Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, March 07, 1907, Image 1

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NO, 10
t. i,
Project 1a Assured by the
Hewitt People.
No Canal Work Likely to ho done
This Venr, Hut Project Will
lie Completed Next.
Tliut I Iim irrigation of I tin West Ki'l
will lint l accomplished KM sooll iih
was iiihi for nt (Iim beginning (if In
vestigation ly I Iih company win) pro
pone to ilo IliU work, x mi iiioro tlmn
could iintiiriilly In' expected of mii'ti ii
large enterprise, Involving so much
money it ii 1 requiring ho much
time, Imt tlin continued ii -m ii i i n
I hut t lit) project Mill I mi carried nut
'take away, to ii great degree, the
plingn of disappointment Unit other
wise might be fi'lt liy the people whose
future prosperity depends, to it very
litlH extent, nil t lin ri'i'liiinat ion (.if
tlll'SO lllllllf.
Mr. McKendree, who has tlm iiiau
iigciuciit of tlin irrigation project, has
rt'ttirni"! frmii ii visit to 'I'ltcoiitii,
win-re Im conferred with tlm Hewitt
Co., win) mi' financing tlm scheme,
anil inform Tlio Examiner Unit owing
to tlm hIhw process of securing rights
of wny mi. I water rights from tho slate
mi l tlm rights of way iiii'I cserv(ir
Hltl'H frnill pl'iviltt) individuals, KOIIIO
delay In necessary. Tin' mat let of ar
ranging ii iroiOHitioii to offer tho set
tler of tlm Went Side w iih a'co found
to lei ii ilillK'iilt one, until tlm in'tiii I
Cost of construction could bo tm' iiiih'
oil, nii'l nil est liim'o obtained iih to tut
It lit tl land W-iimM lie signed Up fol
Water privileges, etc.
It was decided that iih hood iih spring
opens t hit Hewitt people would come
hero with their engineers aii'l survey
urn mill nuiko it thorough inspect ion
of t Im route, to Im traversed hy the
t'liual iiinl iniike soundings to ascertain
the character uf the earth through
which the rimal in to he dug. Hy (hat
t hue the matter of l ights of wit) w ill
lie settled, or ill shape for net t lenient.
It is lielieveil that very little will be
lone this your in tlm way of ciina)
digging, if n y , Imt plans will Im
inailii uinl all obstacles rem )vcd ho
t hat next year work will ho riiKhci
nilil tlm project, complete.! In shortest
possible, t illll).
Notwithstanding thin delay, Mr.
McKoiiilreo is cnalileil, through the
iiH.iiirntu'e of t he Hewitt Laud Co., to
oiler every encouragement to the set
tiers. Attention In called to tho statement
imliliHheil in Tho F.xaminer some
inont Iih iik'o, of Mr. M. Swnrtout, who
is largely rcHpoiiHililo for tlm iuaugur
at inn of tho project, mnl who has tak
en u deep Interest In it throughout, in
tho way of supplying a (mil ot the
money and hy hi perHonal iiiHpectloii
of tho project
Tho statement wart tnt ho effect "that
tho successful completion of the pro
ject In entirely dependent upon llicco
(iperatiou of tho people in the matter
of signing their lands, and it in hoped
that when tho proposition In submitted
to them that it will meet with their
iipproval and ho deserving of their
No More Reierves.
Hereafter no forest reserves will bo
created in Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Montana, Colorado or Wyoming ex
cept hy spocillo authority of Congress,
says tho Oregon lan. Tho confeieneo
commilteo of tho agricultural hill to
day agreed to Senator Fulton'H
umoudmout to this elf ect, not w 1th
staudiug tho fight inudo against it by
tho Forest Service and Intorior De
pnrtmont. Tho entire dclongtioii from
all tho HtatoM all'octod wore favorahlo
to tho amendment and tho committee,
In view of tho fact, doomed It exiio
dicot to Kiuut their roquent.
Thin will prolmldy put uu end, for
the time Lein, to forest reserve ex
tension iu tho ritutes numed, for the
roepective doleKutlona liellevo their
utatea uro now already too liberally
sprinkled with reserves. There is a
remote possibility that the Preshleut
may veto the bill lu order to kill this
amendment, but suoh a courso is not
Freak LeRiilat Ion.
