Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1907, Image 6

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P. K. Taylor, Prop.
Office at U. Reynolds' 5tore.
Btage leaves Lakeview Mondavi, Wed
Deixlays and Friday hi H a. m., arrivef
at Plush at 9
Not tea
notice I hereby given thnt nil Irriga
tion, or mlllrnce dinhca "- nil trout
stream thrnnirht Lake County, Oiv-
tron, must be advened with n small ,
incah win acrteninr nt their head or j
j Junction with the nmln channel 01
alnMim Almt till duma or obstruct-
I . i . . im Street,
Ion on stream" mum if i" nmni m rr
J3. rOXI13TT
New Tine Creek,
lint U i (!
. Oregon
iint on flic m K C luit'i
Ivi-rllnlnij Agent-T IJ4 Hun-
Sail rram-lmn, I'al. whi-r
a.lorttln run he ii1r for It
vlded wlthn ntdi-ldder,orotlnrcy
menus of passage, nt or nenr the mid-1
die of the main channel, no ntoal-
p. m. I eaves Fundi Itiff i ,.v ,i ,,,, ,.0 f trout at all time
daya, Thursdays and Saturdays, m r . t.rovhlcd by law. Sal.l
work to If done at low water time, j
or to If eoinpk ted by Feb. 7. 11H7. j
y order of J. A. Harham. .
StH-clnl Deputy fish Warden tor
like County. Oregon.
";nhrrlhor lo I ht
frtMn on liM-allty
Kmln--r who
to atioihor. er
Ihrlr poRlofllr a-1i1rt- ahotiM rt-ne-mhor
ilrop this ertto rsril mi their wr run ! Kit
ilremwd lo tht rlaiit posictttee.
a. m., arrive at lakeview at 9 p. m
Faseenger fare $:l one nay or o In
round trip. Freight ratee from Maj
1st to Nov. lat .T5 per hundred; trow
Not. 1st to May IM t i per hni "e
a a tiiivti in a a r
a. nun mi, ni. ii.
The trouble with most adver
tlaera la that tfcey expect Imme
diate returns of large propor
tions. One prominent advertiser
Illustrates the principle of adver
tising In this war:
Ti er tipdr4 far
drerttslar la the mum mm
If plac4 at laterest. Ta
raflta from the ertlslasr
tn Tlrtaallr tatcreat
tha las-estatcat.
"The sums spent for advertising
are properly chargeable to cap
ital account because the result
ing' good will la something that
baa value, which. If the adver
tising has been properly done,
can usually be sold for the face
value of the Investment.
"The rate of interest la deter
mined by the aklll with which
the Investment la made.
"Just aa the quickest way to
Increase Invested wealth la by
compounding the Interest, Just so
the quickest way to realize re
sults from advertising la to com
pound tie return. "Advertising
' Advertisers rt good returns
n the amount Invested to
our column vr reach tha
The firm Sunday In each month,
preaching at I nion school house at
' 11 A. M. Aside from this preaching
every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:
P. M. at I .a ke view.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
league nt i:M. 1
l'rayet meeting Thursday ":'M V. M.
' ladles Aid Wednesday
Choir practice 1 riday 7:'M.
A cordial Invitation Is esteiule.l to
A. J. Artnstrotii: Pastor.
I : Ml 1
June, i
.,i i. ( In ! i f I y file I! Hint Ornii
villi' w il.irlUtv. i ..lAin.i'v Ore
tfnii. Iiiii HIimI uit.ii'ir in- Intention
to i. lllllll tlvr J l ii i in support
of I i- cliii'ii. u; ll'i io li i. I Knl ry
: N. . '.'liiiinlo ,lul .i r. i .i ,ii tlio Nv
SV'., ,v . ' M., I ' - Mmi ii CiwiiHlilp
IIS s. Kiiiiki' K.,. hii tlmt hiiIiI
prim; ill he made t'Hore Keulntcr
and Kreeiver lit Luke U-w OreKou on
ll'l Ii ilny l .Inly r.K7.
lie lumen the 'i Www nu w It nrHHOn to
pfoxe hiM ei tit iuuniiM i fxidenee upon
an. I ct'lti' Ml ton n , On' Inml vl:
I.. O. llnr.M-lv, A Al. llHidlnly,
Nui. Kin. 7iv. I i.ciu WiImiii, all i.f
Laki-v ic 1 1 ret' i i
,1. N. Wnt.-Of. IN-, i- .1- v 0
of Planting Trees
tho Highways.
