Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 03, 1907, Image 7

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    TI.MMKH Mill ftM 1
Timber Lund, Act Jim.!?, b7M. No. i
tiro ' r Publication-
United Hliiift Liiml Olilon, J,nk '
Vlow, Oregon, Nov. I', l'.i'O. j
Notice 1 14 hereby lv-ii that In coin ;
pllance with Hut imivlxl'iiin of, the AH
of June .'1. J7H, cnlltb'd "An act fm j
thn milt? -f t InilxT hinds In thn Stale,
of California, Oregon, Nevada mid
Wniiltlnutoiv, Territory," u t ! Id (
to nil tli i'ol'Uo J'iiii l r'tritc by the;
tu t of August 4, iwi. tin) following!
tM-tf-rinis liavi l)t'J their rwmii Muta t
;......,, ii . , i
lylgur , N. JtujnlM!!. ol liil.nvlow,
C'liintyor Lake stale of Oregon Hwnru j
statement No, WHO for tlt purchase ot '
the NH'i Hue,. 21 T. Ill H, H. I K., W.
V;iliilii th M. .beulsh of Lake-view,
County of Lake Hi ate of Oregon Hw oni(
HtnttMiM'iit N. li'ii". f'r tho puieliH'
of t in. W, KK4' NT.' 4 HK.( Kec.JitTp
;i7H, 14. HR,W. M. A MV'f HWJjj
See, H, Tp :7, H,, u. j;), K., W. M.
That they will offer proof to bw
that Hid boil nought b more valuublii
for its I i in iror or or Muim limn .fur
iigi k'tttt gnti purpura and to xiablisli
flltur eluitll tO Mllill land before till
Boulder find li c ivT, it Lnkevlow
Oregon, "on Monday, tho i!bt day of j
.liinuiirv. l'.M)7. i
Tby iooimi iik w itni'wm M : .Ttuie (i.
Burser, Oeo. Jl. Lynch, II. 10. KlilO
butt, Lie llitiill, it U of LaUcvii w, Ore
gon, Any hint ull persons claiming ndver
soly the iibiivn dcserlbd bind, lire re
n.Hl.ii to fllo their i litiuiK In till
ot'loe oa in I'ufuMi 'aid h.t diiy of
January l'X'7
,J. N. Wiit son,
4'J Ii".'llr,
United, Slates 1 itii't O!tU'0t Luke,
vieiv, Oii., Nov, l!J.lihfc
Notice Is hereby riven t lj i t In co.u
pllance Willi the provPdons ol the. m l
of Juno :i, ix7rt,ntitk'l, "An act for
tlm mil'4 of tliaU r IiiihIm hi llm t(itli"
of I'lillforniu, OrKon, Nmit.iii, hikI
Wuwliiunton 'IVrrltory," h oxiondoif
to nil vtiWio luiul htuti i l y net of An
tlMt, I, l',rj., t'm following xioim
Iiiivo llo.l la thta oMU'o tlu'lr korti
tttntitrni'iilrt to-wit:
Murnrt l Mhwiii, of l'ortluml, county
of Mnliuomith, ntiilo of Dnvoii, noin
i.tHliiu iit No. yj:ti, for li.u hun liifo
of th K'iKW1; H C, i, l(. :', H. , H
17 I',., W. M.
An.'hifl W. Miihon, of Klisiinilh I-'bIIi,
comity of Klunmth, tiil' of (irocsiii,
Hwarit Htiitoux-iit No. :iU for tlio nr
t-hiiHo of tin. i- SK'i, MY'.,' SK'..
XK'i HW'i 'X; ti. JU h., U. J7
K. W. M.
Tlii-t tht'y will eif 1 ;r proof to Jiow
tliut tlm jiiii"! hi'Oilit in mom vliiulil
for M thnbi.r or st'iii thun fur ui li'ul
tanil fittrpowsi tool to ohtat)lihh ttii lr
rliilui to xiii'l laixl lit'foro (!ounty Juduo
of Klunmllt County, I irw ut IuhoIU-
rlal plllf'i of liimlllOM lit lvlilllllltll I'nllfi,
Ori'Kon, on 'rociiiiy thJ ftti !uy of
tV'lirujuy, r.H'7. 'llny uiiuio the fol
luv. io; witnofHi-si : 1
Jlollo (1. KUiiht, Koln-rt Hornini-',
CIimh. IJum-iiIhtj', li. O. ITor iiiup, nil
of Kluiimth liille, Ori'KMti.
