Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, April 18, 1907, Image 4

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    hMhM Every Tkarafey.
Editor and Publisher
ftntcrcd at the FoM Offlo at Uaevtew, Ore.
ScmndCiaM Matter.
(On Year, $2.00
TERMS: J Six Month.. 1. 00
(Three Months SO
Von L. Meyer, Postmaster
Ueneral of the United States, U made
defendant In two suits filed this week
In the United States Circuit Court at
Portland, on a writ of removal irom County Circuit Court
The plaintiff In one case is the Hot
Springs Improvement Company, and
in the other William Wright. It
Mma that the Postmaster-General
bought tba property involved at a
sheriff's sale, and secured ia tax title
to same. Previous to this sale, how
ever, the complaiut alleges that the
property in dispute became state land
and as such, tiUe was secured by the
Hot Springs Improvement Company
and Wright, respectively. The land
is said to be quite valuble.
The Oregonlan offers a plausible
argument to show that there has been
a great saving made by the text
book commission in cost oi scuwi
books to the people who buy them.
It will take considerable arguement
to convince the man who pays the
book bills that to throw away from 3
to 16 worth of books for every child
he has ever six years, or even sell them
at the price offered for second haud
books in exchange for new ones, is a
"saving" to Mm. He may be made to
believe theie Is a saving some where,
but you can't mate him believe that
he has been Involved iu the "saving".
The United States Grand Jury met
yesterday, the 17th, at Portland. A
few land fraud cases, few counter
feiting cases and one or two postottlee
robberies will be investigated. Ore
gon has been so aecustomed to start
ling disclosures by the federal grand
juries that it is feared the present ses
sion will be too tame to be of much
Portland is having a fight over the
raising of liquor license to one thou
sand dollars per year and the Sujday
closing. A petition was circulated to
have the measure go on the ballot at
the city election to be hell there soon.
China is begging the United States
to send three million dollars for the
relief of its starving population.
Feed 'em up and make 'em fat, so
they can help Japan lick the United
Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood River,
has been appointed by Governor
Chamberlain to represent Oregon at
the Jamestown Exposition this sum
mer. The owners of the Mc'Jloud River
railroad deny the recent report that
the Western Pacific Co. had bought
that road.
President Roosevelt has appointed a
negro to the position of auditor of
the treasury of the Navy department.
(lanrcra .Tnmmprthul rernrnjait luuM
i o t-i i , ;
California points, where Lhe has been
since last November, lie will remain
in Lakeview this summer. Uerge says
he hopes to see the country settled up
this summer, and homes made of the
land now lying vacant in this valley,
He has been in Klamath county and
Modoc, adjoining Lake, and says there
is better land here that is idle than
lots of the land in these other coun- (diverged from the sbeep sheering bus
ties that is being successfully farmed. I iuess, that the members of the corpo-
i ration have allowed the plant to be
C. E. McCleary was up from Pine I sold for a 6mall indebtedness.
Creek Monday. He says a crew ut I
men will be at work on the Fern mine
by yesterday. On account of the
heavy storms of a fewjweeks ago, work
was abandoned on March 28th. Mr.
McCleary saysa mining man from Cri
pple Creek,Colorado, isat Pine Creek,
and after examining the rock from
thatdistrict, verified his (McCleary's)
statement that the rock is identical
with that of the famous Cripple Creek
they wear, and weer
ondveor. Levi Strausa & Co.
New lino of wall paper at Wallace
A Co'n Furniture store.
Phil Lynch this week sold 4000 bead
of one andtwo year old wethers to Mess
rs Slmeneria and Errleart, the Califor
nia mutton buyer and the price was,
we believe, the largest ever paid for
sheep in the country. For two year
olds Mr. Lynch received W per head,
and ft per head for yearlings with
the wool on.
Mr. V. L. McCormick, who was in
L akeview several weeks last fall atten
ding to business matters for the Wey-
erhauser company, has associated him
self with J. T. Stuart Lyle, of Madi
son, Wisconsin, iu the practice of law.
McCormick and Lyle are located In a
suite of rooms in the Bernice Bulld
ing, in Tacoma, Wash.
John Wall arrived here last Sunday
from Bidwell with 22 head of tine
beef cattle for J. Wendall, the butcher.
