Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 21, 1907, Image 5

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    ttoMttonnl Xocal
hutch lunch nt th Hrowcry Ma
lonn. j
F. P. Light and V. I j. Huclllng
pent Nitvrml days In tlio Iowi r Che
witticitu run rnh, protending to he hunt
Ing geese, Imt It l believed Knit tliy
wero locating n townnlte on the pro
poned lino df thn elm-trio railroad
from Now Vork to tho potiiHh tied (if
Lake county.
II. E. Murker, thn Lakeview A It urn
atago omit motor, wim hero Iunt Satur
day collecting freight hilla. Mr. liar
knr Hnyg there in about a ton of alago
freight at Altura to deliver to Lake
view ImimIiichn in (hi, Imt thn roail(have
been mo I Hid tluit it wrn impossible kto
bring tho freight through.
W. A. Manning!!! mikI (loo. Ay res,
accompanied by Mr. CurU Alexander,
a mining export, atartcd for the win
dy Hollow mining district hint Friday.
They got their team and wagon mired
down up In Cniiiim prairie, nnd wore
having ii llni". "Illlly" wan ho muddy
from head to foot Unit ho hardly know '
which ond belonged down. They only
went iih fur iix Mud nook thn Hint day.
Attention U called to the notice of,
Forest Inspector Erlekson In thin'
Uxtm, asking for Hd IchIIiuih for'graz-1
Ing permit to Im ami I in at oneo and !
calling attention to thn meeting to Im
hold lit I'ltUIxy on thn 1Mb of March
Mud Ht Kllvcr IiHku on thn 20th. Mr.
Erlckitoii InfortiioM tia tluit ho has al
ready received quite H (illlnlior of ap
plication for grazing and also for
Thn Anntiid meeting of thn Lake
view Reading liiinin anil Library Asso
ciation, will ho held Saturday evening,
March 2nd r.7, nt 7 '.'HI, o'clock Mt
thn Reading room. An election of
oillccrs, consisting of President, Vlcn
President, Secretary, Treasurer and
unveil TriiHteoH will Im necesMiiry.
Kvory ono nhould foci an Intercut in
this, I h Selection ot olllccm for thi
iiNNociutloii ax ly a continuance of in
toroht m fit ii 14 tho future success of thn '
Rending Room nnd Library.
A Valuable L;on.
"Hlx ycarangol Icnrnod ft valuable
IcMNon," write John I'lciiaont, of
Mniruollfi, Ind. "I then begun
hilt Dr. KIiik'k New Life I'IIIm.
the longer I tnkothein thn better I
find thctn." They pl.ifiao everybody.
(Jiinrnntecd nt Ico Head's dniKKlat
TiniiMt .tiwrn v..
United State Ioid Office, Lakeview
Oregon. Fab. 13, 1!07 Notlcn la hereby
(((vim that In compliance with thn pro
vInIoiim of thn Met of CongrN of June
.1, 1H7H, untitled "An Ant for the mile
of Umber laud In tho KtBto of OhI
Ifornin,' OroKon, Novadn, and WmmIi
liiKton Territory," extended to mII
the I'ulilln Iatid Htatn hy net of Au
UHt , IHlli!, Chftilon W. With, of
1'ulHlny, county of Inke Ktatn of Ore-
f:on, Iiiim tii In day lllod In thin office
iIh Mworn H'Htnmniit No. .'1.7 rl, for thn
purcliiiNo of the HKJ NWJ Kj HW k
HW KW'i of Hoctlon 13 In TowiiMhliJ
No. M H., ItHiiKe No. 17 K., W. M.,
and will offer proof to kIiow that tho
land eouKht Im more valuable for It
timber or ntoiie than for agricultural
purioH(n, and to oMtabliah bin claim to
Mhhl land before I leu Inter and Itece Ivor
Monday, tho
lie uimoi an
all of
Is It Your
Own Hair?
Do you pin your hat to your
own hair? Can't do If?
Haven't enough hair? It must
be you do not know Aycr's
Hair Vigor! Here's an Intro
duction ! May ttic acquaint
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich, thick, glossy hair!
Use this splendid hair-food,
stop your faliing hair, and get
rid of your dandruff.
