Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 07, 1907, Image 5

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    Hutch I ii tic li (it (Im Urcwcr.v Hn
loon. , jj
WANTKI) : Lndy to ndveiflun our
(jond loi'iilly. Hvonil wcclm home
work. Salary f.K!.il per wii l, $1,00 a
diiy for nxitiMH. HAL'NIMJJH CO.
Dept. W. 4U IS Jackson llouleviird.
Chicago 111. 11 H II.
Wanted : (IcuHcmiin or truly In Iravn
for Mercantile limine nf Im-gii capital.
'J'errlory ut homo or abroad to milt.
If ll'txlrillili' tin Iiiiioii lllliy lin IIM' I hm
ln'iil'iiiii I it r . Weekly Hilary if
t nr yciir iiikI -sc -rtrH. Ad
ilrens, A rnii'l long Ahxiinih'i, I .'. 1'ly
nioiith Place, Chicago, III. It.
Km! riiy Nd leu, llie I tii y gelding,
weight nbniit !i(m iiiiimIh, I i ii ii i I ' I
wltll I'!.) mi li'll h In in l )r mii c.liiitiicLcr
MliilhirtoJ, ,M. i-iiiini'cf ), on utilli',
WANTKI); 10 nun In fnch mInIa to
jrnvel, dUtrlbiiln mimph'n of our goods
ninl tuck nlgim. Hulnry PH. no pet
mouth i fll.OO nr day for oxpMiiMt.
HAtlNliKKH CO., Depart intuit 1. No.
4') .1 u knoll Iltiiilfviii'f1, Chicago, JIM,
II 3ni-A.
Kiitiirlnv morning, February 'Z'l,
l!Ki", Chartc K. 'iini'fMi)inot. h bin 'k
smith nf Ft. Ill'lwi'll, shot himself In
Ihn liri'iint with a flinty tin with fiilcl
(IhI Intent, and died m few Imnrn lnt'T,
l.lbmry Annual Meeting. -Tim
Annual mmd Ingof the lakeview
Library mid Oudlng J loom AmocIh
tlim, wit held lu tlio Library Hntur
dny evi'iilnif,
Homo illHiijipolnf input wh felt on hv ;
count of the small number In attend-j
mice, lint wo feci mirn thnt It was only
n signification, that every one felt;
perfectly nut lnflixl with the present!
orllcers, and confident of their relec-1
tlon to nlllci-; Lakeview tins certainly
shown no luck of I liter fat, Hinl has'
Mo leaves h w lf ii nil onn chlM who iilwnn willingly helped both flnHiinlsl
llvn In Ihn lliift, iiikI onn lirother, who y Hinl oi lier lite, t ho Lakeview Ll-
ahn njpnrtiier In Ihn liliickKinith busl
Iichh. lli wiih ubout i'.l years of age.
I'lniitii'lnl einliiirnihMnieiit, fitmlly Iron
liln, fifi'l Ihn ill Ink habit wi re said to
lie Ihn en 1 1 He of It I h iiihIi act.
L. l. I'Ynken fit mi! over from War
lier thin week, lie says Him ienile of
Ii 'm tielghiu.rhood have enjoyed tliem
wIvmm IIiIh winter. Mr. I-'rakcM Iimm
lliliile for !. I. Mutiny a line fii'inlnt nil
suppnm! In have Inm, the fire ,,,r " i"o.nne,i sliver cou-
icihih iii'Mineii Hiirr iiean, cnMin,
whlll l.nlii vii w l.leiy hi I! Mm ,iinil,
went to the .1. O, lii'iii'e riinch, went
nf tow li, in l i!ay.
M. Willi.' Sny. let'.
'J he t III lili ille H'i'l M l i pnl t li Ver
Itnl le i-tiin le ciiiixeil I y Hi,. Hulling
nf fit Ii f. i hi I i m I UK' ocr III I he liinlin -1
! ili- tilth Mill weht nf the lint
K t liiu Hut l ti. die iiihiiyinu if'j'.i to
the Inn I ni I n n tniiinl. Iilnlio iiiiiierii
Will- tie Hut In (Mike tie iIimcovci y.