Now that luoxt of the ntato liirflnln
luli'H me eiidi'il, t lie dehlKO of freak
IiIIIh iiitlddiiced by the various lctfltt
lativo ImmIIi'h of tlm country urn point
od out mid t heir fnto nncribed. t'i
lowing lint a few of the most fnnkihli
oili'H, uh hi'lected for rldiciiin by tho
"funny man". A M NHoiirlaii who Im
Hi-rviuK til flihtlerm iu Cotik'n-HH and
who WUH defented at tho recent, elec
tion Introduced a bill in the limine
iviuu tlm prcKldent the riylit to nop
pri'HS lit'WHpaperM that ollelid his IdeiiH
of propriety. An miti-tipping bill wan
introduced i'l the MlMHtiiiri ielk'hl'i
tore, IlkewiMo, one to tax ImchelorH,
(Hie to prevent one person from treat
1 1 1 U niiother ill ii milium, one to reu
lulu HpendthiiltH, to previ'lil them
from cniunderliiK t hell money, ac
quired by inheritiince.
A bill was introduced to prohibit
Hwenriiiu under penalty of a fino of )
ceiitn to t for each' chhh word. Tlm
bill llllnWH M piTHoii tu say "dam it."
Auot her bill prohibits boyn from play
Iiik li'dl on vacant lotn, mid one re
iiiiriint fariiieiH to cut down all the
iiioruiiiK k b i r y vinen mid cockle btiri'H
on t heir furiiiH. An liidiauu IcKiidutor
lilt rudiiced ii bill to prohibit ftmy
k'eei-e mi. I chii ki liH nn.ljilik' through
hi-i reiuincH. Another one to prevent
the killing of eiikli'M in the htate,
there in but one eiik'le iu Indiana.
Other billn introduced provide lor
woman Millrae, one do to a family
with out hciiik' taxed, prohibiting
fool ball on Sunday, "doping" ImrceH
to deceive purclia.HeiH, fining children
who ili'Hi'it their paretitH.
MttHfachilHettH has been op to the
averiik'e in freak legislation introiliic '
Theh bill to tax bachelor-, yro'
by borne Wakefield wiimaii tins not
priori-need beyond the committee
room yet, mnl it fisle is doubtful.
A (all for the iiicorpoiatiuii of n cem
etery for pet cats in fathered by well
known Netou nociety women, mnl
home of the legislators take it pcrioiiH-
(.K.-tiehk bill btfore the WlrtCollhlil
LeuiHlature Is to prevent the Hide of
antiquated "hen fruit." Its author
expluiiiH that he is tired of k'oiiik' I"
ho called I irt cIiikh hotels mid calliiik
for a boiled ck'M fr breakfaett only
to bo Hi'ived with mi article that
unlet have been laid before the Civil
War. He wants all fk'u stamped with
the date of their Inyiim, with a pen
alty of ii fine of $."o for each okk not
ptamped. An amendment has lieeu
olfered that all heim lie provided with
aiitourdic i-tampiiik' dovicen.
The fool bills in the ('onuecticut
Iji'Kislature include olio tax ink' bach
elors. One bill provides for a bounty
on 'cons' Another requires private
detect ives to tako out a license from
the Controller. Most of the fool bills
in tlm House are referred to the
committee nn woman Miirrane or to
tho cumin itteo on k'l'HveyardtJ.
Council Meeting.
At the council meeting Tuesday ev
enitik' the followimi proceedings were
hud :
Liquor license granted to Likdit A
Harrow and to M. It. Hart for a pei
ind of three months.
Hills for salaries and street work ap
proved. Committee from North Lake view
heard iu the matter of repairing tho
street coming into town from the
north which intersects Slash Btreet be
tween the residences of U. A. l'axton
and K. M. Urown. Tho matter was re
ferred to Iho street committee, with
instructions to nuiko an 'iuvcHt Ration
and reprot to the council.
The treasurer's report follows.
(Jeneral Fund.
Hal. on hand Feb. ,r, !H7., c? 1.1. 'Jo
Kecelpts for Feb. IKi.tlO
DisburHeinentd for Feb. :tv!l.
Hal. on hand March fi, i:U).0'2
Klectrlo Likdit Fund.
Hal. on hand Feb. .1, 10O7 ?t:i!.HS
Keceipts for Feb. IkhLtiO
Disburseinenta for Feb. I,-5.8."
Hal. on hand Mncrh 5, 0:1
It was ordered that MoO bo tranferred
from the Klectrio lAght Fuud to tho
(leueral Fuud.
