Edit VOL. XXVIII. REPOBTS ON OUR NATIONAL FORESTS A Noticeable Increase In Peed on The Ranges. lESSSTOCKKIUEO BY VARMINTS" The Opening Season Next Yenr Recommended foi loiter In The Season. ForcMt Supervisor Ingram him been in an extended tour of the forests in lit it district, for the purpose of famil iarizing himself with conditions nit thoy exist at the end of Urn fiscal yenr, whrh U Juno :Uth. lie also settled a llttln range dispute iu tbe Little Che waucuu country. Ill utile received twenty applications for agri cultural litmU within the Rational forests, under the net of Juno 11, ltMXL These applications will Ixt ex amined by tho supervisor nnd Mm force, mid the autue fowardod to Wash ington, I. C, and If apprt ym1 l,j th' department of Agriculture, (bey wyi lio returned here, and the Register amt Receiver of tho Lakeview Land otlleo be instructed to accept homo xteitd llillngs irom Kpjil iiim t h. Below we givo the report of lleiul Ranger Nell', on the conditions of the range. Tlu'se reports re designated art 'Sheep" und "Cut tie." I herewith tiiukn n report on the (Inline Ijiko National Forest, iu regard to cuttle tiud lioi'Heit ttud the general condition of the range. 1 Mud tint grass and feed plentiful for till stock grazing und from talking with cult lo men, I tiud thut the feed hint increased 'S pel cent, in the hint your. The account of thin is '. Cuttle and sheep that have lieen in the habit of running at largo, and getting on tho grazing it re a early in the spring, have trampled out, and dost royed a groat deal of feed, while the ground wart wet and feed tender. There ban been previous yearn, a loHrt of about 5 per cent, iu cattle on account of a weed called "Lark spur. " 1 tiud that after it grows up and be comes tough, that cattle ,lo not feed upon it, but early in Spring it conies out. mioud of most any other grass; consequently, cattle getting upon the 'range before April l.'i, nro bound to eat more or lcsn of this weed. Ther fore I would recoininend that tho graz ing season for caltlo und horses, not ho opened for, grazing upon tho Xutionul Forest, before April 15, KhiS, lor the next llscnl year. ' The loss of culvert by coyotes up to JunoliO, l'.Kt7, him I'oen about .''per cent-, and the loss of colts, atiout It per cent, by concurs. 1 do not think thut the range in ovurrttucked with cuttle or horses, and think if the range improves in (hit future, uu it butt thin year, . thut wo can incrourto tho Block at leant HI) per cent. Respectfully yours W. 0. Nell. 1 herewith mako a report on tho Gooso, Lake National Forest, in Regurd to hhoep and the general con dition of tho range, for tho lineal year, ending Jouo 30, 11)1)7.- CONDITIONS. Gruis und feed much better on range than it has been for tho pant live .yearn, on account of not being over stocked and trampled out iu early spring. Increase In luinbiug HO po cent. Loss by death and bumuiei lambs 7u per cent Loss by burreuess, 2'j per cent. Loss by ooyotoH 10 per cout. 200 Coyotes wore found dead by pol ton on the Mo Culley Uros. ruuge lu T, 40 S. It 22 3E. W. M. I would re THIS IS THE DAY WE CELEBRATE TO-DAY THE AMERICAN FLAG IS FLOATING OVER 87, 432,1 YO PEO PLE IN THIS GRAND OLD NATION I coininend that (ho sheep bfl placei upon tlie NhI1iiihI Forest, not earlier than Juno Kith. IIKM; and that the (loverniiient one ltd Influence to ex terminate the coyotes to a certlitu extent., an there is no Htuto or county bounty on tlii'in. 1'eopln do not out Ude of sheep men, take any interest in killing them off. It has been custom ary with Hheep men or herders to build HreH to keep coyotptt away from their hheep at night. Thin method ha caused u great many forest- lire throughout the timber hells, and destroyed thousands of feet of Merchautile tiinlxT, during the mouth "f dune. If MS. There were several large llreN iu the hills from the above caune. Up to the present date this year, we h'tve had