-'-I In last week's Examiner we made mention of the coming of our Stock of Shoes for Men, Women and Children. THEY RE HERE: an such a variety of New Styles were never before shown in Lakeview, and be reminded that our "prices on shoes are not Copyrighted; they can be duplicated, but the Quality of our Shoes cannot be matched at the prices we sell ours. "LADYSMITH" SHOES. Ladies' Vici Kid, lace, Mat Kid top, Goodvcnr Welt, Military heel, Patent Tip. Price, $3.50 Infants' Canvas Oxfords. Colors, Blue, Vvk and White. "Little Heaut tics," at 75 cts per Pair. LA VSTA SHOES. This is the Best medium-priced La dies' Shoe sold in the U. S. We have them in many different lasts many tiiiferent leathers. lvvery warranted to give satisfaction. and pair Our Price, $2.75 Ladies' Misses' and Childrens' Oxford Ties and Sandals, in Bluchers, Three-strap Button and Four-Button Bluchers; all kinds of leathers, "from 75 cents to $3 a Pair. Men 'itent Bluchers, Mat Kid top, Goodyear Welts, Price, $4.00 Men's Vici Kid Bal's., V-double sole, Plain toe, McKay sewed, warranted. Price, $3.00 Men's Bo Calf Dluchcr, la-double sole, Straight last, McKay sewed, Price, $3.50 Men's Napa Calf High-cut lUueher, Goodyear Welts, Double soles. The perfect shoe for the miner. Price, $6.50 LakevlewAnd Vicinity Dutch lunch nt tho ltrowory n oon. tf 1 Hi toll lunch lit the Hrvwery KHl oon. tf Nato Smith wait In town Hint of the week. Jimmy hurry, rou of Jim. Unrry, Ik quite sick. Ell KoHtituriuit. First clue tneitlx at all hour. tf. New ginghams allkiiula nt Pulley & Mnsalngllls, tf (!((. llankln caino down from I'm la ly Sunday. J. V .(Mlllua was up from Pine Creek Monday. S. Dixoa tame over from Warnei tlrst of t tie week. Son our lino of luco ci.rtalna. Palely A MassintfiU. tf J. K. iloouo wan over' from Plush Hrst of the week. l'hil Lynch came over from Warner tlrxt of tho week. W. 11. Turner went to Altura for a few lay last week. Clarence and Cecil lM.xoti were over f i oni Warner Tuesday. Sen tho now at of tho lily Hotel in this week's K.XHininer. Mr,. 1 termini were over New Spring Line of Ihe Celebrated Florsheim Shoes. ...The Store of Quality and Low Prices... s i C 1 s ws several aaya dur nt? BfSSINGER & CO. OF SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF.. K j to town for treatment, V ! Thornton's rlrn, l-l... u, 2-I railroa.J freight depot last Sunday ' b-'l ,0al!J f eXI'reia I'uc'kaK,''i Have established a warehouse in Lakeview for the jj VnVrmu-!11"6' ., , m iiii.u, 1 w ill (ipiivi r v, f..j.j.i ii r t l. i III..M...1 i t; iteeonunouciuou 01 Laiuciucii uuu snrtjjmcu ui lum : i """no. canyon ice anywhere iu town , Cream parlors ou Water Street, count-, where they will buy beef hides, horse hides, pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc.. af San Francis: o prices, freight deducted. fc Warehouse located in the J. P. Duckworth imiiri j ing, near the Planim? Mill. It lucks good to see ou the streets again. Nolan Curry and family from Plunh hint week. - I'll Miographs and records at Thorn ton & Cos., drug Store. 