EMADf A Tennessee County Building Many Miles of Good Roads. HOW THE START WAS MADE. It Took an Old Farmar to Make tha Authoritlta Raaliza What Dad RoacJa Wara Coating Tham Novaoulila Uaad In Constructing tha Highways. How MihINimi county, Trim., oi-ciircl jroixl romU N nil I ii I cr.'M 1 1 n tc st'ity t!! by a writer In It ! icr'a inr.i-t t, CM. cngo, mill tuny offer n siiuwhIIiiii ti Other t-lllllltmilltll'M 1 1 1 1 f( 1 1 Willi till' piixmiMi' tilirli ways, Several yi-nra nun Hum I.HiiciiHtcr, city an lt! of Jin-It' ami, Ti'im., turned lil nttriitlon tu the rniitllllnti of llii ntH-Hi of .t,n kDii mi tlu mini of tli KuiTotitiiiiim coiiniry. lit" found tlio county i'iiiiiiiiNmIiiiii plunking soiili of tln rmiilH lind lii'ifij'l by mIiowIiik tlii'in tluit tlx' x. tint SH lllllrll II C'l m Nt'llll' WdllM 1-llHt. It took lot f (Tort to mioi tln nn- tiii'iiiiiw, tint nt iif-t a luiii- iii-uinniiiK WIIM tlllllll llllcl Willi!' Clolll' ill lIoWII. TIiti iix iiiiiili oi;ntxlllon, yet th lt )! liKcl till rollll, Mllll till) KIM-I xproiiti'it, tin' yriixt voiKi. In liml the ion i N In winter beeuine tiiiiiiHHnlil. Men riinii' In for Kr'H'iTli'H nfoot. A greiit ini'i-'luic wa -it 1 1 I t illmnia road nml ways Hint moium, Sum l.mi riixtiT 1n. k of It nil. !! hud n liill drawn i-ii)mi rrliiK tin Imp.hI hi; of binl for ron. I litiiMliiK to Hi" nnioimt of $l.V,(HK nml put In cure of n friend shrewd In mull mutters. The meeting was n warm ono, mid tin iIIiiiimkIimi took varied wide. Mont of tin "nm W'rvntlvrn" were oiiom'i to lunula. "Tux mill pny im we u"'' wn their ar gument. 'Hint men nt "imtliluu doing." After wetiry iirifmnciitu nml no appar ent proirremi nn old mini nroxe, a tired olil limn. Hptiitleret with rel mint from lieinl to f'Mit, tila boots cnked with miiil. tila trousers pnltitiM with It. In a feeble voire mid Willi a df prcrutlnir mniiiirr this nll iiiiiii hmIiI: "Mr. 'liiilnuiiii, I live out u few miles from towu. I Imve a little fnrm nud u little nawmlll. I can't roiur to town now In any other wuy tlniii nfHit. 1 mine to tlilx meri'liiiiit'a Htore (turning to one of tin NtroiiRi'Kt opponent of tile bond ImmUi-I mill bought II lf lilt (." worth of RrorerlrN toiliiy. I will curry them liomr on my bmk. It In the only wny I rim take them home. Now, I need more t tin n tJ.'i wiirlli of tlllligi from IiIm Htore, nml If I could get to towu with my ten in I could bring enough ktiiOT Unit I Imve for mile In one loud to pny for the Htore thing. I Would like to Nee n good roml In fore I ille. Mr. 'hull limn, must he going aooii, for It 1h ii loiin walk through the mud to my plm-e." A Mllenrt fell Upon the iiMHcmhly. The merchant wa atmshi-d. Then lie hliu aelf aroiv and offered n resolution rul) lug for the limiting of n hill to hum thi i-oiinty. And the roinmittrc re tired for live minute, when they rumu liiick, nml the HpokcHinna, to Ijiikuh trr'a nxtonllnnriit, rvud the draft of a hill IhhiiIiik l.ond to the nmoiint of $:iik.ixhi. The pHychologlcnl moment hud nrrlv h1; he wiim Mhrewil rnoiiKh to know It find htid iloulileil the HKreed upon 11k' urrs. With no dHMriitlui; voh-u the res olutlon rnrrled, the hill went to the e luluture, the I Hindu were 1-oou-il. mid tliu KMHl roilllM IIIOVI-IIIIMlt win on. Nest -nnio the mntter of inntcrluU. &ludUon county U without Ntoue. Lnn cnntiT hunted for the Ih'hI nud found It In IllltiolM. FrelKtit rutcn were ImpoHHl Me. He "Maw" the men who iiiuuui,'t the IlliiioU (Vatrul rullwny and hIiow ed them that It' would pny them to haul the Htono cheaply nml help him to de velop the country there. They