Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 03, 1907, Image 3

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General Information
(if i, v
.V le t ,:--v ,
I'MI tl .T
I I f-t 1 V; A
Filthily ll(lllrn lit I'llMt & Kill' IT I
We tin vr a lull net of M. MclMtnllUi
At Cii'k,, hiiiiipIom of Klor'k Certificate
mid ImiiiiIm, wllh price lint. If you
ltr oruniiUltig: a utock company get
our price oh Mock certificate, tf
Tlio Illinois Centrnl
iiniin! niii line m-idlcd rmrvlce frntii the
Wi'xt to tin Hunt hihI Smith. Milking
eli (.iiiii'ciloni with tniiiiH (if nil limn, iimi' Hro
given their choice o( mult In hlcnuo
loillavilh, . Memphis and New Orlcim,
nil through thcue (HiinlN to llii- far
I rninTt Ive. Iriividcra . I i ii i u i I f r
mittioii ni to tin I -1 w t rati nt kI I'i'H
rimti'H Hin invited In r Mfiiii'l with
tlw billow iiiu ri'i'ii-ccii'itlivi .
1, 1 1 . Trumbull, '.iMiiiii irutl Ai'iit,
112 Thitd St., I'milan-I, ( i. .
.1. ('. l.ilnli-CV. 'I I IV I 'iV-i-i lnf.t-1
Apnt I t'-' Thud t.. 1 ii 1 i , Off.
We print but ii I ; 1 1 pint
Dutch lunch lit flic
I'.iv wiry Su
' tf
blank, ni the l.irtMiiiiiif
Tln 1-ixnn Ii cr .iih' lmii-liii plat,
nml lnnlei llii'in iiiiti bock loonier. If
Look nt tin' ," r i it 'if4 ( IhiuI
Muted will, 'I Iih lixitmi ir iliin neck for
rle, rttnl rclctl vniir .n"i. I,.f,ic jl HK
Ik'I'M p.lllj III "1111111' nil!' '. tf
i-ni lfi i f tin- I iioiii '"'I iii t-blpplng
tugs "I T'"' r.xoinitii r nlliii'. ,ll
mI.i'MIiimI IJlhllilll H, fl'l.lll Mllllllll 1(1
lllll-ll. tf
liliinkx for lninl prool , f i ci-M (.rooln,
timber tit II-1 I J I l I .I-hiIm Hill lillllik It H i
davit, for nii'n ii'ii'h" for ifi'l -ii ljb(i.
Illl-lll", Lbllill Wtl.c.' Hll'l!;l it", etc t
TIlB lixitlllller i.lli .. tf
There I hvii v ( i - tn tell a guml
clgnr; oih- U ' Imv it. 1 1 i v your
tt, V I,. MO-Inn
liil-l lew, Orr .
I '. larll
l.iibr Vlv w, Or
- . -M P t
I'uul It. 'I 1 1 1 1 1 1 i l'.i'"' i'i'i'i Ak'i-iit inoimy mil Miiuhf i:, l..,t t lu bet ti r
Ci-'n n I niMiti .i-n!!o Uiol. ; 11 I i " ' Hi it it i- mm Kimli-
Popular and IMcturcmiuc.
Tin' "lily thing iiTfKiiy lo in it k tin'
pi i, vi t no I l:io (iriiiiili- tin' iin'i I'l'i'-
lll.ll, II" it I'M" l-VI'l I"-''!! Ii I i V It till
lllnHl l.i. Il,llll MHO llr'-l
, or it MiiMiiiiiti l;
i lute proof nf 1 1 h .
1 M inli' ii ml fi ir mi I. y .
i lit tin- ( U'ur f.idorj , If
Mi ll ix ii I .i-i i.
.k till iUilllll,
t ( HO' IIOU HI 'illl I ( H-.l ff'(TMl
trin t" ill lii ii. I ill i r 1 1 t 1 1.. 1 1 .iill Marlli'
' ' I von, nii i liillv if von nri iiciiiHiiiti-i
I K If ll I l,M I. WM, I I,. I. IV,, ll . .... I . ...I ll I I..
tali i' limriit ';..., . , r,. . .
