Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, July 04, 1907, Image 2

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    r .... , ,, ,.- , , , u 'M-Bj' -v
tmo.tss..&i.aisii get THE BEST
For cool cooking, less work and least fuel-expenst use a
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
the ideal stove for summer. Does everything that any other
kind of stove will do. Any degree of heat instantly. Made in
three sizes and fully warranted. At your dealer's, or write our
nearest agency for descriptive circular.
Jteyb Lamp 'itlllZ
I . nse. Made of brass
throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly con
structed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving
power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted.
If cot at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency.
(Incorporated i
Cl Th.'fo volumes wiTo "written ly men who rank 1
? atnon the fort'iuost luiildin xpt-rlH of tin day. -4
f Money refunded if tin y do not. meet your needs. fJ
W, Rt-iNJ ORCI-DCONCKRi li. Ily Wel.ii mid iil-
tl !on. 150pp. IjOills. A manual of practical h
methods for Architect!, HitiM-us, contractors,. !i
Civil ami 5 mitary Knginccr. Information for Kg
the lirst. tini made known to the world, Lased
on recent construction work, special teste, etc. 51
Price $1.00 "
WILDING f-L'PliKlNrnNDn.NCU. My K. Nichols KS
2.U pjv, 25 HIN. Oastly inistaks occur through jl
lack of attention at proper time, hurtful to Ow n- Ml
cr and di-cre litahle to Architect Huilder j
Gives thorough kniovledite of methods ami mater- 3
ials. P
.$ 5
y Buune, von Hoist and ll;"nvn. 185 pp , 55
drawings. Complete course in making working
drawings and artcstic lettering for architectural
purposes. Price $1-50
ESTIMATING. P.y Edward Nicholas. U5 pp.,
,?5 ills. For all workers in Uuilding trades.
Tells how to estimate intelligently. Price. $i.(HI
C Plant 1 25pp., fully illustrated. Forms of pul
lio and private contracts, specifications, bonds,
etc.; duties and resjHuMlilitics of Architects,
contractois and Owners Pri
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Till tit'. K l.M VOTII K.
rrr iv 1 . . a.m.,
Tafc LAY ATI VP UROMO it'TlP mi or tH uti .ct, June a. is.s.-.xo-
----- ....... ; iJ ftir 1,,1 iou
Hodgson and Williams- 130 pp
up-to-date work on these subjects.
CARPENTRY. By (!. Towinend.
, 1 81) ills. Only
Price ...Si-00
50 pp., 2i4
(7 Ml
r - 1 1 k 1 1 ri
1 .-. r. , i. -v
Recently Enlarged
25,000 Now Words
New Gazetteer of the World
Mil mro lliiiti JM,K) tithes tmsod oil ttio
lau. tiinnii it l urn.
NcwRiogrnpblcal Dictionary
I'liitnliiliiir tlio nmninef ever KI.UU0 tioltH.
1 1 . ilalo r I'lri h, Ueiitli, cto.
r.iii,i i.v w. 'pTiTa iTiVh. vh t.t,.T..
l.'. iua: 1 111 en l uiinuK'ietitit'f l.iluuuMa.
23C0 Quirto Tafios
1 . (iK'J I lii.lrtui, 111. h rillittluji.
NoodetUn Uvoryllonio
',: . r,')..iT' Cui..-;iinl.' I fli'ilonnr
I' l IIVO 1,1 Mlralll.lM.
i:n' r n ; , to;' ln..v, fei.u,..
!.'., I J.I'H i, In. I'-l .1-4 fi.
, I . .t' I.. . .,--r. l...lif I .n.ll..,i
c.ic. i.:c?.rviAM co..
. jo:ijh!T, 3prlogf ll5, Man.