Any hud Hit poiMoin vlalmlnrf H.I
vcrfwly tho nboro (It'oorilwd luii-U ar
rei'iiniteil to fllo tln'lt '1nlin In tliH
olllfo on or tx-foro suld &th dy cf
iVbrunry, l'.H)7.
iH J. N.Vution,KKltfl!.
For Infants and Children,
Tha Kind Yea Have Always Bought
Coara th
Olgaatur of
I '.i. AZ-ah., win b'i found
vci'j Uivl now of tbo v.'oii 1, its
rn ittcr irtcJudinj taforiu:iUrTi oa
jciitics. ' comruorcj, itrii'.tvr o,
r- .ir..t. literature, a well f" t!i
l!v. i.,l h.vjponiri in the' state-, c!
Ii itana, Oregon, ' Idaho, V'h.
Iv.gtcn and tho piovir.uo cf Briti.-b
Cul i:.ibk, In addition, it3 col.
iutjs tor women, its popular
sc::rcf rrticlcn, iu short and con
tlr.vcd storic?, Its "Answers to
CoiTwpoiident3" and "Pusslo
Ircblc-ma" ccmbino to form a
home newspaper that at $1.00 pr
ycrr can nowhero be excelled.
l-:lan you luv, aoiiifithlnic In anil
fit1 in.. tmin,' furm mnililiry Voii rny
.h in buy mnul hint. Tli tit pixulu!
' In emntnunlcu I with pnnpla win wiM
to bity or aall U by Inaartlnc amall ad
vi II iriiiral In Tha Biokama.n-ltvlw
Kur'mar. ulnMimm, hmihorint n anil mla-
era tnlia Ilia TWICK-A-WKICK.
If ou .w)li lo raach bualnaaa man and
neb rnpirra, uaa tha DAIJLX or liUMJAT
'Jen O'.ua ir Una aach Inaartlon ("oust
alt no ' lo u Una.
1 8 Words i -HE'S
24 Word
I lima . dnM
C 1 tlinaa An.
I tlinaa ICi.
lan ufnn iar Una aob Inaartlom. Cauai
tlx orUa to a. tina
ByoLuim, Vl'aai.
Wrltr yovr 1 plnlnly n'lonln ntncai
In aiuniM or inunay or1f iur tuiuw aa
Inaartlnna trilr'3. and a'.ala what bur
lt aav. luaartaa U Uklly,
I vi (i I VVIilioill Injntr. I
Jit clvliiif llijiil 1 ii.Mioliii'ii to a
It ifil', M.IJ'll till) lf'.'l"f WolM, llilVO tlM'j
IIO'dil llK' 111 II I-tOilt liuttle Willi II ftloji- i
In dliuiiliii'i'wiin oriTlnary "noii" Imdiul
l..i' vi'ty woU iii
I du not ii'l.l (ii'.y '
IlliiI'M WfltfT ti) It lllllll ! UCrC-UTf lj
M'oi'Cfly illlnfo II. Hi very 'liiij-.Pi
tlrcncW l dlltli'iilt to ii(linl:illrr, Nxt
r-t lito li-ii'm- In n ytnt, .im:iIon mt
lit? 1m to iako IiIk iiKi.lii'inc'. If llm
(CiiiMlriii'lInil t,r tl.O ilali !i IK'nilM It.
buck lilitl lul it :ii:l hint), tlirrvf u
ro'iMvcr tin' Ixi.iiii ut tho liivk, mnko n
uo.ii'1 on tin i;nI of U, pntrt It uuih-r
tho no o hfui'I of thi! !mlt(vr niul t.l-tt"j
It In thn Ihh'm immili bctow '.a tipjn-r j
juw. 4
Now r.'iifo th" Iimixc'ii lii'iid :it'.I t fj j
tiii'iliohio M ill r'i'i I u-k In tlio tiiwtVi
I'on't pul H In hi
liuvo iii)n'u;iy in i:
In r of Hi"
n'ronjf w.iv, Vnil
h or l!i N iiii will i
vll.ivlr.if nn ! t'twv
ii,i- ii'-hi( k-iIiim; I'm '
i'.hi i'.ii!ly !'! tti i
li-nl la tUii p'.;!tl..i l lrl -linyr ihfi
ro5f 1 1 i:ii! lit: ! 'lil yim .ur I
tho i!v;i. !i n .t'i i!w otln-r. i'uliin ; ,
out- tin . mi l h'pwAnj: .itn-1-:
th:uu:i." "H tho tliiMiit i-rn ij'-.!i n .
