-' -T- aM Ctmtitt Q5xirntn9V PuMHS- every Tharaday. CO. MCTZKER, Editor and Publisher Building Kntrt l tho l ol Offlr 1 K"rtcw, Or. ni Soo.nlU(Mi MitT. TERMS: (One Year $2-00 six Month I 00 Three Month 50 LAKEVIKW. OREOON. JOE to. l07 Some email o? recently became mischievous in Ilerheley and thre stones into a reenboust tclongiug to aJapatH.e, breaking a few of tho panes. Tlie Japauese government haa taken the matter op and railed boot it in the papers, an J have eu deavorei to interest the United States government in the matter. Secretary of State Root has become impatient w ith the Japanese's constant whimper ing about their mistreated subjects, and has given the Japs to understand that we Americans have to put up with the innocent mischief of our rising generation, and we do not pro pose to plunge into war talk over every trivial affair like this. It makes oue tired to think of the Jap anese government raising a war w hoop over every little piece of mischief done by a small innocent boy. The mischief of small boys is not directed against the Japs, no uioe than the Americans whom they undertake to torment Such things are tolerated bv Americans, and if Japanese are too good or too dignified to put up with the pranks of the small boy, they bad better quit the country ;go to h 1 where there are no srrall boys. .:-SEMI-ANNUAL RliPORT , ; Of the County Clerk of I-ake County. State of Oregon. showing the expense of I.nke County for the six months eudiag March dlst 11V7. also showing he amount of warrant outstanding and unpaid on the first day of April, nvt. rt' t.V,.w or Circuit Court. 1-1" 10 Kxpenses of Justice Court, ... . Court House expense, supplies etc., Publishing and printing, ' F.xpeuse ot Teachers K.xaminatlon, Kxpense of Couuty Koads ami Hridges, Total expenses, unpaid warrants, 200 K m :c 2i 12 CH) P2. 01 (W.H1 01 ni! oo Amount of outstanding and STATE OF OKKC.ON,) ss COLNT of .A .,) . Ja.piish, County Clerk of the Couuty of Lake. State or Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct, state ment of the ex pontes of Lake County for the six months ending Marob Hist and of tho amount of warrants outstanding ami unpaid ou the first day of April V7. as shown by the recor.U in my oHIce. WITNESS, mv hand and the seal of the Couuty Court of said County, nttlxed this first day of April, 1007. .,,. (Seal) ' Jnl"lb, 1 Ccuuty Clerk. SHMI-ANXITAL STATKMKNT Of the County Treasurer of Lake County, Oregon, for the six mouths end ing March Hist. 1007, of the money received and paid out, from what source received, and what account paid out. or.M.KAi. I-1 M' I To amount on hand from last report.. ! To amount received Troni taxes. M. Marks came over from Waruer Tuesday He says work in the mines is progressing slowly, but that they have some fine prospects. The Orauts Pass civil engineer who went to War ner to do some surveying .for the new irrigation company stayed there but one day. Mr. Marks is nowjookiug for another surveyor. RobL Allison, a mining man, who was here some months ato, and took a trip through the NevadaMiueral belt, has returned to Lakeview and re ports none too favorable ou some of the Northern Nevada prospects. He is much impressed, however, with the prospects in the Windy Hollow country. A civil service examination will be held at the forestry office in Lake view on July 23 and 24, for the pur pose of examining applicants for for est rangers. Those desiring to take the examination should make appli cation at the headquarters in Lake view. I Mr. Buck, head of the Oregon and Eastern railroad surveying crew, ac companied by his wife, was in Lake view last week, attending to business at tbe railroads' headquarters in the First National bank building. To amount reeclved from clerk's Icon To amount received from li)iior license. Tti amount received from sheriff fees To amount received In gvtieral fund Hy amount paid for redemption of warrants. Iialanco on hand in general fund KOA1) FIND To amount on band from last report. To amount rerelveo from taxes To amount received from Mute Total amount received in road furd H.v amount paid for redemption of warrant. Halance ou hand in road fund SCHOOL FI ND To amount on hand from last report. To amount received from taxes To amount received from tines Total amount received in school fund l!y amount paid for redemption of warrants.. P.alance on hand in school fund CITY OF LA K E V 1 EV F L" N 1 To amount on hand from lust report To amount received from taxes Total amount received In city fund. By amount paid city treasurer Balance on hand in city of Lakeview fund. LIBKAKY FIND To amount on hand from last report To amount received from taxes Total amount received in library fund By amount paid Oregon Library Commission. Balance on hand in library fund SPECIAL SCHOOL FI ND To amount on band from last report. To amouut received from trxes Total amount received In social school fund.. By amount paid for Interest uti bond" Balance on band In special school fund STATE TREASURER FI ND To amount received from fiuen Balance on band in state treasurer fund BFILDINU FUND To amount received from taxes , Balance on hand in building fund '. Balance on hand in all funds '. 