Lake County examiner. (Lakeview, Lake County, Or.) 1880-1915, January 03, 1907, Image 2

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    Jy ' v ' o.t I. ii
No More
1 i n - FJ
i Mooms
If vou only Vt'.MV Ih.iw much comfort
cm Ic -Icrm-l from u ri-IRt'KCTION
Oil Heater- -how iu;t lo n:ul
it (;vr.:ii!, vu m.t Ihs without
It anotlior d.jv.
V. il caa -;::ieMy ma'.e w.irw nn.I --o.-y
tiv ci; 1 n. ;n .ir li.iliwMj- no fni'-r in
vh,.t J Mt of t!i. luoiv. Vou ci'InY,
water, ami ,; (imhv other thin- villi u',0
Timber Land Deals.
Tito F.Mluiiuer is u- nrcd (o Immlio
jtilubel lauds. 1:1 l.ii n m' cili.ll bodies.
1 t ho trouble has I. icu timber
; lntul owner have J i . n t.otittrc.t owi
(the country mill tliot-o win) liod close
jruoiu'li together to list their lauds in
;a Mitlk'ii'iilly l.iik'c body to make the
;ealo-ont of Importance to timber lsnd
' purchasers, tliiiT I .'4i i Is have luv.uia
, lily boon In mioIi loonlilics ns uonl.l
prohibit ion. Wo have r
runnel w it h a ilsm to tnko those- is
olato.l tracts, mil by so doinc, wo mo
ft :ff' iV ,.- ( '!' ?lfv : hT
Summer Hraort Mix-lot ,v Ttint Srt'ttrra
tlcHit I'.nli nnil mt Horn lira.
Till llclulllMI tl -l'i lll.piO (Mlll'llt 'llll
Idea. c. popular and mii finisfiil lit clil
r:i::o, has )ni'.il to the miniuior re
i 'i t, h;ij (l Pay View (Mich. I special
,1 patch to tin flili'iij.'i Post. Tim
Hay 'lew t'ott. n.vrs' ussnohitlnii bus
l-ii iloiii'.' for tin comiiry Ji--( what
Hi ' local r.-C ivi'i !nl -4 il f,r tlio oily.
It In! w, irl; i'i f ir clean paths ami iumi
beaches. II li n tried to l!i '
rot'iniicr i-nl iiiv lo tnki c:ii'i ,r tlii i
i'U to M'fiui' onrush lnn.l in vnv i:!hm mil l ril c irili-ii tniiU hi'
lii'ily to liinkc it mi ihjci't to j-uroh 1,11 iT'li'i'.v in niii. r. i
suits to iuvv.tii;:it innl tlmu tht'l i'.Mli'S T V. :!. IliC.,' of I'n- llyilcj
, . . 't'....!.fM..l..i...l . , I
IilililH will Li in: th" i U host lunrUot ' ' li;n ln-.u
I't ioi'. I'urt ion owniiu Imt ItV r
Hi-ri h will m: l o lolil I v tlu'ir inli'ii l-
c ir
(Krni;if (1 v:;;i S:rtckclcss Icvicc)
Titr-i fi- wiok. us hi.;- cr 1 nv .,s vou can :1n-r-- no d"-.-pr
:l willwut skioo or s::ic'.l because ciu!ptu-.lvii:i .,,'.'..
