Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 07, 1907, Image 5

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    flc-Mtlonnl OC!
Siil of Timber Land.
I'irtlcH who have IIiiiIht luinl fur
will flu well In lnvcHllitc our
tlTIIIM llllcl llll'l III hm llf III! lulling 111111111.
Welntve tin nlllrelii l.iikevlew, white
r in I rii t run In' niii'lo ami upHnriN
tllUl'll I. II llllnl. We KIIMTlllltci' tln
IiIkIk'hI market r li. nutl lire In a
iiHllun tu 1 1-1 ii n ml Mini iililnln It,
having Imm'ii In t lie ImihIiii'mh fur liiiniy
yearn in. (I In i Iiihi' ti.m li wllli nil the
luinl l-ii Iitm nf II uiiiilr.v, Nit In
flict nrv I'l'MllltM tCU M t'M 11 1 ll-ll hy tin I. a
(inuiili' I n iM t iiii-ii t t'o. W'rl !('. ().
Mclr.Ui r, I.nki'Vli'W, Oregon.
I'. M.t'i'ry, tin' wi-i'Tii ihhiI rtiMtrmt
or, Inform tlmt tlm kih li- acroim the
Imilili j't-l I'unt i.f Illy Win khhIhuI mviiy
MiiihIiiv Hint I lint liiulit liili' ln util.i
i crohHiiij.' t In tcitin jn ii 1 1 ! off into a
w win. ut Mini w mi hIiiiohI lrou iii'il. 'I'Iio
ill jviT Nli ii ill ill Wllh'f II 1 1 In III Hint ninl
lUIng f rom tltedrave.
A prominent iiiiinfiictiii'r, Win, A.
I'eri i'll, nf T.ticniim, N. ('., relate
tiinut reninrloible experience. 1 1 onyia :
"After Inking limn limn Ihree b t'l' f
Klei till! I'.illern, I feel like oiki ruing
frnin the irme, My trouble 1 Hrihl'
iIIni'iini-, in tlm Ilia fti'N Mnge. I fully be
lieve Electric Hitler ill cur me per
tnniietly, fur it linn already atnpiied tlm
liver mi'l lilii'l'ler c-'im l icn tlnfin which
tinvii troubled nut for year." Uimran
teed HT I. Hi'Ull I nnftr Int, Price only
If.hipmi In Itching for a war with
tlio I'liiteil Stnti'M Mli'l hound to have
It, m do not Im'IIi'vi' tliU country U
nfnilil to nccoinoilitle tho little
brown men.
Il.'i'i Value MImhch Pur hat 50 renin
Ch. Lohrcngel I lead.
Wonl wiih received hero h few
helil tin' liiirne' lien'U nut df t water ' ago 'if tlm death III Ft. Illdwell (if
Mliile nun' i-Ini' i n i tin t i r n m mid CIium. Lnhrcngel, Mr. Lohrengcl him
releii-eil tlm lemii. An n remit Tin . been nick for several week.
iIhv mini hum hImiiii ii hour lute. ' Chitrliy Lnhi ngrel wiim utut of the
1 ' ,l..ti,..,t-M t.t fijliifitri' lln liuiile
hi lnnd'piartern In Warner viilley,
having worked on various Mock ranch
i'B throughout SoutliriiHtrrn Oregon
Hii'l Northern California and Nevada.
Hunting lor I rouble. I
"I'v lived lii I'ullfiiriilii Jo.vrirM, ninl
iniollll luukliiLC fur troiilile la the
wiiy of ImriiM. Miii'i M, wihiikIm, IioIIm,
ciiIm, HjiriiliiM, nr n ciimk of plli-M tlm I
Iturkli m'm Arnlea Snlve won't quickly I
rure." Hie I Iiiii I.-h Wiiltcr of A lie- '
tthan.v. sii i ru n. N'i lite hunting,)
Mr W'iiIn i-; ll em-. every cm I
(illlllllllll l'll lit I Af lt nll'mlnig Hturi. !
He was a thorough cultleliiHll mi'l
him hel'l ponitioiiH of rcHpoiiHibillty
on the riitiehcM. lie wiim known to
every buccuroou ninl M ock mini in the
country and hii'l tlie frieduMiip of nil.
