Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 07, 1907, Image 8

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The Suit You Want
Made as You Want It.
When you . place your order
with us, we make the Clothes to
suit your ideas.
500 New Spring Samples arc
being displayed at our Store for
your Early Selection. A Suit of
Clothes made by the Royal Taylors
is made for the man who orders
They fit, they hang right and
feel right. They have the style and
the snap. Cost less, too. Come
and see for yourself, that's the
Easy way.
LakevicwAnd Vicinity
V. T. Klmsey mine in town Tuesday
Mr. Pnterson Is her from llonnii.n.
Kit Hurteg wns tp town Tuesday.
In ti'lt lunch at the- Hrvwory sl
oon. tf
Dutch lunch nt tho Hrowory Sn
loon. tf
(leo. Hankin is down from Hummer!
Mw. Al. Cheney was quite ill last
1. P. Harry eatro in from Warner
Chns. Little came over to town lust
Head Hailcy & Mnssingill'a .now nil.
this week.
Head Hailcy -Mssiuglll's now tul
this work.
John St 'nit came over from Kouan
za Monday. Kostanrant, First class meals;
nt all hours. tf.
Clark Johnson came down from Pals
ley Tuosinlv.
Ttluestone at
11. McOrath was
from the ranch.
up town Tuesday
Have established a warehouse in Lakeview for the S j eastern
S O. T
J. C. Oliver was over from Drew
creek Saturday.
Everybody pays railroad faro hut
father. Ho walks.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc Dermott were
in town Saturday.
New goods at
Hailcy A Mass infills. x
I A. Carriker was over from the
West Side Saturday.
Isaac Deter was a visitor from down
the valley Saturday.
Phonographs and records at Thorn
tou A Cos., drug Store. 10-tf
J. S. Sprngue and T. C. Welch came
down from Paisley Monday.
Mrs. .Wall is ami daughter Helen
will leave soon for California
Atteud the hand dance next Satur
day night in Post A King Hall. It.
M. P. Hopkins was out prospecting
a few days ago in Warner canyon.
Frank Koggers ami I). U. Clelaud
j aud family are over from Warner.
! when you want a good meal. tf
The baud boys will give a dance
Saturday ufgtit in Host A lung
Manley Whorton and family were
up from Pine Creek first of the week.
J. K. Hauister was dowu from Pais
ley la.-t week, returning home Sunday.
P. P. Malloy returned from the
art of the county last r riday.
I v,- , . f THE LION IN LOVE Vw - ;V . . rj
I t,y , ' '-.V HO MINTIN. tt f HIYH Jit ' , ,' " ' IjJA
a a -4 r i 7 . i
Pat Murphy th Summer. T.uko
Hheepman, came down to l.akeview
Tuesday to atteud tlio ttockmen'
meet intt.
i .1 .1.1 1.. I'jhht
lalies wash nnd woolen dress ttoods
to hi live this week nt Hailcy A !
M assiiiKills.
I Mr. Davis, tho Indian allotment In
spector, who spent a week In Luke
view, left here on last Suturady's
western sta'e.
! T. (1. Hastings ami family have
t moved to one of the Ivllo." ranches
near Koyston, where they will live for
several Intuit lis.
See our line of wash and woolen
dress i!nods the latest style direct
from t he. Kn.-t.
Hailcy A Mussin'ills.
T. II. Cloud has leased part of the
Snyder building on Water street,
where he will conduct ice cream
parlois this summer.
j Lake county rejoices in one thititf;
I we have no representation in the letf
! isliiliire and hence no one to kick at
after the session closes.
(ieorne Phillips, formerly of Sur
prise valley, and who spent several
summers at Hi; Valley, has bought a
vineyard In California for in.
Sun Francisco will hull a imu
sectariau memorial on April IMh, in
memory of thoso who ln-t their liven i
lui-t April lth by cart Ixpiake ami tire.
i wilt...... .....i ,.;f.. ..r H..L.I.,..
soent a few dav in Lakeview lart
week. Mrs. Withers tiled on n piece
of timber land in the Paisley country.
We are in receipt of a letter from (i.
