiiireiue court of the 1'nitod ti!u!es.
ne day In an Interview between (he
prisoner and his conn-Mi the former
asked, "In case the supreme court
tdi'iuld decide against me, what n III
be my next umve?"
"To heaven, I hope," was Hie andid
response of the lawyer. St. Louis lie
Gent and Cemmen.
Tills kIii nt; word hci-ins tn b;i( i-oitic
Iii nt llrst ax n int-rc iirlu':i iuiiiimc-
lion. I Ii:iii tuiiiiil the mu'iI Iniuctilw
ill III IV IVllll tS llf tll( Sl-VCllll-lMltll fl'll
tur.v, piiriK iiliiily tluiM- of I'uiilinm nu,l
ot Jin vis. lu tir .Inim Nnrilii-iiio s
".Null- l'.iick," lii-c. 11, li! li, I.iinl tirii.v
ii ilcsi'rlln'il tin mij Iiik of niit' llallford
or llolfurd "llmt lie Is mi (4ciil; that in
iiii'inory of ilivi-rs lu Ki-pt lios." The
io;:ii.ili' Min'il s4 iii 1 1 mi 1 1 -:t u be Irai'i-il
liluilit a ci-iilni'- I'illiii-f. - I.ondtMl Notes
ami ( iiH'i Ics-.
Man and the Earth.
Nobody I;iioiih tlit u.;i' of imili on
enrtli. 'l'li tciiilcnry of opinion unions
Kclioliirs Is lo (lie HiVct that tlu- liuiiiiin
ftilli'llt upon this plniirt tool; pliui
many trus of thousands of years no
IdIiii I'lslic, biiclu'il by other lil lli nu
thorldet-;, clulliiH Hint inn 1 1 lived on Hit,
carlli is louy; ni;o ns bull' a mlllioii
yen rs. Now Voile Ainei lcuii.
"On tho rllit," Hiil.l a Klllainej
gtiltlo to a pnrty of tourists, "ye'll hoo a
Cdseinle enllt'tl the Multlen's 'i'ears find
on the left a etisendo oulled tlio Wid
ow' Tours, 'causo It drion up tlio
II I on lrnrMnn Jny ttmt niy pit ll
wllti Jirtiln ,
Ari l talk In wurtla of ftrr of lh KUllant
rn-fi who ili'l
A-anvlna; nf tlu-lr cutiritry In thn lark
iluys of thn r
lle m-i-nm I tin bravrnt mortal tlml filler
Why. )n i'l tlilnk rn-'l ten rolnnt-l or
u K'iii ml. innvlxt,
Atut In i tin very f.r rnnk of lila rli- rlr,K
mlil'im lm
lin t wen M 1 1 u nil r'J l-iiltlcs, ptirlinpa !, n
W(iufiilc limit
lint, no, you wouldn't think 'an If yon
knw (1ml '
I Mm kiivh. 'pu's hrnvn enoiiKb.
I l IW, tilll I
, irlnl l-iw
! Thai w;;i ln-'il got din roiirnRo
up them
Hii no wnr, you know."
An ) pi Innln il iKK- rg urnl r murk
a- 1
III1I11, you mimt own
V'HI tii-CK'-'l trio not In ut, hfritiiiit- ynn wai
'frni In may hIiuk-.
You kiiiiw," -t'Mii im. uulifl prou'lly, "l it
tmvn -n I ) t .-.1 . tio,
Hut vuii mil'l It wn my duly plulri tn lny
itinl uri- for von."
Of emit hi- I wimn't llvlnif lln-n. I only
v iKh I l.ll'l.
lint I Im vi! iny nplnlnn. fnr I know rt i'l'
-i-'.'.itnr Welt on I 'noli-y In Womuri'a llntnt
Conipuiil, ii.
A Disappointment.
A ndleneo -
P.!owcl If 'e nln't
-Til tier.
A Poor Example Hertlf.
Tlio teacher of u hcIuhjI neur I'roll
leme reculied Uit- folIuivliiK Interest
hit,' ItistructloiiH from a certain fond
mother. TIiIh lady un nmst remark-1
a I ile for t1it- old Hclnxd Kelitlllty bIii- i
professed to have. She had Just moved j
Into tlii vllliik'e frnm the city and wan!