;, i n) 1 1 1 in i f i i j .i r III i r Ii 1 1 o f I i ; ii ll-
i to prove 1 or tni r..vil. to mil tin
l o l re h n -i r I n l.i- I ,n m I v i. i..,.rl
uii Siainl.ii I Mffpcf i
illloill . I 1 1 It. in ll
Hit nit;) i f Iit .iii in i' i r Viiif.
I ii i-oi.ifi I ion u ll Ii t In- ( II. A N. Ill
tllli.lU'li I'uit
llovt tun I rout I'orliinnl to lfliVfi, liMV- .
: Si-ti a m;i inpli' of ll.f 1'in.ilif iin.iitlv
li,i! I'oiiIiiihI nt H. o. in.. nrriVllii.' Hi:
Hull I...1.' nt "I . tn. tl.o iToitil thin olllri", uii'l y m III Ii-hI-
iiH.ini'.t' I.MUf.t: ult I-ikf ni ."'..'iU .. J tdtc to juiy .'.oii f..r it tn'' hiiIi
Im. ttml iirmin nt I .'ii vi-i 4 J'l p. in . t lie 1 ncl Jit loll t o Tin' I '. .Mil i if I' nml tllit
i i. pun- viiluiilil.' Mviyuzlu" piilillhhi'il In I'orl-j futtlon
in .i.iii
f i m i t. u ility. Tin" fi ln-tl ii ! v
PIMIUil" l"fl''ll iiimii" "i-.j.-,-,i ii, . 'pij,!
I.iikf. iill. iilii''.' mi i j i ' 1 1 1 ) ' to vifit
llif Moiiioiii I ,i mil wi ll ni i o.iv
liyllt ll'lf tllOHHlll 1 l.t WlUlli'.fl MCllflV
yon w i m 1 1 Infurinntioti aou
hnk(! County, Oregon alilren fith
cr of the hIiovi) iviitli iiicn, wlio will
In' plcfiHci! to reply .
Tin' lli'Ht Niimla.v In ach month,
pri'iichiiiK at I 'nluii m lino) liotiMi' at
11 A. M. AmM.- from thin pn-nc lilriK
i'Vi ry Hunday at 11 A. M. nml 7;.
I', M. at l,nke low.
Nuuil.-iy Kcliool at lo A. Ni.
lni-iH' at II;:!')..
Prayi-rn iliitfTliiirmla.v7:'J, 1'. M.
KikIIch Aid Wclticmlay
Choir prin t ire Friday ":'VK
A roi-dliil In vltittloii U I'Xtcndi'iI to
A. .1. A rum! rotiit Cantor.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
dy lni'iil npiilii iitiotiH, iiH tin y ritnnot
ri-iii li tlni (llnciiw.'il portion of tlm ar.
Tli!i o Ih only ono w ay to cure dcnfneKM
Mini tl:ut in dy cohht itut loiiitl rcme
dlcH. Iii-ufni-MH U cuiiMid liy tin inflam
ed condition of tli iihk'oiih liniiif,' of
lint Kiifclurliiiiu TuIjci. Win n tdiH tulie
iri inlliiiiii'd you lime a rimiMiiitf noiind
or liiipt'i-fi rl lii hi ink', t'lid wIk ii it Ik
I'ntircly cloHd, Di-aiiieHu In tlio nult,
und tinlfHH tin) inltunmiiit ion can Ijo
tukfii out ii nd tliin tulio rofttort-d to
itn noriiini coudiliiiii, Lienrinn w ill !
dchtrnyed forever; nine ciiwh out of
ton ure ciiuwd tiy Cntntrb, which Ik
notliillK lillt Hll iuflulliOd louilition of
tll( IIIIH'OIIH Hlirfud'ri.
Wo will j,'lve One liuiidn-d l)oi!iirH
for uny cane of dcafm-m (cHiihi-d liy
caUmli) Hint cuiinr.t lo cnK-d liy
j -L-
The l)tst Ynrji"-os-'l
t die on tlic market.
AIho a complete line of wiicihi
and hnxxy bnrw, whtjir
rolien. ilataH, liitu,' npurn
& qnlrtx, rowtteH, In fact every
& tldmf la the line of carrlni,".'
