Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, June 27, 1907, Image 4

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    PuMlafcod Pvrry Iharnrtay.
Editor and Publisher
! .Notice of Restoration of Public
Land to Settlement aint Kntry. IV-
I'nrtment ot the Interior, tleneral
.Mini Olliee, Wiihhiiikiton, 1. (.'.., ,Jiiiii
13, llH'T. Notice is hereby wivcii that
tin- public lands in the following t -scribed
ureas, temporarily withdrawn
Knlrrrd nt the Iwi nrtler m I,koxMow, Ore.
iOne Year $2.0
TLRMS: JsixAtonth 100
(Thrc Months, 50
,n n 7. HX7
J. II. Leehnuin vni up from Pine
Crock lust week, and informed us tlmt
he had oranges iu bloom at his place,
near Fine Creek. At first we thought
Mr. Leehman wrs joshing, lut he said
v it was a fact; he rally lind some
oranges in bloom. They bought some
grape fruit one time, and the children
planted some of the seed, and they
grew, and by taking good care of the
plants', they have bloomed out this
year, drape fruit irt a new fait.
which is said to lie a cross between au
orange and a lemon. The fruit is
very large, nearly twice as large as the
largest size oranges, and has a flavor
similar to that of an orange only sour.
Mr. Leehman remarked with nil sin
cerity, tha: "we will yet have a tropi
cal climat- here." Continuing with
the statement which all old resideuts
of the valley will concure in, that
when he first cau.e here it was noth
ing to see snow three or four feet
deen, and lay ou the ground way
late iu the following summer. Also
that it was impossible to raise potatoes
then. Now look at the fruit we raise
here, and the mild wiuters we have;
scarcely any snow to speak of, and
seldom euough to make sleighiug for
a day. It would lie no more surprising
to the preseut residents of this valley
to he told that in twenty years fiom
now oranges and lemons would be
growing here, than it would have
been to the early settlers if they had
been told that within twenty years
from the time of their connug here
apples and peaches would be
south half of thiity 30, all thhty
one 31. thlity-two 32, thirty three
33, Hiiil thirty-six 3i; in Township
thirty-nine :u, Range sixteen Hi,
south hall of Section twenty lour V4,
nil twenty live ''' and thirty-six Hi!;
in Township thirty live X Kange
on .May, 1;HU, for for- ; seventeen !., wesi nan ot Mi ction
rstry purposes and adjoining the l-'re- eleven 11; in Township thirty six 3d,
niont and tioose Lake Natiolinl Foests, ; Kanuc seventeen I", north-east Minuter
Oregon, nu 1 not otherwise withdrawn, i of Section one I ; in Township thirty
reserved oi appropriated, will l y au- seven :i7, Range seventeen IT, south
I hovity of the Secret aryof t lu Intel ior i half of Sect ion tlileen l all sixteen
be restored to t he public domain on ! Ill to twenty two 22, both iucliiive;
September 2S, KH'", and become sub
ject to settlement on and ntter that
date, hut not. to entry, tiling or selec
ion until on an niter October V'S, 11H7,
under the usual restrict iins,
at the Cnited States IjuhI
OIMoe nt Iikeview, Oregon : In Town
ship twenty one 21 Range ten ; lo ,
Sections one ( I twelve (12', thirteen
(13 fourteen (It1, twenty-three
twentv fonr i2l twenty live "',
twenty-six i2t thirty-tlve 3."' and
thirty six (3t"n ; in Township twenty
three (-'i' Kange ten (10 S-etioii
thirty si.x (ik;-, in Township twenty-,
one r-1 '. Range eleven (II), Sect ions J
three ill' to ten (10 bold inclusive,
the sou hcst quarter o. S-ctiou eleven '
(II 'south halt of tvelve12 . Sections,
thirteen 13 i to t hit I v six (.'Hi, hotli!
