Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 07, 1907, Image 2

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f.V)0 Reward will be pull by the
Lake County Woolrrowers Association
to anyone Kiting information leading
to the arrest and eonvietiou of any
person or person chnnuiiitt the marks
v brand, or killing or moving any
tieep lielotiKing to memlxrs of this
S. H. Chandler, President
J N. Watson, Secretary
' Titaoc Marks
'Pt dciqn
Anrnnx sn1tnc asks Hi and Hxfrtjlliji
ontrttl' oriA:n pur opmitw i w......-r
tintMMrtctlrcnndrientliU. HANDBOCHf on tWuu
pent fr. oinsi arrnry iur '
I'siwit. taken I tinmen mirii '
mm-ii im without ciiarcflL in tbo
I'siwiU taken hnueh Hum 4 to. fooair
Scientific American.
A hanrtsomoTT I1lnstrais1 wosHH;. TareoM rtr
rotation of any scicntlBo Journal. 1 m ts
tm ; four month. L Sold brail nows1flrs.
feUNN&Co.36"5' New York
Branch Ollkx. o V Bt, WsJ.Mu.-toa. & u
Reward for Horses
I will irlve fii.00 Reward for the
delivery, in likeview or nt my ranch
at Wrurontirv Mountain, of niiy mill
all unbroken riintr horses. 4-eHr old
sud upward, uubleintslied, ranirlnir
tti Lake county. Orvjron, branded
with n old horseshoe on both jiws.
without any other brjuid on tlx mil
BDal; horseshoe o)H-n part down vurd
the same as cut in the following ad
-ertieement. w. v.
$1,250 Reward.
The Harney ounij
Lire Moek A xia
Tl ii l'il,vi ull 1 .ill
a i:i wr, pT
rewant forevx'.ai.'
l'Slin to in foil
Vtotlfill of MI
StvuilllK fS h.'
. Unulnr tn is w'ui
itx-rs In i t :tion I
Sinn' bar on ciiliei
o- txth jawn. Re
cordcJ inNcountiet
kaoge, Harnrr. Litke and Crook Counties
Hornet Tented when aold Horses sold to pan
through this section will be reported in thif
paper, if not so reported, please write or tele
iftinne The Tiuie HraM. Main SS4. Burns. Ore
j'on W. V .Brown, Burns. Ore.
I The
1 Big;
T .jA
l i iyj,.rijii nfcA,.: - ,.
- .--f-- 'iVmii i. if mini - ,- n-,--r
yokk Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake Co Examiner
The regular price of these 4 great publications is
Our Price is
ST mf J " f V Ima tS j-lvw V f M-kvr-. a-
La ice -uounLy i.axi xoru-K
United States Lnn.l Olllce, Lake
view, Oiegon, Dec. 31 l'.Vi
Notice is hereby Riven that in com
pliance with the provisions of the Hct
nf t'onerpa of Jnnn 1STS. entitled
' "An act for the sale ol timber laud
... . i. o.... v. , ; f ; .. .
II llir ClflU Ml V ItllllM U 111. MV,.VII,
! Nevada and Washington Territory,
... n
; at extended to all the Public Iaud 1
States by act of August 4, Will- j
lain J. Moore of Lakevelw, county
of Lake, State of Oregon, h:is thU day 1
tiled in thin ottice his sworn statement ,
"iroiM 1 ,VArij!vMeJ-,ul?o
SL SL1 SL1 Sec. Ill SW 1 SW1 of Sec-1
tion :U. t.nwnshin Xn. .'ItV. H. . UuiilM I
No. 20 E., W. M., and will otfer proof able to secure enough land iu one
to show that the land sonifht is more , body to niako it an object to purcli
valuable for its timber or stone .than . H9ora to instigate, and thus the
for agricultural purposes, aud to cs- , , .
