Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, February 07, 1907, Image 4

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    Phllhd Every Ttiuraday.
Editor and Publisher
Knirrod tt th PoM Offlot l.lcw, Or.
8econcl-l'lftM M Alter.
One Year,
S i Months
(Three Months,.
Lust weeks Silver Lake Oregon ian
undertakes to give lessons in printing.
For the benefit of reader of The
Examiner who neTer see that "Silver
Lake Oregonlan" we can say that it
is a little patent outside affair owned
by a fellow who never soon inside
of any other print shop, only as a
"pleasant caller," nnd we hardly
know what he followed before he be
came too fat to work and was given a
county snap by the good and sympa
thizing people of Lake County and al
so a government job which worked iu
nicely with his newspaper. Mr. W. l
(abbreviated as he suggests) however,
is a pretty good fellow ; a good mauy
people like him very well, and while
he condones his own offenses c.f
charging $15 for a 4 line land no
tice, consolidated with others, which
gives him t3.73 per line for 10 inser
tions while the Examiner gets only
25 cents per line for five insertions,
or in other words he charges the same
class of people 7 Si times as much as
the Examiner does in this case, yet he
assumes to be the guard iau of the peo
pies' pocket books. Look out "dear
The W4' of the S. L. O. (should be
slow) gives an example of how type
should be set, which example displays
his absolute -ignorance of the printing
The object intended by the law au
thorizing the sale of lauds for taxes
in publishing the descriptions,' is to
give legal notice to the party whose
land is to be sold and also to give a
legal and absolute description of tbe
lands to the public who is expected to
purchase the lands. Descriptions of
lands in deeds and mortgages and
everything of that character are writ
ten out in full, so thf.t there can be
no mistake or misconstruction.
The fact is, the publishers of the
Silver Lake paper nor the party joint
ly responsible with them in the publi
cation of the editorial roast contained
in that sheet last eck, know absolute
ly nothing about the printing busi
ness and have about as little coneep
tion of a legal notice, and such advice
is worse than worthless
We know nothing of graft ; never had
a taste of it; never had a U. S. com
missionership, or anything of the sort
attached to our newspaper business;
always worked for our, but if
the WJ of the S. L. O. ( w) smells graft
it is not necessary for him to have a
very strong sense of 6tuell. Look
around your own bungalo. Bio. W. ,
maybe the disagreeable odor you com
plain of originates closer home than
you suspect.
Portland was visited by a alert storm
Inst week, which dirt Immense, dam
age. Following a heavy rain, a It
olid, the streets were a glare of ice,
and the sU'ct and ice accumulated on
trees, telephone, lights and telegraph
wires so that they were smashed to
the ground. The storm lasted for
two days, and all the shrubbry and
ornamental trees were gteatly dam
aged. For a fauey name the Portland
papers called it a "silver storm" if it
had Ih'pii a golden storm, Portland
would have been mined.
The kuowledge that Oregon lias a
legislature iu sessiou causes one to pe
ruse the papers for news concerning
it; but so far so little has lee:t ao
complished further than the introduc
tion ot a large number of bills iu both
houses, that only disappointment fol
lows the search. Hut few bills have
passed, and those are of minor import
ance to the state at large, and din'tia-
sou on other pending bills is dry read
ing, especially whcti it is set out in
the headlines that the defeat of the
measure is almost inevitable.
There is a bill up for enactment in
to law by the legislature which, if it
becomes a law, is intended to elimin
ate the scab among sheep of Oregon,
and thus cause the quarantine against
Oregon sheep to be raised. Th" bill '
makes dipping at stated times, and all
times in case of scab, compu'sory un- :
der the supervision of one clothed) iiiikkk l.(M) oTKK.
with authority by the bill. It is Lakeview., Oregon. J an. 2S 1907.
thought thai if the provisions of the; Not ice is hereby given that in coin-
bill are carried out the scab will be en- pliance with the provisions ot the Act
tirely cleared up within two years. ! of Congress of June .1, 1S7S, entitled
' 1 "An Act for the sale of timber lands
In the states of California, Oregon,
Cedarvlllo Record. "Tho Lakeview
Examiner is iu a peck of trouble be
cause a division of Lake County Is
Ihmhk agitated. We dont know any
thing about the Oregon laws regarding
county division, but If they are like
California's the Examiner editor can
go to bed and sleep soundly for Lake
county will remain Intact.