lfl fM hi lllCI!';('ll
HV.'itlirt' mill 0::y
tii I ln hoi'M t )
( imif (itihlii.r. I
rii:)itM -)i"h!ii'f oi fur tltfl hi'ii l uliouM ; n ,vly t,lif o;;m V.:a .IJ H ,ir-r wn.ii?
lf i'h'cmih'iI at once, wen it tho incdl-' ruii'ifi. nm) tli. n Ik iwii ''-'i'1 ."i11
p'ti I- .t. ut oilicrwlic It inl"ht pM joint k'il! "t trt ti a him r-Vt's I.
Inf r.u'. ' iiti.l fMH l.i-r -K-vlih". Jiitt- .'.-r.i'.e oaw
TM i In n ni'.i'-li ho tf-r n-id i.-i'iio lot-1 iiiB !'' ;ohl hi-' .Uh thut fivw.?a lutd
i!,i. ny lh:in putthi' ii' the hcv-ii
v.M'.i tl:i'!i. nn l n rlri'io'li l uauuliy
1 1 iMi M-l-.h ui imy liT.U-iilly.
t.r.'lu I'm- flrc,i;io S? ,!.
At in'lln; tlMi'f tT.lill for th'
r. ' t 1 . ! .i; th.'in In fi ' i!;.lHi)i
v. f;;:i a- tln-m U v;?ry lnH""
t::.t. If !: ! I .',-.!! ru.'ji ihnvil f.vifu ln-Jt
of ii I'j4 e'ih"!" tin pros-fiiy
l p.ilt nn l Jacking lu !"r ot ,
th ),-,
.Un6 may hi' Miiimly pivvifnt-
l""t of nil jrralo. f-:l. f n
thn tittle In v! f In oat. Rlv
. r..::u4 j.d i :vuud tiK-a, t
iM, 'II
V. '.'-U' !
15 yv P i!tn'tlUM'rt mto.t ti brlna !
0".' or ewe ta iiit. tm Hi rrsrn i
Vhhli If ';n
l.iilo'r i-rii i t.
!!y nmtaltw hn fl ntliini-
Hat f'ir tl) fin.'if nPi;ioii
Jt hli'.iihl
lt kept frotn nii'in.tU oft'r
tiny ti.ivs lii'f .i In-i, en It. may caumi
'I'll!) Ci!lU t t"l( il
c.H tv I'.Hk !ij
! ivhl:i Itif 1.4
k -i,lt. A
; i,o 1- way t; u )
".' (kit h'.ai, lei !
I thi N (
t a lu!:
1.1m out of th. !;:!!, kf litdd of the
b:ilter flnw'ti;i t tin 4 l.hi, t!:c gently
hut fsruiSy p i h ! i U. Hy5 ovi-r aud
ovpr .-u-ihi: "link I'.'.k:" Ilo win
k i ii t;tl',! th" hint. nn. I n lltt!t pruo-ti.-o
will tii.t!;." porfpft.
Itpitvy lorm r.-oat-tJit.,
IliMivy likt-M' ini Uioro prcifltahU'
f. i eh .vi':H' In npiK of thn ki"!''! '
x!r',i no tin? joom t'oniiimn tise of
nl '.no. W'c'.l br-., heavy lioivu'n, wtv
Ifcaldy .HDiind mid well hroki'ii, M.'!i
rtMdlly 'from t Z-tnt. KnrmfM
lu'-it ! Imy. Uidit b'rfj for farm
U o. and lifter o);; ha had exjUTlfiiee
K' baok t' tljrbt bars? for farm work.thal ut !L
nil itiitttcr !:'' tiHH'H ni'avy riock i
ro-it l. Hor ie.1 wii:;i.ln?f l.MCiO to 1.C0C j
nrttMnlH nr of Irnvtiriiablo value on i
any farm. Here U it hiijwmUou fir
farmers who ran raie n few oolts
oaih year. Kaho iihih) hut tho ln'?t.
Sen that they tin heavy liorsca of the
popular breed lii your own oommnulty.
