Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1907, Image 8

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    The question of selecting a store is too
Important to be decided without
mature deliberation.
Buying your goods in the Right
store means a great deal to you,
whether you b y much or little.
So successfully has thi store always
met the most exacting require
ments of other Customers, we feel
justified in believing that it will
meet yours Equally as well.
We make it a point to see that you are
satisfied in every way with the
goods we sell, and this insures your
coming back. You'll aiways find
Our prices as reasonable as we can
make them.
Lake view And Vicinity
J. II. Owen la over from Illy.
Mis Mjrlh Uoone I tpiite Kick.
Alrx Mnitin Ik In firm CukliUMl.
W. Mom was over from Hush Inst
('. C Stanley was Id town lust Sat-unlay.
Walter Fleming was up to town Sat
urday. List your town property with Anton
x ltariioA ,
K. O. Iiinb was down from 1'aisley
last wek.
M. K. Musgrave wb9 in town first of
the week.
S. O. Crcssler niailo a trio to Altur-
89 in id weeK.
P. P. Harry was over from Warner
last w eek.
Holbrook brothers wore In town last
Sat u r J ay.
H .Oruiuau la hauling wood for C.
A. Keiart.
Dent 11 iik lies waa in towu from his
ranch FrMay.
Wm. Wyatt waa In town Iwiit week
having retnrneii from California,
where he went with n bund of horses
sonio week ago.
Miss Mary (iloster of Surprise val
ley, died nt Knglovllle last week, of
consumption, nud waa burled beside
her sister Monle, who died of 4lie
same disease three years ago.
Mrs. Lydia V. Tunning
divorced w ife of A. R Tonnlngscn
formely of Lakeview, wna married last
week in Keno to Norman Winder, of
Ceilarville. They will make their
home at Cedarville.
Mrs. II. Hob!) and children, of
Surprise valley, were here last week
to visit with Mrs. Ilobh'a father,
.loun iMii7Ker, w nil recenny came
out from Portland. They returetid
home last Saturday
It. F.n.picst who spent the win
ter in the vicinity of Plush, with his
band of sheep, has brought tho sheep
over to Coof e Lake valley for shearing,
ami will remaiu with them on this side
during tho Hummer.
wi;i:m. wi-Aiitr.ii ki:pojt.
llelow e gives report .if the wentbei
an recorded by the U.iveriiineiil weiillirr
bureail stHllnii at The Kunmliier Xliee.
This report is changed eiu-h week, and II
our renders w ish to keel) rt Veuilv tcrmd
of weallier coliilitioiis fur Inline refer,
ence, cut out the rcsirt slung the bliu k
line and paste it in a neisp book oi
week alter another. This rcnnl will In-
taken on Tuemls" to end each week and
begin "it Wednesday for the next week ,
t ioveriillieiil "cnuicr luuesii .-m
tion at l.nkeview , Oregon, j
('. t. Mkkkkii, t DoMrntive tiliserver.
Week ending 'J'nendn.v, .lime,
i iT mm 'mill, I l-f'tW ""' rhr,'lnr
I (l.lloll lull ol tiny
Wed.' IT'l'l'l I '."' I ,l" I
tl.iir. s-. I.I i "" I M I
fndvi r.t :m I imm Mn i '"
hiiFv j ."! I ti: I "l i ,M I
miiii. J Til I ."I I I'lii OH
uii.n.T U i :M I "H I I
it7 7s I ll I ''"ii i'i
The Store of Quality and
Low Prices.
C. II. Little waa in from tho West
Side Saturday.
George Fitzweurld and wife were up
town Tuesday.
Cedarville has electric lights, so
says tho Record.
R F. Hackiney is driviug on the
southern stage line.
Goo. M. Jones came down from Pais
ley last Thursday.
J. W. or L. O. Hardisty waa In
towu last Saturday.
Dance in the New
Fourth of July night
The Mosa Teliphoue System held a
meeting at Paisley last Monday for the
purpose of increasing their capital
stock. The meeting ns a decided
soceesa tho capital being increased
from .VKi to f lO.lHK).
M. Marks, the Warner Valley irrl
gntionist and miner, has employed
j Mr. Fleck, the llidwcll civil engineer,
I to do the surveying for the canals the
j Warner Valley Irrigation compary con
j templates construct lug.
1 We received h coot of tie Wavno
K'ounty (New York) Journal this
Hall on thew,.,.k and written on the stamped
-t w rapper waa "From Mrs. S. T. IVil-
9 Dli.rl-il
1 I LI O 1 II
Bend the Restoration Notice In The vin, "which would suggest that Mm.
Kxnmliicr this week. Colvinls visiting iu New Vork.
Ray Sanfordwaa in town last Satur
day from the range.
W. E. Scammon came over trora
Plush last Saturday.
A band of Gipsies stopped in Lake
view a few days last week.
V. Oonn returned from S.
yesterday's Western stage.
j Opened this Week.
First Door South of Ahlstrom's
Harness Shop on
Main Street.
I ve us a trial and
we will treat you right.