Paisley, Oregon.
At tome)' at U
OKKH'E-lHilv llulMias.
jiit Millrni NM-rlalt)
OFFil K-Plr BuilJIng.
I ii i- ii imi . t M:
( I'niteil Stuli n I ,ioi. i i tiliee,
l.iiki'vii'w I li''k.uii, Mhv 7 liHT.
Notice Is hi-re I ,v uiven Unit In enm
pliiniiH with the provisiottH ol the Act
ol Conk-resit of June II, ISTN, entitled
. A n net lor the wile tit timber Inniln
in the Stutes of I'nliim n in. Dn-nou,
i Nevada, mid U ii-lilm.ti.n Tnrrltory,"
; as extended to all the Public Kiind
Stnl. by net of Auuuet 4, IH'.fJ, Holla
M. Me Outlaid, ol Lnkeview, county of
Lake, Stnte n Oregon, hits Mils day
Hied in this ollice hin sworn ntHtemetit
Mo. ..t-M. tor the iiurcliH.-e of tiieSK'i
j Sale of Timber.;Lrid.
j Par ties who have tlmlfr hind f.r
i stile will do well to Investigate our
j termsand methods of handling lands,
j Wehavean ollice In Kakeview, where
! contracts can be made and options
j taken on land. We guarantee th
i rKriiosf mnrket irice. and ari in n
position tt demand nnd obtain It.
having Ifen in the business for many
years nnd in close touch with nil the
iand dealers of the country. Satis
factory results guaranteed by the I.n
Ornnde Investment Co. Write C. o.
Metzker, Lakevlevv, Oregon.
nmm ofiHi0Bio!"."s:.
Meant on ihe M nl tlt Wi-ilnt-nlay ot
each u-nili In Mbioiiu- Hull, l it . m.
I.. Uaii ky. i oiiniil i'umniauili-r.
E. N. Iakviuh. i li-rk.
I. O. O. F. inceu the lt ami 3l Thiim-
day evenlni! of rich month In O.UI Fi-1- S
lows' Hall. Lakertvw. F. O. Ah In ruin, '
C. P., C. O. Mt-Ukt-r, Scribe. .
H. E. BaBKEB, Prop'r.
Office in Bieber'a Store
Mage leaves Lakeview aaiiy.ex
oept Sanday at 6 a.m. Amvei
at Alturas at 6 p. m.
Leaves Alturas for Lakeview at
6 o'clock a. m. or on the arriva'
of the stage from Madeline. Ar
rives in Lakeview in 12 hours af
ter leaving Alturas.
Freight - Matters - Given
Strict - Attention
first - C'ass - Accomodations.
lamoc Rarrv 4ru,,witht,'w"Uow FoTl 16 i
JdlilCd QCll i J right er for ei; reer.
tor wether. Some ewes Suuare I'roD ami Sl. ,
la right ear. Tar Brand 111. Range, fraui pointed by th County Court
Lake. PnatotBie a.ldreta. Lakeview, OredoB , State of Oregon, for Lake County,
1.', S v. A SW" . SWI, f See
tlnn N. J7. in Inn iislnp No. .U! S.,
Pang.. N ... I'.i. I.., W. M , nnd will
otri-r pronl to Mum Unit the laud
ougl:t is i ..I'M- inliinble tor Its limber
or hi on I- 1 1. in tor iim i.-'iltnnil purposes
ami In i-r-tnl lixh his t-lniiu to hiiI.I hind
before ICi-fi-tiT mid Keciever at Luke
vie Oieton nn Mondny, Ihe V- dny of
He nn . en at- w Hik'hm h : K. K. Kine
hurt, A I,. ( hioIiiihii, tieo. S. Oowti,
'.ieo. II I. ym-li till of Lakeview Oregon.