The beef were bought from David
Baty, of the Did well country. Mr.
Wall is interested in the mines aud is
devoting his entire attention to min
ing. He looks for considerable activ
ity in the Hoag district this summer.
I have the best Jack iu the country
and a good young draft horse. 1 will
take mares to breed to either at S,
to insure. Also furnish good J pasture
during the season at (1 per month.
Can show the best yearling mules in
the country. Write to John Noble,
Lakeview, Oregon, or call at the
Bernard ranch, on the West Side. lti-2m
R. W. Vernon and wife moved up
from their ranch first of this week,
and Mr. Vernon is putting a crop of
grain on the M. T. Walters place. He
also has the hay raneh on the slash
leased. Mr. Vernon and J. X. Watson
bought that part of the Walters ranch
lying south of the creek, and Mr. j
Watson will seed bis part of the land
down to alfalfa.
The Examiner has leen stacking
away letters of inquiry for the past
month, thinking that we would soon
have our long promised write-up ot
the country to publish in answer to
the hundreds of questions. We now
have a stack of these letters as high
as a man '8 head, and next week we
will publish the write-up of the county.
Can't do it this week.
The Examiner got out five thousand
circulars for J. W. Maxwell this week
for distribution among Eastern people
who ari writing for information about
Lake county. Mr. Maxwell is one of
the real estate agents that uses lots of
printers' ink, and he should reap a
harvest for bis efforts. Xo doubt
the distribution of these c irculars will
be worth thousands of dollars to
Lake county.
Since the St. Louis Republic pub
lished a lengthy article detailing the
iujury to people resulting from climb
ing stairs, telling how, even the brain
is thereby injured, we propose to pre
vail upon Messrs. :Light Harrow to
put in an elevator in Hotel Lakeview,
as we live on tde third floor of that
building and have to climb three
flights of stairs to reach our domicile.
Brain storm might set. in.
B.oks for Oregons' public
will be selected by the State Textbook 1
Commission next June. Several j
cnances are likely to M made in texts i
for the primary and grammer grades.
Tnere is general sentiment, among
educators that the Thomas history,
the Cyr first and sectnd readers, the
Wentworth aritl meties, the Reed spel
ler, the Reed and Kellog grammer and
the Frye geography should
give way
to neer books.
The sheepshearing machine plant a
the Loveless rauch is to be sold at
' Sheriff sale the 24th of this month,
j Tb plant has been run two seasons,
'and while it is said to have paid a
: small dividend, there are so many
. interet-ted in it, and a great many
whose other business interests are so
United States Laud Office, Lakeview
Oregon. Feb. 8, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"Au act for the sale of timber lands
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
bs extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892, Sarah
A. Paxton, of Lakeview, County of
Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement
No. 3Tj02, for the purchase of the NEJ
NEJ of Section No. 24, in Township
No. :VJ S., Range No. 20 E., W. M.,
and will offer proof to show that the
land bought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim
to said laud before Register and Re
ceiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Fri
day, the 19tb day of April, 1907.
He names as witnesses : Geo. Lynch
Creed Pendleton, Loren Bailey, John
Bremner., all of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claUning ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 19th day of
April, 1907.
7-10 J. N. Watson, Register. 1
Church Directory.
Second and fourth Sunday, 11, A.
M., and 7:30, P. M. First Sunday,
7:30 P. M. Prayermeetlng, Vednea
day, 7:30 P. M. A cordial weloume
to all.
C P. Bailey, Pastor.
Crane Creek Bapt ist Church, First
Sunday, 11, A. M. Third Sunday 11
A. M., and 7:30 P. M.
Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 P.
M. "Come and we will do thee good.
a P. llalley, Pastor.
Petition (or Liquor License.
We, the undersigned legal voter of
Paisley Precinct, Lake County Ore
gon, respectfully petition the Hon.
County Court of Lake County Ore., to
grant a license to G.W. Cooley, to sell
Spiritous, Malt and Vinous Liquors
In less quantities than one gallon in
said Paisley Precinct In Lake County
Oregon, for the Period of six months
as In duty bouud we will ever pray.
