Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 14, 1907, Image 2

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    - Reward. j
-VX Upward will be paid by the,
Luke County Woolgrow era Asooeiat urn i
A - J J I .. 1 ..... 1 lit. '
vu anyone Hi in i m mil um
Unite 1 State I ml Otlloe, Lake
view, Oiegon, 1h ill I'.KH'i.
Not lop is hereby given that in corn-
Timber Land Deals.
The Examiner in prepared to handle
timlet Intuit iu largo or small Unlit';
the trouble l)(ii alwayw I icon Hinder
to t he hi rest and conviction of any pliance tin the provision or Iho act ! l,,nd owner have been scattered over
twp l-elonging
8. H. Chandler, President
J X. Watson, Secretary'
nil , r-l, Willi ,,lll,l,,Ml . ...p ,- .... - iiiiiii tmiii m iiitir n III nnilVHll ,i,l'l
or persons rlmm-in the marks of CoucreM or June X 1K7S, entitled ,,ip rounfry Hmi htwo Uvp,, ,
iK or killing or moving any An aot for the sale of timber lands
ionVln ' to members of thin in the State of California, Oregon, enough together to list their lands in
Nevada and WashiiiKton Territory, "a sufficiently largo body to make the
ax extended to nil the llublie land j .H,-i olu, 0f Importance to timber land
KS t"U.... have invaria
of I.ake. State of Oregon, has this .lay ; '''T ',t',' lu a'1''1' localities -as would
filed in this oMIeo his sworn t-tatcment prohibit consolidation. Wo havo ar-
.ii"1 1 ' -y
I . ,, , , fo
Tioc Mn ta
iV DC8I0NS ! Ki
Antiuii aenrttna a aarh and Sw,crlr'n roar
anlcklr wrwrtmii our opinion fraa whwhpr an
an-rmllnn la pmhahlT mnliMv Conntnt-lr.
thmaamctlrrmifldantl-tl. HANDBOOK on tt.-nu
Bent tr. OliliMit mronrr fr .emmic pat .
t'atnme taken throurh Munn A Co. rec-flre
tpK-iat nrtict, without chanre, tu tke
Scicnlific American.
A PunrtwvnU'T IBwifitrt rlT. I iml ctr.
rotation of any aoinillBo iirnal. lrm. U
ir: fliiM byall naitadeiil,--.
fiUNN&Co"'8- New York
Branch ofnea, SS F Pt Waahluglou, IX C.
Reward for horses
I will ijive fj..00 Ueward fur the
delivery, In likevlew or at my ranch
at wngontire Mountain, of tiny and
all unbroken ran up horses, 4-year old
and upwards, unblemished. ranging
In Iake county, Oregon, brandi-tl
with an old horseshm- on trnth javn.
without any other brand on the nni
Oial; horm'shof oh-ii part downward
tbe same as ear in the following ad
vertisirnHM.t. w. w. 15ito,v.
$l,2s0 Reward.
The Harney fount J
Live strVk A-i"a
tion. of which I nir
a mt-mber. pay f"-H
reward forevidenit
lt'-l nc to the nu
itiniii of pr::-i
siralini MiH'k Ix-
ton;i;- to :t mt tn
lrv In ad 'itioti '
.iff. r $W r. r.i
shoe h-tr on irittir
or iMith 'is. Kf-
corded iaHoonntin
kanire, Harner, Lake and t'root Co'intiea
Borari vented when vld Hir- olil to (
through thlt nectinn "illbt- ri'i-orii-il iu thi
(aaper. H not o n-iorted. pli-a-e write or tflt
phone The Tjnii-s Herald. Mnin S2I. Hums. t)re
f6n. W. W .Brown, Burns. Ore.
No, for the iMirilmse of the W'4
SKI SKI See. : SW SWJ of S.e
tion 'M. township No. lit-. S., K:imi.
Jo. -0 K. , W. M., and will olfer proof
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than
for nirrteultural purpor-os, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview,
(recon, on Fridav, the 'J dav tif
March, li'T. Me names as witnesses:
! V. U SnellitiK', K. A. Hawkins, K.