Tlit boat klnJ of a tontimonlol
"8oM for ovur kixty yonrn."
UidtlrJ.l A'
(larr of
I'll LS.
Ml i.anviow ureKon, on
'ii day of April, l'J07.
witnennon : '
(5. 1j. Withrn, John Drumrn,
I K, Mct'oriiuick, liooruo Cooler,
' I'alnloy, Ornuon.
j Any and all crnoua claiiniiiK Hdver
1 nely tlio above-dnncribnd liuidn arc re
1 uoMtnd to' file tholr clnimn In thia
olficn on or before nald 'JUdny of April.
! 1!7. J. N. WatHon, lC-KlnU r. 710
tiumkii I. ami xotk k.
Uultnd Ktaton Land Ofllcn, Take
vlow, Oregon. Novemlxtr 1TJ, lixx;.
Notion in hornby Kivon that In com
plin nco with thn provlHiiuiH of ihn act
of t'oiiKrcHH of J into .'I, )K7H, entltlnd,
"An act for thn aalo of Timhnr IiiikIh
in thn KtatcH of California, Oregon,
Nevada and WiiHhiiiKton Territory,"
ii h nxtoiidod t(k all the Public Land
Htnton by act of Antfii't i, l!rj, A.
Odnlito Horning, of Klamath FbIIh,
county ot Kliituuth, utata of Jrniou,
ban filed In thin oftlcn hinnworu Ktiite
meiit No. 'XUV,, for thn ptirchiiHnof the
K', NK'4' fSoc. 10, 8K4 SK'-4 Bee. 3
mid KW'i HW'i Snc. 'i tp. Xt H., It. 17
R, W. M., and will olfer proof to
nhow that tho land nought 1h moroval
ualiln for itn timbor or atonn than for
agricultural purponcH, and to Cftublinh
bin claim to nald land before County
Clerk of Klamath county, at bin offi
cial place of buninoKH at Klamuth Tallx,
Oregon, on Monday, tho 4th day of
' February, l'.nC.
llw iiameM mm w itiii!cH : .1. II. Horn
liitf, ltobert (,'iiMey, Can. II. I iiiMculiery,
II. C. Ole, all of Kl.tmatli Talln, Orc
k'"".. Any and nil ncrHonn claimini; mivcr-
United Staten Ijind Oltice, Lake
view, Oregon, I )e(5. '7, I'.HNi.
Notice in hereliy Ktvon that in com
pliance, with thn provimonn of tho act
of Contfrcnn of June 1H7H, entitled,
"An act for thn nalu of timber laudn
In the Stuten of (California, Oregon,
Nevada, and WiiHhinuton Territory,"
an extended to all the l'ublic Ijind
Static l.y net of AuKin-t 4, lH'.r Alice
11. ItuutiiiK, of Lakevie-, couuty of I
i. . i . . 1. 1 j i
I.HKK. ownoo oi v'iokoij, una mm (my
flleil in thin ofllcn hei aworn ntatoment
No. ;HH.'i, for tho ptirchano of the K 'v
K'.. of Section No. 17, iu Towuhhip
No. :J7 S., Itiince No. ill K., W. M.
and will olTer proof to tdiow that tho
land nought in morn valuable for itn
timber or utono than for agricultural
purpofen, uiiil to CHtablib her claim
to naiil laud before KeyiHteniinlivecei
ver at Ijakeview Oreyiin, on Saturday,
tho Pith day of March, i:07. lie name
an wit iicncn :
K. A. lluwkiiin, John Carl, Wm.
Smock, J. M. Curry all of Lakeviow
Any and all pernoun cliiimiiik' nd
verriely thn abovu descriliod landn are
roiiuoHted to lllu their claims in thin
ofllcn on or before mi id ltilh day of
March, 1IM".
l-'J J. N. Watnou, IJetsir.
ortrnQumiT ix hit.