tablish hU claim to said land before I lni" " ill brin the highest market
Kenister and Receiver at Lakeviow,
Oregon, on FViday, the 22 day of
.March, IJa 7. He names as witnesses:
V. L. Suelliug, li. A. Hawkins. E.
E Kinehart, A. W. Hryan, all of
Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claim ing ad-
. . 1 . u . i . : 1 . . I i j. -
unei int? ULHie nesciii'eu inuiis iirw
rtviucsted to file their claims in this i
office on or before said 22 tiny of ,
March 1007. j
J. X. Watson, Register. ,
United States Land Ottice, Lakeviow
Oregon. Feb. 13, 11K7 Notice is hereby
given that iu compliance with the pro
visions ot the act of Congress of June
3, 1878, entitled "An Act for the sale
of timber lands iu the States of Cal
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, aud Wash
ington Territory," as exteuded to all
the Puflic Land States by act ot Aug
ust I, 18U2, Charles W. Withers, of
Paisley, county of Lake State of Ore
gon, has this day filed iu this olllce
his sworn statement No. 3TG4, for the
purchase or ,the SEJ NWJ E$ SWJ &
SWJ; SWJ of Section 13 in Township
No. 34 S., Range No. 17 F, W. M.,
and will otter proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stuue than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to
shid land before Register aud Receiver
at Lukview Oregon, on Monday, the
22 day of April, 1107. He uauies as
witnesses :
C. L. Withers, John Pruram, Win.
K. McCormack, George Cooley, all of
Paisley, Oregon.
Any and all persous claiming adver
sely the above-described lands are re
quested to tile their claims in this
office ou or before said 22 day of April,
l'J07. J. N. Watson, Register. 7-10
Robertine gives what every woman
most desires a perfect complexion.
It brings that soft, smooth, fresh,
clear tint to the cheek that denotes
youlhfulness. It will bring beauty
to those who lack If, It will retain
It for those who already possess It;
it -will enable you to successfully
combat the ravages of weather and
time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just
try Robertine. Tour druggist will
give you a free sample. All drug-gi.-rts
keep Robertine,
New York Tribune farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake County Examiner
WEEKLY. -0 121 " 1S inches. The most practical, helpful, up-to-tlute illustrated
weekly for every member of the farmer's family.
Regular Price per Year $1.00
MONTHLY. 12."i pages, 7 by 10 inches. Edited by
Dr. Albert Shaw, whose monthly comments on cur
rent history, at home and abroad, are recognized as
the niorit intelligent and valuable found in any peri
odical. Contains huudreds of portraita of "people
iu the public eye," of cartoons, illustrations and
valuable original articles.
Regular Price per Year 3.00
MONTHLY. 00 to 100 pages, 10 by 14 inches.
Every Issue is full of brilliant and fascinating Serial
and Short Stories, original articled on "The Work
of the World," with departineutscoveringall phases
of ' The Home Llf" and the Person," and with
many Inspirational feanures
Regular Price per Year 1.00
WEEKLY: The Leading Taper of Southeastern -Oregon;
publishes all the latest land and Stock news
of n territory embracing 200 miles squar.-. Lake
County.8 Official paper. The Oldest Newspaper In
Southeastern Oregon, established In 1S80
Regular Price per Year 2.00
examiner, luucvicw, vicjjuh, m
Timber Land Dealt,
The Examiner is prepared to handle
tinilnn lands iu lartte or small Unites;
the trouble baa always been timber
land owners have Ihcii scattered over
the country and those who lived close
enough together to list their lands in
a suttlciently lar'e body to make the
sale one of importance to timber land
purchasers, thier lands have iuvuria
bly been in such localities us would
prohibit consolidation. We have ar-
I ranged with a firm to take these
.. . , ,
olated tracts, aud by so doiti, we are
price. Parties owning but ItlO or 80
acres will not lie told by their intend
ing purchasers that their tracts are
too small to bother with. The com
pany we are dealing with is absolutely
responisblo and has pleuty of capital.
,1-:4 mi t 1 n . 1-
NVr,te The Lake County Examiner for
If you have, a piece of timber land
to n write The jg Couuty Ex-
! am in or. We cau place your land
where it will bring the highest price.