made a low rate, and work hrtfuu. Tula atone they mho la called tiovnculite. It U us Lard an flint and ua nlinrp. It honda ?aHlly and weura exeeedlncly well. When the work of road building be jrau LauciiKter determined to relocate much of the old way. Unit Kfadea ahould be made lliit. that direct- Deaa could be coiiNUicied. Naturally be pnronutered much oppoHltlon lu thin, but be hit: pntlent and iM-ralateut and conciliatory na well he generally accompllHhed that point. Many ram bling old bill roada were abandoned and direct II tics built In their atead. The aim wnw that as one bill deter mine what load may be drawn to Jackaon there ahoald be no bill any where. Heldom enn one aee as good Krudca as he has k'vcii these roada. They balk at neither tut nor Oil. They re like the Inexorable roads of the ItomniiH and have the nil me nlRulfl cance. Not that there la money wasted; no, not a penny in wusted, and tho utmost efllrlency la Bought from laborers, from teamsters, from materlul. They first make tho grade, thru they follow and make what they call a Hubgrade, or led for the atone. This Is rolled down hard with the atenm roller. It has a aharp Nhoulder of "C to receive and hold the atone. Next comes tho atone, well wetted. And us It Is luld down and apread It 1h well rolkd down; then the rond la complete. Where there are culverta to bo put In they are often built of re-enforced concrete, with wings of the eame material. It Is all good, thorough work. They havo now finished alxty miles of road. The aim was at first to build all the main roada out from town for a distance of five miles. There were nine 'principal roads, which with their branches mudo aeventeen miles. Lntor they will extend these roads to nlna miles. Do not Imagine that this has been done with poorly paid labor. Tlio men get fl.25 per day, and the teams re paid by the mile, so that they must earn their mouey, but the basla la S3 rer dny for man and team. WIDE AWAK son rf V, LA w V 5A DDI A s. t S. I . A ll TK'OM. pi ' ' '1 I.I t. " 'it t Wllgltil biirnrMM, w lilti-" . ilh. Mptl'V. H ' . II ll'l I VI III I ' lit I llif 1 1 i. I Ii tif. 1. 1 - 1 1 .. r Ii ! jl i:ki:ci!:d in iooo MODLKN ' TMPOl (ltHJ I I IKST-CI.A.S5 ACCOnntM ro SAniM.I: otn For conniikCiA TKAVIII.l k COUKTI-Ot S TNF.Al MLN'I P f I.H.IlT ii o tumow Tin mid i J i'i.l,n. in'i' 5 tllllU A I'" M: t A Aft'- hotel LKiMT & HARROW, Proprietors rl' Stwjvu aDotud tntiacrlba for kla teu yayar, la ardar U gtt ail Ua lacaj nnrm, tat U kf la Uuch will U warld'i alAflT trantj abonld kla raad Tho Evening Telegram, Portland. Oregon. Tba iMtllaf mnl&f annrpayar af tbt Fadflo Coajtt w&lca baa com ltt AMdaUi PrM rvport val tyacUl leMad-wir arrloa, with carrMpendanU la Lnyertaat nawa eenUn aal la all tha dtlaa and principal Uwu f tha Ifarthweit rartlaad and nkaras axa oorered j a Vrih gtaff af rtportara, and a 11 to rial, dramatk, aoclaty and aptdaj vrltera. Baturday'a edi tion consists of SI to SI pafea, and haa oolarod oemlo pacta, aa wall aa a dtpartmoat far chfliran, eolarad faahloa para, aa latoroattnf aerial atorjr and ether attractlTt featnrea la addition U all the aewa of the day. ahocrlptlon Katea: One month, 00 eenU; three months, fl.88; ilz ryontha, $2.BI; twelre montha, IB. Sample ooplaa mailed free. Ely's Cream Balm This Remedy Is a Specific, Sure to Clve Satisfaction. OIVE8 RELIEF AT ONCE. It. (iennsoM, Root lies, Lenls, and protects UiO iliMcuNcd meinbriino. It ir.