Cured of Lung Trouble. It If now eleven years since I hn.l narrow esespe from consumption," write CO. Floyd, n lending btiines man ol Kershaw, 8. C. ' I had run down Tlmhrr Land Natlca. United Statea Land Offices Lake view, Oregon, Pccemler, 1, lOOtt. Notice la hereby given that lu com pliance with the provisions o( the act LAKBVIBW PLUSH STAGE LINE In weigh to 138 pound, and coughing ; . CwucrwMI of junl 3,1 137a, entitled SyTbe "A- the sale of timber landa pl-covery. and i.utlnued this fcrahont In the States of California, Oregon, sit month, when m rough and lung Nevada, and Waahington Territory," 8. L, McNavohtos, Prop. trouble were entirely gone and I wss raatnrMl to mv nornisl weight, 170 ponnda." Thnnand- of person re hMledeverv er. tinsrsnteed at I- Dealt' l ri'iii -tore. .VM and l . Trial bottle fr-e OAOTOIIIA. m v- jf 1 fit Mm 1 in n.iw '3 Office at Mercantile Store Mage leavea Lakeview Monday, Wed nedaya and Fridaya at 6 a. m., arrive DKl-CTOHY KlmlBupti-' t'hurchof (loose twike At N?w Pirn reek, Otvjroii. Proachlng Service nt ll.wlock A. M nd7;30 I. M on ''noli Suuday very month. Sunday School at 10:o'clock A. M Prayer Ser vice at 7.00 on Wed nc sday evenlncof each week. All are cordially invited to Attend the Services J. Hawlen Howard Fast or, aa extended to all Public IanJ Statea by act of Angnat 4, 18lr, San ford O. Teaae, of Summer Lake, County of Lake, State of Oregon, has this day riled In this office his sworn statement at Flush at 0 p. m. Leave Fiuh Tue No. 3110, for the purchase of the KSj I day, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 SEl4 Sec. 20 K NF.' of Section No. ' a. m., arrive at Lakeview at p. ni. 35, In Township No. 37, S, lUnge No. Faenger fare 3 one way or $5 f 19 K, V. M., and will offer proof to 1 round trip. Freight rate from May ' show that the laud sought Is more val- 1st to Nov. 1st ."h per hundred 5 Ironr TOWN'S IVE LEAGUE EXCELLENT WORK Of ENTERPRISING WOMEN IN CRANFOR0, N. J. WANTED: PlMrlct Mannger t DOSt slcnn m.I iTi Ue anl dlstiibiite sample. Snieiy flS.iH) weekly, $:tn per day, for expeiifc. State age and present em pl nient IDKALSH F.AH CO"0 Kando ph St., Chicago. Inn L5 4 m . ; uable for its timber or stoue than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his claim to said land before Kcgitt?r ' I and Receiver at Lakeview, Oregon, on 4 a lliaj kllV IVU 9mj ... - -k - - - ,r - He names as witnesses: Cieoriro I). Harrow, Chas. A. Kehart, Jss. K Darker, Geo. II. Lynch, all of Lake view, Oregou. I Any and all persons claiming ad ! versely the above described land, are rnnaiiixt tit Hln their rlnlms In this office on cr Itefore said loth day or February, 1007. J. N. Watson, Register. Nov. 1st to May 1st 11. 00 ier hnndrc The Blood Is The Iilfe." Science has never gone beyond tit above simple statement of scripture, l!ut tt Em illuminated that, statement and ffhra) It a meaning ever broadening with tha Increasing breadth of knowledge. When the blood is bad" or impure it la not alone the body which suffers through disease. The brain is also clouded, Vj mind and Judgement are amTbviny an evil deed or imniirn fhtVnjfcsbeSirectlv traced ta thn npanrroi the L7bi Font, impure Mood CXn be marie nur bv the ne rf in. Fierce's Ooldfn .Ved:r.-i Visenverr. H tnrlchps and nnriti.. tho t)TrY curing, pimples, blotches, erupUons and Other cutaneous affections, as eczema, totter, or salt-rheum, hives and other manifestations of impure blood. 