10-tf W. 1'. and T. C. Weclh came dowu from 1'airtley hint week. J. M. Small va.h down from Silver Luks ln;-t week on luinvs. Novelties In mens lint for men and Imys at Pailey A Massdugill. tf Ed. Luko has lieeu somen hat under the weather for several days pant. M. I). Hopkins is trout led with in llHtnafory rheumatism in the wrlt. WANTED. -A good milk bow. In quire at Clouds' Soud Works. It Options taken on Hinder hind nt this utile. Wo will pay the highet price. It. 1). I'. Mulloy came home from Plush Saturday with tho Muss hand of horses. J. I -Morrow and W. II. Cooper were over from South Warner tlrst of tho week Mr. Harrington and Jack Harry's family came over from Warner it few days ago. Visit Tho 11. Clouds' Ico Cream Parlors on Water Street. Fresh Fruit aud candy. 1 Head the new advertisement of tho Lakeview Furfjturo Co. in this weeks Examiner. Port Snyder is learning the harness and saddlery trudo in tho S. F. Ahl stroin shop. Jim Young fays ho is running oppo tit ion to Oliver uow, coming to town every Saturday. Fresh fruit and candy at Cloud's Ico .1 lint j jouj ujj, except Sunday, at one cent c penod Monday. 1 Q i a pound. - . ' Win. Sulhy canio iu town last Sat- S , ; J- R Duckworth. I nrjuy from the S. T. Colviu ranch on hoiiKht a hand of Crooked Creek. Carpet lining at the furiuturo storo; lots of it. Putter aud cheaper than old newspapers 1 Head tho write-up of Lak county 1 L'Lf' Ik 89 mrilf THE WIDOWS BIRTMIIAY It, ;H U i U . rr i.p? 1 A I I . VVJ lU7- 1 14. 15 lO 17 18 If) HO fOJ 21 &g&5 24 255 2iO 12T O I a'sta'PTgot T i" " t " 1 $ .T. W. Cren and wifo were in town the biixf ft Jim had an attack of fever , and canio $ i to town for treatment. t Cltlrn's .Mettlnj; The citlens nf Lakeview are leipieot ed to meet nt the Court lloiiho this Thursday evening at H, P. M , to make suitati'e arrangements for a urnud cel- eliratiuii of the Fuiuh of July. Jly or der of Coin. Lout: A Knld monuKram pin, tlinli'i please return to this otllce and receive reward. )t Thero is n m-i-t of very thrifty peo ple called Duukards, who aio settling up Hut to Creek valley, In Shasta county, Calif. These people are com ititf iu there ly tho hundreds. The Klamath Falls 11. -nil I seems to have a very troii( tendency toward plah'iurlsm. There are nuinreoiis in stances where whole, -irticles aro lifted bodily without credit or comment. J Six of tho Warner Settlers whose : lands were affected by Judo llelisous' recent decision, this week tfavo notice of appeal to tho Supremo Court aud executed undertakings. The Examiner him an order for stock certificates for the lioinina Cream ery Co., of Poiiana, Klamath county. O.T. and Fred McKeiidree are inter ested in the iitnv or'an iation. WCIiKLV WLATIILK Pl.l'Olil Itelow i ifive lepoll nf tin- .i as lei-onb-d by t he I iiivi-riiiueii I i-mi bim-sii HtHtimi a' The Fxniuii i :l TblN report i i -hanged em h mi , n our reiolern rIi In ki n yeiuly re., c t.f wiutlier I'oii.litiuna f. r fiitim- i. eiiee, nit oul t lie repf 1 1 nlonu II..' )!: t line ami pxMe it in a m-iap I u .. week after niiulhr. Thix r-nrd ' taken on TllemiH" to ellil each werli betili nn Weiliii"lny for tint next tnvi-riiliieut 'eiilher I'miichii l ti.in at Lakeview, I reuii, t". O. NlnKMi. Cm.i thIpi. (iliM-rvei W ii'k emllliK Tui-silay, Apr. I'.'I. lit"" l'r iri ii in. i.r.il. iiatiiui lull i.l .ln ilmr. I :." :n j fn.rvl 71 i i Hiit'v 1 , j ii ii. i ii.'i i i III ill. I "n i L'S I t uT-i:!;:. i '7 i The Pent Iir-mil tilietit of Hoys Hats at O.OII II IN) 0. on u.oi I) IN) II IMI turn" IKI i el. IHI i (H) I IKI IMI ' 00 IHI 1 .Menu ilid Dick J. Wilcox V about 10C0 ewes from Pat AuKland lnt ! week, for which he paid ?0 per head, V the hiK'he.