-s Cutarrli and drives iiwny a Cold lu tli I load quickly. Ueiitoros the Kennex of T(o and Smell. I'jixy lo tut', (lont.iiin no i.,jiirioti8 dnij,. Applied into tho notttril nud ulmorbod. Iirgo Size, 50 cents at Druggets or by ui.'iil; Trial Ki.o, 10 touts by niutl, LU BROTHERS. S6 Warren St., New Yorv. Notice to Hhecpmen : All Pollick, an expert aheepshonrcr and a crew of California aliearers are at my corrals in Cum as prairie ready to go to work. I have my corrals in excellent ahupe tbia sprinjf anil tbe feed is better than evor before. 20- Mrs. Rosa McDaniela. tw, ti, Iha Kind Yon Kara Always Boutf! V4 4 4 A 4 A A c 4 3 4 4 4 AKEV X lb Leatfiof Paper of the) a Pftddc Coast TV Stn Fntndsco Chronicle The Weekly Chronicle The vary eat vaakry Navapapar pubiiane u tba aotlra WaaL $1.50 a Year larlarilna PMUn Is tar rt of Iht Uuitwl iuim, Cuia sud Maxioo. It ta eat bacauaa, baaldaa printtnir all tha aewa of the world eaoh vek In an Interesting way and fully llluatratln; many artlclai. It haa apaolal daparV meata devoted to ACR1CULTURB HORT1CULTUR1 POULTRY , LIVc STOCK MINING literature fashions and ShOkTS Theaa are prealdsd orar Vy aditora hartnf a thorough koowl. edge of thalr epaoialtlos. Tha pages devatad to A gr culture, Horticulture, Poultry and Liva Siook are wall llluatrated and filled with matter of tha greateet Interest te all eugaged Is theaa tndualrtas, OTery II a a belag wrlttea by Ihoae who are la eloee touoh with ooaditioaa preralUof en this CaaaL SEND FOR SAMFLI OOPT. It will aa east ba. Do yoe ut Bm ChroaAsto Reversible Map? Showing the Ualtad States. Do minion of Canada a4 Northani Mezloe es oava atoe, aUF OF THE WORLD, ereeeatiar te Ttow la cse eoeiUaooea) aaaa, wtta afl areaa In tnae anaorttoa- the ea tire ewrfsee m iae Earth aa the other aide. Se4 S3 a4 rat a -woaajyreamo- aw erne yeaa, peatace ptwsatd ea fctaa ad Paper. The Dairy end lt Only ta a tesr at. n Mining blauka at the Examine odlce. II you are thinking of organizing a stock company see our new samples oWall Struct enravoil atock certlfl atcB. Subscribe for The Lake County Ex aminer, if you want the newa. D. K. Penner, the piano tuner, will make hia aunual vlalt to Lakeview in the near future. If your piano nceda tuning, wait for him. 22 tf. 9 f v J f 1 IV' Nolle- of Keatorat lon of t'liblie Un.U to Hetllement. and Ki.try. De - Im'trni'iit of tha interior, (ieneral nnd (Mllee, VViiahiiiKtoii, I). C, June 1.1, l!xr7. Notice la hereby giyen that I he pulille, buidg In the following de acrllieil areriH, temporarily wlthdrnwn on May ItJ and July .11, l!Krt, for for ealry ptirprmen and adjoining the Fre mont and (iooMe Lake National Koeata, Oregon, and not otherwiHo withdrawn, rexerved ot npproprinted, will by au thorlly of the SecretHryof the Interior tie reHtored to the puldin domain on Heptember 2H, 1.M7, and become ml: i. hi.., ,.,i . .. ..ii... 11..1 dute, but not to entry, tiling or Ki lec II,... .,.,iii .fi....ii,.i,.i.,., h io.rr under the iimiiiiI realrlct iotm, nt the United Stated I .and (Kllco at I.nkev lew, Oregon : In Town nhiri twenty one (21). Uanue ten (IU), Sei tiona one (I), twelve (Ylu thirteen i i. f,..i in-, ii.... o-ii t'i f iijiii irrn n;i 1 w i I. . ... twenty-four CM), twenty-five (!i'i), twenty-nix C-''i,i, tiilrty-llve ') and thirty Mix C-V'i ! i'i TowiiMhlp twenty three ('.) Kinine ten (10;, Hwtion thirty hix i'.V'i) ; in Townxhl,i twenty one (21), Kano eleven (II J, Kectioua three :(; to ten (l')j, both inelimive, the eoiiheiittt qiiiirtero' K-ction eleven (ll)Houth half of twelve (1'ij. Hectiona thirteen ( Hi to thirty aix (.'MS), both ineliiHive: iri Towtmhip twenty-three V- , iiiiuKu eleven (II), Lota ten (10;, eleven (II). twelve (V2, thirteen (IHj, fourteen (II), and