In many phiee IVrebrroiw nr Tivor
Hoy, vi,!!' In a few KoeUiMW Shin"
and Clydt" nro wnnted. In main
plaws itellaiiM and PnffolUs aro be
comlnjr popular. Thena latter art
compact, very heavy and m plying a
Kood account of thetupcivcH wherever
IntrodiietHl.-Anu'rleau Aprrleulturist.
UrSrf h'or llrrrtlpm.
A chansu of work often means n rct
. ......j l.-l. ..,., O'u ' 1 Intro
to tho team, hiiy Klmoali nairy
lie very careful of tho colt during bis
flrat year's work.
Tho scrub borne, like ali scrub stock,
falls to pay bU proBU.
Tho exechMvo mo of tho whip brands
tho driver as a brutal man.
Cleau tho collars often. Dust aud
sweat make them rotwu aud sticky.
Take tho sIioch oft your hornes aud
glvo them a vaca;hi;i ou good pasture-
llavo plenty of llht In tho stable.
From inff until next Juno you ueed a
lot of 'BUiudihie.
The suckllu a;,'o Is n period of rapid
"growth. ISee to it that tbo colta ur
not stunted at that tluio.
A low standard of horseiuansblp cau
not appreciate the Hue polutu of a
horse's disposition
To go two or tbreo mllcsi ntvtoo rapid
a gait U harder for o horse tbau to gc
five times us far 1( properly driven.
The government has made an appro
priation of IfoO.otH) for reclaiming uud
perfecting Morgan horses as a distinct
breed. '
Ignorauco of his real nature more
thuu downright ubnso Is the cause ol
much of the 111 treatment given th(
A good farm maro and a I'ercherou
or Clydesdujo slro should produce a
colt that will shape up Into a ready
seller ut threo years old.
Buyers are searching our farm mar
kots, our homo uuA auction stables, foi
good draft, saddle und driving horses
Prices are good, and the demand' li
great. ,
"When tho foot pf a horse la gout
there Is nothing left.'
Good draft horses enable the hired
man to do n full day's work.
Patience In handling tbo horse wll!
often add dollars to his value. ,
The origin of many diseases unions
horseB can he traced to filthy stables.
A lump of sugar or a piece of apple b
often a barter persuader than the whl:
In training colts. Tra'n the colts; il''
break Iheiu.
: ( om t.ff oi r tti ir ftf
An h r "' v,::,
'..i!'.J ,..;,
ili't iv. ; i i' t'r
', ;.'; ii. 1 .'i l.i.ii
ht In
','I. V, '.'if
- iii-Mi nil. r.!. l' vioru! l y ftr limn
!!: V iiM il l f.'l.uti.-c, licit !'f iiiiilnUlit
i' forth 'Ik' i itri'io of K.m
t-iji-i'Mui ami p" i i:;ill U:it t!iroii;;'l
tl.c ffn-i'lfi IIUo n "lifii-,li!t v.IilihvliiiT,
fi.i'iil'il t r-U from li t n Mtrlt ntnofc
ia,,,1 it;ii,n. l,d.ntiio (in' i -VV (tVf.
u ,l( n ,i nu.,.r tm purivl I) io'-H
ti t. ... j iy d: h tuihu !y nr.y lj.ino. nt ;
ir , j ., j. n luruifiil Kle !
,,, . i
;..,.,..,;, tr ' f.' ,i r.r "1 " v,i-l"t'y
fii I!'-' tiui'M win"' kIw l: T-'ion'ia '
,,;;(! h!iiI .-klii'.f f"r h'T I -t VI!r'ii ;
!,... ii ifl i"-'--'i.. ''.ly
1 I '!'(l" ti(ri';i'i i
.1 11:1' vvlilti fflu
of !; ;'
?'i!trt rlr'.rt
T. lli.'ll H-
.v f"!;:'it
1 . ; .
,i..:it dr!
i:-.- t( t..l':
ut U cov '.v . p"A
'; to I. 'i ii
! ) In r Pi t': it iT.v k I;"
oiii' h h i i j.i jp'"l i'ii her ovi-r I,-:- 1 vrl i
lu 'jit;i:4 lit ('ml U-i
it '; c'ik!'!! !ly I "
:i U
.! r
i. nil'!
v.-It . dontU vhuovcr f"
Ii It.
that, hrh'i:!:! i';:.t!n
f.f hi-;' 1
,t t:i-
i,"'"l. WiC ril -lifSl o;. v:ir i, iii'j ,-..,...7
;! "i'i '.f hr gi :h 'n thi' d:irkti!-.. nwl
!m !: r'i-.-ntlt'i? t!:( n wl:? jeprtfea t
h t N fMind ti '4T o' ! thtr with n
!.)! of l-:'-iii!'rln-,t Irin w frojisn faxt
la liit i-y. .