The iiiimy friends and former vii-
oriinqtjfil ix hit.
Tlmt hy virtue of a warrant for the i
collection of (leliiuiient taxen for the
year l!KCi, United out of the ('ounty !
(!ourt of tho County of Ldke. Ht iiU of j
Oregon, under Mm ca) of Hiiid Court, j
lieiiritiK dito of tlm HI h day of ()c.toler, j
l!KN!,and directed and delivered to me, '
the Hherllf of the nnld Iake County,
coin mini I ii m me, an euch uliorllf, to aell ;
the nevoral articled of perminal proper-
iy, ami tlie Hevenil parcelaor real jiro
ierty Met. forth and deHcrihed in the
tor tlie p
taxeM rcMpc ctively dun on Much proper
llellri'iuetit Tax Lint for
l!K.-, for the
nald year of
urfione of collecting the i
The hirKc wild i muii wax torn
out ami lirnke lulwo alioiit u mile
up t In-ca nyoii .inmlay murnliiu ly
thelilh winr. The iiinehliiery In
The l)a mllur olliee wiim nileiieed iih
ii fi-Hiill. ami oh a (urt her remit reinl-
Tn nl The i: X .1 III 1 1 tlili week Will
luive tu put up willi a -nwill ainoiiht
of Hewn.
1) cent
cellti lit
'nhie Iloynl Pillow topH .'l."i
Why Befer
to Doctors
Because we make medicines
for them. Wc tell them all
about Aycr's Cherry Pectoral,
and chey prescribe it for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, con
sumption. They trust it. Then
you can afford to trust it.
Ask your own doctor.
Tha best kind ol a testimonial
"Sold for ovr lty years."
Also zuajiufeolursra or
W hT no rerim I W publlth
the farmula of all our luadifllnwa.
' ijueri) CdiupiinloiiH of ('hurley w ill lie
puiiie l lo learn of hix deiith.
! llowVMiis?
' We off, r One Hundred Holler l(e
1 ward for any ciikc of Cnarrh that
cannot lie ctiml y llail'H t'utarrli
(lire. I
I '. .1. Cheney V Co., Toledo, I. j
We. t In- omlf I'Hiiriieil, liave kuowuj
1'. .1. Cheney fur the hint l."ycarM, ami
helleve him perfectly hoiiorahte III In
all liiiHliiexM triiiiriu lluiiH and IWiancl-
all.V utile lo carry out any oUint-!
ioiiN uuiili' li.v liln llrm. I
W ol'lliiK, Kiuiian V .Marvin, I
VholcHalc I'mul'! Toledo, O. j
HaUV ('a larili Cure in taken Intern-1
ally, acting directly upon the Mood!
am! iniicotM Hiir.m'i'i of the nyHtein. !
TchI IniolilalM Hi'lit free. Trice er
liottie. Sold hy nil ilruulMtx.
Take IImII'm i'amlly I'lIU forcoiiHti
palloii. Nrijchbors got Tooled.
" I wan lltcrallly coiitthliiK m.vwlf
to death, and hal become too weak
to leave my bed ;and neighbor pre-1
dieted that I would never leave lt
alive; but they Kt fooled, for thankH
lie to (, 1 wan Induced to try lr.
KIiik'm New Dlncovery. It took jimt
four one dollar bottle to completely
cure thecouht and rent ore me to
Kood Minimi health," writen Mm. I'va
I'lienpher, of (iovertown, Stank Co.,
Ind. Thin Kln of couh ami col leure
ami healer of throat and luuun.In kiiu
rnnteed by v Ileall lirilKtflnt. .V)c.
and H.iM. Trial boltlefrii'.
Ayor's Pills uroatly aid tho Cherry
Poctoral In breaking up a cold.
BaantU Ihi Rind Yoa HartAlMW Bflil
ty, I will 1 1 at pulillo auction, at my
olflce In the County Court limine, in
the town of Lakeview, County of
I dike, State ot Oregon, on Friday,
the Int day of March, 1117, it 10
o'clock A.M ., of Maid dny, the several
piirceln of property hereinafter den
crliled. Tho inimen of tho owner" of,
mid pernotiH to whom tho respective
liiudn are iinnenned, the tax upon each
rcMcctivn parcel of laud, tho In tercet
to the date of thin mile, ami the pemil
tien accrued aKainnt each respective
tract, are net opponlte each renpetve
dencription of tho neveral parcela of
land, viz :
Name, dcncrii'tion, tax, inerent,
penult Ion accrued.
