Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, May 30, 1907, Image 4

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Halt (Kcmittn OBJtiVttlnwt
PuMlafcrd Every Thursday.
Editor and Publisher
Muter!! t the l'ot O It) rent I umIi-w, Ore.
r Second UM Mallor.
(One Year $2.00
TERMS: i Six Months 1.00
(Three Month, 50
Strike Affect Whole Country.
Farmers and fruitgrowers are be
coming uneasy about the harvesting
of their growing crops They say the
country has driven the Chinoso and
Japs out of the harvest Held ami are
offering more wages in the cities than
farmers can pay Tlie entile crop
would not pay .'or the barv-'stiug nt
such wages and as
laborers havo Hocked to the cities to,j the Land office Hook in co-
work, leaving none to do the farm j partnership w ith Frank Harm s. Itoth
work. The strikes in the chip-
Boouer or later drive labor back to
the tl.l Is Everybody knows that 312
days work iu a year at 1,10 per day
will buy niorw shoes aud dresses thau
three times thai wages in the city
when 'lieu are out ou srtike two-thirds
of the time and graltel ly the unions
for half they earn while ut work, say
nothing about the cost of living in the
city where icttnges rent for 10 to 00
per mouth, aud water, coal, light and
every thing elso tha family nee. I for j
their comfort cost a fortuue. Just J
wait, farmers you will get them back.
Do as you did last year; let jour
wives and daughters help with the
crop, save w hat you can uud its all in
the family.
Confession Without Restitution.
A contribution to the San Francisco
Chrouicle sugges that the confessions
of the boodlers of the city unaccom
panied by restitution should not tie
considered. The Chronicle answers
in the following language:
"The 'Chronicle' has frequently de
clared that It is outrageous that the
grafting Supervisors should be pet
ruitted to retain their uluuder, and
has freely expressed the opinion that
Eeuf should be compelled to dis
gorge. A confession of theft unac
companied ly a restoration of the
thing stolen indicates neither repen
tance oi a desire to make amends for
past wickedness, and the maker of it
therefore deserves no more consider
ation than the thief caught in the
The movement of tho labor unions
to establish competition on the street
railways is the first indication of
sense displayd by the carmen's union
since the strike. This is the way the
great uouy oi citizenship or tnis couu-
ii j utucic in. ii iiit- ages uu uoi
suit aud you can get a better job or
go into the business of organizing, all
well aud good ; the country is optu to
competition Lut not ready for the
dog in the manner policy in evidence
in San Francisco. Don't work if you
don't want to, but let the other fellow
alone Willows Journal.
The Alturas Plaiudealer complains
at the large timber land owners for
having leased their lauds to foreign
sheepowuers. The Plaiudealer claims
these bands of sheep drive cattlemen
out of business and their owners pay
uo taxes in the county. These large
land owners will rue their act, that
paper tays, as the time w ill come w hen
laud will have to be assessed at a
higher rate to make up for the defi
ciency caused Ly the cattle moving
, .37H0, for the purchase of the SE'i SE I otrer ,,roof to f,bow thHt tb" luu0
i," of Section No l- in Ton-nshin 'n i sought is more valuable for its timber
According to an act of congress of S., Rauge No. 2', K V M aini or ,'to"e t,1Ha for agricultural pur
June 20, KM'., "No notary public shall will offer proof to show that the 'laud i f10' ttn1 to eKiailh claim to
be authorized to take acknowdge- sought is more valuat le for its timber j iai l Ian1 ,,efore Register and Receiver
meats administer oaths, certify or utme th:!T agricultural purposes, ; V'lSv'nr D V"dH7'
papers or peiform any official acts ii " V ,"H ! I He name t' witises : W. R. Hani-
L-ouiieciiou wun matters in wtiicfi lie
is couusel, attorney or agent, or iu
which he may be in any way infei
ested before any of the departments
It is said that owing to the strike
iu San Francisco, tho money market
is light as a drum.
Under Entirely New Hanagement
Haviiiff recently imrchasul tllc hotel from
Mr. feDoiialil, I earnestly solicit a share of
public patronage. My aim shall be to please.
elvl l-V i i mi.
v I vil and IrriRntioit Lnslneor.