no (Ires from this fiuiHC, us wit have kept our own iu the field conf InuruiHly, and have posted tire warnings it every trail a id spring throtirfhuut the National Forest. In rccummc udiiiK I he deetruetion of tho coyotes : It not only protects the sheep men, but protects tho Forest, from ignorant herder settltiK forest tires. Kespeclfully vours W. C. Neff. The Thrall Wreck. Lo H. lUibiusou, au AJmeda. Cl lifornia, capitalist, is in Medford on a mlsflon of-rUarlly.; U attJh'Mi. II victims of the wreck at Thrall this far on their journey homewiad. Mr. Hobiusoii is bitter lu his denun ciation of' the iiiMuaueinent of tbe Klamath Luke roud and the physicians at Ashluud, who neglected to attend the Injured wheu apprised by wire of their coiniiiK. The wreck, which Mr. Uobiuson and other pMH.-toiipwn declared was the direct lesult of ileK-etivo eipiip niciit and intoxication of the engine crew, took place on the Krude immediately above the junction with the H. 1'. trackrt. The engineer ste ped from his engine to throw a'switch anil the unruly old kettle run away down the Krade at a terrible speed. The train crew suved themselves by jumpiuK and the terrified passeiiKers cluntt totliOHcatrt until tho ancient coach leaped over the S 1'. tracks aud lauded in the ditch. Abel Ady of Klamath Falls made an elf ort to check the speed of the train, but the brakes refused to hold and he, uimuik' others, was seriously injured. V. L. Wallace of Falls City, Oregon, was severely bruised and Chas. Wallace of (irants 1'uhh had an ankle boken aud received internal injuries. K. C. Turner of l'ortland and W. Yeriun, a traveling man were budjy bruised. The operator at Thrall wired to Ash land lor inelical attudauVe, stating that the injured were enrouto to that city and were iu need of immediate attent ion. Dr. Fai'sons, to whom the message was sent, was unable to respond und sont a Hiibttt ilute, Dr. llerndon, who, tlndinj? the train would be lute, left a bottle of linumeut and returned to town. When the injured, in cliHie of Mr. Kobiiioon, arrived , no physician wait at hand and tho sutlVriuK were obliged to K'in und bear their pain until the train reached civilization. (Tho above statement hart been made by, Mr. liobiiirton under oath. ) Mr. Robinson further states that the euKiuo crow was iu a state of iu toxictiou at. tho time of the wreck and that this fact, together with tho de lectivo e(puipinent, will bo made a Biibject for inquiry by the ofllcialn of Siskiyou county. The Klamath Lake people did their bust to care for tho Injured, but tho couduct of tho Ashluud Physicians who failed to uppear to' ultend the sulferiui; was at least Inhuman. Med ford Tribune. Prof. J. Q. Willits and bis mothor iu law, Mrs. L. 11. Whortou, have gone over to Ashluud to meet aud bring borne Miss Dociu Yfillits, who bas beeu attending school at Mon mouth. Mrs. Whortou will remain lu the valley some time. LAKE VIEW, LAKE COUNTY, RICH LANDS IN NORTH WARNER IRRIGATED. J. H. Turpin Will Prove Fertility of Desert. Peaches and Strawberries will Grow. .1. H. Turpin is over from Warner. Mr. Turpin has established himself in the desert north of Flush, where he i has secured quite an acreage of desert, land, which he intends to irrigate) from the wateis that flow Nout of the mountains tetweeu here aud Warner valley. It is no mere experiment with Mr. Turpin as he has made sulllicieut tests alnaJyto prove what can he done. There is no better land lying under tho sun than that in Northern Warner Valley, aud the ouly thing thut has kept thut section from develop! lie into a rich farming FROM EXCHANGES. (Bonanza liullletu.) 