TJhe 4& o'July Just the minute the old clock strikes "June" eighty million people be gin to get ready to celebrate the 4th of July, Lots of them are going to buy new, suits and now is the time for you to get yours. We have all the snappy patterns for Su Timer wear The Fashionable Light Weight Greys Fancr Worsteds in Great Variotv LakevlewAnd Vicinity O. D. Sessions, who baa been orer at Bidwell attending to his brother's ranch during tho absence of the later od a trip to Los Angeles, returned to his horns in Lakerlew last week. The Beet "Ladies Shoes' sold at A The Dent "Dry Hoods" sold at The Newest Fancy Cassimeres The Nobby Cheriots and Tweeds Exclusive Outing Flannels In fact everything that is seasonable in men s dress goods. Our Beautiful Tailoring the fine work, the stylish garments we are putting t p at this time is bringing us , words of praise and has made our Spring business over fifty per cent larger than we hav? ever done before during any Spring season. How about your new Suit for the 4th of Julyi Order it to day. Will Miller, of Paisley, Is certainly the champion trout catcher of that place. Several fins mess from his hook have found their way to Lake-J Tlew, to satisfy the "fish" hunger of Lakeview inhabitants. Many thanks f i om all, to you Will. Come again. The best "Slippers" sold at . O. M. Hanan and Manley Currier came down from Summer Lake first of the week. Mr. Hanan bad been tbown rotn a wild horse the day before they armed nere, ana received a severe out on the head and one eye ltd cut nearly off. lie had a very ckse rail for his eye, if'not his life. The Best "Pipes" sold at A Dr. Patterson returned last Saturday from Merrill, where be went to attend to business matters at his Merrill ranch. He also brought his family home, they having come by way of Grass Valley, where the Dr. met them. The doctor and his family re mained at their rauch for a few days before returning to Lakeview. The Bent "Soap" sold at I NhW RESTAURANT j I Opened this Week. I . First Door South of Ahlstrom's I Harness Shop on Main Street. X Give us a trial and I we will treat you right. Our table will be sup plied with the best of even- thingthe market affords at right prices. V v s s s I SIS' Mr. C. L. Withers, who recently sold his interest in the Paisley Mer cantile business, while here this week Informed ns that he would start for Portlaud iu a few days accompanied y bis wife. Their star in Portland will be indefinite, as Mrs. Withers goes to the Good Samaritan hospital to be treated. Chet will likely secure eifip-oyment there as an electrician. Having takeu a course in San Fran- isco in elecrical engineering, he feels tltted for such a position. The Best "Pants" sold at Last Sunday afternoon Miss Louise Storkman entertained a number of young people at a party given as a farewell to Geo. Ross. As was ex pected, when a party is given at this lovely home, a very delightful time was bad. Games were indulged in until about 5 o'clock, when a most tempting repast was set before toe guests. After which the young peo ple with many thanks to their hostess for a happy afternoon, and "goodbye aud good luck" to George, departed for their homes. Fruit?. Yea! At "The Frost." 1 M. Wingfleld was here from Warne last week. List your town property with Auten A llarnes 1 For a Delicious Milk Shake, visit "The Frost". 1 P. M. Cory came over Jrom lily first of the week. A. 11. Schroder arrived here from Silver Lake Monday. Frank Dobkins was down from Pais ley a day or two last week. w HI I k . novelties in meus bats lor men and boys at Bailey A Masslnglll. tf The Best "Men's Shoes" sold st WliEKLV WBATHCK KEPORT. Below we give report of the westhel as recorded by the Government weather bureau xtstioii at The Ki aininer Ulltre. This reort is changed each week, and II our readers wish to keen a yearly record of weather conditions lor future refer ence, cut out the report along the black line and paste it in a scran lawk on. week after another. This reord will I taken on Tueeda" to end each week aiid begin on Wednesday for the neit week Government weather Bureau Sta tion at I-ak.vlew, Oregon, 1'. U. UmiH, Cooperative Observer. Week ending Turaday, June. It, 1W)7 Pa? inai wed. 7 tlTuV TVT Hl'vJ"T" " a ii n. 70 I iiioii. I