Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1907, Image 6

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1. K. Taylor, Prop.
Office at B. Reynold' 5tore.
PI Age leaves lakeview Mondays, Wed
neitdayi and Friday Ml a. m., Arrive
at Flush at 9 p. m. l-esves Piush 1 no
days, Thumlavii and Saturdays, at f
a. m., arrives at takeview at 9 p. m.
Faosenger fare .1 one n ay or 5 fci
ronnJ trip. Freight rate frtini May
lit to Nov. IM t.'ft l!1 hundred ; 'row
Nov. lat to Mat lot' i-ei I "te
The trouble with most adver
tiser la that they expect Imme
diate returns of large propor
tions. One prominent advertiser
illustrates the principle of adver
tising In this way:
The noir (ipdrd (or
afTertUla Is the .
If laed mt latereat. Tka
rflta from tfc adTertlslaa;
air Irlaallr the latereat
tli laVeataacat.
"The sums spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing good will la something that
baa value, which. If the adver
tising has been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment
The rate of interest la deter
mined by the skill with which
the investment is made.
"Just aa the Quickest way to
increase invested wealth la by
compounding the interest. Just so
the quickest way to realize re
sults from advertising la to com
pound the returna," Advertising
Advertisers get good returna
en ths amount Invested to
ur columns. Wi reach the
notice I hereby ulven tlmt nil Irrlgn
tlon, or mlilrm-c ditches on nil troin
streams Jiroiilit Luke fount y. Ore
Ron, must be Herecned with n hiiih" I .f V Pine ffCC',
mesh wire !crti iii:in at their html 01 j
Junction with the main clinnni'l oi
stream. AIhi nil tliimn or nlmtruci
Ions on snld t renin must W r.
vldcd with hvli-liuldcr.orotlui ciii
menu of passage, nt ornenr the inli
die uf the main channel, so ti ! t n
low tin piiKMim of trout nt nil time
of year, hh provided by law. Snl
work to Im done at low water time
or to ! completed by Feb. 7. l'.k'T
y order of J. A. Hnrtinm.
Special leinty fish Warden (
Lake County. Oregon.
ii 'if
I'd pr
ii.'in i
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Limit (HI!
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- 'hi Siroi'i, -'mi Kriiniticn i'nl -ii .
utrt'iH for 'liTt!tnn '" ' ' i 't
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,M l.i iill. ty,
::t f
F.ugrnc V. Drba, Labor Leader and
Socialist Mra. William T. Slead.
Daniel C. Oilman - Sir CKenlung
Lian( ChenJ Mias Clara Clemcna.
Adotphua Huach and the r.arlliuaka.
IMIVMHi enil ! IH.I
I ii-:.l I :iUv,
1, k. vn
n. E.CMLRCM DiRucrouY. r Paisley.
The llrct Snndiiy In earn nionin
pnachin: at I'nlon school bonne at
11 A. M. Aside from thU preaching
every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7::!i
P. M. at Lakevlew.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
ft ljeUKiie at t::5ii. Z
rrayernuetini: ThnrKdayr::!0 Y. M.
Ladies Aid Wednesday
Choir practice I riday 7::W.
A cordial Invitation Is extended t-
A. J. Armstrong l'astor.
w'.r f.r t r r t
t r j r r.
I .'t
1 . ..I
.4IIUII.I-) ill
vi t u t. lalv inni.iiun.
Yl'. Vl'i
IjiiiiI Hull, ix M lull J
1 1- iv h rub t.uiutuii.
,:l it.,
I. K, '
n 1
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Mm ,i t
1 1 it led
i-U". iv, "
In. 1 .1,11,1
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i-i 1 nlv nf
".i dny
1 ; I 1 11 l lit
: 1 si 4
. ' , See-
;" s ,
i ml will
lit- land
its I imlii-r
S tie of Timber., Land,
forties who have titnlier land f. r
sale will d.i well to Investigate our
terms and met hods of handlim; lands.
Wehaveai- otticein Lakevlew, where
contracts can be made and options
taken on land. We guarantee the
highest market price, and are in a
position to demand and obtain It.
having liven in thebusiness for many
yenra and In close touch with nil t In
land dealers of the country. Satis
factory results guaranteed by the La
(Jrande Investment t. Write C. ).
Metzker, Lakevlew, Oregon.
mm Or IHt KUKLl)
Nil. din
NK-loii tin- .
i'cli iinniii 111
L. Haii..v.
K. N. IavI Imm.
. lit n p. m.
lillMI t I Hii III ft ti il. 1 .
