jjortmltifc,iinulw I Mu Hair Ran Away Don't have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you I Then what? That would mean thin, scrawl y, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten It tichtly to your scalp I You can easily do It with Aycr's Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress lng. It is a hair medicine, a hair tonic, a hair food. Tlio (mat lilii'l ol a t"tlmonliil "Bolil lur onr it- ynr." A &U4 ty J. O. Af (Jo,, mm. Alu fttftufft4ilurr mt iers KAKSAPARII.I A. HI IV ciiimtr ricTOBAi. llrtw'A Ibid? F. J. rhtmcy it !., Toledo, O. W t In- iiiiiIithIkihmI, lifivt' known I'. .1. ('henry (or tin' liiwl l.'i ymrn, mid believe lilm pci fi'i'l ,v lioiioriibltt III nil litiultii'PM iniiiNactloiiN i ml llriuncl ilililo curry out any oMIkmI Ioiim niitde y liU linn. WnMltis;, Kliiiuin A Marvin, Wliolconln I'iukkImIh, Toledo, O, 1 1 (i ) I'm Cm I (i rili ('urn U I n ken Intern nllv, netlng; 1 1 1 ! I ly upon tin- blood inn! iniii'oiiH Nurtured of the N.VMleui. Tent IuioiiIiiIm m'Ut free, I'rlee 7.V per lioltle, Hnlil li.v nil ilnimtiHlM. Tnke lldll'n Family I'IIIm forcoiiMll ri I tt. IMMrlct Miii.ru mi I Imnily m rived here TneHiliiy evening fr thlitinl. plopping a few days in Kliiinulh Fulls to ntleii'1 Circuit eniirl. I . K. 1'eiiuer, t lie iliini) tuner, will make IiIm imiiiial vixll to Lukcvluw In tho nenr future. If your pinno ueinU tuning, wait fur lilm. 2J - If. ( vs lou to tin) Mfiuufm-turer'H ad vance in the price of Cotton Threin), The Meri'hanlH of Lakeview will he rompelld to HilMiui'e prh'e, X Neul Woodward, the Paihley freight er, punned through town bint week Mill) the t). E. Campbell wool. tluiley A MiiMKinu'ill bought the wool. Auteii A Hitmen, the I nil crtiite firm located in tlie Lund otllce Mock, In IjftUevleM, me now prepared to buy and Nell n iil eKlnte of nil kinlH 1 mini hy the inline of John I). row ne drooped dei.il ul IMiVIrt I ree 1'Ntcrilny while on IiIhwiiv toAllurti. le will lm Imrieil in Lakeview toilny. A. I', Kooer wiim over from iho Went Khle hiht Friday, lie wiyn thu front iliil Nome damage cm IiIh nIiIo of the valley, to voting corn ami heaiiH. C. Fluher uuil Niii Marion were over fiom twelve' mile rreek hint. Kumliiy litter supplies. Mr. ! Iidier Iihm heeti trouhled with rhenniat im (his spring. Mr. A. C. MeCilllvray of Dickin- sou, North J)ukotn, Iiiih our thuuks for a copy of Th Dickinson Press containing the death of her husband. THEY WEAR AND WEAR AND WEAR 1m Ualninaker." Tim hlory of lint field's ruinrnukiug lningH to life ml old UooM) Lako vol ley story. When I lev. it. E. Henderson, well known t hrnughout Luke ami Modoc count ieH, llrst cii'ne to (Jooho Lake val ley hit made the m-quiiiiitanco of a well-lo-do farmer down tho valley, whoHe inline wo do not remember, l!ev. llendnrHon and the fHrmer he ciune very friendly and the fanner 'thought a great deal of Mr. Header Hun, The prospects fur crops were very hud, mid onu day lh furmer mm Id I o Mr. lleuderNou: "If you viil piny tor ruin ami hriiiK ne a good eropl will glvo you n ton of flour when I til k 0 my wheat to mill thin fall." lU'V. HenderHii Nil id he would try, and went homo Hiid prnyed for Ifoltuno to overtake hln farmer friend, j Well it rained, mid tho cropM took I on new lifn and produced iiliundantly. Nothing more wax mild or thought of I tint UKrennient, hut tho farmer ro- meuiliered Inn hennfactor, and when he took h it wheat to mill left a ton of Hour for Itev. L. K. llenderHon. Ho untitled Mr. llenderHon a Utile later on of w hat he ha I l inn Mr. ilioider Hon laughed and told him "j'ch, I prayed for it to ruin, hut that'll all I done, and do Hot helievo I mado it rain," hut tho farmer ImdHtod that Mr,. HeiiderHOHii tnko ttio flour, and gavo him an order for It. nioper Located. Jleit l'roiiKh, b hoy rulfod in (Jooho t.hko viilley, and Minnie Kohl, of ('ediirvllle, eloped from Unit plaeo limt winter mid could not Im found. Tim young people wanted to get mar ried, hut tho girl helng under fige tho parent would not conxent. Th Modoc Kepulicrin nay that -herllf Caldwcill Iiiih tracked them op through all their wimU and luriiH and located them at M'iiiiiIhIii Homo, Idaho, where he h:id young Trough lil rented and would liuvo had tho couplu re turned to Cedarvllli! only for tho Intercut taken lu them liy tho Nhorlff .of I'JImoro county, Idaho, who wroto to tho glrl'rt purenf.H In tho young proplo'ii helialf, Ntatlng that dot h were at work and neemed devoted to each other. Tho father finally coimciitcd to tho marriage. They l. ft Oedarville In tho winter, Matting out Houlli, lint cronwd tho valley Into Niivada and turned north. They put up at Mock ranched, the girl dreMrted an a