i i's i( vi
i f.Hv ' ,il l!' a"' J.'""i,i. Bins, oil fount 1-oauti-
1 hours. l-.vrryhca-..v wiirr.iu.-J. li vou cannot Kc't ii
J?1 U i
cannot te
I'll;: lit
1 . .. , . amotion .-,;.. ,i::...,.:ctv. yr- - L
i --"rnn-:,.'V.t i ;,' An crna.iit to 1
1 nny .ckt.t v.!i : v.uinti.-roi.n;, r:,r!or 'r 1 o,l- S f
room, v- ry I.,,:;, ,. .irr.u:tc.!. Vit4 to nearest 71
i''t fit year i,o iior"s
''" -'M'DOit CO-Ii'.WY
in. i
Citato JNoruh! ;-c.5us,i
ooi.-ms its ni'ini.'il ,i !:
Sti'tembor. l.ur ii.lliti.vw tv,
apparatus, lilu-nry, rr'-.v-fcr
Ull "I'l II .-.'Ml'.'! Ill l I T i f- '
co'irse tor tf;u-:,- v rlU- v ;, : , tVunf j iK" " ;
in;: school, c.-i : 1 i -i !.::t!ifc'o. !,".r",,-,
an't oi'poiliirKty ' i i-, f ': t i: . i:'.:.-;,t i. ,ti. ! to tho ns-r ,-t ;i
l i r C:lt:i ii -ii... !. r.... ' . .
V. J. 'iin S '.-v Si !:( i i- I or Ir.:.-,.-.--, vr n.Hitij; or i: ovii a'iy
ii i
in : o:-;::;i
it cor.vii-'.ii n (if a;ty
sluci-i lolo!'i;ii:ir t
' i:.o:: ! .'r--
a (Vint Hi).
inc 'iirc!isi'rs t!iat tlu ir (nuts nro
too smivll to In I lior with. Vho oom- '
pany wf mo id'ili'ic with is iih.-uluti ly
lw 1'onisl li aril Ims l, iity (ii oii'ital.
Wrili Tho I.ako t'ouuty 1 ;.nn, I nor f.r
l"i ;11 I'm t ii iilnrs.
li i'ti liavo a piooo ot tiai'm r
to soil wiito Tho l.i. kt' V't'iinty i .x
auiinor. Wo cm lure yimr 1 m l
vhoro i: will Inin,' tlio hilu'st frioo.
F inal I'i-oiiT ii , .
. Popart moiit of t!" Intonor, l.ainl ;
()il'iOo at Lakovi.'w troon, lo.'. 1 ;-i H. ,
Ni'tioo is lu ii l y i ivrn tl:.! ,Ii so: h .
K. A ti.l'to.-o. of 1 ,i I. rvii'iv. t.'U'L-nn. 1
In liio l n. lioo cf tus mtioit i,in t, . i'
mako tlan! livo y ar i roof in support i"
of his olaiai. i : 1 1 .jau -ti a-l I ,nl i v , .
i. :!. r.iait.' tVt. Ul. Is!'!'. for t!,o. 'i
Vie N :j :M.,i .N'. SWI. S.vtioil 'Ji. ' ,
Township :. S, Kan,... ;s I.., V. M. , . .
in 1 ti nt s-,i.l p:-o,.r w :ll Lo n.a.Io ! ."
f'-lV lo'-'i-'. i- ;.:i ! I.'.-, ,urr. i t l.:,l,o. ''
vi.-v-, Oro.oa, ( n tlio !-(!:, ,:, y f
Janui'.rv. p-i'T.
J lo n a:'! or. a - '. if in .- - to ) i o l.i- '
i o:.! :i::n iu I i - npon, alul oi'l : '
tioatii ! .',, t!-.; laml. 1 : i v
K. v-ioo.-, -u I.. .. Ciirrik.'V. ,M. '
('vi'i-i:. 1 il i'.i'.Mi, a".i oi J.a"Vio. 'io- (
!. i in.
i .!. t ,-i, . ; '. i v
i.-r of !'v i.- i cult. I!,' I
lo-nli' p.- 'pi in 1 ; 1 fi i! a t'--: v j
li : i;.ir :,:( .'!! ! I o lo, :i t, m fi .