W. S. Blair. M. C. Currlor J. K.
Baulster, Geo. R. Louks, F. W. Far
row, V. W. Hampton. Al. Farrow, J.
A. Dm mm Will J. Sherlock, Arnold
Bicksel, M. Conley, L. A. Moss, F. H.
Price, J. F. Bevil, Johu Drumni 'erry
Banister Frank Me Broom William
Taylor John Simmons B.W. Farrow
R. B. Jackson J. S. Elder W. 1.
Welch 11. E. Hanaii Win. Dobkius R.
Random, Geo, W. Hanau C. W. With
ers J. S. Sprague, Frank Graham, J.
S. Wakefield Frank Pratt, Tom Stan
ley, Richard CousidineT R. G. Adams,
Stephen Gayloid W. Y. Miller, Jas.
M. Bevil, Geo. Rauney, J. D. Farra,
H. J. Stauley, Chan. Ivory, A. J.Scott,
X. R. Phelps, M. Lauritzeu, T. C.
Johnson, F. A. Fitzpatrick, Johu El
der, Al. Banister, Geo. S. Harper, Al.
Christen, O. B. Carroll, J. A. Theiu,
Roy Stanley. Wm. Holder, T. W. Johu
Bou, Mark Hartlerode, F. C. Miller,
Tom Welch, C. L. Withers, A. A.
Witham. J. E. Harper, S. S. Banister
J. J. Moore, Wm. Metzker, W. H.
McCall, Clark Johnson, S. M. Miller.
State of Oregon,
County of Lake
We, M. C. Currier A W. H. Tucker
being first duly Sworn according to
law depose and say : That the fore
going petition contains the signatures
of an actual majority of the whole
number' of legal voters of Paisley Pre
cinct iu Lake Couuly Oregon ; That
each of said signatures is genuine;
that each of the persons whose sigua
tures are signed to said petition is an
actual resident in said precinct at
the date hereof and was aud has boeu
actually a resident in said precinct
and resided therein at ltast thirty days
immediately preceoding the date he
signed said petition and also of the
tiling of the same.
M. C. Currier
W. II. Tucker
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 20, day of March, 1907.
A. A. Witham,
Justice of the Peace.
Paisley Precinct, Lake County Oregon
XOTICE is hereby given that the
undersigned will apply to the Hon.
County Court of Lake County State
of Oregon on May 3d, 1007, for a Li
schools i P11S to ,.,,11 r,i, itous Malt and Viti-
Li(,llord j iesa quantities than
on0 Kallon in pajsioy Precinct, Lake
County ytate cf Oregon for a period
of Six
May, A
mouths from
, D. 1907.
the Cth day of
O. V. Cooley.
United States Land Office, Lakeview
Oregon, Apr. 12, 19U7.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the "act
of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled
"An act for the 6ale of timber lands
in'.tbe States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the public land
states ny act of August 4, 1892, Thom
as H. Hurophery, of Klamath. Falls,
county of Klamath State of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this office his
sworn statement No. 358;. for the pur
chase of the Nl2 N'i of Section No.
30, Township No. 34 S.. Range No. H
E, W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more val
uable tor its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before the
Clerk of Klamath County JOre. at his
olllce at Klamath Falls on Tuesday,
the 2, day of July, 1907. He names
as witnesses:
Iiobert O. Horning, J. K. Horning,
Ed. Eitbman, Isaac lioohees, all of
Klamath Falls Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this
omce on or before said 'i, day oi July
10-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
'. I'' Aw . V
Do they fit? It they'ra not l..v
CTLY right, let ua make liiem hi.
When we fit you, we fit yen w- i
CURATKLV. Long- expnu.-. ..c '
every necessary scientific a;i)ii t s. 1
and the required knowlfdi:i -n
ibllng ua to correctly uae ilu hui.u- j
our own complete wurklui, -,t': '.
every facility even to the (tr n ! ;
of apeclul leruies are ail at wmi l
dl.spoaul here, aaiurlnjj u i ,
not poailble ulyi oihern l.- i n i
nately equipped. An..!n 1o ioir !
!,.,( pec ,,r nearly 4
Munsell Qtfzl
MAClfAl flLK j: n M"T i
rV"" - 1 ttt
la fir r
Mis Principal Want
Tcs-o Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
' Scvn Mil-ton boxes sold In post 13 month. ThlS Signature,
Pneumonia's Deadly Work
had seriously affected my right lung."