Maps, rlans, IUne punts
promptly ami accurately
prepared. All classes ot sur
veyinjj guaranteed.
Klamath Falls nnd l,nkelew. Ore.
It is stated by the Alturas Plain
dealer that Ceo. llafley of Likely lias
nigtied a contract w ith the X. 0. O.
railroad conipany to build th road
lied to a point within six mile of
Alturas. From there on, the couu
try is level and little work is required
before laying the rail, and it is al
most certain now tlutt the X. O. O.
road will lt in Alturas by the first of
next January.
Mr. .1. R. Auten, formerly of Kla
math Falls, has moved to I.t.koviovi
j nl, i has opened up a real estate otilec
! gentlemen are well known iu this and
Klamath counties and are reliable.
It is said that the new sheep dip
pin i la is bitterly opposed by Wil
lamette vjlley farmers who nearly all
own a small bunch of from 2' to UK)
head. They keep their sheep in as
tures nil the tij;e and claim they ale
not affected with scab.
I inclusive, the south half of . Section
The Dalles land office is no v under twenty six v20 , Sections twenty
eutmly new management, Register j seven 27vto thirty six .tiO, both J
Xolau "having been remo ed for cause inclusive; all of Towuship thirty- !
.. , ... , three .ir, Lance seven and one half1
some time ago, an I Mi.-s ling s teim , , . KlmillK .i ; iw
as receiver havi'lg expired recently.
The new otllcials are Mr. Artieson and!
Mr. Moure.
Administrator's Notice.
In the County Court of the State
I Oregon, For the County of Lake.
In the Matter of the Lstate
I of James II Caderwood, He- I
j ceased. 1
j Notice is hereby given that the
uudersigued administrator has tiled
with the County Clerk of L;.ke
County. Oregon, his tlnal Account ns
the administrator of t,he Kstate of
James K. Calderwood, deceased, and
that Saturday, the b"th day of Juue,
11K7, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day, at the Court Koom of the
i County Court of Lake County, Ore-
j gou, iu the Court House of said Conn- J
j ty, iu the Tou of Lakevie'. was,;
by ac order of Hod. U. Daly, Judge;
J of the County Court of Lake Couuty, j
.Oregon, fixed and appointed as the1
I time and place for the hearing of j
objections to such final account, if '
any there '.e.aud for the settlement i
, ther-of.
1 c..;., i i . i
i .laiu ui ur-i w ii n ll' hii.i
on lh o(i jr nf M;l .....
, and di-
tin. we. A
reoteJ tLat y'Qti pj the
r Iil0e go arpointed lfe Kiven ty puUi.
cation of the same for four .'successive
weeks iu the Lake County hxan.iuer.
a newspaper of general circulation
published weekly within Lake Ccuu
ty, Oregon.
The date of the first publication ci
said Notice is May 10th, U07.
20-5 Thomas F. Calderwood,
Administrator of the Kstate of
James K. Calderwood, Decease J.
L'nited States Laud Office Lakeview
Oregon, May 2.1, K7.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
liliailce With the hrnruinnd tA tha
of Congress of June 3, 17 entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
n the States of California tJregon
Nevada and Washington Territory '
as extended to all the Public iu i
States by act of August L l.r JWanch
Bailey, of Lakeview, couuty of Lake
State of Oret-nn h ti.i -i.. fli.i ; ..
! this office his sworn statement o
view Oreg
Iregon on Monday the 12th day I
:ust, UK7. . .
mes as witneses: Harry Bailey,
i-'aik-y, John lirenner, Walter
of Augu
He names
Lore n
Paxtou all of Lalcevieiv Oro.r'n
sely the above-described lands ar re-
Quested to file their claim in Miw'J'J'.V. IMi.
office rui or before taid P'th dnv t,f
Of !
August, WU7.