- i'.I.V K.'J of I: -y iow. ami lii-! w J
oo--! ni!!i smo-I c :-a :rd .-i lia'J la;.
pi" ' 1 :t l:o-;t "f i; :'l 1! ;. T. tu o
i n :it h.-u I i oil 'f Cl" I ; ., Mir- '
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Absolutely Puro
A Cronm of Tnr tor Powdor,
frco from olum or phot -phatio
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lil. I .lil-ili r
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w- lilolui-.N t' MmnM'i, I (-
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ySM4, 60 YEARS'
ALi -" ; '. if EXPERIENCE
8. 15. Charutlo Pro,: ! ,,t-' ' V ' ? fs A K'f .
-a- -
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i-:.' 'iliu; li.i cvof c ; i:i!li'il it.
j'.''tiiiiij; can ivot't it.
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"O I ' I i I.i . L.'T
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.) r i -'tn f Lav-, if it i.x I tu! lit'. .e fi c.
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Trade akks
Copyrights SlC.
Anmnp ntrtMr a f-kptrh and di'frinf l.n ixt
qnl'"Kiy iiaerr;im n;ir opuiH-n frt.o nr uit
iureiiiirm ip prnlinMr pJiUTttahrd. 'nriMiiutra-tit-iiric'!,':ti
tl. HiiOLuJK r..rrut.
itr;t !r. t.iieAt eu-ptKT for tt cun:.r pati'.Mif-.
r.ifftii tarn lhrrULh Murn A Cu.
Scleiuific Jlmericaiu
ru'.utii'n i'f artT n"u,!,;l:? 1' Tent:., f'j a
v-ir: l-'ur nicn:La, tL, tuUbyail r.t-wsd' :ti:f.
iraucu oil.- o. c-6 K bt Va?hiL;i,'iuu, D. C
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'o, ."'I l ,.' a!. i! irs.
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A (in . -.!!! :
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Review of icueus
Succes-3 ."Jo'jazinB
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I'Aa i'l VI Mi I I..
I'.', .- i- a ; Oil - ", 0 ; n.iitt. 1 i-1 j.. .1
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I- !:ln. I - li ml It will
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Tl.o Willi -ii.-i In,, i,f intr.nnl
-I'l li.'ii'.-M,-- of .Vim I, JU. ! I ' ,i lilulikH
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I il VMS p,
rf yy -yT - ''' I io I . a :ii...i r i saiiiplo
vXytc. CL' Cr LCy"tJ '. ' ,..u rvioivnl M,,i,. -.y ni'iii. If
rani iiy
Tribune Farmer
Review of Reviews
Success Magazine
Lake Co. Examiner
W'KKKI.Y. HO pii-cs, liy 1 s ii.olnw. Tin- most
I In prn Iiolpinl, up-t n-iln to il! il.-t :;i t- l
wookly fiirovor.v ni-inlior nf I ho f;trni'-r's f iinlly.
Regular Frice per Year $1.00
M(;."1III.V. 1 p;ii'K. 7 l y 10 inoli.'H. Mditoil i.y
Ir. Alboi t Shu v, vvliuso inoutlily ooiiiin-ntis on our
roiit hi.-tury, at honio find aliro-id, nro roonni. -d as
tin- most intolli-fiii and vainalilo found in any po:i-
id ion I. ( 'on t n ins li undrods of porl r;iilH of "pooplo
in t In- piiVio oyo," f cartooiiS, ii! u I ra I ions and
valmiMo original articloH.
Regular Price per Year .3.00
MONTH LV. i:0 to 100 pa-fis, in b.v 11 li,clu-.s.
JCvory issue is full of brilliant and fasoinat ili Serial
and .Short Sorion, original articlo on "The Work
of tlio World," ivith dopartinoiitrii-ovoi 'nyall phns k
of ''The Home Lif.- and tin I'oiKon," and with
many inspirational foannros.
Regular Price per Year 1.00
WKKKLV: Tho Loading I'njn-r of .SouthoaHteni
Orotron; iinblinhi-ri all the latent land and Stock newn
of (i tonitory finbracin-? L'OO miloH Hipuure. Jake
County. s Official paper. The Oldoht Nevmpuper in
Southeastern Oregon, etitablihlied in lSO.