L. llolbrook, from thu desert, i ti
that sheep are looking Hue, ami that Shot loin mh IIs .) cents at LI:KI. WI-ATHLU MLIHIKT.
there will he little loss, except by ti - j O ' - eK.ven r. -,..M ..I the w cl In I
,,,,,,ts M recorded by tlie ieiinin lit weiilber
Lakeview is lKt,'inninkr t t take on i Harry Spanwlcr, a ytmm,' man who bureau MhIioii l The Finmim r Ollice.
its usual cosmopolitan a ppearance. I )MS .i"n l.i. akittK lioi-es f, r Harry Thin report in chunked each week, nd i!
StrutiK'cr's are coming trom all dire.--1,;j wns kll.K,.,, w ,,r readem wih I., keep a yearly record
tlous, bent on various kinds
We understand that Mr. an 1 Mrs.
.1. X. Watson are contemplating erect -iiik'
an operu house on Mrs. Watson'
ropertj north of The I'.xaininer
If your eyes are failing, better save
them. L. II. Whorton can (It a pair
of glasses for you that will tive satis
faction ill every way. Prices very
reasonable. It'tf.
i days atfo I y a wild horse and m i ioiihly "( wi nlher conditions f..r future refer
! hurt. lie was brought to town Sutur- ence, cut out the leporl nlnnu the blm k
day for treat incut. I line ami paste it in a ft rap hook ohm
J. T. l'look cauie over from Hock
crcik liift week after his wife and
niece, who liae been in Lakeview
since their return from California lift
fail. JTiicy expected to Mart for Hock j
creek Monday.
K. N. Jinpiish, county clerk, was
taken siidilculy ill Monday evetiiim at
the Court house. His condition crew
The days of hoi 1-ups have not pas.M-d ; ! u ))(. ury ,.,,,,1,,. ,, it
only a few days iipi a lone highway- to plac him on tiled and take
man hclil up the staye near .jai'Ksou-
ville and robbed ten puscnners of
Seven head of line shoit horn )ur-
i nprnmmnflntion nf P!iH-1imr-n anil 1ippninpn nf T nl-e til 1- -HKendree, the Klamath
f 1 S- sheep man spent a week in Lakeview.
x. pnnnf i- irlipr' -f M-i--ill Li v- liiicf liinac M nrcn h t M ti- i i . 1 u.. .1 ...:n I
x " - f " -. ...v. u vj. ii.uwo, 3 i nu uu e uuuersiuuu iiitti u iioiei in Seven head of line hliol t Imril I ur- I
I pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc.. af San Francisco I ! be put "p ftt the Wiu,ly IIollow n,iue-j ham dairy cattle tor sale, also ,.j
? -1 soon. I Kenistered hull of same bleed. For,
i pities, freight deducted. .i F. P. Liht, of Hotel Lakeview, j particulars impure at The Kxaminerj
Warehouse located in the J. P. Duckworth nmld- madle a trip ,0 md""U ,aht ; ' 'X
j . . jwt-ek. ,lhii Wells, of Ply, came over to
J tlg, near the Planing Mill. -i Horn: In Oaklaud, Calif.. Feb. 4, Lakeview, arriving hero Momlay.
Utj7, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. K. Moore, LMrs. Wells , who has been in this city j
a girl. 'for some weeks, will return homo with
him home. Mr.
from lumbago.
,lll'llUll is MiircriiiK'
ing, near the Planing Mill.
. P. DUCKWORTH, Special Agent.
her husband.
Mrs. (iooine Iunlap and daughter,
Mrs. Herman Messenger of i'rovoll,
.-pent several days of this week with
friends living in .Jacksonville. Ash
laud Tiding.
N. Mates, an Altura.-i cattle buyer,
This Space is Reserved
Chandler & Arthur
Who's ad will Appear
The time for receiving a rebate of
three per cent, on your taxes expires
March Knh.
Mr. F. II. McDonald, of Portland,
is in Lakeview sccurint? data of Lake
county lands.
Social dance, Saturday evening,
March fth, at Price's Hall. Music by
C. C. Price. It.
Win. Wallace has two freight teams
on the road after freight for the Fur
nitrure Store.
Dont over look the ciar factory
when you want a tfood smoke.
L. O. EiKpiist came in from the
range Tuesday. He looks as though he
had w ititerel well.
Mr. Proudfoot, tho government
etock irector, has rtturued from a
trip over the county.
The Howard sisters of Drewn valley
were in town first of tho wee k making
proof on timber land.
