Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 07, 1907, Image 8

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    Lakeview And Vicinity
Our Annual
Clearance Sale
Means much to you if you
have any inclination to save.
The items we are closing out
are too numerous to make spe
cial mention. They include
Shoes, Dress Goods, Underwear
Children's Hats and Caps, etc.
Our Bargain table is loaded
down with lots of good and
serviceable goods that cannot be
duplicated again this year. The
prices are much below the Cost,
and the goods we sell are fully
a i
9 9
R Mcmlall is hero from Rono.
Hutch In nv li at I ho Urowery
lunch at tin
lunch at tho Itivwory
largest Salo evet on at
Kd lloiiil hm ovor from
Indies' unit Misses Caps
A. Hros.
Plush last
just in
A. Hros.
I too. Down
Kli Restaurant
at all hours.
was here from
First class
J "Ho II voth long, who llvoth wo 1 1.'
Long llfo atul a Morry ono, U nsiirol
If yon drink Our Coffoo, ami oat Our
Sanilw Itches. Ilaaar, Friday evening
Fob. Kth.
Tho I'laliidoaler report tho salo ro
oontly ly Morris Hros. ot Moiloo
county, of a lino band of hoof oattlo,
w hich cleans up tho l'.KH't output of
that county.
"Tho sort hath Its shells tho Iloavou
liath Its stars. Our Colt'oo and Out
Snndwitchos, havo ovory ingredient
to mako thorn perfect. Itaaar Prlday
evening Foli. M h.
It' von cntinot attoiul tho llaaar In
Tho latost in Ladies' Missos Caps at i tm, ,,v.niiig, ploaso roinomhor tlo
doors will lo opon all day Saturday
tho '.'(li, tor tho liont'ltt of Hioho who
livo outside of town.
V. II. Honellcl camo ovor from
Warner llrst of tho week and happened
to stop ovor in lakoviow long enough
to ho caught in tho high water and
rendered assist anco hero.
F. O. Ahlstrotn has purchased the
V. J. Moore rosidonco in North Lake-viow-.
Wo did not learn tho price, hut
Mr. A hist rom now has ono of tho
neatest homos in tho city.
lieorge II. Small of Silver Lako ami
Alox Fitzpatrlek, superintendent of
tho Chowaucan I.mikI Oattlo Co., camo
down to lakeviow last Thursday ami
remained hero unt ll Sunday.
Moss and Oodson, who recently
purchased tho J.I ranch In Warner,
havo put about TiKt head of cattle on
tho ranch. They expect to stock up
tho ranch to about '. hon 1.
Tho hoarse belonging to Lnkovicu
which has heen at l'ino Creek for a
long time, whs brought up from there
hist week, tho one hero having been
i hurned up in tho the last l ull.
I Wm Wyatt camo over from Plush
'on Saturday's stage, arriving here!
Saturday morning. Tho stage was iin l
ulil.i lii i',f tt.ruiii'li in mui iliiv 1)11 ill - i
If you want tho host st eel raiik-o in ! t.ollut of tho high water ami mud. j
Lake county, buy mine. II. T. Strip-
Special Sale of Sdooial (ioods
Ahlstrotn Hros.
H C. Stickel was up from
Crook yesterday.
Something now in Ladies'
es Caps at A. Hros.
Jan U'th commencing of our annual
Sale. Ahlstroui Hros. It
You will loso money if you miss tho
salo at Ahlstrotn Hros. tj
Miss McMilliu of Klamath Tails is
said to bo seriously ill.
Ho good to your sweet tooth.
Visit tho candy booth.
J. M. Parrish and Hob Farmer camo
over from Plush Tuesday.
For the best to to had In tho liquor
lino, go to Post and Kings, tf
All irrigation projects iu this conn
try are resting on their oars.
Dout overlook the Kli Restaurant
when you want a good nial. tf
3 cent, 10 cent, 15 cent, 2" cent,
Special Salo at Ahlstoin Hios. 1
fC 'I UK MnTwOK.
Hjpr Mo tvu wnp, th'u ryL
5 r 7 8 U
lO 11 la 13 14 15 KV
17 i8 io ao 2i
H4 25 2(J g7"28 1
III t lie i Inn it t 'hi I It i f th" M ate
Oregon, fur t lie ( oiiiit v il Lake.
tin. x
L. H. Moss came in from tho desert
'as-t week and remained hero a dav or
two. I
Wo understand that the mail con- ' ,u? ,u"1
... , . ,. , , I I It - k .1. lit n, a m
tracts awarded t. J.L. laden, from ; , ,. ;x,.(.M , .H ,,,
Klamath Falls to Ft. Klamath, also ;,tate ..f lllliiin
to Tule Lako and Merrill, are to relet, I llarve.v I lot i n .-i 1 .