That by virtue of a warrant for the '
tafc. collection of delln'iuent tax en for the '
i.t.i J"'BP ''"''i inHiiod out or the Uoiinty
Will .....a At. a a. . j r .1.- cjil
'1'lllt Ui VvtfUlll III ninw (Hi
()rnuon, under the aoal of nald Court, I
I beartnit date of the 8th day ot Octoljer, j
i liHXi.aud directed and delivered to me,
I thn Sheriff o! the aaid Lake County,
I coinniadlntf mo, an nuch n her Iff, to noil;
the aeveral article of pernonal fropi r- j
ty, and the aeveral parcel of real pro-1
perly net forth and doner I bod In tlioi
litllii(iuent Tax Lint for aald year of I
1IKV, for tho ptirpono of collecting thei
taxea rentiect.lvely duo on auch proper-1
ty, I will aell at public, auction, at my
ofllcn In the County Court llouno, in
the town of Ijakeview, County of
Ixke, Stale of Oregon, on Friday,
tho Int day of March, rCn, at 10
o'clock A.M ., of aald d a Jf the aeveral
parcel of property hereinafter de
crblod. The name of the owners of,
and purnona to whom the respective
laud are annennnd, the tax uponiacb
renpective parcel of land, the interent
to tho date of thin aalo, arid the penal
ties accrued against, each renpective
tract, are act opiionite each renpectve
dencription of the aoveral parcel of
land, viz:
Name, dcncrliition, tax, Inerent,
pennltln accrued.
All of aald land above described are
situated in the County of LakeState
of OreKon.
Tho cost of advertlnitiK the renjiective
tracts will Im added to the foreKoiuK
renpective amount upon alo. Kach
parcel will bo nold to tho person who
will pay thn taxea, intercut, and accru
ed penaltie ami the cost thereon,
and take a sheriff's certificate therefor
at the lowent rate of Interent.
Dated at Iakevlew, Luke County,
OrcKoti, thin'ilth day of January, 1IHJ7.
Alliert Hent, Kherifr and Tax Col
lector of Lake County, Oregon:
Cuarry, J. M. North Went (piarter,
South Went quarter, of North West
quarter, Snc. 25, Tp. 40 South
KuiiKO IH, yt W. M. and North
Kant quarter. Hoc. 2!, Tp. 40 South,
Hango 18, Kant W. M.
Tax 7 C8
IVualty 70
IntercMt 4
Total 9 '2H
Urlflith, Mary A. Weat half of South
Went quarter, South Went quarter,
of North Went (iiiurter, South Hast
diiarter of North Kant quarter. Sec.
lit, Tp. 'M South, KaiiKO lit, . Lant
W. M.
Tax $ 7
Penalty 70
Illtej-et 84
Total !) JS
Howard, Jeff South half of North
Kant quarter, North half of South
Kant quarter, Sec. 'ii, Tp. 28 South,
luintfi" i:i, Kant, W. M.
Tax 9 7 CA
Interest t
Total f 2S
llainaker ,Koy North West quarter.
Sec. .1, T. .51 South, Kuuko U,
Kast ,W. M.
Tax ... 7 (
Penalty 70
liiterebt 84
Total 9 2H
Hamaker, Chnn. South half of South
half Sec. :H, Tp. 'M Kouth, Kunge 15
Kant W. M.
Tax 7 08
Penalty 70
Total 9 28
Hutchinson, Sillio V. South hulf of
South Kast quarter, North East
quarter, of South Kast quarter,
south ast quarter north east quar
Sec. :, Tp. 31 South, llangelo, Kant,
W. M.
Tax 7 08
Penalty 70
Interest 81
Total 9 28
Taylor, Ky. Kast half of South East,
quarter, Sec. 9, Tp. 31 South. Uau;e
15, List, W. M. West half of South
West quartet, Se 10, Tp. '.51, South
llnnK'o, 15 Kast, W. M.
Tax 7 OS
Penalty 70
Interest 84
Total 92 8
Great Redwttao
Great Reduction
In order to make room for our new Spring: lines
will close out our entire line of Ladies Winter Waists- Ladies,
Misses and Childrens' Coats and Jackets, Ladies Skirts etc.,
at prices to suit the purchaser. . You can have them at your
own price. Only a few left. Also great reductions it
other lines.
We also carry the best line of Groceries in Lakeview.
You need but try our "S and W" Brands and you will
always ask for them.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
Archabald, David West half of North
Kast quarter, East half of North
West quarter, So 1, Tp. 24 South,
Itaiie 13, East W. M.