Iliil.illi !. i f i hillliM have I eeli t tukeil
nft I XI iti li i I t HiliK I . i k 1 ' . - .Mtiiinn
1 leu i i till r.
i"1 A circular letter turn lieen receiveii
l).V ('nlllity Si'hnol H 1 1 1 t. . WlllitM, fliilll
State Supt. Arkeniiuii, i tilling that
the Hchnnl l:iw ju"nt eiuirteil will (jo
into ITi i t May 'J.'i, and thnt ri iiiv
i'1'i'ii-x nl Uie law will he reiuly for
(llntliliilt inn to the nllii'ern nf nil
mIhihIm I i fin e t lint time.
1 1. I!. .IiiIhm nii'l wife, nf A II ' 1 1 V m
were vinitoiM to IhlMcity We'lnecilay
anil Thui"'lny. Mr. Jihich riimliirH a
Imtel ami miIoiiii at Amlri wH, hiivin;
leliHeit tlill lilihini'fH nf Siliitli lilnh.,
liml Wiih hele nil tmei im h. MrHjnliert
Wli-4 lit nlie tiine a resilient nf tllln city
lu'llHf fnllnirly Mlh .line I eryilhull. -
lllll'IIH TillH H lll'I'lllll.
Pale, 7hin,
Nervous ?
Then your blood muit be in
a very bad condition. You
3 certainly Know what to take,
jj then fake it -Ayer's Sarsa
3 parilla. If you doubt, then
W fr wish Ir our doctor. X'e know
what he will say about this
Krand old family medicine.
TliU ! tl. mi""'''!!! tonr iloi-!tr wnlllil
nk "AT" I I- i.vitur . II" kli..i
tl).l ill. If il't.i'll l-f !!' Ii. Ml I 1 llhBOilllrl
nil. I i.i iii...rii K.-i . i.iir hvi r lur tour l.iihiU i.iti.i l.jr l.iklni: Ul-ilur
it.Bi , i.r a i l
M1,J r. Tr ra., I ow.ll.
A.u luAtiitlcturvra ot
A il I! CI VI .
i Ii. i ii. ii u t. r ) 'i r nifl ii'ini
p I ill 1 1 I'M ami iIIiiiihuiiIh. '1 lie hemlHtnll
im a very hauilitnine one, all hnnil unnlo
1 ami cohl Mr. Mnllny iI7..Vi. '. M.
i M iller has nnlereil one like It from
Mr. I'riiken. Mnylie Ihn 7T'h wnn'l
I hi nw mi I Im ' Vluipe",
i Leo IIhhi I (he It,, nt mnl hlme Inlil-l r,
, Iiiim Ik Hilit nn with t lie Sunt hern Ktiie
. cninpHiiy. Mr. IIiimi'I. It M-eiiiH, nr-
ileieil a hlock nf leather home time
iitfn uml nnlereil It In come dy ex iretM.
On ai'count of the liml rninln the
freight wan ili'luye I iim Mr. Ilanelwan
mixioiiM fur IIm irnii.t deli very, lie
wrnte Htairn Aent CiiillianiH at Altu-
llii a inlnti'i letter liml Mr. ( i II i II ilium
went In the n cm with hia trnuhleM
mnl I hrmili t he Altnrim lii'tiMiriin
Mr. llitHi'l k'l-tH a rniiMiinii. Mr. IIhi 1
ili'iliiili'H he ill ie the itae Co.
IronU" if liln freight in not. delivered.
Wn hnn) he Wlllni'thli freight, t ut
fear hin attemt tn I'lace ttm reonl
hility nf itH ileliveiy iiinn thi Mtiine
cniniiny will tail, um htiiKO cniiiiin ieti
are einj'lnyed hy the Kovei nmen t to
haul the ('. K. MuiIh ami are tint ludd
iim - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cnrriei'M.
lien l.aiier returned Sunday frnm a
tup to Sun 1 -'i'iiiicimco. l'uiiuw hin
al'M lice he Vlfiti'd 'J'nimpall and Onld
fi.dd and l-aj'M IhiiiK'n un hnnmini;
ilnw 11 t hei e. At Ki no he hud u talk
with the nlllier nf the N. C. O, I!y.
uml tiny btatid punitively that the
mud will he I'll 1 1 to AlturuH thin year.
