Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 07, 1907, Image 4

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    (oh (ftcrmttM CBsautnr
PuMlahrd Evrr Thurd.
C. o. Wi TZKP.W.
Editor and Publisher
Kn(or-d t Iho l Office m I attain , Ore
Kt'finit-ClMM Matin.
One Year.
Six .Months,
Three ,tiuh.,
To dny nnd tomorrow Hro tho dnys
for the utockincn of this rnd of the
cointy to meet in Lakeuew to mi-
tnst rimirn mirations. No doubt
Btockmon will h 1 1 ntirmt, as they
Imve been urcul to do so, for their
own interest. It i hope J that the
mace will tie divided up in a maimer
meet nud etpntiilile. and nil will W
satisfied. Time n'ms to le some
trouble in adjust intf this matter in
the northern paitor thes-tato but it is
probable, owintf to the friendly re
lation existinc between Lake County !
stockmen, tlmt trouble may not arise,
would be well for all bunds to avoid
It, as nothing can be accomplished.
We have the reserve and we must make
the best of it In tact there is nothing
else to do.
Tho papers nre telling about a new
very rich dd mine incitement in
Colusa county Cailf. The story noes
that for the past six months Ceortfe
WinKfleM has been netiotintinp for the
purchase of a mine for 100,000 and
recently consumated the deal, paying
$60,0)0 down, at Reno. Winfield, it
is said, has had prospectors on the
ground for several months and they
have traced the ledije some :X) miles.
The land through which the lede was
traced belongs to the Southern Pacitlic
railroad company, aud now Mr. Wiuf
field has begun suit against tho S. P.
for the release of the laud because of
its mineral character. The mine is
said to be very rich.
The Sacramento 15ee eulogizes the
Oregon Initiative and Referendum law
and the Direct Primary law, and pro
claims Californians' needs of such
laws. The reasons given by the Bee
are those which inspired Oregouiaus
to enact them. These laws are serv- j
ing a gcod purpose in Oregon, but we !
would warn our neighbors to place j
the per ceut of petitioners above the j
nnint nossilile tn roach bv the diseon- I
tented and shiftless. This error was
discovered iuthe Oregon laws after a
trial aud efforts D'ade to raise the per
cent. But conservatives were prone
to tamper with a law that, though a
slight defect was appareut, was giv
ing promise of satisfactory results.
It might be in place to suggest that
in writing letters parties tuiht add
some peculiarity to their manner of
writing, if they hav'nt one already, j
so that, in the future should it be j
their misfortune to have to defend
themselves in co ut a foundation
w-tdd be establ shed for that most,
popular defense, the insanity plea, iu j
case, howeever, the insanity j I a does'
not go out of style before. Iu some!
of the expert testimony in the Thaw
case it is shown that a very bfMaVA r,4C Hvi
i K -.- xpjr , i : 4
7, 1907. LO-f-'KsA s rr rv r. F , : i
J - nil , A-
r j
tr m iooq causes
stomach disorders Its con
tinucd use means permanent
ininrv tn hen 1th. i'W
.... ... , - ; ;
scientists, England and France have
passed laws prohibiting its use
in bread making.
American housewives!
M should protect their house- i
V? holds ap-ainst Alum's wromrs U :-?J 'kV i
by always buying pure Grape
Cream of Tartar Baking
d Pure Grape Cream of
Tartar Powder is to bs had
for the asking
w 1 -Jmm I -Y
The first shipment of woolen and
wash dress goods for Spring; and
Summer will arrive this week.
Our stock of the above dress
goods will be several times larger
than rver before and we believe we
can please you one and all.
Come and see for yourself.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
S Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets.
: t ;vm M'.'.iion box. sold in pest 12 month. This signature,
Cui Ci Ip
In Two Days.
on every
box. 25
Buy by name
For Infants aud Children.
Hib Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
uKiiaiuro of
Tbe man wLo ctole the t'lTixX) from
tLe Koverunu'tit tub-treasury iu Clii
chko, Las not wu uiiiiroboinJed, and
tbe authorities wcrkinK on the rase
say they litlieve the party wa crazy.
What LalliU'inatiua it is believed the
fello.v sus l'lliurim; under is lint ofii-
iybt ; ieally iven nut, but the laymau will
twist of tbe hand in makiuK a letter
or a little undersccriut; may be evi
dence of insanity.