llfteen (15) of Sec tion thirty-one (-11); in Township twenty one CZl), iiiiiik'e twelve (12;, the went luilf of Section four (4), the i!Hnt half and nouhwcnt quiirter of Sec tion live (5;, MoutheaMt quarter of Sec tion mix Section he veil (7), north liHlf and aoii h- went iiunrter of Section tltflit (), Sectiona eighteen (19), nine teen (19), thirty (:M). thirty one (.'llj; in TowiiHhip thirty two t'Sl), limine fourteen ( It), the weHt half of Section twenty aeven (27), aouth half of Sec tion twenty eht (2Mj, eant Imlf of Section thirty-two (S'i.i, all Section tbiity three CXI), went half of Section . thirty-four CM ) ; in Twnahip thlrty j three f.'l-'li, Hane fourteen (11), the went half of Section three (.), all Bec- li....u I..... ii . , r. , ..l..l. iU, nine (:), aixieen (tti) to twenty one Oil l,,.l. I..,. I. .!,. oil l... II ..a (155 i, Mouth half of twenty-nix (20;, all thirty-four CM), thirty-five (35) and thirty-six ('.Mi) ; in Townhip thirty four (-4), ICane fourteen (14), Sec tiona one (I), two (2), three ( ), eaut half of four (4) and nine CJ), all ten (10) to aixteeu (10), both iucluhive, twenty-two (22), to twenty-eif?ht (IW), both inclusive, . eat half of twenty nine (2U), went half or thirty CK), all thirty-one CM) to tbirty-aix (IMS), both incluaive ; all Tow nnhips thirty five (X), thirty aix CM), and thirty He ven C-Vi), Kane fourteen (14 ); all Towtmbipa forty (40) aud forty-one (41, Kuiik'e fourteen and one-half ( 14 1 a ; inTownnhip thirty-three (:), liaise fifteeu (15), aouth half of Sec lion nineteen (ID), wet half of tweu ty-heven 157, all twenty-eight, 2X, aouth half of twenty-nine (IE)) all thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), thir ty-three, (33), wet half of thirty four (34); in Township thirty-four (34), Iiune fifteen (15), weat half of section five (5), all six (6), aeven(7), went half of ei(;ht (8), all eighteen (1H), nineteen (19), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), west half of thirty-three (33); in Township thirty Hve (:k), Kange Qfteen (1&) Sections three (3), to ten (10), both inclusive, west half of eleven (11) all furteen (14) to twenty-two (22, both inclusive, west half of twenty three (23), west half of twenty-six (20), all twenty-seven (27; to thirty four (34), both inclusive, west half of thirty-five (35); in Township thirty six (30), Range fifteen (15), Sectiona seven (7), eight (8), sixteen (IC) to thirty-six (30), both inclusive; in Township thirty-seven (37), Range Uf teen (15). Sections one(l), to twelve (12). both inclusive, north half of thirteen (13) and fourteen (14), all fifteen (15)to twenty-two (22), both inclusive, twenty -seven (27), thir ty-three (33), both inclusive ; in Town ship thiry -eight (38), Range fifteen (lo). Sections four (4), to nine (9), both inclusive, fifteen (15) to twenty two (22), both inclusive, twenty-six (20) to thirty-six (30) both inclusive; in Township forty (40), Range fifteen (15), west half of Section five (5), all of six (6), and seven (7), west half of eight (8), all sixteen (10) to twenty one (21), both inclusive, twenty eight 28, thirty-six 30, both incluisve; in Township forty-one 41, Range fif teen 15, Sections two 2 to nine 9, both inclusive, all or eleven 11, sixteen 10, twenty 20, both inclusive, west half of twenty-one 21; in Township thirty six 30, Range six teen (10), Sections sixteen (16) to twenty (20), both inclusive, north half and south-west quartor of twenty one (21), all twenty-nine (29), thirty CM), thirty-one (31) aud thirty-two (32); in Township thirty-seven (37), Range sixteen (10), Sections five (5) to eleven (11), both inclusive, thirteen 13 to seventeen 17, both inclusive, twenty-three 23, twenty-four 24, twenty-five 25, thirty-five 35, and thirty six 30;' in Township thirty-eight. 