inclusive; in Township twenty-three ' 12;
l23l, luuige eleven (II1, Lots ten v 1" . I
eleven ill', twelve (12 , thirteen t 13 , i
fourteen ilP, and fifteen (l'i of Siv- j
tioii thirty-one 31); in Township!
twenty one (21 x. Range twelve (12
the west half ot Section four 4 the'
east half and souhwest quarter of Sec- i
t ion live i." southeast quarter of Sec-'
tioii six (,(!;, Section seven i"1, north i
halt and souh-aest quarter of Section '
eight ts Sections eighteen Ui. nine-; 4)f twenty the 2
teen (19, thirty 30 thirty ( in i31'. ; i twentr-s'even 27
twenty seven 2" to thirty-three HH,
:both inclusive; iu Township thirty
'eight 3M, Kange seventeen 17, south
; half niiit north west quarter of Sec
tion three ;i. Sections tour 4 to ten
U1, botli Inclusive, west hull' of cleicil
11, all Ihteen !.", to twenty three 2:1,
; both irclusive, twenty-live 2'i to t btr-1
jty-six .to, both inclusive; in lown
j ship thirty-nine ;t, Kange seventeen
; I", Sections one I to live o, both
i inclusive, nine '. to sixteen It's both
I inclusive, east half of Sect ion seven
j teen 17, south half ot nineteen
all twenty 20 to twenty seveu 27,
! both incluMvc, thirty .'U, thirty one
M, thirty four I'd. t hii ty live :i." and,
j thiry-si.:i; in Township forty 40,1
. Kituge seventeen 17, Sections olio 1,
tro 2, eleven II, noith half of t welve
iu Townshio thirty four :M, Kaiim
eighteen is, couth half of Section
nineteen 1'.', iu Township thirtfy-sixl
'M, Kange eighteen I, the south and j
north-we-t quarter ot Section six
0; in Township thirty-eight "s, Uange '
eighteen l.s, south halt of Section!
three X all ten 10, south half of elev- 1
en 11, all thirteen lit, fourteen It,
fifteen 15, sixteen hi, north -east,
quirter of twenty four 21, south half
twenty six '.'ii, and ,
all twenty eight 2
in iownsnip imriy iwo Lance ( twenty-nine 2i, thirty one ill. to.
fourteen v li the west halt of Section thirty-six :ti'i, tioth inclusive; in i
twenty seven 027 south half of Sec-1 tow uship thirt v-nino '.V, Kange ih-!
tion twenty-eght 2 , east half of ; teen is, Sect ions one 1, to thirty two
Section thirty-two (:!2. all Sect ion j 32, iu,th inclusive, and north half!
thnty three west half of Section I ot thirty-five Xt; In Township forty J
thirty-four (:tl) ; iu Twnship thirty-1 Kange eighteen IS. Sections tlve;!
three (:, Kange fourteen ill', the six, fs nortlhalf or seven 7 and eight; I
west half of Section three 1, nil sec in Township thtrtv eight :iS, Kaug. i
tions four 4. rive (5 , eight luiuetevti l'J. Sections one 1, two 2, !
nine , sixteen (10 to twenty one; three:!, ten 10. tothirtvsix 3(5. both in- I
(21), both inclusive, all twenty tl v. olusive ; all Township forty-one 41,
(2.m, south half of twenty-six i2ii all j Kmige nineteen l!, not iu (loose
thirty-four (:U, thirty-tlve v:i."i and j Lake; iu Towuship ttnrtv-seven ;t7.
luuiy-six v-toi; iu iownsnip iniriy-i liaui'e twenty Li' south hair of Sect
ion nine all sixteen Hi, south half
of seventeen 1., all nineteen K', twen
ty 20, west half of twenty-one 21, all
twenty-tive 25, to thirty-six .Iti, both
We want your trade and will do
our utmost to please you.
Never before has our stock been
so complete and up to date.
With our increased flooor space
we are showing new lines and more
goods. Whether you buy or not
wc will be pleased to sec you and
will take pleasure in showing you
our goods.