... i .. I I'l.lllll HlM
in aiTiiiinl ol .ur. lteieuiioi. uviiiK on
Tho snow in Camas prairie went off the lim-s and personally siipervisiiik; j j j i - I I Julia
with a warm rain flooding Warner the work, as is reipiired by law. I'li-ld, t t le Clian-
vul'ey. I Tl,..r.. nr.. s..vMiil culverts out south I .'' ,:-
i milliner niei . II
Have established a warehouse in Lakcview for the
accommodation of cattlemen and sheepmen of Lake
county, where they will btnr beefhidfj, horse hides,
pelts of all kinds, horse hair, etc.. ai San Francis??
prices, freight deducted.
Warehouse located in the J. P. Duckworth iuiiti
ins near the Planing Mill.
There are
if to. nii and
tho road cut out. iu a
j drew M.Cnl
V :
V :
S" i
V '
S !
V !
Suit to foreehiHO
II llliil'tlle.
The ice uu tho Lako has broken u
aud most people, believe spring has i number of places. 'I lie culvert sout li irfriula m n.
come. 'of the lime kiln is also out, ami tho
bridge across Dea lman wont out Mon-. lo J. S. I l. l.l. Julia 1 :el.l ami
day. ' ; drew McCalleii, t he iibovo Miiinr
Mrs. Oella Cobb is im'ain able U be , fondants I.N Till'. NAMK OF
We understand that (ieo.Ilaukins is!
buyiiiK' cattle for A. A. Iavis of Sil-
ver Lako.
ami Phonographs
Thoruton Co's
Edison Record
for Salo ut A. 1.
Drut? Store.
W. L. Robertson wh resistorod at
Hotel Lakeviow from Silver Lake
first of the week.
At the "sweetest booth of the lia.
zaar you w ill find tho most delic'ous
homemade candies.
P. DUCKWORTH, Special Agent.
V 1 The stage road between Alturas and
. Madeline is said to bo in an almost
impassable condition.
A first-class milch cow that will be
about four woeki for Sale.
out, utter a serious illness caused by
ptomaine poisoninir. Mrs. Cobb, and
Mrs. Widlis had a narrow escape both
were tjuito ill , for a while, tho elfects
remaining with Mrs. Cobb much longer
J. li. MeXew, tho Pino Creek liv -lerymaii,
paid Iikeview u visit last!
j Thursday, ho having returned from !
j Sacramento, w here ho went a tew I
I weeks at;o to visit his family. The j
family w ill nut return to Lake coun-
. ty till iu June. I
: l
Come ladies and k'ontlemou, as '"si i take a
I d-T1IK
STATK OF ORK H )N : Von and each
of you are hereby iivpiired to appear
ami ausAcrtho complaint tiled iik'aiiist
you in the above entitled court and
cause on or before tho Illst day of Jan
uary, 1!K7, said date beintf the last
day of tho timo prescribed in tho
order fur publication of summons
made herein, aud if you fail so to ap
pear or answer, for want thereof, tho
plaiiitlll's will apply to the Court fur
the relief prayed for iu said com
plaint, which is: That the plaiittitfs
cree anain-t you, the defend-
I'.eluw e Km- i' rrp Tl ! tb-- wenther
hi m-(.. nli-.l bv tlie I nun Mninl Hinllirl
bioeiin ftiilimi nt The I ' 1:010 In r Hhi e,
'I'll ih rt ir t l 1 1 1 u 1 j c I !' li nei'k, imI ll
ilir leioltTH imIi I.i keep It VOrtlly tei nnl
ill wenther all 1 1 1 1 ( r lilt 11 n- ri-lef
'tire, rut nut the renl alnii Hie Mack
line unci pnte it 111 .1 hi tap bunk mil"
w rk Hller Hieitlier. 1 lux lenrd will ln
tllki ll nil TlleHibl" to ell'l eai'll week iilel
bfkilii "li Wedm-hdiiy t"T tho next Week
I inveriillii'lit Weather bureiiil Sla
timi at l.skeview. t iri'unn.