38, Range six teen 16, Sections oue 1, two 2, three 3, nine 9, to sixteen 16, both in clusive, east hulf of seventeen 17, aud twenty 20, all twenty-one 21, twenty- three 23, twenty-four 24, twenty-five 2o, twenty-eight 28, tweuty-niue 29, south half of thirty 30, all thirty one 31, thiity-two 32. thirty-three 33, and thirty-6ix 30; in Township thirty-nine Jt, Kange sixteen 10, south null of Section twenty-four 24. all twenty-live 25 and tbirty-six 30; in Township thirty-five .v Range seveuteen 17, west balf of Section eloveu 11; iu Township thirty-six 30. IHiige seventeen 17, north-east quarter or bectlon one 1 ; iu Township thirty seven 37, Range seventeen 17, south half of Section fifteen 15, all sixteeu 10 to tweuty-two 22, both incluive, twenty-seven 27 to thirty-three 33, both inclusive; iu Township thirty- eight 38, Runge seveuteen 17, south hulf aud uorth-west quarter of Sec tion three 3, Sections four 4 to teu 10, both inclusive, west half of eleveu 11, all llfteen 15, to twenty-three 23, both inclusive, twenty-five 25 to thir ty-six 30, both inclusive; iu Town ship thirty-nine 39, Range seventeen 17, Sections one 1 to live 5, both inclusive, nine 9 to sixteeu 10, both inclusive, east half of Section seven teen 17, south half of nineteeu 19, all twenty 20 to twenty-aeveu 27, both inclusive, thirty 30, thirty-one 31, thirty-four 34, thirty-five 35 and thiry-aix 30; iu Towuship forty 40, Kango seventeen 17, Sectious one 1, 1 .2 lr"a. '. !V.th"j "f '!,elv' 1 'f ' t hirty rmir ' nineteen ID; in Townnhip thirty x . 'Hi, Kniite t liftm-t n 1H, the aouth and fifirth-ce-t qnurter of Section nix , fi ; In Totwifthip thirty elibt W, txue eihtei n 18, aouth half of Hevtlon three ;i, all ten l, aonth half of i In. . en II, all thirteen fourteen II.' fifteen 15, nix tee n fi, north en t' o,uirtcr of twenty-four 'H, aouth hnl; of twenty-five '! , twenty fix i!', and ! tenty-ieven 157, nil twenty eilit '2 , twenty-nine 'i'K thirty-one M, 1n I'linr-niJi . iioiri iririnftive; in jjoanahlp tb rty-nlne .8, Lanwe eil. l,en in, nui-iioiiH one j, 10 vniriy iv i teen 1 32, both iricliiiive,. and north Imit of thirty-five 35; in Township forty 1 40, Knnge eighteen 18, Sectiom five 5, six (5, north half of seven 7 niideithtK, iu Township thirty-eight 38. liunr " V 'nineteen l.i, hections one 1. two 2. three.'!, ten 10, tothirtyaix 30, both in eltiHive; all Town-hip forty one 4 1. Uango nineteen 19, not in tioo-e Luke. In Township thirty-seven 37, Kniie twenty 20, Houth hnlf of Sect Ion nine 9, all sixteen 10, south Iml, of seventeen 17, all nineteen 19, twen ty 20, went half of twenty-one 21, all twenty-tlve 25, to thirty-six .'MS, both inclusive; in Township thirty-six !!0, Itant'o twenty-one 21, went Imlf of Section four 4: in Township thirty seven, 37 Range twenty o'ne 21, Sections thirty 30 aud thirty-one 31 ; iu Town ship thirty-eight .'18, Range twenty one 21, north-went quarter of Section six (S, all sixteen 10, south half of seventeen 17, all nineteen 15), twenty 20, twenty-one 21, twenty-three 23, to thirty-six '.Hi, both inclusive; in Town ship thirty-nine 39, Range twenty one 21, Section one 1 to eleveu II, both incluhive, fifteeu 15, to nineteen 19, both Inclusive, north hult of twenty one 21, all thirty 30, thirty-one 31 an 1 thirty-two 32; in Township forty 10, Range twenty-one 21, Sections five 5, six G, seven 7, eighteen 18, nine