$1,250 Kexwit J.
hll him h
I Hill. .'I U III. Il I
L'uiteJ States ,
Lukr-view, Oregon, May I
Tatlet5. All dnikruiats return! 'Iienuii odiof
money if it fails to curf. V.. W . fimve'f ii. lfioV.
wjrnature is on each lox. ,"o. NOTICE is hereby piven hut iu com-
I liance witli the provisions of t tie act
Blue Print Mid of J"ue "'' 1S"S' eutitle! ."-Aa Act for
liiue Krinis .,iaae. tbe of ,im,,er laIl(U in the btHtea
I will make Blue Prints of nnv "f t-'Hlifornia, Oregon, Nevada ami
tract . f land in the Lakevievv I-and . n'.J0' .itJ',,'',aS ,exte"a,,
, . t . to all the punlic him! states by net of
it. u.i ainua iik. August i, ISliJ, the follow i ii tr persons
on or write II". B. JSXIDEK have Hied in this otHce their sworu
lAkeview. On pon. Jv--tf statemeuts, to wit :
Henry 11 tleryfoul. of Lakeview,
county . of Lake, state of Oiepou,
Blanks for final proofs, Oert proofs sworn statement No. iit, for the pur
timber land final proofs and blank affi c.ha!il? ,fath w,? Sl'e- TP-
, XV. lit, I , . .1JI.
Orei:ou. sworn state
ment No. :;;r. for the purchase of the
davits for application.! for readvertise- jVed 6. ALlstorm, of Lakeview, c
aaents, blank witness' affidavits, t ic. at of Lake, stato c f Oregon, sworn
tf nieut ft i. .iOi;.. for the rotvh.ise of the
SRi.' m:i Sea. 21, N.. NIC'., SK'J
ancisco NE'4Sic. 'S, Tp. S.( fi. ID, K., V. .
The Examiner office.
BisKinger & Co., of San F
whoe ad. appears tu the Examiner, ... ... , . .
. tt u. . , . , . , . . , ,T . they will offer rroof to show
have appoint, d J. A. Morris, of Phih. that the land sought is more valuable
their agent at that place, who will fur its timber or stone than for ari
buy hides and pt ) . 48 tf cultural purposes and to establish
their claim to said lauc' before Kenia
Karmers, have yor liutter wrap- ter and Keceiver at Lakeview Orepoa,
. m, . . on Mouday the loth day of July 11HJ7.
pers printed at The Examine office, They name as witnesses : Henry K.
hwitead of sending: away for them. Heryford. A. II. Hammersley, J E.
. " . , Barker. S. P. Moss, F. O. Ahlstrom,
You keep your money at home, and an 0f Lakeview Oregon.
patronize them that patronize vou, Any and all persons claiming ad-
, , , versely the above described lands are
bealdeK, you Kee what you are get- re;ueted to file their claims iu this
Uug and dou't have to iiav for it if office ou or befure eai I 15 day of July
tt doesn't wait you. tf i:,.1o J. N. Watson, Keijister.
ills. A workinp manual for carpenters and
Wood workers in general- Not a theoretical
treatise, hut u practical working guide. Price
I4O pp., 58 ill-- For Architects, Builders, Steel
and Concrete Workers. Enahles one to avoid
mistakes- Price $1.00
pp.. 140 ills. Complete cuUrse in prij.'ctioiis,
shale lines, intersections and developments, let
tering, with exercises and plates. Price $1 00
. Brync. 10 pp.. 44 ills- Latest and hest Ameri
can methods- Price $l tK
These vnluines an tiandHiiniely bound In red art
Vellum de Luxe, size l x ! inches. Sent prepaid
to any part id the world on receipt of price. Bemlt
by Draff, Postal Order, Express Order, or Key;ister
cd iAtter. to the
Lake County Examiner.
I '.'iiir the S
;hm Boif
New York Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake County Examiner
xokk Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Suaess Magazine
Lake Co. Examiner
WT.LKLV. Jf) pae, ll'J hy is inches. The mist
thoroughly praL-tkiil. helpfu!, up-t o-dute illustratfl
weekly ftirevi-ry 1 n-11 1 1 1 -i" of the farmer's family.
