ftaltt (fcmtitn nlnf PuMWhrd Every ThtKwUy. C. O. MHTZKEK, Editor and Publisher I... RalMInf Butorort t the t'nnt Olllwil lw, Or, nit S.oin1-l'l MnUiT. One Year, .$2.00 ..1.00 ...30 TERMS: Six Month 'Thref Month,. LAIC E VIEW . OREGON. ITB. . 07. The- California legislature Iibs passed law which fits the R?uf Schmitz cas es- The new law gives part ies charged with crime the right to select the indite Wfore whom they shall be tried. There can be but one object to such a law, aud that is to protect, us near as nossible. the rich criminal cla.- There la absolutely no reason why auy qualified judge should not try auy case within his jurisdiction, ana mere is i i..fai a nann whv any one BUPllluvrij - charged with crime should have any choice in judges. Judges should try all cases according to the law, and friendship or dislike aught not to have any effect on the verdict. It is a notorious fact that New York baa in it society circles a class of wealthy men whose life is a disgrace to maukind, and they should be made ki'Own to the world and a halt called on their depredations; aud it is a fur ther notorious fact that in trying the Thaw case, which might reveal others of Stanford Whites' type and do some thing toward cleansing New York of its crime, Judge and attorneys are careful not to allow the names of other criminals to be used by witness es, but when names must le giveu the witnesses are allowed only to whisper them to the attorneys. Los Angeles Is the birthplace of the proposition to divide the state of Cal ifornia into two states. The scheme has ripened into sentiment, and con gress will be asked to act upon the question. The grievancee o' the people of the southern portion of the state is said to have aiisen from the power cf the Southern Pacific in the legislature, which is alleged to have shattered community interests. Esther Mitchell, who shot and killed her brother, Jonh Mitchell, the 6layer of Holy Roller Crettield, last July, has, at last, been adjudged in sane and committed to the Washing ton asylum for the insane. Esther's accomplice in the murder. Mrs. Cref field, took poison and died in jail; thns ends the career of Iloly Kollerism in Oregon. The Thaw trial is wearing slowly along, Mrs. Thaw being still the most interesting witness. District Attor ney Jerome has the witness in hand for cross-examination, and she proves a hard one to shake from her direct testimony. It as intimated by Thaws' attorney, Delmaa, that Jerome inten ded to indict Mrs. Thaw. Berkeley is seeking to wrest the state capital from Sacramento. Twenty re presentative men of Berkeley have waited upon the legislature aud pre sented their petition to that body, now in session Jat Sacramento. SF YOU WAHT CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR BUSNESS I CAN GET IT No Matter What Your Property is Worth, oi in What Town, City, State or Territory it is Located I have sold twice as many properties as I did the past year, but it will first be necessary for rne to "list' more pro perty. I want to list YOURS and SELL it. It doesn't matter whether you have a farm, a home without auy laud, or a business; it doesn't matter what it is worth, or where it is located. Jf you will fill out the nlank letter of in quiry below aud mail it to me today, 1 will tell you how aud why 1 can quickly convert the property into cash, aud will give you my complete plan Free of Charge and terms for hudling it. The inforration I will give you will be of great value to you, even if you should not sell. You had better write today before you forget it. If you want to buy auy kind of a Farm, House, or Business, XX any part of the country, tell me your requirements. I will guarantee to fill them promptly aud satisfactorily. DAVID P. TAff, the Land Man, 415 Kansas Avenue, Topeka. KANSAS I You Want to Sell Fill n, Cut Out and Mall Today. Please Bend, without cost to me, a plan for finding a cab buyer for ray property which consists of, Town Couuty State following la a brief description; Lowest cash price Js'ame , . . . , . . AddresH (Sraring permits are being granted at Heppner for stock on the forest re- serve which will be open June 1. Out of 1TC, 301 head of horses, cattle and sheep applied for, 114,!!S Jwere given permits. The remaining 21,: head will have to be disposed of by the owners or kept In pastuies. rrl. I .. . 1 , 1 1 1 f,mr t oresAd. so we are iniormeu, . t M the rat. road touching Klamath Falls. A party from there the other day said the bot tom was about to drop out of the Kin matn Falls boom. Karttupiakes to California!! are like alarm clocks. For a while they awakeu i them, but the people have got used to ! them and scarcely wake up any more when Jtie oceurs-espeeially the newspaper men. i Rumor has it that the Western Pad-' Ho has purchased the Virginia City A Truckee railroad and is negotiating for th X. C. O. The roads will be connected aud made into a standard gauge. Seuator Eeed Smoot will retain his seat in I be U. S. senate. So says 51 ' Uuited States senators," against 37 j who wished to expel the Utah Senator. The California legisalture over whelmingly rejected the proposed con stitutional