. I 1 . ......... ..t .. A .
ami horw furnffdilnvK
Scud for circu-
Cheuty .t Co.,
IIitU'H Cut n rli Cure,
lurs free. V. J.
Toledo, O. !
Sold liy DriiKk'irt, ","i I
Take llU'ii l'ani'ly l'illi for connli-i
1 'n rmi'i -i, liiMf vor lull ti r
in ii
pi rn printed nt 1 In- K.x.iiiiiiie
tf I
wrap- j
i.Iliee, '
l-'i.r iffrvutiou in till cur mid for il- ; IiinIi'iii of oeiiiliin; ii vv iy
IiinI luMiklt-li pn tiiiii. urn nvnery y)(1 j,
Colltlk'UollH In till' JlellVfl ,V o I . I ll III lc,
piovinu it to li.c ' Sffiue l.iiie ..J tl.e
Woild," iiiblnW.C. M d'.M.le, tifli
prill A.. nt. I.'l Tl ird ciieet, poitl.iml.
fur them.
p your t tt i'-v at lioiiie, lnnd
patrniil.e tlieut that pn ti'o!i.e you,
Ih'hIiIi'h, you Kit- what .mmi are ffct
tln? and don't hae to p i. for it If
It (loeMi't Mli! you. if
If Von ore not INirtlcular
don't ti;nel nvi r the 1 MianiM ( Vnt nil.
If any Hiilifct i!i,r of I le
Mliv old ruild will i lo I oh It lid nt' limit WUhert to hll IimtII fi , r
wnuI tour put rci'io'e ; leil il iml me
Jnirlii ular und w MM ' he I'l "! Kinl im-fin
to loive ll. iiik the tiekfl iiwieul t" roiiie
yon via the ILLINOIS KNTL.U., Il.e
road rniiK throiili ohd vei-til'iile
triiliirt det '. i t'll M. I'iiuI.OiiiiiIih, Chi ao,
fit .Louie, Meinphili, mid New Ol le.lliw.
No in! lilioinil i li.if j;!.' I" ln.iile lor it will
tl our no'! i n I rii ihiiir riiiH wl.uli un
filled wi! h .i illorlf llli-l'klllk'
rooiiiK, und have u poflcr ill iitteiidanee.
Kiitex via tin- ILLINOIS IT.NTKAL
Hre the low eft and we will lit' id to
qiiotc I In, in in i-oiiii.-. linn i;li nny
triuifi'niitiiien'iil line
1'.. II. Triiinliii'il. Coiiiiiieirial Ayent,
U2 Third Street, rorthmd Ore.
J. C. Lindh-y, T. 1'. A V. A., U2
Third Stieet, rurilnnd, Ore.
I ti ti 1 It T!)oii.imiiii. Frt, A PiiNHener
Atieet, ( 'oltiiitu I'.hltf., Seuttl;', Vi'iihIi.
United Stilton ImM Olllfe, Luke
vieiv, Oregon, Noveuilu r "'J, I'.KKi.
Nolii'd lit hereby K'Vell that ill cuiil
pliuiti'it with tlm provinimiH of thn net
of lini'iehrt of June ;i, 1H7S, entitlod,
'vAn bet lor the ISnlo of Timber l.iinds
in the JStnteH of Ciilirurniu, ()r!.'0ii,
Neviidn mid WiiKhinuton Territory,"
ll H extended to all the l'utilio J.nnd
ntiiten I y net of AilHUt-t I, Kate
0. Ok'l'-, of Kliimnt h i'ullii, i-minty of
Klainiil h, Ftnto of Oregon, hint llli'd in
th I -i ollli-ii her H .vor n hliiteineut No.
:t:iii-J, lor thn ptirehiise nt' tho NW'4
KW'i und SW'4 ,NY'4 See., tp. :U,
K., it. 17 K, VV. iM.., am! will oirer
proof to hIiow t hut thn liind HotlKlit is
inoio Miluiil'le for its Umber or htonn
than for itk'i ii'iillurul purpimeH, and to
OHtiihliHli her t'ln i in to Hilid laud liefore
County Judk'o of Khimatli county, at
lliH Ollll'illl pIlU'U Of llllHIIIHhrt at Jvln
math i'ullrt, OroKon, on Monday, the
It It day of 1-Vljiiiiiry, W1.