(We slept.
Farnk Hums a young man well
known in this and Warner valley,
died recently at Winhamucca, Nevada.
Frank was raised in this county and
worked at buocarooing most of his
life since old enough to ride a horse.
He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11.
Hums of Warner valley. We did
not learn the particualrs of his demise.
Notice to Taxpayers.
Lakeview, Oregon.
The tax roll for the year l'.HHl is
uow in my hands for collection, uud
will become delinquent immediutly
after the tlrst Monday iu April, 1907.
If one-half of jour tax is not paid on
or before the first Monday iu April,
1907, there will be a 10 per cent, pen
alty, and 12 per cent, interest added
after that date. No personal checks
from part ies outside the county ac
cepted. Yours Very Truly,
AlUrt Pent,
Sheiilf of Lake County, Oregon, j
Pated this 7th day of Feb., 1W7.
The Spokane Spokesman-Review is
endeavoring to have a new state crea
ted out of portions of Idaho and
Washington to be called Lincoln. A
good sized chunk of Oregou will be
sacriilced in the deal. For the loss of
that part of Idaho known as the Pan
Handle, which is to be a part of the
state, Idaho is to be compensated
with a slice of northeastern Oregon.
The creation of new states out of old
ones is no easy matter, but the pro
moters of this scheme may, eventual
ly, succeed.
and the best jjreetitijs of the Season to our friends
and eustoniers who have made the past tear the
most prosperous we have ever etijmd.
1007 will find us better prepared than ever to fill
your wants. Ye are inereasinj the size ol our store
to make room for the largest stock of jjoods we have
ever ordered, and we will continue to merit your pat
ronage by jjivini you the best value tint heavy 1 my -inj;
direct from the largest eastern houses allord.
Pioneer Store
tuntb lha Kind Yen Have Alwun Bo:,
The high water is not a local occur
ence. Everywhere in Oregon and
Califorina that can be heard from is
having the same experiance. Papers
from the Willamette valley express
great fears lest the rivers over flow
and great damage will result. They
have already passed the highwaterj
mark, and the downpour of rain cou-1
tiuues. Factories and mills along the
riveis have closed down on account of
the back water rendering useless the
water power.
Nevadu, audW ashingtouT erroitory,
ns extended to all the Public Lit ml
States by Act of August 4, IM2, (leorge
A. Ctilhert of Lakeview, County of
Iake, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his Sworn State
ment No. 'XM, for the purchase of
the N'.. S1., of Sec. No. X in Tp. No.
37 S.. Range No. 19 F... W. M., endj
will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than fur agricultural purpos
es, ami to establish his claim to said
'aud I e fore Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Ore, on Friday the 12th day
of April, 1107. He names as witness
es: O. 11. Lynch. W. I. McCulley,
i M. Musgrave, Leo Emmerson, all of
! Lakeview Oregon, any and all persons
'claiming adversely the above-described
lands are requested to file their
claims in this ottic on or before said
, 12 day f.f April. l'.M7.
." Id J-N. Watson Register.
Timber Land Notice.
Jwae&Tbfiic Vermifuge Z
w Gives strength to men, women and children.5 dniist's.
Klamath county people Lave been
coutemplaf ing the construction of a
75,000 court house by the issuance of
bonds. Their hopes were shattered a
few days ago when Attorney General
Crawford informed Representative
Merriman that the legislature had no
authority to permit Klamath county
to issue bonds iu excess of .,u00,
which is tbe limit of indebtedness. The
state constitution places in each coun
40 cent Value
cents a pair at
Misses Rubbers
Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. '2'.', V.N7.