K Kinehart, A. W. liryan, all of
I..akeview. Onvon.
i Any and all persons claiming nd
j verseiy the above desVribed lands are
i reitiested to Hie their claims in this
j ottiee on or before said '22 day of :
j March 11V7. j
i J. X. Watson, Register.
I United States Land lltlice, Lakeviev
'Oregon. Feb. 1.1, llK'T Xot ice is hereby
given that iu compliance with the pro
j visions of the act of Congress of June
3, 1S7S, entitled "An Act for the sale
; of timber lands iu the States of Cal
; ifornia, Oregon, Xevada. and Wash
j ingtou Territory," as extended to all
the Public Land States by act of Aug- '
'ustl. lS;i Chailes W. Withers, of;
Paisley, county of Lake State of Ore- j
gon, has this day tiled in this otlloe
' his sworn statement Xo. :s.Hd, for the
; purchase of the SKJ XWJ KJ SW'i A
; SWJ SWJ of Sivtion 13 in Township
Xo. 34 S., Range Xo. 17 W. M.,
and will offer proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for its
' timber or stone than for agricultural
purposts, and to establish bis claim to
said laud before Register and Receiver
at Lakview Oregon, on Monday, the
; ranged wit h a firm to take these is
olated tracts, and by so doing, we are
able to secure enough land iu tine
body to make it an object to purch
asers to investigate, and thus the
lands will bring the highest market
price. Parties owning but 100 or SO
acres will not Ih told by their Intend
ing purchasers that their tracts are
too small to bother with. Tho com
pany we are dealing with is absolutely
r,esponisble and has plenty of capital.
Write The Lake County K.xnminer for
full partii ulars.
If you have a piece ot timber land
to sell write The Lake County K.
aminer. We cau place your land
where it will bring the highest price.
Baajitha llw Kind Yoy Haw Always Bcttgfi
Btutar. SIX , yASa.
fie names as
all of
day of April, 11W7
witnesses :
C. L Withers. John Prumm,
K. McCormack, deorge Cooley,
Paisley. Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming adver
sely the above-described lauds are re
quested to file their claims in this
office ou or liefore said J2day of April,
l'M. J. X. Watson, Register. 7-10
1M) 11 KALI NO
E'y's Cream Balra
tuy ami plfwint to
; i'onta na ua in
Juriooi ilrti.
It inqtiick'y lorHol.
iiivc Hei. f rti oner.
Tt ..,.1 I'L...,..
aW-sSss- COLD'm HEAD
ThuU atul lr(ttM"s the MemlrAii Ktst''r'i tti
Snt of T;ie til S ,il. I.ire S'a', c-itt r.
ina'iet! nr lv ni il ; '1 r -iJ S ! r.-r.i iv iv.aV.
ELY BUUTUKttS. W arn u Mrcvf . vrk
Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. 4 l!M7.
Xot ice la hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the net
of Congress of June '. 17N, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
til the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington territory, "
as rxtotuloil to all the Public land
states by act of August 4, IS!' John
O. Pollard, of Napavine, county of
Lewis, State of Washington, has this
day tiled in this olllce his sworn state
ment No. :CWit, for the purchase of
the K'j. NW'4 A N l4 NK'4 of Section
Jla, tu Township No. 'X, H, Riinge No.
17, W. M., and w ill olt r prtiof to
show that tlie land oouglt is morti
valuab e for its timber or sone than
for agricultural pin poses, and to es
tablish his claim tit said laud before
the Clerk of Klamath County Ore. at
his olllce at Klamath Falls Oregon, ou
Monday, the 1st day of April, l'.H7.
He names as witnesses:
William T. t turret t, Ouluton Auder
son, Si sco W. Wood, Kdwin W. Pol
lard, all of Illy Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to llle their claims iu this
olllce on or before said 1st, day of
April, IIH17.
211 J. N. Watson, Register.
United Males Itiind Olllce, Luke
view, Oregon, Deo. '21, llKMt.