Regular Price per Year $1.0
MONTHLY. -'. panes, 7 hy 10 ii.ches. Ldiled l.y
lr. Albert Slut w, whose inont hly commeiits 011 cur
reiit history, at liom' and uliroad, are reeuy;ii:Z"il as
th.; iiiu-t iiiteilieiit.ainl aiualile found iu any peri
o'liiil. I'oiii.ain.s hundred-of port raits I "peopl.j
in t lie pulilie eye," of cart . . ms, illiiilratioiis and
a! original artii-l.-s.
Regular Price per Year
MON'iilLY. i;0 to 10') i-a-es, ID l,y 1 1 Inches.
Leery Issue is full of 1 1 rill L-t n t and fascluatili Serial
and Short Stories, original nrtieks on "The Work
of th" World," witlidepai tmeutscovei Inail phases
of '"l'he Home Lif" and the Person," und with
many Inspirational feaiiures.
Regular Price per Year
W'L'MvLY: The Jcndine; Pajn-r of Southeahtern
)reeon: pullislies all 1 he latest land and Stoc k news
of a territory emhracin J00 miles square. Lake
(' Ollieial paper. Tiie OhJest Newspaper iu
Southeastern Or'on, established in ls,s0.
Rf, Ip.r fice per Year
$1,000.00 Reward.
The Oregon, California. Ni vuda i ef .uii!-t, 1!hi;.
kli Hlltiit kh.ek t.
: . i , . .
I ' '7 r.! n. - I J- '..t In n. I., .11 I
m r-m iri
III. I I.IHll I ll.MM.'
Hi.... I.Mr en i'UIm'I
ir I...II. ihh l.
ciirl.-t liii-i.iiiiili-.
iil!i llri..'. Ik ii. If.i.k I'o.iiiil'i.
UiirH-n v.Mnr.l h.-ti.l l Id.t.. a.. 1.1 lit
'.tirotih Oil hi-, -ii. .it mi;i iit..t lHin,.'l iu ll.i.
..I'.T. If n. l r. i ur;..'l .... n n ritr ..r i. I.
hitiH. 1 hv 1 1 in. n II fit I! M.t;ijS'i MuriiK.'irf
em. s . W .llri.M n. Hut in or...
k'eward fur Morses
I will iclve ?".iiu reward for liiforin will :'ii I i .1 t lie dUinvery
of any horse branded wlih an old
horses hoe liraml on but li Ji ws, phnetl
as In the lilt III litis ad v fi I Isiinriit .
with fresh triangle bnind underneath
the In irsealioc. 'l'he triangle placed
In h 1 1.-1 1 a maimer as w oul.i rover up
a bar mi both Jaws. Animals must
be found III the poHSes-loll of some
person or persons.
'I I II II Kit l.tMIMIIIlK " "
United StHtes Lund Oltlce Lukevlew
Or.-imn, May '2. I'.KC.
Notice is lierehy ejven tlmt in cum
pliuuee with the prevision nl the net
nf t tuik'ress ot June .1. ls,H, eiititlxtl
"All net fur t tin sale of tillilier lillirls
in the Stat esi nf 'ul if urn in Ori-K'un,
Nevnda mid Wnshtm.'teii Terntuiy,"
us extended to nil the Public Lund
States by Hi t uf AiiKust 1, lHIl'J, Mlyiich
l(n Jliy,,i-f l.ukeriew, county of l.iik.
State uf Teeon, hns this tiny tiled in.
this (itllce his sworn stiitemeiit No.
IIT'Hi, fur tlie purchiise tf the SK'j SL
uf Sect it n No. l'J, in Township No.