200:t -14 m;w 4 looo m 12 taJ 74 !47! !' (MM i: P.i2 ivi2 7: 4-.'4X) 71 117(5 4i .-:N4 1 .V2 S' 2M 2i si 24 O! tls.1 7-d 111 4i 1 13 m 1924 3: $.T!4 41 27:t IN 1420 0.1 I4M 40 Ml.MA . . t ' IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE OUR I LINE OF SPRING GOODS ... .. We want your trade and will do ; our utmost to please you. 1 Never before has our stock been j so complete and up to date. With our increased flooor space we are showing new lines and more ; goods. Whether you buy or not we will be pleased to see you and will take pleasure in showing you ; our goods. BAILEY & MASSINGILUS Pioneer Store nssfoarxTiMiii.' i To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 8 ma La5:atIvG Bromo Quinine Tablets. (VJb Seven Mi'tion kexs soli In Jist 12 months. ThlS Signature, f.:ii) 2f.7 I2!t5 14 V.Ut IN r,i :w Cures Ci-ip fci Two Day. on every box. 25c. las f 11 04 1C 14 $15 00 1024 n-. rinal Proof Notice. ' Laud Olllee nt Jjakeview . OruKon, June. 1 l'.K7. j Notice is hereby jjiven that (!riin villu W. Uardidty, nt Lukuview Ore- : k'ou, has tiled notice of his intention to make dual five yi ur proof in support of his cluiin, viz: llomertead Entry i No. :Ui-4made Julv 5 H f r the .N1, I SV4' A Wi SK'V Section J Towutthip :ix S. lUiiKe -2 E. , W. M. and that xuid proof will be uiade t efom Eetiister and lieceiver at Lakeview Oreou ou l'.ith day of July HK7. He names the following witnesHes to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, the land viz: L. O. HardUtv, A. M. llardisty, Wm, Kimzey, 1 ruuk WiUoii, all of Lakeview Oregon. J. N. Watson, Eelstfr. 23.5 The Magic No 3. Number three is a wonderful mascot 1 I, F. O. Ahlstrom, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement of tbe amount received, paid out, and remaining on band, in tbe County Treasury of Lake County, for tbe six months ending March 31st 11X77. F. O. Ahlstrom County Treasurer SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT for Gea 11 Parris, of Cedar Urove, . PftiJ to the Treasurer of Lake Countv. Oreiron. From Seot. irth 1 to Me., according to a letter which reads : ; March. "After Buffering much with liver and kindey trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by tbe failure to find re lief, I tried Electric Bitters, and as a result I am a well man today. Tbe first bottle relieved and three bottles completed the cure." Guaranteed best on earth for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by Lee Beall drug gist 50c. 31st 1W, Dr. To amount on tax Roll of 190G, Am't ColL to March 3etn 1907, Rebate D. A. Utoi 27 51400 51 VJbZH 24 11120 24 857 8U 1 Amonnt on Roll State of Oregon, ) uncollected $1984. 13 I8S74 11 Sallowness Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark (kin becomci fascinating when delicately ioft, underspread with the radiant glow which indi cate ahealthy, active ikin. Robert ine keeps the ikin refined in quality, keeps pores free from clogging waste and stimulates the tiny capillaries to contribute the color which charms in blonde and brunette alike. Robert ine is certain protection against tan, sunburn and freckles if applied be fore exposure to tun or wind. Spreads like an imperceptible slieen of gauze overikin surface, forming a shield stimulating and preserving a aeiicat e, lustrous beaut y. Atl jmr Omnia TOD At fw frm umfU tf ROBERTINE v . &-w ss County of Lake. ) I, Albert Dent, Shreiff of Lake Coanty Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing id a true and correct statement uf the Moneys collected by me, for tbe six Months ending March 31et 1907. Dated this the 1st day of April, 1107. Albert Dent, Sheriff of Lake County Oregon. SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT showing tbe financial condition of Lake County, Oregon, on tbe first day of April, l!W7. J'.LuI'1:lE.s : Money In hands of treasure, Tuxen, Liquor Llcenn, Fines Sheriff 'a fees I'ncollected Tuxea. 