11 II. Klgore, one of Langell Val ley's loading stockmen was in the city Friday, lie says be has been talking with his neighbor stockmen to present the County Commisfeioners with a petition asking to have a bounty placed upon panthers as these animals have beeu killing stock by tho score during the past two mouths. O. T. McKeudree was iu the city Moudny from his ranch iu Horsefly, lie hil that on his return home he would be in tho sheep dipping busi ness for tho next several days. (iene Hammond, Dan Calwell and Win. Whitlatch of Morrill were iu tho city Friday on their way to Lake county where they expect to buy horses. Afchlaud Tidings: II. 11. Jonas und wife registered yesterday at Hotel Oregon from Wallowa, Oregon. Mrs. .C. II. Thomas, ot l'ortland, arrived Friday, for a visit with old friends iu Ashland. Mr. C. D. Porter, who resides on Wmileu stieet, wan quite severely bruised iu uu accideut while driving on High sreet one evening last week. Heisaliht to be about again, however. Indwell Gold Nuggett. . Walter Sherlock urrived hero lroni Alturas last week and w ill spend tlie summer in lildwell. His wife and baby are expected hero from Oakland the last of this mouth. IHdwcll Nug get. The bank of lSidaell was perinautly organized last haturday eveuiug and tho following were thoolllcers elected. A. C. Lowell Pres. F.. P. Sessions Vice Pres. W. 11. Lowell " Cashier. Directors Fred liush aud Geo.' Tinner of Cedarville. ) E. P. Sessions, C. II. Fee, F.d. Colan, Henry Kober, A. C. Lowell, H. I. Stephens and W. K. Lowell. This bank will bo ready for business as soon us tho necessary fixture which is at Mmlcliuo arrive, lildwell Nugget. Funeral ( John Brown. Tho funeral of John Browne, the young man who died suddenly at Davis Creek last week, was conducted iu Lukoviow last Thursday. Mr. Browne was a brother of Dennis Browne of this place. Tho funeral was largely uttended, conducted by tho countrymen of deceased, iu their accustomed btylo. Tho corpse was carried to tbe cemetery by tho six pall bearers, on their shoulders, the empty hoarse following immediately behind. Tho coromouy was very interesting aud impresive. John Browne wus 20 years of age. He cume to Lakevlew from Ireland last Apiil. He died of heart failure while at work exeavutlug for a sheep dipping tauk for a man at Davis Crook. Oil EG ON, THURSDAY, JULY I, UK)7. country long ao, has been the scarcity of water. It bas loujj been known that the wateis of tbe valley could be conveyed onto the desert, tut no actual tests have been made until recently; tbe country seeming to be more valuable for stock range than it could possibly be for farming purposes, especially, being, as it is, so distant from a railroad, and tbe cost of transporting farm products to a market. Peaches and strawberries grow abundantly in that soil and climate, but without a railroad, such crops are valueless only for home con sumption, which is very limited. WEDDING BELLS. Cupid bas been busy with his little arrow of late. License to wed have been isused to three young couples I in this county during the past week. Last Thursday Mr. Will Grisel and Miss Leoua I. Cleland, both of Plush, came over to Lakeview and were mar red iu the parlor at Hotel Lakeview by Judge Daly. Tbe bride is tbe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. U. Clel aud aud is well liked by all who know her. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Grisel of Pine Creek, a youug muu of meritous character, and the community congratulates him. Lust Sunday evening Judge Daly performed the ceremony that joined the lives of Mr. Harry 11. Youut and Miss Gertie Schlagel. Both the youug people were raised hero. Their lives have been such that every one can wish them thorn greatest happiness. The wedding took place at tbe home of Mr. aud Mrs. Dick J. Wilcox. A license to wed was issued on Monday, July 1, to Mr. S. Gallagher BiiTl Mao Belle Franklin, both popular yung people of New Pine Creek. The ubovo throe and the following, who, while married at Lake City, makes four ue homes iu Lake county. Four happy and respected youug couples have launched upon a new life, aud thu good wishes of a wide circle of friends are w ith them. J. Henry