I nu t 41 li t
Int.. ill II 41
I. 1). O. F. un-ut tin- Im hihI :ii rtinrn
ilny evening;. of eirn inniitli In 0ll'
Hall, Ijiki-vli-w. K. O. Alilstrom,
1:. P., 0. O. MViskit srrlui".
I 1 1, , .,
SV , A .- v. . s'
t- .:. 1.1 in . . i , -v
i' ' 1. . - ; .
. ... to hi.. 1 ' ,,
I ' - , I II il I I ,1 i' I I"
' ti ! 1 it- ur in. 1 ii-.iltuiiil 1 111 pns'.s
Hiui to 1 -I. -1 1 Ii.mIi Iiim c In i 11 1 tn wild Iniiil
hi fni v Lvi:i-ter n l lli-cii'v r ut Luke
view Orewnn cm Miuihiiv, t he day of
.Inly, 1!H;
He liHines us it iii.-i s : I'. -'.. Kiue
hurt, A. L tmoiln iii , Cm. S. Dmii,
'en. II I. 11, It nil iv (.iinvt ii-w Oregon.
ny iiinl nil p....iiM cliiiiniti ml-e'M-ly
tlic iiliiive-iici-i'i ilivd lumls tire
ti ii sti ll tn lili ti t ir chiir s in this
iitl i 1 11 nr Itflnre mill duy nf July
11' H' J. X. WHtsim, l.'iKifler.
Eiui:m: v
IMOIIS, w lm wits
ellipse. I by I'ri's
Ident Itiiorti'VcIt In
the now hlNtorlc
Sliei'iiiiiu letter im
1111 "uiiileilraMe cit
izen," iilmit; wltli
l.vernd irn.vwo id
'Hid i:. II. Iliiril
I'liiiiin. U Inlmr If .id
er, lecturer 11 ml
heiner of the sMinl
1111I of ani'liill.-iiii.
lie l llfiy-l wu yenrs
of lie ami nunc lulu
Iirmnliieui-e iibnut
a preslilciit of the
then powerful Aini'i'li-iin ltnlhvny un
Inn. lie htl! llce been euuilldiile for
liresldeiit on the SmlntlHt ticket, lie
wu once iisked what would lie ioin
wmi Hiicn capiiiins r imiiiKtry nm
V. C fj
i:i-i:.K v. iriH.
til'teen year nn'
tmuli' Inatitnto," an Attncha of the 1m
tel an Id.
The reimrlera hurilel nfler I r. tlll
tiiiii) to apolntilr.e, but failed to Hud
There has been a k'KuI deal t ill"
tiirh plennant relnllnus helweeu Aiuer
Ira un mid flilin'Hc Hlnce Sir t'lnnluiiK
Llaiiir I'lieiitf, who Im m limit In retire
from the post of ChlncHo mini i,er tn
tin) l ulled State, took up lih iihI
ilence at WiiMhlmftnii. The bnycnlt of
Aiiierlcnu kihiiU resulting from leent
inent ill the way the t'lilueso exrlu-ilnn
lu v iia enfnrced In
tlili country created
a Mlttiiitloit full of
Ulttlciilty ntiil cm
liarriiMNincut for the
tllpliiiuntK of the two
I'lniiitrlca cniicrriled,
but uo Hcrloui (jitur
re I came of It, a fact
considered 111 lit.' tl tn
the credit of the
Chlueae in I ulster,
who It unite Amerli-nii
owlnif. in part, to his
In lilt Ideai.
Iliivlnx Is'eli
vitiieateil na 11 youn uiaii ut Amer
lean I list It ut Unit of IcarnluK. lie hut
been recalled In order thai he may
revel e protiiollnn from Iii.-a cvern
inent for Ilia vnhialile Hervlees as n
llionnil. Sir rhenium; W In i lt
pointed luemlier of the Cliluese Imard
uruui. HQ nwniluK Kork 1
rlcfit t'r nir . r.-viT.
lor wt'tBers. Sonii-ewt' .-.jurr ivuC "J
lu right ear. Tai Brand 111. i;iik ' rin
Lake Postoffil e aitclri.. Ijtkeview dr. um
. . 1
James Barry
Nolk'c til Aprmnlnn ni
lu tie t'liunty (i:
of t h'fiit 11, for Luke
In t he matter nf t lie
Chart's T. Thoiiip:
A JimiiiHiratiir
the State
Zac Whitwortb
B. E. BABKta, Prop'r.
Office in Bieber's Store
Stage leaves Lakeview daily, es
cept Sanday at 6a.m. Amvei
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for Ijtkeview at
6 o'clock a. m. or on the arriva
of the staee from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturae.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention
I nut j . of )
""II, )
The tunic rsicned luiviim L vn up
pointed liy tho County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Lake County,
: Administrator of the esMite of Charles
T. Thotnpsnn, deceiihed, nut ice is
; hereby :iv-ii to the creditors of, and
! hII persons haviiiK' claims anHicet said
i .i i . . . . i
..... . . t, ! iiri-.ii..i, hi preseni mem veriiieii hh
Hutch lunch nt the Hrewery Sa- required by law, within mx moi.thH
loyn. tf after the llrst imlilicat ion of this
.... ! notice to said Admiiiitrator lit the
I . i iv. .ti i , ...