All of niiid lundn above dencrlbed are
nituiited in tlm County of lnke, State
of Oregon.
The font of advertising the renective
IractM will lie added to the foretfoiriK
renpective union nt m upon nale. Kach
parcel will lie Mold to the person who
will pay tlie tuxen, Interest, and accru
ed penalties and the cosltt thereon,
and take a sheriff 'a certillciite therefor
at the louest rate of interest.
Dated at Lnkeview, lako County,
Oregon, thhCMtli day of Junuiiry,
Albert Dent, Sheriir and Tax Col
lector of Luke County, Oregon:
Cuurry, .1. M. North West (piarter,
South West (piarter, of North West
(pmrlir, Sec. 'i-", Tp. 40 South
ICaiik; IH, Hunt W. M. und North
Kant (piarter, Sec. U'i, Tp. 40 South,
KatiKD IH, Kiiht W. M.
Tux 7 VH
I'enalty 70
I iite rent M
Cri filth, Mury A. Went half of South
West (piurter, South Wet (piarter,
of North West (piurter, South Hunt
ipinrter of North Kast (piurter. Ser.
IH, Tp. INI South, lliinye 10, Kuvt
W. M.
'lux if 7 IM
I'enalty TO
I nteri'Mt hi
Total 0 -H
Howard, Jell' South half of North
Kant (piurter, North half of South
KiiMt ipmrter, Sec. '2-2, Tp. US South,
IUlK'e 1.1, Kant, W. M.
Tax 7 W
I'emilly it
Jntc rent s
Total t UH
Haaiuker .Uoy North West (piurter,
Sec. .'t, Tp. .'Jl South, ItuiiKU 1",
i:ast ,V. M.
Tux ? 1 H
1'enulty 7i
Interest HI
Total 0 '2
Humuker, Chun. South half of South
half Sec. M, Tp. ! South, KantfO l'i
Kant W. M.
Tax ? T US
I'enalty "J
Interest h'
Total ? 2
HutchinHon, Sillio V. South half of
South Kant quarter, North Kant
(piarter, of South Kant quarter,
south east (piurter north east quur
Sec. .'t, Tp. !il South, IUiiiko 15, Kust,
W. M.
Tux 7 OH
I'enalty 70
Interest H4
Total ! 2H
Tuylor.Ky. Kust half of South Kant,
quarter, Sec. i, Tp. 31 South, llano
Ifi, Kist, W. M. West half of South
West quartet, Sc 10, Tp. 31, South
Itane, l.r Kust, W. M.
Tax 7 OH
Penalty 70
1 nterent 84
Total 8
Reduction -
Great Reduction
In order to make room for our new Spring lines we
will close out our entire line of Ladies Winter Waists- Ladies,
Misses and Childrensf Coats and Jackets. Ladies Skirts etc.,
at prices to suit the purchaser. You can have them at your
own price. Only a few left. Also great reductions it
other lines.
We also carry the best line of Groceries in Lakeview.
You need but try our "S and W" Brands and you will
always ask for them.
Lakeview Mercantile Company
I M.0.0 000 I.BO.M00 0HMH0OI l 901.00 .
e have made an entire transcript of all Records in Lake County,
which, in any way, aflect Real Property in the county-
We have a complete Record of every Mortgage and transfer
ever made in Lake County, and every Deed given.
In transcribing the records wc have found numerous
mortgages recorded in the Deed record, and not indexed; and
many deeds are recorded in the Mortgage record and other
books. Hundreds of mortgages and deeds arc not indexed
at all, and aie most difficult to trace up from the records.
We have notations of all these Error5:
Others cannot find them. We have spent hundreds of dollars hunting up
these errors, and we can guarantee our work.
J. D. VENATOR, Manager.
Archahald, Duvhl Went half of North
Kant (piarter, Kat half of North
Went (piarter, Sc 1, Tp. -4 South,
Ilaufc'e I'ittKaht W. M.