I '. O. M kt.k Kit. t ' ve I llinerver.
Week oikIIiij; Tuesday, I '
t h nr.
Mil t ' V
! nmi ' mill,
1 1
1 -: :
I :i'i I
UK Ml.
t U-H.
11. mi
11. .in
I 00 I
I (Ml I
imi I
j HI j
! no
1 liiri'iii
uf 0)'
This Space is
Chandler & Arthur
Who's ad will Appear
fresh iu about four
Impure of li. T. Striplin. x
Wm Carter was over from the West
side last Saturday. He reports the
roads in very bad condition. j
Ed. Mclinioni returned from KeiiOj
this week, where ho went to vi.-dt hisi
mother, Mrs. Lapham, who wa very ;
: sick. 1
! The ground hot; could not havo j
j seen his shadow on the first, Lut it '
'rained so hard he probably stayed in j
i his bole. ;
i Law rence and AKfjie Tracy and W. J. !
! and Grace Hoi brook were visitors in;
ants, .1. S. l'leld and Julia Field,
or ! r, 1, ,. ,,,,.,) , ...... 1 ........
I .............. n ...... .... .....
I ty, executed by you oil I )i'Celiiber ;id,
I'.H1, m favor of I'laint ilfs testator,
i William Harvey ;to recover tlio money
j due and owini on said inort ca'e, tn
:wit: The sum of Nine Hundred mid
a you can fly.
And buy from una Valenliiu
we'll know the reason why 1
Ti.- bocau.-o you have no xweet heart, j
Hut now is the time to try, ;
With a valentine just woo them j
Ami they are jv.urs until you die. !
J. C. Oliver was over from the We.-t j Thirty four dollars and seventeen
Side Tuesday. He nays the roads arejeents, together w it h interest thereon
somithitik' terrible. There are several) at the into of ten per cent, per annum
washouts on the slash road. He says from Juno ,".th, I'.hi-J, ami ?-J at tor
tile frost is nil out of tho ground and j ney's fees and costs of suit ; for an
that farmers iu his section w ill bo order of salo of tho lands and premises
plowing in a few days, if tho ground retained aud existing as security iu
settles. 'said mortac, ami described as fol
lows, tn wit; CoiiiuienciiiK at the
All Out inn Fliiinel.-i lo cents yd. at
t. . 1 1
..f Ifl,.l 1 " in 11 uteiiit
town last Saturday,
! Lakeview.
I If you have timber or other land
! for sale, write the La Grande Invest -imeutCo.,
Lakeview, Oretron, C. O.
j Metzker agent.
' The rain beat into the school house
Monday till it
F. M. Miller, w ho recently purchased
lmiO Lead of slock cattle from the
outfit, mentioned in
rt.i 1 . . I. 1 .. . t ..IV
I Hie rxaminer lasi with, nas uniu uu
I ered ii'An) for his bargain. Tho band
was an extra fluo one and Mr. Miller
secured an excellent bargain, but he
would not aell, even at a bint profit.
At a sacrihVo of createxpeuso, tho
Library Association have succeeded
became necessary to ! : ,,,!rriUadinL: tho "Great Omar,
dismiss bchool iu the primary depart- j C()IUL. to Lakeview and bo at the liu
ment for the day. I zaar, Friday evening Feb. H, when all
"A Nectar fit for the ko1s" Our may aval! themselves of the opportun
Hie Lakeview Mercantile
Co. will pay, for hides in
first-class condition,
Beef Hides 17c per lb
Sheep Pelts lie per h
Call and see us before
selling elsewhere.
When you bury
you want
These and maw
other good points
are combined in
You CAirt Ajford '
to buy Any other
jTOWf4 CO 0rON Wl4
TOwia CawaO'AW CO b
. 'VI
Ik 111
Coffee. "Like those that Mother used
to make," Our Sandwitches.
liazaar Friday evening Feb. 8.
Very few people, if any, ever saw
the lake extend so far north as it does
now. A solid body of water can be
seen as far north aa Section 21.
Handkerchiefs, for show, Handker
chiefs for blow
'Tis for the Lihraiy,
So corne and blow your dough.
Marion Hughes, an ox county clerk
and a former resident of Codarvdlo,
and Miss Mary Foster were married
in Iteuo on the 2)th of January.
Aprons here, and Aprons there,
Aprons for K'outlemeu and ladies fair,
i Come with your mite aud goodwill
And kelp us to fill the Library till.