Hutchinson and Miss llei-tcr E. Jones were married in tho Fir-t Baptist Church, at Lake City, Calif., on Woduesday, June 20, l'M, (and this is no "josli" this time.) The church was beautifully decorated with flowers of every hue. Just at 11 :;k) o'clock, A. M., tho bridal party tntered the church, keeping tune to tho wedding march, which was played by Miss Myrtle Jones. Miss Rose Heard served as bridesmaid tvbilo Mr. Furl Heard acted as best man, both being cousins of tho bride. The front of tho church was a mass of (lowers where the bridal party stood.. Tho beautiful and impressive ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. F. Sim mons. After tho ceremony friends and relatives went to tho home of the bride, where tho wedding dinner was served. All present seemed to eujoy them selves. . The young couple left for Bid well in tho evening, aud from there went tD New Piue Creek UHd Lakeview, for a few days. The guests present at tho weddiug dinner were: Mrs. Mary Heard, ReV. aud Mrs. Simmons, Rose Heard, Earl Heard, Mrs. P. C. Wilson, Bertha Buck, George Heard, Ethel Milton, Eva Howard, Cliuon Joues, Ettie Heard, Guy Joues Mr. aud Mrs. Hutchinson were tbe recipients of mauy handsome aud valuable presents, a list of which, with the douors, folio1.-;; Painting and sofa cover, Mrs. Fulton j Heard ; Table linen, Mrs. Mary Heard ; - Pillow covers, Mra.P, C. Wilson; Slip-, pcrs, Mrs. J. 1). Mulkey; Pridal veil, j Mrs. i'rewer; toothpick bolder and J jelly dish, Jennie Oddbort ; salt and,' pepper shaker, Hulda Shartel ; syrup! pitcher, Mrs. II. C. Llghty; glass set, , Miss Stella Catlin ; silver spoons' and table iinen, Edgar VanDoren; table ; napkins, uertna uuck; linen, vernie: duck ; glass waier piicner, r.ev. ana Mrs. Simmons; sauce dishes, Eva Howard; gold brooch, Clinton Joies; rocking chair, Mr. and Mrs. N. Buck set silver tea spoons, Wm. Kimsey; glass set, IIa2el and Perry Heard; lamp, George and Neal Heard"; glasses, Ethel Milton ; silver teaspoons, Mr. and M.S. O. llotcbkiss; set China plates, Delva lit ard ; bureau scarf, Mr. and Airs, uimb; jewelry case Ms. K. Reves; book, Celia Daniels; book, C. B. Jones; feather pillows, Mrs. Berry; cushion, Gracie. Jones; wash bowl and pitcher. Misses Rose and Etta Heard ; set cups and saucers, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Thomas. A. FRIEND. Mr. Skinner Here. Regarding tbe establishment of a creamry la this vlley mentioned in Tbe Examiner a few weeks ago, tbe following letter is of interest. Mr. J. W. Maxwell, Lakeview, Oregon, Dear Sir: Mr. Skinner requested as to inform you that be would be in your city in about a week, to take up tbe creamery business witb your peoole. Tbe proposition baa been successful here, and tbe contract for the building is let and the machinery ordered. We have found Mr. A. C. Skinner a very nice gentleman to do business witb, and well qualified to handle the promoting of a Creamery. Wishing you success we remain, , Yours very truly, Crook County Real Estate Co. By, L. B. Lafollet Sec. Alfalfa in ilodoc. Henry Ilawltins, proprietor of the Cedurville, Calif., flouring mil',, wVi iu Lakeview first of this week, with a load of bacon. He told out bis load to the Ahlstrom Brothers. Mr. Hawk ins says the (lour business is not so good iu Surprise valley as it used to be, before tho farmers began to rais alfalfa. Most of the wheat land iu that valley is now iu alfalfa, which j is raised for the seed. He says wheat j produces from 820 to f'io per acre, whilo alfalfa seed brings iu a revenue of f."i0 to $"," per acre, aud tho differ 1 euce in prieo of the product makes it j a great deal cheape to get the farmer's I crop to market, sluce it must bo ! hauled ou wagous to tho railroad, a j distance of 75 to 100 miles Mr. Hawk i kius raises a big lot of hogs, and I makes them iuto bacon, which ho sells I at good prices. Death of Ash- Harrington. Ash Farriugtou died at