teen 19, north half and south-east quarter of thirty .'SO, east half and southwest quartet of thirty-one 31; in Township forty-one 41, Range twenty-one 21, Section six 0, north hal! of seven 7; in Township . thirty seven 37, Range twenty-two 22, north east quarter of Section thirty-four 34 ; in Township thirty-eight 38, Range twenty-two 22, Section five 5, eust half and southweat quarter of Section seven 7, all eight 8, nine 9, fifteen 15 to tweuty-oue 21, both inclusive, twenty-eight 28, to thirty-three 33, both inclusive; iu Township thirty nine 39, Range twenty-two 22, Sect ious four 4 to nine 9, both inclus ive. sixteen 10, seventeen 17. and the north half of twenty 20; all aouth and east, Willamette Meridian, Oregon. Warning is hereby expresfcley given that no person will permitted to gain or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupation begun prior to September 28, 1907, and all such settlement or occupation ia here by forbidden Fred Dennett, Acting Commissioner of tbe General Land Office. Approved : Jesse E. Wilson, Acting Secretary of the Interior. 20-10 NOTICE. Blue prints of any town ship in the Lakeview Land District can be had by applying to the under signed. All work up to date. Checkings made from the Land Of fice Records at the time the prints are made, work neatly and promptly done. VV. B. Snider, Lakeview Oregon. TACTICAL HINTS- As to tho Small Boy'e Clothes Dainty Cotton Fabric. In making clothes for a small boy fussiness ia the thing to be avoided. Simplicity Is the height of good form for tbe little man as well as for the big one. It Is upon material, cut and finish that his clothes depend for their ef feet Even from the time his first short dresses are donned the tailor made effect should be apparent A good scheme Is to procure a suit from a thoroughly up to date children's outfitter and then copy It carefully at home. After the first exnerlenco it w easy to get along. The pattern ahould be so perfect that no further fitting Is necessary. The printed silk mulls are beautiful thla season, aud the embroidered batistes and Swisses defy descriDtlon. The all white embroidered swlss Is al ways modisa and serviceable. Some of the flower figured Swisses are most artistic. A tiny wreath of flowers tied with a minute bow knot Is a favorite design lu both swlss and batiste. Tho dimities, organdies and. In fact. all tho old favorites are prettier tb.nu ever this season and will be used quits us extensively as of yore. A 'snuff colored spider cloth Is a novelty that promises to become a favorite. It la very sheer, although not transparent, and Is of exquisite 6heen. Hrowus ore fairly rampant in the eeason'a millinery, aud manv of the best Purlsian model hats for street wear are of brown straw. Oue of the prettiest is of brown Btraw with shaded brown and yellow feathers and browu velvet ribbon. The picture shows a gowu for morn ing wear in striped linen which is as pretty as it is comfortable. JUDIC CU0I.LET. , TIIIHtS I.UI'lilllK. Lakeview Ore. Apr. IMI, 11H7. Notiee in hereby xiven thht lit com pliniiee with the provlMloiM of tha act ot CongresM of June 3, IH",H, entitled "An Act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Stafes by act of Auvuxt 4, 'I892, Wil liam V. Miller of Paisley, county of Leke, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 3020, for the purchase of theNE) SK'4 Sec. 20, A NW4' SW'f of sectios No. 25, in Township No. 34 S. Range No. 18. E., W. M., ai d will offer proof to show that the land sought ie more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establinh hia claim to afd land I fore Register and Receiver at Lftkeview Oregon, on Tuesd.iy, the 9th day of July, HOT. lie names as wit jeses: A I. Farrow, WHI Farrow, Geo. Har per of Paisley Oregon, and W. B. Snider of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the above described lauds are re quested to file their claims In tble office on or before faid 9th day of July, 1907. 