Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1907, Image 7

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    '' trimming
Unit In thi
oft Stlka and Satin Bait For WrJ.
ding Gowns Osrtha Collar.
At innfiit tint Kfi-'it pivrerciii-e fr
all M.rt allka nml mitlii i It !.
Till la epi'clnlly (lie unm In wMillng
gown, n the Hiri mii ft us itniM nul
Itmitf limn Kimefully. ( if cimiimi. it......
irl fnlirlr niiilri
tluiii tin' ollicru, tmt
IikkIo tlil acriMon.
Luce veil nrc nut In n Kraut le.
ninml ii n foruiiTly, fur Hiey nre mi Imnl
to iirniiiuK nrllHtlinlly. Ni'vitiIicIchh h
ImiiilMiinic lino vi-ll In luMiilii-ly richer
I turn it tulli' nml If put on tin- liulr
III it fi-tcfilitK wny will UMiiilly (!
cnre of Itxt-lf.
I'llllll ftll.lH.,1 NlIU "IIIIhIiII.Ii f J.(k
futility unit with prclly wo. mitt.-
nre now nlTcicil At xfrcmcly rciim.ii.
nine price. Miiiik. me iimrUivl im low
a fl. ."lit, mIiIIk for niioilii-r ilollur one
miiy K''t ii lii'iinty.
nil- iMTHm roiinr I im'i-iiiiiIhk to
vry clillillhli nu'iin' n n. In hi,,,,,. fnil
or another In thl aeinuin nu addition to
Dearly every frock. Tho mtxlcU nre
wllliotit tuimlmr. ami I ln-y nro forim-d
from every material und trimmed with
II aorta of luce auj embroidery.
In all amart hut model the front
brim la abort ami tlie hmk brim ta
long. Tula see me to m mm iinlvornl as
anything In tickle fnaliloii'a domain ran
be. It la ao ratllcul u clwiiie that It la
not eimy for the rye to become nccua
toiucd to It.
Thc almplc little frock lllttntrnted
herewith la of that klml In which the
yotui(tcr In liniilct mn which the
wlae mother provide In H 'ihthux num
bers. It In tiimlo of rime )' ted Imtlxti',
with tillliinliig of embroidery, tint It la
tUMccptlMc to Inllnlti' vnr'nliim.
Jl'MK' !o.I.i:t.
Among tho Now Poc't jtbooks Corset
Sachet Hat Trimmings.
lon;;, lint pockrtlio.iks with H atrnp
Oil the ln. I; nri iiimiIi' f ni;-klii. mo
rocco, iillluntor. pin hcnl mill wuIiiih
Icilthcr. Some hn v little WlltcllCK Kl't
Into the corner.
For the Iront of the cornet u heurt Niichut ling lllleil with cotton
ami lit.v IihI.v'm favorite Mcent In covered
with (.lowered Milk. Till little affair In
ntt.K lnl to one Hide of the cornet, and
after It In cIkmciI It In Hi'cureil ly a
tiny Kohl wifely pin. There are nlxo
olilong HMi ln't i tii I m (lcMltrueil to fit the
aide of the corscln under the arum
when xiii h lllllng In required.
Tho new effect In hut trimming In to
have n ahower of two or throe, long
plume, tho longcxt reaching to the
nape of tin1 nock of ItH fair wearer.
Cnpo wnipH lend nil the rent, mid the
dalntlcxt little confections of luce ami
silk, to say nothing of cloth, will udoru
tho hlioul.lcm of femininity thin sutu
mor. Tliese lit t lu wraps nro In light
colored silkn nnd for a walklnif cos
ttttne mutch the pnvii lu color, but not
nlwn.vH In inatcrlnl. There Hro nny
iiuinlier f nttntctlvo dexignH, lint the
inoHt practical has n bodice very much
n tho H ilrt walxt order, with plaits
from the nhoulders, both buck nml
front, n ml the. neck out lu n V uluipo.
The Bleovea reach to the elbow uud
tiro of the kimono order. Itronze or
bluck nllk atockluKH "re worn lu tho
latent honlpry, clocked In group be
tween embroidered atrlpea.
Tho Mimirt boy'B ault aketched la of
white jrnltitoii flolli. which has tho
double merit of looking well nml belli
durnblo. Tale bluo bands trim tho
aullor collar, and the tlo Is of black
aurnhallk. JUD10 CIIOLLET.
ncw v;i:ni:,i squash.