Notice Is hereby given that la com
, Wu'ioe with the provisions of the net
of Congress of June 3, 1S7H, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands
lu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory. "
as extended to all the Publlo Iauil
States by act of August 4, IN'.rj, Alice
iv. Hunting, o Lakeview, county of
I L kj, ..1 j , ft. ... 1 1 , .
""'i nmiTO im om'iiiiii, iias nun nay
tiled In this olllce hoi switrn slatemeut
No. :h:, for the purchase of the H 'v
F.S, of Section No. 17. In Tow lishln
No. J17 H.. Range Xo. F... W. M..
and will olfer proof to show that the
laud sought Is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish her claim
to said land before Register and Recei
ver at Lakeview Oregon, ou Sattirdiiv.
I the n;th day of March, l'.H7. He luiinis
I as w it noses :
K. A. Hawkins, John Carl, Win.
Smock, .1. M. Curry alt of lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
verseiy the above described lands are
requested to llle their claims iu this
otlloe ou or before mid Hith day tit
Murch, T.KI7.
1 J. X. Wh'soii, Regitser.
oiru in
Hoerrlarjr ot slats
Sectf larf el Trraaury
sertlarjr of War
Aliorni-jr Ui'tioral
I'lMttiiaatiT (li iu ral
Hecrntarjrnt Navjr
Srcrelarjr Inl.Tliir
rrtdrjr ol Aurionl turo . ,
erplarjf ol I iiiiinn rrr. , .
lilrl Juatli-a
Veaiailon WariiiT,
W. H. Ill-liard,...
Robert'.ne gives what every woman
nitvst dealrea 1 perfect complexior..
It bringa thxt soft, amooth, fresh,
c' tint to the cheek that notes
jutlifulness. It -will brlnu beauty
to those who lack it: It will renin
it .'.r those who already po-oess It;
U will enab'.n you to BU'.-ce.fsful'.y
combat the ravasea of weather and
time. Don't doubt Jon't arcue. Just
try Kobertine. Your druc;ist will
give you ' free sample. AU drug
Bijtfi keep Roberttne.
3 M
r. ..11 v w- m.
t tt. JLall- - .
B t km ki,.i. . ai,4;
v.--j t- .V.
United Slates Land Olllce, Lake
view, Oregon. Pec. 'JS, llHHi.
Xot ice is hereby given that n com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June :t, 1K7.H, out it led,
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of .'alifornia, Oregon,
Xevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, l.ti Clem
eut Polandcr. ot Lake City, county of
Modoc, State of Calili ruia ums this
day tiled iu this ollice his sworn
statement No. 11511, for the pur
chase .if the SWJ XWJ A- X'tf SWJ, of
Section No. 'jn, 111 Towiiship No. HIS,
Range No. '22 K., W. M id will ..It
er pro if to show that the laud mught
is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
Iff ore Register ami Receiver at Luke
view Oregon, on Tunsdav. Jtho K'th
day of March, 1!07. Ho name as wit-
nesscs :
W. A. Miller. (Jeo. Weilinunster.
Fred Martin of Lake Citv Calif and
J. C. Itodson of Adel Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile t heir cla ims in this
otlice on or before said I'.'th tlay of
March, HH17.
1-1' J. X. Watson Register.
Lakeview., Oregon. Jan. 'J!, 11HI7.
Notice is hereby given that iu com-
Hiiiieinn Juiliie
Sri ri'lary nl Hinie
Attorney lO'tierxl
Siipl. I'lilillr limtriiellon
1'rliiter . .
ball-) and Knd r
I', S. Senator! ....