-t price yet paid for a I aud 1 I i J. P. DUCKWORTH, Special Agent. of ewes. f U Tl 1V.- ..., i.:. i , . ! ... -uu u. .iuukiklt were ,1U the ,;th U11(J 7th j,UK.rt vt thil4 i(jl)U0 I 1U t0Wn fr0,u valk'y 't Satur- ut The Examiner. .j uiiv uiid remu IU..I CASH PAID FOR ALL HIDES. r MAKE NO MISTAKE OILED 1! CLOTHING viu give you com p!ete protection ejia long service You can't afford to buy any other Every garment guarejiteed The best dealers sell it ... .:.ti y j .umaiuL-.J UlCf I11KI11, J11SS V , Tracy attending the social in tho 5- Schmiuck Hall. s; ! A. Hartlerode came down from Pais J ley Sunday, on his way to iavis Creek Mr. Hartlerodo has been seriously ill for several months, and is now barely able to go about. We. the undersigned lauul voters of ! Pr"fHrjr the musician, who I South Warner Precinct, Lake County, irfcut'nt'y arrived here from Alturas State of Oregon, respectfully petition . flayed the cornet tor tho dance laHt Everyone present their praine of Mr. i.,.rU ince.b music ana an were Looefn that in less ipuantities than cue Kallon in 1(J would be retained hercfto teach the Adel, South Warner Precinct, Lake band. Mr. Rice and Mr. Price are a County, Statfl of Oregon, for the v in,. um.ni.ni, . . i I Period of Six Months, as in duty;' acquisition to the city. ijouuu we will ever pray. tne Honorable County Court of Lake Saturday night. juui,, ,Jln i u,ck, icoi, was emphatic in License to J. M. lessner, to Sell ; ,,. . Sriiritiinna Mt.lt- f.rwl Vinni.j r Kiual Hioor Vollee. Department of the Interior, Laud Office at Lakeview, Oregon, -March 2", 1Mj7. A'otice is hereby given that George A Relsou of fj.iueview Oregon, has tiled notico of bij intention to make Onal 1'ive year proof iu support of Ins claim, viz: Homestead Lntry No. 2MI, i.iade March, 18, 1H0J, i r the Kyi JN'i; Section 7, Township 10 Kaufre K, Ii, W M ., and that mid roof will bo u.-ado Lefore ii'-gister and itcctdver, at Lakeview Oregon, on 7th iay of May, l'J07. He names t tie following witxt-ses to jirove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ofr the land, viz: J. D. McCrury, Robt. Morris, Jiluni mer McCrary, W. U. Spencer, all of Lakeview, Oregon. 136 J. N. oTutsou , Register. (ieo V.Wilson O. R Garixtt Jack Harry M. (J. Messner J. L. Morrow L. D. Frakt-s Harold Miles W. M. Hums W. H. House James Wakefield Lewis Frakes F. H. Houston 1-Vauk Chiso Michael P. Hairy A. D. Frakes W. S . Wilile D. T. Forkett. J. K . Donniin W. F. Hurch. TO WHOM IT John Cronin Otis Follett Michael Lane W. if. Cooper H. i'. (Jreen L. V.'. J'rakes K. L. Hums Stomljough Stock For Sale in T5 Fern Lease. The Pine Creek Leasing and Mining Co. which has hud a force of men at work all through the winter, sinking a shaft 'on tho Fern property, will Friday, April l!ith, oiler for public subset iption twenty thousand r-hares MAY OAfJTOlllA. Bnan tli Hart AlOTvs B33!( X' . A T - . 