Tho legislature is grilled by (Jover
uor Chamberlain in his veto of the
bill placing the printer on a flat sala
ry iu 1U10. Tbe Governor states
plainly that the lepislbture ilelii eratly
shirked its duty to tbe peolf e iu uot
placing the law in effect this year. In
conclusion, tbe Governor say that be
jirtfors trustiut,' the next .ei.-latuie,
which meets iu W. or the people
theuiselVeii, tor an earlier enartuient of
the law.
readily form is conclusion, and it will
probably be thaf tbe "crazy thief
needed the dou'b. "
Tbe Cedarvillu
George Sweeney,
Keeord .-ays that
a Surprise valley
rancher, some four years atjo bought
a sou, for which be paid -J,7-j. From
that one ho; be, Mr. Sweeney, has
obtained all the meat his family has
u.-ed for three years, be has bold c'l"
worth of pi's aud has 1 "27 head of fine
hofis on baud. Iu Ibis tbe Kecord
pioven that it pays to raise Logs.
A cigarette law was j-ass-:d by the
Sebate at Saciameuto IV b. utti
ing it a mis demeanor. by
a flue of and by a term (if ti.
mouths in jail, to "sell, five or in any
manner whatever furiii-b t j any per
son or poisons any cigun-tli-s, l lepar
ed cigarette tobacco, or cigan.tte pa
der." Twenty three si-natoi., v ted
for, and eight against tin- l.ill .
The .Monmouth and Drain Normal
school a j i ropi iat ions wc:e vetoed b3
th" goveriK.r. Asbland gits
and V.'et.-on ni.
iitliud will rais'- .-lo'.xj tier inoiith
tor ader'tising that city during the
summer mouths, for the purpo.-.e -of
at! i ai: ting i.nmigrat ion.
The Alturas riaiudea:. j- v .as
edd last week. Tbe Plal.'id'-al.
of our best exchanges :u;d our
that it may live buotb' r :i . j
1 11 years and prosper. T. Ice
the past tvvo years, t i la
hart been wiied off the earth
Lut it "riz" again, better tha
i.l. I.-
ii :
: i-
1 W Jsll 1-
. d'.I';ir'
!jy lire,
a ev .
Derth of Resignations.
Tiiere seem., to be a derth of resig
nations throughout tin; various depart
ineci of t'overnment. Four resigna
tion? have occurred in the postal de
j ;ii tmehl injfhe pt.t few mouths,
general (;,., j;, Cortelyou, having re-H-'iied
to ac( ept the position of Sec
letaiy of Slale. The other three are
S. Shallohberger and Madden.
They buvo tbe lid on at Kalmnth
Falls. That towu is eudeavoi ing to
force tbe Sunday closing law, and J.
V. Houston was lined f-'if lor violat ion.
Mr. Jloustou, it is said, will carry
the case to tbe circuit court.
Tbe State land board is in a posi
tion to dictate the number of acres
one person may acquire of school
land. No person will be allowed to
Luy more than 1520 acres.
Tbe Evelyu Nebbitt Thaw trial end
ed last Wednesday ami the triul of
her husband, Harry Thaw, was re
fcurnud, much to the disappointment
of epectatore.
'J he lonuei 's place, will l.e filled byex
!:(. resentatne .McOleary of Minneso
t i. Alexander Grant will succeed to
the position of general superintendent
of the railway mail service, vice J. E.
White, who resinc.el that position
some weeks ago.
Shouts has resigned from the man
aguient of the Panama canal construc
tion, and .Mr. Stevens, bubpervising
engineer, has ulso resigned. 1'resi
ditit Jtooeevclt, as a consequence of
the resigaution of Mr. Stevens, has
ordered that all the bids for canal
construction be rejected, aud the work
put under tbe general supervision of
tbe army engineers. Thin move would
indicate that the president is of the
belief that when men are taken from
: private life and placed in charge of
tbe work they find the task a very
difficult one and the chances for suc
cess not equal to the ch'uices of being
severely criticized, so tln-v resign.
To avoid this, the president has
decided upon the policy of plac
ing army engineers in charge
of the work, who cannot resign with
out leaving the army.
There is something of a dramatic
nature attached to the resignation of
John F. Stevens. The New York
Tribune says :
"When W. J. Oliver's bid for the ca
nal work was taken under conidera
tiou it is said that Stevens cabled
that Oliver was not congenial to him
aud that the a.ard of the. contract to !