C. II. McKeudree, manager of the
Wert Side irrigation project, returned
from Tacoma Monday.
Members of tho Encampment, 1. O.
(). F.. are requested to attend lodge . r nkeviiitf in December
ttii.s (Thursday) evening. ; 10 tf. Wudo Knydre.
Oh hum ! This uew railroad talk is John hheehuu and Chaa. C. Loo came
nothing after all, but the name old down from Summer Lake this week,
-tory told in a different way. tc atteud the htockmen'u meeting.
' .... - .1 . i i I ll..,.
W I). Went of the Silver Luke Ore- luey Bay meir aiiee,. w.ute..,.. ..-,
eoni.,.!. and E. K. Henderson, came ' and they
down from Silver Lake thid week.
Harry Hcach, w ho now curries a card
as journeyman pressman, stopped off
between trains last Saturday, to visit
friends of his school days. He is en
route from Santa Cru. to Portland,
where he will be employed in his bro
thel 'n office. Ashland Tidings.
O. C. Price is now in a position to
receive piano pupils at his home, on
South Water St. Anyone wi-diing to
take lessons or a special coillre of
touch and technic, will either wiite
or call at once before my time is taken
up. And oblige,
!'-tf C. C. Price.
Stock for Sale.
Having disposed of my illy property,
week lifter another. 'Ihmieord will h
taken on Tiiesila" to end eai li wci-k and
hctfin on WciIiicmIiiv for tin netl week
ioveriiment Weather Itilieiiil Sta
tion at l.ukevicw , t ii. yon,
C, (I. Mktkkh, ( iMiicrntivc (Ibnrrver.
Wii'k ciiillng TueM.lay, lur. "i!, l!Ml7
I'mf ! mm ' lulu, i r - 1 1 . iii' I i hr. ic-r
j llkliou i Inll ul ila)'
vTeiiTT'' i't-'i"T" "'.on' o. " cToiy"""
Ihnr. :t l.'i u ihi oo ;
fnd'yl : j n ou on , pt i-l'dy
Hifv 1 -ll 1 ! u.'ni on cld.v
sun. :!7 i'l U..HI ih I
nniii.i Xi O.oo j ihi "
i I L'l ! j on
New Spring Line I 'loinheim Shoes lit
has l-oiight up .pme a immi or 'i" , ju ..ffer for sale. m head stock
in .Siir.ri.-, valley. Ho bought ' ,. (, ( e, sevenil fiead of horses, "O heud
entire bands of both Dan iieiiner and fif lllk,k,Vt ., caking cart,
J. H. Hoi n back. . j harness, etc.
F. M. Miller returned last Saturday j y. '. j,.a I , fily Oregon. 10 tf.
from Steins Mountain, a whero he i L ;,.M,.el came down from
went Home weeks ago to receive the ! j.ajsl(,y la.t w,.,.k , ,,uv ,ux,.Ht H)1
l,and of cattle he hal bought from the ,,,.,, tl, M ,,.w ,llsim.hf( matters.
Frauk-Olcnu Comjiany. j j.()1 Hiy t, ch(.Waucan Lumber t;o'H
M. It. Hart has hud n new brand "f iTiill will t-tutt op in a short, time,
cigars manufactured by the Lukcvbiw -j They hive about :!m,(NH) feet of logs
cigar factory, ami packed in boxes ia n,0 yard. The prospects for a good
expressly for his own use. I he cigar ( demand for lumber this year is bright,
is called "The M. li. Hart".
A lone robber entered a saloon in
Oukland a few evenings ago ami lined
up all tho men in the place, robbed
tho till and a game that was running
of about ?2 ai.d made bis escape.
Estray Notice. Ono Hay gelding,
very w.mull, branded 2." on left stifle.
Went to J. O. Oeorgo's ranch, wont of
will have a good crop of
JjllliU ffl'lllillililli .Liii'iiililiiiiliiiiiiiiWiiidiillli .
flic Lakeview Mercantile
Co. will pay, for hides m
first-class condition,
Beef Hides 17c per lb
Sheep Pelts 14c per lb
Call and see us before
selling elsewhere.
will give you com
plete protection
and long service
You can't afford
to buy any other
Every garment
The beat dealer tell H
4 lowCH CO ftOMO
A. L Price came into tow n Tuesday.
A horse fell with him Borne time i;go
and bruised his face pretty badly.
