I i 9 9 Made as You Want It. When you place your order with us, wc make the Clothes to suit your ideas. 500 New Spring Samples are being displayed at our Store for your Early Selection. A Suit of Cffothesmade by the Royal Taylors fa made for the man who orders it They fit, they hang right and feel right. They have the style and the snap. Cost less, too. Come and see for yourself, that's the Easy way. 9 9 9 Lakevlew And Vicinity J. M Curry was In towu yesterday. E.H. Patch wan up town last week. Dutch lunch nt tlif Brewery s'll oon. tt Butch I ii no li nt the Brewery Sa loon, tf (Joorge Lynch whs down to town Suiulny. J. It. Hums was over from Warner yesterday. No Southern in nil arrived on Mon day's ft age. Eli Kestaiirant. First class meals at all hour. tf. Dr. Amsden was up from Tim1 Crook hist Thursday. T. C .Welch spont several days in Lakeview from Paisley. L. L. Kussill was in towu from tlio XL ratio h hist Saturday. Phonographs and records at Thorn ton & Cos., drug Storo. 10-1 f V. L. Suelling wont to to Reno last week on a business trip. Clay Lawsou was up from the Kob uott ranch tlrst of the wook. J. V. Huroy brought in a load of freight from the railroad this wook. Harry E. Pcltz and w ife came over from Klamath Falls tlrst ofthe week. N. K. Wilcox was iu town Tuesday aud made proof on his timber claim. George llaukinsi who was sick last week, is utile to bo about town again. S. P. Vernon was up towu Tuesday, aud made The Examiner ouMce a call. Swell Hue of Ladies' hiit waists Fresh garden needs at If your eyes are failing, hotter pave thorn, li. H. Whorton can lit a pair of glasses for you that will give satis faction in every way. 1'rlces very reasonable. H'tf. M. Wingtield, the Warner Valley cattleman, was over from there last voe"k. He was looking for a ranch hand, George tJilhert went homo with him to work. J. 11. McNew, the Pine Crook livery mini, win up from the Stale Line city hist week. Ho informed us that his w ite and young baby wore voiy m in Sacramento. Walter Nyswancr and wife have moved to the Chandler residence on I Maiu street. Mrs. Nyswauor has U-on waitress at Hotel Lakeviow for some time, up to last week. Mrs. Win. Harvey lias leased ".VKI acres of hind in the north end of this valley to M. Sunders, the tdioopmnu, for for i:tO, to ho used by Mr San ders tor lambing grounds. Judge Iteuson has decided the case of Mis. I'.llen Jones against the Koad Co. Suit to iptiot title to one-half section of hunt iu Wat nor valley, in favor of tlio Kuad Company. Nearly every rauoher down the val ley was iu town hist Thursday and Friday attending the stockmen's meet ing. Most of the rune tiers have cattle and arc interested iu range. H. K. llurker the stage man, was up i from A It urns last week with a load ot ul u.n ffni.rlif I tin f It ml Uiii i n 1 1 liti I lit. just received at Bailey A Massiugill. All(rud u rMuU of U(, roai,9 Mr Jim Boyd was over from lily lasi . jurjt.r w m put on four horses on the wook to attend ing. the stockmen's meet stage, v The Lukrview Examiner is prepur- Horn : Iu Lakeviow, Oregon, March j to ,,,,1,11, u edition of 10,tU t l'JOT, to the wife of A. 1. Ureeu, a!co,j,J( for tu, ,lrpUlo 0f advertising girL I Luke county. A good move, that. W. Z. Moss and J. C. Dodsoti wore I There is no better way to advertise nr.p frnm Warner several days last thau throiik-u tlio newsintpei s. .Mod nr. :)' . --fit T . - . 11 - t , . , . -c ;fer I ill I i-.iW. 'I TMt LION IN LOVK mom HinriM Biirmcmi MARCHTdt? MP I T 1 "SI ffl itr ii- ia 13 i irr io I-5 s i A M i pr . "; v...