Pioneer Store
four ( i4 , Range fourteen (14 Sec
tions one (1 two (2:, three ( east
half of four (4) and nine t,i.'?, all ten
(10) to sixteen ( 10 1. both inclusive.
twenty two v22', to twenty-eight (2s
JoaquiD Miller has gone to Oregon
with a view of entering the race fo'
Senator, "Waukeen" may have some
trouble in satisfactorily expiaiuing
that little "hoss trade" in Shasta
county years ago. Those web footers
are mighty inquisitive at times.
Cedarville Kecord.
(Not only that, but.)
Ashland Commercial College.
This institution will enter the new
year on September 2, 1907, with lar
ger and more convenient rooms, add
itional equipment, and with a course
of training that for accuracy, com
pleteness and thoroughness is surpass
ed by none.
During the last year we have placed
oar students in excellent positions,
in Los Angeles, Portland. Grants Pass,
JMedford, Winer, Dunsmuir, and in
Ashland, several of them receiving
more for their first month's work than
the cost of the course.
More were called for and none to
The development of the great Pacific
Coast is only begun and our enter
prising young men and women or the
incoming ones are going to carry
on the buisness. You can receive the
qualifications and share in the general
Send for full information to the
Ashland Commercial College. 264
Notice to Water Customers.
On and afier July 1, 1907, hours for
iirigating from hydrants will be
limited to four hours each day ; from
6 to 8 A. M., and 6 to 8 P. M.,
These rules will be rigidly enforced,
and the water will be shut off from
any patron found to be U6ing watr
for irrigation purposes outside of
these hours. 26 tf.
, The Magic No 3.
Number three is a wonderful mascot
for Geo. II Parris, of Cedar Grove,
Me., according to a letter which reads:
"After suffering much with liver and
kindey trouble, and becoming greatly
discouraged by the failure to find re
lief, I tried Electric Bitters, and as a
result I am a well man today. The
first bottle relieved and three bottles
completed the cure." Guaranteed
best on earth for stomach, liver and
kidney troubles, by Lee Beall drug
gist 50c.
both inclusive, east half of tweutv
nine (;, west half of thirty (:0', all
thirty-one (31! to thirty-six k'M ,
raised ''0'0 inclusive ; all Townships thirty
I five (35 thirty six (3C and thirty-
seven (Ji ), Kange fourteen (14);
Towubips forty (40) and forty-oue
(41), Kange fourteen and one half
( 14'j, ) ; iu Township thirty-three (III',
Range fifteen (15 , south half of Sec
tion nineteeu (19 ., west haif of twenty-seven
(27), all twenty-eight, south
half of twenty-nine (29) all thirty (30),
I iniriy-one (Ji), tniriy-two (.5-j;, tnir
ty-three, (33 west half of thirty
four (34); in Township thirty-four
(34), Kange fifteen (lo
section five (o), all sis (0). seveu(7).
west half of eight (8), all eighteeu
(18), nineteen (19), thirty (30), thirty-one
(31), thirty-two (32), west half
of thirty-three (33); iu Township
thirty-live (35), Range fifteen (15),
Sections three (3), to ten (10), both
inclusive, west half of eleven (11),
all furteen (14) to twenty-two (22,)
both inclusive, west half of twenty-
three (23), west half of twenty-six
, (26), all twenty-seven (27; to thirty
four (34), both inclusive, west half of
thirty-five (35); in Township tbirty
six (36), Range fifteen (15), Sections
seven (87), eight (8), sixteen (16) to
thirty-six (36), both inclusive; in
Township thirty-seven (37), Range fif
teen (15). Sections one(l), to twelve
(12), both inclusive, north half of
thirteen (13) and fourteen (li), all
fifteen (15;to twenty-two (22), both
inclusive, twenty-seven (27), thirty-three
(33), both inclusive ; in Town
ship thirj -eight (38), Kange fifteen
(15), Sections four (4), to nine (9),
both inclusive, fifteen (15) to twenty
two (22), both inclusive, twenty-six
(26) to thirty-six (36) both inclusive;
in Township forty (40), Range fifteen
(15), west half of Section five (5), all
of six (6), and seven (7), west half of
eight (8), all sixteen (16) to twenty-
one CJ1). both inclusive, twenty-
eight 28, thirty-six 36, both iDcluisve;
in 'lownsbip forty-one 41, Kange fif
eenl 5, Sections two 2 to nine 9, both
inclusive; all of eleven 11, sixteen 16.