hoy. They got lout and wandered around till I hey wore imngry, when they found a calf arid kill.id it. They were caught at killing tho calf and were arrewted. Thin wan of) In Iluruey county. When the owner of the calf learned that one of then was a girl ho refuHiid to pronecuto th'-m and they were releiined. I roiu there they went to Wcizer Idaho, and other Idaho town, Mopp ing hut a nhort time in a place, until they at hint found work, Trough Mioar lng nheep, and the girl cooking tor the crew. They mm I1 they were married in Lake v low. It win thero they were located, and an end put to tho romance. Win. DodHon, of Molina Calif., for merly of Cediirville, and his niece, MInh Lorn lluglu'8, aro vitiitlg tho HooncH thin week. tie Fireil the Stick. "I have fired tho walking-Mick I've carried over 10 yeurw, on account of a Noro that reMMed every kind of treatment, until I tried lltu-klcu'M Arnica Halve; that Iiiih healed tho ho re mid mle me a happy man," writeH John (Jarrett, of North Mill, N. C. guaranteed for Pilen, ISuriiH, etc., by I-ice Heal, druggiM. T. K. Hernard, the hardware man hint wold twenty huggiefl within the piiHt two wcekt. If I For li'.e Sluiicus and t H-ir-l VjKriA nrn.. h iiuiu nuiitcu uii .e KM 3 Man Who Nectfs Re- Juvenation. j. ' , V rK f V" !. For the Nursing Mother Who Would 6!ve Strength and Sturdloess to Her Offspring. mm jTociiii;c. FOR CIIILDIIKN Levi Strauss & Co. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS For the Friend Whom Yon Exped to Pre sent With the Furest Whiskey Known. ON SALE AT ALL FIRST PLACES CLASS f For the Long Tour ing As!:m3l!l8 Part)1 LAKE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. INCORPORATED S3P A COMPLETE RECORD i fHHtWIIIHWIIHmMHtltlWIlin c have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County, which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county. We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given. ERRORS FOUND. In transcribing the records we have found numerous mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and manv deeds arc recorded in the "Mortgage record and other books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds arc not indexed at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records. CHEAT LACE. SALE"! TTVTryT-wrrrTTvrMTrvirrv rrrTrrrrr'rrfrrfVTVf m rrr ?t? rrr ttt vtt ttt ttt Thursday, May 16th, WILL PLACE ON SALE FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY 2,000 YARDS of English Torchon Lace, one to four inches wide. Special sale price 5 cts. per yard. This is not old shop worn laces but strictly new and upto date patterns and full pieces, each piece containing thirty six yards with insertion to match. This is one of the greatest values ever offered in Laces. You will have to come early if you get any of these Laces. Other stores will ask you, from ten to twenty cents for same laces'. LAKE VIEW MERCANTILE CO. II. P. Etxjuint in iu town thin week. Miss HownrJ in over from Drews Valley. A. N. i'fiiiiiett and wife came over from Warner this week. ' A. II Florence returned from Port- ; aln yesterday morning. ; I.N. Convrne wast up town yentrday. j Ho Hays some of the fruit down the' vulley has been dumaed hy frott. A. M. Smith and w ife of Pine Creek went to Paisley last week to attend tho funeral of A. J. Hampton. Iu the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake County. In the matter of the (Jaur-)ORDER dian-sbip of the estate of) TO Hubert Hagley, (len Balgey) SHOW Elide lialey and Mark Bagiey ) CAUSE Minors, ) This matter coming on regularly to be heard upon this 17th day of June, I'M, upon the duly verified petition of Olive Keal, the da lyappointed, act ing and qualified Uuardian of the Per son and Estate of theabove named Minors, and each of them, for an Order 01 Sale of the Real Property belonging to said Minora and each of them, and it appearing tbcrefiom, bat there is no personal property belonging to said Minors or either of tbem ; and that there are no funds available or ou band with which to support and maintain said wards or either of them ; and that it is neces sary for the support and maintainance of said Wards and each of tbem that said real property belonging to said Wards and each of them be sold ; It Is Therefore ORDERED and DE CREED that Wednesday tne 24th day of July, at Ten o'clock In the fore noon of ttaid day BE and is hereby appointed as the Time for -bearing said Petition and that the Next of Kin of said Wards and of each of tbem and that all persons interested in said Estate of said Minors and of each of them appear at Chambers, in the Court House in Lakeview, Lake County. Oregon, on the above named date to show cause why a license