Mont hollcltoUH tUnt, the well bred man
iit-r of her little daughter Muriel J
l-hould not be contaminated by contact I
with th countO' ehlldren. "Aluayn i
(co that aha has your best attention,"
Mild he, "and be very nreful that bh
nsHnclatcH with no little child that
uses Hlanj(, wtjlcli Muriel linn never
heard. Above nil, do not have her Hit
near that William buy. I knew his
father Id Providence, and, confidential
ly, they're a bum lot, the whole push
of them."
A Rtsignation.
Th rl'jmfiy jrlrl who had leen nrtlnj:
an waitress for the Comptnn fniiflly
had broken dish nfter dish, nml at last
Mrs. Comptou npoko to her decidedly.
"If yr.ii lirenk any iimre china or
KhisH, N'ornh, I idiitll be obllp-d to dis
miss yon." idie said, "for I cannot af
ford to keep you."
That very nlcht nt dinner there came
the found of a fearful crash from the
butler'H pantry. x
There was n moment of deathly Htlll
ness, mid then No rah appeared, reniov
Itri 1'i-r apron ns she emerged fmm the
"The dates nnd nil Is In flinders,
mil in." she n:ild. calmly, "and I'm off'."
Youth's Companion.
Historic Word.
"Whydou't you try to make a speech
that will echo down the corridors of
"What's the rue?'' answered the cyn
ical statesman. "It would simply re
sult in a futuro lot of schoolboys mak
in me seem ridiculous when they get
up to recite." Washington Star. .
Self Evident Fact.
Kditor (severely i-1 1,) you want mo
to believe this Joke of yours is origi
nal V
Jokesniilh (nonchalantly I Certainly.
It must hare been at homo time or
ithef. rtiiltlniore American.
A 6tartling Discovery,
. i'i'I . ; c: trm mi
"My dooduesN, souiobody'H done an
tookon a bite out o" the moon!" Kan
sas City Times.
Axed Him.
'jo derelict policeman was bobm
sharply questioned by his superior, but
declined to iiLhAver.
TlotNO don't ux mo." he said.
However, t bis wus exactly what hap
pened. Philadelphia Lodger.
1 ?":S.. '--Sx
I Voire In
I iriLisiti) er
Mil p r b n i : ii v
I '. II I, 'ii. ! I : tt. II I X
a,t.i!nm.t-:'itl?k. I I naitn'r(i?nr v
:i:in,l!1ililil'ill':i'!(!ii;!!!ui I P'i "''V;''1') 'H'JM'i'
ll.illllllllHlliiillPli! l!!!!Lviii:'lJ:'MH m xj. $ .
"My dooduesN, souiobody'H done an
1 !
AVcCclable IVepaMlionrorAi
siinilalinfi riicFoodandliCuti
tmg the 5toinncls tind IJowcls of
Tromolcs Digcslion.Cliwrruf- j
nessarliV3t.Conlains iwiMr
Ihriurn.Morplime nor Mineral.
(7nW .tiifiv
AfxTfecl Remedy forfonslip.1
Tlon.Sour Stomach, Uiarrtuxvn
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvrrislv
ncss (iml Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Sttfnnturc or
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
Uei Discovery
cur I vi uai h
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If It fail. Trial Bottla frea.
brautilully iiluiUitrd, rood storir
and article boul California and
ail the Far West.
a year
deroled each month to the ar
tistic reproduction of the best
woik oi amateur and prolcttional
photographer u
a book oi 75 pages, containing
1-0 coloird photographs of Cfi ye
and Uiegoa.
All for
A Jdrets all orders to
Flcod 1
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind Yoa Hava Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
H Bt II 1 111 I "4
I Exact copy or wrapper. A j'j
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
f1 Cnr flvpr
Thirty ears
TMg etmum MamtnT. new Toitr orrr.
Oflice at the Mercantile Company's
Store Lakeview, Oregon.
Good 5tcck ... New Coaches
Daily from 1-akeview to Blj, connect
ing itli Daily fctage to the railroad.
P. Jl. COREY, - - - Proprietor
L 13 vis.?, O.-2 ryi.
. . . TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect May 1st, 15)05.