Tax i 3 Hi
Penalty .'J8
interest M
Total 4 04
i'llnck, Joe South Went (piarter. Sec.
11. Tp. '''!, South, liange 1", Kabt
Tax i 7 OH
Penalty 77
i nterent &t
Totul 0 2U
iiiehn, Geo. South Kant quater, of
North Went qurater. North West
qtiurter. of South Kant quarter,
North Kust (juarter of South Werit
(piarter, South Went quarter of
North Kust (piarter, Sec. 0, Tp. 31
South, llan'e 15, Kant W. M.
Tax 7 C8
Penalty 70
Interest M
Total 9 23
lJrown, C. li. North Went quarter,
and West half of North Eant quar
ter, Sec. :$2, Tp. :Sti,Suuth, llane 21
Kaat W. M.
Tax 9 11 W j
Penulty 1 !
luterent 1 20
Totul 13 1)3
Ilarned ,W. U. South West quarter,
Sec. 2.", Tp. 31, South limine 15,
Kunt W. M.
Tux 7 C8
Peualty 70
Interest 4
Total 3 23
Hodiler. Sidney North West quarter,
Sec. :C, Tp. 30, South Hangs VJ,
Kabt, W. M.
Tax $ 7 08
Penalty 70
Intere.-t 84
Totul "? 9 29
Lucas, Claia East half of South East
quarter, Sec. 4, Tp. 2iSoutu, ianpe
12, Kaet, W. M. West liau ol Houtu
West quarter, Sec. 3, Tp. 20, South
Kautfo 12, East W. M.
Tax 8 7 OS
Peualty 70
Interest 84
Totul 9 28
Lucas, Frank West half of East half,
Soc. 14. Tp. 20 South, Range 12,
East W. M.
Tax 9 7 68
Penulty 70
Interest 84
Total 9 28
Hallam, Nellie E. North East quarter
Sec. 21, Tp. 30, South, Range 19,
East, W. M.
Tux 3 7 08
Penalty 70
Interest 84
Total t 9 23
Levlsee, Car'yle W. East half South
West quarter, South West quarter
of South West quarter, North West
uurter South East qaurter, Sec. Jo,
' Wm. Wallace. Proprietor
i Having Purchased the Furniture Sto
! from E. N. Jaquish, I desire, to invite tl .
Public to call and see my Goods and get my
Prices. I will soon have on hand a full
line of everything to be found in a frst-class
furniture store.
I am a Cabinet Maker by trade and
Guarantee all my work. .
Located in the Snider Building on Water Street
Tp.32, South, Ivange 12, East W. M.
Tax 7 its
Peualty 70
Interest - 84
Total 9 28
Rose .Robert A. South East quarter,
See 34, Tp. 23, South, Range 12,
East W. M.
Tax 7 03
Peualty 70
Interest 84
Total I 9 28
Sanders, Wn. T. East half of South
West quarter West half of South E.
Sec 2 7, Tp 23, South, Range 12,
quarter, East, W.M.
1'ax... f 7 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total 9 28
Stevens, J. A. East half of South East
quarter, Seo. 27, Tp. "iJ, boutn,
Rautre 17. East. W. M.
Tax f 1 60
Penalty 16
Interest 19
Total I 1 93
Hamaker, T. II. West half of Nottb
West quarter, Seo. 8, Tp. JU bouth,
Range 21, East, W. M.
Tax 3 84
Penalty 38
Interest 42
Total i 64
Blehn, Anuie South East quarter of
O .Y. J3 1 O XI. X J. m I Armstrong, W. West half of South
t TtlS Kind You Have Always EaqCT X1 quarter, and ?iorth East quar-
ici i ui ouum hub', qumicr, ouuti
West quarter, of North East quar
ter. Sec. 4, Tp. 31, South, Range 15,
East, W. M.
Tax :. ... 1 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total 19 2 8
Check, W. W. West half of North
East quarter, Sec. 27, Tp. 27, South,
Range 12. East, W. M. South Wresf
quarter, of South East quarter, Sea
22 -Tp. 27, South, Range 12, East
W. M.
Tax ' 8 7 08
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total 9 28
Check, E. O. North half of South half.