tl.T" tllOH. j Ml" mtn, firoelp lalinn TT a:i sir aft TT3JT O.tW no?" n'w (all rharalir ul day (HI 00 L.!'"'"p nil J iu 1 ..I... (Ml IX) lenr rTTTinlr" 8. E. WaUon of Spokane, Wash was registered at Hotel Lakeview first of the week. Rev. C. a Bailey Is attending the Babtist Association meetings at Lake City Callr. Si Henderson has moved to Camas Prairie to run the Camas ranch for Moss JL Dodsou. Chas. and U. E. McCuue and Geo. Perkins were up from Pine Creek lart Saturday evening. August Zattlin came over from Plush last week to meet his brother, who came from Sweden. The Best "Embroideries" sold at A 9 JL Plush MINING Add SUPPLIES Fire riale at Reynolds' Store. Big Reduction in Prices. Come Quickly Before Goods are sold. 1 J. C. Eubanks, tho San Francisco Commercial man, is interviewing Lakeview merchants this week. A. A. Farrow, was down from Pals- ey last Friday, having brought C. H. McKeudree down from there. J. II. Turpin came over from the north end of Warner valley last Satur day, and remained a day or two. The Best "Golf Shirts" sold at Ira MCcull was over from Horse Fly first of the week atfer a load of pro visions for the McKeudree sheep camps Dog tax is due and those who own dogs would do a favor by calling at the Recorders' office and paying the tax. S. F. Ahlstrom mid wife, who went to LaGruude, to attend the 1. U. O. F. Grand Lodge, returne home lant week. The Best "Fancy Socks" eold a Tb-J Best "Socks" sell at CHARLES K. RICE. Director Lakeview Citizens' Band, will give lessons on all brass instrument.- cor net and slide trombone a specialty also mandolin. Lessons given an.u teurs on violin. '2'i tf. The Best "Suspenders" sold at Everything Carried In Stock for the Miner at both our Stores. Boots and Shoes for Miners, Bucca roos, Sheepmen and Ranchmen. GLOVES AND OVERALLS FOR ALL. Groceries, Flour and Grain. All kinds of Canned Goods. Hardware & lining Tools. u T Warner Valley Mercantile Co Adel I- iPlush A The Best "Chiuaware" sold at Homestead und Deert claims, Auten A Barnes, Ijuid office block. The Best "Towels" sold at Dick Hurtlerode is here from Pais ley, to haul lumlier for the new livery barn. The Bent "Underwear" sold at Eignt hundred new Ed 'sou Phono graph Records received at A. K Thornton's Drug htore. Tho very latest. 17 tf. Tho Best "Lace Hose" Mold at Mrs. J. S. Branch, Proprietor. K I J. B. AUTEN FRANK BARNES Homesteads and Desert, Land Claims i C. Withers and wife, J. K. Ban inter and L. S. Aiusworth came down from Paisley last Sunday. Mr. Withers aud L. S. Aiusworth to contest tho home stead gentry, of C. H. Duseulery und the others came as witnesses. The Best "Tobaccos" sold at from AUTEN & BARNES REAL ESTATE BROKERS LAND OFFICE BLOCK LAKEVIEW. OREGON The Best "Hath" a- Id at The Bnt "Hosiery" sold at Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, June 11 l'J07. Notice is lieieby fciven that D. B. ('onrad, of Klamath County Oregou, lit) h tiled notice of his intention to make linal Fivo year roof iu support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. m made Kept. 7, VM), for the H i N)v Rectiou 24, Touwhsip 31 f-, ltange 15 II., V. M., and that said proof will Ik Hindu before Ilegister aud Keceiver ,at Lakeview Oreoii, on UOlh day of July, l!)7.t He names the following witness to prove his con tionuous reuideuce upon, aud cultiva tion of, the laud, viz: E. ti. AIcDouald, John Klder, O. W Cooley, II. A. Bi attain, all of Paisley Oregon. 21-C J. N. Watson, Register. J. B. McXew, the State Lne livery man, was up from Pine Cieek Tues day. Mr. McNew say that business is Kod in Pine Creek this spring, crops looking tine and plenty of mois ture to keep them so. The Best "Dusters" sold at Mrs. J. E. Calderwood and two sons Nelue and Frank, were here from War ner first of the week, on land busi ness, Mrs. Calderwood made final proof on a homestead. They returned to Adel Tuesday. The Best "Underskirts" sold at BOO Remarkable ke.tcue. That truth is stranger than fiction, has once more been demonstrated in t he little town of Fedora, Teun., the residence of C. V. Pepper. He writes: "I was in bed, entiiely dis abled with hemorrhages of the lungs aud throat. Doctors failed to help me, and all hope had fle 1 when I be gan taking Dr. Kings New Discovery. Then Instant relief came. The cough ing soon ceasod; the bleeding dimin isbed raoidly, aud in three weeks I was able to go to work." Guaranteed euro for coughs aud colds. 