twenty 20, both inclusive; west half
of twenty-one 21 ; in Township thirty
six 36, Range six
teen (16), Sections sixteen (16) to
twenty (20), both inclusive, north
half and eoutb-west quarter of twenty
one (21), all twenty-nine (29), thirty
(30), thirty-one (31) and thirty-two
(32); in Township thirty-seven (37),
Range sixteen (16), Sections five (5)
to eleven (11), both inclusive, thirteen
13 to seventeen 17. both inclusive,
twenty-three 23, twenty-four 24, twenty-five
25 thirty-five 35,;and thirty-
six Jo, ; in
Township thirty-eight, 38, Range six
teen 16, Sections one 1, two, 2 three
3, nine 9, to sixteen 10, both in
clusive, east half of seventeen 17, and
twenty &), all twenty-one 21, twenty-
three 2'J, twenty-four 24, twenty-five
25, twenty-eight 28, twenty-nine 29
inclusive, ; iu Township thirty-six 3t
Range twenty-one 21, west half of
Section four 4: in Township thirty-
seven, Range twenty-one 21, Sections
thirty :t0 and thirty-one 31 ; iu Town
ship thirty-eight 3S, Range twenty
one 21, north-west quarter of Section
six 6, all sixteeu 16, south half of
seventeen 17, all nineteen Hi, twenty
20. twenty-one 21, twenty-three 23, to
thirty-six 36, both inclusive; in Town
ship thirty-nine Range twenty-one
21, Section one 1 to eleven 11, both
inclusev fifteen 15 to nineteen 19,
both inclusive, north half of twenty
one 21, all thirty :0, thirty-one 31
an 1 thirtv-two '.tl: iii Townshin fortv
west half of i 40, Range twenty-one 21, Suctions five
o, six 6, seven 1, eighteen IS, nine
teen 19, north half and south-east
quarter of thirty 30, east half and
southwest quarter of thirty-one 31,
in Township forty-oue 41, Range
tweuty-one 21, Section six 6, north
halt of seveu 7 ; iu Township thirty
even 37, Range twenty-two 22, north
east quarter of Section thirty-four 34 ;
in Township thirty-eight 38, Ruuge
twenty-two 22, Section five 5, east
half and southwest quarter of Section
seven 7, all eight 8, nine 9, fifteen 15
to twenty-one 21, both inclusive,
twenty-eight 28, to thirty-three 33,
both inclusive; in Township thirty
nine 39, Range twenty-two. 22, Sect
ions four 4 to nine 9, both, iuclus
ive. sixteen 16, seventeen 17. and the
north half of twenty 20; all south and
east, Willamette Meridian. Oregon.
Warning is hereby xpressley given
that no person will permitted to gain
or exercise any right whatever under
any settlement or occupation begun
prior to September 28, 1907, and all
such settlement or occupation is here
by forbidden Fred Dennett, Acting
Commissioner of the General Land
Office. Approved: Jene E. Wilson,
Acting Secretary of the Interior.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
fc;.ri sold in txr.t 13 months. Thl3 Signature. S J-SsT'
pa.t 13 months. 1 ni3 signature.
Curtj o:.
la Two Im.
or cv,
bo'i. ?
rnin:i i..i oi 14 :
United S'ates lju.d (Mllce, Lake
view, Oregon, June 20 IIK17,
Notice is hreri by given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 17, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Neva 'a, aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, ls:C, Char
les II. Dusenhery. of l'aisly, county
of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
tiled in this otlie his sworn statement.