nun- ii inline hiii i v ti., 111 ne loan
of Lakeview, Lake County, Ort'Kun.
William WhIIhcc,
brauu an i ri oP t-l
iiiiiiiiii' tfr. Halt l ndercroi' i.r
rutin lor ewes; reiemc lor nbom Tar rin
w Kange, FUh tek o'oIll aoerrn
LArfiw. Oresot
Wv print township plats.
Ths Simplified' Arirty.
Ons hundred thousand persons tn the
United States are using- simplified spoll
tnff today. Professor Brander Matthews
List to the chant of the faithful, spelling
the newfangled spell.
Unyielding few making It "thru" cour
age that none can quell:
Look at ths hundred thousand simplified
Spelling book rulea fathered by fools
never will do for these.
: Taks up the spell of the faithful-precedents
fairly upset,
i A turn of ths wrist making It "klsf
short cuts are best, you bet I
I Hail to ths hundred thousand In stub-
lt.Hkefcller. Caruesle. llavciiieyer and1 "r "",,, nairs, n i.o.ty cieateii liner
the Coulda and Vandeil.llta under a I "uppressmn r in,, imx.-r uprism.
il ik Hiiccessor In this country w ill it
Uiilik' Tun Veiik', nt present Chluese
rustniiiK laotal nt Tientsin.
Sir Chentiiiik' approves of many of
the Improvements lu votie lu Amer
li-ii, I ti t he has an inerlmi to autmiio
lilies l 'or I llli he Is Indebted to II li
he had In 1'uUfnrula when
he was on h,i way to muke uu ad
ilress at tlio state university. In relat
liu' his ndveniure Sir Clii'iitunu said:
"I noticed In front of mo a Imuf, wet
streti h of miivldy Htns t, mid w ithout
any w .iriilm; the mat hlne heiiited fur
the nearest lamp post. I told the
chautTcur to straighten his course, ami
he Just HliicU his nose further tiver the
wheel, and 1 derided he wux Intoxliat
ed. Hut, do you know, he w as Just as
eotxT as he could lie, and he said the
automobile 'skidded.' At any rate, we
smashed into the Mldewalk. The whole
rlht hie of my head was bruised, and
I had to (.-i t out ami walk to Hid mil
versify. I uever was very fond of
nut'ilim biles, nild How that tlielr little
ieciillarlty of sklddiliu' nearly coat
me my rlk'ht pyo I uliull leave them
strictly alone."
illstlc regime.
"Their wealth will lie irrmtinillv lib-
aorlssl luto the conunnii uwuershlp of,
prniliicts," he i-eplled. "We ofTer them
a nlorlous Held lor their energy and
Ken I us. A mau like Mr. Itockcfeller
voulil iirunnlxe anil illri'et ttm nil linliia. I
tries of the country for the benellt of ' lH,r,,,",,'
the people, lie would live coiiifnrtahly
and. I believe, happily and would not
have to Uo a nice at ellit racked with
i the respousllillltles of too creat wealth.
"Mr. llaveineyer could preside over
I the stik'nr maUlui; IndiiHtrles and nee
I that they were tminiiKi'd prudently,
j Mr. Curueule would he a Kreat power
! In the t n i lil i n if up of a co-operative
cnmmniiwvaltli. We have no word of
abuse for rich men. A man who has
many million Is the unhappy slave of
his money. Our cooperative common,
wealth will relieve the millionaire n
well as the Involuntary tramp. The
wealth of the country and the machin
ery for tc.niliiif It luto useful forma
mn-t le owned by the eop! In common."
Flrct . Place . Arrnmnrlatlnnc I . bornneea are they rlch-
U,""' r.vvviHtMMiwM. i nghung for "thoro" In every borough.
. ! yielding not In ths last ditch.
We have a full set of .MyBell-Kolllna
& Co's., samples of Stock Certificate
and bonds, with price list. If you
are organizing a stock company get
our prices on stock certificates, tf
Family liquors at CosJ & Kings .