They made no Hecret nf it, l.ut inude
; till' ht:itement UM hjpnhitive luct. Men
i lire liciiiK hhipped nut linm IU'lnl mi
every liaiii and tlie lutij; line nf Icnta
now at liy Creek in i-vidence that
already a larue Inrce in .iiployeil.
They Infurmeil Mr. Lauer that only
a way htatinu would l e htnl lihi'd at
Likely ami that the loud would In
piihlnd In AlturiiM iim IiikI iim men ami
teauiM cuiild l u i 1 1 1 it. AltuniH I'laiu-dealer.
hrnry, c:oiiHniiieiitly, o feci that It
wuit only 1eraiiHii Ifui K''HTal feeling
wiih onn of out Infliction the work wan
In Kond hiindM, that, the atteiidiinie
wiih mi Hlllllll.
Thn IJIiraiy AHMfa iHtlun have well
earned thn conxraliilalotiH and thankH
of thin community for their faithful,
perflMtiint work the pant year. They
have certainly ilonw t heir harc, bihI
It Im, of crnirMi', rather hard to link
I hem to iitfitlii lakn up thn work of mi
nt tier year. Still, juHl nt IIiIm time, It
M'enm iiici hMiiry thnt the work u on
hh filanneil, and who can ho w.dl nc
compliHli thin an I Im precctn oUIcicm.
and IriiKleeH.
j Thn entire r-t nfT of olllccra and trim
1 teen were elected, lltlliliiollMly, In leMB
than five Iiiinut'-M I ime.
Miii'iteH of pri'vioiiM mei'titiK read
and npprnved iim read ; I hen followed
thn TrciiMtirer'N report which followH:
Hi pnrt nf the I'lihlie iU-iidinK Kooin
and Library Arnni iation for the year
ending Mch. 'J, IIH)"
lial. in iSunk, Midi. .'!rd. Ituwi, VX'M
Ui-ccipiM Lnt. Mch i:nh;, rzi. 10
" Lecture hy Fruf.
Leavitt, Oct. r.ith, 37. o
Leceiptri J!uaar l'eh. Hh i:7,
Sale of CardM .V Miik'Hini'H,
Great Redaction
Great Reductioe
In order to make room for our new Serine: lines
will close out our entire line of Ladies Winter Waists Ladies,
Misses and Childrens' Coats and Jackets. Ladies Skirts etc.,
at prices to suit the purchaser. You can have them at your
own price. Only a few left. Also great reductions it
other lines.
We also carry the best line of Groceries in Lakeview.
You need but try our "S and Wf f Brands and you will
always ask for them.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
Total LeceiptM.
I inliiirMi'imnt
I'unkx for Lilirury,
Kepaira on l uil linu, hidden
tnla etc.,
I'lirchaie nf Leal F.hliite,
$ tV:i,:Ci
Worked Like a Charm.
I . N. W alker. ditur nf that picy
Jiiiii'iiul, the LfitcrpriHi, I.uuImi. 'n.,
ji.h:"I rim it nail in m.v funt lat
week and at nlice liiplled 1'illrklcil'n
Arnira Salve. No iiiflatiiinatliiii ful
lnwed: the Miilve Hiuipl.V healed t he
uiiuiid." Ilealrt every hurt', I'lirn
11 lid In iIIm-umi'- Cii.'irantecil at l'c
1 5' llllrt, lirilUKlat. '"ic.
I!ul. in Hank Mi h. HK17.