Write MrH. Fannie Connor, of Rural
K ti t 1. (ii-iirp'tiiwii, Tcnn., "tlmt I
coughed continuously night ami day
and the neighbors' prediction con
sumption seemed Inevitable, until
my husband brought home a bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery, which
iu inycnse proved to be the only ukai.
cough cure ami restorer of wcnk.aotv
lungs." When all other remedies
utterly fall, you may still win the
battle against lung and throat
trouble, with New Discovery, the
kkai. cniK, (Juarantei'd by Ia-v Bvnll
druggist. 50c and f 1.00. Trial bottle
Timber Land Deals.
The Examiner id prepared to bundle
liinbei lauds in large or small bodies;
the trouble has always liven tiutljer
laud owners, huve beeu scattered over
the country and those who lived close
enough together to list their lands
i a sufficiently large body to make the
sale one of importance to timber laud
purchasers, thier lands have iuvaria
bly Wen in such localities as would
prohibit consolidation. We have ar
ranged with a fl r in to take these is
olated tracts, aud by so doing, we are
able to secure enough laud in one
body to make it an object to pu-rch
asers to investigate, aud thus the
lands will bring the highest market
price. Parties owning but 100 or 80
acres will not be told by their Intend , Ptato of I). H. Hartzog, deceased, aro
ing purchasers that their tracts are j nereby required to present them, with
too small to bother with. The com- the pioper vouchers and duly verilled,
pany we aro dealing with is absolutely , wjthin six months from the date of
responisble and has plenty of capital. this Notice, to the undersigned Exe
Write The Lake County Examiner for Cutrix, at the law office of L. F. Conn
full particulars. 1 1 the Town of Lakeview, Lake Coun-
If you have a piece of timber land ' ty Oregon.
to Bell write The Lake County Ex
aminer. We can place your land
where It will bring the highest price.
Doing business Again.
"When my friends thought I wan
about to take leave of thla world on
account of Indigestion, nervousness
and general debility," writes A. A.
Chlsholm, Tread well, N. Y., "and
hwhen It looked iw If there wa no
hope left, I wuh persuaded to try
Electric Bittern, and I rejoice to Hay
that they ure curing me. I am now
doing business again as of old, aud
am still gaining dally." Best tonic
medicine on earth. Guarantee
Lee I'.eall, druggist. &0c.
(1 hy
riXAU riuor,
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon,
Apr. 4, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that Victor
Harvey of Lakeview Oregon, haa filed
notice of his intention to make final
five year proof in-supportof his claim,
viz: Homestead Entry No. 2(04 made
February 23, 1901, for the Wig NWi4'
Sec 5 and E'4 NE i Section 0, Towu
ship 41 S., llauge 19 E., W.M ., and
that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver, at Lakeview
Oregon on 17th day of May, 1907. He
names the following witueses to prove
bis continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, the land viz:
John Noble, John Snider, A. P.
Koozer, J. W. Fitzwater, all of Lake
view, Oregon.
J. N. Watson, Register.
We want your trade and will do
our utmost to please you.
Never before has our stock been
so complete and up to date.
v With our increased flooor space
we are showing new lines and more
goods. Whether you buy or not
we will be pleased to see you and
will take pleasure in showing you
our goods.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
ITHfi .mtum Lain
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For the County of Ike.
1 lu the Matter of the Estate of, )
l). ii. iiakt.-m;, )
lleeeimed. i
NOTICE is hereby given that the
j undersigned was, by an order of the
I Honorable County Court of Ijtke
County, State of Oregon, duly made
and entered in the nbovu entitled
j matter on the 11th day of March,
J 1907, duly appointed as the Executrix
'of the Last Will aud Testament of J).
ill. Hartzog, deceased,
i All persons having claims against the
Dated this I4th day of March, 1907.
Exvcutrix of the Last Will aud
Jestament of J). II. Hartzog,
Deceased. 115
In the Couuty Court of the State of
Oregon, For tho County of Lake.