I'oiiKrrMint 11
, llirtHtor Kinitpvell
Chaa. W. Palrbank
... alllin Iton
lnlln M. Hhaw
Win. II. Tall
... Win. II. Moody
Ui'o. 11, ( orli'lymi
I'haa. J. Miinaiarla
...K. A. Illlelll'iiek
. .... J men W liana
V. (', Molrall
MeivlliP W Fuller
I'l imlini Coin 111 Imilolier
. t! H. I and l'iiiiinil,liinr
lo o. ft, riiatnlierlaln
. f. A. Miinrv
... P. I lumliar
'. H. Mom
A.M. I raw foul
J . 1 1 . Ai lie rni an
J. II. Will tlie)
... 1. W . llaUi J
J0I111 M. Orarln
. , W . Kiiitou
llina-r Herman
J N W illlainaoa
allTH Ji'ioiiti mtrrai'-T.
Jinlgr ... II. I,. Ileiiaon
Jblnl Sonalor Joli n A . I.Miteoeli
A ttormy ......
, Melatiay
Mel Milan
I' s. I. ANH dHH k,
V. t'. Snider
1.1m leidrr,
. W. 1. Mikih
. Ki'tl.ilP
! StiH'k Inaneetor
1 IlldMe
! I'lrrk
' pliance with the provisions ot the Act sheriff
' of Congress of June Jl, 1M7H, entitled ! ir.aaurwr ...
; "An Act for the sale or timber lands ir .
iu the states of Calllornlii, Oregon, School sujh
Nevada, and Washingtou Territory, " ! surveyor
as extended to all the Public liud ! C ommlaalonera
States by Act of August 4, lHirj, (...orgo
A. Gilbert of Lakeview, County of
Lake, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this otlice his Sworn State
ment No. :i55ti, for the purchase of
the X'... S't of Sec. No. J15 in Tp. No.
J17 S.. Range Xo. lt L, W. M., and
will olfer proof to show that the laud
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purpos
es, and to establish his claim to said
tiunl before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Ore, ou Friday the PJth day
of April, 1!H7. He names as witness
es: (i. J. Lynch, W. 1. McCulley,
M. Musgrave, leo P.mmerson, all of
L:ikeview Oregon, any ami all persons
claiming adversely the above-described
lands are requested to tile their
claims in this olllo" ou or before said
2 day of April, '.M7.
f HI J - X. Watson Register.
. . K. N. Iiiilah
. Alln ri I f-ti 1
V. O. ' .llroin
.... W H Mra
.... J. U. W llllta
. . . r K. Moor
r, w. beta
II K ll. rylntd
. Dan I'. Malloy
j town tip kv:kw
I V. I.. HtlellllllJ
Ilarrr llalley
i. I'. Mall. .V i
' J. w Tiii-ker
J.S. I.anr i
1 W. II. Hulder ..
A . leb, r
.. Mayor
C itiellinen
It rder
. Treaaur
New York Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake County Examiner
11 in oil Land, Act June :t, 1h7S.
Xotice for Publication. United States
Land Otlloe, Lakeview, Oregon, lec. '
'21, 1 1 H tt V. Xotice is hereby given that '
incompliance with the provisions of
the a tof JuueJl, lh7S, entitled "An Act
for the sale of timber lauds iu the,
States of California, Oregon, Xevadu
and Washington Territory," us ex-:
tended to all the Public' Land States
bv act of August 4, lH'.e.i, the follow-i
ing persons have tiled iu this olllce
tTu'ir sworn statements, tow it: !
Ottie Chandler of Lakeview, County j
of Lake, State of Oregon. Sworn State 1
merit Xo. JlHrl for the purchase of the1
S--SKJ Sim'. 5, and X'.jNKJ Sec. H, T. i
:n s., it h k.,w. m. ;
May Ahlstrom of Iakeview, County j
of Lake, State of Oregon. Sworn j
Staterneiu .Vj. :iliV. for the purchase;
of the .M..Nr.i. SWJNKJ, and SKJ
XWJ, fee i. 7 S. K. 21 K..W.M.
That they will olfer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable
for ita timber or triune than for agri
cultural purposes and to estublish their
claim to said land is-fore Register und
Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on
Thursday the 14th day of March, l!i07.
They name us witnesses: R. A. Haw
kins, Nathan Wilcox, J. M. Curry,
John Carl, All of Lakeview, Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming adver
sely the above-described lards are re
jqiiesed o llle their claims in this of
i (Ice on or before the said 11th day 01
Murch, 1.107.