Senator Hoaoh'a votiutf machine
bill was vetoed by the Kuvurtior. If a
votliiM" inachiuo cuuuot be found that
bill Kivo better and more accurate
results tlmn tho ones now iu use iu
Now York and Sail Fraueiaco the
maohiuos that aro usually iu opera
tion about election .time will answer
the Kiinio purposes and are less expen
sive, (lovoronr Chumborliuiis, sup
erstlcious uess was no doubt to some
extent responsible for his sudden uo.
tlou in votoeintf House Jtill No. 23.
He exclaimed "skidoo" aud Lit it a
oruek with his veto tommy-hatchet.
The Amounts to be Raised for the Different
Purposes in Tuwn and County.
The matter of taxes has hi en sub
ject for comment by taxpayers, enpec
ially thimo who own properly in Lake
view. Tho iue?t inn olten urines, what
makes tuxes so hik'h in town? Tho J
follow ink' table will show wheie the
money k'im-s :
State tax, Ti mills ei
School Tax 5 mills, II, urn
Tax for county purpses .'t'.j mills 7.'"
Court Houm; Fund, G1. mills
Koad tax 1 mill
VI,') '
U,)iMi j
II mills .
Total foi county 21 milU
City Tax, town (iiirpoM-n
City interest on achool bonds mill j milit be mentioned. Fees for record -
ink' deedh, mortak'es, etc.. Liquor li-
total tux in town lo'j millslceiiHH feen, mnrri;i-e license and a few
Levy in town all purpopeH mills, lot he. sinull items.
lut Irvsurance Gouge.
It would seem from tin; following in
the l'ortlaud Telerani that the insur
mice compauieH have backed out on
civlntf tho policy holders back the '!
per cent, advance mentioned last week :
"In the opinion of a number of in
surance iik'ents who dare not talk for
publication, the action of the Hoard
' " ' erwriters, in aiiuiillifiK its
Itiuu return premiums to
pomj ...imers who have beeu (oued
by t he 'i") per cent increase imposed
Bfter the Hay City fire, in only a sam
ple of the cut-throat methods of the
Insui ince barons of the Coast. Ac
cording to these agents, the rebate
wuh ,roniised simply to preveut ad
verse ii'KiMlatioii at a time when it
IfiokeTl' as if drastii) laws niiKht be
juisHed. The (,'OUk'e was reimposed
immediiitely alter the adjournment of
i the Legislature, when there was no
j dmik'er from mien source, l'olicy-
hol.lero in Foitlaiid freely accept this
interpretation. It means, in brief,
that tho insurance trust is sate for
tw o years, and know s it, tuo. "
Klamath Falls is striik'k'li" with t ho j
question of how to beciire power lor j
lik'ht aud city water works. Since the ,
fact is well known that Link liver has
ruu throiik'h that town ail these years
w ith its excellent water power unde-
sturlied, tho (Kiebloiu is queer one io
outsiders who may not readily realize
that Klamath Fubs people me like
many others who do uot realize their
opportunities until it is too late to
tako advauUik'o oi tlieui. It Klamath
Falls k'ets water power now it will
have to buy it trom the Government.
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Irving Bedell Dudley, minister to Peru alnce 1807, has been raised to the
dlffuity of ambassador and assigned to tho republic of Hrail by President
Roosevelt. Mr. Dudley became minister to Teru at the nge of thtrty-slx. lid
la an Ohlean by birth, was educated nt Washington and Is a Callforulan by
adoption. Prior to euterlng the diplomatic aervlco he practiced law at Ban
Diego, Cal., where he wna a city Judge and w as prominent In state politics.
It wid be noticed that the total
amount to be rained in the county,
ootid. ie of that to be raise 1 for special
town tax, is about
l'roru this sum inont be deducted
'about ?.ViO for double tuxatiou and
the 3 per cent, rebate.
It will le Decennary for tho county
court to liho the utrictent economy in
the cond ict of county biiHiuess if they
expect the ?7,XJ to pay the ofllcers'
Halarieg, expenses of county and cir-
cuit courts, etc., as the nalaries alone
p Mr(, H f,.w items of revenue tliat
Robert Rus&ell Woodward. j
Died. At Paisley, Oregon, , March
1, 1!K7, Hobert Hussel Woodward ; was!
born in Steuben Co. New York Auk'.