Tha Vinta Aro Prcdi cti and Fruitt
b! fi'.ociui.. Lio,
Tlie ii.nxt p,1 1,11. .,n ; ,n nmoiig'thp
Winter Nil;t:ie, ''i'.Ml tin' pnxt Hea
anil III l!i,' ,,'e , ,Ie cxperluieiit. Nta
tlon In t!i:il of the I lel.cioiiM upnii the
Itny Hlnlc, 'I lie in. ile parent boar a
fin:t Unit l ximillei' tlwiu the llubbnrd,
bill ery 1 ' f 1 nl tho Klein cud lirtd
t.iperliig nenrly 'jilii y upon nil Hide
to the pointed blimxniii end, giving the
fruit ii peculiar oval xliiipe. In color It
In dark olive green, like the lluhhard,
nnd uiotliixl with n lighter xlui'le that
In tin IIimiI In be In biilnlx. It Im one of
Man f Strang Nam la a Joan Val.
jaan In Real Llfa.
John William January roblx-d a
vlllnge atore In Oklahoma In which a
Hiatottlce waa Iik hIoiI, wn caught nud
Konteiiced to flv yenra In the H'nlten
llary. Juat lefore he might have gone
forth from prison unhindered the temp
tntloii xelzod him to make IiIn eaoape.
lie win aurceaNful nnd, going to Kan
ana City, Mo., took the name of Charles
Alltn Mi
the newer HipinxheN of high ipinlity of
flexli ami tille prixluctlve. The Hay
Ht life baa n fruit that In nearly cheeHo
xhapixl, by Ix-lng Hat nt both xtem and
bloMNoin end nnd of light grei-u color,
lu the roxx the vlueN are productive;
(tie fniltN, of inedluui xle, nro thick
HomIiciI and broadly oval, approaching
a lend color, ami with particularly gixxl
keeping iUiil!tles. The llexli In near to
that of Nweet potatoes In color and
texture mid very rich In xtnrch. Thirty
fruits were aecurcd from four hlllx.
nnd all of them conformed to the typo
here dettcrlliod.
Boot For Livo Stock.
When we tulli of oeelx noWMiliiys wt
linmeilliitely think of beet xugur tic
tori ex nnd not live xtiMk-very gixxj lu
atltutkniN In their way no doubt, birt
I have found cowx. poultry mid xwlne
to be profitable beet fMctorles, no much
ao In fact that tin' feed iiuiii hasn't the
aame Interest In me that he lined to
have, aaya n fanner In t'ountry tientle
man. Von, I know you will xiiy euKllage x
much heiiM-r. 1'erliiipx It In, but boetx
aihliil to the eiiKllage for variety not
only lucrcuxe the milk flow, but are
grenlly roljNlusI by llvext.x k. Further
more, the Hurpltm omi iilwnya be nold.
and the noil la put lu a line atate of
tlllli by raising n crop of beets on It.
The fieed for the winter crop may Ihj
nowti any time from June until Sep
tember, dept'iidlnn on the latitude. The
noil xhould U made tine. In? free from
weeds nud a lihcrul nupply of manure
UM'd. If the planting Is during
dry weather, tho noil Hhould be well
ttiied nftcr pluuUng. From live to
eight jhiuiiiIs of need will be reipilred
for ii u acre. The rown xliould be three
feet npnrt and the U-ets thlunod to all
to eight Inched lu the row. For varle
ties I prefer the Iong Wood and
Ford's Perfected Half Iong. jn acre
well cared fur should average from 300
to -iiM) biiHhelH nud hcII for 40 or ft)
cents per buxhel.
W. Andenwm. obtained employment on
a car line, then aet up In the reatau-'
rant buxlnoHx. prospered, married and ;
for ulne jeara waa connldered a re-:
apei'tMile and honest citizen. But one
of hi former prison mates recognized I
htm and In order to obtain a reward
notified the penitentiary authorities of
hla wherealiouts. with the result that 1
he was returned to confinement Ou 1
the petition of nearly 50,000 citizens of j
KnnxriN and nt the request of the Kan--ns
legislature President Itooaerelt has
recommended that he be pardoned.
Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which han hcen
in uno for over 30 y;rH, lm borne the Klgrintrire of
ami ha hon made under hi per-
j7 . onal tupenisfon Hlnco Itn infancy.