Tax 9 3 81
Penalty 38
Interest 42
Total $ 4 C4
Iilack, Joe South WesHjuarter, Sec.
14, Tp. 32, South, Hauge 10, Kaat
Tax i 7 08
Peualty 77
Interest 84
Total . ..: 9 23
liietiu. Geo. South Kast quater. of i
Wm. VVallace. Proprietor
Having Purchased the: Furniture Sto
from R N. Jaquish, I desire to invite tl
Public to call and see my Goods and get my
Prices. I will soon have on hand a full
?uHrtlrfWrtt 5ouu7ierfn.rteSl"nc of everything to be found in a frst-class
r'r X
31 furniture store.
r 08
9 28
Kast half of South East j Ta'bt'u hof- South West quarter
4, Tp. 20 South, Ranne
M. West half of South
Tp. 20, South
e have mack an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in any way, affect Real Property in the county-
We have a complete Record of every Mortcraee and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records we have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds are not indexed
at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records.
- We have notations of all these Errors:
Others cannot find them. We have'spent hundreds of dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Manager..,
North East quarter of South West
quarter, Soutji West quarter
North East quarter. Sec. It, Tp.
South, ICaue b"), East W. M.
Tax 7G8
Penalty 70
Interest S4
Total 9 28
Brown, C. D. North West quarter,
and West half of North Eat quar
ter. Sec. :i2, Tp. South, Kan go 24
East W. M.
Tax 9 11 52
Penalty f 1 13
Interest 1 20
Total ?13 93
Karnes ,V. K. South Wefct quarter.
Sec. a.", Tp. 31, South Kauge 15,
East W, M.
Tax 8 7 08
Penalty 70
Interest..... 84
Total 8 9 28
Hodder. Sidney North West quarter,
Se!. 3.", Tp. SO, South Kange 19,
East, W. M.
Lucas, Clara
quarter, Sec
12, East, W.
West quarter, Sec. 3,
Kauire 12. East W. M
Tax 7 08
Penalty i..70
Iuterest 84
Total C 9 28
Lucas, Frank West half of East half,
Soo. 14, Tp. 20 South, Kifuge 12,
East W. M.
Tax $ 7 08
Peualty 70
Iuterest 84
Total 9 28
Hallam, Nellie. E. North East quarter
Sec. 21, Tp. 130, South, Range 19,
East, W. AI.
Tax 7 08
Penalty 70 v
Interest 84
Total . 9 28
Levi9ee, Carole W. East half South
West quarter, South West quarter
of South West quarter. North West
quarter South East qaurter, See. 15,
Ip.Si, boutn, Kauger. Ast w. jyl.
Tax I 7 08
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total I 9 28
Rose .Robert A. South East quarter,
Seo 34, Tp. 23, South. Range 12,
East W. M.
Tax I 7 C8
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total $ 9 28
Sanders, Wm. T. East half of South
West quarter West half of South E.
Seo.2 7, Tp 23, South, Range 12,
quarter. East, W.M.
Tax 7 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total t 9 28
Stevens, J. A. East half of South East
quarter, Sec, 27, Tp. 23, South,
Rauge 17, East, W. M.
Tax ....$160
Penalty 16
Interest 19
Total t 1 93
Hamaker, 1. II. West half of Noith
West quarter, Seo. , Tp. 3U south,
Kange 21, East, W. M.
Tax 9 3 84
Penalty 38
Interest 42
Total f I C4
Biehn, Annie South East quarter of
I am a Cabinet Maker by trade and
Guarantee all my work.
Located in the Snider Building on Water Street
Bari tli. ,4 11" K.ind You Haw Aiwars BqhjW
Wheeler, Clarence C. North half of
South West qaurter. South half of
North West quarter, Sec. 12, Tp. 21 1
Soutn, Range 13, East, W. M.
Tax 7 08
Peualty 70
Interest 84
Total 8 9 28
Armstrong, V. West half of SoatA,
East quarter, and North East quar-I
ter, of South West quarter. Soatki
West quarter, of North East quar
ter. Sec, 4, Tp. 31, South, Range 15,
East, W. M.