Xt. H., Kaiitre Nu. in, L. , W. M., and
w ill oiler prixif to stiuw I hut the html
soiiL'ht Is mure viilualile for its timber
nr stone thii'i fur n'lieiilt in ul pin puses.
nml to -st m I d i -li his ehiiiu to said !hii.I
. L..for.t I I..I .. r f. 1 1 . 1 l.'......O..r t. r I I
'viMll' (r.L.ill lill AlltlllfilV tilt. 11 II tll.V
liHK MI. I
I ul, I. in . .. i ,
in I n. . It ul ... i in .in
in r.Miu ul H ( n 1 1-. I I I m I ii,
-i i iflMi) ul 1 ri'n.iiry . 1 ;,. w
Iitii'Iiii) ill W nr. . in I' i , H
I nniii. y Ot in'Oil ' " II vl y
1 I tiM imtairr o. in rnl ' . . ii ' ,,t
.1 ti. im j nl Nii y ... 1 i " ' n ,,.,.,, a
nur) I ni. t liti ... ' i .Li . . k
-. . ii int) nl AkiI. mini. V. e.. n
t rt'im nl I i. mint r. r ' M. . i
I III.' I Jli.lll I. . . . I I' " I Mill I
. -. ill ltd W hi n. I, I' S. I' i ,ii I i nil. linn f
w, s. liii iiMiiii, r -. i isi. in t
ni i .
lit i'l inn . . . . ' tin h I., i U ri
-".i-ll!l .hull... i M...
i n ihi ..i "-init' . i i.i.iii.i r
I ii'HHitu r I ', S. Mum f
lllnill. ) l..llf'll I Sl IU n 111
-ii 'l I'll). I ir 1 1. I rm I lull ' ' i l. . II
I'iiih. r . tin r
ilr) mnl I in "I I in. i W . Ilnl'rjr
I . s S.-IIII...I. n , . B
. 1 1 1 i i. II
1 m 1 1 ii u
-t ni ii lie I i
1 1 1 1 K . . II
I . 1 1 1 1 SiM.n'i'I w in II
llrprtr. ..... Nf. '.. .. ',', H
, '.lllH ' '
! r s. i s i
J N. W i .i ii i i-i
; C I', sni'ii r . t
. illlK'
j ''nl,:.- ..y
1 Cirri h
. -UliTlff I tit
I r nmir. i i m
; ftn .Mir .....
Vim,, I fi,,l v . i is
! -iiMi-i.r ....... : i. it
. i I i ,
I lltllln Unli'itl'l n , . ' ,
.. i. ii ritin
Siih k I no., t n.r I I . V . 1 1.
low N OK . Al- . I It.
V. I.. Su. 'linn 'i. .
llnrri hni. y t
Ii I'. M.iK'.v . ,, i , ,, ,
j J. W I lit krr I
I I. S. I din- I
j W. II. SlIliIlT Inn -.if
A .ll.l'l il In r
The Wall ntreet line of i lit in id
cert I Ilea ten of St oik ami I 'oil' I bla ni. M
at the LxamliiiT olhee. New sample
book reeelved Momliiy I'Veiiilii;. M
j you want HtoiU cert Una lis see our
samples ami m t our prices. tf
Livestock Pritectiv Association
will nive f HiiMi Peward .for the con
viction of any party or parties steal
hiK horses, cattle or mules lefo!i;;ln!'
to any of t he follow Ine; members of
this Association:
t'ox tS: Clark, Chewaeaii Land
Cattle Co., Heryford Land it Cattle
Co., Lake County Land & Llvcstoek
Co., W arner Valley Stock Co., Ceo.
W. Ma pes. Win W. Prowm lien. l.
Jones, lii'ii. Il.inkins, S. Ii. Chamller.
J. C. Dodsou, C. A. Kehart, N. I- in
1 lios. I (utton, W. A. Currli
ii. r.auers, a. i;. iiotetiKlsn
wooi i i.ros.. l . .1 . lira t tain A-- Sons,
James M. Moore, A. I. Cecil. T. A
'rump, Y. ,. Moss.
Cressler A- I'.omier. W T. Ovssli r
.Vcty .1: (iilham. Hill iV 'i'oliev.
I V. I'. 1 1 i:i!vro,m. I'resi.rt
I I'. M. Mll.l.KU. See A'I'reas
W. P. 1 1 i:i!Vi oi:ii
I'i.nam K Com.; P. M. ii:i i.
I S. I'.. ClI AMU.I It
Lakevie-iv Cigar Factory . .