Spelling ths spell of the
the Dmnlnff Icnlf
I Unto the last passed must
such Is the simple Ufa;
Phonetical hundred thousand,
old Noah's knell
Brander and Andy are all the candy I
ths land of the simplified spell!
Denver Republican.
faithful, using
be "past"
.viiinniHtriitor of the ei-tnto of
Charles T. ThumpMin, deceased,
Dated and first publilietl, June,
JOtti, 11H.I7.
To All Our
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps ofj Writers.
The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal pub
lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in' every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. GOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
Two For the Pake of One: The county Examiner
The Leading County Paper and The American Parmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety davs.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. 0. fletzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
Notice nf Keturnt ion of I'uhhc
Lands to Settlement and Kntry. De
imrtmeut of the Inti-tiur, (ienerul
Laud Ollloe, Washington, 1). C,
Alay 11, 1!XI7. Notice is hereby iven
that the vaeant public lauds in the
folio intf dewrilied areas, teiuporu-r.i,-
withdrawn for proponed additions
to the Cascade National Forest, Ore
gon, on July 31, l'.Ki.'l, and January 'J4,
l'J07, and not. otherwise withdrawn,
reserved or appropriated, w ill by an
thoiity of the Secretary of the Interi
or be restored to the public domain
I on July '.17, 17, and become Hubjeet
.to settlement on and Hfter thut date,
(but not to entry, liliuK or selection
until on ami alter August 'Jt;, 1:107,
under the usual restructions, at the
Lnited States Laud Office at Lake
view, Oregon: lu Township thirty
nine (.), Kanne six (li) .Sections one
(1 ), two (2), three(.l), seven (7), to
thirty-six (.Ki), both inclusive; in
lowuship thirty two (.TJ), Kun'e
seven ana one lialf (7,'s,), Sections
sixteen (1G , to twenty-one (21), both
inclusive, the south half of Section
twenty-six (UO), Sections twenty
seven (27), to thirty six (30, both
inclusive; all of 'lowuship thirty
ttiree (.J.J), Kane seven and one half
O'o), not in the Klamath Indian lt
ervation ; ail of Township thirty-three
t..j), naDge seven (7), not. in said : re
servation; all houth and Last, Wil
lamette Meridian, Oregon. Warning
is nereny expressly Kiven that no per
sou will bepermitted to uaiu or exer
cise Hny rii?ht whatever under anv set
tlement or occupation Letfun prior to
July T,, 1IKI7, and all such settlement
or occupation is hereby forbidden.
It. A. Hallinjrer, Commissioner,
approved: Thos. Kyan
Acting Secretary of the Interior.
May ill July
Lakeview, Oregon March, U, 11)07.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pnance wliu the provisions of the act
of CoiiKiess of June 3, 187, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands in
the States of California, Oregon, Ne
vada uud Washington Territory", as
extended to all the Public Laud Statet
by act of August 4, !), Charles b.
nauiey, or Klamath Kalis, County of
Klamath State of Oregon, has this
day filed in this office his sworn state
ment N. 3T41, for the purchase of the
HK H SW 8 i SK i4' & NK li SK'i
of Section No. !, in Township No. 3o
S., Kauge No. 17, K.,W.M., and will
oiler proof to show that the lund
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
mid to establish his claim to said land
before the Clerk of Klamath Co. Ore.,
at his olHce at Klamath Falls. Ore. on
Tuesday, the 4th day of June, 1!07.
lie names as witnesses:
C. K. lirandenberg, of Klamath Falls
Ore. C. II. McCumber, of Uairy Ore.
C .II. Uusenbery and Frank 11. I Hall
of Klamath Fali Ore.?:. FH --
Auy and all persons laimingTad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to Hie their claims in ftbis
ottlce on or before said 4tb day of
June, iy7.
1310 J. N. Watson, Register.
When Andrew Cnrnegle Invited the
noted English editor ami reformer
Wlllliim T. Stead to visit America at
his expense to attend the dedication of
the Carnegie Institute and the seitslouH
or tne iiHtionai arbitration nmi iveaoe
congreMM. he told
him to tiring his
v ife along. Tbe ed
itor decided to ac
cept the steel inng
mite's luvltiitlon for
his wife nn well as
for himself, and Mrs.
Stend has expressed
herself an greatly
enjoying her stay
among Americans.
She wna Miss F.m mil
L. Wilson and mar
ried Mr. Stead In
1M73. Mr. and Mra.
Stend have bud four sons and two
daughters. Two of their nous married
American women Wllllum, Miss Uoyee
of Chlciig 1. and Alfred, Miss llnssy of
Indianapolis. Mrs. Stead has stood
loyally by her eminent husband In all
the strenuous episodes of bis distin
guished and useful career.