19Wi Roll... received from and Clerk and LIABILITIES: I Outstanding and unpaid warrants. I Balance :mi 74 874 11 I24V0 85 fllfl 00 $2717 h." . TIMHfcK L.l OTl K. United States Iuud (JHIce, lake view .Oregon, May '21, l'JU. Notice ia hereby given that iu com pliauce with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in tbe States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 18ii La Fayette Conn, of Lakeview, county of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this ofllce bis sworn statement No, 3704, for the purchase of tho NVa S4 rf Section No. I in Town.nlp No. JS., Range No. 19, K., W. M., and will offer tiroof to nhow that the laul eoaght ia more valuable for its timber. or atone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish hia claim to aaid land before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon on Thursday, the bth day of August. 1907. He names as witnesses: W. R. Dyer, J. O. Barker, Henry R .Heryford, W. II. Shirk, all of Lakeview, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above-described lauds are requested to file their claims iu this office on or before said 8 day of Au gust, 1907. J. N. Watson, Register. 22-10 Tl Till tit I. AMI MtTKK United Stutcn Iioid Olflce, Lakeview ()riuu, May 7, 11MI7. Notice Is hereby given that in com pliance with the provision!) of the Act of Congress of June 3, 1H78, entitled "An act for tho nalo of timlxT lauds in the State nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the 1'ublio lnnd States, by act of August 4, Roll M. McDonald, of Lakeview, county ot L ake, State of Oregon, has this day tiled iu this office, his sworn statement No. .1084, for the purchase of ttiuSF.l4 NWj; KK SW.'i A HW'i SW'i of Sec tion No. 27, in Township No. 30 H., Range Nn. 19, L., W. M., and will olfer proof to show that , tbe land sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes 1 and to establish his claim to said land before Register and Keeiever at Lake view Oregon on Monday, tbe 22 day of July, 1907. . ' He names as witnesses : K. K. Rine hart, A. L. (loodman, Ueo. S. Down, Geo, 11. Lynch all of Lakeview Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely tbe above-described hinds are requested to tile their claims 111 this office on or lioforo said 22 clay of July 1907. 19 10 J. N. Watson, Register. $1400 IN PURSES Races Commence on Mon day, July 1st. BLY HOTEL AND FEED STABLE E. N JAOLJSH. County Clerk hirsTinT NKW PINE CHEEKj OJli:, Under Entirely New Hanagement Having recently' purchased the hotel from ATr. McDonald, I earnestly solieit a share of public patronage. My aim shall be to please. GEORGIA STICKEL, Proprietor. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF fXfCLTHIX. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake County. In the matter of the estate of 1 Martin T. Walters. ) Deceased. ) The undersigned having been ap pointed by the County Court of tbe Stute of Oregon, for Lake County, Kxeeutrix of the estate of Martin T. Walters deceased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all per sons having claims against said de ceased, to present them veritlnd as required by law, within hix months after the flit publication of this no tice to naid Kxeeutrix at her resi dence in the Town of Lakeview Lake Comity Oregon, Harriet Walters, Kxeeutrix of the estate of Martin T. Walters, deceased. Dated and first published, June2')tb, 1907. OASTOniA. Bears tU fltfl Kind Yos Ha8 Always Batl 8:gutnrt f lh8 Kind Yoa Have Always Having recently purchased , the Hotel and Feed Stable , at Itly 1 wish to announce to tho Public that I will be found ready, at all tinier, to 1 offer the liest of Treatment, loth to iuaii.aud beast Everything Will be First-Class ARTHUR T. LANC1ELL, BLY, ORE. Notica Of Appolatoient Of Administrator In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake County. Iu the mntter of the staUof) ; Chares T. Thompson, ) Deceased. ) The undersigned having been ap pointed by the Couuty Court of the State of Oregon, for Lake County, Administrator of the estate of Charles T. Thompson, deceased, notice ia hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, r.o present them verillcd as required by law, within six months after the first publication of this uotiue to said Administrator at the store of Walluue and Co., iu tie Town of Lakeview, Lake Couuty, Oregon. William Wallace, Administrator of tho estate of Charles T. Thompson, deceased, Dated and first publihed, June, 20tb, l!xr7. Klnal I'nft Katie. Department of the interior, Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, May 1, 1!07. , , Notice is hereby given that W1U- ium Hammersley of Lakeview, Oregon, baa filed notice of his intention to make dual live yeai proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead Kutry No. 2007 made June 23 1002, for the SI NWJ NJ HWJ Section 10, Township 38 8, Range 10 E W M, and that said proof will be made before Register and Iieceiver, at Lakeview, Oregon, on 24th day of .Tune, 1007. He names tho followiug witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the laud, viz: j W. D. Tracy, O 11. (Newell, and Daniel Chandler of Lakeview, Oregon, and Oiiber Iabam of Vistillls Oregon. ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' 1XM0 J. X Watson, Register , 112. firr fl.'iO f!2. , Float Proof Notica. Land Ofllce at Lakeview Oregon. June 1, J9C7. Notice is hereby given that Argus M. Hard 1st y, of Lakeview, Oregon, has tiled notice of his intention to make final five year proof iu support of bis claim, viz: ' Homestead Kutry No .'KV10, made Sept. 4th !XI, for the Hb)4 fWf Heo. 0, HE4 NWJ, A N'i .VKj; See. 7, Township iJH, ., Kange 21, Kw W, M., and that said proof will bo made before Kcglster and liocelver at Lakeview Oregon 011 10th,' day of July, 1007 witnesses deuce upon land, viz L. (). Jlaruisty ti. w. Jlardisty, Win , Kimzej', I Vnnk Wilson, all of Lakeview, Orepon. J. ,N. Wutson, iCegister. Tho Ijike Comity Agricultural As-MCK-Int Ion will give five days' racing; on their track In likevlew, com- j ineiiclnn duly 1st. and ending July ith, l:si7. 'I'be Hum of ?llo) will Ik illstrlbuted In purse, as follows: FIUST DAY July lt. First Hncc mile dash, purse f 12 Second Unco inllo dash ; ' fl.'sO HKCONIU A Y J illy 2nd. Third Jlace Jiullo dasli, ' " Fourth Hact uillo heat. " T11IHD DAY July 3d. Fifth JUice "i furlongs, dash '' Sixth Unci Imllc heats FOI'HTH IAY-July t th. Seventh Ituc Jjuille dash " EUlitli Knee inlle luiah , " FIFTH DAY July th. Ninth Race 1 mile aud 01 ft. " Tenth llace Distance and 1'urae to Im nruiouced during; tho meeting i , fONOITIONS: All if the above Knees are Free for All, four to enter and three to start, but the AsMix latlon renTves the rljilit to hold a less niiinlx'r than four by reducing; the purso In proportlonto the nuiulN't of lioraes entered. Kntrles toelow the evening; before tho race, at 7 o'clock, aharp. The Pa cific Cooat liliMxl Horso Association to govern all races. Kntranco f.fs, fen per cent, of pursi;-. Money to Is? divided as follows: 70 per cent, to the first horse and 30 per cent, to the sec ond hors. Tho Association reserves tho right to change any tit tho above races, In the event nf not filling-. No money paid without a ronton. HOAIlll OF lUUKtTOKN. D. II a it how F. M. Mil. 1. Kit Snru imi Iton'T. McKkk F. I. Lioiit OFF1CKHS. Liiiirr, , , . V. L. Smci.i.i.su. Secretarj'. (iKO. V. L. F. I' rnttidenl TIMIIKH MM !VOTI( K. United States Land Ofllce Lakovlew Oregon, May 22, 1007. . Notice Is hereby given that In com pliauce with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stales of California Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, V as extended to nil the Public Laud States by act of August 4, lHlrJ, Jtlaneh itailey, of Lakeview, county of Lako, State of Oregon, has this day filed iu mis oinco ins sworn statement No bw Oregon ou mi.,' 'day or w for the purchase of tho SK'i HK He names the following , . uf Hw( ,CM,N() J2 , t to prove his continuous resi :t H Ka N V S VY?' M p j n, and cultivation of, the ill oifer proof h. how ha the 'lan Melvin I). Williams. Civil and Irrigation Engineer. Maps, l'lans, Jhuc prints 11 1 j . .1.. 1 ptonipuy,, twin iieeuraieiy prepared. .All classes of sur veying guaranteed. OFFK.'KS Klamath Falls und Lakeview, Ore. Hougni is more vuluablo for its timber or stuim than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said land before Register and Receiver at Lake view Oregon on Monday the 12th day of August, 1007. He names as witneses: Harry JJailey Loren liailey, John llrenner, Walter 1'axtoii all of Lakeview Oregon. Any iiml ull persons claiming adver sely the aliovn l(Mi.i tliiul luiwL ... I ... ..--...a OIIKin 1110 111 Muesieu 10 njo their claims ofllce 011 or before said 12fh A"gnl, 1007. J. N, Watson l.'egl,tler. ia this day of btaritbs C natnrs I r,1;..; V J :i:;o Always BdUitf 22-10 Sundavs. 2ud and 4th Church Directory (llabfist Church.) Lakeview. U.t and 2nd Ji A. JU. and M 1. Mj, Sundays, 8.1. M. Crime Creek. 2nd Sunday 11 A. M and 4 1'. M. lib Sunday, 11 A. M and 4 1. M. ' 1, C. I. Ilulloy, pastor.