Lv. Thrall ... A. M .I.v. Pokegama 10 5 A li
ir. nna-un o.y.i AT. UiXle 10.66 "
" f-teel Hr'g ff Ai ' Kl'b Sp'frs 11.40 "
' Fall Cr'k. .7 04 " " Fall Creek 11.44 "
" Kl b 6p'gn7.10 " - Steel Br'ge 12.00
" I'ixle 8.10 " " Boirua 11.20 P 31
" FokegamaJ0 " " Thrall J2.44
Klamath Springs Special.
Lv. Thrall 1.90 P. M.Lv. Kl'h Pp'gri.P. II
Ar. Bogus 1.45 Ar. Fall C r-eki.60 "
" Htei-1 Br'ge2.15 " Steel Br'gvS 00
" Fall Creek 2.:i5 " " Bov-us 8.S0 "
" Kl'h Sp'gs 2.40 ' ' Thrall S.46
..T,"!TJ'."" """ 'WW u iw"i ) mi
C . i . -,, i.'.,- -t.-.J- ,,,1? I
i Va
stock a
grade stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Our prices will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
mariT paue5 local and county news
!ipti4f ( Iftin hof Ooo4. Like,
fit Ni'iv I'ltte Crx-k, OreKon.
1 Veil h I UK wr v It-en 11 1 1 1 : h! i ck A . M
i nii1 7:.T 1'. M. n cneh Kunilnjr of
' rvery month.
Siitul.iy Mt honl at 10.(h Ih k A. M.
I'niyer Service at f -fa on Wcdnfi-
lay evfiihiff nf cficli week. .
All n.rr conlUiHy Invited to nttnd
tin- Nervln-ti,
.. Iln.vderi Ifownrd, 1'antor.
riE OllCml SmOOU tnnie.
lion I'T in,l xlairtwt lo fiwrn
iMnifnl Iif foiirlH mnl nlin-iiw-Ta,
I.TP'iinii'lnil-imp-tit uianHs-
(,i. Urim .n.r lime pnlf. llirfl
r.iurvi - l'rTmralorT, Rn.eii-aa. Ci-Ii-im.
rrrmrra for pm.'tn-. Will
tte-r joiir riin-lition smI rrmni-ta
In hii.ln-Mi. Slii.lms anil graduate
tvry mlnrt. run
pitrtirnlara an4
p.ll mffmr
I ur.E.
kmooi Of law.
144 Murine haa..
dmwiriK in ii'-ur-,r.i-rt wr' aod f nw ri-purt,
Frwi a.fvir. h,-w lo oduia tinUi, traiM OArfcl,
ewnilis, est, tN ALL COUNTRIES.
Bwirui. Jirrrt tc-ia WatitimfUm aotva Taw,
monry mnJfften the paimt,
Pstent ind Ir.frlBgemtnt Praetlc Exclusively.
Writ or wiw to Hsftl
U lata Imat, ay. Vata4! gutss Fataat OOm,
Kasal Catarrh quickly yield to treat,
meet by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree
ably aromatic It is received through ths
c Ob this, cleanses and heals the whole sur
face orer which it diffnses itself. Dmgcpala
tell the 60c. size ; Trial size by mail, 10
cents. Tent it and yon are sure to contino
the treatment.
To accommodate those who are partial
to the use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal parages for talarrhal trot.
iUt, the proprit .- rg prepare Cream Balm ia
liquid form, which ro known as Ely's
Liquid Cream Balm. Price including the
sprayin g tube is 73 cents. Druggists or by"
mail. The liquid form embodies the rued.
Ici&al properties of the solid preparation, j
I'ost & Kins have the best grade
of liquors and cigars to be found In
Oregon. , tt
Drying preparations simply dereU
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and decora
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bs
mailed for 10 cents. AH druggists sell the)
50c. size. Ely Brothers, 66 Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, relief,
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm yoa are armed
against Naial Catarrh and Hay Fever.
First Baptist church of Lrkevlew
PrenchingStrvIicesa 1 11: A.M., and
.0 P. M. on each Sunday.
Sunday School 10: A. M.
Junior Society at 2:30 P. M.
HaptUt Young Peoples Union at
':::o V. M. on each Sunday. .
Prayer meeting 7.:50, P. M. on Wed
nesday eveniug.
Everybody invited to attend all
services. A. Frank Simmons, pastor
The Examiner has received a new
sample book of the Wall Street line
of engraved certificates of stock and
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