50c. and 11.00 at Lee Bealls drug store, trial bottle free. Up-to-date Soda Fountain will arrive in a day or two at Mrs. B. Reynolds' lee Creaii Parlor. All the Latest Drinks can be bad here. Ice Cream Sodas, any Flavor. Call und see Mrs. Reynolds. 1 M. Banders was in town tirst of the week, as a witness in the Dusenbery contest case. He has finished lambing aud shearing bis sheep aud Buys he marked 00 per cent, if lambs. The Best "Groceries" sold at The Bett "Dress Goods" sold at David Holdeu was injured by full ing from u wugon in Surprise- valley some days ago, Hay-, the. Cedarville Ilecord. Cull at Mrs. B. Reynold Ice Cream Parlor, for your California Fruits, Ice Crearn, and Sherlets. Strictly up to-dute. 1 Arthur &. Chundler are getting some of the lumber on the ground for the big livery barn they will put up this summer. The Misoss Bertha and Millie Rey nolds, went to Lake City this week to attend the Babtist meeting held at that place. Teh Best "Sandals" sold at Good windmill for tuile, good, strong, high tower, good pumi, one and one half inch pipe, eight font wheel, cheap for ciihIi. Impure of K. X. Jmpiinh. Tho Betit "Ice Cream Freezers" sold I Mrs. J. N. WatoMi, of Lakeview, aud Miss Anon Jone-t, of Pai.-d-y, have gone to Portland us delegtile.- to the Grand Lodge ot KuHtern Star. The Best "Clothing" sold at it V. Y. Miller, of Paisley, has the thanks of Dr. Dewey, Light it Harrow, and The Examiner office for a mess of fine Cbewaucan trout. When you clean house lemember that we are headquarters for lace cur tains prices from 85 cents to 97.00 per pair. Bailey k Massiugill. tf The Bets "Coffee" sold at Mr. J. II. Sherer, u Colusa, Calif., horse buyer, arrived here a few days ago. Mr. buerer tins tiougttt uorses in the county for many years. V. P. Gowan, a brother of W. A. Gowan of the land office, arrived here from Burns Tuesday. lie is a draughts man with the railroad outfit. The Best "Oysters" sold at S The Best "Crackers" sold ut The Best "Shirts" sold at The Best "Dinner Sets" sold at Auten lk BarueH, tho real estate 11 rm located in the Lund office block, in Lakeviow, are now prepared to buy and sell real estate of all kinds 1 The Best "Cruh Hats" sold ut Walter Duttoti, who has been work ing in The Examiner office all winter, is taking a lay off at the Duttou ranch in the north end of the valley. ' The Best "Luces" sold at Don't overlook "The Frost". A Fresh lot of Choice Candies just 're ceived. 1 Tho Best "Cutlery" sold at The Best "Caps" .old at The Beat "Water Ht' The Best "Syrup" will at The Best "Suits" nob! ut ,tr sold at fa Dr. Dulv wna called to l'uisley Mouduy night to see the little child of Mr. und .Mrc. .1. D. Farrn, who was sntferlng from u swollen throat. The li..t "Stationery" sol.) ut "Uncle" John Metzker arrived hero hint Friday from Portland. 1 1 is looking pretty will for u man near It i n t y years old und stood the trip remurkuhly well. The Best "Enameled Ware" Hold at Chrtwtey'H Comedy Nr "'y Show. 1. O. O. F. Hull, Lakevie. Three nights, commencing Mouduy June A First CIums Company of Artistn, doing all kinds of Circus Acts. Fly ing Trapeze, Roman Rings, Kpauisb Webbs. All kinds of Comedy dramas. Irish, Dutch and Black Faco Comedy a special attraction. Guaranteed to be the Best Show that ever came through this part. Not a trump or gypsy outfit, but a First Cluss Com pauy of Show Peoj lo, that understand their Business. The Management of this Company has bad yuara of Expe rience ami Guarantees to give the Best of satisfaction or refund tho ad mission to each one. Remember the Date, Monday June 21. Tho Best "Crockery" sold at rxM-jL.MiLJC2 1- vJnr SALE OR LEASE Stockmen, Especially Sheepmen, should write or interview the Land Commissioner of the Military Road Co. before deciding to sell or Reduce their Hands. Large or Small tracts may be leased in Klamath, Lake,' Harney, or Malheur Count ies, for one jear, or term of years, and in some instances purchased outright, or easy terms. Addi iress all communications to Urn- A Hunter, (Laud Com.) or Win, Shirk, Gcnerai agent, care of First National Hank, Lake ! view, Ore.