Oliver would necessiato his r"signa :
tion. j
"Tho next mail leaving (.'olon car-
ried a letter from Stevens to tbe Pres- ,
idelit, the like of which was probably
never addressed to a President of the
United States. In terms remarkable
for their dictatorialness Stevens in
formed the President of his displeas
ure at hearing reports thet Oliver had
said iu an interview that, lie would be
pointed to as the man v. ho had built
the Panama canal. "
Stevens declared that he was deter
mined to share the glory of building j
the canal with no man or to be cross- i
examined or dictated to by any com- j
mittee of Congress or hampered by j
petty legislation., and finally gave1
warning that if his wishes were disre- ;
garded the Government would lose. his !
services as chairman and chief engin !
e :r. Hie President slept on t'hc letter
and the next day cabled that Steveus'
resignation was accepted".
b.auhlul'y i!;U5tTtrd. uol ttort'
ftnrl artirlr ahout Calif uruuft auJ
all the Far Wet.
d'volrd rarh nior.lli to ide ar
lutic rrproduction cl t!ir bcl
Mn:k of amairur and profruonal
a hrx, of 75 pay, containing
120 colurrd rhotnerapha of Cr 7C
, ....... c. i. (..,;.
pieiu xj J'- Lwv tia v .a ii vyi
Si. 00
Total ... 3.25
All for . . . . $1.50
A-Uier all oeirri to
Hood RuiMing San I ranruco
fliatia I . -
In tluy (ltT If tin v r n .
Ae'I L,V rlKlit. In u in.iid. tin
Vl:n r lit yju. . nt
fritATKI.Y. Iconic . x .. !. ,,.
fverjr n-i-ta.iry a irrrila- .i. i..h it
iiinl 1Mb rv.iu!rr! kaiw.. I..- .1
.iliilni: a tiir'Tiritly i.e ii, 1.
nur own ritii...H wet kliiii. 1
'Very f.i.-l!ty rt t-n ! ". Kriti I.-.
f Fti..-I;i 1 li-fi. i"i ,1 , : . .
it 's t- . 1 1 tll-ri.. 11 niun f . ,1 .t:
t.jeill.l.. I'll ,,' , !. . .... ;
11. 1 1 v t ' : 1 , - I . r 1 . 'i :.. . '
-! 1 t ' I I'. ..r ri'-irlv ' J
Nunsell Ooucd C
Ely's Cream Balm
":!.s. ,hmI v
1! n.' tit! 1 .1
.nl: 1.1 .1 i!r.
.'I .!! fir I,.
1 11 !
. it :
1 1
1 11'
1 renin It
I'VIT till- :ie : . 1 1 -r - I let !H II'
ini'i!! it u ru 'r t-. .... 1. I;
liut 1-f'i.l .' u s li I .ill.','r S'
1 wyf
11 t li" 11. .-'r ii. "lift ;i N
-r .J.
r 11. .tr. ;i
Jlriirl ! I ill.
...t ll-.MI.
.'n :i ntw lit 1 r 1
;i.-t- or l y inai! ; Triul Si.r, fi i en.
LIT LliO i llLK.S '.ii Warn u Ktrw-t, Nr
EYeryone ihould itibsrriha for
bli horn paper, In order to (et nil
tba local newi, but to koep In touch
vltb tho world! dally ovruti
hould alxo read
The Evening Telegram,
Portland, Oregon,
The leading eTenlnf cewipaper of
tbe Pacific Coast, which haj com
plete Aatociated Treu report! end
pedal leaaed - wire aerrlce. with
correspondent! In important newt
ccnterg and In all tbe cltlei and
principal towna ofj tbe Northwciit.
Pcrtlajid and euburba are coTerfd
Vy a bright ttaff of reportere, and
editorial, dramatic, aoclety and
epeclal wrltera. Saturday's edi
tion consists of 20 to 2S pages, and
has colored comic pages, as well as
a department for children, colored
fxnhion page, an Interesting serial
s'oiy and other attractive features
in addition to all the news of the
Kul.scrlptlon T.atrs: One month,
TO lents; thrte months. J 1.35 ; six
i.MontLa, 12. 'i0; twelve months, Jj.