Lev. C. P. Hailey, of tho Huptist i
church of Lakeview, is holding a!
seriea of meetings in Kla-nath Fnlls.
W. W. Findley ia here from lily,
lie came over with John Wella, ami
they expect to go home next Saturday.
Mr. F. H. Marion, of Laidlaw,
Crook county, arrived in Lukeview a
few dayB ago. Hib Btay here ie iiidefl
uato. Tho band boya have sent for their
new suits. The suits are navy Line
trimmed in gold braid, and cost H,W)
a suit.
"TTardeu Seeds of all kiuds at
A prominent Alturas business man
who lecently passed through Heno,
interviewed the management of the N.
O. O. railroad, and was assured that
the road would be built to Alturiih
this year.
C. S. Heneflel and Win. Heueflel of
Palbley, have returned from a pros
pecting trip out in the Juniper
Mountains country, on tho desert.
They did not make any importunt
Geo. Hapgood was here from Likely
this week, says the Cedarville Kocord,
aud moved his cattle out to his liuld
Mountain range. While here ho pur
chased about GO head of cattle from
O. F. Hill.
Aspurugus Z cents a can at
he Buys, aud tho company want to get
in a big Hummers run.
(!. S. ami L. K. lieneflel, so we learn,
have purchased three town lots Hi
Paisley from Mis. Jack Partiu, of
Summeer Lake, for ?Hm. Tho lots
extend from (he corner opposit V.
('onus' and Mrs. Ah Farrow's, resi
dences, near the school house, west
of the Heed residence, now owned by
(5. S. Heneflel. Tho boys will improve
their property this year.
We learn that it man by the name of
Sperry has leased the three mining
claims of the Lottos Hrothers, known
as the "Discovery," "(Jold Ouartz"
and "Protectori" Mr. Sperry gives
out the iul'ormiiiton that he will put
on two crews of minors at, onco and
expendituies will amount to $UMX) per
month. If that amount of work is
done, some important facts should de
velop before very log.
W. C. Laird is wanting to get hold
of a good jack. Some time ago he
lost a good one in a rut her peculiar
manlier; it wasu sort of murder cuse.
MujoPino had a jack and it got inf o
a Held with Laird's jack. The two
unimals engaged in a deadly combat,
as jacks will, with tho result that
Laird's jack was killed. The Fine
jacR bit the ear off another jack be
longing to Ed. Laird, which was run
ning in tho same Held.
Onion Bets 0 cents a pound at,
fXtW- UFlMn,.
Thc School that Placcs
rov in a Good Position.
H Business COLLrr.F.
i. 'tit mT r rmrui ,r r.
The (!edurvillo Hecord tears the fruit
corp in Surprise valley w ill bo damag
ed as a result of the curly budding
out of th.i trees. Ho far as we havo
loured, no fruit trees put out their
buds in tliis county during the warm
spell, hence the frosls that come later
in the spring will not hurt tho fruit
unless, however, another warm Hpell
occurs, wliich may bring the trees out.
before the frosty seuson has passed.
This is m.t thought hardly likely now,
as the went her is colder mid occasion
al snnwspiulls w ill tend to keep the
trees from budding out until it is
I iiim for them.
$100 Reward. $100.
The reiideiH of this paper will lio
pleiiHcil to lenru thnt there Is nt
leiiHt one dreaded (llseiMc t hilt Mclence
Iimh been utile to curcln nil ltn ntng;cM,
nod thyt is Catarrh. IIuII'h Catarrh
ore is ii.e only liusllive cure now
known lo the medical fraternity.
nt unii being; a coiihI It ntloual i)Ih-
eilHe, reipiirea h ciuiMtlt utluiial treat
inent. Hull's Catarrh Cure in taken
internally, Retliii; directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroy Inn t he found
ation of I ho (IImciiho, and giving Iho
patient Hlrengtli by liullilhi up the
cbiiHtiliitlnn and asHUtlnjr nature in
doln its work. Tho proprietors
have ho much faith la Its curative
powers that they offer Ono Hundred
Dollars for any ciiho that It falln to
cure. Send for list of tcHtlmonlalH.
Address F. J. Chcucy & Co., Toledo,
Sold by all DruKglsts, 7."c.
Take I all's Family Plllu for con.