Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1907, Image 5

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Is Your
Hair Sick?
That's , too bad I We had no
ticed It was looking pretty thin
and rouch of late, but naturally
did not like to speak of It. By
the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor Is
a regular hair grower, a per
feet hair tonic. The hair stops
comlne out. crows raster.
keeps sort and smooth. Ayer's
Hair Vigor cures sick hair,
makes it strong and healthy.
The boat kind of a tnatlmonlal
"Mold lor or mlMtr yr."
llUlllHltfWI t
Madakr'.O. rw on
The Council Meeting.
At Urn Council meeting ImkUj
"veiling, tlin mouther of th town
board rit'iin lrr1 themtclvea Into a
Kiiultnry commHte and liilcnfl to force
"clt'iinup Tii cmmj r(-n. "
A warrant wan ordered drawn In pay
ment of t ho Intercut on bond, In the
mini ,t M
M, It, Hurt ha granted a license to
' 1 1 ll(iior.
Two fire plug wore ordered IhcI
In tho north find of (own.
$100 We ward. $1.0.
Tin H'idi-ra of ttila pMpcr will In
plined to It-nrn flint there I" at
leant one dreaded dl-H'nwM hntielcfic,-
tin m Irt-i-n able to curoln nil Ita ntnu"-.
and that In Ciitnrrli. Ilnll'd Catarrh '
Curt' l flu; only pooltlvi' ciin now
known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh Im-Iiik a coiikIH utlomil din
rnw1, require a ciniHtlfutlonnl treat
ment. I lair Catarrh ('lire In takn
Internally, acllnir directly upon tin
lilood ii lid inurou Hiirf.ircN of tlx
An ordinance wan panned making It a MjHcm. t hereby dcHtroyluu tin' found
misdemeanor to uleep In a barn or for ailnn of the dl-am, and giving the
the owner of a Imrn to permit any one
ulueplng there. Tho ordinance will
he rigidly enforced.
l' I''. Cheney, tho harm' maker,
miy ho In wot k Inn out tlnm now
days In order to keep up on order
for now hii iii'mo. Ilo miyn ho tievor
guts to hnng a net of now burliest up
In the nliopliiH noon hn a fet is finish-
It in nold. I Ivory IiumIih'hh limine la
town Im working under niMh odor junt
tho KlllllC.
andT. II. Wakefield
Warner tho flrot of
1. . L - J ii... .
Tho Yrokn Journal, ono of dm old
out iioMrpapom In .Northern Cab
iforliin, mi') rir twenty live years pub
lished by .fY. NIxoii.wiih Hold to a
company recently, backed, It In wild,
liy tho Sacramento f !- Mr. Nixon
Im about yearn of age, mid believe
ho doHorvoM to l" retired from tho
MtlfllllOIIM lifo ho Iiiih led for Mil lollg.
Cutting Straps it Hunan..
A cutting scrape tioik place lit linn
anu ono day hint week In which J. ('.
Kviuim, a freighter. Frank Mnrlno of
tho hotol, and Jiio Hettinger worn In
volvi'd. A row arose, between tho two
formor gentlemen over Hiitno freight
IinuIimI by l.vai.n for Mirlm whic h
roHultod In .Morlno knockliiK Kvna
down. Kviiim iiioco, drow a k n i ft and
mIiihIioiI hU itdvormiry ihthhh t ho lroiit.
HottliiK'or Ktoppoil liotwooii tho two
I'niiilmtatitrt Mild roiM-lvod a hIiimIi on
tho ana. Kviiiih win ImiiidiI cnor to
nwait tho m-t ion of tin Circuit Court.
County Court In In houhIoii.
Arthur I'arkor I ovor from Adtd.
Claud and CIhioiico Dixon are ovoi
from Warner.
L. V. Ilnatlnia put In an autoniali
piano for t'ont and Klntf thin week.
Htli kol Iiiim n laro crow of mon a)
work ninkliiK hrlck for the now court
h ou MO.
J. I Morrow
wore over from
tho wook.
MIhh (tiiHHie Mctkor won
diiiinoiid rliiK kIvou away ly
ChrlMtie Comedy C(
I'.. Mathora cHtno over from Warner
tlrnt of the week. Some time him a
lip tho full with him and hurt IiIh
nhouldor and ho came ovor for treat
ment. A man wait utandinK on a utroot cor
nor In Ijikcvlow yoatoiday watching
a wool team pitM. Au Kxamlner
roporfor wan Htaodinit near and notic
ed that tho man wan puzzled, when ho
turned and anked, "What in that III
thono laruo nacka?" Ho wan evidently
a M ranker In lakoview.