In aM Ita stages.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanses, soothes and heal
the diseased - menilirano.
It enres catarrh and dr.vcs
away a cold in tlx bead
Cream Halm is (tared into the nostrls, spreads
OTcr the memhrane ntd is alorU'd. Kelirf Is lui
meditte and a cure foKows. It Is not di-Tlnc da-s
not produce sm-ering. Ijn;e Size, 5 watt at lrii:'
gists or by mall ; Trial Sie, 10 cents.
ELY BliOTUSKS Warren Struet. New VorV
Get your winter supplies from the
Warner Valley "J-rxutile Co. Adel
and Plush 38 tf
a 4
ci.. ;
OrtAi'sCL, M w - .
. b . : - V.-v ! ,n.
' r f.;i,.rj. 'y ;c ri rj.
" V Ml
As ir
. I c -. lrlTlrr.lile fa .i'v S' w?t,- r:
.Vol it suili.iriii'.l i.:r
- - - - -
. $7.00
Ijakevlew, Oregon, Jan. 4 W.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June '. 1S78, entitled
"An act for the sale f timber lauds
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public land
states by net of August 4, 1802, John
11. Pollard, of Napavlne, county of
jcwis. State of Washington, has this
day tiled In this ottice bis sworn state
ment No. Il'Cil, for the purchase of
the IX. NWij Si N'i; NE. of Section
;t. In Township No. IVt, S, Range No.
17, E., W. M., and will ollt r iroof to
show that the laud sougl't is more
valuitb-e for its timber or s'one than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land before
the Clerk of Klamath County Ore. at
his ottice nt Klamath Kails Oregon, on
Monday, the 1st day of April, l'.K7.
He names ns witnesses:
William T. Garrett, Oulntou Ander
son, Sisco W. Wood, Edwin W. Pol
lard, all of Illy Oregon.
Any and h!1 persons claiming tid
vemdy the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office on or lieforo wild 1st, day of
April, HH7.
211 J. N. Watson, Register,
TniHKK l..l SOI U K
I'nited States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon. Oec. 28, l'.HHi.
Notice is hereby given that In com
pliance with the provisions of the net
of Congress of June II, 1878, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands.
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to nil the Public Land
States by act of August 4. 12, Clem
ent l'olander, of Lake City, county of;
Modoc, State of Culifcruia iims this:
ilay nidi in mis olllce ms sworn
statement No. Iloll, for the pur
chase of the SWJ NWJ A Ni SWJ. of
Sectiou No. 2i', iu Township Nti. 40 S,
Range No. 22 E., W. M., aud will oir
er proof to show ttiat the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land
lcfore Register aud Receiver at Lake
view Oregon, ou Tuesday, Jtho Kth
day of March, 1!H7. lie names as wit
nesses :
W. A. Miller, Geo. Weilmutister,
Fred Martin of Lake City Calif and
J. C. Dodsoti of Adel Oregon.
Any and all pet sons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to tile their claims in this
office nti or before said l'Jth day of
March, '.7.
J. N. Wnti-on RcgitUr.
mi iii H i.i ori r.. I
United States Land Office Lakeview '
Oregon, lec. 2li, 11H7. r
Notice" is hereby given that iu com- ,
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 878, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lauds i
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, und Washington Territory,"
as extended to sail me I'tituic uum
States by act of August 4, lH'.rj, Nathan
li,. Wilcox, of Lakeview, county 'f
Lake .State of Oregon has this tlify
i tiled in this otllce las sworn statement ,,.H,rah,. ,,i.-,-e of land, Im ated in Otsjn I
No. :. for the purchase of the N-.J!iOKe vn,M sn, tnske some man
SWJ SKJ SWJ & SWJ SKJ Section 21 J Vl)tH r8IM. (.