amendment admitting woman sutfiage. Some of the leading daily papers of Montana have suspended punneauon on account of the demands of priuters uuions. It is said that Cuba iuteuds to lick the United States if this country does not withdraw its forces from the Is land. The Hermann triul is well under way aud the government is securing a mass of damaging evidence. The postofflee appropriation bill, the largest ever reported has passed the iower House of Congres.. The Washington legislature has again defeated the local option movement in that state. ,' Do they lit? If they"re not KX kCTLY right, let us make them so When we fit you, we fit you AC CURATELY. Long experience, sverjr necessary ectentlflc apparatus and the required knowledge en abling us to correctly use the same, our own complete workshop, with every facility even to the grinding of special lenses are all at your disposal here, assuring a service not possible with others less fortu-in-ely equipped. Asain do yiur 1hs FIT. or nearlv Munsell Optical Cb WCiLKt BLO T"-VW-J.4 itt PORTICO J CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ofWS Bears the ignature If I did not have the ability and facilities to Hell your property, I certainly could not afford to pay for this advertisement. This "ad" ( like all my other "ads") is practically Hiire to place on iny list a number of ta w properties, and I am Just an sure to sell these properties and make enoimh money In coinmlsHionH to pay for the cost of these "ads," and make a Rood profit U'Hides. That Is why 1 have ho larye it real estate business today. Whv not put your property among the number that will be HoldaH a reuultor these "ads?" will not only sell it some time but will be able to e dl It quickly. I am a wpec ailist in quick sales. 1 have the most complete aud up to date equipment. I have branch offices throughout the country and a Held force of men to Hud buyers. 1 do not handle all ilnes usually carried by the ordinary real estate agents. I ML ST SELL real estate and lots of it or go out of business. 1 can assure you I am not goine out of business. On the contrary. I expect to find ,at the close of the year, that R. K. Klnehart Informed us the other day that the Lakeview Lumber Co. would at art up their milt In a short time. We understand the com- puny Is about to sell out the sawmill property. jpnlli Dillon, who Is here from ! Sau Frauclsco on a vacation, visiting her cousin Jas, McShane and family, 1m M..nlr viuiaI t.,.1 S?ll frilllt miv iin.i iiinii . . .. "v "n her employers in the city as a mouths salary, and after reading the letter placed the money, which was In green backs, back ititv the euvelope and for getting about It, burned the envelope a&d contents. Mr. W. 11. Garrett, father of Tom and Oordon Ga-rett, who went to lUsmark, Missouri last Fall to spend the w int'T, returned to Ijnkeview on Sunday nights Southern stage. He expects to go to My in a few days. Mr. Garrett brought back a pair of pea fowl to C. W. leut of Adel. The fowl arrived in good shape and will be al lowed to rest here a few days before being taken to Adel. How's This? V offer One Hundred Poller Ho ward for any case of t'aarrh that cannot bo cun-d by Hull's Catarrh Curt. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last l. years, and 1 believe him perfectly honorable In In all business tranrnctions and tinnnel-; ; ftj;v nj,(, to enrry out jonM m,u, i,v nrm. any uhlignt- W aiding. Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Intern ally, netliiK directly upon the blood and mucous sur.aeo of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7.V er bottle. Sold by all drucgista. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. ECZL'MA and PILE CUKE FRtt Knowing what It was ioki; fer. 1 will give FREE !' CHARGE, to any attlieted a positive cure for Eczema, Salt Elienm. Erysipelas. Piles and Skin Diseases, lnstuiit re lief. Dont suffer longer. Write F. W. WILLIAMS, 4H) Manhattan Avenue, New York. Enclose Stnmq. TlflllfKMMIlTI(F.. United States Land oaice, Lake j Tiew Oregon. Dec U Y. I Notice is hereby niven that in com- j pliance w ith the provisions of the hA of Congress of Juno 15, entitled) "An net for the sale of timber liiudg in the States of California, reKou, Nevada, aud Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 1, 1WJ, Charles A. Kehart, of Lakeview, coun ty of Lake, State ot Oregon, has this day Died in this office, his sworn statemert No. :&!0, for the purchast of the W'i SE U' K '4' "s' i Township No 37 S. liiiui;e No. 1 E., W.M., and will offer j roof to show that the lund sougth is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, aud to es tablish his claim to said land before Kegititer and Iteceiver at Lakeview Oregon on Thursday,- the Ulbt day of Macrh l'.X7. He names as witnesses: Cioe.lI . Lynch Geo. 1). Harrow M. M. MuKgrave V. L. Suelling, all of Luke view Oregon. Auy aud all persons claiming ad verselythe above described Janus are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 21st day of March l'JU". 