1-9 J. X. Wutson, Register.
Northern Stage Line.
A. W. BRIAN, Proprietor.
Leave.i Lakeview at (! a. 111.
very tlay but Sunday.
Pfturniiig, leaves Paisley
nt :Ji a. 111 every day lur
Paaacngara' ara y Uofmt trip fi
OPFICE- Keynoldi Wlunanld'. ,jkelw
Nothing hat cvt-r equalled it.
Nothincr can evt-r iiurpass It.
- I
Dr. King's
New Discovery i
ForC frirt
l lillat and caati M
tti. I) "
A Perfect Tor All Throat and
Cure : I 'ting Troubles.
Monay back If It fails. Trial Uottlas froa.
Lakeview igar Factory
I A (luarantecd Cure tor Pile.
j Itching, I'.liinl, Itleeding or rmlriiill
j ng Piles, llrilggists relutiil motiey i
J PAZO iil.NTMKN T lulls to cure any
' ruMe, 110 matter of Imu long standing, in
ti to 14 d.iys. First application kiv
ease and rest, 5(c. If your druggist
1 haMi'l it send M)o in Ktniups and it will
le forwarded Hit paid by Paris Misl
n ' 1 . S I Iiiiis. .Mo.
A. S Tn Ilk. l.
Maker of
Havana and
Domestic Cigars
The Wall atris-t Hue (if engraved
cert Itlcatt-H of .S't nek and Pond blank
at the Kxamlticr iittlee. New sample
bonk received Monday evening;. If
you want stock cert Itlcatca ace our
; a im.ili'H aa I 1 it p '
1 1
york Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake Co Examiner
WEEKLY. 20 pa-es, 121 by IS inches. The moat
thoroughly practical, helpful, up-to-dute illustrated
weekly for every lueiuber of the farmer'a family.
Regular Price per Year $1.00
MONTHLY. pages, 7 by 10 incheH. Edited by
Dr. Albert Shaw, whose monthly corumentaon cur
rent history, at homo and abroad, are recojnlaed aa
the most intelligent and valuable found In ny peri
odical. Contains hundreds of portrait ol "people
In the public eye," of cartoons, lllustratioiia and
valuable, original articlca.
Regular Price per Year 3.00
MONTHLY. CO to 100 payeH, 10 by 14 Inthea.
Every Issue is full of brilliant and faHclnatlhg Serial
and Short Stories, original articles on "The Work
of the World," wlthdepartmentHcoverlngall phaaea
of "The Home Life and the Periion," und with
many Inspirational feanuren.
Regular Price per Year 1.00
WEEKLY: The Leading Paper of Southeastern
Ortgon; publishes all the latest land and Stock news
of a territory embracing 200 miles square. Luke
County.8 Oflicial paper. The Oldest Newspaper in
Southeastern Oregon, established In 1SS0.
Regular Price per Year 2.00
Timber Land Notice.
L'niited btate Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon. March 2nd, 18U7.
Xotice ia hereby given that iu com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled
"An act for the sule of timber land.-i
Hive us a trial. Store in the brick (
builiS'iu; next door to Post A KiiiK hh- 1
loon, Akeview, Oregon. ..... 11- L
On Matters That Interest You
Your local paper is a necessity
to you, financially and socially.
gist's advice l began giving him Hr. ' ing the latest news of the world.
King's New liiseuvery, and I soon j is equally necessary to you. The
noti I improvement. I kept this "up to date man" will provide
treatment, up for a few weeks when i himself with these two essential
he was perfectly well. He has work-
5aved her Son's Life.
The happiest mother In the little
town of Ava, Mo., Is Mrs. S. Ruppee.
She writes: "One year a-;i) my son
was down with such serious lung
tro ible t hat our physician was un
able to help liliu; when by our drug
ed steadly since at carpenter work.