J. N. Watson Register.
wt WW sL W wi JL
llnvlng recently purchased
the llfitel and Feed Stable
at Illy 1 wish to iiniMinnco
to the Public Unit I will tx
found rendv , at nil times, to
niter the Hest if Treatment,
il li in mini mid Ix'iiMt
Everything Villi be First-Class
Notice of Restoration of 1'llbho
Lands to Settlement an i Kntrv. Do-
1artinent of the Interior, lienreal
.and Office, Washington, 1. C,
May II, IIH'7. Not ioo is hereby given
that the vacant public lands in the
folio - lug described arena, tempora
rily withdrawn for proposed additions
io t ne l asca.i. ..u ioiimi i o est, ore-
I 11 I'kl I ttiiil luiiiiitri' i
, ' ' ;." . -1
I reserved or appropriated, w ill by au
i t ho ity of the Secretary of the Inter!
4,r ; rt!;i"r'"l ; public domain
to settlement on and after that date.
but not to entry, tiling or selection
until on and
litter August 20, l'.HiT, .
under the Usual I est root ions, at the
United States lind Otlico at Lake
view, Oregon: 1 Township thirty
nine 3'.' Range six ti .Sect ions one
two 2, three, 3 , seven " to
thirty six ..'V both inclusive; in
Township thirty two (32 , Range
seven and one half v"1-.' ', Sections1
sixteen ill!', to twenty-one 21 both
ervation; nil of lownshlp thn ty-three ,
(ii-'i , Kaiiu'e seven (7 tint in said re-J
iservntion; all South and Kn-t, Wil ,
' lameite Meridian, Oregon. W lining .
is hereby expressly mwii that no per j
I son wiU beperuiitted to gain o r e. r j
of'ci.-e any richt nlmtivr under any set
tlement or occupat ion beuun piier to!
July 'JT, 1'.H'7. and all such set tleuielit
or occupation is hereby forbidden.
K. A. lS.illinger. Co:iimisiiier.
approve .1 : Thos. Uvan
May H
Secretary of
the Interior.
July -7.
Church Directory
iiialtlst ChuA h.
Lakeview. 1st and 2nd Suudavs,
11 . .M. ami S P. M., 2nd and 4 1 It
Sundays, s.l M.
Crane Creek. 2nd Sunday 11 A. M.
and I 1. M. ith Sunday, 'll A. M.
and J 1'. M.
C. V. liailer, pastor,
f inal I'ruor llr-.
Departuu'iit of the interior, Land
Otlioe at Lakeview, Oregon, May 1,
Notice is hereby given that Will
iam Hammersley of Lakeview, Oregon,
has filed notice of his intent iou to1
make final live yem t roof in support
of his claim, viz: Home-tend F.nt ry
Xo. 2eii7 made June 2d I'.iV, for
,L. i-, v-w- x-i
the Si N NJ SSt Section U
Towuship t S, Kange 10 L M, an 1
that said proof will be made In-fore
! Register aud Keceiver, ut Lakeview,
I Oregon, ou 24th day of June, ltH'7.
He names the following witnesses
'to prcve his continuous residence
i upon, and cultivation of, the laud,
viz: V. D. Tracy, O II. New. 11,
and Daniel Chan. Her of Lakeview,
Oregon, and Gilber Laham of Vistillls
i iregon.
20-10 J. N Watson, Register
! L'nited States Land Otlice, Lakeview
Oregon, May .!, I'.i7.
' Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
; of Congress of June ti, 17, entitled
i "An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
j -'Ria wasniugiou lerritory. as
'"tended to all the Public Land
i States by act of August 4. 1M2, Jnmje
' "'der. of Paisley, couuty of Lake
! State of Oregon, has this day tiled iu
1 th,s offlce 8Woru statement No.
j f,,r thf. burfhase of the S1., W4
of Section No. 8, in Township, No.
:? - ' - - Range No. 13, K., W. M. and will
nersley an d S. P. loss of La kevie w, ;
Oregon. Ji. Phelps and C. S. Mor- j
rH; of 1 "''ey. Oregon, ,
Any aud a l j.ersons claiming ad-1
Tersely tho above described lands are I
reuuested to tile their claims in this
fffi''e on or before said 20th day of
,'J'J U'- J. N. Watson, Register.
j L'nited States Land Office, Lake
jview .Oregon, May Id, 1107.