1710. J. N. Watson, Register. TlllltftK !.. Ml MITK K United States Land Otllce, Lakeview Oregon, Apr. 12, 1907. Notice is hereby give" that in com pliance with the provisions o tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"" as extended to all tbe public land stateb hy act of August 4, 1892, Thoov as 11. ilumphery, of Klamath. FalU, county of Klamat h State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office bra sworn statement No. 3580. for tbe pur chase of the IS'i NJi of Section Na 30. Township No. 34 S.. Range No. t E., W. !., and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought ia more vhi- uable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before tho Clerk of Klamath County Ore. at bis office at Klamath Falls on Tuesday, tbe 2, day of July, 1907. He namee as w ituesses : Robert O. Horning, J. R. Horning, Ed. Ecbtinaw, Isaac Voorehees, all of Klamath Falls Ore. Any and all persona claiming adver sely tbe above-described lands are re quested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 2. day of July 1907. 16-10 J. Watson, Registe. Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axles in tbe world long wearing and very ad hesive. Kikes a heavy load draw like a Ught one. Saves half the wear on wagon and team, and Increases the earning capacity of your outfit. Ask your dealer for flica Ax.lt Qruut, STANDARD 00. CO. -SEP' hare f tood the test for over o vean. ami rcs..:l in the lead. I heirabaalnt.. certainty of erowth. their uncommonly lVge yiclt'.s of delicious Trgctafclea and ucuni-.iui i.owr 'i, m.ite mem the most reu.-.D.e ar.-l l.:e most popular every wiicic. c-o.u ry a.i ae.ucrs. 1907 D. ft. FCRHY & CO.. Jf:l j D'.rcit, Mich. -rWwi;-i NOTICE of restoration of nnbltii landa to settlement and entry. De- Eartment of the Interior, General nd Office, April 20, 1907. Notld is hereby given that the Secreti.ry of the Interior has on April 11, 1907, va cated his former order of July, 23, 1904, withdrawing tbe following des cribed lands for irrigation purposes fn counectiou with the Ana River Pro ject, Oregon: Township thirty South, Range Sixteen East, Section one; township thirty South, Range seven teen East, Section six. aud has order ed that tbe aforesaid lands be restored to the pul lie don aiu aud to settlmenfs out not to becoue subject to entry. tiling or selection under the Dublin land laws of the United States until Aucnst 12. 1907. at the United Static Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon. Commissioner of Oeueral Land Of fflce, R. A. ilalliuger, James Rudolph Uarfield, Secretary of the interior. 19-Aug 1 60 YEARS V EXPERIENCE Trad. .Aarks Designs Copyrights Ac A oTona sendlnc a iketch and description may qult-kly ucertmii our opmlou free jvhtM.Ur aa Mtveimtn It pruhAblf paieiitAhla, Coniiuunlc. tloiitHtriotlrconUUentlal. HAN0U0OK on Haleuta at'iit fren. oldenl auency tor sBouruitf putvnta. FaitMiUi taken tltruuub Munn A Co. Mcolvi tpeeuu iuxicc, wnnoui cinrna, in ma Scientific American. A handsomely tllnitraiad weekly. T.anraat etr dilution of any Kiienilila journal. Ttjriua, 93 a yenri four month, fl So 14 bail netmdaalara. MUNN & Co.36,Bw'- New Yorff Urauub Ofnoe, u V Bt Wahliiluu. IX I- & a