Bho tinmen iih w it iH'swirt : J. U . Horn
inu'. Kobeit CiiHey, CI i it n. I. Dunen
Leiy, A. O. llorniiiK ull of Khimatli
r'allii, Oruk'on.
Any and ull peraonn cluhnlui; ad
verdely the abovo-deHCribed lamU me
reipiottod to lllo their rlulnin In thin
'ottlno on or nororo Hald ih day ot
rid.ruiuy, 11)07.
48 J. N. WutHiiu, llenlHter.
r.N-'lliilui'r I
Tom wnt-1
mn 'a Maaclue," we will nei ept f 1 .50
from thein, Wlilethi- letter. I uy t he
ptmial order ami m-iuI for the man-1
zineto any addri-HH. 1 liere In but
one pl lee on '" roui watxon.H Ma.-i-itliie."
and we tin not i iiiti w ith it,
lillt Hi II Ilia I ter of lli'l'oi)i,it Ion to
.siiiMfrltierrt to I lie I'Aamlner we can
e;i-t tlieill the manziiie without any
t rouble or rink fo t h.-m for t he regu
lar price, if.
A Alountain of (iold
could not hi lntr in much hnppinc to
MrH. l.i Wilke, of Caroline, V'h.,
iih did one 2.V box of llueklin'M Arnica
Salve, when It completely cured a run
nine; sore on le-r !-:. which had tor
lured herfor 2-1 huitf yeuiH. lircatcHt
antlKcptlL' healer of 1'iIcm Woundri,
andSoli-H. 2"ic UtLiC I teal I'm Diiih
1 tZ0 rt,rr
Tt Leading Ptprr of :-.
Palir Coast
V Sin Francisco
The Weekly Chronic!;-
Ti-.e very but wik.'y Nw;pap-r
r'j'.'ishrd lo th oilra V,!:.
$1.50 a Year
!-.! . .i ;.;!. ta n i- of
o ( i ,(, i'a(lM k: -I Mi-iic i
,t ii V-t because, bcidti
r " Ih n!ws of the wj-'.J
. ; in i ir.'Bres'nig way
The Man? l a to IHilrh Ila analar
Rplnaar fata It.
Ppliler form gnatl milijects for rnlny
day r(iiily, ami two houra apent In n
nenlecled jfnrret watehlnu the clever
little lwitiR -will often aronae mieh la
terent that wo shall he irlnd to devot
ninny daya of minslilnrt to ohervli!s
tli'w Kiiedca which limit ntid bull I and
live In the open fleldi. lliere Is no lo-1
' ne'-t In tlio world with mor Ihun nit
i lf'c. and a m uplder linn elcht he l.t
i therefurft thrown out of the company
' if butterflies, !"( l',o and wa;pi ami
i flnd lilmswlf In n nlrnutfa itsm'mhhijr;'.
nvp.n to hit relntlveft h hear
j little rfiemhlanee. for when ye real
I lz( Sf-oniioim and lior-e !' rral)
j mtlt call him roifin we pm-ei !vo tlnif
! hi 1 livlec t nil a hermit I'ofuli on the
tree of creation. .
X.-itnr-. In i provider! jijdcr -with an
orm fiT'-d iilv:iy x '.-.h iliii h
on M;g expos"! to the !r Lnrdeni
land can Ijnirawn oaf in) the niender
threadn v. h.Mi ve know a ' cifiweh.
; The !;u-.vort! Incase lt. body v.'ilh ft
i mi!" or more of ir'ea miner Imf
! there it nefulnev 'M r-n.'.'-d, n-.
, as (he Filkn-orm I r inri-riu'd. l-it. Fpl
! (!( have fo-:t. ! fi l.nn'r''.! I'-ifM fiVr
! tli 'ir cirdri'", .-tome nf wluch are star
tlintrly fiiwiiinr to bnmnn Invcntijn.