VU .t It n: st woijihrrftil ! ''i t :h.
U to... hi thn h nir 1 ti;fft-r'Ci
... . ..... ..'iiii.
t,t jp; In p!
vlsK'ly p:srt one
-x h-r !n:ro!.::t nT5i tin' ntrlum or
ihn -n(h"il'i I, nnoi'iiT lM'.i'''Mh A r.-iw
( k '": a.) I a thirl ? th '
;.:;;. ! l Ai.n.i. v;-r t-y th-.- pd'on "f
j-u-h-n. and nil In tue vt-ry mo-
KH-itt of tune.
.... . .... tiN l....v..,i iifiiicM nnil
r IK If It J Jt'i ii li.i
greatly fouro-J tlutt iiiwaany rew
...iplt ntnp !.'r ta npci U vith Iter, mm
that I f.irtc.liulo. I-tit h'T loliu, ueen
v,i!lii i ntid tho cmuid of her rumilii
fi'.-t pre Unv-l ofi.-a niil cspwlolly on
j)l,-;!it.i of ut .r!ii. I inyxcif have heard
tl.c:i, io n r, hut I have iH.'ir w't-n ht-T.
Cud f.rbhl that I ever ,!!i:--Thomas
A. Janvier l:t llnrporW.
When you ret a bad nhave or hair
cut. Neither IuhU Unit. '
When you find you're fcidns to dio '
ptr. They bavou't bt-ua maUinT ;
put'UcU In Hiiroud. yet. i
Whoa your hoalth fco- back on you.
Lif.s lu't very loug, anyway, and u
healthy man die pint as dead an a
sick oue.
Wbi'u you discover n ric.tu streak la
your wisti'ior. Il5 h-u to May with
that mean tili-ea'; t!ay aud til-ht, and
you don't
When you cja't p..y !I i' '''" dcbU at
i ou t. Your crcui'.orti wouia a Kicai
it? iiioTiy in driblet
When you have lr; 1 a bad meal set
befare you. You may jtec over It be
fore the next i'..e:d tveu if you eat It,
aud'you dou't have lo eat it,
Wbeu jV.:r. wl.'e Uu"t iu Uuuior. ,
i?be Is part hilly luhi,,' tbo .hooka ; omo of ycr.r ZiUmcrou.i dls
arwalilo sj.t-il thut ) jii r.over aiake
oote of. ( h.(".u;o News.
To in !oit on ck to Ibe Living-.
"To a stranger the erection of a tomb
stone to a liing person seems rather
ghastly, but' it's the custo-.u lu some
New lhi'hmd villages," said tho travel
ing man. 'I was collecting quaint
epitaphs for a magazine article, and,
after I had put up my motor car on my
arrival la a vlllige, I would go stalght
way to tho cemetery on an epitaph
hunt. Thoro I would find, set up In lot
after lot, tombstones of living people.
Each stone would contain the name
and the date of birth. Ghastly, wasn't
It? I met a pretty girl la a hotel lu
New Hampshire. She was the laud
lord's daughter. She showed me her
stone In tho cemetery. The last name
was left blank In her case. 'I may
aiarry. you know,' she explained."
New York Press.
lut'uuucllute J.
As tho "estra hand" rose from his
dlnuer In tho farm Ultcheu the faruier'a
sou luformed him that ho Vaa to pitch
hay la the afternoon.
"I won't do It!" was the curt reply.
"All right, please yourself. It doesu't
make any dlfereuce to me," retorted
the farmer's son. "My father told mo
to deliver the message, and If you
don't pitch you'll get Into troublo with
"I wou't do It for either you or your
father!" rejoined the man. "You
should ha' told mo sooner. At dinner
time I tilled myself for raking, and I
can't pitch."
The Firat Scapegoat.
The word "scapegoat" originated In
an ancient Hebrew custom practiced
at tho feust of tho Fassover. Placing
a young gout upon the altar, the priests
would pray over It, asking that all the
sins of the people bevvlslted upon the
goat. Then, after each member of the
tribe, bad transferred his guilt to the
victim by luylug ou his hands, the an
imal was turned loose In the forests to
be devoured by the wild boasts.