9 In the cure of scrofnlous swellings, en larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old ores, the'CJolden Medical Discovery "has performed the most marvelous cures. In cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers. 11 is well to apply to the open sores Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve, which pos asses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores in con junction with the use of "Golden Medical Discovery "as a blood cleansing consti tutions! treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the All-Healing Salve" in stock, you can easily procure it by Inclosing fifty-four cents In postaro stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, 6C3 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you by return post. Most druggists keep It as vrell as the 'Golden Miical Discovery. . You can't afford to accept any medicine cf uiA,7ioi-n o.m;x.siri(M as a substitnta for"Gtldon Medical Discovery," which : a medicine of kxowx cowroMTiiix, having a complete list of ingredient in' plain English on its toule-wrapper. i'.: same being att std as cr.rnvt under oath. Dr. Fterce's I'Uasant Tellets rreui.. and Invigorate stomach, liver and bowoi TIIIKF.R UMl 1ITI(K. United States Ianl OiHce Lakeview Oregon, Deo, 28 l'JOG. Notice is nereby giveu that in com- pliauco with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled. An act for the sale of timber laud in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lMi Wil liam II. Heneflel, oiraisiey, county of Lake, State of tregon, nns tnis day: til.! in this office his sworn statement No. 3ol7, for the purchase of the SWJ SWJ Sec., 24 NS: NWJ of Sction No. ! 2, in lownsnip .o. .io S, Kauge .No, r.l ri, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more val uable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said laud before Register and Receiver at Lnkeview Oregon on Weduesday the 20th day of March HU7. He names as witneses: Roy Chandler, C. A. Rehart, of Lakeview OreKon, C. S. Henetiel, of Paisley Oregou, aud Walter Deut of Adel Oregou. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lauds are requested to Hie their claims in this ottlce on or before said 2ltb day of March, UK)7. 1-H J. N. Watson, Register. 1'lual Proor .Notirr. 1 i IK'partmeut of the Interior, Land j Office at Lakeview, Oregon, Dev. '. HiXj ; Notice is hereby given that Mary j H. Dry an, of Lakeview Oregon, has I tiled notice of her intention to make , j final five year proof iu support of her t claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. i i'JJt's made January 13th. UU for the j ,SK'4 E'4 Sec. 11 S NW4 A NW4 1 SW i4 Section 12. Towuship : S-. .Range ll E., W. M., and that said ' proof will be made before Register ! aud Receiver, at Lakeview Oregon, 1 on the Utn day of Jauiiary, 1'7. ' She names the following wituesses ' to prove her continuous reMdeneeup ' on. "and ctiltivation: of, tlit laud, viz: II. Roush. ;i. M. Iiryau. J. S. Drauch, A. W. liryan. all of Lakeview ' Oregon. 4.' J. N.. Wut n, Regier. ! 1 r X COMPOUND INTEREST The trouble with most adver tisers is that they expect Imme diate returns of large propor tions. Oue prominent advertiser Illustrates the principle of adver tising in this way: "The aaoaey xpeaded for drertlalaa; la the .m a If place at laterest. The prata from th aaTertlalaar r Tlrtaally th taterat the iBTeataacat. "The suma spent for advertising are properly chargeable to cap ital account because the result ing good will la something that baa value, which. If the adver tising has been properly done, can usually be sold for the face value of the Investment "The rate of Interest is deter mined by the skill with which the Investment la made. "Just as the quickest way to Increase Invested wealth Is by compounding the interest. Just so the quickest way to realize re sults from advertising Is to com pound the return. " Advertising Experience. Advertisers ret rood returns on the amount Invested In our column. W reach th panpla. 10 All Our Subscribers Ik 11 Ihc Great AMERICAN FARMER Indianapolis, Indiana. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the Nation, Edited by an Able Corps of Writers. The American Farmer is he only Literary Farm Journal pub lished. It tills a position of its own aud has taken the lead ini: plaee iu the homes of rural people in every section of the United States. It jjives the farmer and his family something to think about aside from the hum drum of routine duties. Every Issue Contains an Original Poem by SOLON L. GOODE Within the Next Ninety Days We Offer Two Fnr tfi? P,iW nf On; Thf ""ty 'Hie Leading County Paper and The American Farmer BOTH ONE YEAR FOR This unparalleled ofler is made to all new subscribers, ones who pay up all arrears and renew within ninet3' days Sample copies free. Address: C. O. fletzker, Lakeview, Oregon. bxaminer $2 and all old Byvaor Traaafora, atravta aa4 choola Imaroeal aa4 Waat llaeea Redeinel kf a Villas Improve, seat Aaalatlsi Twelve Years Old. With a allver gray stream winding (ta tortuous way through the vtllaga nd an abundance of trees. It la plain even to the casual observer that Crnn- font. N. J., wna destined by the Cre ator to l a beautiful place. Hut In the begtunlnit. some twelve years ago, Ita cltixcus were not content to let the inn Iter rest there. They wished to help make It a ttcautlful plnce to live in. It was about this time thnt the Im provement tongue of this pretty town was ortfnn! and the fact of Its be ing a prettier town today la tho result lamely of the league'a work. The work of the Brst year was to ward bcnutlfylng the spot on which the building of the town newspaper now stauda. and when this was done a Unrren space, wuere storvkeenera burned their rubbish and boys played bull to the Imminent danger of the passerby, waa wiped out of eslstence. Au ordinance obtained by the Vlllnge Improvement league prohibited both these evils and abolished the gathering ' of the clans on the corner opposite the statlou. , In the former days, when any one wished to build or repair the dock, the w . .-..- 1 . . i t ,.1... . . : I I . t-l .U2I I'Ul IU 1-lItlIlltT 111111 3 UO I so. thus IticonvenleiuMnir every one else : ami running the risk of spreading dls ! ease lu hat weather. Many complaints : from the Improvement league resulted : lii an agreement to let out the river only on request cf three mid then for only oue day. These necessary lm ;irj euicuts were followed by a general , clearing of the streets of litter 11 ml ash heaps, lhiriui; this the first year the ki.clety became regularly Incorporated. The second year of the work of this ov 'uulzntlou was marked by an nt t pt at street svrluklnii;. This was u. cetsful i i every way e'ejit finan cial y. i;ntertainmentH were giveu to ra so fund lr a rprfuUlur c.irt ami Ii vioi; lil.t. i'.las. at the end of one sea ko.i it w ;s icees'.ary to ills; osc of oae u t'le ii ) ia order t ) stral,:htea up 1:1.. ,s. ii'a.U' liauute l. Ii nvever. : e:.!l'r or this orjiuil'.at:on put o.her U r: e to k.i-.hI ii-e. II was I el t j'; a s:iov plow urouud . early lu t..e i.a.v k j as t i lear ;i t scti i l. t t .tion and s'orei. Ii.1 oivaui::tu tlieii turned Its at . j 1 t J tlie )i t iermeut of the ,) s. A c .i.l.;,t e.iM'ted lor tills 1 l:;s, el--. ;j . the o u frame c; .il ' i'd.:i;: 111 i'l'l'y st:-e.'t found .t ::i uii, r:i cnjitilij.;- uiii'le.ia. over ''VuiHi. iusanitaiy and dan. erous. A 1 or pa. ilo would have rculted lu f.'.-rh 1 of life. The hulldlui;, whlrh lKOn-5SIONAL. r''rrir't 'r'r'.r'rrff'r'rr'.r'r'r'S' w p A. WIIIPM, 11. D, .1 lIIVHI IAN Ml HUrU Paisley. Oregon. ! IN T V HA I.I. I I'll J alclan and Nat on 1 OrriCK-Now Italy llullillm. i I,, a, vow ltnrnr) Ml l ( l.fck- le . irru r.