1-9 J. N Watson Register. If Von Want to Buy Fill in, Cut Out and Mall Today. I desire to buy property corresponding approximately with the following specifications: Town or city Couuty i State Price between $ and I will pay $ down and balance Remarks: Name Address HAPPY NEW BAILEY & MASSINGILL'S Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven ivumon poie soia ui po ! Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived In California iMyears. and am still lo .kiiiir for trouble In the way of burns, bores, wounds, bolls, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles that llucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," rites 'liarles Walters of Alle ghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Walters; it cures every cn-c. liuaranteed at le I'.eali's driitf store. Cool SPecimens of Ore. Cius Schroder informed us while in Lakeview last week, that some very fine specimens of gold quart, whs be ing found in the vicinity of Silver Lake. He, himself, found a piece of quartz sometime ago, but bus been unable to trace the ledge from which it came. Beiiuio Yiindorn found a piece of rock which is very rich in gold, but has not given out the secret of the location of his find to but very few. Others have found Home good rock and secret prospecting is going on all the while. Mrs. Osborns LeCCer. It is not every season that in made distinctive by some radical change in dress. The present, or at least the next will be notable, therefore; nota ble in that, it witnesses a change likely to send consternation to the hearts of many women who do not at tlrst thought see how significant and how excellent the approaching change is to be. But clamor as many women may, the shor t skirt is doomed and doomed largely because American womeu have turned it into an absurdity. The French ah! the French tinder stand the niceties of life; they rarely err in proportions ! well, the French saw possibilities in the short skirt and with fine discrimination adopted it in suitable form. It may bo interesting to know in this connection that it was 1 v ho originated the conventionalized short skirt that has since been traves tied so sadly, although so gladly. Little did 1 realize, when 1 made for Miss Elsie Do Wolfe the skirt destined to set all Paris talking, and all Amer ican dressmaking, that my interpreta tion of the reformed skirt would, even in the vogue 1 foresaw, rise to such . . .. ? . ., . ., , heights of stupid popularity. I use the word "stupid" advisedly. There is neither rhyme nor reason In the average American woman's adaptation of the short skirt. Mrs. Osporn in the March Delineator. mWONEN is'" Robertine lve what every woman moHt dfislre a perfect ' complexion. It tirlnga that soft, mooth, fresh, clear tint to the cheek that denote youthfulneim. It will bring beuuty o thoso who lack It; It will retain It for those who already possess It; It will enable you to acceKsfully combat the ravages of weather ant) time. Don't doubt don't argue. Just try Robertine. Your druggist will give you a free aarriple. All drug gltfti keep Robertine. ami theWst tcctiiis of the Season to our Irinuls ami customers who have mad -the jwtst vei.i the most prosperous we have ever euj yed. 11)07 will tint! us better prepared than ever to fill your wants. We are inmvisinjj the sie of our store to make room for the largest stock ol ools we have ever ordered, aud we wi 1 continue to merit your pat rouae by giving you the best value that heavy buy ing direct from the largest eastern houses afford. To Cure a Cold in One Day .. v, Pi.tinjc from thetlrave. A prominent tniiniifurtiier, Wm. A. lerl well, of I.ih'uiiih. N. '., relate a nmt reinnrkable experience. He snys : "Af'er taking leu than t It ree hot t It h of Electric Hitter, I feel like one riing from the crave. My trouble i bright'" diM'Bxc, in the Dial elen stage. I fully be j lieve Electric Hitters will cure me per 1 miinelly, fir it has already stepped the j liver and bladder implications which ' hae troubled me fr years." outran teed.iTl.ee Iteall lrtiwvi-t, I'rice only 50c TltlllKIt !..! TI K. ' United States Iuid ( dllce. lakeview Oregon. Feb. 1.1, I'.H'T Not ice is hereby given that in compliance wit h the pro visions of the act of Congress of June :t, lTH, entitled "An Act for the side of timber lands in the Statea of Cat -if urn ui, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Aug- l list t, IX'-', Chillies W. Withers, of Paisley, county of Lake State of Ore gun, has this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. I IV. I, for the purchase of the SEi NWJ E SWJ A SWJSUjof Section 111 ill 'Jimnship No :!l S., Range No. 17 E., W. M., nnd will olfer proof to show that the laud sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins claim to said land before Register and Receiver nt Lakview Oregon, on Monday, the 'JJ day of April, 1!J7. Ho naiiies as : witnesses : C L. Withers, John Driimm, Win. K, McCormack, George Coolcy, all of Paisley, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the abovn-descrils'd lauds are re quested to file their claims in this i office on or before said -Udny of April, 1 l'.Hl7. J. N. Watson, Register. 