A lint of all 1!:e uses of cobwebs
v.o-ild take ir.-.c-b fpriec, hut (f tlie-'e
the wo?:t fa mi! ir N the J;ir' set for
nrnvjiry fll? the ivondcrfurr Inpri-n-Ions
welis wl-'eli sparkle r.lfh dew
aroT'!T the jrrn tK- or jsf from liiivli
to h::-h. The fvi.icvork Is of wb'
Mi ic. and rp-m this is '.rovu tin itiieky
tpl: .il wh'cli I' sii ehitic. ho c'jere.l),
and yet Ktroii'jr eijoerr'.i to ei. tangle a
K tt';7.i Iiic-J. How kmi'.vlrar eenxi
the litlle worLer ri. tlie web and bin
den of concea lir.ont behif? coiuplot.I,
Lc spins a f--tro!jj cal,!i from the oeiitrr
of the web to the entrance of hi
watentower. Then, when a tremhlh5j
of his aerial fparis warns tdm of a cap
ture, bow ca;r'r!y he neizes bis n.-iistef
l ca.iieanu jersn away. on mu.s viorai-
insr the whole stricture and makiiiss
r&'ttyLayiti jTJTJ I Tbo-e uplders which' leap ujt'iil their
f. : i ii, ' v '' '"J-'-Tx"-''' i prf y Instead ' of Kettiiax sanrcs for It
'bare still a me for i heir thrc-ids of
" rri-t---- life, tlirwvlu? out a entile u they teapi
to break tbclr fall It", the yralss their
j foothold. What a strange use of th&
coiiwei) U that of th.;. little flying Kpi
i du---'. Up tbey run to the top of a
' pout, elevate their a'ulomens au 1 run
j out several threads, which k-u;,'thea
i and lengthen until' the breeze catcbeii
! them, and away froes the wingless aero-'
I nant for yard or foruiitos, as fortune:
j may dictate'. We wonder if he can
cut lojse or pun in ins rmiioon cauie
at will.
A most fascinating tale would unfold
i M i i co'-.l ! we discover all the uses of cob-
Mnrriinn Arrnnr,, m,bJ wu,'a the sirs themselves are
''"- ' iwatw ; thiol, h with it. Certain it Is that onr
.. . !
fl'r J" rwm tJJ ; 1 j
IrfiJlrkilL Ly-jir . . . j
ERECTED IN loot) fbn?Vaw
,SLSw LIGHT HARROW, Proprietors
j 'zincs of the country Justin order to secureyour-
M f.n
.o!c.i to dpir
In all It iUt;i'.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleuiitea, loothea and uoal
the dUwu-od nicmbrana.
Ueurea catarrh and drives
way cold in tlio head
Cream llulm ii placed Into the mtrll,aaadi
ovoj- the metuliraiie und la alwirix'd. Itolicf 1 tin
medial and a euro follow. It la not drying due
not produce aiieealug. IJire Hlze, 60 leut at Dnig
glat or by null Trial tllau. 10 cuuta.
, KLT UllOTutBtf, It Warreu btreet, Kew York
J W lk llllll
a j . 1
Elvq Cream Balm
Tnis Remedy Is a Specific,
Suro to Give Satisfaction.
T( I.mi'imoh, nonlhcs, Ileitis, and pi otm-ts th:
..1ik-...s.-. iiR'iubrann. It cares C'.itnrrh unit
li:vi nway a Cold in th l'.e.ui e ,i
lieMlore.s the KiKi escf Tatfn ai-d' i-vaell.
I .i -v me Cor.t lins no i::pM i,.;: i ,ii -tv; ..
'.p.iliod into tlio iiiwtrilH itn I al torlH- l.
' iiv,..t Sinn, M cent at-J)rii.,'i,'iiitM or by
ii ni; Trial Hio, 10 cents ;t' linifc.
tLY C'ROTHERS. DO Warrun St., K.iw Yo.n.
Desert Land Notice.
' United Btutcs Laud Oilli-o, Luke
vlew, Oreifon. Nov. lo VMM.