All IMeaaed.
"I hoar your club la going to give an
sntertalnmeut. Ho you think It will be
A success?" . !
"Sure to be. We've arranged It so
that every member la chairman of eome
committee or other." Philadelphia
0Kyjrnl-J Ih'J Hi rn VI
.- ' , " ,:.;.-- -. ' ',
Tho IZUul Tot IiH .'
ill HMO for IV'J ii?)
. niul
jK . Konnl
All CoiinterfcltH, Iin!talloii nnd Jnt-fw-c'l" tr bitfe
Kxpi riiiiciit?, li:t trillo with and cnTan r tli Ik Ul of
Iiifant mid CIiUditrii-lxDtrlcaco nnlnxt llxpcrhiKinU
Cttslorlfi !, a IiannlftKi BiiTiStltuto for Castor Oil, Tare
KorJc, I)iop nml Koh!njr Sjrupn. It I I'.'rasant. It
coutairiK neltlu-r Opium, Morphine nor otljr Karcotlc
(HibHlaitcn. It nsro In Its guarantee. It d-!lroy Wotniii
nd allays FevGrtlmis. It cures Dlarrbwa and W ind
Colic. It relieves Teetlilnjr Trouble, urcn Owistlpatlou
and riatiilct.icr. It assimilate tbo Fom1, regulates tho
fctoimu, and UowrU, tfhln In-alUiy and natural flcep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother' Friend.
rcara tho
The Kind You Have Always BogM
In Use For Over 30 Years.
THK ecarraun MaHaT, T
Nature ,Voi".,i KirdHvork
Throngii Utah and Colorado
Cnstla Gate, Canon of the Grand,
Iilack Canon, M-iralmll and Trniitu
i-e Pase, an 1 the World-Faaiout
2Royal Gorge s
For Ocscrlptiv ami Illustrated I'ampji
Juts, writs to
W. C. AlcBrlde, ien. Agt. .
121 Ttitld Street PORTI.AN" D, OR.
Bean tha Kind Ycu Hiiva Aivsvs Bau;
-rw a
$ int
r.Ti - i, -
V'.... -. .-. .. Iji j . ...v.
. trty ft. a. jak. n. .i
lijjH lorti5 f.!'-ijatnro of
?iaH ! ii matfo tji'.'lf-r hi per-
piijicrvisi'm -i:i( : U1 StiiDcy.
. . jit..
UO OHO lourcnvc you in ui;.
Signature of
auauf TttT. Ht o cm.
- . I
HAND AT THE . . . . .
Meat Market..
KffertiTa My 2if!b, 1?06.
:35 A.M. Lv.
1 1 :.r3 A . M. Lv,
l;1l!l'.M. Lv.
2:1!. P. M. Ar.
S:20 l. M. I.v.
7::r.M. Ar.
lii 1:0
Hot Spcs
Ar. S:!5 P.M
L. ?:I5 i. M
I.v. 1:12 FM
Lv. 12:(H P. M.
Ar. 11:15 A.M.
Lv. 11:00 A. 5f.
Lv. 7:15 A.M.
1:M'P.M. Lv.
330 P, M. Lv. e
P. M. Ar. t
Moli aw k
A r, 12:45 P.M.
Lv. Il.-OAA.M.
Lv. 8: A. M.
a Connections made with East and Weal
bound trains ot S. P. Co.
b Stages to and from Miltord, Jauesviile,
Biintingvillo. .,
e luges to and from dtamlish and Susau
ville. d Stages to and from Eaglt-vi le, Cedarvillo,
Tort llidwuil, Adin, Alturag cvievr, and
oti-i r point lu Onskob.
e Stages to aud from Genesee, Taylorsville
and Greenville.
f Siaeeato and from Jobnnriilo, Cromberjr
: : r
liiHiav. iii'faMtuMiio)
iiu i
"vp4"': styles
i Via I
stock a large assortment ol high
grade stationery sothat there is
no delay in executing a large order.