I Notice is hereby given that in com
' i lance with the provisions of thy act
! of Congress of June 'A, IH entitled
I "An act for the sale of timber lands
I in the States of California. Oregon,
j Nevada, and Washington Terriotry, "
as exten Jed to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, 1'J2, Lottie
! D. Withers, of Paisley, county ot
I Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
I filed in this ottice his sworn statement
I No. iiCU, for the purchase of tho L'.i
i N K4 Sec. 0, W'.j NW.'4' of Section
No. .1. in Township No. 34 S., Range
I No. 1 L, W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the laud sought is
I more valuable for its timber or stone
I than for agricultural purposes, aud to
! establish his laim to said land before
I Register aud Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon on Monday, the 1), day of
August, l'.07. He names as witneses :
C. W. Withers, C. L. Withers, J. K.
Sprague, M. C. Currier, all of Paisley
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims iu this
office on or before 6aid &tb, dayof
August, 1007.
J. N. Wtitson, Register. 10-20
Hi Prlnolpal Want
1 I - "
& a
zzrXlvQ Krcmo inmc TaWcto.
:r 1? MM) OTI4
Fluted States Land Over
view .Oregon, May 22, l'.m7.
I .Ni.tice is ticrel.y given tliat In ci in
; plianoe wit! the provisions of the act
! of Congress ot June .'t, 17, entitled
I "Au ai t for the -ale of timber binds
! in the States i f California, OKgnii,
j Nevada and Washington T rrili'i y, "
; as extetnied to all the 1'ublic lmd
'States by Hct of August t, 1:2.
La Fayette Conn, f Lakeview, county
.of Lake. State of Ongon, has this day
tiled iu this otl'ce his sworn .-1 n hi nt
' No. S7o, for the purchase of the ,N'.,
! N1., -f St-ctioii No. 2t! in Township No.
tl't S., Lange No. '. W. M.. and
' will olft r proof to show that the land
sought is more Valuable lor its timber
i ,,r .tone tlo.n f,,r in'rie.iltnml nor.
poses, and to .tal -list, his claim to
' said land before Kegi.-ter ind lieceiver
; Ht l.akeview Oregon on llior-dav, tlie
. M,, ,,I)y f Alu,t)rti ,..-
je mimes aswitne es: W. II. Dyer.
' .1. ... Marker, Henry R .Hei vford, W.
II. Shirk, all of Lakeview, Oregou.
i Any and all persons claiming a 1
, veisely the above-described lands are
! requested to tile th"ir claims in this
otlice on or. before said H day of Au
gust. r'7.
J. N. Watson, Register. 22 in
United States Land Office, Lakevie w
i ()regon, Apr. 12, lt"7.
' Notice is hereby given that in com
, pliance with the provisions o' the act
; of Cong'ress of June .'5, 1V7. entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, ami Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public land
states tiy act of August 4, lxtrj, Thom
as 11. Humphery, of Klamath. Falls,
county of Klamath State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this otlice his
sworn statement No. .'51m;, for the pur
chase of the N'.. N'.j of Section No.
.'iO, Township No. HIS,. Range No. is
L. , W. M., and will oiler proof to
show that the land sought is more val
I liable tor its timber or stone than for
i agricultural purposes, and to establish
' his claim to said land before the
Clerk of Klamath County Ore. at his
! office at Klamath Falls on Tuesday,
tho 2, day of July, 1!)7. He names
i as w itnesses :
i Robert O. Horning, J. R. Horning,
, F.d. Fehtinaw-, Isaac Voorehees, all of
; Klamath Falls Ore.
Auy and all persons claiming adver
sely the above-described lauds are re
quoted to file their claims in this
otHce oll or before said 2. day of July
1C.10 J. N. Watson, Reghder.
Lakeview Ore. Apr. lHth, l'.tOT.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tho act
of Congress of June 3, h"H, entitled
"An Act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, 1H'J2, Wil
liam V. Miller of Paisley, county of
Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement
N'o. 3020, for the purchase of the NF.''
Sec. 20, Si NW)4' SW'4' of section
No. 2-1, Iu Township N'o. 31 S, Range
No. 18. K., W. M., acd will offer
proof to show that tho land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said hind before
Register mid Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon, on Tuesday, the Uth day of
July, 1!07. He names as w it leses :
-AJ. Farrow, Will Farrow, (ieo. Har
per of Paisley Oregon, and W. 11.