Not ice is hereby givcu tliut Neliem
lah Flue, of I'IuhIi, Cregon, has tiled
notice of Intention to inuke proof on
his desert laud claim No. ,4!1, for the
BN'a NK!4 NW! Beo. IB N4' SK4'
and uiiHin veyod BE' KE'i Boo. 34 Tp
35 B., Ii 25 E. , W. M. before lleulBter
and Koceiver at Lakevlew, OreKou on
Monday, the 7th day of Januray, 1007,
He names as wituennos to prove the
completo irrigatlou and reclamation
of said laud : Uoo. Wise, Nolen Cur
ry, Warren Laird, Thou. Audersou all
of Plumh Oregon.
17 J, is, Watsou, tvegirjter.
M ,;.C'JLTUrl
r.i MN,i
1 .!"' ATUi?l
F-:..: .IONS
-n.-. Z Cr.TS
7-1 - :re prralded ornr trr
-. a thorough kn?wW
: .' - : il.-i: tpocisitis. Tin
o'.eJ . to Aer culture.
: !.t Hcuitry and Uva
- w-ill l.!u'rtod aud
rr.sfter ot ths greatest
.-.c.t ;c ui, enjigsd la then
r.j,. every Una boln f
r : h cv those mho ara tn close
1 : .. ' condition provAlhnf
i t.ilj
; . ::kz for sample copt.
, It t;i be irnt fraa.
j Do ycu wart the Chroaiola
! Reversible Map?
j Vl owlnff the United Slatoa, Do-
I :il-jn of Canaxia ar.d Northern
' V . -o on one aicn, MAP OP
' " ' iC V0lX.pre.Blln;t Ttow
1 -i (tin continuous map. with all
: e-.i in true proportion, the erv-
e-id irtao of th Earth an the
l ..t'.fr a!.ia.
Send Sit sad rt the Map sad
' "Va. a!y ChraaUda" for cat year.
I m.ii; pivpsld ao May ajaa
raper. .
The Daily and Map
Br aaaiC J4
Only $a75 t Yeir
U. R Yomtta,
"Oaa gwaaaijia t aaialiaa,1
tUa Praaaiaaa.
cincrrtJiTvo. tarAXTimrt
jThis week the Centra
i the following barira'" nriceson on the lead in p- ma vn i miiv ttitl hnmr-in' wnt nuntr'
--- o - . o J
; web to fasten together the plant l.w.
; and I r-hens which -o:rpose her dainty
I ne.-t
No. 1. Two Magazines for .the price; .S'lfrlS
i swimming about at ease Lvueath the
j sv.r::.ce, luoronrmy aquatic la ma, s. but breathing a Imbble of air
i which he carries alcut with hlin.
j When his supply Is 1jw. he swims to a
i submarine castle of silk, so nlr tl.-rht
j that ho can keeo it fil.'ed with a large
i bubble of air. upoa which he draws
! from time to time. '
jrbt jro on euuwerating
Fes for the web, which
pJt to these little waixa
j who apes a.;.) L-ft the sea and have,
j won a place for themselves in the sun-
shine ttmon? the butterflies and flow
ers. .". u Ii:!:im Do!ie In New YorX
of one
Tha Home Magazine... 100 hnth One m J
McCall's Hagazine 50 uul Year Cbl.wU
No. 2. Three Hagazines for the price
of one
The Home Magazine. " S 1.00 tflfGC vffRQ OO ! aimS enoiLs u
The Peniirr 1(10 ' Is nature's pift
N0.3. Four flagazines for $2.00
Success 1.00 n
A 1 V WV4 a i a. m a a.iiiv,it m-'
American Boy ..i.OO
The Home Magazine.. 1 .00
success $1 .00
Cosmopolitan..... 1 .00 one
Review of Revsews... 3.00-fm year
The Home Magazine 1.001UU1
sri'f.TAL Tho nlmvc cdinliinatlonsnrc poidi' of thelie&t ever offered to the
public. The Succcha Ih the bent jiencra! uuintbl" inapazlue published. Mc
CiiII'h Mai:nzii)e la the bt-Kt fiibbion ninKiir.ine. Madame 1 now the best
liinh-Ktnde wi liuinV monthly publlfbed. and the American Hoy lstheliest
in Itn clans. Think of It four innjrnzines one for each member of the fam
ily, :t.."0 worth for f2.U0,provlded you fend your order at once.
J. L. YADIN, Proprietor.
Office In Llnhllle tfotel
. Klamath Fall.