He mimes witiieses: llirry P.niley,
Loren Pailev. John lirenner, Walter
Pattu all uf Lnkevimv Oieun.
Any and all peisuns eliimint; iidver--'tj'
the libm e dcei i bed hinds are re
tpit'sti'd to file their eluiuis ill this
nllice nn or belore slild I'Jtli day uf
Aueiul, Km.;.
.1. N. Wnt sun l.'eiri,tcr. 'JJ--10
i imi Mini i;.
l.'nili'd States Land I itllce, Luke
view, Oieirmi, June 11th I '. h 7.
Notice is heieby iiveu tlmt in emu
pli.'oice with the pruvinion uf the act
i- l.',... .,1 "I ( uiis'iess uf June.!, IS,M entitled
r, i i.iiiit t , ... . . , ..1 , ,
I , ; An iii't. tnr tlie sale ul timber lands
, LIIHH I - i , , . , ..i.i' :. . i.
Northern Stage line.
A. W. BRYAN. Proprietor.
Leaves Lakeview at ! a. in
every ilnv hut Sunday
Meturnilif;, leiives Paisley
nt eiO u. in every day bu
l'Mnfn' arc fj Wiixsd trip .
Ill I ICI! Ki.ynuliU ,V W Ui.-fi-l.l'. ..k.-vi,,
Z WANTLD : P men in eMch stnle lo
gravel, distribute fHiiiples uf nur 'i isia
und tuck hiniis. SiiIhiv rs.,.,i4, el
month ; per dwy lur expenses.
APKKS CO., I - hi t nu iit C No.
In .luck son Poulcviilil, ChiciiKO, .'lit1,
J ' ilil .
The PXiimllier priiilf townslilp phitu,
hihI makes them into book tm r h-r. tf
J. It. Cutb-r u liiskey nt the Hut a
l.nkevirw I nr. The best nml purt't-t
whiskey made. tf.
Samples of the Pcunlsou shiplne;
tay;s at The Pxiilnlner nllice. All
sizes and tnalities, from Mnulla to
lllieli tf
, I
.' IS
'J J
' ' vr Ii -;;i r ir"t !.' a a
lo you, fj::a?. u.i.'ly .iml m;; ..-.:
L-t a h'KW.'j; M'VK UK GITN
.IT. L ClLCULATIC.:, (.;;.t;ii:'.
in; the latest no.vj of the '.vorltl
ecj.ially ncces.:ary to you. The
no to date man" will par, ido
..u a ' w ilh tl:cso two c . I i xl
Oi I li ki:
'res of prure:!i:.
A. Stiii.'KMi.i, I'rop.
Maker of
Havana and
Icrncstic Cigars
COI' NTH V OltDKItH Hi)l.l( i ri.l;
Give ns H trial. Store in the brick
huililiiiL' next dour to Poit &. Kiny su
lofjn, lakeview, Oregon.
iu the States uf California, ( Ireunu
Nevada, und Washiiik'toii Territory,"
as evtended to all the Public Laud
States by act uf August I, 1 "!'., Johu
P. Auteii, i.l Klainiith I all', county
of J v lit 1 1 in 1 1 1 , State uf Oregon has this
I . T .i ' II In. I in I I. ii ol I In, i I.l- ...t ...... I
i,., ... ..... .....ii ii.ti . wrin m itTMn m . - - w
(inent. No. :ii;;i;. for the purclmsii of: 1!1 A VV lij - ii. - V. i.i.
,the I.'.. SL'., sv, si-:i a. SK'., sw.i I Si OKESMAN - REVIEW, Spo.