Township No. IW S., Kange iiuihUt'
2, K., W. M., and will offer proof to
I show that the land sought is more vnl
i uulile for its timlwr or stone tl a t for
j agricultural purposes, and to establish j
his claim to said land belore Kegisteri
and iieceiver at Lakeview, Oregon,
Tuesday, the 12th day of March 1 if T.
Ho names as witnesses: C. A. Ke
hart, J. C, Shidlhamtner, Wnu Keliart,
(ieorge llankius. All of Lakeview,
'EOregon. Any and all persons claim i
ing adversely the above-described
lands are requested to tile their claims
in this otllce ou or before said 12th
day of March, l'.K7. I
1 J. N. W atson, Iiegister. :
Itenert I. mi it Pinal I'roof.
Lakevlew, Orcein, Jan. 9. 1007
Notice is hereby given Hint Ilaz-
A. Krattaiu of Paisley, Oregon, ha j
filed notice of Intention to make proot
on nis fjeaeri-itiuu ciuim .o. .., ior
the NEJ SEJ and Lot 1 Sec. 25 TiM S
K. Ill, E.,. M., before Uegister and
Heceiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Sat
urday, the L)tu day of March, l!K7.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation und re
clamation, of said laud:
Charles Ilanuon, Elmer Stanley,
Paul J. ISrattaiu. Win. Johnson ull of I
Paisley Oregon.
:i-7 J. N. Watson, Iiegist'r.
Till lit It MM) MTM .
Timber Lund, Act June II, 1878.
Notice for Publication. United States
Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon, Lec.
27, WOO. Notice is hereby given thut
in compliance with the provisions of
the act of JuueS, 1878, entitled "An Act
for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as ex
teuded to all the Public Land States
bv act of August 4, 18!2, the follow
ing persons have filed iu this olllce
their sworn statements, to-wit:
Ottie Chandler of Lakeview, County
of Lake, State of Oregon. Sworn State
ment No. 'MM for the purchase of the
S'-iSEJ Sec. 0, aud N'NEJ Sec. 8, T.
37 S., It. 21 E..W. M.
way Aiusirom oi LaKeview, uouniy
1 tJ..4 '9 l U
oi i-iiine, (3inLc oi wiukihi nwurn
Statement .jio. for the pt.rtihase
of tb -,t:i. SWJNEJ, and SEJ
NWJ, fe-. . t. H7 S. K. 21 E..W.A1.
That they will offer proof to show
that tho land sought is more vuluable
for its timber or stone than for ugrl
cultural purposes and to establish their
..11 m 4- on I 1 InnI t iiftdA lnniiitnsi unrl
i:mim w do.m iouu u.u. nos,.
Receiver at LiakevlOvv, Oregon, on
Thursday the Hth day of March, UK)7.
They name as witnesses: K. A. Hnw
kins, Nathan Wilcox, J. M. Curry,
John Carl, All of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above-described lands are re
auesed 'o file their claims In this of
fice on or before the said Hth day of
March, 1U07.
l-'J J. N. Watson, Register.
Subscribe for The Lake County Ex
aminer,' If you want the news.
IMssinger & Co., of San Francisco
whose ad. appears In tho Examiner,
have appointed J. A. Morris, of Plush,
their agent at that place, who will
buy hides and pe ts. 48 tf
riMHtr.H UM'Villlt.
Timber Land, Act of June . 1S78.
Notice for Publication.
Uulted States Laud Office, Lnko
view, Oregon, Pec. 27, l'.Ml.
Notice Is hereby given that In coin
pllaine with the provisions of the
act of Jinn-It, 1878. entitled "An Act
for tint sale of timber lands iu the
States of California, Oregon. Nevada
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States
by n t of August 4, 18112, the follow
ing persons have Hied iu this olllce
their Sworn Statements to-wit:
Maty E. Kimzey of Lakevlew, Coil,
nty of Lake State of Oregon. Sworn
Statement No. :VHi2, for the putt base
of the E'tfNWJ and SNKJ, Sec. 8 I.