-iMv iiuti.iiax. I. I. VKXATIIf IjiM lnit Jtalt. r" MM-rlai' orru K-Pair hi.iiiin.i. (let your flour where you can get tho best Hurprlso Valley flour nt Iak vlow Morcantlle Co. 11 J. II. Cutter whiskey at the Hotel Ijakevlew bar. The best and purest whiskey made. tf. Itlue Prints Made. I will make I Hue Prints of nny tract of land In tin Lnkeview 1 ,11 nil District, ami do iilmtract work. Call on or write It'. II. NNIDICIt, likevlew, OnKDii. IS tf lnrnTiiTnc tut yrnoin ik vi.. "1 1 nuui'Min ui 1111 nuniu ri L amp No. hf M.- .a 011 llir lit ami 4th WilMrity nl rai'li in-iiiili In Maaoniii Hall, at S p. in K WikineiH K. 1 iiiimil Coimiiainli r K. N. Uwt mil, rlcrk. Ieaerl land s Inal fro I. I.nkevlew, Oregon, Jan. 2 l!k)7. Notice Is hereby given that Kmiim l' Wlthtim of I'ulsley, Oregon, haa Hied tiotiee of Intention to make proof ou his desert laud clslm No. 0W). for thn KWJ HWi Keo. 4 NW NWJ Heo. TplKtH. It. 17 lv, W. M., before Keg Into and Km elver at lakeview Ore gou. on I'rlilny, the Hth day of Febru ary, r.M7. Ho mimes aa witnesses to prove tho complete Irrigation ami re clamation of said land: 1 I'. Kllppel, James llonham, An drew Fonter, Daniel llraf nil of Hum mer Lake Oregon. J. N. Wntsoll Iieglster. TIMMKIt OTITIC. y v t s t 1 r r t t sj I.AKKX U W KM AMI MhST. No If I. 11. 11. r. iniiiii 1 111 ini ami .in inir. day tvililtlit. nf raih nmiitli III Oilil K.I town' Hall. Iski'vli-M. A. W. Mamliu r. f.. J. w. Turkrr. mtIIw. House TOLLBTT I'ap'r 1., t t e t 1 I t ! Painter New Pine Creek, THIS PAPER iri'f Unltml Htsles ljoid Olllcc, Lake- low Oregon, Deo "JM, l'.UHl. I Notice is hereliy given that In com- plinnce with the provisions of the act I of Congress of Juuo 11, IH"H, eutithxl I "An net fur the nlo of timber land III thn States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Waahlngtoti Territory," , as extended to nil tin Public Iind Stales by net of August 4, WZ, ' Charles A. Kehart, of I Jikevlew, coun ty of Lake, Malo ot Oregon, lias this day filed in this olllcu, his sworn statement No. W, for tho purtdiase Manner . Oregon Ip ki p! ill till at K I IIIO1' rtinlio A Kni' v l.'4 Hail' antni. Slri'fl. Han Krani lain. r(. uln-rf romrarla fur al vrrllHi i"n maiti for 11 iibM-rilirra In I In- lamliirr 1 lm ri'ttiuvr from mil' liH-altly t anutliiT. ur chaniti iln'ir pnaioitii-r alilri-a Mh'iutii ri'ttii'titlHT " 'Irop ihtM nftlre a rarl mi thi'tr aM'r ran It- a1 ilrvM-d lu ibf rutin HiirtuT lo Cure a Cold in One Day lake I.AXATIVI liliDMti IJI INK Tableti.. All ilniKiii-t ri'luml tin motley ii it fsilw to rum K. V. tirnvt-'n ikrnatme is on each box L'.'h- ban i".'a originally put up to nccoin iii fifty pupils, ha I ln-eil .Tided t 1 i:i e.rry dTectinti. One stairway had ! e "i i l ) ed to tnai.e ro.ii for another c . r kj.o. iind thui tlie pt!'ils were u: :e ih:::.."ous a::d tlic i.ii'ns of exit e:ie. 1. The li.lit v :'s h id aiid the h.-.i.::! ,- m t iii 1 1 i.. ;;!'i tlr t on cold ...y-i die : ih ol u;h iii :n:s-, I. t'ircu i lars wore s-eiit out, t!n opera hoil .e h;n-l s:t! '. speakers : I ! tell the iitir eni ol' the Ind i-inilit m J'inally a ii ; r : w..s cal.e.l t i ilerlde i:; hi : t s nf a new A coil'ri '. ery that arose two Mfti'iiis f tl.e ti n a.- t i the I M'ation of the ue.v building restilic i in the ereetio'i of two In iea'l o' nun new n"h 1 About the sixth year the Ktudy of hoii-i.'li.ild or iiiumies v.-:i-? taken up. This phi!.in:hr,ipie work has been dear-e-t of all t the members of the asso ciation. An appeal has never been re fused, whether ti snpr'y furnishings and f h ( ir t!ie fre-!i air -afip, artiti c-iai V.'tA s fer mif irtunates, f,.j for the llKIi'.ry. elotlies f .r tin' needy aui ine.lieiue nu 1 t.ur-i:i f r t!ie niek. In '.' a new eoininit'i-e was f,iruied. nnd n new fund of over S.'Mu was ra!fd t'i pr .vide free lnspital treatment for the Kiel; poor of the t iwn. Tim last two years .if It.s exlstenee this organization has I ."en working f r the i.