Ir King's New liiscovery saved his
life." ( i ni run t iH'il lieut ciiiiirli iinil
in the States of California, Oregon , cfM rt; llK(i, ,(.
V,.tt,wln mwl l . i I t i rf -n 'In '' f Tf ,
The regular price of these 4 great publications is
Our Price is-.
- $7.00
Lake County Examiner, Lakeview, Oregon.
Nevada, and WashiuKton Terrritoy,
as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1W2, ;Mel
va Withers, of Paisley, county of Luke,
State of Oregon, bus this day filed in
this office bis sworn statement No.
;iri7, for the purchase of tho V,' SKI
of Section No. 5, in Township No. 34,
Kauge No. 1KJE,. W. M., and will ofler
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon Monday, the 20th day of May,
i:x)7. He names as witnesses :
C. L. Withers, J. K. Iianiater, C. W.
Withers, T. C. Welch, all of Paisley
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re
quested to llle their claims in this
office on or before said 20th day of
May, 1907.
10-10 J. N. Watson, ReKieter.
A Chance for Speculators.
SCHOOL LAND. 280 acres of level
unimproved agricultural land for sale
cheap. Discriptions SWt Si ol
NEi' and NWjtf of KVM, bection 10,
Tp., 39 8., K. 19 E. W. M. This ia a
desirable piece of land, located in Goose
Lake valley and will make tome man a
good ranch
It you are thinking of organizing a
stock company sco our new samples
oVall48tret engraved atock certlfl
atea. - tf
and 1.00. Trial bottle free.
How to R itnainyounjr.
To continue young lu hctilthgniid
strength, do as Mrs. N. F. Ho wan,
Mc, Donough, (ia, did. She says:
'Three bottles of Elettrlc Hitters
cured me of chronic liver und stomach
trouble, complicated with such an un
healthy condition of the blood that
my skin turned red as flannel. 1 am
now practically 20 years younger
than before 1 took Electric Hitters,
I can now do ull my work with ease
and assist In my husband's store."
Guaranteed at ax 1 'call's Drug
Store. Price r0c.
features of profrress.
kane, Wash., will be found the
Tery latest news of the world, its
matter including information on
politics, commerce, agriculture,
mining, literature, as well as the
local happenings in the states of
Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wash
Ington and the province of British
Columbia. In addition, its col.
umns for women, its . popular
science articles, its short and con.
tinned stories, its "Answers to
Correspondents" and "Puzzle
Problems" combine to form a
home newspaper that at $1.00 per
year can nowhere be excelled.
i-.rnape job hart aomathlaa to aall a
farm machlnarr. Ton mar
eet poaalble
bur imthlne
Do they UtT If they're not KX
A.CTL.V right, let ua make tlivin ao.
When we fit you, we tit you AC
CURATELY. Lion- eiptiiliTiiu,
very necenaary icleiitlflc aiiiurutu
and the required knuwludxe n
abllnf ua to correctly uaa the mine,
our own coraulete workihop, with
every facility even to lh grlnill'tK
of special leruiee are all at your
disposal here, aaaurlng a stirvUe
not ponlble with othera lua ford
nately equipped. Asnla do youi
la,,,! Tm'I-P W.1H1 .1 .. M.v
Mowell Opttial Cb
a nur or mii i. by laa.rUn- a amall ad la The Spokaamaa-Rarlaw.
Karmara, a lock man. lumbarmaa and mla.
ar. taka lha TWICH-A-WIIJISK.
If you wUh la reaeh baalnaa ma a and
apr,mri, uaa tha DAILY er BUNDAT
HeoKKSMAN-aBVIKrw. "uhuai
' t,vnia par una aaah lnurtlM
al wo-.'t to
18 Words iS
24 Words!
lime Mmaa, 4
llmae ......... toe
lUnae ......... ta
tla wertta
ranta Bar Una
to a
Writa yoar adv. plainly, tacloaln, aaaai
Si atampa er moat, Mdr tor Bmfcri2
Inaartlon daalrad. taa ai.t. -w.
taU whathar
-i. aa, inaartaa la