Our table will be sup-
jj plied with the best of
I ever- thingthe market
I J affords at right prices.
Mrs. J: S. Branch, Proprietor.
Homesteads and Desert Land Claims
B. W. Ilarttnan came in from the
ahwtp cvjijj last Friday, after provis
ion for hia camps. He will shear bin
hep at tbo McDaDield pens in Cariias
Klamath county hid a very t-hort
term of circuit court this spring, h.t
tan liut three days. Judj:e Fra7t-r frf
Portland presided, instead of ci.'.-iiit
Jud;,'e IJeuson.
AUura.4, ho we are informed, has
rained the purdea for the Fourth of
July racea frjiu $ 1203 to !70o. .
aumhor of Lorfcea are there to take
yurt in tha races.
ThaJj3 Ho.vard etore Luildiu is
tMian reiuoleled, and will be oecui ie.l
ly M. ii. Hart us a fealoon. W. (i.
tlponoer and John Arzner are d'du
the carpenter work.
Tho New Opera House is neariu
twmpletion. It will Le the ueutftt
nmiugod hall m this soction of Ore
r,on, and being on the ground lloor
will be the haTocit from tire.
We understand that IWtio Suydtr,
who has been working in the Herald
odlce haa accopod a position in the
Thornton drug store.
Remarkable Rescue.
That truth Is stranger than Action,
has ouce more been demonstrated in
t he little town of Fedora, Teun., the
residence of C. V. Pepper. He
urite: "I waa in bed, entirely dis
abled with hornorrhat,'ea of tho lums
und throat. Doctors failed to help
rue, and all hope had fled when I be
nan taking Dr. Kings New Discovery.
Then inntant relief came. The couch
ing soon ceased; tho bleeding dimin
i.-hed raoidly, and in three v.eeks J
wfis able to go to work." Guaranteed
cur.j for coughs and cold.j. 5uc. and
ti.CiO at Leo liealla drug stcre, tri;:l free.
Ceo. liiiuiny was down from hum
rue! Lake last wek to help deliver
Hit Hankiris beef entitle to the XL
ranch, and spent a few days in our
Frank Jlutchim, who was succeeded
aa night bar tender at Hotel Lakeview
Ly Ike Kent, hua taken a job at tho
W'borton aud Lano aulooa as day
Mrs. Creed Pendleton and daughters
were in town last Thursday.
A. H. Mc InnlH, the Ited Kluff pheep
nnd wool buyer, Is In Lakeview.
W. I. McCulley waa in Town Satur
day from the Forest guard camp.
W. V. Millet of Paisley is clerking in
the Paisley Mercantile Co 'a. store.
C. II. Dusenbery aud M. Dooer
came in from the timber Monday.
Harry A. Rigga and wife were over I
from Warner a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Dutton weie in
own froul the ranch last Saturday.
J.. C Oliver and daughter and E. S.
Morris were over to town Saturday.
L. Gerber is here from Klamath
county looking into the beef market.
W. I!. Heryford cut his alfalfa last
week; just in time to catch the raiu.
Geo. Stevens was in town Saturday
from the DIooiningcamp ranch on
G. L. Holbrook starts this week on
a six weeks visit with relatives at
W. F. Reed and wife and W. A. Mc
Clarty aud wife were here from Jtly
Ii. Random was down from Paisly
last week after machinery for putting
up his hay.
Win. Alford was over from Warner
last week and spent a few days in
J. 1$. Fisher, Chas. Nelson and L.
A. Carriker and Earl were over to
town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Woodcock have
returned from Portland. Mrs. W
looks quito well.
F. P. Light, G. W. Ingram and Dr.
Dewy went over to Deep creek
Sunday on a fishing trip.
Guy IngT'un, A. L. Thornton, Dr.
Smith mid Hurry IJailey returned
from Deep Creek Tuenduy.
A Grand Fourth of July liall will
be given in the New Snider Hall on
the night of the Furth of July. lit
Special Sale! Hats at cost at Mrs.
Arthur's Millinery Parlor next Mon
day, Tuesday, Mnd Wednesday. It
Mrs. James McDermott has beeen
on a vinit with friends at Paisley.
SliO was in Town last. Saturday.
We learn that a cougar kiUed a val
uable colt at tho W. A. Currier ranch
in Summer Lake Tuesday night.
The Masonic; Lodge had a banquet
la.-it Saturday night after conferring
thu last degree on a couple 'of rnern
here. V. ll. iiauimersley was in from
tho Forest Rangers' camp first of the
week and made proof on his home-
) Ft end.
Jiave your eyes tested by It. 15.
Whorton and fitted with glasses that
will give satisfaction, at reasonable
price tf
Geo. Wiuklenian was down from
Summer Lake last week to hire a
crew of sheep shearers to go to his
sheep ranch.
We understand tho Southern Stage
oflice will bo moved on July first,
from A. Dieber's store to the Thorn
ton drug store.