Daily from Pokecrema by Keno, Klwn
ath rails, Dairy, lionania, and Bly to
Dally from Lakeview by lily. Bonansi
Dairy, Klamath Falls, Keno, to I'o-keoma.
From Klamath Falls to Keno by
steamer and from Keno to Pokeeema
over the Sunset Four-Horse Stage Line.
Good Stock
Easy Coache
Special Agents wanted to, securesubscribers to Ha
dame. 5end for our free catalogue.
Central Hagazine Agency
Box 320, Indianapolis, U. S. A,
An InmlonM Rnu.
Herodotus tells of aa Ingenious ruse
employed to carry an important nies
sacre throue'i the lines of the enemy.,
nistiaeus, bein-j anxious to give Aris
tagoras orders to revolt, could think ot
no means to send tlio message to hi
ally, as all the roads were carefully
guardel. Finally be hit upon a scheme.
Calling Ids trustiest sen-ant to him, hi
ordered that the man's hair be shaven
oflf. He then pricked the- desire-d mes
sage on the scalp of the slave and,
waitiug until his hair had grown out,
dispatched him upon the crram!. The t
messenger pussed safely through the
lines, and when he reached Aristagoraa
his head was again shnred and th
message read.
United States Laud Ofiiee, Lakeview
Oregon Noveaibcr 22, llKXi. i
Notice is hereby glveu that in com-
iiliitncit u-ith tint tirovisiniiA of tliA net. I
of tlongfetjs of June 3, 1S78, entitled.
"An act for the Sale of Timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
t tu tea by act of Auguts 1, lSD'J, Mary
M Cloptou, of Klamath Fallu, county
of Klamiith, state of Oregon, has filed
in this oltlce her sworu statement No
3180, for the pun-bane of the
SW See. 11, N'9' NWJi Sec. 14, tp.
34, B., Ii. 17 E., W. M., and will otter,
proor to show that the laud sought is
If you coutetn plate a trip east call
on i' wrItc,to us at Keno. Should
you have frlenda coming from the
east you can get Information regard
ing rates, routes, etc., which will be
to their udvnutuge and comfort. If
you wish you can deposit cost of
ticket with us for their passage and
tickets will be furnished theui at
their eastern homes. Thin ottiee Is
with you and responsible, which
moro valuable for its timber or stone should be an luduceiuent to conuuu-
imin ror agricultural purposes, ana 10 ,,, ,,.
establish his claim to saiS land before n,cttt. with us rather than with those
at m other cities.
Perfumes exercise a peculiar influ
ence over one's nervous system. A
faint, subtle odor is nearly always en
ervating, while a pungent, rich per
fume often has a bracing effect, rivet
Induces drowsiness, a faint of
musk Invigorates and the perfume of
the aloe and the citron Is positively .
soothing and comforting. 'The delicate
spicy odors of pinks, carnations, apple
blossoms and sweetbrier are thought
to be beneficial.
Ilmtnti. fUuLr e9 llu,,utli nmiiiln
bis otllcial place of business at Kla
math Falls, Oregon, on Monday, the
4th day of February, 1907. '
He names as witnesses: James Mou
gold, John Brett, Kate Clopton, Har
ry Peltz all of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming
adversely the above-described lands
are requested to file their claims in
this ofiloe on or before said 4th dar of
February, 1007
is j. jn. Watsou, KegUter.
IL L. Griffith, Agent, So. Pue. Co.
Reno, Nevada.'
J. M. Fulton. District Passenger
Agent, Southern Pacific Co., Ite no,
(Jet your winter supplied from the
Warner Valley Mercantile Co. Adel
and Plush. 38 tf
Summer resorts go through three;
First. People go there to enjoy them
selves. Second. People go there to divert
Third. People go there ti flaunt
themselves. Then the place Is fashiou-able.-Life.
If AY II I law Came to the Play.
"Most actors admire Shakespeare."
"Some do," answered Mr. Storming
ton liar nes. "others are too busy
thinking of how Shakespeare would
admire them if he could only see them
do his plays." Washington Star.
The second most deadly Instrument
of destruction U the dynamite gun; ths
first Is the human tongue. Jordon.