-issagc of the jmre food bill and Is tin- tir-t wo man's organization t send ta Wasli-l:!t-"!uii a pt-tltioii indorsing the bill. This Mssoeiatioti has thoughts of a per manent h line building, lu which It hopes I ) be housed before l niu'. The v;l!.ii;e of ('rauford to lay hl.ows t!n? of th -iiod wiij-l; of its Im provement leauii". Vheii this society came Into existence the streets were inikeii-pT, th' waste places orTenslve t i the eye and too often the back yards but unslh;!y ash heaps. Tradesmen by lack of example were wont to sweep into tho streets the refuse of their stores. The taiestlnii of disposal of ashes nud garbage, if dlscmwd at all. still remained unsolved until the reorganization of this society. Today an exccllcut system of ash and refuse collection has been established upon a self sustaining basis. Many waste places have been redeemed. Flower beds have taken the place of ash heaps aud tin can collects. No longer do the sweepings of the stores lie In offensive i publicity ou the main street. Boxes have bi-n placiil at convenient places for the reception of refuse, tho drink ing fountalu Improved and the railway station improved and painted and no longer a rendezvous for the disorder ly youth of tho town. This during the twelve years of its existence Is the work of the Village Improvement league, ii nd at the do be It said the tnemls-rs of this are women. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Cni. stipatlon, often ciiiIh Iii ApM-inliclt Is. To fivold nil serliillH tumble with Stomach, Liver, nnd (towels, take Dr. Klt)HNew Life Pills. Tiny per fectly regulate thcNe oruiins, without pain or discomfort. ut lv tteuli lirunlHt. nf the W KM NL Hrt'iHeo. .Hi Township No 117 H. Itatige No. IU L, W.M., and will olfer proof to show that tho land stmgth Is more valuable for its timber or stono thau for agriciiltiiral purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land Is-fore Kcgitdcr and Keceiver st ltkevissr Oregon on Thurmlay, the -Ut day of Mucih l'.kl7, lie mimes as wittienaea: tioe.ll. Lynch (Seo. D. Harrow M. M. Musgrave V. L. Siielllng, nil of Ijiko view t IrcKon. Any and nil persons claiming nd vere ij tin above describrd Isnils are rcipichtfd to tile their claimn in this ottlce on or heforn HBid Jlst dny of March l!Ki7. 1-9 J. N. Watson Register. LAKEVII-W ALTUkAS STAGE LINE II. K. luaaia. I'rnp'r. Office In ISieber'a 5tore nllKKI' It It ao. lamac Rarru "r",u l,n "aiii. r. i JdllICi DdllJ rui,, r,r i,ir . r. . . lor wi-lhiT. s,ine- i-m-i si1uar' I'rnp au i -i in right var lai Hraml 111 llaiitf, ra i Lake. t'oaintfli r alilrap. larview.Ori tot ln:l v, ex-Arnve Zac Whitwnnh Hraii'l with i r,i, nf o-f -ar. Ila,' I'luWi'iiip "B rlKht for ewri; ri' i-rae (nr a . ttii-r- I ar Slate' W. Kansu, Flub ifi'l. loateitlr.' ilt r. a lai'evltfar Oruaun Stage leaves Ijikevtew , cent Snndsy at 111, in I st Ah limn at 0 p. m. leaves Alturui br Lakeview at rt o'( Jock a. in or on the arrival little MlHiie from Maileliue. Ar rives in I.akevies in 11.' hours sf- 1 ter lt-n viriaf Alturas. ! I:reljht - Matters - (liven ! 5trlct - Attention first - C'ass - Accomodations. guaaiai Photography for the AMATEUR at Half its Former Cost American Jr. CAMERA $1.60 With Double Plate Holder The famous Poco, BucREye and American Cameras. Genuinely good in every detail. Film or Plates as you choose. Absolutely new models. The borough surveyor of Yarmouth, Kuglaud. reorted officially that there were seventy miles of concrete aide walks In tbe town, some of which bad beo made In lbK) and presented no igori of wearing. Our facilities enable us to furnish cameras of the highest grade at prices which cannot be met. Send for illustrated catalogue telling all about our 27 styles and sizes. Free. AMERICAN CAMERA MFG. CO. 946 St. Paul St., Rochester. N. Y.