L. I KuhhIII, (.eo. Kitii and wife,
and Alma Kiii!l came over from Jloar
valley tlrot of the week and trani-ferred
their 7i acrert of land and ahout 100
head of cattle to tho 70 firm. The
price for tlio laud and cattle wait
ahotit JiiHt hefure dtartinx
Mm. Hint' had tho uiiitfortuno to fall
mid hreak her !.
patient atrenuth liy ImlldlnK up the
cmuatltutfon mid nMlMtliiK nritiiro In
doiiiK Ha work. The proprietor
have ho much faith In It curative
power that they offer One Hundred
Hollar for any caw that It falla -to
cure. Send for lint of teat linonlaln.
AddrcH F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo.
Hold by all I'riiifKlMta. 7.V.
Take IIhIIV (-ainily IMIla for con-
Iakeviow, OreKon March, 2, YMfl.
Notice In herehy Klven that In com
pliance with the provihlona of the act
of CnnKreaa of June 3, 187H, entitled
"An act for tho nale of tlrnlmr landti In
the Ktatcs of California, Oregon, Ne
vada and Waablnifton Territory", an
extended to all the Public Land Ktato
by Hot of Auinnt 4, lM:n!, Charles K.
Hadley, of Klamath I'alln, County of
Klamath State of Oregon, has thin
day iiled In thin olllce bin hworu ntate
nient N". .till, for tho purehHHO of the
KK 4' HW ' H H HK i 4 NK H KK'i
of Section No. 5, in Townhhip N'o. '.U
S., Iiiiko No. 17, K..W.M., aud will
olfor proof to ahow that tho land
aoutdit in more valuable for lt timber
or ntono than for Bricultural purponfa.
Hid to ontabilnh bin claim to fiild lurid
lofore tho Clerk of Klaumth Co. Ore.,
at bin ofllce at Klamath 1'elln, Ore. on
Tuenday, tho 4th day of Juncv 11MJ7.
Ho ne.riieH an wltneaneH :
C. K. HrHtidenborK, of Klamath Falln
Ore. (!. H. McCuniber, of Hairy Ore.
C .H. Hiineubory and Frank 11. Hail
of Klamath Falls Ore.
Any and all pornoim claiming d
vornely the above described land) are
rcpieiited to II I c their claima in thin
olllce on or before aid 4th duy of
June, v.r,.
1310 J. N. Watfon, ReKiter.
lit? Charming Woman
In not iiecoHMin lly ono of perloct form
Hlid featuoM. Many a I'laill wotlilUI
who coiiitl never nerve an an nl'tift'n
model, piMHOHHea thono rare iualltleH ;
that all the world admirex: ueatnoMt, i
clear eyon, clean hiuooth tikiii and;
that xpriK'htliueri or ttep mid action
that accompany (ood health. A j
phyHicHlly weak woman in never j
attractive, not even to hernelf. F.lect-
ric Hittern rentoro weak women, (.'ivo j
otroiiK nerven, blight eyen, Hiuooth,
velvety akin, beautiful complexion.!
( itiarauteetl
at I.cel!enU'rt DriiKKint
Yum tha
C'jriwlnia ST
cms of
Pure and a
&? ; S3
'I ' 1 1 f 'f 'f f I ' W TTT f TVf T"fj 'f 1 f T T7' Tf'f TV7 T TTf TV11VW 4 It f'lf'f 1'lt t
Thursday , May 1 6Lh, .
2,000 YARDS of English Torchon Lace,
one to" four inches wide. Special sale price 5 cts. per yard.
This is not old shop worn laces but strictly new and'up-to
date patterns and full pieces, each piece containing thirty six
yards with insertion to match. This is one of the greatest
values ever offered in Laces. You will have to come early if
you get any of these Laces. Other stores will ask you from
ten to twenty cents for same laces.
Dot Poisoner.
A number of our exchanges are
commenting on the presence of the
annual dou poinoner. Don poiaoniutf
eeems to be an epidemic, and when it
etn started unyally vittits every town.
Valuable an'd highly prized doK8 mont
always fall victims to the dog poison
er, and as theie are some valuable dot's
in Lakeriew whot-e owners thiuk a
freat deal of , it would be well for
tbem to keep their eyes open for the
don poiHoner. He has not yet appear
ed but no telling when be will come.
, w
ft )
c have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county.
Vc have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Lake County.