Piue Creek last Thursday very suddeuly. Under taker Wallace was notified aud sont a cufl'iu down, the same to be charged to the county. There is little to be said common Jatory of thj lif Mr. Farriugtou lived. If dissipaliou hold j any terros for him, his ungov.ernabl appetite for intoxicants overpowered ithat terror, aud his life, so fur as it w as uplifting to maukiud aud of moral benefit to bo coiumuuity iu which ho lived, was ruined by drink. Rosiburg Land Office. Biibiues in the Rosoburg land ollleo is growing more and more congested. There are now 025 eutrles on file in tho otlice awaiting disposal, au in crease of 75 iu the last six weeks. Mr. Lawreuce, tbe receiver, com pluius thut their repeated entreaties to the department for more clerks to clear up the congestion, meets with refusals. The department no doult remembers that Mr. Lawrence bad time a few mouths ago to attend tbe third house of tbe legislature. NO, 27 SETTLERS GET NEW TRIAL, . State Urtlg .Suit Against yy y gock Co ASKS TO HAVE DEEDS SET ASIDE. Papers are all flade of Record for New Trial, Ex-Ooverner Lord to Assist in States Case. The Warner Valley Stock Co. in their suit against tbe settlers named Minice Caldwell as one of tbe defend-'' ants. Mr. Caldwell was a lessee on tbe Kobt Baty ranch. Tbe settler have bad Mr. Baty named instead of Mr. Caldwell. Tbe transcrips in the six suits tried aud lost by the settlers before 'Judge Benson bave been filed .' with the county clerk in Lake County. Tbe State of Oregon bas commenced suit against tbe Warner Valley Stock Co. to set aside tbe original deeda granted to tbe McCanghnabeys, and tbe Governor bas directed that Ex-, Governor and Supreme Judge Lord appear witb Attorney-General Craw foid in the case against the W. V. Stock Co. Tbe state will ask to bave tho original deeds set aside on tbe ground that the Board was misled by false and forged affidavits of reclamation proof. The state bas made all of the settlers formely involved in the case, defend ants in tbe new suit, regardless of any settlements they bave attempted to make with tbe Warner Valley Stock Co. E. B. Watson of Portland, will appear in behalf of the settlers, and hopes to win out Mrs. T. VV. Colvin Dead. Tbe sad news of tbe death of Ms. T. W. Colvin. of Lincolu, Calif., was re ceived in Lakeview first of tbe week. Mrs. Colvin died June 21, 1907. Mr. and Mrs Colvin were early set--tiers in Goose Lake valley and resided here many years. The last few years of their residence here was spent near New Pino Creek. A few yoars ago they disposed of their farm there and moved to Lincoln, California. Anne Stanley was born in Iowa, where she lived till after her marriage to Thos. W. Colvin, when they moved west. She was a member of the Babtist Church of New Piue Creek, a member of theRebekah lodge of Lakeview, and au honored and loved friend of all who knew her. Her Husbund aud one daughter Mrs. J. S. McLaughlin, survives her. Newt Stanley of Lakeview, and Fj E. Stanley of Idaho are brothers of deceased. Iu tho presence of such a sorrow, bow cold aud iiupoteut are words and how doubly deep would be the grief over tho grave did not the rainbow of Christian hope epau the dark gulf between time aud eternity, and such pure, bright lives inspire tbe belief .hut there is a better world beyond, where, filled with the corroding cares united after life's fitful fever. State Veter'nary Here. Stuto Veteruary W. II. Lytle was iu Lakeview a few daya last week looking aftor the dipping of sheep, inspecting the dippiug vats, etc. Everything was being carried ou iu good shape by Inspectors Proudfoot aud Malloy, and with one exception, tho vats were in good shape. The vat iu Camas prairie was condemned by Mr. Lytle. This is a serious misfortune for Mrs. Rosa MoDaniels, who bas spent consider able money to arrange for dipping, but it seems that there is not suUH eut water at tbe McDaniela dipping vat.