11, 119, and was H7 years, 0 mos. 14
days of ae. Was the youngest son of
Jonas and Mary Woodward aud the
youuk-est of a family of thirteen.
Was converted at tho ak'e of VS years
and joined the 1st Haptist church at
Clarksou N. Y., and was baptised by
his brother Jonas Woodward, who was
pastor of that church.
In the w inter of 1841 he beuan teach
ing xocal music near Rochester N. Y.
continuing in the same until lSoO.
Was married May, 15, 1813, to Miss
Mary Crcndell, daughter of Laban and
FJiztil ;-tu CrandelL Came to Jllinois
in MA, traveling by way of the Erie
Canal aud the Great Lakes. Settled
in Kane Co. 4S miles from Chicagu.
His wife died in Jan. of iHCS. lu
August of lSi9, he was married to
Mrs. A. C. Stevens. In Nov. 1878 he
moved to Turner Co. South' Dakota.
Left his farm in 18111 and moved to
the town of Parker where he acted as
Justice of the Peace for two years.
Second wife died Apr. 18, 1002.
He came to Oregon in Oct. of 1002
He was the father of four sous, and
seven daughters, by his first wife;
four daughters and three sons survive
him. One son, J. C. Woodward lives
at Hot Springs, Summer Lake.
S. A. I). Puter, the King of laud
thieves, has beeu taken from the Mult
nomah county jail and takeu to Wash
ington, 1). C. ,to testify against Hin
ger Hermann. There aro very few
people who would believe what Puter
says, even under oath, but his evi
deuce might go in court.
In Memoriin.
Hied. At tho family homo four
miles south of Lakeview, March 5,
1007, David II. Hartzog, oged 01
About two weeks ago Mr. Hartzog
was taken sick with pneumonia. He
had recovered from this disease, when
convention of the kidneys Bet in and
took bini away within a short time.
Mr. Hartzog was an honored mem
ber of the Masonic order and a mem
ber of the Haptist church.
He was a man of generous impulsed
und never forgot the hospitable ways
of the pioneer. The stranger, even
though a betrgar never failed to find
food aud hhelter if he fought it at his
hands, and be was at home by the
bedside of the sick and delighted in
all kinds and neighborly offices.
He had borne adversity bravely and en
joyed prosperity quietly. He bad fill
ed the various relations of life, as son
husband, father, brother, friend, and
filled then well. Who can do more?
Hut he is gone ! Another name is
stricken from the ever lessening roll
of our old settlers, and a solitary
woman in the midst of life, ai d a lone
ly home, are left to attest bow sadly
they will miss bim It must be so;
these tender human ties cannot be
severed without a pang. Yet in such
a death there is really no cause for
grief. His work was well done.
He was a devoted ' husband and a
kind and indulgent father; to bis
friends the soul of fellowship. Hut
the gt eatest of all was he as a man.
And as a man it is that those who
knew him best most love to contem
plate him. He believed in the father
hood of God and the brotherhood of
man. He believed that the man who
scatters flowers in the pathway of his
fellow men, who lets into the dark
places of life the sunshine of human
sympathy and human happiness, is
following in the footsteps of his Mas
ter. He was a man who united sound
sense with strong convictions, and
a eviA, outspoken' temper, emi
nently fitted to mould the rude ele
ments of poneer society into form
and consistency, and aid in raising
a high standard of citizenship in our
young aud growing community. How
much this commnuity owes him and
such as be, it is impossible to esti-
mate, though
task to trace
some of the
to hold him
it would be a gratefnl
bis influence through
more direct channels,
up in these degenerate
days, in his various characters of bus
band and father, of neighbor and
Hut it comes not withiu the scope
ot this brief article to do so. Suffice
it to say, he lived nobly and died
peacefully at. the advanced age of CI
years. Thejsteru Reaper found him,
"as a shock of corn, fully ripe for the
Besides a wide circle of friends - he
leaves a wife, cio son, Edward, of
Pine Creek, Misses Pearl, Clara and
Delpha who are living at home. The
remains weere taken to Pine Creek
Wednesday, where they were laid to
rest under the auspiciesof the Masou
io lodge of Lakeview.
School Program.
The following program will be giv
en next Friday afternoon at the school
bouse. Two o'colck will be the time
of beginning. This is the regular
monthly program iu which all of the
live rooms cc?ie together and each
room contributes several numbers.
Song, School.
Recitation, Hugo Umback.