Any nnd till peiximi claiming ad
versely tin- aliox e -de ht-rihed hinds are
riue.-teil to (lie t tit-i r i-hi il h in this
ottlce on or bi lore enid 'JU tiny of July
li 1 J. N. WhIsoii, IJegMcr.
Notice Ol Appumlmrnl ol Atlmlnlilrator
ill the County Court of the Stnte
of Oregon, for lnke Couuty.
In tho matter of the stat of)
Chares T. Thotiipttnti, )
Oei-i-Hsed. )
The undersigned having bu n np-
of the
Brna wiiu crop o lett ! Admiuistrutor of tbe es'ate of Churk-H
i hereby given to the creditors of, utid
7n Uhituinrlh
Luj lllllinuilli ear, Half I'ndererop oB T. Thompson, deeenae.l, notice is
rlftht for ewe ; reverse lor wotbert Tar Brand
Ukevtew. Ore..s 8,1 persons having claims itguiut-t said
I deceased, o present them verified us
required by law, within six months
after the llr-t. publication of this
notice to mi id Adiniiiittrtitor tit the
store of Wallace and Co., in tl e Town
of Lakeview, Luke County, Oregon.
William Wallace,
Administrator of the estate of
Charles T. TbnmpMiii, deceased,
Oated and first publihed, June,
'JUt h, VM1.
We print township plats. tf
luuch nt the P.rewery
We have a full set of MyBell-Rolllne
& Co's., samples of Stock Certificated
and bonds, with price list. If you
are organizing a stock company get
our prices on stock certificates, tf
Family liquors at Post & Kings
Tha Simplified Army.
On hundred thousand persona In tha
United Statea are using simplified spell
ing today. Professor Brander Matthews
List to tho chant of tha faithful, spelling
tha newfangled apll.
Unyielding few making It "thru" cour
age that none can quell:
Look at the hundred thouaand simplified
Spelling book rules fathered by fools
never will do for these.
Take up the apell of the fatthful-prece-denta
fairly upset.
A turn of tha wrist making It "klst"
short euta are beat, you bet!
Hail to tha hundred thouaand In stub
bornness are they rich
Fighting for tboro" In every borough,
yielding not In the last ditch.
In the County court of the State of i
Oregon for Luke County.
In the .Mutter of the Applicutiou )
Spelling the spell of
the pruning knlft
Unto the laat passed muat
such la tbe simple life;
Phonetlcal hundred thousand,
old Noah's knell
Brander and Andy are all the
the land of the simplified spell t
Denver Republican,
the faithful, using
be "past"
- I ,
To All Our
The Great
Indianapolis, Indiana.
The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation,
Edited by an Able Corps ofj Writers.
The American Farmer is the only Literary Farm Journal pub
lished. It fills a position of its own and has taken the lead
ing place in the homes of rural people in!'every section of
the United States. It gives the farmer and his family
something to think about aside from the hum
drum of routine duties.
Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. QOODE.
Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer
TWO For the Pake Of One: ThC Lake County Examiner
The Leading County Paper and The American Farmer
This unparalleled offer is made to all new subscribers, and all old
ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninety days.
Sample copies free. Address:
C. O. Hetzker, Lakeview, Oregon.
I'nul Frank for a Change of Name. )
Notice la hereby uiveu that the a
hove named Puul Frank on the "1th
clay of June VM filed an application
In the above entitled court for a de
eree forever charjKiuK hia name to
Frnnk Johnston; now then, tbe public
ia, iu tbe County Courtroom In Luke
County, Oregon, on tbe lat day of
July iy07, hereby notified and retiuir-
ed to appear and offer and show cause,
if any they have, why a decree aa
I aforesaid should not be entered and
allowed aa prayed for in applicant's
I Petition on Hie herein. Thia notice
candy In js published in tha Lakeview Kinm-
I ler by order of the Honorable Ii. Duly
j Couuty Judge of Luke County, Ore
Witness my hRtid and the Heul of
the County Court of Lake County
Oregon, this 21th duy of June, A. ).