Not'ce is hereby given that in com
pliance w ith the provisions of the Act
of Congress of June ;!, 17, entitled
"An Act for the sab- of timber lands
iu the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
States by Act of August 4, 192.
Alexander A. Davis, of Sliver Lake,
County of Lake, State of Oregon, has
this day filed in this office his Sworn
Statement No. .'fin I, for the purchase I
of the W'2 NW4- Sec. , A K 1 ... NE4 !
of Sec. No. , in Tp. No. .'51 S., Range j
No. IS, E.,W. M., and will otter proof !
to show that the land sought is more i
valuable for its timber or stone than j
for agricultural purposes, and to es- '
tuhlish his claim to said land before
the Judge of Klamath Co. Oregon, at
his office at Klamath Falls Ore. on
Wednesday the l.-t day ot May WC,
lie names as witnesses: ('has. Mes- ;
tier, aud Jas. Mongold of Klamath !
Falls', C.McKeudreu, and Chits. Had- :
I ley, of Dairy, Ore. I
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re- j
quested to file their claims in this i
office on or before said 1st day of
May 11)07.
10 J. N. Watsou Register.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
n Tdic LrcrdSvc Eromo Quinine Tablets.
f? fr'juvi tni', so'd u past 12 months. This signature.
Cures Ci iu
In Two Dys.
CTk every
. r
.ygssK:rr.rjif rvr:
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havs Always Bought
sely the aliove-described lands are re
, quested to llle their claims in this
, office on or before
' February, llh'7.
4S. J. N.
said 4th day of
Watsou, Register.
Bears the
..Ug.nat.ure of
Kiintl I'rtxir itli-i-.
Land Office at Lakview Ore., Jan.
22, T.HI7.
Notice is hereby given that Charles
E. Campbell of Paisley, Oregon, has
: filed notice of his intention to make
; final Five year proof in support of bis
I claim, viz: Homestead Kntrv No.
2"ol, made Feby. r."2, for the K'..
j NK1., Sec. '.), and W, NW1, Section
i in, Township 33 S, Range H W.
M. , and that said proof will be made
! before Register and Receiver, at Lake
i view Oregon, on 9th day of March,
j VK). Jib names the following witness
; es to prove his continuous residence
i upon, aud cultivation of, the land, viz:
) J. F. Clarkson, and Willard Duncan
. of Lakeview Oiegon, T. J. lirattain
' anil Fred Pike of Paisley, Oregon.
-8 J. N. Watson Register.
No Matter What Your Property is Worth, or in What Town, City, State or Territory it is Located
If 1 did not have tbe ability and facilities to Bell your property, I certainly could
not afford to pay for thin advertisement. Thin "ad" (like nil my other "ads") Ih
practically sure to place on my list u number of ntw properties, and I am Just as
sure to sell these properties and make enough money In commissions to pay for the
cost of these "ads," and make a good profit lesiles. That Is why I have so large a
real estate business today.
Why not out your proierty among the number that will be sold as a result of these
8 i will not only sell it some time but will be able to sell It oulckly. I am a siec-
ailist in quick sales. I have the most complete and up to date equipment. I have
branch offices throughout the country and a field force of men to find buyers.
I do not handle all ilnea usually carried by the ordinary real estate agents. I MUST
SELL real estate and lots of it or go out of business. I can assure you I am not
going out of business. On the contrarv. I ex Dec t to find .at the close of the vear. that
l nave soia twice as many properties as 1 did tbe past year, but it will first be necessary for me to "list" more pro
perty. I want to list YOURS and SELL it. It doesn't matter whether you have a farm, a home without any land,
or a business j it doesn't matter what it is worth, or where it is located. If you will fill out the olank letter of in
quiry below aud mail it to me today, 1 will tell you how and why I can quickly convert the property into cash, and
will give you my complete plan
j Denei'l I.hikI Final I'roof. i
Lakeview, Oregon, Jan. 0, 1907. i
Notice is hereby given- that Hazen j
j A. lirattain of Paisley, Oregon, has!