All Counterfeits Imitations and ' Juat-as-(rood" are but
Kxpcrlmcntn that trlflo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
, What is CASTORIA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare
If or I c, Drops and Boothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
l-VntDptint Church of Ooone Lake,
At New I'lne Creek, Oregon.
IVenchln services nt 1 1 :oclork A. M
and 7:30 I', M. on ench Sunday of
every month.
Nundny School nt lO.oclw k A. M.
Trnyer .Service t on Wednes
lay evening of eucb week.
All nre cordlnlly Invited to Attend
the Services.
J, Hayden Howard, Pastor.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Thc eixrwa tmnunv Tt tut
.r mrr. mum nan rrv.
Widow of tha Famoua Evangaliat and
Hor Old Aga Activitioa. j
Admirers of the late evangellat, 1
InvlK'ht I.. Moody, cherlah hia memory
with affection, and anything pertaining,
to Mr. Moody'a widow naturally poa.'
aeHxea Intereat for them. Mra. Moody j
la atlll active and devotes her main at
tention to furthering In various wars
Heart Rot of Baata.
Thin disease, It Is said, usually makes
ItH appearance lu the held between the
middle of July and the end of August.
when here and tlwre may he Been
leaves which present n wilted appear
mice, ns Is frequently observed ou a
very hot day. The next morning thu
leaves, Instead of having a refreshed
appearance, are still wilted, and If ex
ami t the petioles will he found to be
brown allotted, and tho leaves dually
die. Later the disease becomes quite
evident ou the root, ultimately causing
Its destruction.
The disease seems most frequent on
Fimdy clay soils, and for combating It
deep culture, particularly during tho
fall and winter, tho application of wood
ashes, long periods of rotation uud the
planting of resistant vurletles are rec
ommended. Swiia Chard.
Swiss clmrd Is an excellent vegeta
ble for the hot summer mouths and la
grown as a substitute for spinach or
beet green. The richly flavored mid
ribs of the leaves are cooked and
served as asparagus, or the leaves may
be cooked and served us beet greens.
Sow the seed moderately thick lu drills
one inch deep and one foot upart. It
requires no thinning and Is ready for
use us soon as the leaves are two or
three Inches hi length, (lather when
the leaves are young and tender, and
us fust as It Is picked more leaves will
push out. Sow tho seed for succession
every four weeks until July 15. Gar
den Magazine.
Thinning of Garden Crops.
Thinning of garden crops, such as
beets, carrots, onions, lettuce, parsnips,
ets., should be done us enily us practi
cable. The removal of surplus plants
Is just ns necessary ns the removal of
weeds. Tree fruit should also be thin
ned out severely. j
Warm Soil For Eggplants.
lCgjtplnuts require u warm season,
soil and location. They will thrive In
almost clear manure uud will not give
satisfaction If planted lu soli not ex
cessively rich. Set In rows two feet
spurt, plants tlfteen to eighteen Inches
lu the row.
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King's
New Discovery
CUi I oiatu
lafvFM rrioa aw
Sac Ml
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If Itfaila. Trial Bottles fr
the pluns her husband during his life
time set ou foot relating to the train
ing of Itible students for Christina
work. The famous schools at North
Geld are under the direction of her son.
Statue In Washington of Parson Who
Signed Declaration of Independence.
One of thc most able and nctlva
among the founders of our government
wns the Hev. Dr. John Wltherspoon,
signer of tho Declaration of Independ
ence, whom a Tory satirist of the time
described as
Known In the pulpit by seditious tolla,
Urown Into consequence by civil bolls.
He was president of Princeton college"
and a member of the Continental con
gress, being ao prominent la that
body aa to lead Horace Walpole to da-
beautifully illustrated, good ftoriet
aad articles about CeiJornia and
all the Fai Wot.
denoted each month to die ar
tistic reproduction of the best
work ol amateur end professional "
a book of J page, containing
120 colored photographs of
picturesque spots in California
and Oregon.
Total . . . $3. 25
All for . . . .
Address all orders to
Flood Diltii Ss.-. F;nciv.-f
a year
a year
Office at the Mercantile Company'
Store Lakeview, Oregon.
Oood Stock - - - New Coaches
Daily from Lakeview to Bly, connect
ing with Daily Stage to the railroad.
P. n. COREY, - - - Proprietor
- Ltevlenr, Oragoa.
... TIME TABLE . . .
In Effect May 1st, 1905.