37 S . R 21 E. W.M.
Roy M. Chandler of lakevlew, Cou
nty of Luke. State of On gen. Sworn
Statement No. Klttt, tor the purchase
of the SI' l NKJ and N'VSEJ and NEl
SWJ Sec. .1. T. :I7 S.. R. 21 E..W. M.
That they w ill oiler prool to show
that the land sought is mote valuable
ftn its timber or stone t linn for ngi l
cultural purposes ami to estnldlsh
their claim to said bind l elore Reg
ister and Receiver lit Lakevlew, Ore
gon, ou Wednesday, the lath day of
Match, l'.M7.
They name as w it nesscA : R. A.
Hawkins, Nathan Wilcox J. M. Curiy,
John Carl. AH of Lakevlew, Oregon,
Any and all perostis claiming tulvor
sely the above lesctileil lands lire re
tjiitsted to (He their claims in this of
tlce on or before the said Kith day of
March. l!Ki7.
Ill J. .V Watson, Register.
Northern Stage Line.
A BRTAN, Proprietor.
Leaves l.akevicw
at 0 n. in.
S u 1 1 lay
every I v but
nctiiriiiug, leaves
at l :. a in every
Passengers' arc ts
lay Im
Hoxia trip I.
OFFICH HernoliU , Wm -nelil' .. !. .
lakeviev Cigar Factory
A. Stoiikm
Maker of
Havana and
Dotiicstic Cigars
Give il a trial. Store in the brick
buik!"itf Hex! d.Hir to Post t King sh
loon Hkevinw Orcein. ,
A Chance for Speculators
M 'lit nil, L.ANI. I aires of level!
! ii 1. 1 iii i.rkt.'4Ml it it r isn 1 1 ii i u. I I u tul fi r a a !
i,.H. Ii-,ription : SV4', H' ol
i N KJi and N W l4' of SK'4 . Section It),1
j p., s l:. pi y W. M. This in n
I II you are thinking of organizing a j
j Htock voinpiiii.v Heeour new samples j
oWiill Sir""t etiifrnved Mtoek cert ill-j
ntes. tf
by buying thUj
reliable, honest,
high grade lew.
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
1 I II It It I, O I II K
Uuiteu ..tutes land Otllce, Luke-
i vi(.tt,
iiregon, Dec. 27. UsMJ.
Notice is liereliy given tliat in com
, iiu'ice with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June :i, 1878, entitled,
"An act for the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory,"
.vluiiilml to nil (I... I'l.t.ll,. 1
States by act of August 4, 18!r2, Alice
I . . . '
I It. liiintinu. of Lakevlew. count V of
Lake, Stateo of Oiegon, has this duv
ffiX&SYkH relUble.lionert,
filed in this olllce hoi sworn statement
No. 318.0, for the purchase of the E
Y.y of Section No. 17, iu Township
No. 37 S., Range No 21 E., W. M.,
and will offer proof to show that tho
land sought is more vuluable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, aud to estubliah her claim
to said land before Register andltocei
ver at Lakeview Oregon, on Saturday,
the loth day of March, 1107- lie names
as witneses:
R. A. Hawkins, John Carl, Win.
Smock, J. M. Curry ull of Lukeview
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their cluims iu this
ottice ou or before said 10th day of
March, 1007.
1-1) J. N. Watson, Regitsor.
oiV m ,1,,,,v
Vloe-I'ti lU-nt
Hwri'larylir Stale
Sccrelarv ii War
Attorney , .. .
l'ostinai (lleie rsl. .. .
Secretary literlnr
Si-rri'tary Aurlrnllure
SiTtelarr i ( oiiiim'n e.
t hil l Jnallsn .