1 X
11X8. W. T. (TEA LI.
lr. Austin Flint, the famous alienist,
who testified In the Thaw case, said at
the Century club In New York apropoa
of u will contest that had liecn tried
last year.
"The plaintiff lost, and no wonder
Ills case was aa dltllcult a one as that
of the young man who appeared un
duly depressed after the death of his
rich aunt.
" 'Why are you uo sad? an acquaint
ance said to the young man. 'You
never appeared to care much for your
" T didn't,' nald the youth dolefully,
'hut I was the means of keeping her
In an Insane asylum the last five year
of her life, and now that she hus left
me all her money I've got to go to
court and prove that she wan of sound
mind.' "
. V I
When the noted actress Mahelle Gil
man arrived In New York from Eu
rope to become the bride of William E.
Corey, head of the steel trust, newspa
per men were on the lookout for her
relatives In order to Interview them
alo u t the approaching nuptials. It so
happened that on the register of the
hotel where tbe popular actress went
on leaving the steamer they found the
signature 'Ti. C. Oilman, IJaltlmore."
One of the newspuper writers
promptly looked up the owner of the
signature, who proved to he 11 digni
fied looking man of
middle 11 go, with
Impressive side
"Have you seen
M ahull e today V"
asked the reporter.
The stranger looked
at his (juesfloner In
some wonili-rnu'rit
IMNKI.C.GU.MAN. .. j mvffl
seen Malielle," he replied tartly.
Do you approve of Ma belle's uiHr-
rlageV" another reporter asked.
"Who Is Mahelle?" usked the Intel-
viewed guest, evidently puzzled.
Why, Mahelle Oilman, the actresa
and flauceo of William E1IU Corey.
Isn't she your daughter?"
Tho scholarly man walked away In
"That's Dr. Oilman, former president
of .loUrt Ifopklna and head of thu Car-
dolphiis Ituscli, the miiltimllllon
aire St. IxiiiU lu-i'wer, who. with ser
end mi'inlier of his family, hat started
on a i:iiroMan trip, hopes tn Is-iicHt his
health by the visit to the old world.
Mr. Hunch was In San Fram-Nro at the
time of the eiirthUiike 11 limit a year
ago and was thrown out of bed by the
shaking the hotel In which he was stop
ping ivt-elved. It was a shock to the
rich brewer In more
than one sense of
the word, and his
health has suffered
from It since.
Mr. Hunch was
born In Malnx, Or
many, and came to
this country ut
eighteen, engaging
lu the brewing of
Ih-it and lu time be
coming connected
with other lines of
business uIho. He is
a generous natron of
AiMiii'iiis ... . , ,
urt and of charlta
hie Institutions and was active in the
work of Interesting the business nien
of hU native Oermuny In tho Ixnilslumi
Purchase exposition at St. Imls lu
llHM. Mr. Uusch Is oulte democratic
and the aaloon keepers of St. Ixiuls
hold him lu great affection. A well
known writer tells of going Into a small
saloon In the suburbs of St. Ixiuls and
falling Into a friendly chat with the
proprietor, a native of tjermany. An
the writer was about to leave the beer
dispenser walked from behind the bar,
took him by the arm, walked hlrn to
the end of the counter and stopped
him. "Stan right dalr," he said as he
stepped off a few feet, still facing Ills
visitor. "Adolf Hunch ho stun' right
air you Is las' night free hours."
The jsipulartty of Samuel L. Clemens
(Murk Twain) causes the public to take
especial interest in the efforts of his
daughter. Miss Clara Clemens, to at
tain fame on her own account Hut
Miss Clemens has chosen music rather
man literature as
her field, and she Is
ambitious to win a
name for herself as
a singer without re
gard to her father's
eminence lu litera
ture. She tins many
of his characteris
tics, uud her reseni
bliiuce to hi in m
considered striking
by in any. Miss
Clemens studied
music lu Europe
und has achieved
popularity there as
a KhiL't-r. Since
m.'iklii',' her professional debut In this
country she hus been making steady
progress toward popular favor. Sim
possesses a rich contralto voice, and
her singing gives evidence of the cure
ful training she has received.
Enrhiie Creel, tho new Mexlcuu am
bussador, said at a dinner In Wash
ington upropos of unpleasant truths:
"Why should we ever tell them? They
are alwaya unnecesscry, and how they
wound! I have heard of an American
countess or diichess-I forget which -who
hii bl to her noble husband fondly,
'You were embarrassed when you pro
posed to me, IVrclvul, were you not?'
'Yes,' the mini answered; T owed
f riuu.iwKi.'