) San. pie coplf s mailed free. Q
s Worth, or in Wiiat Town, City, State or Territory it In Located
No Matter W hat Your Property
f did lint liuve tfie nliilitv ntnl facllitlcM In hiII vmir mi' 'iv I i 1 1 t.i
nut lifl'ul d tn pay fur thin nd Vi'ltlHemeiil.' 'J' Ii 1m "nil" I like n It In ' nl lii-r "uIm" Im
(iniciiriillv Miire tti plin-e on in.v list n nuinlier d nt v urniii'iM Iih. niid I milium nM
I" I ll'eK nii'l liiitac eiliiilt;!! iimncy III ci uiiliilssl, ,iih Iu ini y fur the
'I Im m hy I ha vo mh Inrj
III- Mill! JIM II 1'CMlllt (f thl'Hl
sure tu Nell l hi
ciht of tlii'Me "ihIh," unit nmlie a tuml nrnlit liewi
ren fht ii te IiiisIiii-hh today.
Why liol juit your properly niiionj; the iininlii r thai
"jl I I m'- "
I will fiot only Hell It Home time hilt Will he ,'ilile to hell II ipilcklv. I 11. 1 II (1 Hpec
niliHt in iiick hiih-H. 1 Imve the nun t compli-te and up In dutu eii'iiiiient. 1 hnve
hrunch olllcert t hnnihont the ciinntiy iimi it field (nice ! men to find huyern.
I do not. hnndle nil ilneH usually curried hy the ordinary real estate iiKeiitn. I Mi:.ST
.ii.iu kiii esinieitnu linn in ii ir i,'ii nii til hiiinesn. lean assure ymi I am nut
., KoniKonior inihine:-.-,. t in i ne contrary, l ex .ect I o lliul ,at t lie idomt of t he year, f hat
- .....7 in.iiiv iriijif-ri it's iih i i ii xne pant, yt-iir, inn il will nr-1 (id in
I"--' - want. 10 if l llfK,Sanil Mi'J.Ij it.
I'l'H.-lll lor lll(! Ill ' 1 1 Mf ' linn. i,r.,
I t li I il'Hli 'I Inn 1 1 or vi I ii.l l,i i- v, 1 1 1 In. i .. t ... . . ..I l.l i
op u lnisi.w.wu. it .1 i. ...... . i . '.: . n imhuu w iiinmi any lallil.
... ........... . ..v s i i .naiiei wnai n i w pun, or vwiero n. ih lucated. ll you will till on , he h link letter of in-
(liiiry l.el.nv and mad it to . t,iay. J w nl tell vim how and wliv 1 can ouicUv cMv...t II... . ..-.. i..iV. . ' i. ... .
will iv) you my complete j lan
llow to Remain younjf.
'I'd cont,lnne yountc fulieiiltli and
nt ri'ijo tli, do as Mrs. N. 1'. Kowan,
Mc, Jionotinh, (ia. did. She hi.vh:
'Three bottlcH of Ivleitrh; I'.ltterri
cured ine of chronic liver and Ktoinnch
trouhle, complicated with hiicIi an un
healthy condition of the blood that
my nklii tiirin'il red as flannel. 1 am
now practically 20 years yourwr
than In-fore I took Klectrlc Hitters.
I can now do all my work with eanc
and asKlst in my husband's store."
(Jiiaranteed at Ia-c 1 '.call's lruf
Store. Price .V)c.
Free of Charge
nud teiniH for hm Ihjk it. J ho informtion I will Kiva yon will he of Krcnl value to you, even if you hhot.1,1 not well
oil had bettor unto today before you forKet it. Jf you want to buy any kind of u Yarn., llo.n.e, r 1! Zlnvil'
jii any part ot the country, tell mu your re.pnreniciiU 1 will Ktiiirantet. to till them promptly ami nut infuctorily.
DAVID P. TArr, the Land Man, 415 Kansas Avenue, Topeka. KANSAS
I You Want to Sell I ill ln Cut Out and Moll Today.
Please send, without cost to ine, a plan for fliidinr u
cash buyer for my property which consists of
Town.... , County State
Following Is a brief desci
Lowest cash price.
If Yon Wont to Uuy nil in, Cut Out and Mall Today.
I (IchIic to buy property corivKpoiidliifr approximately
with the following spccificnUoiiH: Tow n or city.
Ponnty stat-
Price between and If I will pay
dow n and balance
Nnnie, ddrcsu