! filed notice of intention to make proof j
ion his desert-land claim No. &0.'l, f or j
! the SKi SKi aud L.ot 1 Sec. Ip:Jt S
'It. 19, E..W. M., before Register aud
Receiver at Lakeview Oregon, on Sat
urday, the 9th day of March, 1907.
He names the following witnesses to
prove the complete irrigation aud re
clamation of said land :
Charles Hanuon, Elmer Stanley,
Paul J. Rrattain, Win. Johnson all of
Paisley Oregon.
:i-7 J. N. Watson, Register.
Timber Land .Not Inc.
I'llited Stales (wind Ollire, Luke-
i view, Oregon, Dec. Ill, :m;.
! Notice Is hereby given that In enm-
pllnnce with the priivbliiiiH nf the net
nf KligresH uf .1 line IT, entitled
! "An act fur t he sub" nf timber hinds
In the States ui California, Oregon,
Nevada, a in I Washing ton Territory ,"
as e tendril to all the Public Land
States by act uf AugtiHt I, IVr.', Rob
ert O. Horning, nf Klauiatli Falls,
cuunt.v of Klamatli, state nf Iregoii,
lias filed In this ollice bis sworn
statement No. Is . for the purchase
nf the s!n e,'. Ni:';.Ni:i, s,c. .. nwj
NW.'j, of Section No. 0. Ill Town
ship No. Ill S., Range No. Is 10., W,
M, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought Is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, anil to establish his
claim to said land ls-fore County
Judge of Klamath Co., at his ofliclal
place of business at Klamath Falls
Oregon mi Tuesday, the Mb day of
March. 1907.
He names aa witnesses: ('. II Dus-
enbery, Rertllall, W.A. Del.ell, Har
ry (loud win of Klamath l ulls, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above- descrlls'd lands
n re requested to file their claims In
this ollice on or ls-fore said fth day
of Marco I'Ju".
.V) J. N. Watson Register.
Free of Charge
and terms for bndling it. The informtion I will give you will be of great value to you, even if yon should not sell.
You had better write today before you forget it. If you want to buy any kind of a Farm, House, or Uusiness,
ii any part of the country, tell me your requirements. I will guarantee to fill them promptly and satisfactorily.
DAVID P. TAFF, the Land Man, 415 Kansas Avenue, Topeka. KANSAS
If You Want to Sell Fill In, Cut Out and Mail Today.
Please send, without cost to me, a plau for finding a
cash buyer for my property which consists of
Town County State
Following is a brief description:
Lowest cash price
Name Address
If Yon Want to Buy Fill In, Cut Out and Mall Today.
I desire to buy property corresponding approximately
with the following specifications: Town or city
County State
Price between f and f I will pay
f down and balance
Name Address
The Eaxminer office has received a
shipment of flue business cards, also
a new lot or ladies' calling cards, we
have the latest in type faces for print
ing ladies calling cards. The Tiffany
Text is tbe latest. tf
United States Land Office, Lake
view, Oregon. November '1, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of tbe act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled,
"An act for tbe sale of Timber Lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Land
states by act of August 4, 1892, A.
Odalite Horning, of Klamath Falls,
county of Klamath, state of Oregou,
has. filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. ICiOJ, for the purchase of the
WA NE4 Sec. 10, SEU SE Sec. .i
and SWJ SWi Sec. 2 tp. X 8., R. 17
E.. W. M., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more val
uable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before County
Clerk of Klamath county, at his offi
cial place of business at Klamath Falls,
Oregon, on Monday, the 4th day of
February, 1907.
He names as witnesses: J. R. Horn
ing, Robert Casey, Cas. II. Onsen bery,
11. C. Ogle, all of Klamath Falls, Ore
gon,. Any and all persons claiming adver-
Timber Land Notice,
I'nlted States Iand Ollice, Lake
view Oregon, Dec, , 19011.