shoul 1 not be granted for the sale of all the interest of said Wards and each of them in and to the following described Keal property, to-wit: An undivided Four-Ninths interest in and to the WW of NWW Sec. 25 Tp. 33 8., R. 18 E., also commencing at the North-east corner of the NW' of Wfc1; Sec, 25 in said Tp. an Range; thence running East 5 chains; tbence running South 40 chains; thence running West 5 chains; tnenoe funning North 10 chains to place of beginning. Tbis Order shall be Published in the Lake County Examiner a News paper of General Circulation in Lake County, Oregon, for a period of Three successive weeks prior to the date of bearing hereof. Done in open Court this 17th day of June, 11)07, at Lakeview, Oregon. II. Daly, Judge. OUR NEW QUARTERS The Lakeview Furniture Com pany has moved into the large Brick Building on Water street where a Large Stock of every thing usuall- found in a Furn iture Store will be kept Undertaker's Parlors Repair Shop ..... LAKEVIEW FURNITURE STORE. Wm. WALLACE, Prop'r We have notations of all these Errors: Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up these errors, and we can guarantee our work. J. D. VENATOR, Manager. TIMHEK LISD NOT1CK. United States Land Office, Lake view, Oiegon, Juue 14th 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with tbe provisions of the act or Uongress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands iu the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18D2, John H. Auten, of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this office his sworn state inent. No. the of 34 S, will offer proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for acriculturul purpos es and to establish his claim before the Clerk of Klamath Couuty Ore., at his otHee at Klamath Falls, Oregon, on Monday the 2. day of September. 11)07. He names as witueses : C. L. Withers, of Paislev. Oreiron. Frauk Johnson, of Dairy, Oregon, Ralph Vaugn of Klamath Fulls, Oreg., Jamea Ryau, of Illy Oregon. Any aud all persous claiming adver sely tbe above described lands are requested to file tbeir claims in this ottlce ou or before said 2, day of Sept. 1907. 25-10 J. N. Watson, Register. RESTAURANT Located on Water Street, near the Post office. : Meals at all Hours. Fresh oysters kept on hand during the oyster season; Fish and game in season Only First-class Restaurant in Fakeview. ELI, PROPRIETOR.. 5y23 5 ' TIMBER LAUD XOT1CK. United States Land Office, Lakeview Oregon, May 13,. 1907. ' xsotice is bereby given tbat in com pliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June (, la8. entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lauds in tbe States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory, "as extauded to all the Public Land States by act of August 4,1892, Jennie Holder, of Paisley, county of Lake 3(i(0, fortlw purchase of I State of Oregon, has this day filed in E'i SEUSW; SE'.' & SEi4'SVt4' this office his sworu statement No. Section No. 2.). in Towushin No. 3U88. for the purchaso of theSVii RWW , Range No. 17 E.. W. M.. and of Section No. 8. in Township. No. 3BS., Range No.l9,E., W. M. aud will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricultural pur poses, aud to estatilxh his claim to said laud before Register aud Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Friday, the ?, day or July, 1907. He names as witnesses: W. R Ham- mersley and S. P. Moss of, Lakeview, Oregon, R. N. Phelps aud C. 8. Mor ris, of Paisley, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 20th day of July, 1907. 20-10. J. N. Watsou, Register.. TIMBER LAHI1 SOT1CK. United States Land Office, Lak view .Oregon, May 13, 1907. Notice is hereby given that in com plance with tbe provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber land lu the States of California. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terriotry," as extended to all tbe Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, Lottie D. Withers, of Paisley, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworu statemeut No. 3091, for the purchase of the Eli NEK Sec. 0, W!e' NW" of Sectioa No. 5, in Township No. 34 S., Range No. 18, E., W. M., aud will offer proof to show tbat the laud sought i more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his -Anim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon on Monday, the 5, day of August, 191)7. Ho names as witneses: C. W. Withers, C. L. Withers, J. S. Sprague, M. C. Currier, all of Paibley Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad voivt'ly the above described lauds are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said Oth,' day of August, 1907. J. N. Watson, Register. 10-20