E. N. Jaquish,
County Clerk.
Notice of Restoration of Public
Lands to Settlement and Entry. De
partment of the Interior, Oeuerul
Lund Office, Washington. D. C.
May 11, 1007. Notice is hereby given
that the Ivacant public lunda iu the
following described areas, temnora
rM- withdrawn for proposed additions
to tbe Cascade isationul Forest. Ore
gon, on July 31, YMi, and January iM,
ilaji, and nor. otherwise withdrawn,
reserved or appropriated, will by an
thoiity of the Secretary of the Inter!
or be restored to the public domain
on July 27, 1007, and become subject
to settlement on and after that date.
but not to entry, filing or selection
until cn and after August 2i, 1!07,
under the usual restrictions, at the
United States Land Otllce at Lake
view, Oregon: In Township thlrly
nine CW), Kange six (tj; .Sections one
( 1 , two (2), three(3 j, seven (7), to
thirty-six (MG), both inclusive; in
lownship thirty-two CJ2), liange
seven and one half (7,'j), Sections
sixteen (10:, to twenty-one (21), both
inclusive, tbe south hulf of Section
twenty-six C2b), Sections twenty
seven (27), to thirty six (M, both
inclusive; all of Township thirty-
three CM), llango seven and .one hulf
u',-i), not in the Klauiuth Indian ilna
ervution ; all of Township thirty-three
CM;, Lunge seven (7), not in suid J re
servation; all South and Ktiht, Wil
lamette Meridian, Oregon. Warning
is hereby expresfly given that no per
son will bepermitted to gain or exer
I cine any right whatever under any set
tlement or occupation lieguu prior to
July 27, 1!K7, and all such settlement
or occupation is hereby torbidden.
II. A. Jiallinger, Commissioner,
approved: Thou. Uyan
Acting Secretary of tho Interior.
May 24 July 27.
Kllnge la n starchy food - very aneeti
lent -nnd give juti pnietlenlly nil the
t'lll'holiilceoiiM uiiili-i'liil tiei-eHMiiry for
your mtlon. but aome mhlltltituil
atuirhy food, like hoiulu.v feed mid
pore cot nn. nil, h ii he fed tit lulvun
Inge under certnlu eoulltoii.-i. It U
lieedlfxa to nicutli'li the value of clover
Iu furnishing joit u portion of ,vour
roughage n i il protein. While ,mir
rows are It-lug stall fed h Unite uiorn
liUi ami evi-ultig, with clover at noon
for your roiigluigK, I consider along
the Hue of correct tYi-ilIng for dairy
prolltM. With tlili cnuiMiiiitli'ii jia
will niM'd to buy only the conci-ntratcd
feisht to supply the tiei-pamiry protein -for
you must back up the mill. lug
ability In your cow a with auf!h-leiit
protein, otherwise your N-iit milkers
will full far below the Htnndard lliey
would inn 1 11 ii 1 1) If they were fed a
ration containing plenty of protein.
You would hardly expect a race lnr
to go hla fastest pace on a corn feed
or expect Iiokh to fatten rapidly with
out corn, and you must not cpet t your
dairy cow-t to produce tlielr largest
How of milk oil feedM tlellclcnt ill ptt
teln. The cfitieentrntisl feed a known
ua byproducts coining from our large
manufacturing cNtalillshnientN fui'iilsli
till digestible protein In the best form
for feeding purposes. Sonic are bet
ter than utucrx, being cheaper and
aafer. I mil going to recommend the
use of dried brewers' grains In which
to obtain the digestible protein neces
sary to balance up the ration for your
da'ry cows.
For practical and economical ftvdlng
results I would suggest n ration of
two-third brewers' grains wllh one
third crushed corn and hominy feed,
and of t!i!s feitl all the way from
eight to twelve pound dally, varying
the amount for the Individual cow ac
cording to her milk producing ability
and her digestive and assimilating pint
rs, ns you have been able to Judga
them, for only you. the owner of tho
cow, and not I, a stranger, can glva
any definite riv-ommcndatlntm as to tha
tliautlty to feed the Individual cow.