1 1 . . ... ouce is nereoy given mar, ttm un dersigned will apply to the Honorable County Court of Lake County, Ore gon, on Friday, tho 3rd day ot May, l'.HC, for a License to sell Spirituous, Malt and Vinous Lienors in less quan tities than one gallon, at Adel, South Warner Precinct, Lake County, Ore gon, for a period 'of rix mouths from and fcftcr May ;ird, 1!)07. J. M. Mesf-ner. APPLICANT. I nut U lltvf. ii'. l i M Jl Caldwi 11 ireasury hock hi jo cents per Irvin WakeHeJil himn'' 11(3 I'r,,(-"'Hi of which, to bo Oakley Clark "I'I'licd to the Carrying on of further T. A. Crump development. wiixVcho'l? ! r'J"rs lor Uliri bt0l:k c;,u ,J0 u,,,,,e J. "ii. Johnl-'on "1,ou V' I s"elli''i president of the li. Foskelt j Company, in Luke view, or Win. Andiew Morris Si-hauer, S'.-cy. and Treasurer at, New CONCERN ;,i,neCmik- 1 lilue Stone ut ' THIS LAKKVJFW MINING AND MILLING COMPANY, Decided at a meeting held on the lUth instant to ! place 4u,OXJ (forty thousand ) shares ;of its treasury to(;k upon tho msr ' ket liniiif'Jiatly at twenty live cents ' per hure, this oIleiiiiK of stock ex pires ou tho 10th of May next, all who desire to secure btook in tho flattering prospect iu tho WINDY HOLLOW Hills of Lake County fchould got iu and act with promptness, as there will bo something doing by this company after that date. 15 Im Jasjier Jenuiugs, once set'toncod for the murder of his father, iu Josephine county, is set free. J. A . Anderson was over from tho Gap last Saturday with a load of wood for tho Masonic Hall. Mrs II. II. Heryford started for j Rogue River valley this week ou a visit with her parents. The roads aro said to be improving very rapidly these days,. Tho stages aro making pretty good time. Forest Inspector Erieksou went to Drews Creek Tuesday to bo absent from his office a coupio of days. Humess men of Lakeview report businesc pickiug up very satisfactorily They look for a prosperous hcusoii. A. Storkiiiun returned from his trip over the county last week. Ho says he met with good success selling cigars. Eigtit hundred new F.dison Phono- i graph Records received at A. L. Thornton's Drug &toro. The very latest. ' 17 tf. C. W. Withers and wifo, C. L. Withers aud W. K. McCormack came down from Paii-loy Sunday on land business. Mr. Ehrl arrived here a few clays ago to make beer for tho Lakeview Hrowing Co. He is said to be u llrst- ,.t..U.J l.w.,.,... . . i. . , i j ui i, n l i i Mr. Massiugill returned Monday with his wifo aud Mr. and Mrs J. K. Heruard. Heruice came with .Mr. and Mrs. Cresslor. Prof. J. q. Willi's and family took a spin down to Pino Creek lnht Sunday to take In the ball gamo aud Wood liiun exercises. Mrs. W. Z. Moss, ana damghter Edna, returned to Lakeview this week from Ashland, Oregon, where jhey spent the winter. R A YOUR oiiiach GIVE it food that will not irritate or retard the performance of its natural functions, and it will reciprocate in a way agreeable and comforting. No single ingredient contributes so largely toward wholesome, nourishing, agreeable food as Royal liaking Powder. Royal Baking Powder's active ingre dient, Grape Cream of Tartar, is the most healthful of the fruit products. This is why Royal Raking Powder makes the food finer, lighter, more appe tizing and anti-dyspeptic, a friend to the stomach and good health. Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum "The use of alum and salts of alumina in food should be PROHIBITED. The con stant use of alum compounds exerts a deleterious effect upon the digestive organs and an irritation ot the internal organs after absorption. "EDWARD S. WOOD, M. D. 'Professor of Chemistry 'Harvard Medical School, Hot-ton." R0VAL BAKINQ on., NtW vdfi