Regular Price per Year 2.00
"I i- i H i -a '. .a;.- ta-.' Iliiu-;
1T . 1 " I'M. OI I.IO CUV.
' t,:'--:I,'.it r-p-i:-: a;l n'".v v::-k,
it-J ' ! -!': : :- it o a- - .,r p. . I, vs. and
f,' -:A ':!:.- - v :.: , i s ;;:.t.i to
Ir ;ri l ".,!:.! ovory ! inv tiiat U
V'S ' I Oi -aTvatian sli -vn 1'iat b tyi
fV lj ill l::;n;-s ."!,1 t loo ihi'lr
ua:-i-s In print. Tli-y will rospoml If
ffj is'rt' :!.! cnil-4 in-.- nrui" i..n them. Nat
& ni-.V.y :io!ix- .. ...v will turn their tal
tf.k "Ho i i ;: .h1 :io.-.,i:.;fSn public iumIi-i-
' ik!i!'.:s ii' they are p-"pM-;y aide I and
7- , 'noniu-.i:,',.,!."
CT- ROLLf ', t'L'Al.lMJ.
want s! 1 1,
i u i i ill ;
foi l I'll
I I ,1 -I
1 1 i s f.i o our
fSJ love I'or l.'ie V.v.i u t ifnt.
i.ei os earn in live ami appreciat,'
1'iunl tin
itllul tliln-.'M
.?(. i'vw In -re. .Some of m nets them:
All itil
, :
'S the 1-oaely v. h:o!i w kcij ar'i
: every day. Theru boniitlliii
I!:? : eV(-l'yw In re. .Xonie of m .
;,on,e,,n,,ot. It all depends upon our V " ,
i' 'il:eatimi. A beautiful (lower inn t M
K'ii "-o a- I y the v, ayside. One ,.rsii la.-.j t S l ' i-LK'l ' K '' "
fk; inss It liy Mini nit even ko If, or 'ho
t, may triiiuplu It under foot and call It
Jt'i ' nn ll-!y weed. Aiiot In ; may f-oo tho
ici:oi..s iit.s no love for tlic iMvuilifti!
' In I. la t .nl fin. I 41.. ill,,... 1,.,., 'I'l.... I .
n uj, own imr li .;. ' i.IJilL II
by buylnsr tViI.t
reliable, h..r,;;
liljh frr.(?c :x
ft fl.f B.B. r, in - mucin':!-.
(5.: ;,7.3ftS5iKi
& very Name How or and in I: ,U , upon r.tional ScwiM Mathir.S C .,
;L,T,n!Mw(ViV,7'u,,y s;!,"1-,7Us rr. fi.akcisco. cal.
ffx mo lianillworK of (.oil. Ono' of thesi
I Ul L ''how I r.y; it u.'oi tOHIlf-
f.-r, i w ill -ie i i : i : i ; op i iiAK'ii:.
to, any nliliotod a pi ir-lt e cure for
r.i'.olua, Sail C't.'ii'u, I'l'., fipel -i ,
Piles n ud .v' I'..e,i,, . I in-1 ji ii t iv-
'lief. ), uit mi I'f or I, mor, rite I'. W.
' Wl 1,1.1 MS I hi M i n lit 1 1 II n Avenue,
New York, lini-lo,!' siniiiip
Subscribe fur Tin. ,ake ounty K
Ulillner, if oil Willi! the new k.