Ourpriccs will be found to compare
favorably with other prices.
a. n jn. jm. ,t
I xre'.arf of rtnto t.!y!;:i of :!,! -tSiitaltn
that V.w new nirt-uii..!:Po rrt
tratlott law, ivhh h r.iii'k-w h'i-i f. m;;U
torlnu rrrSf-r r- niithwlzt . btv.i in c
l'"'t n g-ii'T- I .. ii" li;"'iisc. pro
rtuoo n M;:t n.-vt-nt of f .V!.-(Ki, A
f!ili la p'vtn t state Mt'liw.ny com-"
tiosalonr-r'a f:;i It will p'o!:0,!y ro
tor thi pii oii it to Uf flvalkliiti for
the fcood ro.'!il ti;)vp(ii!Mit fvii th! year
to the orl;c!r;.! f'urs of f X'i.
wJTa!taI Catarrh q-iifkly yl'-lls to trU
wpnt by Ely's Cr'jisra I'.nhn, wlih It i. nsinwa.
Uy nr(mt.ic. . i in reT-.l UinwijiH th
sostriln, o'.fftK8 ari'l bcsiU tho nhola diir
fari oor -iicb it dilTn h i'A-ilt. Imiyt'l
the CCfi. Hiat IriftI im: t-y i.-oI, 10 Test it and yon fcre a tro tu C)!ii..wn
tlie trcatim'rjt.
A n tt o s: i erm r r. t.
To oeotiixrMKlitfl tf.-.-i-o -wlo uro rnrtial
to tliO tsu of ttton'irn in applyinpf thpild
into the uad j ;. n-n for t!irrtt"i tro'u
u'j, ti," pr-yri prrj.nrn Orarn Palm hi
15jnt-l firm, -c-i:r;:h -ill I-'; tawn JU !t'h
Li'l'ii'l C'rearf I'-mho. I'ftPfl,ng tha
npntyii? tntx t "nnl. Inft;iHtii or t-y
biuC '1 1.4 l.iiiid form tmtxi.iioa tha mcil
icinal pr;j,irU of hd ii piiatioo.
i , J M ti.
l.'tr.cnll ly irmiflj. itf 'I .,i;'.-rti'i.
Kxi frw"il afid I'l.'i.f'.'T'' m t:; '
r.7" I .'.! Oibb ii'v. tlttm
rrilri-a lr p!l. f.r.. !!
P-.i.r jo'ir .-iMl f .'i: ' "i
In I'lV!:"". 'I'.ln'' ft.J'l'..-.
pvTy At.fT.. I" .! I
Tiii sransis '-a 1 1
taraiomn.i -A
ECHaai or tw. r ''
MTBQtT. MICH. . -'
f i i,..i-..l..r.i."'-l-" .i.-. 'iWf ""'?- I
f ,.A.e--i.'H Ml Ouli.U tf-I-.W. It.. ll(lv
y!, tfi LL COUNTRIE3. I
i Hwhtu iirtel visk Wiuii'tKgUM tavtt ., ,
tuitnt tad bff!r.j.unt fstcHw Ext5y.
U "Writ ? wrt W vj ftt
Jl Sli BloUt Bli wi, tf.o. VaU SU'it rtast ec.
;-4 wasHiNnrai, o. c.
l. ,?
17" -. k
Waated : Men ia each state to travel,
tack signs and distribute sanjples and
circulars of our (roods. Salary fcSO.OO
per mo 3.00 fr day for e5TctHcBt
Saunders Co. Deft. S'4-50 Jackson
Boulevard, Chitjago.;
We Collect Epery where and Mate
no Charge Unksa Collection 5s Made.
We Please Our Client;.
Address: " .
Morgan Mercantile Co.
Fenton BIdg
Portland, Or.
Excursion Rates t Pacific Coast
Notify your friends lu the enst
that reduced round-trip excursion
rates will go Into effect Juue 1, 19CG,
and tickets w ill tie on sale daily un
til Scptciulier 15. U00. '
Final return limit October SI, l!Xi(5.
Hatesfrom xrlncipal Easteru points
are as follows:
From Chicago .....475.00
Council Bluffs, St, J osepb, Leav
enworth ii nd Kausiw City.-liO.OO
' Sioux City 02.00
" l.H'nver, Colorado Springs, Pue
blo and trluiad ..$50.00
' St. Liuls (!).00
" New Orleans $(;Sj.OO
" Houston ...$ti0.00
For further information call.upoiv
or write nearest Agent or
D. S. Tngsart, Beuo. Nev.
2 mo 1). F.
Post & Kins have the best grade
of liquors and cigars to be fouudj la
Oregon. tf
TV""' ' v" ' " -I ' ' 3''"
uvu j.o tk aivi in
which The Exam iner ex
cells. We have all the late
in type and keep in
jtts jm 0. iF JF X