The Ceilarville Record reports that
the son of Henry Hironymoiis of
Cedarville, a few mornings ago aroee
early, leaving bin little sou in bed a-
Bleep, and when he returned to awaken '
the boy for breakfast he found him
F. on
The vote for Goddss of Lilx-rty
stood yesterday as follows: orn
Charlton. CI, Knto Messuer. Maud
Fine V2. Mvrth Monne 7. Lula Gnrrott
7. Mae Snider 10, Ruhy Foster OHie
Cannon '2, Vote will close Saturday at
jC, P. M.
CHARLES E. KICK. -Director
Lakeview Citizens' Kami, will give
lessons on all brass instruments cor
net and slide trombone a cpcciiilty-
aiso manuonu. lessons given ama
teurs on violin. Piano tuning. 'SI tf
Chas. M. Hanan, who has been in
Lakeview for several days under the
doctor s care, lift for Summer Lake
Tbursdty. Charley will probably uot
make any more "grand stand" plays,
like the last one, when he stood on his
face in a rock pile.
Wm. H. Johnson helped E. C. Ahls
trom drive a wild horse down from
Paisley last Saturdry. Mr. Johnson
inrorms us trial lie win soon open up
a ttrstclass blacksmith shop in Pais
ley. He is a good workman and
should do well in that place.
Owing to the apparent lack of a
sufficient number of race horses sche
duled for this place to take part in the
Fourth ot July race meet, to justify
the offering of the big purses, the
race meeting has been ca'-ed off by
the Agricultural Association.
While chopping wood yesterday
Louie Hansen cut his foot badly with
ao ax. This is another practical de
monstration that wood cutting be
longs to the 'work of women. Who
ever heyfd of a woman carving her
nvcrytlilntf Carried in Stock for the
Miner at both our .Store.
Boot anil Shoes for Miner, lUicca
roos, 5heepmcn and Ranchmen.
Groceries, Flour and Grain.
All kinds of Canned Goods.
Hardware & Hilling Tools.
Warner Valley Mercantile Co
Aclel j'RusTT
JULY 4th, 1 907.
In The Snider Hall, Everything New,
Music By The Orchestra. Everybody
should attend the first ball given in the
New Hall, plenty of room, plenty of
dance, plenty of fun.
Everybody Com e.
..Lakeview Meat Market..
JOHN WEXDKI.L, Proprietor
.with an ax. Cedarville Re-
Tho greatest attraction of the soasou
Great speakers with great, helpful
messages Fine Music ijood schools,
Iieautiful grounds. Southern Ore
gon Chatauipra, Ashland, Oregon.
Eleven days, commencing, July 10th.
Send for printed mutter, then come.
We have hen re-sotting our sub
scription list, replacing the old, worn
type with new, and in so doing may
have Inst off a name or two. If any
friend of the Examiner knows of a
subscriber who does uot get hia paper
they will confer a great favor upon us
by dropping us a line.
Mr. W C. attorney of
Ashland arrived here Monday with
the intention of locating. He will
doubtless be associated with District
attorney Moore, if h lernains hero.
Mr. Counter is a pleasant young man.
He has a family, who will follow him
as soon as he is located.
Bert Ilarber cunio over from I'lush
last week after a load of flour for the
7T firm. Bert suys a new town site
has been laid off for I'lush, just south
and east of the old site. J. A. Morris
will move tho Warner Valley Mercan
tile Go's store to the new site. Mr.
Ilarber says he has purchased a lot in
the new town kite.
Mrs. Ruby Ilarvy aud son Joe went
to their Bummer Luke ranch lust
Thursday. They will bo absent from
Lakeview several days, and will, In
company with Mrs. C. O. Metzker,
make a trip to Silver Lake before re
turning to Lakeview. " They go to
Silver Lake to take Eva Clark that
far on her trip to I'rluevllle.
" a.. , ,1 ,,,,,,, u
If you have any blacksmithing to
have done, horses to shoe, or any
thing in the line, re
member when you are in I'aisly you
cuu have it done at reusonablo cost,
aud in good shap. All work guarun- j
teed or money refunded. Shop across
the street from the Pioneer saloon, In
Paisley, Oregon.
To horse men:-I will tako mares to
breed to best jack in the country at
fX.OO or to good horao at samo price.
I have also purchased a large purch
eron stallion in Klamath county aud
will charge 10 for Cohs from him.
Good pasture at 1 per head per
month. I ask all Who Hm iiititrni-tfwl r
Wm. II. Johuson, '"me and look at my horses aud jack,
j 'or further particulars to
! John Noble, lakeview, Oregon. tf
vStocknicn,Ksx-cially Slic-cpinc-n, should write
or interview tlie Land Commissioner of the
Military Koad Co. helore deciding to sell or
"vuuu- ineir nam
Law or Sm;dl
are or Small tracts m.-iv 1... nt.,i
Klamath. Lake. Hm-n,. vr..n - n
v ' i'umn.iir voiini-
ies, for one year, or term of years, and in
some instances purchased outright, or easv
Addi ess all
w w 1 i(t I 1 V J
view, Die.
Hunter, (Laud Com.) or Wm. Shirk, (3
npnt, care of I-'irst National Hank,