Mr. C. O. Jiethel, the Pine Creek
butcher, was up from that place Thurs
day. He bad started to Silver Lake,
to investigate the mining rumor there.
Most Wonderful! "The Light of
Other Days, "on display at the liazaar
in connection with the Fish Pond.
Try your luck at the Fish Pond, then
take a "peep" at the Wonderful
Scene, which is beyond description.
ity ot having all tho past, present aud
future events of their lives correctly
and truthfully stated. No one should
miss this, tho ono chance in a life time.
Protractea Meetings Begun.
Ilev. C. P. Uailey, who has been
holding protracted meetings in this
and Surprise valley this winter, ar
rived in Lakeview llrst of the week,
having closed his meetings at the
State Line last week. Ho began meet
ings at Crane Creek, and was mi t
there by large audiences but on ac
count of tho heavy rains ho thought it
best to close tho meetings there and
come to Lakeview. He began a series
of meetings iu the Uaptist Church
Tuesady evening and will continue
till a week from next Sunday, when
he will mako a trip to Klamath Falls,
returning here to take charge of tho
work here until u pastor can be found
to succeed Rov. A. F. Simmons,
who was transferred to tho Lake City,
Modoc county charge.
Rev. LSailoy made The Examiner
ottloe a call and informed us that
while at Lake City there were about
52 conversions and 27 at Pine Creek,
where he baptised 12.
South east corner of Hlnck ')", in
tho West Addition to tho Town ot
Lakeview, iu Lako County, Mate of
Oregon, according to tho plat thereof,
llled in the olllco of the County Clerk
of tho County and Stale aforesaid, on
tho lioth day of July, 1H7S; Thence
running North along the Lantern
lioiiudury line of said lilock "(), "One
Hundred and Sevonty-threo foot ; j
thence at right angles running West
One Hundred aud Forty feet; thence
at right angles running North
Ono Hundred aud two feet; theuco at
right angles running West Ono Hun
dred andForty feet, to tho West bound
ary lino of block "N", in said West;
Addition ; thenco South along the
West boundary lines of said iilocks
"N" ami "O", Two Hundred aud
Seventy five foot to tho South-west
corner of said Iilock"0;" thence Fast
along tho South boundary lino of said
lilock "O" Two Hundred and
Eighty feet, to tho place of begin
ning. Also that a certain deed executed by
you, the said J. S. Field, on April bl,
H'.)H, to the above named defendant,
Ottie Chandler, conveying to her the
lands above described, be, by decree
of tho court, adjudged void as against
tho said mortgage, aud that all of the
defendants be barred aud foreclosed
ot all right, claim or equity of r ode in
tion in or to the said premises.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication by order of the Hon
orable II. L . llonsou. Judge of the
above named Court, which order is
dated the 15th day of December, 1900,
aud the date of the first publication
of the summons is the 20th day of
December, 1900.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Timber Land Notlir.
l ulled Males Lund I Min e, Lake
view, ( Ireoii. I lee, 10, P.iiii;.
Notice h hereby 1 vent hut In ciun
pllniicc with the prn Isluns of tho
I net of ( 'undress ul June :i, IsTs, en
titled, "All net for the Male of tllillier
lands In IlieSlali'sof Otllfurnhi, Oro-
gun, Nevada and Washington Terrl
! tnry," iH extended to all the Public
band SlateH by act uf August I, ls'.C',
Harry W. Crawford, of Klamath
Falls, cuiint.v of Klamath, State of
Oregon, has tiled In this nllice his
Hwnrii Htiitcuicht rw. .(.His for tho
purchase uf t ho N VJ of Section No. 10
lu Township No. :!." S., Itango No. 17
ll., W. M. ii ml will offer proof to
hIiow that tho laud Hoiight Is inoro
valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to Hiild laud beloro
County Clerk of Klamath Co., at IiIh
olliclal place of ImihIiichh at Klamath
FallM, Oregon, on TuoHilay, tho Kilt
day of March, 1!H)7.
Frank Johnson, Lynn I. owe, 1. W.
HushcM and Jchho Cravens, all ol
Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming'
adversely t he above-described lamU
arc reiiiested to (lie their clalniH iu
this office on or before Hald.'th day
of March, l'.)()7.
.1. Wnftniti Kl'fjlHtOI
Tho School that Placcs
yov in a Goo Position. '
7T Tr.r M
- PORTLAND. ncrr.riN