-IU I l' week. S. P. Mojs speut several days iu town from Chewaucau during the past week. Harry Ay res, brother of tloo. H. Ayres, arrived hete from llostou a few days ago. James aud Johu Furusou, of llend, ford Mail. Frank Harris writes from Suunner Lake that he bus returned home and is feel i tit; as tine as he ever fell in his life. Fut nud saucy as over. He says his wife will return as soon us the weather will periint. Mr. Harris speut the winter iu New Ix-r', this state. F. P. Liht remarked when the croud beuan to blow in lost week that it Mas "au ill wind that blew nobody uod," but when th hotel was full to rmiuim: over and people bad to llnd pmrters outside) the tic three rtory In tel, ami Prank hud to dun a white apron ami wade intn the dining rio:', he Ih''iiii to wish the wind would ctiAiik'e. BSSINGER & CO. OF SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF,. ...m ll'-.l . 1 ' 1 wore registered at Hotel Lakeviow tlrst ; M. Mu. pire M..an wiers u.e.. I HI r.unene .nari-ii tjin. .mis. h m - .--r.il.-. Have estciblishcd a warehouse in Lakeview for the j accommodation of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake county-, where they' will buy beef hides, hcrse hides, pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc.. a San Fraccisco prices, freight deducted, s Warehouse located in the J. P ing, near the Planin"r Mill. , ! v l v 3 1 of the week. J. P. DUCKWORTH, Special Agent. CASH PAID FOR ALL HIDES Duckworth 2uiid- $ V 5 Ready ujado skirts, muslin uuder wear aud cuii bouuots at Uailey A Masiugills. It K. Casebeer and To'n Garret were over from li.y last week to attend the stockmeu's meetiu. Dave Edler came in from the ratine i last week aud remained iu towu sev- 'eral days on busiuess. Spriuy dress oods in wash and wool en. A nood fctock to select from at Bailey & Massin'ill's. x Ed. Pek'uello, Mr. Shoukel, and a number of other commercial men were iu Lakeview last week. ResolutlcmH. A Ftesuhit ion on thfl Until of broth er David 11. Hartok', by l.ik,vnw the mother of Shorilf W. W. Withers, i Loilyo No. ,1 A. !. .A. 31., Ijik. vlew who was shut and killed three years a'o ' t)re,'nn by a ftiKitivo from justice. Mrs. Withers was 71 years of uise. She was related to the Withers boys of Paisley. W. A. Currier and his smi-in-hiw, Warren Marsters and wile, returned from Hanford, California last Satur day. Mr. Currier has lu-u away from his Summer Lake homo since Novem ber. Mr. und ilrs. Maisters will spend few weeks at Paisley, wheu they w ill return to Hmiford. ' Lakeview thinks it ii haviiik' it pietty roiik'h iu the matter of delayed btae freiufit aud slightly delayed mail. FUK SALK or KKNT. My residence , but just look at the plight our neigh bors on tho north are iu : ritty tons of mail at the little towu of Wasco, on the Jolumbia Southern railroad, and up to last week not a through mail spice Jannai y 'H). Lverybody takes a pride in an early Harden You can havo the first mess of Kurdtu Btutf if you K t your seeds nt property iu wet Lakeview. tf. K. II. Patch. See liailey Jc Mastjinill new stock of woolen dress jroods tor Kpriuk' Vou are sure to lie pleued. It Sheriff Deut received the sad iis Testerday of the death on Macrh 'Jth This Space is Reserved For Chandler & Arthur Who's ad will Appear NEXT WEEK .PELTS AND HIDES. BOUGHT The Lakeview Mercantile Co. will pay, for hides in first-class condition, Decf Uidcs 17c per lb SUecp Tclts lie per lb Call and see us before MAKE EVERY DAY COUNl- no matter how bad the weather You cannot afford to be without & TOWER'S WATERPROOFI OILED SUIT OR SLICKER When you buy look for the , SIGN OF THE FISH 1WI ?OWC II QMWUEAN CO .1Q TQQrofAW of his mother in Bismark, Mo. j Horn. Iu Arddutid, )ron, .March j , l'.OT, to Mrs. L. L. Mulit (neo (Jer- trude McC'alleii; an h-pound ticjy. j J. F. Clarkaou is very ill at note Lakeview. Mrs. D. U. Clelaml is over from Plush vraitiu,' oa her brother. W. A. Wilnhire returned Mouady frnm u visit with his family at Ash land, lie says the roads are very bad. Miss Mollie Ivory came up from Al turas Monday, arriving iu the tnorn in after riding all uiht.ou thostaKe. ! Quite a number of the town tiiin rods went down on the lake