Solo, Lora Chandler.
Dialogue, Ebon Tatro and W. Dykmau
Song, Eight Girls.
Reading, The Little Man, Elsie Post
Solo, Instrumental, Cuba Amick
I Recitation, Why Papa doesn't Go,
Duly Dent.
Dialogue, The School Entertaiua.ent
Second Primary TnpUs.
Duet, Nellie Ilnrvey and Mary lligby.
Recitation, Eldou Curry.
Duet, Eva Clark and Edna Penlaud.
Recitation, The Sin of the Cappeuter
Man, Hobart Miller.
Duet, Instrumental, Mr. Willits, Ruth
Dialogue, Mabel Hoyd aud Walter Dut-
Solo, Lena MoShaue.
Dialogue, The Dolly Show, Niue Pri
mary Pupils.
Song, Song of the March Wind, Eight
W. J. Oliver, who it was stated
would be awarded the contract for
building the Panama canal, is prepar
ing trouble for the presideut because
of his rejecting the bid after promis
ing the award to Mr. Oliver, who
calims to have spent MO, 000 as a con
sequence of the assurance he bad of
receiving the contract.
riore wool and a Much
Better Staple.
Coyote are Getting Numerous on
the Desert. Cause Host Loss
Among the Sheep.
That the price of wool this year will
be slightly under the figure paid last
year, is the prophesy of local dealers.
The reasons given are that last, year
through the months of January, Feb
ruaiy aud March, considerable wool
was contracted for on the sheep's
backs- Advance payments were made,
the interest on which could amount to
very large sums. The fact dealers
made small profits on these purchases
has kept tLem from buying so early
this year. Up to the present time,
very little, if any wool has been con
tracted for, and it is not expected
that any spirited 'campaign Jof con
tracting will be carried on, most buy
ers preferring to wait till shearing
time, or nearly so. When it is re
membered that some of the wool that
was contracted for a year ago has not
yet reached the purchasers, it will be
readily seen that the interest, at a
very reasonable rate would equal a
fair profit on these purchases. The
price of wool for the past two years
has been so nearly the limit that the
slighest inflation in local prices in
volves a loss to buyers .and delayed
shipments causThe matter of Inter'
est td flgTirAipisinst profits. While
no serious reduction is contemplated,
local dealers say they expect the price
to be a little under last year's prices. -
From what we can learn the clip will
be up to that of last year in weight
and the staple better. Last year
there was some scab, while very little
scab has made its appearance in very
few bands. Then again, sheep have
been in good condition throughout
the year, and the fleece growing all
the while.
Stock Inspector M alloy states that
out of 2G bands inspected on his recent
trip over the eastern part of the coun
ty, i of the bands had scab and 22
were clean.
Last year sheep sheared 5 to 6 '
pounds, where this year the same
sheep wil shear 7 to 8 pounds, so that,
while the number of sheep is less than
were shorn .last yaer, the aggreagte
output will be equal, if uot greater,
aud although the price may he a little,
uuder last year's price?, the income i.i'i
to the county, as a whole will not fall
short of last year's.
The loss iu range sheep this' winter
w ill be almost wholly confined to that
caused by varmints. The fact is
slightly known and little realized that
the rapid iucrease iu coyotes on the
ranges is making inroads upon one of
the county's chief industries.
Sheep $5.50 per Head.
Phil Lynch came in town Tuesday
from the sheep range. Phil has sold
4000 head of ewes to Frank Kueny for
S5.50 per head. Mr. Lynch delivers
tho sheep the 20th of 'this month.
They will be taken to Steins Moun
tains. Phil baa a few ewes left aud
about 7,000 head of yearlings and 2-year-old
weathers. Mr. Lynch says
sheep have done fine on the range and
the wool is long, and very little scab
Fees for Grazing.
For tho information of stockmen
who contemplute grazing their stock
on the reserve, The Examiner has ob
tained the price, that will be charged
for grazing privilege.
Season. April 15 to Nov. 15. Cattle,
25 cents per head. Horses, '35 cents
per head.
Yearlong. Cattle, 40 cents per
head, horses 50 ceuts pet head.
Season. June 15 to Oct. 15. Fee 7
cents per head.
Seasou. April 15 to Oct. 15, Fee 10
cents per bead. A charge of 2 cents
per head additional will be made for
lambing. In all cases, animals under
0 months of age at tho time of entries,
will not be counted.