, ,,f Section No. uj, in lownhip No ; kni!e yash., will be found th
'.'.IS, bailee No. 1, L., U. .M., and' , , , . ' - ., , , ..
will oiler proof to show that the land TtlT latest neW3 Of the WOrl'l, l'.I
; soueiit i.i a. ore udiiiii le fur its timber mtt..r including infom.tliou cj
lur Hull.' than for agricultural p.irpos- poiitiCH. Commerce, a-ficuH re,
th.) Clerk uf Klamath County O.e., at. literature, 03 Well z:, 11.0
his uiiice nt Klamath Fall-., on-non, local happenings in the S-..ti. tf
nu Monday the day uf September, Hur tana, OrCfOn, Idaho, '.'.'...Li-
l'.iUT. He munen as w it nes-es : ( , , . , . , ., ,
C. L. Withers, of Paisley, O,eon, ''l"" nd th provinCO Of LtlU-J
Frank .lohnsnii, uf Dairy, Oregon, Columbia. In addition, its Co.
Kalph VaiiKU uf Klainiith i'all.H, Oiec-., t u,n.lS for women, its pO.illl.
JTuv a a.l'pSnbuinu adver- . "' nicies, its Short aud to,,,
seley the above described lands mo -li ned stories, its "An3WC(3 to
re.piesteti to ilia their claims iii this. Cc i respondents' ' and "l'
ofllcu nu or belore said l, day uf Sept. r,. ., i,n r .
,J(j7 1 , t ('luaiiis combine to fo;m a
.")-lo j, N. Watson, p.'isicr. i ' newspaper that at $1.C0 v-r
- i v .T can nowhere be cxcclh .!.
AshlanJ Commercial College. I
This lii.d itutiou will enter t he new !
The regular price of these 4 great publicat
Our Price - - -
s is
. $7.00
Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon.
fRtE Knowiost what It was to suf
fer, 1 will five FULL OF CIIAKUL.
to any itllllcted a iiosltlve cure for
i:c.eina, Salt IUicuiu, Lryslpelas,
1'ilcHnnd Skin Diseases.- instant re.
lief. Pont suffer longer, Write 1". W
WILLIAMS, 4U0 iMaiihattun Avenue,
New York. Liiclose Stainq.
f.VXJ Rewurd will Lo paid by tlie
Luke County Woolt;rowers Assoidut.ion
to anyone KivinK iuformutioa leiidint,'
to the arrest and conviction of any
person or persons chauint the marks
r Lrands, or killing or moving any
tioep belotiKiiiK to meuibera of thin
H. 11. Chandler, Prosidenf
J N. Wutaou, Secretary,
I 1M AUVKimsINO vai 1 1
U it ytiu hv nnillilnv ' .' M
n Irini. Innn ni.i.hln.i V . ..
year on Septeinbi r , l.'Ut. with lar- ' '' nninihin rtir h.i
wr and more convenient rooms, add
itional equipment, and u ilh a coiiihii
of training that lor accuracy, com
pleteness and t horoiiKiiness i.i sin pass
ed by uune.
DuriiiK the last yeiir wo have placed
our students iu excellent positions,
in Los Angeles, Pint land, (i rants Pass,
Medlord, Winer, Diiiismuir, mid in
Ashluud, several of tlieni receiving
mure fur their first month's work than
the cost of the course.
Mure were called for and none to
Tho development of the greut Piieitln
Coast is only btun und our enter
prising youiitf men und women or the
ini'oiniiiK ones are j;oiat to I'lirry
on Ihii buisness. Vou can receive the
quiililleatious ami share in t he general
Send for full information to the
Ashland Commercial College. Uli 4
r roimnunlfaia with lir.iil .(.. wi.h
. i v or il it lii Ina.rllna , ,i-
' ii'nal In 'Ilia HiinkiKiniin l:vi. w
I- .. it, nl'.' krn'n, lumlirrmt-n nr1 mm
i th TWICK-il-WKICK.
J.' . ( uh to rfh bualnrit in.n nil
' - . -mi. nn lli OA1I.T or tuJMAT
r ... I...MAK-HBVIKW.
1 . i null pr-r lln cri Innartlaii Cout
t lo K II lit.
' i .'All.T AVO si'NDT HAT'S r-'jii
'Srfi.(". TiVli H,i i:uTluNl
' I (lira
j -.j : GJ'uS J !'"" ''..'..'.'.
2 IliiiAa
. i i uii .-i' ....
UK siviy AI.IINM
' "-I lll.r rli In,. ill, ,