7111 TMIIiKIt ,.! KOTI I K. United States Land Office, Lake i view, Oregon, Dec. -'7, l'.M;. I Notice is hereby given that in com ' plianco with the provisions of the act of Congress of Juno 3, 1H7N, entitled, 1 "An act for the sale of timber lands i in t lie States of California, Oregon, i Nevada, and Washington Territory," ! as extended to all the Public Ijmd i States by act of August 4, lH'.rj, Alice R. Bunting, of Lakeview, county of 'Lake, Stateo of Oicgou, has this day j filed in this office her sworn statement j No. 34H5, for the purchase of the E .j K54 of Section No. 17, in Township I i and will offer proof to show that the : JanJ sou(Lt u Ulf)r0 vulllttlli0 for iu ; timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ana to estaonsn ner claim to said land before Register and Recei ver at Lakeview Oregon, on Saturday, the loth day of March, 11)07. He uumes as witneses : R. A. Hawkins, John Carl, Win. Smock, J. M. Curry all of Lakeview Oregon. . Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 10th day of March, 1007. 1-1) J. N. Watson, Regitser. Sale of Timber Land. Parties who have timber land for sale will do well to Investigate our terms and methods of handling lands. We have an olllco In Lakeview, w here contracts can be made ami options taken on land. We guarantee the highest market price, and are In a position to demand and obtain It, having been In the business for ninny years and In close touch with all the land dealers of the country. Satis factory results guaranteed by the La Grande Investment Co. Write C. (). Metzker, Lakeview, Oregon. YEAR Pioneer Store Cure la Two rptr on c box. c. -.rrtnfr j TltlHMIItMI.MIIIir i Timber luid, Act June .'1, l7K. j Notice for i'lihliciitioti. United Stnte Laud Office, Id.kcvlcw, Oregon, 1 Ice. i "J7, I'-;. Notice Is hereby given that ' In compliance with the provisions of the act of June.'!, 17. entitled "An Act i for the sale of timber lauds In tho I Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada laud Washington Territory," as ex i tended to all the i'tlblic Lund States I bv act of August i. IKrJ, the follow ing persons have tiled in this olllce their sworn statements, to wit: Ottie Chandler of Lakeview, County of Ijke, State of Oregon. Sworn Slut" inetit No. ,'tli.l for the purclin.se of thrt S'..Sl'.l Sec. C, and N'yN'El Sec. H, T. :i7 S., R. Jl E..W. M. May Ahlstroui of lakeview, County of Luke, Stain of Oregon. Sw-orn Statement No. .'Milo. for t lie purchas of the N'.NE. SWJNEJ. and SE NWR Sec.":., T. .17 S. K. 'Jl E..W.M. That they will i.tfer proof to show that ttie land sought is more vnluabln for its timlicr or stone than for agri cultural put poses and to establish their claim to said land Is-fore liegister and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, oa Thursday the I Ith day of March, VMri. Thev name as w it nesses : R. A. Huw kins, Nathan Wilcox, J. M. Curry, John Carl, Allot Ijikeview, Oregon. Any and nil persons claiming adver sely the above described lands Itro re queued (lie their claims ill this of fice on or before the said I Ith day of March, r.m7. I '. J. N. Watson, Register. TIVIIIKIt !.! OTI K. Lakeview., Oregon. Jan. 1!)7. Notice is hereby given that iu com pliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of June II, S7H, entitled "An Act for the sale of timber lauds In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, iiudW ashiiigtouT erroitory," as extended to all the Public Ijind States by Act of August l, 1H!CJ, i ieorge A. Gilbert of Lakeview, County of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his Sworn State ment No. 'XM, for the purchase of the N 1 .. S'.j ('if Sec. No. X in i'l. No. .'57 S.. ICaugu No. Ill E. , W. M., ami will olt'er proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purpos es, and to establish his claim to said laud before Register and Receiver at Lakeview Ore, on Friday the PJth day of April, r.7. He names as witness es: (). H. Lynch, W. I. McCulley, M. Miisgrave, Leo Emmersnn, nil of Lakeview Oregon, any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to file their claims in this office on or lieforo said VI day of April, 1!H7. r 10 J S. Watson Register. Timber Land Nut Ice. Lakeview, Oregon, Jan, ifil, 1907. Not'ce is hereby given that In. com pliance w ith the provisions of the Act of Congress of June d, 1K78, entitled' "An Act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud Washington Territory,' as extended to all tho Public Land States by Act of August 4, lHltt. Alexander A. Davis, of Sliver Lake, Couuty of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his Sworn Statement No. :ifkM, for the purchase of the W' NW Sec. 5, &. Klj NE'4' of See. No. !, iu Tp. No. IU H., Range No. 18, E.,W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before tho Judge of Klamath (Jo. Oregon, at his office at Klamath Falls Ore. on Wednesday the 1st day of May 1U07. He names as witnesses: ('1ms. Mea ner, and Jas. Mougold of Klamath Falls, O.McKendreti, aud Chas. Had ley, of Dairy, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adver sely the above described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or-before said 1st day of May 1907. 010 J. N. Watson Relater.