Tax 7 08
Penalty 76
Interest... A 84
Total $9 2
! Check, W. Vf. West half of Nortk
North East quarter. North half of i
North East quarter, Sec. 27, Tp. 20, i
South Range 12, East, W. M. South
West quarter, of South East quarter
Sec. 22. Tp. 20, South, Range 12,
East, W. M.
Tax S7(S
Penalty .'. . .70
Interest 84
Total 8 9 28
Taylot, Jas. D. South East quarter
of South East, quarter Seo. 24, Tp
20, South, Range 12, East, W. M.
North half of North East quarter,
North East quarter, of North East
quarter. Sec. 25, Tp. 20, South,
Range 12, East, W. M.
Tax $ 7 68
Penalty 79
Interest 84
Total 1928
Talbot, T. G. South half of South
East quarter. East half South
West quarter, See. 27, Tp. 20,
South, Range 12, East, W. M.
Tax $ 7 08
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total T S 9 28
Traynor, Sam C. North half of South
West quarter, Seo. 32, Tp. 30,
South, Range 15, East ,W. M.
Tax t 4 20
Penalty 42
Interest 46
Total t 5 08
Travnor, Mary South half of North
West quarter, Lot 4, Seo. 4, Tp 31,
South, Range 15, East, W. M.
Tax A.... 9 6 90
Penalty 69
Interest 76
Total 8 8 41
Talbot, Jas. R. North East quarter,
of South West quarter, and Lot 2,
Seo. 24, Tp. 41, South, Range 20,
East, W.M.
Tax 8 5 00
Penalty 60
Interest 55
Total $ 6 05
Stanley, Mrs. K. P. Lot In town of
New Pine Creek. Commencing. 45
ft. West of North West corner of
Church K. running South 100
thence West 90 ft. thence North
ft. thence East 90 ft. to place of
Tax 800 84
Penalty 08
Interest VJ
Total 9
Alexander, T. P. West half of North
1 01
East quarter, Sec 27, Tp. 27, South,
Kange 12, East, W. M. South Wesf
quarter, of South East quarter, Se
22 Tp. 27, South, Range 12, East '
W. M.
Tax 7 08
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total 8 9 2S
Check, E. O. North half of South half.
Sec. 12, Tp. 30, South, Range 15j
East W. M. 4.
Tax ., 8 7 68 I-
Penalty 76 '
Interest 84
Total , 8 9 2
James, W. D. South half of South,
West quarter, South half of South
East quarter. Sec. 13, Tp. 24, South
Range 13 , East, W. M.
Tax 8 7 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total 8 9 2
Beckwith, Geo. L. North half of North.
West quarter, and South West quar
ter, of North West quarter, Sec.
Tp. 28, South, Range 12, South EaeV
quarter, ot North East quarter. See.
32, Tp. 28, South, Range 14 ; Eaai.
Tax 8 5 80
Penalty 58 i
Interest 03
Total 8 7 Oil
Watson, Wm. G. North half of NorthC
1I7..I -...aA on4 VaI. W...-t nnaw J
ter of South west quarter. Sec.
Tp. 40, South, Range 19, East, W.
Tax 1905 3 20
Penalty 32
Interest 35
Total : 9 3
Barry. Phillip K. Sooth half
North East quarter, North Ea
quarter 'of South East quarter, Sel
2, Tp. '38, South, Range 22 EastJ
North half of South half Sec. ill
Tp. 38 South, Range 22 East W. 104
And Personal Property.
Tax 825 20
Penalty 2 62
Interest 2 77
Total 9 30 m
Ferrr Seeds
re not aa expert.
'ment, but with proper culti-V
vulioo. thev assure success
from the start. Users ha no
doubts at plactins; nor disap.
poiatmeuts at nirrmi. oef
for biggest, surest, beat crops
at ail ueaiers. rsinous lor over
go years.' IUvT bmmu AsmmI
lice on request, .
South West quarter, Seo. 4 , Tp. 31
South, Range 15, East, W. M.
Tax 9 7 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total t 9 28
West quarter, Seo. 8, Tp. 30, South
Range 26, East, VV. M.
Tax 1905, $ 2 72
Penalty ".....27
Interest .....29
Total $326
Detroit, Mloh.