Snider of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any aud all persona claiming adver
sely the above-described lauds are re
quested to file their claims in this
office on or before laid Uth day of
July, 1007.
1710. J. X'. Watson, Register.
Wc want your trade and will do
our utmost to please you.
Never before has our stock been
so complete and up to date.
With our increased flooor space
we are showing new lines and more
goods. Whether you buy or not
wc will be pleased
will take pleasure
our goods.
i!re a um m wins Auy
ru laths.
Thio signature,
Tlt!l(lt I.IMI Mllll i:
L'nited States I-and Otlice.
Lakeview Oregon, May 7, I'."'".
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the Act
of ( 'oligress of .1 one !t. 17. entitle. 1
"An net tor II. e sale of timber hobt
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, ami Washington Territory,"
lis extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August I. 1K2, liolla
M. McDonald, of Lakeview, county of
Lake, State o Iregon, has this day
filed III this otlice his s oril stilt emeu t
No. tli'l, for the purchase of ttieSL
XW'., K',. SU '.j .V SWi4 SWi4 of Sec
tion So. 27. iu l'owiisliip No. .'!0 S.,
Range No. in, K., W. M.. ami will
olfer proof to show that tho land
sought is more valuable for its timber
1 or stone than for agricultural purposed
! and to establish his claim to said laud
j before Register and Reciever at Lake
I view Oregon on Monday, the '."J day of
July, 11X17.
He names as w i tnesses : F.. K. Rino
hurt, A. L. ttoodnian, (ieo. S. Down,
tico. II. Lyncli all of Lakeview ( Iregon.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
! Tersely the above described lands are
I requested to tile their claio s III this
ottice ou or befote said day of July
r.'i '7.
lit o J. X", Watson, Register.
Timbr Land Act, June d, IN7H
tic for Publication. l'nited States
Iilid Office, Lakeview, Oregon, May
0, I!n7.
XOTICH is hereby given that in com -
pliance with the provisions of the act! the race, at 7 o'clock, ahnrp. The Pa-
of Juno tl, 17, entitled , "All Act for i ,.((i,. , ,i,j u ..... , .,
,. ,, , ' . . i 1 ,i , , I MIC ( oast l .i mil I (Use AhsocuiI lolk
the Sale of timber lands in the states
of California, Oregon, Nevada n,p -'"veni all ractM. 1 Intra nee,
Washington Territory, " as extended ten per cent, of purae. Money to 1h
to all the pnlilic land states by act of divided as folio vvh: 7i per cent", to I he
August 4, 1W2, the following persons ' first horse and ;H mt cent, to the hoc
have filed iu this otlico their sworn ond horaf.
stutemeiits. to w it : The Association reservea the right
Henry R. Heryfoid. of Lakeview, to change any of the- ubovf races, In
county of lake, state of oiegon,
sworn statement No. HilOl, for the pur-
chaso of the W'.. Wb. Sei
W'., Sec. 21, Tp. .J0,i
S . R. 10. 11 W. M
Fred O. Ahlstorm, of Lakeview, county
of Iake, state of Oregon, sworn state
ment No. thiol, for the purclnse of the
SK',' Sec,
-i, i or
30, K., ll. It), K., U'.
'A Tp
That they will olfer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish
their claim to said bun' before Regis
ter and Receiver at Lakeview Oregon,
on Monday the 11th day of July 1!M7.
They name as witnesses: Henry ll.
Heryford. A. II. Hammersley, J K.
Darker, S. P. Moss, F. O. Ahlstrom,
all of Lakeview Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
otlico ou or before said 1.1 day of July
10-10 J. X. Watson, Register.
v ,
X'OTICh of restoration of public 1
lauds to settlement and entry. De -
partment of the interior, ieneral
Jiuil omce, .xpru 'in, k'ii.. Notice i
is hereby given that tho Secretary of
the Interior has on April 11, 1007, va
cated his former order of July, 20,
lt)04, withdrawing the following des
cribed lands for irrigation purposes in
connection with the Aha River Pro
ject, Oregon: Township thirty South,
Range Sixteen Laid, Section 01m ;
towuship thirty South, Range seven
teen Fast, Section six, and has order
ed that the aforosaid lands bo restored
to the public domain and to settlement
but not to becone subject to entry.
filing or selection under the public
land laws of the l'nited States until
August 12, 1007, at the United States
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon.