Lt. Thrall. ...6 A. M.Lr.Pokegaina 10.45 A M
m. imikui . Ar. nixie 10.66 "
" Steel Br'g .. " " Kl'h Sp'gi 11.40
Fall Cr'k.. 7.05 " Fall Creek 11.45
" Kl h 8pga7.10 " Bteel Br'ce 12.00 "
" Dliie 8.10 " ' Bou 12.20 PM
- ronegama M " TriraU....Ji.46 "
Klamath Springs Special.
Lt. Tbrall 1.S0 P. M.Lr. Kl'h Bp'gJ.45P. Jt
Ar. Bogus IJtb " Ar. Fall CrvekS.60 -
' Steel Br'ge2.15 " " Steel Br'geS 00 "
" Fall Creek 2-S5 " " Bogue.. ."..6.20
" Kl'b Sp'gs t.40 " " Thrall g.45
lion f n I io f-;
061 i rjtA irf 'Ctrl. i.'ttuavr.
tt tAMfia (rti tlttt' n, Ttjf'
etmtw frrjmrntorf, Kihunoit, tr.
lir. f'rnmrrii fo' iiit ii.t, W M
Ibfii-t oit rtv ff m4 fifittwir
in rmiiii. 't1t4-1.1lllttlailaWut
ftffaikf, Ft'il
pvitmiitr una
pl ffr
i ur,r. -TNf
kooi or uw,
IETI0IT. met.
swimr orpo'rt. r.,r n pm wn-a aM rrwrwftorv.
I rr adrte. how to taua paunu, trad aaarka.
enrrrtfh.-.. N ALL COUMTRIES.
Bwtnttt tirtft milk Wmthlxfton trttt Ihmt,
monty and oftfu th faUnt.
htent and Infrlitpment Practkt ExeliMrely,
Wrttooraomato aaaa
lit aiatk atrart. TP- VtU4 PaaB Mae,
Ely's Cream Bala
Kaaf and pleaeant to
kee. Containa no in
juriooe drug.
It la quickly ebeorbed.
GiTea heuef at once.
It Opena and deenaee
trie nasal rMMirea.
Ailara Inluunmatiim.
Ileale and Protect the) Membrane. Beetoree tha
eeneee of Taste and BmelL, Large Srae, SO cents at
Drnggjete or by mail ; Trial Siae, 1 0 cent by mail.
&LV BBOTBiit). M Wanea Strees Sew tock.
Post Sc. King bare the beet grade
of llqnora and cigars to be found In
Oregon. tf
In ail ita stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
clnre lu parliament that "the A mod
can colonies Lave run away wltb a
rrosbytcrlan minister." No tttutuo ot
him exists ut the national cuiilial, but
Uio defect la to lie rcnuHlled hdou by the
erection of one on a alte which hap
pen appropriately to be opposite, a
l'reabyterlau church. Wealthy Tresby
tcrlana have donated the fumU for the
statuo, which will cowt about $20,000.
Wltherspoou waa a descendant of John
Knox aud was boru iu Scotland la 17-2.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
elesmeea, soothes and heala
the diaeaeed membrane.
It cures catarrh and drives
in; a cold in the bead
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, Rpreada
orer the membrane and la absorbed. Belief la Im
mediate and a core follows. It la not drying does
not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 xuU at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents.
ELY BBOTHEESt it Wsirea Street, Kew York
First Baptist church of Lrkeview
PreachlngServlicesa t ll.A.M., and
7:30 P. M. on each Sunday.
Sunday School 10: A. M.
Junior Society at 2:30 P. M.
Baptist Young People.s Union at
A:.'0 l. M. on each Sunday.
Prayer meeting 7.30, P. M. on Wed
oesday evening.
Everybody invited to attend all
aervlcea. A. Frank Slmuions. pastor
The Examiner has received a new
sample book of the Wall Street line
of engraved certificates of stock and
bond blauks, the most up-to-date on
the market. Used and endorsed by
the leading financiers of America.
Copyrighted. Call and see them If
you need anything in this line, tf
f i mm. t mm hi itoMii mm
i -
which The Examiner ex-
:-c11s. We have all the late
a. j i :
f-4 si v ies in type itnu tveep m
stock a large assortment of high
gratle stationery so that there is
no delay in executing a large order, i
Our prices will be found to compare
favorably with other prices. - '
LATEST LAND and stock news
-1. 'i
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