No. 3728, for the purchase of lln-SW;
NW4 W SWJ Sec. It and NW$ NW
of Section No. 23, in Township No.
34S. Runge No. 17 E W M, and will
offer proor to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purpos
es, and to establish bis claim to said
laud before Register and 'Receiver
at Lake view Oregon, on Tuesday the
3rd day of September, 1907.
He names as witnesses: M. Oooher
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, M. W. liow
en of Paisley, Oregon, Win. Harker
aud Jas. Ilarker of Lakeview, Oregon,
and C. II. McCumber of Dairy,
Any and all persons claiming nd
versley the above-desciibed lauds are
requested to file their claims in this
ottlee ou or before said 3rd day of Sep
tember, 1907.
25-10 J. N. Watson, Jegister.
Iu the County court of the State ot j
Oregon fur li.aki County. j
In the Matter of the Application )
Paul Frank for a Change of Name. )
Notice Is hereby given that the a
bove named Paul Frank on tho 21th
day of June r.H7 tiled an application
iu the above entitled court for 11 de
cree forever changing his iiamu to
FranlcJohiistiiii ; ii.iw then, the putilic
is, Iu "he County Courtroom in Iike
Comity, Oregon, oil the 1st day of
July i:07, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M.
of said day hereby notified and requir
ed to appear aud offer and show cause,
if any they have, why a decree as
hrrlM's 5le.
j Under and by virtue of an execu
tion, in foreclosure, insued out of the
I Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon.
for the County of Lake on the htli
1 .
day of .June, !Nl7 to me oirei ted and
Delivered, iu 11 suit 111 raid Court,
wherein Ruby Harvey and Dick J.
Wilcox, as executrix mid executor of
the last will and testament, of William
Harvey, Deceased, us plaintiffs, ro-
'covered judguiei t against J. H
I Field, for the sum of fifteen huudred
'and eighty neveu Dollars, and forty
. A ,'r' ;tfj
Sallowness Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A dark ikin become fascinating
when delicately soft, undertpread
with the radiant glow which indi
cateiahealthy. active ikin. Robert
ine keepi the tkin refined in quality,
keepiporeifree from clogging waste
and Mijpulatei the tiny capillaries to
contribute thecolor which charms in
blonde and brunette alike. Robert
ine is certain protection against tan,
unburn and freckles if applied be
fore exposure to tun or wind.
Spreads like an imperceDtible sheen
of gauze overskin surface, forming a
shield stimulating and preserving a
ueucaie, lustrous beauty.
United States Land Office, Lake
view .Orensjn, May 22, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
iu the States of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory.
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4. 189:
La Fayette Conn, of Lakeview, county
of Lake, State of Oregon, baa this day
filed in this office bis sworn statement
No. 3704, for the purchase of the N)
or wecuon .-no. in Townsn 010.
36 S., Range No. 19, E.. W. M., and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land before Register and Receiver
at Lakeview Oregon on Thursday, the
tn day or August, PJ07.
lie names as witnesses: W. R. Dyer,
j. u. uaruer, tienry K.lleryford, W,
II. Shirk, all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 8 day of Au
gust, 1907.
J. N. Watson, Register. 22-10
aforesaid should not bn entered and loeuts, and the further mini of fifty thri-e
allowed as prayed for in applicant's Dollars costs, sal it judgment bearing
petition ou tile herein. This notice 1 mien-si 111 ten per cent, per annum
irom sain .nay 1.1, i-juv, and also is
. decree of foreclosure aud order of salo
against each and all of the dulundutita,
I namely. J. y. Field, Julia Field,
iOttla Chandler, George Chauiiler, and
I Andrew McCallen, and the said An
j drew McCallen, having also, in said
(suit, as a Junior Mortgagee, recovered
j a Judgment of four hundred and Two
j Dollars and fifty cents, and costs in
I the Mil 111 of (IftV Tn llrillur.. .11.1,1
NOlrCI OP ArroiMMtm Of IklCUim. Judgment U.arlug Interest at ten per
In the County Court of the State cent, pel milium, from May 13. 11107.
is pniiiiHiied in I Do LiHkeview r.xam
ler by order of the Honorable It. Daly
County Judge of Luke County, Ore
gon. Witness my hand and the Seal of
the County Court of Lake County
Oregon, this 24th day of Juue, A. D.