The I'recideiit, reported that Dr. Ii. I
I )aly had kindly d.. anted the prepent
home to the Lilirary for unnthei
year. A vote nf thankM wiih lendereil
Dr. Duly inr the kind oiler which wiim
I'.Iectiuu nf ntllceiH reHUjted iu the
follow inu elect iniiM : (
I'reMihnt, Mm. K. K. lUueLait;
.Vice rriMiiidi nt, M I'm. W. II. Shirk;
TreiiMirer, Mtm. J. N. Watson; Secre
tary, Mtm. A. liiebcr; IJnunl of Trua
teea K. Kinehart, A. llieher, Mrs.
W. 1'. ileryfnrd. Mm. S. II. Chandler,
Mtm. J. L. Norin Mrs. V. It. Snelliiiff,
Mir-M Pearl Jlall.
Mr. WutMnii then Introduced Mr. .1. ;
D. Venator, who t-pnko nn the udvant- j
iiKeh to he derived from incorpnratinn
the Hicicty. The matter wa iIiciiMed
freely, and reMtiltcd in u motion which j
wiih carried, to incorporate. A meet-:
I iik' will lie held in 'M days, at which'
tiiuu it will he neccMMiiry to reelect;
the otflccru and truntecH.
Wm. Wallace. Proprietor
Having Purchased ther Furniture Store
from E. N. Jaquish, I desire to invite the
Public to call and see my Goods and get my
if .VKUJ7 i- , t .11 1 1 r ii
Jf rices. l .will soon nave on nana a tull
line of everything to be found in a frst-class
furniture store.
I am a Cabinet Maker by trade and
Guarantee all my work.
Located in the Snider Building on Water Street
l Dried Fruits all varieties at
Beri tha i U' Kind Yoa H.i8 Alwavs B5':;!l
i. .i
Found at Last.
I. A. lluriiKin, (if Llzeinore, West
ii.. huvh: "At lam I Imve found the
pcrfict pill that never (lUappolnts im;
and for the lienellt of otherH aff'ictcil
with torpid liver and chronic con
stipation will nay: take Dr. Kin'H
New Life IMUm." Juuranteed aatiH
factory. LV ut Ix-e P.eallH, Druj;-
'1 :
ever m
c li.'tvo inatU' an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in anv wav, n licet Kcal I'ropcrtv in the countv-
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ade in Lake County, -and every Deed iven.
5aved her Son's Life.
The happleHt mother in the little
town of Avn, Mo.,.18 Mrs. S. Kuppee.
.she write: tine year nno inv sou
wiih down with imcU serious ing
tro.ilile that our physician was un
ulile to help hiiu; when by our druy;
Kist's advice 1 beKiin Rivlns him Dr.
KIii'h New Discovery, ami I soou
noticed improvement. I kept this
treatment up for n few weeks when
! lie was perfectly well. Helms work
ed steadly since at carpenter work.
Ir King's New Discovery saved his
life." (tiiaranteed best eolith and
cold cure by Ix'e Peall, DruKlst. ."uie
and si. 00. Trial bottle free.
! Lakeview., Oregon. Jan. 2, 1907.
Notice is hereby given that in com
, plianco with the provisions ot the Act
of Congress of June a, 1S7S, entitled
I "An Act for the gale of timber lands
! in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by Act of August 4, 1KY2, George
A. Gilbert of Lakeview, County of
Lake, State of Oregou, has this day
filed in this office his Sworn State
ment Xo. 3.Vt!, for the purehn-ie o f
the Nj S'a of Sec. Xo. 3Tj iu Tp. XoT
37 S., Range Xo. 19 E.. V. M., anTl
will ofler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber j
or ttione inim tor agricultural purpos
es, ana 10 esianiisu nis claim to said
land before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Ore, on Friday the V2th day
of April, 1!07. He names as witness
es: G. II. Lynch. W. I. McCulley,
M. Musgrave, Ieo Kmuierson, all uf
Lakeview Oregon, any and all persons
claioiiug adversely the above-described
lauds are requested to file their
claims iu this ottice on or before said
L day of April, 1K7.
10 J X. Watsou Register.
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Qr. King's
New Discovery
r viirMPTio.v
ji ui oruim ui
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure : Lung Troubles.
Money back If it fail. Trial Bottle free.