Notice Is hereby given that In compli
ance with the provisions of the tct of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lauds In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada,
and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States
by net of August 4, 189?, Albert A.
Farrow, of Paisley, county of Lake
State of Oregon, has this day filed in
this office his sworn statement No,
3437, for the purchase of the NWJ of
Section No. 3!, In Township No. 34 S,
Range No. 18 E w M, and will offer
proof to show that the land nought
Is more valuable for Its timber or
stouo thun for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said
land before Register and Receiver at
Lakeview Oregon on Thursday, the
'ilt day of February 1907.
attalnmes as witnesses: 11. A
Pr P. .L lirattain, D. II. Con
Timber IjuhI, Act June 3, 1S7H.--'
Not ice for Publication. Cnited State
Land OMIce, Lakcvieu, Oregon, Dec,
-7, PMl. Notice is hereby given that
ill compliance uith the i rovisious of
the act of June 3, I'iTS i-nt it lei I "All Act
for t he sate of timber lauds iu the
Slides of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," ns ex
tended to all the Pill lie J,atid Slates
bv act of August I, is.cj, the follow
ing persons himi filed in tins office
their sworn statement-, tow it:
Ottie Chandler of Lakeview, County
of Lake, State of I licnii. Suoru State
fuellt No. I'.l'll for the purchane of the
S'..SKi S.-c. ;,, and N' .NJ-'.J Sec. H, '1'.
37 S., R. HI E..W. M."
May A lil.-.t loin of Jikeview, County
of Lake, Stat of Oregon. Sworn
Slat. -incut No. .'Ili'.'i, for I lie purchiini.
of the N'.,NER SWJNFR un.l SKI
NWJ, Sec, ii, T. 37 S. R. i' E..W.M.
That they will olTer proof to show
that the land sought is inorii valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to establish their
claim to said land before Register and
Receiver at Likevlew, Oregon, on
Thursday t he I Ith day of March, 1907.
They name as wit nesses : R. A. Haw
kins, Nathan Wilcox, J. M. Curry,
John Carl, All of Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adver
sely the above described lands are re
(iiiesed n file their claims in this of
fice on or before the said 11th day of
March, 1907.
I ' J. N. Watson, Register.
d W'eldy and M.C. Currier all
of PU'HW. Oregon
An)' and all person claiming ad
versely the above descrllied lands are
requested to tile their claims In this
oflice on or before said 21st day of
February, 1907.
J, N. Watson
r0 Register, t.Wlt OTI K.
United States Laud Office, Lake
view, Oiegon, Dec. 31 I'.HNi.
Notice is hereby given that iu com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale of timber lands
In tho States of California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public- Land
States by act of August 4, 1892., Will
iam J. Moore. Of Laknvtdur. eninitir
of Lako, State of Oregon, has this day
filed in this office his sworn statement
No, 3fi3'2, for the inirchitHn of tha wt!
SEJ SEi SEi Sec. 33 HWJ. 8W$ of Sec
tion 34. township No. .'Hi. S..
No. 'M E.. W. M.. and Will l.irr rir.w.f
to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for its timber Or Htnnn thun
for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said laud before
Itcglster uud lieeeiver ut Lakeview
Oregon, on Friday, tho V.2 day ot
March, 1907. He names as witnesses:
V. L. Suelliuu. It. A. II fall If Inu ti
E. Riuehart. A. W. ltrvun nil r.f
Lakeview, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming
versely the above described lauds are
requested to file their claims iu this
before said '.'2 day of
oince on or
March 1907.
J. N. Watson, Register.
A Valuable lesson.
"Six years ago I learned a valuable
lesson," writes John Pleasont, of
Magnolia, hid. "i then began tak
ing Dr. King's NW Life PJIIh. and
the longer I take them tho better I
find them." They pjaso everybody.
Guaranteed afXe Beall's druggist