Commissioner of (ieneral Laud Of
ftlce, R. A. liallinger,
James Rudolph (Jaifield, Secretary
of the interior. 10-Aug l
to see you and
in showing you
Pioneer Store
Curri C i :
13 Tw
kaces Commence on Mon
day, July I st.
'1 he I ..'ike I i unity A glli nil ill al Am
si iclat Ii hi will give live iI.'ivh' riu'llig.
nil their truck III Lulovlew, entll
uieiieliig; July 1st, and eliding July
til, 1Iki7. The miiiii d .1imi b,
list rlliiited In purses, ns fnllou.:
I I 1 1ST HAV-.lulv lt.
Flrwt Riiec mile ilush,
Secnlnl 1,'uce tiille dilsh
- I -"
Si:i (iMi liAY-.lul.v 2nd.
Third Knee Jinlle d ish. " . 1 2.1
Fnlirtil Riici lillle bent. " ?I7-1
THIRD DA Y-.luly .11.
I-' I ft Ii R.'iee 7J furlungs. ilish ' .I.V
Sixth Ruce - iuille hints " $n
I'tH RTII D.VY-Jiil.v (th.
Seven) Ii Rticeiiille iIiihIi ' LT
Llghlll Rfi. viiiile lnihli " .r.'
I II "1 11 DAY .lulv (Ith.
Ninth Race 1 tulle ninl HI ft. " .2ui
Tenth Ruce DlHtuuce mid Purse
tn be uiilliillced dui'lllg t he
All of the nbiive Rin-cs ure Fn e for
! All, four to enter and three to ntirt .
I but t he Inn ivmtvi-s I he right
! to Imld a less niliubei than fuiir bv
r"dueing I la purse In priipurtlnii tn
the number of horse entered.
i Llltrles to clone the evening; befori-
i-ne event oi not lining;. .No
paid without ii contest.
ii:o. i. H.Mdiow i
Y. L. Sm:i. i.imi c
. M. Mil I Kit
ii't. Mi Kkk
i-. I . I. ii. hi
F. P. Ln.iif, V. L.;,
I'reHldeiit Secretary.
Ivililun lor l.iuor i.lreuin.
We, the undorsigned legal viders of
South Warner Precinct, Lake County,
State of Oiegon, respectfully petition
tho Honorable County Court of Lake
County, State of Oregon, to grant, a
License to J. M. Measner, to Sell
Spirituous. Malt and Vlnoua Liimora
less quantities than one gallon In
Adei, fMiutn Wainer Precinct, Iako
County, State of Oregon, for the
leriod of Six Months, as In duty
bound we will ever nmv.
I . . , r .. . .
UI'O . v, Hsou
tl-:. - , ...j.
John ( ronin
: . R. Oarictt
;Jack P.arry
j M. if. Messiier
I J. L. M oi row
Otis Follett
Michael Lano
W. II. I ooper
H. F. Cretin
L. W. I'ritkes
R. L. lluriiH
'i. Stoiubougll
Claud W. Dixo'ii
M. H. Caldwell
lrvin Wakt Held
Oakley Clurk
T. A. ('rump
A. CridaX
Win. Xicholla
J. 11. Johnson
L. l'oskett
Andrew Morris
L. D. b rakes
Harold Miles
V . M. liuins
IW. R. Rouse,
i James Wak lit Id
Lewis Frnkes
F. II. Houston
Frank Chii-o
Michael P. Parry
A. D Flakes
W. H . Wilila
D. T. Foskett
J. F . Dnnnivin
W. F. Ilurch.
Notice is heieby given that the un
dersigned will apply to tho Honorable
County Court of Lake Couuty, Ore-
li ll ror1".I'co''e to sell Spirituous
Malt and inoua Llouors in i,.u '
titles than one gallon, at Adel, South
Warner Pi ecinot. Lako County. ore.
gon, tor a period of six mouths
aud after June 11, 1007.
J. M. Messner,
1 1