ZtC f
by buying thla
reliable, honest,
high grade sew
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
FREE Kuowluff what It was to r.f
fer, I will j;ive FKEK OF CI I A IK jK,
to any atllicted a positive cure for
Eczema, Salt Rheum, Kryslpebis,
Piles and Skin Diseases, lustuut re
lief. Dont suffer longer, Write F. V,
WILLIAMS. 400 Manhattan Avenue!
New York. Knclose staimj. UII.IITII R
In tninscriliing the records wc have found numerous
mortgages recorded in if 10 Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds arc not indexed
at all, and ate most dillicult to trace up from the records.
Wc have notations of all these Errors: '
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Manager.
-Tl"l"""'-" -v.-ij.i.m niMMKnui 1 11 .1 1 - .. - ...
Timber land Notice.
. Uniited State Land Otllee,
view, Oregon. March Hud, KH.iT.
Notice id hereby given that iu com
iiliuuco with the provisions of the act
of CougretiU of June 3, 1ST, entitled
"An uct for the sale of timber lauds
lu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Terrritoy, "
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, 1S1C!, JMel
va Withers, of Paisley, county of Lake,
State of Oregon, has this day
this otllee his bworu statement No. ! a extended to all the Public Land
IJTiST. for the mirchnso of the W'.; SKI 1 V"'?8 h? Hot ot August 4, laic', Alice
liml in.. ..K . .1 ..... ;
L'niteii States Land OrHce,
view, tuenou. ueo. '11. lLHXi.
Notice i hereby uiven that in com.
riiifice with the provisions of t lie act
of Congress of June 3, 18TH, entitled,
j "An acf for the sale of timber lauds
ill the States of Californiu. I Ii Vl'llll
Hied in . Nevada, and Washington Territory,'''
r-.-M. n p
of Section No. 5, in Township No. 31,
Range No. 1SJK,. V. M., and will ofler
proof to show that the laud sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before
Register and Receiver at Lakeview
Oregon Monday, the '20th day of May,
190T. lie. names as wituesses:
C. L. Withers, J. K. Hanlstor, C. W.
Withers, T. C. Welch, all of Paisley
Auy'aud all persons claiming adver
sely tho above described lauds are re
quested to tile their claims in this
ottice ou or before paid 20th day of
May, KX1T.
10-10 J. N. Watson, Register.
i i. Dinning, or ltiKeview. coiintv nf
Ijiike, StaLeo of Oiegou. has this div i
tiled in this ottice her sworn Ktjih.mnnV 1
Ao. liiNi, tor the purchase of the E
of Sectiou No. IT, in Township
V,. 'I- U 1'.. ...... X'.x Ol li- ,
and will oiler proof to show that the
laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone: than tor agricultural
purposes, and to establith her claim
to said laud before Register and Recei
ver at Lakeview Oregon, ou Saturday,
the liith day of March, 100T. He uaines
as u itueses :
u. A. Hawkins, Johu Carl, Win.
Smock, J. M. Curry all of Lakeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims iu this
ottice ou or before said 10th day of
March, l.HJT.
l-'J J. N. Wutsou, Regitsor.
Elvs Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Give Satisfaction.
It t'hiunscs, snotlies, ln-uls, uml protects th'.
ii--;u-d lui uiliriiiiti. It ir. -. i.'aturrh and
'x;-'SH;ry Ci.ld iii tin li,- ia uii-klv.
Uestiires tlie Simivos of Tih i nd Sincll.
l4y to :i-:f. (' i:it.iiiis tii' vintis drug-..
Applied into tho in -trils an I i.)i,orbJil.'
Litr'i' Si:-, r.) cems nt lVu'dts or by
luuil ; Tn.d Sio, li) touts hf n..
ELY BROTiltRS. 5G Warren St.. Mnw Yorfc
i no,.: -i-wwwj
it'" ' tun-?, .i.i.
rV'l suriv:.,':
rove tlieir worth at harvest
rovertlfty years of
v are pronounced
i.urcsi hy careful
rv where. Your
inrn. 1U07 Seed
r,' ni-t.
"lt. Mloa.