Hut do not fall to feed your cowa
enough to give them a chnuce nt least
to work their best for you.- Most any
row can and w III digest enough food to
live tin. It's the cow that caji do thnt
and then digest enough more to en
able her to keep giving a large How of
milk that will show you profitable re
turns. And the cow that cannot do
that Is not a good dairy cow, nnd yon
should not keep her In your herd. Hut
If you have cowa thnt can do It nnd
you do not give them auttlcleiit fenl to
do It on. then you are the loser nnd the
one to blnme. J. V. Anderson He fore
Illinois Institute.
A Qraat Jsrssy.
The. handsome Jersey hull shown in
the lllustrntlon la Hood Farm I'ogla
Dth, owned by Hood farm, Lowell,
Mas. Hood Farm I'ogl baa six dough-
had, 8sys an Authority, Keeps the
Surfaea of a Highway Moist, Pro
vantlng Waar and Dust Trsss Also
Act as Windbraaks.
Thai ninny men sincerely believed
that tree which shaded Ihe public
highway were not worth n fair rt-iilut
of the ground they covered was proved
by their tolling to destroy every tree
that stood on that atrip of laud, any
(rood Itoads Magazine, Hut In those
days the highway was undrnlned ex
cept by a shallow gutter, more er lea
open, and little was then known and
even less was done nlsnit making the
public thoroughfare much more than
a lane, which was muddy In wet
weather and a barren, sunburnt and
dusty strip In dry times, liming no
way by which to run off. water stood
In the shade of the few trees which
were allowed to reach tholr anna out
over the driveway. NniroiT tires cut
deep Into the softened earth In such
shis, and lusting mudtiolc were tliu
Funnels found that the simile of
tree standing beside the highway th
in led when they did not wholly pre
ent the growth of crop near the
road, but this may have Ih-cii largely
because little or no thought wus given
to saving or to planting trees of the
right Mud or to trimming the trees
so as o get the Is-uellt lliey could
give, yet avoid the Injury they might
tin by shading ground that might have
produced food for man.
New lli:lit ha come Iu this country
on the subject of roailmaltlug. and now
the truth 1 known that good drainage
I the lltst essential of good road.
Well made earth road have no place
where water can stand, a It stand
through weeks or even through month
where there Is bad tnnnaceiiieiit of
road. Today the plan I to keep tho
foundation of all roads dry by good
drnluRge and the surface slightly moist,
yet never let It become so wet and soft
A Fortunate Texan.
Mr. K. V. (ioodloe, of 107 St. Louis
St., DidluH, Tux., says: "Ju the past
year I have become uctpiainteil with
Dr. King'a New Life Pills, and no lux
ative 1 ever before tried so effectual
ly disposes of maluria and bilious
ness." They don't fe'riud nor gripe.
'lc, ut Leo 1 Seals drug store.
noon FABai i-ouia trrn.
tera In the Register of Merit and la
himself bull No. 2 therein. Class A. Hla
aire and dam are both In the Register
of Merit, he being n son of Figgis
"tllOd, test nineteen pounds fifteen
ounces of butter In seven days. 8b
was champion cow In the abow ring at
tbe St. Loula exposition.
Th Purs Brad 8ir.
Grade cowa are all right I would
advise the purchase Iu many Instances,
but the grade bull has no place on the
dairy farm. He rnny bo ever ao ex
cellent, and be may come from the best
family, but It la seldom advisable to
keep blm, saya a writer In Kimball's
Dairy Farmer. In the first place, he la
apt to transmit the undesirable tralta
of hla plebeian ancestors Just aa readily
aa the good tralta of hla more desirable
ancestors. I believe that If one cannot
start In tho duiry business with full
blooded males and females he ought to
have a thoroughbred aire nt least. In
a few years It will be an eusy matter
to get a choice herd by breeding nnd
selecting carefully.