WANTI-'I): iy Chicago whulcside
and mail order hou.-e, ii.-,i.4niiL iniinn
Lfor ( until, or woman) fur thin county
and adjoining territory. Salary fc'-O
mid xp iihiH paid weekly; e.vemo
inouoy itdvauoed. Work pleah-ntj
position jK'rmanent. No iuvohlinent
or expel ieiu-u ru'iii:ed. Sparo timo
valuable. Wi ito nt onco for lull par
ticularH itnd encloHo self -nddresnol en
velope. Address,
(Joncritl Manager, l.'il V Lako St.,
ChieiiKO. ,K)-10
AT l:l;I.V!ilaV.'i. ILL.
the only difference. Some people will
tell you that It Is not practical to
care for beautiful things, but It really
Is practical, It helps to mako
i'f. u ,.!,.. .,,..1 I ..l.H .ill i ..
BiU ' "'".' l':l UilU Ill-lU-l. JUU Will Ulltl
1)) ! It well worth cultlvatinj,', this love for
S j the beautiful, and when you onco have
M j It in your hearts you will never bo wlll
(4 j la-? to part with it.
The regular price of these 4 great publications is - - -
Our Price is---
. $7.00
School Days Over
What Next?
Your Kohool cotn-Ke In flniHlietl. What lire vou boIiik to tlo now?
Are you one of the vawt majority who end their whool (Ih.vhIh the com.
iiiou hcIiooIm? If you are we want your attention for u few 'inlnuteH.
r ji 1 011 can Ket a niunor eduentlon. nnv kind vmi uimiii,iiuI
Ml Value of a (;o...f Aciivr Nocieiy. ideal or eneral w itliotit leavln hoiiiv, without tflvlne; np your work lor
flreat possibilities are to bo found ,l Kinyle day. without spending more than you can eiiHlly afford.
Rj even in tlio Klowest country towns lo you want to know liow?
JJ v.hen a few live yotina people set to Tlie plan Ih very nimple. liiHtentl of Hioiidlnr your day at u denk re-
iVu work lu tho riht way, Knyn the Atnerl- j " hitf your Iohhohh to a teacher In a bl brick building, your prepnro your
K! tan Cultivat r. The llrst stop Is a pood '"'ssoiih at home, from our outllnoH, write, the recitation, ami ui'inl It to U8
&l nctlvet-oclely of mane sort-almost uny- ,V loall for correct Ion.
JT thin-,' will imswer If It brings the 1 1 1h all done In your Hparo houiH. You tire not tied to uny set lior
y young people to-,'etUer-dobatIn-r club. '"r recitation. You pay a comparatively hiiiuII num. and for hlu wnt
Jl2 literary club, village Improvement as- ,,"',"'l text bookH, examination
nooiatiou or ciiurcii Hoclety. Jf only P'M'er, nun couipeteiic mstriicii on
there are two or three active Hplrlts until your coume 1h coinpli ted.
workhiij and thinking together won- Your dally work doi8 not Inter-
TM ders may result. ProKiesK may extend fore with your HtutlleH. You can
IS -lions unexpected lines. Political, busl ,., wlilh. ni,
Lake County Examiner, Lakevievv, Oregon.
... n-i, mil mi, H'UbI'JUH tir OUUO.Il.OllUI If ,.,, ,4. 1. 1 .
JV l, .,. I... .1.,.., ......nii.llil.y llioie IIOOUI
m whatever tlio direction of advance the "ur ',an- wrlte y,,r ,,a'" (jn tlio
f.i town will be quickened Into a more vh,'- ,nuPO". cut It out and mall to us
JJ orous life by the prenence of a tittle Vou HhU nothlutf bu t the price of a
tuiiui '.i.i:i.'j
.Wi Lulu i.e. , ; .i. ;
I'lr.M I,,4III. . IhiuJI '
cI,ciim 10 nic, in,!. I
1 tit uualin tuf ll.f ro. ,
tltiri bclui w l.uli I li.iv- .
mnlir4 H
r kr per
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it. Drruaia
1 ,' . lidiiicjj CafiBr
.-, tilnal EdkIom
1 IMI to(lner
eiuitif Eoirlnmr
t . . . . . . . iV organized effort.
OVIll) 1 SUUitUV, Juno