In the matter of the liaur-;Ui;uti;
diHii ship of the estate of) TO
iiobert UaRley, Ulen riaigey) SHOW
Klaie Uagley and Mark Uagley )CAUSE
Minors, )
This matter coming on regularly to be
heard upon thin 17th day of June,
19.i7, upon the duly verified petition
of Olive KchI, thedu lyappointed, act
ing and qualified Guardian of the Per
son aud Estate of theabove named
Minors, and each of them, for an
Order ot Sale of the Real Property
belonging .o said Minors and each of
them, and it appearing tbiretiom,
hat there is no personal property
belonging to said Minors or either of
tbem ; aud that there are no funds
available or on baud with which to
support and maintain said wards or
either of them; and that it id neces
sary for the support and maiutainance
of said Wards and each of them that
said real property belonging to said
Wards and each of them be sold ;
It la Therefore ORDERED and DE
CREED that Wednesdayrttie 24tbday
of July, at Ten o'clock iu the fore
noon of said day HE and . is 'hereby
appointed a the Time for.) hearing
said Petition and that the Next of
Kin of said Wards and ,of "each 1 of
tbem aud that all persons interested
in said Estate of said Minors' and ;of
each of tbem appear at Chambers, fin
the Court House in Lakoview, Lake
County, Oregon, on the above 'named
date to show cause why a license
shoul 1 not be granted for. the sale of
all the interest of said -Wards aud
each of tbem in aud to the following
described Real property, to-wit:
An undivided rour-Mntbs Interest
in and to the WW of NWU Sec. 25
Tp. 33 S., K 18 E., also commencing
at the North-east corner of the NWji
of NE. Sec. .25 in said Tp. and
Range; thence running East 5 chains;
thence running South 40 chains;
thence running West 5 chains;
thence running North 40 chains to
place of beginning.
This Order shall be Published in
the Lake County Examiner a News
paper of General Circulation in Lake
County, Oregon, for a period of
Three successive weeks prior to the
date of hearing hereof.
Done in open Court this 17th day
of June, 1907, at Lakeview, Oregon.
B.' Daly, Judge.
The Lakeview Furniture Com
pany has moved into the large
Rrick Building on Water street
where a Large Stock of every
thing usualh- found in a Furn
iture Store will be kept
Undertaker's Parlors
..... Repair Shop
I Located on Water Street, near the Post office.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
manv deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up
these errors, anil we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Manager.
In the County Court of the State
Oregon for Lake Couuty.
Iu the Matter of the Application)
of )
Paul Frank for a change of Name. )
Notice is hereby given that sutis
fuctory proof having been furnished
to the above entitled Court that just,
eufllcieut and satisfai tory reasons
exist for t hnnging the name of Paul
Frank to Frank Johnston, In "keeping
Meals at all Hours.
Fresh oysters kept on
hand during the oyster
season. Fish and game'
in season.
Only First-class Restaurant I.
in Lakeview.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, May 13, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June ,3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lauds
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory, "as
extended to all the . Publio Land
States by act of August 4,lbifJ, Jennie
bolder, of Paisley, county or J.aKe
.v...., , h.. fhl. .1.0 1111.1 i.
with the prayer of an application Hied ... ffl Lig , etatement No.
:u88. for the purchase of the Sla HW
iu this court on tho -4h day of June,
A. D ., 1007, and that after duo not
ice as required by law no objections
to said application having beeu tiled,
the above tut i tied court did on Mon
day, July 1, 1907, decree aud order
that the prayer of said petition be
granted, aud the uauie Paul Frank be
changed to Frank Johnston.
This notice is published by order of
the Honorable 1$. Daly, County Judge
of Lake County, Oregon.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
above entitled Court this 3rd day of
July, 1907.
11 N. Jaqulsb, Clerk
of Section No. 8, in Township. No.
3."S., Kauge No.l'J.H, W. M. and will
oiler proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its timber
or etone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to estaLilbh his claim to
said laud before liegister and Receiver
at Lakeview Oregou, on Friday, the
2ti, day of July, 1107.
He names as w itnesses : W. It. Hum
mersley and 8. P. Moss of Lakeview,
Oregon, R. N. Phelps uud C. S. Mor
ris, of Paisley, Oregon.
Any and- all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims iu this
I office ou or before said '.Cth day of
July, 1907.
20-10. J. N. Watson, Register.
United States Land Office, Lake
view , Oregon, May 13, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
plauce with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber landa
In the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terriotry, "
as extended to all the Pnblio Land
States by act of August 4, 189:2, Lottia
D. Withers, of Paisley, county of
Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this office bis sworn statement
No. 3091, for the purchase of the E'i
NE.'X Sec. 0, W.i NWJi of Section
No. 5, iu Township No. 3i S., Range
No. 18, Fu, W. M., and will oifer
proof to show that tho land sought i
more valuable for its timber or etous
than For agricultural purposes, and to
establish his "laim to said land before
Register aud Receiver at Lakeview
Oirrkii nn . Mrmrluv tTna fV Hut ftf
I ' v " .... " j , - " j j
C. W. Withers, C. L. Withers, J. S.
Rprague, M. C. Currier, all of Paisley
Any and all persona claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims iu this
ofllce ou or before said 5th, dayof
August, 1907.
J. N. Wat- . Register. 10-20