Sunday to take a boat ride aud watch the ducks swim. ! J. O. Hamaker of the Uonauza Bui leton, was in Lakeview last week on business before the U. S. Land ofllce j at this place. j j C. E. Campbell wus down from Paisley last week and made final 1 proof on his homestead. C. M. llanan 'and P. J. lirattaiu were bia witnesses. The Lrattain Boys were down from ' Chewaucan labt week to attend the stockinen'H meeting, and Del. made ! proof on a desert claim, while here. Ebtray Notice. One Bay Keldintf, very email, branded 25 on left Btifle. Went to J. O. George'a ranch, west of Lakeview in December. 10 tf. Wade Snydre. O. W. Jacobs, the sheepman, was over to Lakeviow from Ouanu valley I last week, and took n the stockmen's tneetiuK. lie returned home first of this week. C. D. hSessious and wife returned last Friday from an extended visit through California. They spent about a month in Keno, and also visited the ay cities. t&r Seven head of tlno short bora Dur ham dairy cattle for sale, also one Hegidtered bull of same bleed, lor particulars inquire at The ExanTiuer Wheieas the'tirand Master of the Uuiverne having; been ph-Hf-ed to cull from earthly labor to eternal refresh ments, en March fith I'.XT, our tieloved brother David II. Ilartzotf. IteHolved that iu thi I erenvement, thi bulge is deprived of an active zealous mill painstaking member who was thoroughly imbued ith the prenpt and principals of our ordr, who evinced in a ilfe markad by iategrity hihI up rightnens the cardinal virtues, and who presented not only to his Breth ren, nut to the community au exuinble and an inspiration ta better deeds. In token of the deep 'rcpe-t we de sire to pay to the Memory of our de parted Brother, Be it Kesolved .that a Copy of these lli solid ions V spread upon the minute of our Ixidge, a copy be transmitted to the relatives, p1 a copy be furnished our Weekly xjper for piiblicaflon. Krateruiilly sill initted, X. Ar.ner, A. S I town, C'hus. L'uibiic.h. NM.I Kl.N M AMU R kl Ptk betuw Me 'le II ri'l l "I the e MS reeolded It e n el lilnell I Weil bureau sliitlnii ill Tin- I iiuiiiii r I 111 This repiiM is ehaiib'i-d eiu h week, II our remlriH i isli In keep it edilv r n) "I ueullter condition- l r lulnre teiei. eliee. etil elil Hie re"Ht iiloniJ the (lin k line mid paste it in ii setup bm-k week ittir another. 'Ihisrenr t wnl i taken on Tnesihi" to en I rai h im ek I j ben I ii on IVrdiip-dny for the ltt iek l lovi-riiinent VAY.it her I'tne.tu I tioli ill I jkrview , I lii-i!;, j I'. II. Ni :ir.kt.ll, ( 'mi. el.lt le Mwervef I Week i lirlnii; 'I'neHibi.v, dur. IJ, I'.si7 1'MV trial til I ft , vveTf . , t hnr. ; fnd'.vi Hilt "v ' sun. i llll III. tlli'H. .SI 1 !." i J? : 4.'. , i ? I --- I i:. j i : i --M.i I :::i j lo .r.i l. ItHtloll II. Oil II .SI 11.11,", 0.00 II ,l O ". nun .11 H is:: O.I j :t S ' no mi I i ml l!ll III 1x .e, i IdV I le.'l r N.-w Spring Line I lor-heim Sin i s ut Ad vet tied Letter. Mr. Ben Snwlgle, John W ingle. Mrs. Bill nte. .Iiibii uU Cliinton Wylii. S. Ball. .1. ('rail. lull. V. L. .Morton. Mrs. '. Browu. Mr. A. Johnson. M. Kwin. Win M. MCK'ay Frank Liudahl. Fdgnr Sehrnder. Mrs. May Mike llrond. Mr. A. Bushy Mr. I. . Boliinett. inKiAtiihisE j Www, J r ti mmimm- ! 1 I; Mi 2 Jin , 'jtjtmmf'' 3? mmr: ii"s j-i'assi TO GUARD SHIPS against the unseen danger at lea, the United States Government maintains lighthouses. To guard your home against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pure food law. The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government has made the label your protection so that you can avoid alum read it carefully, if it does not say pure cream of tartar hand it back and Sap plainly mtmvfx n BAKIHG POWDER ROYAL Is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder a pure product of grapes aids the digestion adds to the health fulness of food. selling efcewherc. office. 93.