Sec. 12, Tp. 30, South, Range 15,
East W. M.
Tax 7 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total i 9 28
James, W. 1). South half of South
West quarter, South half of South
East quarter, Sec. 13, Tp. 24, South,
Range 13 , East, W. M.
Tax 1 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total ..... 9 28
ileckwith, Geo. L. North half of North
West quarter, and South West quar
ter, of North West quarter, Seo. 33,
Tp. 28, South, Range 12, South East
quarter, of North East quarter, Sea
32, Tp. 28, South, Range 14 ; East
Tax 15 80
Penalty , 58
Interest 63
Total I 7 01
Watson, Wm. G. North half of North
West quarter, and North West quar
ter of South West quarter, Seo. 7,
Tp. 40, South, Range 19, East, W. Jl
Tax 1905 3 20
Penalty . .32
Interest 35
Total i 3 87
Barry, Phillip K. South half of
North East quarter, North East
quarter of South East quarter, Seo.
2, Tp. 38, South, Range 22 East,
North half of South half Seo. 12,
Tp. 38 South, Range 22 East. W. M.
And Personal Property.
Tax f25 20
Penalty 2 52
Interest 2 77
Total I 30 49
Wheeler, Clarence C. North half of
South West qaurter, South half of
North West quarter, Sec. 12, Tp. 24
Soutn, Range 13, East, W. M. '
Tax 9 7 03 j
Peualty 7G i
Interest 84 !
Total 8 9 2S
Talbot, Thos. L. South West quarter, !
North East quarter, North half of !
North East quarter, Sec. 27, Tp. 20, !
South Range 12, East, W. M. South i
West quarter, of South East quarter
Sec. 22, Tp. 20, South, Range 12,
East, W. M.
Tax 8 7 03
Penalty 70
Interest 84
Total 8 9 28
Taylor, Jag. D. South East quarter
of South East, qnarter Sec. 24, Tp
20, South, Range 12, East, V. M.
North half of North East quarter,
North East quarter, of North East
quarter. Sec. 25. Tp. 20, South, '
Range 12, East, W. M.
Tax 8 7 63
Penalty 7) !
Interest 84 ;
Total 8 9 28 I
Talbot, T. G. South half of Soutn
East quarter, East half South 1
West quarter, Seo. 27, Tp. 20,
South, Range 12, East, W. M. I
Tax 8 7 08
Penalty 70
Interest 84
Total I 9 28
Traynor, Sam C. North half of South
West quarter, Seo. 32, Tp. 30,
South, Range 15, East ,W. M.
Tax 8 4 20
Penalty 42
Interest 46
Total 8508
Traynor, Mary South half of North
West quarter, Lot 4, Seo. 4, Tp 31,
South, Range 15, East, W. M.
Tax 8 6 90
Penalty 69
Interest 70
Total 8 8 41
Talbot, Jas. R. North East quarter,
of South West quarter, and Lot 2,
Seo. 24, Tp. 41, South, Range 20,
Eact. W.M.
Tax : 8 5 00
Penalty 50
Interest 55
Total 8605
Stanley, Mra. H. P. Lot in town of
New Pine Creek. Commencing 45
ft. West of North West corner of
Church li. running South 100 ft.
thence West 90 ft. thence North 100
ft. thence East 90 ft. to place of be
Tax 800 84
Penalty 08
Interest 09
Total 8 1 01
Alexander, T. P. West half of North
West quarter. Sec. 8, Tp. 36, South
Range 25, East, W. M.
Tax 1905, 8 2 72
Penalty 27
Interest 29
Total t 3 21
have flood the test for orcr v yean.
and arc Hill in the Ira J. Their abnolnt.
certainty of jrrowlh, their uncommonly
large yiclJ. of delicloua vrgctaMc and
Deauiuui uonrrv, make tncui tli. nwt
relUb.e and t:ie most popular crery'
wnerc. bo:u ry ail dealer. 197
South West quarter, beo.4 , Tp. ol
South, Kauge 15, East, W. Al.
Tax 7 68
Penalty 76
Interest 84
Total I 9 28
Ann 111. 1 free 04 requckt.