Mdking 8tools.
Every milking stable should be fitted
up with plenty of good milking stools
and proper places to keep them. It 1
astonishing how some dairymen man
age to get along year after year with
the makeshifts that ure found In sta
bles. Klckety old boxes thnt nre black
with filth, broken stools of almost any
type or variety, and no place to keep
them out of tho dirt or out of the way.
It Is easy to make a good milking
stool, nnd the cost Is not great. With
tho proper material ami a few hours'
time a good comfortable lot of stools
may be easily provided.
Some Dairy Rules.
If any ono who expects to make
dairying his business will study all the
conditions and then put what ho knows
Into practice he will make It pay. Pro
fessor Krf of Kansas lays down the be
low general rules to follow: "Keep a
yearly record, weighing the milk nnd
making a fat test every seventh week.
It will riot he long before you will bnve
an Idea which cow you should sell. Re
duce the herd down to those thnt pay."
that wheels can cut It badly.
Shade tn-cs of the right shape beside
a load tend to kis-p the driveway so
moist that swift wheel cannot easily
suck up much of Its surface to scatter
It In clouds of dust over the neighbor
hood. Hoots of such tris-s bind the
earth of the ditch sides and even the
bottoms of tin ditches, t!.e batik of
cuts and slopes of (Ills, and by so doing
retard If they do not entirely prevent
the washing away thnt melting snows
and pelting rains would cause but for
these root.
Hy their shade such trees hinder If
they do not wholly stop the growth of
weeds that would choke the ditches,
cumber the roadsldist and acts! down
the Ileitis of the funner, and by prevent
lug audi harmful growths they save
time, tabor nnd money thnt otherwise
must go to maintain the road or to de
stroy weed among the crops.
Aa windbreaks audi trees help to
keep gales from picking up the finer
pnrtlch-s from the road to acntter them
over grass and fruit mid grain, to alft
them over flowers and food, clothing
nnd furniture. They help to hold the
snow on field anil roml when, but for
them, It would be blown from sod and
grain field to bank behind stack anil
fence and building, where It ibs-s no
good. In springtime such tree check
the melting of the snowa nnd ao help tt
keep them from washing awny the
driveway, scouring out tho dltchea and
from flooding the lowland.
Trees of suitable kinds along the
roada attract people who have means
to get wbat they want, leisure and cut
tn re that enable them to value and
enjoy the comfort anil bcuuty of a
road ao adorned, money with which to
buy land and pay for Its Improvement,
nnd Influence which can often Induce
the powers to leave undone those
thing they ought not to do and to do
those things ttiey ought to do for the
good of the community.
Men trained by long experience and
by atudy to use their money shrewdly
to get the biggest possible returns
cheerfully pay large sums to get label
or packages that w III catch the eye and
please the taste of possible buyers of
the g'xsl those packages bold. Such
btislnos men know thnt tho pleasing
appearance of a cover docs much to
Bell for $." to fd grnln for which the
farmer la glad to get a little more than
a dollar when he market It in bulk or
tn a bug.
Many u time a pleasant drive has led
people of means to buy u summer
home In a neighborhood ami to bring
their friend lo do likewise. This made
a market at town lot prices for furm
lands and a ready demand ut good fig
urea nt the very door of the farmer for
his fruit uml vegetables, milk and but
ter, poultry and egg. It has helped to
swell the tux lists even while It re
duecd the tax rate and s helped the
neighborhood to make Improvement It
could not have afforded without such
help und by doing so has further nils
ed the selling value of the acres near.
Many an Illustration of this cDect of
attractiveness of country roatU may
le seen In New Knglantl and New
forte, where the coming of people of
wealth utnl rt-llnement, ai-comp-Miled
by Improvements they have caused, ha
Increased the price of farm latnU so
greatly as to make their owner r'.di.
Convicts l or llouil Work.
The use of convict labor I i ioad
'. 1 1 T 1 1 1 Is being earnestly il'i'i ieised:
i ft') g! ion t ihe stale of Florida