1 1n (Mliife ItiMiserelt
i nas, W . Kalrliankt
... rilhu lloo
, . I.eills M. Hhaw
Win. II. Moody
i ii'ii. H. I'urtelyou
I has S, Hoiiiarl
. K, A lllti-heiM'k
,. . J inn W llann
,. V. V. Mntralf
MiMvllle W . K'llkf
VopAiloii 1 si in r. P. s. ivi.s
W. S. I(lcli)il,. I S. 1 i"l ' iiiiiinissiiiiii'r
f nvrriinr
I,, mi. C, I h mil Ih rials)
Siiiirini .IiIki'
I , A. Moors)
,. I.I IMilihar
CI". Miuire
A. M . I r lotd
j II A( ai rman
. J. It. Whitney
, ... J. W, llal'i y
i Jnhii M. orarlo
i . w . r ii I in o
secretari 4l Slate
Aliiirm i iiitsI
hii pi . I'' liilriii il..n
I'rliiti'r ,
Palry and fiwhl I'mn
I'.S. Srtiars
l lllllK'
It ti h r iirrman
I'liiilin Mim ti
l (Til irimui imrtse-t.
II. I.. Hi'lia.iO
Joint H,- us lor
. . Juli n A. I sp-rocl
S II I H. la-isy
( i. II Mi l rmaii
. W.J. M.i.irt
Kepnu'tii stives
A tloriii jf. . .
C s I. AMi OKI M
f. f. Snkli'r
Slierlff .. ,
Ki rler
I All I lll NTV.
II. ...
N. Ja.iil.h
All ri iM-ul
F. o ' .latrnia
W , i. W r
s. h.Ki j q. nuts
Surveyor ''
i c. W iN.m
CnniinlKSloiii-rs j (l H ll.r)lnrd
Slock luaiHTlor ban ". Mallny
V. 1.. Sii. 'llng Mayol
Harry lUlh'yl
li. I'. M.ll.iy
Co i la-11 men
J. w Tin-si r i
J. s. lne i
W. H. Snider
A. lein-r ....
. Recorder
. Irraaur
Nothing Jkij ever ctmllcJ it.
Nothing cau ever tiurpasa it
Dr. King's
New Discovery
I 0l I OIiliaaa4
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles.
Monsy back If It fall. Trial Uottlss fr.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
(telling, l'.lirid, KlefdihK or I'rotrtldl
lig Piles. I ir ug ot n refund money 1
PAZO OINTMENT luiU t-i euro any
chhc, no matter ( bow lung klumliiig, in
11 to 14 rinyri. Kirs I application given
ease and rest, 60c. If ymir druggist
hasn't it send 0c in Mumps and it will
lie forwarded jsifl -paid by Purin Med
ne ' i . H l Liuih, Mo.
The Wall ntreet line of engmved
certlllcitteM of .S'tock mid l'.oiid bbiliks
at the Examiner olllce. New sample
book received Monday evening. It
you want stock certificates ace our
itii;ili'- ii'i 1 iif. iirp'ii'M. tf
Keep Posted
On Matters That Interest You
Your local paper is a necessity
to you, financially and socially.
ing the latest news of the world,
is equally necessary to you. The
"up to date man" will provide
himself with these two essential
features of progress.
kane, Wash., will be found the
rery latest news of the world, ita
matter including information on
politics, commerce, agriculture,
mining, literature, as well as the
local happenings in the states of
Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Wash.
Ington and the province of British
Columbia. In addition, its col.
umns for women, its popular
science articles, its short and con.
tinued stories, its " Answers to
Correspondents" and "Puzzle
Problems" combine to form a
home newspaper that at $1.00 per
year can nowhere be excelled.
IVrhaps roa bars Mmthln to salt
-iT' i'"m" "m ""'"''' Tou mar
mUU t buy som.thln. Tha ks poialbls
war to ommunlcato with psopla who wish
to huy or sail Is or laaartlna a small aa
.rn..m. la Tho,w'
Fsrmsro, stnrkmsn. lumbarraoa aa4 mla.
ars tsks tho TWICB-A-WBBK.
If 5ou wish to raach buslnm ansa ana
fnm.r, uh tbs DAILY or lUMDir
...T,:o-tv;,r0p;'u, c-.
18 Words
24 Words i u:
.T':.?;:utopr z: ,mwu
pokaao, Waasa.
Writs soar aa. plainly, oaoloolnar