K. N. Jaquish,
County Clerk
t Under Entirely New flanagement
Having recently purchased the hotel from
Mr. McDonald, I earnestly solieit a share of
public patronage. My aim shall be to please.
United States Land Office Lakeview
Oregon, May 22, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions ot the act
of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled
"An act for the sale of timner lauds
In the States of California Oregon.
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892, Rlunch
liailey, of Jakoview, county of Lake.
State of Oregon, tias this day tiled in
this office his sworn statement No.
370(1, for the purchase of tfie SF.! SE
-4 of Sec.ticn No. 12, in Township No.
39, K.. Range No. 20, K., W. M., and
will olfer proof to show that the land
soiiL-ht ts more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said laud
before Register mid Receiver at Lnko
view Oregon on Monday the 12th day
of August, 1907.
He names as witneses: Harry J'ailey,
Loren Pailey, John Urenner, Walter
Paxton all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above-described iuuds are re
quested to file their claims in this
office 011 or before said 12th duy of
August, 1907.
J. li. Watson Register. 22-10
Having recently piirehfised
the Hotel and Feed Stable
at I'dy 1 wlHh to announce
to the Public that I will Imj
found ready, at nil tiinoH, to
offer the blent of Treatment,
1 oth to man and beast
Everything Will be First-Class
Melvin D. Williams.
Civil and Irrigation Engineer.
Maps, Plans, IJlue prints
promptly and accurately
prepared. All classes of sur
veying guaranteed.
Klamath Falls and Lakeview, Ore.
of Oregon, for Iake County.
In the matter of the estate of)
Martin T. Walters. )
Deceased. )
The undersigned having been ap
pointed by the County Court of the
State of Oregon, for Lake County,
Kxecutrlx of the estate of Martin T.
Walters deceased, notice is hereby
given to the creditors of, and all per
sons having claims against said de
ceased, to present them veritlod as
required by law, within six months
uicor me nrsi publication of tbls no
tice to said
lino dale or sal. I Judgment, against
the said J. K. Field, aud having
further obtained a decree of fore
j closure and order of sale, as such
junior incumbrancer, agalnts the
said J. H. field, Julia Field, Ottle
(.'handler tieorge K. Chandler, and
one Phillip Lynch, and by direc
tion of the order of tho Court, and
the said Kxecutiou I um commanded
to sell the following described real
property To Wit Commencing at tho
South Fast corner of Illock "O" in
the West Addition to tho Town of
r.xecuirix at tier rest- Ijakeviuw. iMWn 1'nmii- ir,f,... un
donee in the Town of Lakeview Lake cording to the plat thereof. Hied in
County Oregon, the Otllce of the County Clerk of Lake
Harriet Walters, 'County Oregon, July 20, 187H, thence
Kxecutrix of the estate of Martin running North 0110 hundred aud
urcunscu. jsaieu and seven ly lureo reel, tliencu at riiht nn.
first published, June 20th, 197.
Pinal Proof Nolle.
Land Of lice at Lakeview Oreuon.
June 1, 19C7.