In the Matter of the Estate of, )
B. M. COBB,, Deceased. )
That the undersigned Administrator
of the estate of B. M. Cobb, deceased,
has this day filed his Final Account
as Administrator of the Estate of B
M. Cobb, deceased, with the County
Clark of Lake Conntv Oreunn ...!
that the Hon. B. Daly, County Judge ,
of the State of Oregon, for the Couuty j
fixed and appointed Friday, the 12th
day of April, 1907, at the hour of ten
thereof ut thn I'omr I
inereoi, at mo tuui t
o'clock A. M
,, m II-, a. I v . t r .
Room of said Court in Lakview, Lake
County, Oregon, as the time and place
foi the hearing of objections to such
final account, If any there be, and the
settlement thereof, and bus directed
said Administrator to give Notice
thereof, in the LAKE COUNTY EX
AMINER for four successive weeks.
Dated this 14th day of March, 1907.
Oeo. Hauklus,
Administrator of the Estate of
11-5 B. M. Cobb, Deceased;
of Lake, 'has, by an order dated March ""y ""J" ,n tMH u'0 u" worn state
14th, 1907, duly made and entered in 8 Hw'w & ?HKW
the above entitled Court aud matter 1 of Section No. 2L in TownahlnVn 'A
Pioneer Store
Cure Crip
Iu TWo Day.
ori every
box. 25c
Timber Land Nolle.
Unllted btate Lund Olllce, lake
view, Oregon. March 2nd, 19t7.
Notice is hereby k I veil that In com
pliance with the provisions of tho act
of Congress of June 3, 17. cntltlixl
"An act for the sale of timber land
lu tho States of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Tenrltoy,"
as extended to all the 1'uhllo Iaul
States by act of August 4, 1H92, JMel
va Withers, of Palslejvcoiifity of ltke.
State of Oregon, haa this day tiled lu
this office his sworn statement No.
i 3T.M7, for tho purchase of the HV
; of Section No. .", in Township No. 34,
Range No. 1H.E,. W. M., aud will otter
proof to shovt that the laud sought ix
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud to
establish his claim to said laud lx'forn
Register and Receiver at Ijikevlew
Oregon Monday, the 20th day of May,
9o7. He names as witnesses:
C. L Withers. J
K. Ilauister, C. W.
Withers, T. V. Welch, all of Paisley
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above described lauds are re
quested to file their claims in thin
office on or before said 2"th day of
May, 1!M7.
J. N. Watson, Regit ter.
How'i This?
We offer Ono Hundred Hollers Re
ward for any caw of Catarrh that
cannot Iw cund by Hall's Catarrh
F. .1. Cheney & ,,., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. .1. heney for the last 15 years, and
believe lit 111 perfectly honorable In
all business transact Ions and financi
ally able to carry out any obligat
ions made by Ills llriu.
aiding, Kiniian & Marvin,
Wholesale Hrugglsts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intern-
i allv. actlnir illnwtlv nnon the l.l.wwl
anii imicous surfaces of the svatein.
Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per
bottle. Sold by nil druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills forconstt
patlou. TIlli.H .W KOTI4 K.
Ijikoview, Oregon March, 2, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that lu com
pliance with the provisions of tho act.
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber luiwlu In
the States of California, Oregon, Na-
v"i,H uud Washington Territory1', as
V10"'1"'1 to all the Fu hi l Land States
Hadiey, of Klamath Falls, Couuty of
Klamath State of Oregon, has this
., ivange No. 17, E..W.M., and will
olfctr proof to show that thn lurwl
B(,,,ht ,a ,or valuable for its timber
nr HtIIMn i.,.,. Iiit.l.i
' . ........ .v., niiuvuiai I'UrilUHOII.
and to establish his claim to said land
before the Clerk of Klamath Co. Ore.,
l!,4 Mh, au'f ut K1"'n Falls, Ore. on
..unUUJr, iiiq 1Wj m,y (r juue 1U07,
He Dames as witnesses:
C. K. Brandenberir. of Kl ttmiaf h IV la Mat
- H. McCumber. of Dairy Ore.
O .11. Dusenbery and Frank H. Hall
of Klamath Falio Oro.
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are)
requested to Hie their claims in this
office on or before said 4th day of
June, 19U7. '
13-10 J. N. Watson, Register.