Notice is hereby given that Argus
M. ilardisty. of lakeview, Oregon,
has tiled notice of his intention to
make final five year proof in support
of his claim, viz: Homestead Kntry
No 3tH0, made Sept. 4th 1900. for the
HE' 8Wt4' Sec. 0, N K NWJi A
21, L., W. M., and that said proof will j the
' iuw.o ijci kji tj xMioier unci sveceiver
at Lakeview Oreirnn nn l'lfh unfl
glea running Uest one hundred ami
forty feet, thence at right augels, run
ning North one hundred aud Two
feet, theuue at right angles, running
West one hundred and forty feet; to
the West boundary line of said Illock
"O" ami Hlock "S" also iu aaid
Vest addition, to the said Town:
I hence South along the West boun
dary lines of said iilocks "O" and
"N" two hundred and seventy tlve
feet to the South-West Corner of said
illock "O" thence runnlin I
H tilth houiifiarv 11
Illock "O" to the olaco of lieilllfllncp
r... ii... : .. . .
prove tils continuous rest
dence upon, and cultivation of, the
land, viz:
U O. Ilardisty (1. W. Ifardistv.
Wm Kimzey. Frank Wilson, all of
Lakeview, Orepon.
iJ-o. j. jy. watson. Register.
J-uiTTsw: II." names" the"rollo"w'ing Z JudgS of the WW5 ,,r"?
Witnessed t.n orov t.iu .nnf MJi lu . ",(,'"'t of the Plaintllfs, costs
...... oor,.nri:n Ul flIO, Hn(l CteCOnU, tU6
Judgment of Andrew McCallen, above
mentioned, and costs and Expenses
of sale, and in tho eveut that after
the proceed of the sale thereof are
insufficient, in whole or part, to pay
the latter judgment, then to sell the
following real property, viz :-N!.J of
vi,?- of "KU and SKj of
rVVvi4,!fKV('ti,",,, Twl'- 40- Kai
' "I f In Oregon, to pay such por
tion thereof remaining unsatisfied.
Notice is hereby given that on Sat
urday the 13th day of July, 1!X)7, at
the front and east side of tho Court
J louse, of Lake (!nnio I II i till (J
Final Proof Notice.
Land Office, at Lakeview.
June 11 1907.
Notice is hereby given that I). 11.
Conrad, of Klamath Countv Oreirm
has tiled notice of his intention to
make final Five year proof in sunnort
of his claim, viz : Homestead Kntry
No. 'um made Sept. 7. 1900. for tl.e
H 'S i Section 21. Tonwlisio 31
Itauge I.j J1.., W. M., and that wild
proof will be made before Reilstnp
aim Jtecelver ,ut i.akoview Oregon, ou
K . ;"VK '"' H'luatod in tfie Town
flf f.l.Li.iri.. t
" ut it'll O ClOC.K 111 lllO
forenoon, of said day, 1 will sell all
i'f the rigid. tifl nu,! ,,iPlm, i.
2;th day of July, 1907. He names tho ' !!", , ' "''"its above Named, J, H.
rolfowing witnesess to orove his ,n.l ' '"" 'uiiu Piebl. had on Um
tiouuous residence upon, und cultivu-1 1 , 1 ! "y "f Ih'ceniber 19(H), in and to
tion of, tho laud, viz: Uio first described Lands and prein-
K. S. McDonald. John Elder. (J. W ! B"r rine purfioso of uaviiii flu.
21 -S
H. A. iirattuin, all of Puisley
Bears tha
iUgnaturs of
for Hid
j-iKiiiioi nisi inentioiied, and all
I IM-ll I IUIIL I II 11 1111,1 ti, (...... I ...l.!..i.
J. X. Watson, Register. Ul(,y ' "'d llrst mentioned
, r" niim- nun aiso in tfio secon J da.
hit nod lauds and nroinises, on tho
id h, day of September 1901, for pay.
ing tho judgment of Andrew McCal
len. above stated, nt Public sale for
Hhtu tin. hlghoHt lildilor to satisfy
said judgment and costs and expenses,
of Hide aforesaid, '
Hated this hth day of June, 1907
u, , , Albert Dent,
Sheriff of Lake County Oregon.
For Infants and Children.
he Kind You Have Always Bought